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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare Results
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Wednesday Night Warfare November 12, 2014
Author Message
Ozymandias Offline
Former XWF Management

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

11-12-2014, 06:32 PM

[Image: qtjAJzn.png]

Liverpool Echo Arena
Liverpool, England

- vs -
Zoey Ryback
- vs -
Triple Threat, One Fall

Joey Hawkins
- vs -
Tyson Fury
- vs -
Harley Jack
Triple Threat, One Fall

Lucius Fyre
- vs -
X-treme Rules
John Black

Ghost Tank
- vs -
The Horseman
Last Man Standing Roof Top Match
Loser is tossed off the roof
Guest Roof Ref: Shelby Cobra!

Peter's Royal Presentation
Prior to the "Doc vs Brock" match, Peter Gilmour will be asked to turn his crown over to the new King of Doctors himself!
How will Peter react to having to give up his crown, and will Brock Lesnar have anything to say about this?

Doctor Louis D'ville
- vs -
Brock Lesnar
Standard Match

XWF Trio Championships
Vinnie Lane, Peter Gilmour & Morbid Angel
- vs -
Theo Pryce, John Madison & John Samuels
Trio Tag, One Fall

As Mastermind starts to wheel in his gear from the car garage, he would hear a voice call out to him,

"Mister Mastermind!"

causing him to stop and look towards the voice as he responded,

"What do you want?"

That is when Ghost Tank comes out from between two cars, rushing full speed at Mastermind from behind. He let out a loud growl, which caused Mastermind to look towards the sound of the voice, only to be hit that very second where his body was looking towards it, hard, by Ghost Tank spearing him. With all the force he provided, Ghost Tank and Mastermind flew up over the hood of one car, and slammed, with extreme force, into the side of a van, placing a huge dent into the door of the van. Ghost Tank got to his feet, another growl sounding out from him, but he wasn't done, as refs and security tried to break him away from Mastermind.

Ghost Tank tosses and pushes the guards and refs away, then picks up Mastermind and pulls him up onto the hood of the car they flew over. Ghost Tank then placed his head between his legs, only to swing Mastermind up onto his shoulders and deliver a powerbomb! Right onto the roof of the car!

He wasn't done! He picked up Mastermind a second time, and then another slam to the roof!

THEN A THIRD! Then he picks up Mastermind as if he was going to do another powerbomb, but this time he does a 180 degree turn, and performs the ending of his finisher, Tank Tracks, by delivering the sit-out powerbomb! The hood of the car is absolutely fucked!

Ghost Tank slides off the hood, and moves to kneel on the ground as the hands of referees and security are grabbing at him while Ghost Tank speaks loud enough for the camera to hear him as it shows a close up of GT and Mastermind's faces,

"You didn't master a fucking thing, Mastermind."

He then gets escorted to his dressing room, which he is banned from leaving until his match later on with The Horseman.

Zoey Ryback
- vs -
- vs -
Triple Threat, 1 Fall

The three competitors circle the ring eyeing each other up and then as if prearranged Mastermind and Darkwynd each start laying waste to Zoey Ryback. Mastermind DDT's her and then quickly pulls her back up. He then propels her into the ropes, she ducks under an attempted clothesline and instead is put down by a missile dropkick courtesy of Darkwynd. Again Ryback is pulled up to her feet, this time by Darkwynd who then proceeds to continue the offensive barrage with a snap suplex that Mastermind parleys into a well-timed elbow drop.

Mastermind then moves in and puts Ryback in an ankle lock better known as Your Mind Submits To Me but before Ryback can even attempt to tap Darkwynd destroys Mastermind with a beautifully placed Superkick to the back of Mastermind's head. The Master of Minds falls forward to the ring, his body limp as if he was knocked unconscious by the blow.

Darkwynd slides in, roles Mastermind over and goes for the pin.



Kick out!

Close by not close enough. Darkwynd gets to his feet and walks over to Ryback who is stirring in the corner. Darkwynd pulls Zoey up to her feet and places her in the corner. Darkwynd then ascends to the second rope and starts punching Ryback in the face as hard as he can.







Mastermind takes out Darkwynd mid punch with a reverse bulldog off the second rope.

Ryback falls forward to the mat her face hitting Darkwynd in his crown jewels. The sudden pain to Darkwynd’s midsection gives Mastermind the opening he needs as he puts Darkwynd in the Mind Sleeper.

Darkwynd’s arms begin to flail about as he attempts to fight his way out of the hold. Darkwynd tries to grab at the ropes to his left but Mastermind sees this and pulls Darkwynd towards the center of the ring. Unfortunately for Mastermind he also made the mistake of pulling Darkwynd up to a standing position which Darkwynd uses to his advantage and is able to break the hold with a chinbreaker that sends Mastermind stumbling backwards into Ryback who had just finally gotten to her feet.

Darkwynd quickly charges at the two of them but Mastermind sidesteps the oncoming attack leaving Ryback open for a shining wizard courtesy of Darkwynd.

Ryback again goes down and this time Darkwynd goes for the pin



Broken Up!!

Mastermind broke up the pinfall.

Darkwynd gets up furious and as he does gets clocked with a flying clothesline courtesy of Mastermind.

Mastermind then grabs the already half knocked out Zoey Ryback and puts her in The Mind Controller(Boston Crab)

She doesn't even bother trying to break the hold as she has basically been a rape doll this entire match. The ref checks her arm which quickly descends to the mat allowing for the ref to call for the bell.


Winner - Mastermind

Zoey Ryback is laid out in the center of the ring as the lights turn to black. Red and white lights begin filling the arena flashing on and off. The eerie red mist begins flowing as the theme song plays.

A being is coming from the ceiling!? He’s floating down to the ring! He stops in the center. Hysteria starts laughing wickedly. He lifts up the girl into his arms. Then Hysteria begins flying into the rafters carrying Zoey Ryback with him! The lights go off. They return in a few seconds’ time to reveal Mastermind and Darkwynd looking perplexed.

Tyson Fury
- vs -
Joey Hawkins
- vs -
Harley Jack
Triple Threat, 1 Fall

Here we go. Hawkins makes the first move nailing Jack with a kick to the face and then a Spinebuster. He immediately gets up and attacks Tyson Fury with repeated punches to the cranium while backing Fury into the corner. Once there Hawkins hits Fury with a powerful kick to the guy that doubles Fury over. Hawkins then grabs Fury by the head, lifts it up and then hits him with a quick strike eye poke and then a belly to belly suplex.

Hawkins then shifts his attention to Harley Jack who is just getting to his feet and is met with a back rake. Hawkins then takes Jack out completely with a leg sweep. Hawkins notices Fury getting back to his feet and launches himself at his opponent taking him out with a flying clothesline that sends Fury toppling over the ropes and to the floor prompting the ref to begin a 10 count…


Hawkins goes back to Harley Jack and starts an offensive explosion that decimates his opponent.


Back supplex here…


Gut buster there…

Fury uses the ring apron to pull himself up.


Spear by Hawkins!!!

Fury climbs back into the ring in perfect arm reach of Hawkins who pulls his opponent up and whips him to the ropes…


Hawkins then mounts, yeah that’s right, I said mounts, go ahead and make something of it, and starts punching Fury in the face until Fury’s face starts to resemble tomato soup sprinkled with pieces of bone.

Once satisfied with what he created Hawkins then gets back up, walks over to Harley Jack and decimates him with the Heavy Heat(Batista Bomb x 2) and then he picks up the already beatdown Fury and gives levies the same fate against him, two Batista bombs and then Hawkins places Fury next to Jack and places one hand on each of their chests for a double pin...




Winner - Joey Hawkins

Joey Hawkins pumps his fist in the air celebrating his win when the theme song changes to…

The lights go out, red and white lights begin filling the area. Red mist flows from the floor. Hysteria is shown standing at the top of the rampway. He points to the ring and the lights go out completely as the music continues playing. The lights come up revealing Hysteria behind Hawkins. Hawkins turns and gets hit hard with The Ramification! The running knee strike demolishes him. Hysteria grabs the arms of Fury and Jack. The lights go out.

A few seconds pass…

The lights flutter back on as Hawkins theme music resumes with Hawkins laid out in the ring with Hysteria and the two losers gone.

Lucius Fyre
- vs -
X-Treme Rules

And now Lucius is entering the ring... but why is he driving an ATV? The ATV is carrying many bags, and now Lucius is stopped by ringside, and he is throwing the bags into the ring. He is opening them up now, and there is just stuff all over the ring now! New Jack must be having an orgasm watching this!

As we see Fyre is continuing to unload the bag, we see Monolith clubber him on top of the ramp. We see Fyre rolling all the way down until he hit the apron. Then Monolith stomps this poor bastard until Rapaport had to stop him. Then lifts Fyre by his hair and Irish Whips him to a near by steel steps and Fyre slams face first to the steps. Then Monolith does a taunt to the crowds and charges to Fyre, but Monolith ended up missing him. Then Fyre grabs a Kendo stick under the ring and started to smack Monolith's body until the last shot to the head made Monolith really angry and Frye rolls into the ring quickly as the bell rings.

Then Monolith gets to the ropes and Fyre starts to punch him off the ring but he counters it with a stiff punch that causes Fyre to be on the mat. Then Monolith enters and taunts to the audience with sheer emotion and looks on the downed Fyre, but Fyre flashes a fireball on his face. Then Fyre rolls him up for a pin!




Fyre goes to the Top Rope and hits a MOONSAULT but nobody was home. Then Rapaport gives Monolith a Barbie 2x4 and he grabs Fyre by the hair and rubs the 2x4 on his forehead, then lift him up once again, but this small man elbows his way out of his headlock and Irish Whips him to the ropes and hits Dropkick that made Monolith stumble towards the corner. Then a fan throws a chair to Fyre and he places it on Monolith's chest and he goes out to the ropes and hits the infamous VAN-TERMINATOR. Fans are chanting...




Then Fyre pulls Monolith to the center of the ring and tries to pin him.




Monolith throws him in the air and he sits up like the undertaker and stands to his feet. Then Fyre kicks him in the gut and STUNNERS him but Monolith lifts him up and slams him on the mat outta no where. The Monolith wait for Fyre to get to his feet, then Fyre slowly gets to his feet but he hits a Giant Headbutt after Headbutt AFTER Headbutt. Then he Gorllia Press Drops Frye into the fans in the front row. Fans start to beat the crap out of Fyre until the security had to break up the fight. Then Fyre stumbles back into the ring and Monolith hits a devastating AVALANCHE BOMB (Spinning Elevated Powerbomb) and pins him..




Winner - Monolith

As soon we see Monolith gets his hands in the air... we see Outsider Joel emerging from the crowd and enters the ring with a chair. Then he smacks the chair on the downed Fyre until the ref had to remove him from the ring.

Ghost Tank
- vs -
The Horseman
Last Man Standing Roof Top Match
Loser Is Tossed Off The Roof
Guest Roof Ref: Shelby Cobra

The match begins with Horseman charging at Tank, but Tank instead delivers an obscenely powerful Striking Spear that sends Horse to the ropes. He rebounds, and Tank goes to grab for a Body Slam, but is instead met with an Enzuigiri from Horse. The Giant staggers back, giving Horse a chance to lay in with some knife edge chops. The Giant is backing up towards the ropes, when Horse goes for a forearm smash Ghost grabs him by the arm, and wrenches it back, before grabbing Horse' head with his other hand, and drives the head into his knee. Tank lifts Horse' head into the air, adjusts his grip, and drops the Horse with a devastating Suplex. He delivers a knee drop. Tank is down and the ref begins the count...



Tank is up.

Horse gets a shoulder up and then uses the ropes to pull himself out from under Ghost Tank. Once on his feet he begins to rapidly kick Tank in the chest.










10... No, on the tenth kick, Tank grabs the Horse's foot mid kick, and rips it out from under the assailant, sending him to the mat. Tank is on his feet, and launches into a series of stomps on the smaller man's frame. He's about to drop a huge boot on Horse' head, when Horse rolls out of the way, gets on his knee, and throws a wild left hook right to Tank's right knee. It misses! Tank evades the punch, and adjusts his foot for a boot to the face. Horse goes down, and Tank reaches down to grab the tiny man by the throat. GT lifts the small man high in the air, and drops him to the ground with such a force that the entire arena feels as if it's shaking. He lifts Horse once more for a chokeslam, but Horse instead twists and hits a double footed kick to Tank's face, causing the beast to let go of him.

Horse maneuvers mid air and lands on his feet, while Tank stumbles backwards. Horse runs and goes for a swinging Neckbreaker on the Giant, sending him to the ground. Horse stands tall over his fallen opponent as the count starts again...






Tanks stands up, takes one giant step and is standing right in front of Horse, staring him down. He reaches out and grabs the tiny man in a bear hug. The tiny man struggles to get free, and is fighting with everything he's got. But it's not enough. He can't get free. Tank throws him to the ground with a hip toss, before grabbing the tiny man again and delivering a Gorilla Press Gutbuster. Horse reels in pain, but Tank is not done. He lifts the small man for a Bodyslam sending him right back to the mat. He once again lifts the small man, places the man's head betwixt his legs and gets ready for a powerbomb, but Horse delivers a well placed headbutt, causing the behemoth to release him, as well as sending the monster to the mat, holding his friend. Horse stands up and goes the corner. He climbs, and attempts a diving double foot stomp but Ghost Tank counters with a sweep and then a kip up.

Tank then goes on the offensive as if he just downed a 5 hour energy mixed with cocaine.

Ghost Tank is nailing Horseman with right hand after right hand! After a few blows, Horseman falls to his knees. Ghost Tank nails Horseman with more right hands.






Five right hands to Horseman's skull! Horseman falls in a heap. Shelby Cobra starts to count.





All of a sudden, screams start piercing the air, and on the X- Tron, the words "CAN YOU HEAR THE SCREAMS?!" blink on and off in green, like on Madness. Ghost Tank is screaming at the X- Tron, "COME ON OUT AND FACE ME LIKE A MAN!"



He doesn't notice Horseman getting back up! Horseman is up at 6, and hits Ghost Tank with And if I Must Scream (Rear Naked Choke)!

Ghost Tank is reeling! The distraction from the X- Tron has done it's job! Ghost Tank continues to reel! He falls unconscious! Horseman continues to apply the And if I Must Scream while Shelby Cobra starts counting!











That's it. The Horseman has scored the victory with a small assist from the XWF Tron.

The Horseman then drags Ghost Tank's beaten and broken body to the side of the building, lifts him high up into the air and tosses him off...

and Ghost Tank falls...

and he fall's some more...

still falling......


Ghost Tank lands on top of Sebastian Duke's favorite Chevy which for some reason was parked at the arena despite Sebastian Duke not being there. Weird.

Winner - The Horseman

"King of Kings" begins playing as Ozymandias makes his way out to the ring with a microphone. The fans are excited to see what happens involving Doctor D'ville and Peter Gilmour tonight!

"Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to another edition of Wednesday Night Warfare. And boy have we got something fun for all of you. The crowning of the next King of the XWF. As you all know several weeks ago Peter Gilmour was given the crown to hold because well, he was feeling a little down on his luck and John Madison being Peter's self appointed protector tried to do Mr. Gilmour a solid. And in typical Peter Gilmour fashion he well...let it get to his head. Literally."

Peter Gilmour interrupts and storms out from the back, carrying his 12/7 Lunchbox and his crown! He's also wearing his Trio title. This man has it all! Many women get wet as Gilmour marches down the aisle looking like a decorated war king.

"Welcome to the ring Mr. Gilmour, it's good to see you want to help handle this quickly and quietly."

"Shut up before I make you SUCK MY DICK! Where's the doctor? Is he late for his own appointment?"

A voice from behind Peter surprises him with these words...

I'm right here, my friend.

Peter turns around to see Doctor D'ville standing there. Peter's eyes get big and he springs into action, immediately throwing the lunchbox in D'ville's face and kicking him in the groin!

Peter goes to attack D'Ville again, but Peter is caught off guard with a GILMOUR CUTTER?!?!?! From somebody else? The Doctor turns to see a naked Frodo standing there after delivering a Gilmour cutter to Pete. Peter gets up to his feet, and Frodo hits a Shining Wizard! Peter struggles to his feet again, and a Naked Phoenixrana! Frodo has dropped Peter! He wiggles his dick at the good Doctor.

"Put that thing away Frodo. Not everything has to involve your genitals."

Frodo wiggles his dick at the Doctor some more and then turns to wiggle it at Ozymandias! The fans are in an uproar! Why are so many of them taking pictures right now???

Frodo finally decides it's time to go and he runs out of the ring and up the ramp as Ozymandias and D'ville watch him go with cringes on their faces. What an odd turn of events!

Peter Gilmour is still down but starting to stir. Ozy turns his attention back down to Peter.

"Alright Peter enough is enough, get your stuff together so we can go on with the coronation."

Gilmour uses the ropes to pull himself back up and he shakes off the cobwebs. He looks around and realizes where he is, and just seems to pick right back up where he left off before. He grabs the lunchbox and throws it at D'ville and tries to kick him in the groin again... BUT THE DOC BLOCKS! THE DOC BLOCKS! Somehow he knew what was coming! He holds Gilmour's foot as Gilmour bounces on the other foot to maintain his balance. Doc swings the foot to the left and Gilmour spins around... BUT WAIT!

Gilmour spun right back around and threw himself toward the Doc with a huge GILMOUR CUTTER!!!! He got him! Gilmour rocked the doc! He rocked the doc!

Gilmour grabs the 12/7 lunchbox and... oh my god...


He's handing the lunchbox to Ozymandias!

I'm cashing in on him right now! For MY crown! Ring that bell!

The fans are losing their minds. How can this be? Is Gilmour seriously cashing in his lunchbox right now?

Ozymandias just looks around for a second not even sure of how to respond to this. He takes the lunchbox from Gilmour and looks down at it, thinking about what to do. Maybe there are some instructions inside of it?

Ozymandias opens up the lunch box and there ARE instructions! It's a big piece of paper that falls out.

And it clearly says...


Ok, so the instructions don't help matters... at all. Ozy shakes his head and mouths something under his breath about Shane being a . Gilmour is all pumped up and thinks this means the match is underway!

Doc is STILL DOWN from that devastating Gilmour Cutter. He might be dead. Gilmour doesn't care!

Hey Doc! WAKE UP AND SUCK!!! MY!!!!!! DI---

The lights go out!!!!!

It's pitch black in the arena!

What the hell is happening???

The lights begin flashing repeatedly like a strobe light then flash on to a red glow.

Wait?! Who's laying in the middle of the ring?

It's.... MARIA BRINK?!

How did? The Doctor has switched places with Maria Brink!! Did Peter Gilmour Cutter Maria Brink??

No way! He Gilmour Cuttered the Doc!! What's going on?!

Peter drops to his knees to check on Maria who lies motionless in the ring when the lights go out again! The same red glow pops back on and the Doctor appears behind Peter Gilmour! He doesn't see him!

The Doctor creeps up behind Peter and grabs him and...... He's biting Peter on the side of the head!!! He's biting his ear!! Peter starts scrambling around, but cannot break the Doc's grasp!!

OH MY GOD!!! The Doctor has just bit Peter's ear completely off!!! Peter's rolling around the ring in agony holding the side of his head!

The Doctor stands over him watching him flop around with Peter's ear hanging out of his mouth!! He spits the ear out onto Maria Brink and the lights got out again!!

After being off for a few moments they come back on normally and the Doctor has vanished with the crown!! HE TOOK THE FUCKING CROWN!!!

Peter remains in the ring flopping around holding the place where his ear once was.... Ozymandias shrugs and rests the 12/7 lunchbox next to Peter as he writhes in pain. Maybe another day will come when he can cash it in...

Doctor Louis D'Ville
- vs -
Brock Lesnar
Standard Match

The bell rings as the doctor stares across the ring at the unflinching Brock Lesnar. Brock snorts as he bellows in Doctor Louis D’Ville’s direction. Brock begins jumping up and down pumping his fists down as he bounces. The doctor moves to the center of the ring and beckons him to meet him. Brock stares at the doc as if not believing it. He moves to the center of the ring and stares down at D’Ville as they stand off. The two men are equally as sinister as they smirk and snarl at each other. D’Ville rears his hand back and kicks Brock in the balls! Brock bends over and Doc punches him hard on the jaw! Brock staggers back a step. Doc doesn’t let up and he continues hitting punches to the jaw of Brock. Brock rears his fist back and punches Doc hard across the nose sending him back a few steps. Brock then bellows at Doc again. Doc smiles as his nose is dripping blood. He doesn’t even flinch at Brock’s shriek. He rushes forward only to get caught by a big right hook by Brock. Doc staggers back a step or two. Brock grabs Doc and begins hitting knee strikes into the ribs of Doc. Brock hits about ten knee strikes before wrapping around the back of Doctor Louis D’Ville.

He hits a German suplex! Brock doesn’t release it though. He hits another suplex! Brock still has him hooked. He hits a third suplex! He goes for the a pin.



Th-NO! Doc kicks out.

Brock pulls Doc to his feet, but Doc hits a body shot followed by an uppercut! The doctor grabs the face of Brock and pulls it down into his leaping knees. Brock is staggered by that as Doc grabs him. DDT by Doc! Brock’s head goes down hard into the mat. Doc rolls him over and locks in THE 302! The kata-ha-jime has Brock locked in tight! Brock is slowly getting to his feet. He rams the back of Doc into the turnbuckle breaking the hold. Brock pushes Doc into the corner and begins hitting body blow after body blow! Doc is trying to push him off, but Brock is wearing out the midsection with shots. Doc hits a thumb to the eye and begins choking the large man! He flips it around and forces Lesnar back into the corner with his hands around his neck! Brock is in pain! He rears another hand back and rocks the face of Doc with another heavy shot. Doc is reeling as Brock kicks him in the abdomen and pulls him into a power bomb position. He lifts up Doc with ease and nails the powerbomb! He lifts up Doc again and hits another holding it with Doc’s shoulders down!



Th-NO! Doc kicks out.

Brock gets on top of Doc and begins punching him in the forehead time after time. Doc headbutts him three times to get out! Brock staggers to his feet. Doc knocks his legs out from under him with a forearm. Brock hits the mat with a thump. Doctor D’Ville stands up and allows Brock to get up. When he does, Doc hits a lunging clothesline dropping Brock! He bounces up and Doc hits another one! Brock is a little slower as he gets up this time. He staggers forward and Doctor D’Ville hits a sidewalk slam. Doctor D’Ville stands over the downed Brock and hits a standing leg drop. The doctor lays across his chest and hooks his leg.



Brock gets a shoulder up!

Doc lets Brock get to his feet before going for a running bulldog. Brock pushes him off! Doc lands on his ass and rebounds back up slowly. He turns and Brock NAILS him with a huge clothesline! Doc D’Ville is laid out. Brock grabs his arm and holds it up. He drives an elbow down on the shoulder. He stands back up and brings down another… followed by a third… fourth… ninth! Doctor D’Ville is rolling in agony holding his shoulder. Brock begins kicking Doc in the shoulder repetitively. Doc groans in pain as Brock begins laughing. He bounces back and forth shooting his fists down. He beckons for Doc to get up. Doctor D’Ville slowly stands holding his arm in pain. Brock, impatiently, turns Doc around for Doc to thumb him in the eye! The crowd pops for it! Doc pops around the back of Brock and hits a throwing German suplex! A little taste of Brock’s own medicine there! Doc runs up and begins stomping away on Brock as he holds his arm. Doctor D’Ville climbs the turnbuckle and leaves it for a flying headbutt! TREPANATION! He covers Brock!



Th-NO! That was so close! Brock just barely got his shoulder up.

Doctor D’Ville doesn’t waste any time as he lifts up Brock and goes for THE LOBOTOMY! Doc can’t lift him as his arm is shot. Brock seizes the day Dead Poet style and locks in The KIMURA LOCK! Brock wraps his legs around Doctor as he falls onto his back! The doctor is gritting his teeth as Brock is inflicting some serious damage on the arm of Doc! Doc raises his hand like he’s about to tap out. Doc then reaches out for the ropes, but he’s within a few inches of it. His fingers are stretching out! He’s almost touching it! Brock wrenches the arm forcing Doc back closer to him, away from the rope. Doc is fading! He reaches out to the ropes once more using all of his strength. He’s inches away!


The referee gets in there and pulls Brock away from Doc, but not until reaching a four count. Brock stands up over the defeated Doctor D’Ville with a huge smirk on his face. He beckons for Doctor D’Ville to get to his feet. He’s taunting him and spitting in the direction of Doc. The ref gets in Brock's face and warns him not to do it again. Brock grabs D'Ville by the throat and pulls him up to his feet.

Brock pulls D'Ville in and then German Suplexes him halfway across the ring. Unfortunately Brock also takes the ref out at the same time. This could be good or bad for Brock.

Suddenly from out in the back comes Peter Gilmour who charges down to the ring chair in hand. He slides in the ring, locks eyes with Brock but not in a gay way, in like a homo bro kind of way and then tells Brock to get D'Ville up. Brock smiles, which is really just a less pissed off version of his normal grin and does what Gilmour asks.

Brock is now holding D'Ville up...Gilmour winds up....



D'Ville slipped out of The Beasts grip just in time to avoid a chair shot to the face.

Gilmour looks on in horror as D'Ville gets back up and plants the former sort of King but not really with the Lobotomy.

The ref finally wakes up just in time to see D'Ville pin Brock.




Winner - Doc Louis D'ville

XWF Trio Championships
Team Victory Forever 2
Vinnie Lane, Peter Gilmour & Morbid Angel
- vs -
The Three Kings
Theo Pryce, John Madison & John Samuels
Trio Tag, One Fall

All six competitors have just entered the ring. Red mist begins flowing into the ring and ringside area as well as the entrance ramp. The ominous theme of The Asylum begins to emit from the speakers throughout the arena.

Hysteria is shown at the top of the ramp glaring down towards the ring. He raises his arms as he looks to the skies above. The Cleansor, (Ghost Tank) The Violator, (Frodo Smackins) The Crossroads, (Lucius Fyre) and The Soldier (Cory Scarecrow) all step up behind him. Ghost Tank is carrying a huge wooden rocking chair. He walks in front of Hysteria and sets it down. Hysteria takes his place standing behind it as the others are indicated to stand to the left and right of it. Hysteria begins laughing as they leave the empty chair open and stare down at the ring.

The six men all congregate in their corners. It looks like Vinnie Lane is going to start for the champs and Theo Pryce is going to start for the challengers.

John Madison jumps off the apron and stands ringside as Lane and Theo begin circling the ring. Lane stands with his hands to his side and begins clapping his hands over his head. The crowd begins to clap along with him in unison.

The two men tie up and Pryce takes the advantage with an armbar. Lane takes a knee then rolls out of the move and lands back to his feet. The crowd cheers him on and he gives them all a big thumbs up. Pryce runs at him and kicks Lane in the stomach. He grabs Lane by the hair and throws him into his own corner.

John Samuels puts Lane in a chin lock from the outside on the apron. He pulls his arm up and slams a forearm down on Lane's chest. Lane falls out of the corner and onto the ground. Pryce walks over to the corner and tags in Samuels.

Samuels steps into the ring and stops Lane on the flat of his back. Lane hits the dirt and the big man drops an elbow on the back of his head. Samuels picks him up and sets him up for a powerbomb! Samuels takes a short jump in the air and stomps down on Lane and Lane hits the ground again.

Samuels picks him up and sends him in the ropes. Lane bounces off, ducks a big boot from Samuels, and on his way back leaps and crack Samuels in the face with an elbow! Samuels falls back into the corner turnbuckle and Lane slowly works his way back up to his feet. He runs to the opposing corner, jumps, and nails both Pryce and Samuels with a forearm! The impact causes Pryce to fall off of the apron and onto the floor and Samuels is dazed as well!! Lane hits his knees and crawls quickly across the ring and reaches for a tag.

Peter Gilmour steps into the ring. Samuels gains his senses and comes after Gilmour. He tries for a clothesline and misses when Gilmour ducks. Peter bounces off the ropes and comes back with a spinning heel kick! Madison is still on the outside of the ring looking on. He picks up Theo back to his feet and Theo climbs back onto the apron.

Gilmour drops a leg drop on the chest of Samuels. He gets up bounces off the ropes and drops another! He covers Samuels....


Samuels kicks out almost immediately.

Both of the men start rising to their feet and Gilmour grabs Samuels and sends him into the ropes. Samuels holds onto the ropes for a moment as Gilmour jumps up to hit a drop kick and misses! Gilmour hits the mat and jumps right back up like cat! Samuels nails him with a huge lariat!! Gilmour falls right back down on his back! Samuels picks him up and says something out to Morbid Angel and Vinnie Lane in the opposing corner. Morbid steps through the middle rope but gets stopped by the referee. Samuels sends Gilmour behind him into his own corner where Theo holds him by the arms and Madison holds him by the ankles. Samuels runs full force, turns around and smacks Peter with an running elbow on the side of the head! Peter falls flat on his face as Samuels tags Theo Pryce back into the match.

Pryce takes control again and picks up Gilmour. He sets him up for a piledriver in the center of the ring and nails it! He goes right back to work and throws Peter in a sleeper hold.

Peter begins fading a bit after a minute into the hold and the referee bends down to check on him. He lifts his arm into the air and it drops to his side.


The referee reaches down and grabs his arm again and holds it in the air. This time Peter begins fighting back and holds his fist in the air and begins fist pumping as he slowly begins to stand up. Vinnie Lane begins pounding on the turnbuckle from his own corner and the crowd steps in with clapping. Peter makes it to his feet and thows a couple elbows into the gut of Pryce. He bounces off of him and hits Theo with a closed fist! The official goes after Peter and warns him about it and Peter responds with "SUCK MY DICK!!" He walks over to his corner and tags in Morbid Angel for the first time in the match.

Morbid easily steps over the top rope and walks towards the middle of the ring. Theo doesn't hesitate and tags in the other big man in his corner. Samuels steps back into the ring and is face to face with the MorbidGOD. The two begin exchanging blows back and forth. Samuels begins landing consecutive blows on Morbid, but Morbid blocks the last one and kicks Samuels in the gut. He picks him up and plants him on the mat with a huge bodyslam! What strength by the MorbidGOD!! He picks Samuels up immediately and smacks him with a headbutt! Samuels stumbles back, but comes right back and hits Morbid with a clothesline! The move fails as Samuels big forearm bounces off of Morbid's chest! Morbid grabs Samuels by the throat and throws him across the ring. Samuels gets frustrated and comes back attempting a big boot but gets boot in his face instead! Samuels is down! Morbid looks over to Madison who is still hanging out on the outside of the ring. Morbid points down at him and Madison flips him off. Morbid walks over to the edge of the ring after Madison and gets kicked in the head by Theo Pryce! Madison pulls on the top rope as Morbid leans over them and causes him to fall to the outside of the ring!! He lands hard on the floor on the outside! Madison and Theo go to work on Morbid on the outside of the ring while Samuels gains his composure back in the ring.

While the official is occupied with the action on the outside Gilmour runs in the ring and hits a running bulldog on Samuels!! Meanwhile, Vinnie runs across the ring and jumps through the middle of the ropes landing on all three men on the outside of the ring! Theo, Madison, and Morbid all go down!! Vinnie catches himself well enough off of the three men that he remains on his feet! He climbs back up to the apron and somersaults off landing on all of the men again!!

In the ring, Gilmour is laying the boots to Samuels. He picks him up and sends him into the opposite ropes. He drops to the mat and Samuels runs over him. Peter jumps to his feet and tries leap frogging over the big man to only get caught by Samuels! He nails him with a huge powerbomb in the center of the ring! Samuels covers Peter!! But... Peter's not the legal man! Morbid is and he's still on the outside of the ring! Samuels gets up and walks over to the edge of the ring where Vinnie Lane is picking up Morbid back to his feet. Theo sneaks up behind Vinnie and catches him with an inverted DDT onto the floor!! Morbid goes after Pryce but not before Samuels reaches down and grabs Morbid by his hair! It stops Morbid dead in his tracks as Samuels attempts to pull the huge man up to the apron by his own hair! Morbid doesn't have it! He turns around and pulls Samuels ankles out from under him and drags him to the outside of the ring as well!!

As the brawl pursues on the outside of the ring Peter finally gets back to his feet! Theo is on top of Lane landing punches to the face while Madison lays the boots to him when he can! Morbid and Samuels are exchanging punches back and forth again until Morbid grabs Samuels and slams his face against the barricade! Morbid does it again! And again! Samuels bounces back and rests against the ring steps for a moment until Morbid grabs him and Irish whips him towards the barricade, but Samuels reverses and sends Morbid that way instead! Morbid crashes against the barricade nearly bursting right through it!!!

Samuels looks over to his two partners attacking Lane and heads over. Inside the ring Peter is on the top turnbuckle and jumps off of it landing right on top of Samuels!! Both men go crashing down! All six competitors are on the outside of the ring! This match is getting out of control!!! Madison sees Peter hit the floor and takes his focus off of Lane and goes over to Gilmour and picks him up. Madison pulls back and nails Peter right in the face with a fist! Peter shakes it off and grabs Madison by the shirt and pulls back a fist of his own!! Theo sees this happening and rises off of Lane and spears Peter into the ring steps!!

Lane heads over towards Madison only to get Samuels big boot in his face. He tosses Loverboy back into the ring and heads back over to where Morbid is rising back up. He grabs Morbid by the back of the head and throws him into the ring as well. Theo gets up and climbs onto the apron and Madison grabs Peter and throws him into the ring after raking his eyes.

The match seems to be getting back into order. Lane and Peter managed to get to their own corner and get to the outside. Samuels takes Morbid and slams him down to the mat. He jumps high up into the air and crashes down as Morbid sneaks out of the way from a giant elbow drop. Morbid crawls over to the corner and tags in Vinnie Lane! He leaps over the top rope and runs across the ring and baseball slides into the side of Samuels' head! He picks him up off the mat and gets a few punches to the stomach, Samuels turns around a tags in Theo Pryce. Pryce comes in and starts his attack on Lane. The two go back and forth for a moment, until Pryce gets the upper hand and sends Lane back into an empty corner. The punches and kicks are too much for Lane and he slouches down in the corner. Pryce picks him back up to his feet and picks him up and nails a brainbuster! He crawls on top of Lane for the cover. For the title...!!



Kickout by Lane!

Pryce turns Lane over onto his stomach and applies a Boston crab on the Loverboy! Lane cries out in agony as he stretches out for either the bottom rope or a tag, but he's much too far to have a chance of making it. Loverboy slowly begins to crawl across the ring. He pounds the mat with his fists and drags himself across the ring slowly. Pryce continues to apply the pressure as Lane gains ground across the center of the mat.

After a long struggle, Lane is finally just barely touching the bottom rope with his finger tips!! Madison is right in front of him on the outside, shouting at Lane through the ropes. Vinnie flips him off and Madison reaches through the ropes and punches him across the face!! The official sees it happen and begins shouting at Madison from the inside of the ring! Madison begins shouting back and before he knows it gets taken down by Morbid Angel with a huge clothesline!

Meanwhile in the ring, the hold is broken and Pryce is walking across the ring to tag in Samuels. While the official is preoccupied with Morbid and Madison on the outside. Gilmour comes into the ring and pulls Vinnie Lane over to his corner!! He climbs back outside of the ring and Lane completes the tag! Peter rushes into the ring the same time that Pryce tags in Samuels and catches Samuels in the middle of the ring with a leaping clothesline!!

Morbid Angel slides back into the ring having put Madison down with a DDT. Pryce also gets into the ring to head off Morbid but is easily dispatched and sent through the ropes.

Samuels rolls out of the ring leaving Victory Forever II standing tall in the ring after having cleared The Three Kings from it. The referee is still down from the earlier bump.

Hysteria steps out from behind his men and begins walking towards the ring as they storm down in a crazed movement. They begin circling the ring. They stop on all sides of the ring. Hysteria looks up in reverence (supposedly) towards the rafters. The others follow suit. The Trios champs look confused. The sounds of gasps are heard throughout the audience!

MICKEY 'THE MARTYR' MANSON falls from the rafters! He falls into a crossbody on Loverboy and Peter as they looked up in time to try to catch him. They fall to the ground as they fail to catch him.

The sound of that cackling laughter from Hysteria fills the ringside area. The flood is unleashed as all of the men dive into the ring and begin dismantling the Trios Champions. Well except for Morbid is being ignored in the corner. Frodo and Hysteria are taking turns punching Loverboy. Meanwhile Peter is being tossed around by Fyre, Tank, Manson, and Scarecrow. Theo, Samuels, and Madison look on as Theo seems to have donned a small smirk in the corner of his mouth.

Peter Gilmour collects his bearings and smashes Fyre across the nose. Manson comes up and takes a shot as well. Scarecrow follows suit. Peter goes to grab Tank, but he takes him to the mat with a spear!

Hysteria has Loverboy's arms held behind him as Frodo is smacking away at the face of Vinnie with his butter sock. Vinnie finally snaps out and ducks one shot! It nails Hysteria across the face sending his hat flying away. Hysteria stares at the ground in the direction that the sock had hit him. Frodo's eyes are bulging out of his head. Lane is sitting back on his hands and looks shocked and thrilled at the same time. Hysteria's head finally snaps back to normal position and Hysteria slowly steps up to Frodo. Hysteria begins laughing wildly!


Frodo is skeptical, but eventually does so. Hysteria laughs even more deliriously! He beckons for another and Frodo delivers! Hysteria's laugh suddenly gets deep and maniacal. He turns his attention to Loverboy and begins wailing away on the long flowing locks of Loverboy.

Manson leaps off the top rope and nails a Moonstomp! Tank follows it up quickly with a corkscrew 450 splash on Peter! Peter is decimated at this point.

Hysteria lifts up Loverboy and throws him to Frodo. Frodo holds him as Hysteria pulls out a FORK?! He begins stabbing the shoulder of Loverboy until several puncture points have caused a steady flow of blood. Hysteria indicates that Frodo drop him. The cackling ensues once more. Hysteria leans down and screams at Loverboy.

Good luck, champ.

Hysteria raises his hands and the darkness encompasses the entire arena. A few seconds later and the lights come back up revealing Morbid in the corner looking confused. Peter and Loverboy out on the ground and The Three Kings on the outside of the ring.

Morbid is standing amongst his fallen comrades and is staring around in shock. Theo Pryce, John Samuels, and John Madison slowly creep back into the ring. They stare down at Morbid as a smirk creeps along the face of Pryce. Samuels hits Morbid with a huge big boot before catching him with a WELCOME TO TEXAS, MOTHER FUCKER on the rebound. The Two-Handed Chokeslam sends Morbid down in a heap. Samuels then picks up Morbid and holds him in place by locking his arms in a full nelson. Madison walks in front of him and blows a raspberry before skipping away. Theo walks up to Morbid and slaps him across the face as he smiles largely. He steps away and motions for Samuels to push him to him. He obliges and Theo nails the DEAD DROP. Theo cockily stands up as Madison rolls outside to get the downed referee. Madison rolls him in and gets him awake enough to count. Pryce places his right foot on the chest of Morbid as the referee counts.



Thre-NO! Morbid rolls a shoulder up!!!

Theo looks in disbelief at the referee before getting down and locking the legs.



NO! Morbid still kicks out!

Theo looks frustrated. He picks up Morbid and flings him to Samuels who catches him. He sets up a suplex, but is nailed by a low blow! The referee is too preoccupied shaking the cobwebs off when Peter hits it to Samuels! Samuels drops Morbid and falls to the ground. Peter stands up and begins dragging Morbid to his corner. Theo impedes this as he nails Peter with a FALSE FLAG spear! Peter goes down hard. Loverboy manages to get to his feet and hits Theo with stiff punch to the face. Caught off-guard, the punch rocks Theo. Loverboy then whips Theo into The Three Kings’ corner. Loverboy staggers over to his corner, gets on the apron, and tags himself in. Pryce comes running after him, but eats a Superkick from Loverboy. He drags Pryce to Pryce’s own corner again. Madison is there imitating sucking a dick with his tongue in his cheek. Loverboy slaps him and grabs his hand making him tag in! Madison looks shocked! Loverboy grabs him by his arms and pulls him over the ropes and into the ring! Madison is pleading for Loverboy to leave him alone, but Loverboy isn’t hearing the pleas. He grabs the neck of Madison and hits three punches to the eye of Madison. It seems he’s trying to actually bruise his eye!

He picks up Madison and hits a spinning spinebuster! He follows this by leaping up to the second rope. He looks at it and smirks at Madison. He climbs to the top rope and flips off Madison for a second before leaping off with a leg drop! Madison is just taking abuse from Loverboy! Lane picks him up and throws him off the rope before nailing a….


The finisher drives Madison’s head into the mat! Vinnie Lane leaps on top of him as the referee begins the count quickly!



Th-NO! John Madison kicks out?!

Madison just kicked out of the Black Label Driver. Loverboy looks shocked! He stands up and runs his fingers through his hair. He nods his head in affirmation as he knows what he has to do now. He locks on the DRAGON CLUTCH SLEEPER! With the already hurt neck and head, Madison is reaching out to the ropes but faintly.

He reaches out as his hands begin to fall. John Samuels comes out of nowhere and hits a clothesline knocking Loverboy off. The referee gets in between Samuels and demands he get out of the ring. He does so while mouthing off at Loverboy. The slow crawl is on as Loverboy’s partners are now standing on the apron. Madison is crawling but then realizes that he and Loverboy are going in the direction and turns himself around. Madison manages to get to Pryce as Loverboy tags in Peter. Peter and Pryce meet in the center of the ring as the crowd is on their feet! This is the Universal Champion and his #1 contender! They face off as the crowd is getting hyped up. Pryce smiles at Peter, but Peter responds with a hook to the jaw! They begin exchanging blows back and forth! Peter gets the upper hand with an uppercut. He hits a clothesline dropping Pryce. He lifts him up and hits a…

GILMOUR CUTTER! He covers him!



BROKEN UP! Samuels stopped it!

Morbid charges across the ring and hits a running bulldog that takes Samuels down. They roll out of the ring throwing haymakers back and forth.

Gilmour takes the advantage and lifts up Pryce again and hits…

ANOTHER GILMOUR CUTTER! He covers him once more!



BROKEN. UP. Madison will not let the match finish there.

Loverboy staggers across the ring despite the heavy blood loss from his shoulder. He dropkicks Madison off the apron. Madison hits the table face first and falls on to it with hilarity. Loverboy gets on the apron as the crowd pops. He hits a stage diving elbow drop on Madison through the announcer table! Back in the ring, Gilmour has picked up Pryce and hits a THIRD…

GILMOUR CUTTER! He covers him for a third time!




The lights go out before the ref counts three!! What's going on now?! They come back on and Peter is standing alone in the ring! Wait... He's not alone!! Doctor Louis D'Ville is in the ring with him!! He's sitting on top of the turnbuckle and Peter hasn't noticed him yet!!

Peter turns around and sees the Doctor where he sits and shouts at him...

"SUCK MY DICK!!!!!!"

Peter rushes after the Doctor!! As Peter approaches him the Doctor spits a wave of red liquid out of his mouth right into Peter's face!!! Peter stumbles backwards and the Doctor jumps down off the turnbuckle. He rushes after Peter and hits him with a clothesline knocking Peter on his back! The Doc picks him up and sets him up for the Lobotomy!!! He hits it!! Gilmour's out!!!

Pryce slides back in and makes the cover...



Kick out!!

Holy Fuck! Gilmour can not be put down.

Pryce is up now and he's stunned. He crawls over to the corner and tags in Samuels.

Samuels gets in the ring and wastes no time, he goes right to work. He lifts the rotund Gilmour up, clutches the wrist and...FILIBUSTER!!(Fisherman Driver) and another cover on Gilmour.




I don't believe it. And apparently neither do the Three Kings. Morbid and Lane are standing on the ring apron laughing their balls off.

Madison yells something to Samuels and then climbs up onto the ring apron and puts his hand out for a tag. Samuels reaches out and lunges at Madison tagging the man in. A crowbar appears in Madison's hand, God only knows where it came from, he turns Peter over and attempts to jam it up Peter's butthole like old times but the ref intervenes. The ref yanks the crowbar out of Madison's hand and tosses it out of the ring, striking a small black child in the head. HATE CRIME!! HATE CRIME!!

Madison lifts Gilmour up, jiggles Gilmour's tubby stomach before destroying him with The Rebellion(Rock Bottom). Now it's Madison's turn for a pin...




Lane and Morbid Angel both break up the pin which sets off a brawl as Samuels and Pryce each jump into the ring and start attacking Lane and Morbid. Firsts and bodies start flying everywhere. The ref has no clue what to do. Morbid has Theo Pryce locked up pretty good but Madison jumps in and takes Morbid out at the legs. Pryce then spin kicks Morbid in the face and then he and Madison tosses him over the top rope and out of the ring.

Samuels grabs Lane and delivers a Filibuster to him and then tosses him out of the ring leaving The Three Kings and Peter to hash things out. The three men all move towards Gilmour at the same time but the ref again intervenes. Madison and the ref are screaming in each others faces and with the refs back to Gilmour Pryce and Samuels take advantage. Theo lifts Gilmour up, slaps him across the face and then tosses him to Samuels...FILIBUSTER!!!

No way can Gilmour kick out of that. The ref turns around and tells Samuels and Madison to get out of the ring. Samuels and Pryce look on and then do what the ref tells them. Madison looks down at Peter...

"You could have been the fourth King."

Madison walks over to Theo and tags him in making him the legal man. Madison then lifts Gilmour up and hits him with another Rebellion.

The ref forces Madison out of the ring. As he does Gilmour somehow manages to get to his knee as Theo propels himself off the ropes and then nails Peter with a running stomp to Gilmours Head(Bang and Burn).

Theo then kneels down for a pin.


Lane is up, he sees the pin and quickly runs up the ring steps...


He climbs to the top turnbuckle and leaps off...


Winner and New XWF Trios Champions - The Three Kings


Lane was too late. Theo moved out of the way at the last second and Lane ends up naling Gilmour with a flying elbow.

Theo jumps to his feet with his hands held high in the air, nearly tripping over the fallen Gilmour. Samuels and Madison quickly make it to his side as all three men lift their titles in victory. Streamers and confetti cascade down from the ceiling as the fans in attendance roar with applause. Madison jumps onto Theo’s back and pumps his fists wildly while Samuels points toward the ramp and waves his hand.

Fireworks explode from the sides of the X-Tron as a parade of belly dancers, circus animals and mini-bike riding dwarves erupt from the backstage area.

The fireworks are deafening yet can barely drown out the raucous, frenzied crowd.

Theo retrieves three bottles of champagne from a ringside hostess and passes them out to his partners who quickly begin shaking them up. But stop when the groggy Gilmour stands to his feet.

Theo pops his cork and it slams right into Gilmour’s balls!

Samuels pops his cork and it slams right into Gilmour’s forehead!

Madison thrusts his bottle in-between Peter’s buttcheeks and uncorks it right into his ass!

The three each spray champagne all over Gilmour until he falls out of the ring and stand together in the center, triumphant as "We Are The Champions" by Queen starts playing.

[Image: uuNaMEP.png]
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John Msdison 2.Faggot

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

11-12-2014, 06:55 PM

PETER YOU LOST YOUR CROWN, YOUR EAR, AND YOUR CHAMPIONSHIP! You could have kept it all if you stuck with me! I WAS YOUR BEST FRIEND.

And fuck you Vinnie. I kicked out of your finisher too bitch.
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Theo Pryce Offline
King of Kings
Management Lv. E-Rex

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

11-12-2014, 07:04 PM

Hey Morbid, how does my dick taste? Does it taste like Victory?...Hmm?...Pussy boy!"

[Image: XCwEiv2.png]
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Vincent Lane Offline
Rock n' Rolling XWF Owner and Megastar

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

11-12-2014, 07:05 PM

Congratulations, Kings... but Theo, we ain't done yet, dude.

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John Samuels Offline
Whatever you are, be a good one.

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

11-12-2014, 07:11 PM

"Why does this champagne taste like a fat guy's asshole? Oh well. Hey Vinnie! I appreciate the congratulations, I must say it was an honor that you allowed us to expose you all as the worthless cunt scabs that you really are. VICTORY FOREVER!"

[Image: WWF-JBL_1506347856131-768x431.jpg]

1X - GOAT.
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Theo Pryce Offline
King of Kings
Management Lv. E-Rex

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

11-12-2014, 07:11 PM

Back of the line Pamela.

[Image: XCwEiv2.png]
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John Msdison 2.Faggot

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

11-12-2014, 07:16 PM

Lane, you did alright out there. So I'm gonna offer you a once in a lifetime opportunity. You can come be a servant to the 3 Kings and Luca. Now, massage my royal feet.
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Theo Pryce Offline
King of Kings
Management Lv. E-Rex

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

11-12-2014, 07:21 PM

I support this. Go ahead Pam, sign on the dotted line. We offer great benefits, an Employee Stock Ownership Plan and punch and pie every other Wednesday.

[Image: XCwEiv2.png]
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Doctor Louis D'Ville Away
Hello, my friends

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

11-12-2014, 07:28 PM

"Hello, my friends. If you haven't noticed, I do enjoy a good party. There wouldn't be room for the new King in this royal celebration, would there? I have booze. Not that fizzy garbage you've spewed all over Mister Gilmour's broken body either."

[Image: Kd641BT.png]
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Theo Pryce Offline
King of Kings
Management Lv. E-Rex

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

11-12-2014, 07:35 PM

Who am I to say no to more booze? And with the way Samuels drinks we're going to need it. Pull up a chair and regale us with stories of how you claimed your new crown.

[Image: XCwEiv2.png]
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Lucius Fyre Offline
The Living, Breathing Bad Omen

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

11-12-2014, 07:36 PM

Hey, at least I got the crowd to chant ECW. That's a win to me.

"You shouldn't play with Fyre"
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Doctor Louis D'Ville Away
Hello, my friends

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

11-12-2014, 07:41 PM

"Mister Gilmour's ear would have made a splendid centerpiece for this occasion. It's too bad I spit it out at that whore he attacked during my coronation... Oh well."

Several midgets in suits walk into the room carrying silver platters above their heads with several large bottles of Jack Daniel's on top of them.

"Drink up, my friends. Cheers."

[Image: Kd641BT.png]
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Joey Hawkins Offline
Back and better than ever!

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

11-12-2014, 09:30 PM

Hysteria, I'm coming for your ass!

[Image: OuzNj8Z.png]

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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

11-12-2014, 11:12 PM

I QUIT! this has to be the biggest clusterfuck in the entire time ive been here and this is a fuckin shoot! I'm still the king whether that Dr. D'ville likes it or not. And to the so called NEW CHAMPS.. guess what.. REMATCH CLAUSE BITCHES!!

soon as i get done with scully, doc, your ass is mine. Frodo.. I'm coming to cut our head and dick off. STAY OUT OF MY BUSINESS OR ELSE!

Theo. Maddy.. Mr. Weakest Link Samuels.. enjoy your TAINTED victory because TEAM VICTORY FOREVER 2 is getting our titles back real soon!

oh and to hysteria and his band of .. you want a war? U GOT ONE!

u all just signed your death warrants..

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Manson 'The Martyr' Away
The Martyr

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

11-13-2014, 12:20 AM

(11-12-2014, 09:30 PM)Joey Hawkins Said: Hysteria, I'm coming for your ass!

"So you wanna fight the prophet? You have to go through me. Accept my challenged you pathetic pussy."

[Image: zrGJsT6.png] [Image: xXW2hai.jpg] pin
Former XWF Heavy Metal Champion X3

Member of the greatest match of 2014, The Asylum versus The Three Kings

Former XWF Fomer Champion

[Image: owAZWVR.png]

Thanks to Gator and Juspin for the banners =)
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Theo Pryce Offline
King of Kings
Management Lv. E-Rex

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

11-13-2014, 02:53 AM

Peter how are you going to do all those things if you quit?

[Image: XCwEiv2.png]
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John Samuels Offline
Whatever you are, be a good one.

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

11-13-2014, 03:42 AM

"What a hurtful thing to say, Peter. Especially considering my absolute worst day is your absolute best day's wet dream.

It'd almost be ironic that YOU call me the weakest link, except I'm not so sure that your little buddies aren't as equally inept as yourself."

[Image: WWF-JBL_1506347856131-768x431.jpg]

1X - GOAT.
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Monolith Offline
The Monster From The Alps

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

11-13-2014, 04:51 AM

(11-12-2014, 07:36 PM)Lucius Fyre Said: Hey, at least I got the crowd to chant ECW. That's a win to me.

That's good, Lucy. I'm real pleased for you. Because that's probably the closest you'll get to an actual win ever again. Oh, I think I found some of your teeth after our match if you want 'em back...?!

 photo Untitled.png

Former X-Treme Champion
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Darkwynd Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

11-13-2014, 06:28 AM

"Congratulations, Mastermind. However, if we ever meet on equal ground...I will not lose."

[Image: darkwynd.png]
Credit for awesome banner = Justin Sane
Win-Loss-Draw: 1-2-0
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Joey Hawkins Offline
Back and better than ever!

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

11-13-2014, 07:01 AM

(11-13-2014, 12:20 AM)Mick Manson Said:
(11-12-2014, 09:30 PM)Joey Hawkins Said: Hysteria, I'm coming for your ass!

"So you wanna fight the prophet? You have to go through me. Accept my challenged you pathetic pussy."

You want a fight? I'll give you a battle, you !

[Image: OuzNj8Z.png]

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Manson 'The Martyr' Away
The Martyr

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

11-13-2014, 08:05 AM

(11-13-2014, 07:01 AM)Joey Hawkins Said:
(11-13-2014, 12:20 AM)Mick Manson Said:
(11-12-2014, 09:30 PM)Joey Hawkins Said: Hysteria, I'm coming for your ass!

"So you wanna fight the prophet? You have to go through me. Accept my challenged you pathetic pussy."

You want a fight? I'll give you a battle, you !

"Good. Now as for the part... I'm afraid that is not true. You are the and I'll beat that birth defect out of you when I pulverise you in our match. Make it a ladder match."

[Image: zrGJsT6.png] [Image: xXW2hai.jpg] pin
Former XWF Heavy Metal Champion X3

Member of the greatest match of 2014, The Asylum versus The Three Kings

Former XWF Fomer Champion

[Image: owAZWVR.png]

Thanks to Gator and Juspin for the banners =)
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

11-13-2014, 10:49 AM

theo.. samuels.. we put up our best work and we STILL lost.. conspiracy!!

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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John Msdison 2.Faggot

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

11-13-2014, 11:20 AM

Peter, you just signed up for like 5 different matches no more than 3 seconds after you "quit."

Damn it, Peter. Why do you have to be so fat? I had nothing against fat people but after seeing what it's done to you, it's sad to watch. Go get some more lipo.
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Morbid Angel Offline
Баба Яга

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

11-13-2014, 11:32 AM

Theo, Face me one on won Monday for the UNIVERSAL TITLE! Unless you are a coward!

болезненное ангел!
[Image: 8IZ5unY.png]

Intercontinental Champion
UFO Champion x2
Ark Champion x2
Heavy Metal Champion x2
Xtreme Champion x3
Won at War Games 2014
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Theo Pryce Offline
King of Kings
Management Lv. E-Rex

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

11-13-2014, 11:46 AM

You have a few people in line ahead of you there Morbid. After I've gotten through them if you still want a shot then sure, I'll oblige. Or you know you could opt in for next week's Madness, ask for a Unt title contenders match and if you win that then you get thrown towards the front of the line.

[Image: XCwEiv2.png]
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Vincent Lane Offline
Rock n' Rolling XWF Owner and Megastar

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

11-13-2014, 11:49 AM

How 'bout this, Theo?

I'll go ahead and have me a number contender's match for your title on that show - against YOU.

Non title. I win, I get a shot.

You've got nothing to lose but the illusion that you can beat me. What do you say?

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Theo Pryce Offline
King of Kings
Management Lv. E-Rex

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

11-13-2014, 11:52 AM

(11-13-2014, 11:49 AM)LoverboyVinnieLane Said: How 'bout this, Theo?

I'll go ahead and have me a number contender's match for your title on that show - against YOU.

Non title. I win, I get a shot.

You've got nothing to lose but the illusion that you can beat me. What do you say?

When you learn how to speak English then we can talk about title matches and non title matches. You want a number contenders match? What in the actual fuck does that even mean?

Tell you what Pam, Christmas is right around the corner and I'm in a giving mood so how about this. You, Peter and Morbid face each other in a triple threat, winner gets to face me. Oh and as a bonus I'll ref that shit to make sure that things are kept fair. What do you say?

[Image: XCwEiv2.png]
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John Samuels Offline
Whatever you are, be a good one.

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

11-13-2014, 11:53 AM

"Don't give either of these losers the satisfaction, Theo. They just LOST and now they want title shots? Fuck that man, you have nothing to gain from it."

[Image: WWF-JBL_1506347856131-768x431.jpg]

1X - GOAT.
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Vincent Lane Offline
Rock n' Rolling XWF Owner and Megastar

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

11-13-2014, 12:12 PM

Theo, have you been sticking that face straight off a pro-choice poster into Samuels' jenkem bucket?

I already beat both Peter and Morbid at the same time.

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John Samuels Offline
Whatever you are, be a good one.

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

11-13-2014, 12:36 PM

(11-13-2014, 12:12 PM)LoverboyVinnieLane Said: Theo, have you been sticking that face straight off a pro-choice poster into Samuels' jenkem bucket?

I already beat both Peter and Morbid at the same time.

"Let's just make this fucking easy since this syphalitic time capsule doesn't comprehend common sense. Hey Theo, what do you say to Vinnie vs I, I win I get all of his Xbux, he wins and he gets a shot? Let me shut this bitch up myself."

[Image: WWF-JBL_1506347856131-768x431.jpg]

1X - GOAT.
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Theo Pryce Offline
King of Kings
Management Lv. E-Rex

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

11-13-2014, 12:38 PM

Done. So long as Pamela understands that if he wins he gets his shot after the others who have already earned one get theirs.

[Image: XCwEiv2.png]
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John Samuels Offline
Whatever you are, be a good one.

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

11-13-2014, 12:40 PM

"Take the match, sweetheart."

[Image: WWF-JBL_1506347856131-768x431.jpg]

1X - GOAT.
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Hysteria 'The Prophet' Offline
Can you handle it?

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

11-13-2014, 02:02 PM

(11-12-2014, 09:30 PM)Joey Hawkins Said: Hysteria, I'm coming for your ass!

My ASS?! Why Mr. Hawkins! Please take me to dinner first at least!


Punk ass bitch. I've taken shits more fearsome than you.

[Image: 3nOsl9M.jpg]
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Vincent Lane Offline
Rock n' Rolling XWF Owner and Megastar

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

11-13-2014, 02:15 PM

Samuels, you want me to put all my cash on the line for a shot I might not even get? Are you serious?

First, explain to the champ what a number one contender is, since you seem to be his favorite fluffer. I can "wait in line" without doing a damn thing, dude.

Shit, Samuels, you sure you shouldn't just grab the belt from him yourself? At least you're willing to get in the ring.

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Joey Hawkins Offline
Back and better than ever!

XWF FanBase:
Mixed reactions

(cheered heavily at home; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

11-13-2014, 03:54 PM

(11-13-2014, 08:05 AM)Mick Manson Said:
(11-13-2014, 07:01 AM)Joey Hawkins Said:
(11-13-2014, 12:20 AM)Mick Manson Said: "So you wanna fight the prophet? You have to go through me. Accept my challenged you pathetic pussy."

You want a fight? I'll give you a battle, you !

"Good. Now as for the part... I'm afraid that is not true. You are the and I'll beat that birth defect out of you when I pulverize you in our match. Make it a ladder match."

A ladder match it is! I'll pulverize you before you can even lay a finger on me, !

[Image: OuzNj8Z.png]

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John Samuels Offline
Whatever you are, be a good one.

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

11-13-2014, 04:22 PM

(11-13-2014, 02:15 PM)LoverboyVinnieLane Said: Samuels, you want me to put all my cash on the line for a shot I might not even get? Are you serious?

First, explain to the champ what a number one contender is, since you seem to be his favorite fluffer. I can "wait in line" without doing a damn thing, dude.

Shit, Samuels, you sure you shouldn't just grab the belt from him yourself? At least you're willing to get in the ring.

"I love the smell of frightened pussy in the late afternoon."

"Ducking me again, Vinnie? That's a bad look you fucking mook. Take the challenge. Don't take the challenge. Frankly I don't care, but don't start pouting when two months down the line you're still trying your hardest to get Mastermind to pay attention to you instead of competing at our level."

[Image: WWF-JBL_1506347856131-768x431.jpg]

1X - GOAT.
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John Msdison 2.Faggot

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

11-13-2014, 04:23 PM

At this point, Mastermind is closer than Lane at earning a Universal title shot.
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Vincent Lane Offline
Rock n' Rolling XWF Owner and Megastar

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

11-13-2014, 06:32 PM

Samuels - I accept.

You and me, on the Thanksgiving show.

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John Samuels Offline
Whatever you are, be a good one.

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

11-13-2014, 07:02 PM

"I wouldn't move out of the way of a speeding bus for you, you creepy little queer. You're lucky your brother is a good guy."

"And as for you, Vinnie, way to finally grow a sack! I'm sure your father will finally be proud of you. Thing is, I'm already booked for a match that day, and the prior Madness. But seeing as how you're stepping up to the plate and accepting my match, I'm sure the next edition of Warfare will be perfectly acceptable, correct?"

[Image: WWF-JBL_1506347856131-768x431.jpg]

1X - GOAT.
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Vincent Lane Offline
Rock n' Rolling XWF Owner and Megastar

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

11-13-2014, 07:10 PM

Yeah man, let's do it.

Hope your emergency contacts are up to date, dude.

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