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X-treme Wrestling Federation » XWF OOC » Out Of Character (OOC) Board
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Taking requests.
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Justin Sane Offline
Ⓙųȿţỉȵ Ⓢąȵę

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10-09-2014, 08:07 PM

[Image: doctor.png]

Here ya go man, hope you like it. I really struggled to find any decent pics of Hannibal that where any good to cut but should be okay Smile

[Image: sanegifbanner.gif]

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Doctor Louis D'Ville Away
Hello, my friends

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

10-09-2014, 08:18 PM

love it man. thank you.

[Image: Kd641BT.png]
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Justin Sane Offline
Ⓙųȿţỉȵ Ⓢąȵę

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10-09-2014, 08:48 PM

You're welcome boys, glad you like them!

[Image: sanegifbanner.gif]

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Mrs. Peter F'n Gilmour

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

10-09-2014, 09:06 PM

Superstar Name: Maria Brink

Quote/Additional text: Mrs. Peter F'n Gilmour! or simply Maria F'n Brink

Banner/Avatar: Banner

Size required: Similar to your own.

Pictures you would like used: Maria Brink

Primary/Secondary colors: Whatever you think of when you hear about AIDs

Additional notes:

[Image: JDBXAeW.jpg]
[Image: LEU246w.jpg]
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Justin Sane Offline
Ⓙųȿţỉȵ Ⓢąȵę

XWF FanBase:
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10-09-2014, 10:15 PM

Not sure this is exactly what you're after, you may want something more grungy.

[Image: maria.png]

[Image: sanegifbanner.gif]

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Mr. Oz Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

10-09-2014, 10:55 PM

Fuckin' A, man! Just with this thread, you can see how you've evolved. You've become even more awesome at this!

[Image: xdagprt.gif]
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Justin Sane Offline
Ⓙųȿţỉȵ Ⓢąȵę

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10-09-2014, 10:58 PM

Thanks man. Been years since I've used Paintshop Pro so I'm just learning it all again pretty much. Spewing my copy won't install fonts though, they make so much difference. But thanks!

[Image: sanegifbanner.gif]

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Justin Sane Offline
Ⓙųȿţỉȵ Ⓢąȵę

XWF FanBase:
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10-10-2014, 11:08 AM

You're welcome man Smile

[Image: sanegifbanner.gif]

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Ezekiel Carter-Williams V Offline
Fuck Bitches, Get Money

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

10-23-2014, 08:26 PM

Superstar Name: Ezekiel Carter-Williams V
Quote/Additional Text: You don't have to put anything here besides the name.
Banner/Avatar: Banner
Size required: Idk, whichever fits the boards best.
Pictures you would like used: Paul Walker
Colors:Blue Red Green White
Additional Notes: Take your time buddy.

[Image: ecwv.png]

XWF Record

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Justin Sane Offline
Ⓙųȿţỉȵ Ⓢąȵę

XWF FanBase:
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10-24-2014, 02:20 AM

[Image: ecwv.png]

[Image: sanegifbanner.gif]

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Derek Rampant

XWF FanBase:
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10-24-2014, 03:35 PM

Superstar Name: Derek Rampant

Quote/Additional text: N/A

Banner/Avatar: Banner

Size required: Whatever fits the boards best

Pictures you would like used: Michale Graves is my picbase

Primary/Secondary colors: Red, Black, and White

Additional notes: Thank you for taking the time to make a banner for me. It's appreciated!
Maverick Offline
With Fire in My Soul, I Return.

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

10-24-2014, 03:58 PM

(10-09-2014, 05:19 PM)Justin Sane Said: [Image: maverick1.png]

EDIT: Sorry man, looked way better before it had to re-size for the board.

Sorry I couldn't get to this sooner man! Between RPs and OOC issues I didn't have a chance to put this in. As soon as I fix up my laptop I assure you the first order of business is putting that banner in my signature. Thanks for making such a sweet banner man!

1x Hart Champion
1x Tag Team Champion
1x Xtreme Champion
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Oliver Oswald Cooper Offline
A Real Journalist.


XWF FanBase:

(can't get crowd reactions; awkward; probably going to be fired soon) 

10-24-2014, 04:38 PM

Superstar Name: Oliver Oswald Cooper

Quote/Additional text: none

Banner/Avatar: Banner

Size required: Whatever fits the boards best

Pictures you would like used: Steve Martin, preferably not from now, 1990s or 1980s Steve Martin.

Primary/Secondary colors: White, Black, Greys. Dull colors.

Additional notes: Thank you!

[Image: Ct0XnGb.png?2]
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Alex Richards Offline
Your Icon

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

10-24-2014, 05:01 PM

Superstar Name: Alex Richards

Quote/Additional text: The Real American Icon


Size required: Up to you

Pictures you would like used: Paul Walker

Primary/Secondary colors:Red, White and Blue

Additional notes: Make that shit sweet!

[Image: richards.png]

The pain has come. Safety is no longer guaranteed. Your worst nightmare is here.

Life, as you know it, is forever over.

Can you feel it yet?
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Justin Sane Offline
Ⓙųȿţỉȵ Ⓢąȵę

XWF FanBase:
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10-24-2014, 09:46 PM

No worries Mav, glad you like it!

To the rest of you, I'll get to your banners just as soon as I can and I'll inbox you when they are done Smile

[Image: sanegifbanner.gif]

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Ezekiel Carter-Williams V Offline
Fuck Bitches, Get Money

XWF FanBase:
Men, some teens

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty)

10-25-2014, 03:32 AM

Shit was so epic I could kiss you right now

[Image: ecwv.png]

XWF Record

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Justin Sane Offline
Ⓙųȿţỉȵ Ⓢąȵę

XWF FanBase:
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10-25-2014, 03:36 AM

I'm open to offers Wink

Haha nah, you're most welcome man.

[Image: sanegifbanner.gif]

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Darkwynd Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

10-27-2014, 05:15 PM

Superstar Name: Darkwynd

Quote/Additional text: "You can't stop the wyndz of change."

Banner/Avatar: Banner

Size required: About the size of your's.

Pictures you would like used: Well, obviously Jeff Hardy, with facepaint, would be in the foreground of the banner. Hopefully the darkest facepaint you can find, and maybe doing his pose. And in the background will be images of Hardy hitting Swanton bombs and doing crazy shit.

Primary/Secondary colors: Primary: Purple. Secondary: Riddler green.

Additional notes: You know what? Let's try some question marks. Let's give him an aide of mystery.

Hi Justin. I would like a banner, please sir.
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Justin Sane Offline
Ⓙųȿţỉȵ Ⓢąȵę

XWF FanBase:
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10-27-2014, 05:32 PM

To those of you who have requested banners recently, I do apologise for not getting to them, I have just been really busy. I will get round to them asap and let you know when they are done. Again, my apologies.

[Image: sanegifbanner.gif]

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Darkwynd Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

10-27-2014, 05:39 PM

Its cool man. No hurry. Im just excited about this character. Lol
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Justin Sane Offline
Ⓙųȿţỉȵ Ⓢąȵę

XWF FanBase:
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10-27-2014, 07:24 PM

Lol yeah, too easy man. Hopefully I can get to a few of them tonight or tomorrow.

[Image: sanegifbanner.gif]

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Justin Sane Offline
Ⓙųȿţỉȵ Ⓢąȵę

XWF FanBase:
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10-29-2014, 05:13 AM

[Image: shelby.png]

[Image: richards.png]

[Image: sanegifbanner.gif]

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Justin Sane Offline
Ⓙųȿţỉȵ Ⓢąȵę

XWF FanBase:
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10-29-2014, 05:57 AM

No worries man, I'll hook you up as soon as I can Smile

[Image: sanegifbanner.gif]

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Darkwynd Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

10-29-2014, 07:39 AM

Did I piss you off or something? Lol
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Alex Richards Offline
Your Icon

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

10-29-2014, 08:53 AM

Dude that shit is so fucking epic! I love you dude. Lol

Can you throw in an Avatar as well? It could really help!

[Image: richards.png]

The pain has come. Safety is no longer guaranteed. Your worst nightmare is here.

Life, as you know it, is forever over.

Can you feel it yet?
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Justin Sane Offline
Ⓙųȿţỉȵ Ⓢąȵę

XWF FanBase:
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10-29-2014, 09:15 AM

Darkwynd: nah, you were next on my list but I had to go to work man lol. I'll get yours posted tomorrow, looking forward to yours.

Alex: my pleasure bro, and yeah I can make you an avatar, I'll post it with Darkwynd's banner Smile

[Image: sanegifbanner.gif]

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Alex Richards Offline
Your Icon

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

10-29-2014, 09:17 AM

Your awesome thanks my dude!

[Image: richards.png]

The pain has come. Safety is no longer guaranteed. Your worst nightmare is here.

Life, as you know it, is forever over.

Can you feel it yet?
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Justin Sane Offline
Ⓙųȿţỉȵ Ⓢąȵę

XWF FanBase:
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10-29-2014, 09:53 AM

Any time bro Smile

[Image: sanegifbanner.gif]

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Darkwynd Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

10-29-2014, 12:00 PM

Im actually excited about it dude. Thanks a ton.
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Justin Sane Offline
Ⓙųȿţỉȵ Ⓢąȵę

XWF FanBase:
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10-29-2014, 12:11 PM

Yeah, I think I can make it good with Jeff Hardy lol. No worries man.

[Image: sanegifbanner.gif]

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Jet Frost Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

10-29-2014, 08:20 PM

Hey man, I've been loving your stuff here, and I'd like a banner/ avi myself!

Superstar Name: Jet Frost

Quote/Additional text: N/A

Banner/Avatar: Both

Size required: No guidelines. Just go until your hearts content!

Pictures you would like used: Kofi Kingston

Primary/Secondary colors: Light blue (like the light blue you see on the floors) and just slight traces of gold.

Additional notes: If possible, put icicles in there.
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Justin Sane Offline
Ⓙųȿţỉȵ Ⓢąȵę

XWF FanBase:
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10-30-2014, 03:32 PM

Hey guys, I'm so sorry to those who haven't got their banners yet, most notably Darkwynd! I am doing yours right now man and will be posted in an hour or so. Last couple of days have been hell for me but I'll try and knock a few out before I start roleplaying. Thanks for your patience.

[Image: sanegifbanner.gif]

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Darkwynd Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

10-30-2014, 04:08 PM

(10-30-2014, 03:32 PM)Justin Sane Said: Hey guys, I'm so sorry to those who haven't got their banners yet, most notably Darkwynd! I am doing yours right now man and will be posted in an hour or so. Last couple of days have been hell for me but I'll try and knock a few out before I start roleplaying. Thanks for your patience.

Thanks dude. I ain't rushing ya.
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Justin Sane Offline
Ⓙųȿţỉȵ Ⓢąȵę

XWF FanBase:
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10-30-2014, 04:41 PM

[Image: darkwynd.png]

[Image: sanegifbanner.gif]

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Justin Sane Offline
Ⓙųȿţỉȵ Ⓢąȵę

XWF FanBase:
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10-30-2014, 05:05 PM

(10-29-2014, 02:23 PM)Shelby Cobra Said: Thanks for the sig. I fucking looooooooooooooove it. Big Grin

You're welcome Smile

[Image: sanegifbanner.gif]

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TJ Wallace Offline
Trusting gets you killed.

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

11-03-2014, 03:32 AM

Superstar Name: TJ Wallace

Quote/Additional text: Sound of Silence

Banner/Avatar: Banner

Size required: Big enough to fit the average board banner

Pictures you would like used: Stalley

Primary/Secondary colors: Cool colors with little streaks of warm colors

Additional notes: Take your time, i know you're swarmed with requests
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Alex Richards Offline
Your Icon

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

11-03-2014, 08:38 AM

Superstar Name: Alex Richards

Quote/Additional text:

Banner/Avatar: Avatar

Size required:normal

Pictures you would like usedTongueaul Walker

Primary/Secondary colors: up to you dog

Additional notes:

[Image: richards.png]

The pain has come. Safety is no longer guaranteed. Your worst nightmare is here.

Life, as you know it, is forever over.

Can you feel it yet?
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Zoey Ryback Offline
--The Original Daughter of Destruction--

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

11-04-2014, 01:26 PM

Superstar Name: Zoey Ryback

Quote/Additional text: "The Original Daughter of Destruction"

Banner/Avatar: Banner

Size required:normal

Pictures you would like used: Hailey Williams 2010 (Zoey), Oliver Sykes (Nick), Ellie (TLoU) or Ellen Page (McKayla)

Primary/Secondary colors: Red, Orange, Black

Additional notes: I dont know, Since my Photoshop shut down I havent been able to do my own stuff, but I would like one banner kind of like what you did with "The Masters" for Michael McBride, just to save some space on my Signature. A City skyline in the background would be nice as well as the abstracty kind of vibe your putting on these days.

Thanks in Advance man I know your probably overworked right now, I just need something fresh.

[Image: zoey2_zps7e97bccb.png]

[Image: nickxwf_zps4da01d73.png]
[Image: mckayla_zpsf517aade.png]


Copyright 2014 Suicide Note Productions
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Robo Shove-it 5000 Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:


12-05-2014, 04:49 PM

Superstar Name: Robo Shove-It 5000

Quote/Additional text: "I. Will. Fist. You-You-You-You"

Banner/Avatar: Banner (avatar as well, if you can, but mostly Banner)

Size required: Medium-Rare (just under normal sized)

Pictures you would like used: Don't have a picture, unfortunately, but I have a video link that many screen grabs can be taken from. Which in a way, is better, because it allows ya to get the kind of pics to go in the banner ()

Primary/Secondary colors: Silver/dark grey

Additional notes: I would do the screengrabs, however, I wouldn't know what's best for putting in a Banner.
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Jesus Christ Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(cheered BECAUSE they break rules and bones)

12-25-2014, 09:02 PM

I was wondering if someone would help me make a banner? I see a lot of nice ones around here and I would like to have a nice one. Whomever wants to make one I can PM you more info.

Thank You in advance.

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