Frodo walks down to the ring accompanied by his two kids, Joseph-Gordon, and Katie, and manager Crack. As Frodo walks down he waves at the crowd as if he were royalty. Once in the ring he removes his hoodie, hands it to Katie and climbs the turnbuckles pumping the crowd up. If they seem unimpressed Katie just shoots them a smile, their hearts melt, and they cheer.
Rock You Like A Hurricane by Scorpions plays
The lights in the arena go go black except for a spotlight that shines down in the middle of the ring with a scorpion in the center of it. Rock You Like A Hurricane by The Scorpions now blasts over the pa system and different color strobe lights flash at the top of the ramp. Next Scorpio emerges from the backstage area beating on his chest like a maniac and screaming...
Just before different color pyro begins to explode all around him. The lights in the arena now come back on as Scorpio does some combination of high fiving fans, continuing to beat on his chest, screaming out his trademark battle cry, or flicking boogers at unsuspecting victims until he finally makes his way wearing one half of the tag team title belts.
Implode by Slayer
The lights in the arena dim, then go to full black. We then hear the eerie sounds of a bell being tolled and then an explosion of fire emitting from the entrance ramp. The beginning of IMPLODE by SLAYER begins as a white beam of light comes from the top of the arena and shines on the middle of the ramp. We then see a hand go into the light as a man kneels in front of the light. It is Peter Gilmour! The music picks up as Peter gets up and screams to the heavens as he and his new valet Jessica Johnson come down to the ring. They get into the ring and Peter goes to the nearest turnbuckle and puts out his hand as the same beam of light comes down into his hand as he gives us a very scary look into the camera. He then laughs wickedly then screams to the heavens again as the lights come back on.
Rock Star by Nickleback plays
Dimallisher walks out shaking hands with the fans. His lovely manager, Sandy Smith, follows behind. He grabs her by the waist and makes out with her on the ring apron while she grabs a handful of his dick. Just then Dimallisher turns around to the entry way and who but John Madison appears wearing a black t-shirt that says "Chicken Parm King." He accompanies The Dimallisher down to the ring. Once there Dimallisher climbs into the ring and looks over at Peter and smiles. Peter looks down at John Madison and cringes.
[autolpay]Nrwg3_mFxZU[/autoplay] "See you in your dreams."
The bell rings and the match starts off fast. Gilmour and Frodo lock up immediately. Scorpio charges at Dim but is met with a massive headbutt that sends Scorpio flying backwards. Gilmour whips Frodo into the ropes and goes for a clothesline but the King of Dwarves unsurprisingly slips under the clothesline and bounces off the far ropes. Gilmour reacts quickly and drills Frodo with a superkick right to the chops.
JOEY STYLES: "Peter Gilmour is starting out on fire. He is determined to not allow another chance at XWF gold slip through his fingers like countless other times.
Dim picks up a still dazed Scorpio and attempts to throw him into the corner but Scorpio reverses and instead sends the big bastard into the far turnbuckles. Scorpio backs up a few steps placing his back against the turnbuckles and then propels himself forward using the ropes as extra leverage. He comes roaring across the ring and hits a perfectly executed Scorpio Splash onto Dimallisher. Dim falls forward face first onto the mat. Scorpio goes for the cover...
Peter Gilmour comes flying in and breaks up the pin with a double axe handle to the back of Scorpio. The man who wears enough face paint to make Lady Gaga jealous gets up and quickly turns his attention to the Peter Gilmour. The two men have a quick stare down and then Scorpio unloads on Gilmour’s face. But not with punches, no that would be too easy. Instead Scorpio places his right pointer finger up against his right nostril and with all his power blows a massive snot rocket that coves the top half of Peter’s face.
JOEY STYLES: “It honestly looks like Scorpio may have blown out part of his brains onto Gilmour’s face. Gilmour is trying to rub the snot off but his hands are covered with slimy mucus.
Scorpio follows up the snot rocket with an eye gouge that leaves Peter blind and wobbly. He grabs Gilmour by the hair and tosses him over the top rope and onto the cold concrete floor. Scorpio backs up a few steps, waits for Gilmour to get to his feet and then leaps out of the ring and leveling Gilmour with a devastating diving body press. A move that basically takes both of the men out of action for a little bit.
Back in the ring Frodo is mauling Dim. A smack to the face followed by a quick uppercut to the jaw and then a DDT and Frodo has Dim down. He hooks the leg for the pin…
Broken up by John Madison, who reached into the ring and yanked Frodo off of Dim. Frodo looks back and Madison who just smiles and yells out SUCK MY DICK!!
Frodo gets up and motions as if he is going to attack Madison but before he can make a move Dim grabs Frodo by the shoulder and spins him around before levying a massive choke slam. This time it’s Dim’s chance for a pin.
Frodo gets his leg up just in the nick of time. He lifts Dimallisher to his knees, he backs up and goes for a shinning wizard but Dim catches him in mid air by the throat and essentially slams him down to the mat. He quickly picks Frodo back up lifts him high above his shoulders and tosses him out of the ring like a sack of potatoes where he conveniently crashes into Scorpio.
Scorpio was just getting to his feet when he was taken out by a flying dwarf. Dim climbs through the ropes to join his partner who is also just getting back to his feet.
John Madison reaches under the ring and pulls out a tire iron which he tosses over to Peter. Gilmour catches the object, spins it around once and then clocks Frodo across the face with hit. Blood and teeth go flying out of Frodo’s mouth landing in a little boy’s popcorn in the first row.
JOEY STYLES: “I hope Frodo knows a good dentist.”
Gilmour doesn’t bother with a pin instead he takes the tire iron and starts laying waste to Frodo and Scorpio’s bodies, alternating shots on the two of them while Dim looks on laughing like a child. Satisfied that he’s done enough damage with the tire iron Gilmour tosses it to the ground and lays out Scorpio with an epic leg drop. I’m talking the most epic leg drop of all time. Peter even laughed wickedly while doing it. Dim picks up Frodo and throws him up against the side of the ring. He then picks up Frodo and Gorilla Press Slams him through the Spanish Announcers table.
Dim then places one foot on the chest of Frodo for the pin…
Somehow Scorpio managed to get in there and break up the count. Furious at what just transpired Gilmour picks up Scorpio and places him in a headlock. Scorpio tries to break the hold but is having no luck. Suddenly Gilmour screams out in pain as Scorpio manages to lower his head and bite down on Gilmour’s arm. Gilmour releases the hold and grabs at his arm. Scorpio spits out a small chunk of Gilmour’s arm which lands on the cheek of John Madison. Madison whips the piece of arm off his face and then proceeds to look under the ring for something else to aid Dim and Gilmour in their quest for the Tag Titles.
Scorpio almost takes off Gilmour’s head with a clothesline and then turns his attention to Dimallisher taking him out with a spear. Frodo slowly climbs to his feet just in time to see Madison pulling a crow bar out from underneath the ring. Frodo leaps and latches on to the back of the former XWF King and starts grabbing at the crow bar. Madison starts spinning around in circles trying to toss Frodo off of him but it doesn’t work. In a list ditch effort Madison turns around and slams Frodo into the turnbuckle not once but twice.
Frodo slithers off of Madison’s back. Madison looks down and laughts at Frodo. He then turns around and tosses the crow bar to Gilmour.
JOEY STYLES: “It amazes me, for as much as Peter Gilmour bitched and complained about John Madison over the years he seems perfectly happy to accept his help now.”
Gilmour spins the crow bar around and takes it over to the still limp body of Frodo. He rolls Frodo over onto his chest and get’s ready to insert the crow bar where the sun don’t shine…
Scorpio comes flying out of nowhere and takes out both Gilmour and John Madison.
Dimallisher was on the other side of the ring setting up some tables and didn’t even see Scorpio get up let alone take out his partner. Dim picks up Frodo by the throat and attempts a choke slam but Scorpio rolls over and kicks Dim right in the cash and prizes. Scorpio quickly gets to his feet and with Dim still hunched over for the dick kick Scorpio hits him with the Scorpio Deathdrop.
Scorpio rolls over for the cover…
Peter Gilmour with the save at the last second and wasting no time at all Gilmour yanks Scorpio up and throws him into the announcers table. Gilmour slowly approaches Scorpio and gives him a facewash followed up a sick yakuza kick. From a few feet away Dim sees the sick kick and starts clapping. He’s so proud of Peter. Gilmour grabs Scorpio by his hair and takes him over to the table set up that Dim put together. He lifts Scorpio over his shoulder, climbs up the ring steps and places Scorpio on top of the two story table structure.
Dimallisher climbs into the ring and up on the top turnbuckle. Peter walks over to the other turnbuckle and ascends it. The two men look over at each other and nod sadistically.
Dim leaps…..
JOEY STYLES: “OH MY GOD!!! Dimallisher just destroyed Scorpio with a flying elbow sending both men crashing through the tables. Now what is Peter going to do?”
Peter kisses both of his muscles and then points to the crowd…
Frodo comes out of nowhere and pushes Gilmour off the top turnbuckle sending him crashing to the floor. As luck would have it he landed right on Scorpio and so the ref get’s down to make the count.
From the other side of the ring John Madison is laughing at the coincidence.
Frodo is scrambling…
Frodo comes flying through the air and at the last second breaks up the pin by sacrificing his own body.
Gilmour, Dim, Scorpio and Frodo all laying there, it’s a pile of bodies.
John Madison walks over and starts a “Let’s go Gilmour” chant that the crowd eventually starts getting into. Madison is doing anything he can to try and revive the ruler of the realm of X-treme. Chanting, clapping, stomping, Madison is doing it all.
Scorpio is the first of the four to start stirring followed by Frodo. The two men make it to their feet and quickly go to work Gilmour, blasting away at his body with kicks and punches. Madison picks up the crow bar from earlier and with one violent swing takes out the knee of Frodo which draws the attention of Scorpio who then unloads on Madison.
Scorpio has Madison backed up against the ring. He kicks John in the gut and then tosses him into the ring and then slides in himself. Madison starts to roll over but Scorpio punches him in the face, rendering him unconscious. Scorpio looks around and sees a pair of random handcuffs in the corner of the ring. He picks them up, drags Madison to the corner and handcuffs him in place.
On the outside of the ring Frodo picks up a metal chair and cracks Gilmour across the head with it. He then picks up the metal trash can and places it over top of Gilmour’s head. Dim gets to his feet and see’s what’s going on. He grabs the trash can off of Peter’s head and throws it at Frodo. Frodo obviously seeing what happens ducks the trash can but is then taken out by a massive head butt. With Frodo dazed from the head on head action Dim takes the opportunity to pick up Frodo and drop him onto the trash can via scoop slam.
In the ring Scorpio is trying to choke Madison to death by placing his boot on Madison’s throat and using the ropes for extra leverage. Madison is starting to turn purple. Dim sees this and quickly slides into the ring and attacks Scorpio. Scorpio being the face painted warrior that he is fends off the attack with a tornado DDT that comes out of nowhere. He drags Dim to the corner and then follows up with a bronco buster. He’s skull fucking Dim like it’s the last thing he will ever do.
Frodo gets into the ring and starts taunting Madison who is still hand cuffed to the turnbuckles. Frodo backs up a few steps, sizes up his opponent…….SHINING WIZARD!!
JOEY STYLES “It looks like the current champions have the momentum clearly in their favor…
The crowd erupts in a chorus of boos as NAZI, Sebastian Duke and Enigma come storming out of the back.
JOEY STYLES: “Well this is unfortunate.”
NAZI and Sebastian Duke go right at Scorpio while Enigma is going to town on Frodo. Both of the current champs can barely stand from all the punishment they’ve dished out and received in this match and now The Black Circle is systematically taking them a part.
Peter Gilmour is up to his feet and climbing into the ring, he’s just standing there, unsure of what to do. He hates The Black Circle, he’s blamed them for so many of his loses and yet they are clearly here helping him.
Enigma whips Frodo into the corner and on the return spins him around and drops him with The Riddle(Spinebuster) which leaves Frodo barely breathing in the middle of the ring.
NAZI walks over to John Madison and is trying to free him of the handcuffs while Sebastian Duke lays waste to Scorpio. Enigma comes up from behind Scorpio and throws him towards the ropes, Scorpio ducks an attempted clothesline from Enigma but it’s all for naught as Sebastian Duke absolutely destroys Scorpio with a SOUL SHOT!!!!
Duke and Enigma are standing in the center of the ring looking out at the devastation that The Black Circle has unleashed while NAZI still tries to free Madison of his shackles. Enigma walks over to Gilmour and gets right up in his face, to Gilmour’s credit he doesn’t back down. Enigma balls up his fist and goes to strike Peter but Sebastian catches his fist in midair and just shakes his head.
The crowd erupts in cheers as Luca Arzegotti, former member of the Black Circle comes running to the ring with what appears to be a wooden baseball bat covered in barbed wire.
JOEY STLYES: “IT’S LUCA!! What is he doing here? He’s not scheduled to compete? And where are Flynn and Pryce? Finally someone to restore some order to this craziness.
Luca slides into the ring and starts swinging the bat around to try and back The Black Circle off, it works as Sebastian Duke and Enigma both back away. NAZI turns around to see what the commotion is about and Luca wildly swings the bat at him as well. Frodo starts to stir, he get’s up to one knee and then the other and finally to his feet.
Gilmour looks on, not sure what to do. He’s furious that Luca has his Barbie but he doesn’t want to attack the man with the barbed wire bat either. The Black Circle is huddled in the corner trying to free Madison. Luca pats Frodo on the back and encourages him to go at Gilmour. Frodo dusts himself off and takes a few steps towards his opponent!!
Luca cracked Frodo over the back of the head with Peter’s weapon of choice Barbie!! The bat splits in half after connecting with the back of Frodo’s skull. Peter looks on in horror but only for a second as he quickly moves in as he takes advantage of the stumbling Frodo by hitting him with his devastating finisher THE END GAME!!!
JOEY STYLES: “This could be it folks, we could have new tag team champions.”
Gilmour hooks the leg for the cover…
Again at the last second Rainbow Bright makes the save, flying in there with an elbow to the back of Gilmour’s head.
Luca drops the wooden bat that is split in half and only being held together by the barbed wire and heads to the back but not before tossing a pair of hand cuff keys to NAZI. NAZI works quickly, trying to unlock the cuffs but is caught with a drop kick to the jaw by Scorpio, sending the keys flying into the crowd.
Duke looks like he's had enough. He grabs Madison wrists and clenches them tight, Madison screams out in pain before finally, the cuffs give way and fall to the floor.
John Madison is loose.
Scorpio reaches over the top rope and grabs Duke by the hair. Duke reaches up and rips Scorpio over the top rope and flying to the floor with a thud. Frodo, Peter and Dimallisher are all standing in the ring. Dim goes after Frodo with a running big boot.
Dim just took out Gilmour! Dim goes to check on Pete when Frodo nails him from behind with a chair. Frodo hooks the leg.
Enigma grabs Frodo by the leg and yanks him off of Dimallisher, breaking the count! Frodo gets to his feet and yells something toward Enigma.
He just shocked the ever living shit out of Frodo Smackins!
But he gets caught in the jaw with the handle end of the cattle prod! Dimallisher makes his way back to his feet. He stares down John Madison. John looks at each of his boys. Then Frodo and Scorpio lying on the mat. Then Pete, and finally back at Dimallisher.
Madison just prodded Dim! And the big man falls right on top of Frodo Smackins. Gilmour piles on! Then Madison! Duke! NAZI! Enigma! The entire The Black Circle along with Pete and Dim are covering the dwarf, Frodo Smackins!
WINNER: Peter Gilmour & The Dimallisher – NEW XWF Tag Team Champions
JOEY STYLES: “Gilmour has done it! With a little help from... well... somebody elses friends!”
Pete, Dim and The Black Circle all make there way toward the back with the former champions still collecting themselves in the ring...
Frodo is resting in the corner after the hellacious match all four men were just involved with. He slowly rolls out of the ring, and pats Scorpio on the back. Scorp asks Fro if he'd like to go grab some Wendy's but Mister Ward laughs out loud, and simply says, "Nope."......Scorpio shakes his head to himself, as Frodo says "I got this, have some 'business to attend to'....catch ya at the strip bar, bro." Scorpio nods, and walks off, up the ramp, and through the curtains....
Frodo: Ya know......I'm REALLY gettin' sick of you, ya know that Pete? YA KNOW THAT? ....Petey. You're a fool. A jester. A CLOWN. You always have been, and you Always.Will.Be. And ya wanna know WHY, I know that, HUH DO YA?
Frodo: ....I know? Cuz once your a joke, you're ALWAYS....a joke, capice bitch? (Frodo looks out at the crowd, a sickening grin spread across his face)....See. People can say what they want about me, I can win or I can lose, but people TALK about me. And unlike Petey?.....They know it's cuz I AM RELLEVANT.
Frodo: Ally knows it, Petey knows it. **** KNEW it...before I had a little.....accident. (At this, Frodo chuckles to himself, a sly smirk spread across his face) Hell, even 'raYneGordon' HIM/HERSELF AND his butt-buddy Jackoff KNOW just how relevant I am. I have a star firmly attached to my name.
Frodo: Money in the bank?.... Bitch, I AM...Money in the bank. And I don't need a match OR a briefcase to prove it. And Roxanne Gordon, or whatever you call yourself since you dug yourself up.....I have two words for ya....Thank you. THANK YOU, thank you, thank you, for ADMITTING I am your superior. Because without me? You would STILL be the same never-was, never-will-be, BELIEVE ME..... You're RIDING on my coattails, danglin' from all my heat, just like you claim I do to "Sweaty" Petey. Face know 'the truth'...(slowly turns his head to the X-Tron, with a smile a mile wide)...isn't that right monkeys in the truck?
A scene is shown, from Reeve's challenge in response to Enigma's 'Open Challenge'....
(06-20-2014, 05:37 PM)Reeve Alexandra Gordon Said: Frederick? I thank you. Enigma seems to miss something. You try to ignore me. But you can't. For you see, just as many here have for some time....I am annoying. I am upsetting.
However? I have potential. I am intriguing, when I am driven, despite claims to the contrary.....As are you.....So you know, deep within you, that a meeting between the two of us is money in the bank.
Cold hard cash in the pockets of Paulie, Ozy, Archie, Maddy, Miranda, Shane-o, and every other man or woman who conducts their business in the Realm of Xtreme.
Frodo: There. You. Go. There ya have it folks, from the mouth of a Storm, from the lips of a so-called "Showman". A showman whose more BORING than Jerry Fuckin' Seinfeld, I mean, WHAT...IS the deal? SEE, reeVe?! I can do it too!! I can do impressions, I can change my voice, I can put on some paint and look like Steve BORDEN. Dude.....even your supposed 'real name' is generic, you sawed-off bitch. You were dead. Hell, I was dead, Eli, Nazi. We all were, you REALLY think that makes you something special? You think that sets you apart, Noob Storm, you are a FAKE. A phony, nothing more.... than smoke and mirrors. And I know you hear me, I know you've been hyping this 'big return' for what seems like an eternity. So I want you to hear me, I want YOU to listen for once....
Frodo: .....I know. I ALREADY know. You keep preaching about 'the second coming" of a certain chick that shall remain nameless. And let's face facts here, it's been but a handful of weeks, and c'mon. She's already forgotten. It doesn't even MATTER what her name is, the bitch is a GHOST... In more ways than one. I screwed her, SO HARD she couldn't handle it. She choked on my Morgul-Blade, I injected that bitch with a LETHAL DOSE....if ya know what I mean. (A sly grin appears on Frodo's face) She choked...and she croaked. She's buried, and reeVe, I see through you. Crystal clear, YOU....are this "second coming", hiding behind a mask just like you claim Enigma does. That bitch is in a coffin. Six feet deep. Where YOU should be, and you bring your ass out here? And I would be MORE than happy, to oblige, and---
4-2220: WOULD YOU PLEASE..............
Y2K14r: SHUT......the HELL.......Up.
...........Frodo does as he's asked. For once. They really do have a lot in common, come to think about it......
The lights shut down.
The crowd is abuzz. D-Shad, Smokie, Griff? They're abuzz. And as the buzz increases.........the tron lights up. And the following image is displayed.
The countdown reaches zero, the words'2ND_COMiNG' flash before the X-Tron.......
Before a BLAST of pyro hits, engulfing the stage with flames............
............before more words come forth.
But these words.............are spoken. And they come in a pack of eight.
WHAT THE SHOW*............
..............IS COOKIN'!!!!!
[ooc/ *if ya clicked the vid, use your imagination >< \ooc ]
The lights flash around the ring and stage, and the voice continues................
TBB: FREDWARD....Know your role, shut your hole, and listen to me when I tell you IT DOESN'T MATTER......WHAT you're "OBLIGED" to do, you roody-poo, candy-corn, Petey-sucklin' munchkin jabroni BITCH. You talk about your 'Morgul-Blade', well The Show says you neglect one.....simple....fact, and the fact is this jack, a Morgul-Blade breaks, and when The Show steps into that squared-circle, and you go one.....on....ONE, with The Long-Winded One, I WILL LAYETH THE GAY-ETH ON YOUR HOB-GOBLIN ASS, and you BETTER Believe That, BITCH. The Show will take you down a turn on the corner of XWF Avenue, and check you dir-ECT-el-y into The Madness Hotel, where The Show will proceed to break off your Stinger........shine that sumbitch up all nice and spiffy like.......throw a lil Raynebow Magic Lube 5-50 on that miniscule, teeny tiny dagger of yours, turn that sumbitch sideways--
TBB: ...The People know, but THIS ISN'T SING-ALONG WITH THE SHOW!!....Trust The Show, The Show knows, he's only telling you for your own good, ya play that game, you're bound tah find your head rollin' like a rubber ball at Chuck-E-Cheez, but FINALLLYY.........................................THE SHOW HAS........come..........back?
R: ......
R: ....ya know what......naw. Not tonight. No.......not tonight.
Frodo is left in the ring.....glaring at the screen......when suddenly--
Peter Gilmour stands above Frodo. Black baseball bat in hand. (innuendo)
He glares down at Frodo.....before he smiles. He picks up the microphone, and speaks.
Frodo slowly gets to his feet.......and before him stands four figures......
Petey. Christine Nash.........
The man that beat Frodo down with the help of 'Diamond Dallas....pAge'.....
And...........another figure.
Frodo gazes up........and mumbles....."...Rayne?" .....But the woman grabs the microphone from Peter and lifts it to her mouth....."Close. But no cigar......I once went by a name..........Beth. Beth Gordon. That's right.....Reeve's mother. I told him I would return. And I have. deserve to be taught a lesson. And shall learn it." She smirks, and shakes her head, a demonic glint in her eye....."and you shall learn it well."
R: Freddie. Dear, sweet, ignorant Freddie... You showed the world the film, my words regarding our eventual, possible dual. A clash we could, or could not, encounter in the near future, but Frederick my boy? It appears as if you have selective memory.....again, something we share in common. Men.....roll that beautiful bean footage.
(06-20-2014, 05:37 PM)Reeve Alexandra Gordon Said: Unfortunately.... I don't think you'll make it to that battle. I don't even think you'll make it to your meeting in July to suck Niggy's Skeletor Cock. Because by tomorrow night?
You will be dead.
Buried six feet deep, and this time? You will not be digging your way back up. You will be a ghost, and you will remain as such. Nothing but a memory, thanks to Gilly. Thanks to me. And.....thanks to (censored). Believe it, bitch.
R: ....I told you (censored) would be here.......I never said.... WHICH (censored), did I? You see, my naive nitwit, my mother died. And from her ash rose another being, just as I. And she goes by a new name, JUST as I. And that name?............AngelBenoit Eli thrA...
[size=xx-large]EXCUSE ME!!!!!!!!
JOEY STYLES: “For the first time in her professional career, Vickie Guerrero just got cheered!”
Ladies and Gentlemen, I proudly give to you... MY MAN.... PAUL HEYMAAANNNN!
Heyman emerges from backstage. His tie is off. His jacket is off. He's not looking happy.
Did you think for one fucking minute I was going to roll over and play dead? Did you seriously think that I, Paul Heyman was going to just sit idly by and allow you to ruin everything I worked so hard for!? Did you think that the transcript of what you planned to do out here wouldn't make it across my desk!?
Reeve, Rayne, Shayne, the Geico Gecko, whatever the fuck you're calling yourself this minute, do us all a favor and shut the hole in your face before I shut it for you!
Nothing! I mean NOTHING, makes it onto my show without my expressed permission. Which you should know by the way, because the first 4,000 transcripts you sent me were a lot like this that I emphatically refused to allow you to air!
So, I sit in my office, receiving a great deal of pleasure from the beautiful Vickie Guerrero while watching that amazing tag team match unfold between four great XWF competitors. I watch as Peter Gilmour and Dimallisher overcome insurmountable odds to claim the tag team titles! I watch as you walk your scrawny little half breed, half wit, afro'd up ass out here and make a mockery of my fucking show!
You dare! YOU FUCKING DARE to hijack MY show! MY pay per view! On MY night! And you begin to do the things I told you not to do.
You want to mention Ann Thraxx so bad? You want to say the name Anne? You want to say the name Thraxx? I told you, you fucking imbecile, not on my show. Why? Because I fired that piece of shit for being a piece of shit!
And I don't fucking regret it!
I don't fucking feel one small tiny morsel of remorse! You want to know why that is jack ass? Because I'm Paul fucking Heyman and you're just some dumb asshole that doesn't know how to follow simple fucking instruction! I'd now like to inform you, that your presence is no longer welcome here at Leap of Faith.
And we can accomplish that one of two ways, RAG. You can go peacefully...
Or I can have my Heyman Alliance out here so damn fast... They'll be kicking your ass so damn much that you, like myself, like Vickie, like the 'F'ers here in Austin, Texas... Will wish you had never been born.
You have five seconds, because I'm not a very patient man. What's it gonna be?
RAG and company start to exit the stadium.
Let it be known, from this time and this place... That you, ya dumb son of a bitch, are NOT welcome on a Paul Heyman promoted show.
Texas goes nuts as Heyman and Vickie make there exit.
Coming Tomorrow: The Xtreme Title Match
The following 8 users Like Paul Heyman's post:8 users Like Paul Heyman's post (06-23-2014), Archie Lawson (06-23-2014), Kruzifix (06-23-2014), Ozymandias (06-23-2014), Peter Fn Gilmour (06-23-2014), Rain (06-23-2014), red-x (01-26-2020), Scorpio (06-23-2014)
Standing outside the arena. Facing the camera. Reeve speaks.
Reeve: Thank you, sir.
OOC: really wishin' i could use autoplay right about now
[size=xxx-largesweatypaulie]"May I have another?"
Quote:Tommy Dreamer, a fan-hated pretty boy, lost a match against The Sandman in which the loser was to be beaten with a Singapore cane. When Dreamer accepted his punishment, Sandman absolutely let him have it with the cane. After about the tenth shot, a beaten and bleeding Dreamer staggers to his feet, grabs the microphone, and spitefully demands, 'Thank you, sir, may I have another?!' This is the moment where Tommy Dreamer went from being a hated WCW-wannabe to
"The heart and soul of ECW".
A-fuckin'-C:And I am who I am.
|scene fade|
iAm fluid... my gender, my sexuality, my personality...
as fluid as the drops of water pouring down upon us from the heavens above
3X Star of the Month
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The following 3 users Like Peter Fn Gilmour's post:3 users Like Peter Fn Gilmour's post Kruzifix (06-23-2014), Ozymandias (06-23-2014), Rain (06-23-2014)
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I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had an underlying truth.
~Umberto Eco
Former United States Champion
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Former Trios Tag Team Champions w/Sebastian Duke and Azrael Erebus
Former Ark/24-7 Champion x 2
The following 1 user Likes The Enigma's post:1 user Likes The Enigma's post Peter Fn Gilmour (06-23-2014)
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(06-23-2014, 12:00 PM)john madison Said: You did it, Peter!
thanks but i really didnt need the Black Circle's help.. but what does this mean now for Peter? Is he part of The Circle? or does he still have doubts?
3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
The following 2 users Like Peter Fn Gilmour's post:2 users Like Peter Fn Gilmour's post Kruzifix (06-23-2014), Rain (06-23-2014)
The Enigma
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(06-23-2014, 12:00 PM)john madison Said: You did it, Peter!
thanks but i really didnt need the Black Circle's help.. but what does this mean now for Peter? Is he part of The Circle? or does he still have doubts?
Considering this was the first match of note that you've won in about a year, yes you very clearly needed the Black Circle.
As for whether you are a part of the Black Circle, I think we all know the answer to that....Sebastian Duke, John Madison, Theo Pryce, NAZI, Luca Arzegotti, Azrael Erubus, Enigma...
Peter Gilmour? See how that just doesn't fit?
But in case that isn't obvious enough for you, please allow me to spell it out for you, no you aren't, you never will be.
The Black Circle did what it did because John Madison wanted it done. John takes joy in seeing you carried to victory, it is after all what you are best at.
(06-23-2014, 01:13 PM)Frodo Smackins Said: "It means I've routinely pissed off every member of the black circle. Tried to rape Nazi, sent Duke fake balls after declaring him a pussy who's incapable of keeping his son alive, congrats on being a shittier father than I am by the way. [b]Enigma's a pussy who can't do shit without Big Brother's help. Maddy's a poor excuse for, well whatever he is, and he'll never be better than Theo. And Luca, I'm not sure. Probably just laughs. Whatever. I'm still cool with him. But notice how you needed all of their help to win, and no one helped poor Scorp and me? Not only that, but Dim wasn't going to go for the pin until Maddy here prodded him. Try it again without the black circle."[/b]
Oh really?
I won the X-treme Title, a 24/7 Briefcase and the US Title in 3 consecutive matches and did all of that without help from Sebastian or a single member of the Black Circle.
You were saying?
I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had an underlying truth.
~Umberto Eco
Former United States Champion
Former X-Treme Champion
Former Trios Tag Team Champions w/Sebastian Duke and Azrael Erebus
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The Enigma
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I demanded a match with Morbid Angel for the Xtreme title and beat him.
Didn't get Sebastian's help for that.
Entered the Terminal Velocity Event because it was open invitation and won.
Didn't get Sebastian's help with that either.
Entered the US title match because I had held the Xtreme title for over two weeks and won.
Didn't get Sebastian's help.
Sebastian trained me, that is where his influence on my accomplishments ends.
I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had an underlying truth.
~Umberto Eco
Former United States Champion
Former X-Treme Champion
Former Trios Tag Team Champions w/Sebastian Duke and Azrael Erebus
Former Ark/24-7 Champion x 2
The Enigma
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(06-23-2014, 02:48 PM)Frodo Smackins Said: "And Bassy has has no influence on your career."
So are you admitting to it or do you just not know how to ask a question properly?
So Sebastian is a part of Management now? He got me a match vs Morbid Angel? If that is what you believe than so be it. I'll just assume it's your non stop drug use that allows for you to live in this little fantasy land.
Holding the Xtreme title for two weeks earned me a shot at winning the US title. I won that own my own.
Terminal Velocity being open invitation at a briefcase. I won that on my own.
Being a member of The Black Circle? Yes, I will give you that one, I am sure that if Sebastian wasn't my brother I wouldn't be in that group, so be it. I can live with that.
But I must say, you sound rather jealous that I was put in the group and you have been left on the outside looking in.
Now, go back to taking jabs at Peter, you are rather good at it.
I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had an underlying truth.
~Umberto Eco
Former United States Champion
Former X-Treme Champion
Former Trios Tag Team Champions w/Sebastian Duke and Azrael Erebus
Former Ark/24-7 Champion x 2
(06-23-2014, 03:45 PM)Shelby Cobra Said: "For once in your fucking life Reeve, Shut up, Just shut up and go away. I don't care where, but anywhere but here.
"Just go before I put my glock to your temple and pull the trigger."
--reeve upcoming--
--trapped like a rat in a--
"got any cheese please?"
(09-25-2013, 12:08 PM)Shane-o-mac non anon Said: lol Shelby got smoked on bruh.
--some kush fah that pretty lil face ah yours--
|say 'from charms'!!......cut, cut|
iAm fluid... my gender, my sexuality, my personality...
as fluid as the drops of water pouring down upon us from the heavens above
Reeve... Do me a favor and shut the hell up before I jam my size 13 foot so far up your ass that when you open your mouth, The fans will see my toenails because I fight barefoot. Even in my embarrassing state, People still respect me a hell of a lot more than they do you.
The following 1 user Likes Barney Green's post:1 user Likes Barney Green's post Rain (06-23-2014)
Stfu reeve before I have the black circle kill you
3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
The following 2 users Like Peter Fn Gilmour's post:2 users Like Peter Fn Gilmour's post (06-23-2014), Rain (06-23-2014)
The Enigma
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Apparently being carried to victory and having XWF gold around your waste has swelled your brain already.
So allow me to be rather explicit here, you don't order The Black Circle to do anything.
You don't even ask The Black Circle to do anything.
What we did we did because John wanted it done.
If John wanted us to carry Barney Green to a victory we would have done that.
You aren't special, we don't like you, you are just a fun little experiment for John.
We handed you that title, we can just as easily take it from you.
You would do best to remember that.
I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had an underlying truth.
~Umberto Eco
Former United States Champion
Former X-Treme Champion
Former Trios Tag Team Champions w/Sebastian Duke and Azrael Erebus
Former Ark/24-7 Champion x 2
(06-23-2014, 01:13 PM)Frodo Smackins Said: "It means I've routinely pissed off every member of the black circle. Tried to rape Nazi, sent Duke fake balls after declaring him a pussy who's incapable of keeping his son alive, congrats on being a shittier father than I am by the way. Enigma's a pussy who can't do shit without Big Brother's help. Maddy's a poor excuse for, well whatever he is, and he'll never be better than Theo. And Luca, I'm not sure. Probably just laughs. Whatever. I'm still cool with him. But notice how you needed all of their help to win, and no one helped poor Scorp and me? Not only that, but Dim wasn't going to go for the pin until Maddy here prodded him. Try it again without the black circle."
The Black Circle has always been there to beat people up with me, Leap of Faith was no different.
As for Theo... Well, I beat Santos not too long ago. Theo couldn't even do that. So eat a dick, Theo!
Also, nice job of beating Scorpio and Frodo, Peter!
The following 1 user Likes John Msdison 2.Faggot's post:1 user Likes John Msdison 2.Faggot's post The Enigma (06-23-2014)
(06-23-2014, 05:22 PM)Frodo Smackins Said: "I know what's left of the black circle has been with you, I've seen you guys do that shit all the time. Because you're afraid to face people without others behind you. Remember when I called you a pussy? I think I did, I meant to if I didn't. Pussy."
It's fun when The Black Circle gets involved though. Plus, I didn't face anybody at Leap of Faith. Peter did. Me and TBC were just having fun.
For the record, I see absolutely nothing wrong with what transpired with the Tag Team title match. Everything that transpires was well within the rules set for that match. If The Black Circle had aided Frodo and Scorpio, then so be it.
It was Xtreme Rules. Therefore, their were no rules.
Poor Frodo. From this day forth he'll always be known as Peter Gilmours punching bag.
(06-23-2014, 05:29 PM)john madison Said: No, Peter. You can't be in The Black Circle. We all met earlier today and I decided that we don't want you in it.
Come on, you know how this arrangement works. You get all the wins, I get all the laughs. Let's not ruin something so perfect.
You can wear our shirts though, if you'd like. Luca, give Peter a TBC shirt and some drugs!
What size? Should I just get the XXXL in case Pete finally gets his fatback or what?
Great work out there, Peter and Dim. Even with others interfering in the match you were able to win the titles cleanly. That's what true champions are made of.
Now when the fuck are we goin' fer those Trios?
*drops bitch* What happened--? ? *walks away*
The following 2 users Like Sid Feder's post:2 users Like Sid Feder's post (06-24-2014), Peter Fn Gilmour (06-23-2014)
Mr. Feder, it would be an honor to go after those Trios with you. All of us have won Trio Titles in the past, imagine what we could do as a trio!
And your right, if a couple of , like The Black Circle, wanna hop the guardrail and run in the ring, then that's perfectly legal. I know if anyone had come after me I would have twisted them into a pretzel and crushed them right there on the mat!
Well, son, I wasn't exactly the Feder who held the Trios in the past but considering yer mental condition I'll just agree and say you make a mighty fine point, sir. Now if only there were some actual Trio champs to beat. Maybe the XWF can line up a few or jobbers for us to diminate. Get it? Diminate? I made a funny.
*drops bitch* What happened--? ? *walks away*
The following 2 users Like Sid Feder's post:2 users Like Sid Feder's post Kendall Savannah Sawyer (06-23-2014), red-x (01-26-2020)
3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
The following 1 user Likes Peter Fn Gilmour's post:1 user Likes Peter Fn Gilmour's post Rain (06-23-2014)
(06-23-2014, 07:59 PM)Frederick ward Said: "I think Maddy is being purposely dense, and I think Heyman is too jewey to get it. I'm not saying it wasn't legal. I'm saying that Peter and Dim are too pussy to win without The Black Circle. That's not up for debate, and Enigma even said it."
(06-23-2014, 08:14 PM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: U got buried
(06-23-2014, 08:33 PM)john madison Said: Put the shovel away, Peter!
R: Not quite.
R: But soon.
R: Keep it handy.
A.C.: Demon..............................
......or Angel.................................
#t / #t / #eventhroug---
--the dark-dark-darkest days--
|wanna cracker?|
VKM: it's all coming together.....
|scene fade|
iAm fluid... my gender, my sexuality, my personality...
as fluid as the drops of water pouring down upon us from the heavens above