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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » XWF House Show Battles
John Madison -vs- Peter Gilmour
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"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Offline
The Guy

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(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

12-08-2013, 08:26 AM

Battle Thread

[Image: dR5ZguS.png]
Sid Feder Offline
Saving myself for you

XWF FanBase:
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12-08-2013, 10:21 AM

Fuck my life.

Hey! Shane! Is it too late to get out of this show, you crack headed cyclops? I saw names like Mr. Radio, Smoke Man, and other easy guys to beat and I thought I'd show up to lay a motherfucker out real quick before picking up an easy winner's purse. I'm not looking to be booked in the god damn main event with Peter Gilmour and that cock blower John Madison, who by the way looks the same to me today as he did years ago.

Take me out of this match and put me in Radio's match so I can kick the shit out of him and Conner McDickbag. I'm looking for a quick and easy win at this fucking house show -- it's a house show.

Meanwhile I wish you luck, Madison. Gilmour is going to take out all his aggression on you and make you scream his name. In fact, I hope he makes you scream his name THREE TIMES you ugly son of a fuckin' bitch!

Kill him, Pete! Maim and mutilate him until his breasts are where his balls should be and his asshole is no longer where his face should be.

*drops bitch* What happened--? ? *walks away*

SiD    Fede
[-] The following 9 users Like Sid Feder's post:
(12-08-2013), Andrew Morrison (12-08-2013), Jenna Silver (12-08-2013), Liz Hathaway (12-08-2013), Peter Fn Gilmour (12-08-2013), Steve "KingSlayer" Davids (12-08-2013), Tony Santos (12-08-2013), Wallace Witasick (12-08-2013), Walter "Waldo" Wilcox (12-09-2013)
John Msdison 2.Faggot

XWF FanBase:
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12-08-2013, 11:55 AM

John Madison picks up the Head of John Madison and tucks him under her arm.

HOJM: "Don't listen to this bit-"

John Madison pats HOJM on the forehead and he freezes like a statue.

John Madison: "Peter Gilmour, it was never about you being fat. It was really about you being excessively foolish.

I don't have a problem with fat people. In fact, I've taken fatties under my wing before. Let me elaborate on that. See, I would take these fatties into the gym, Peter, and I would push them to their limits. Often two out of five of these people would make it out alive and be what I considered "good" fatties. Good Fatties were the ones who cared about improving their situation. The ones who demanded fucking respect despite their hideous appearance. They cared about taking their fitness and health to the next level instead of sitting on their couches, eating chicken Parmesan Hot Pockets, and failing athletically in every way possible.

Peter, think back to what you ate in the last 24 hours. How many calories did you consume over that amount of time? How many miles did you traverse? Do you even know how far a mile is?

You can't tell me, can you?

You can't tell me because you don't care and because you're lazy.

You're too lazy to get in shape, and as a result you've failed to improve in the ring.

But oh wait, you got a tummy tuck!

Oh, Peter. Those temporary solutions never work out. They can cut away all the excess tissue and shove pills down your throat, but none of it will solve the core issue. You'll be back into the same old eating habits if you aren't already. You appear to have already thrown the towel in by accepting Fatback Filmour's challenge where if you lose, you agree to put back on all your weight.

Why, Peter?

If this weight loss of yours was legitimate, then why do you feel the need to accept some random fat asshole's stupid challenge? Does your losing correlate with weight gain? Why is facing Fatback Filmour so important to you that you'd be willing to dive right back into your old eating habits?

The only possible answer is that you already have. After all, what do you have to lose if you've already buckled and are back to eating twelve cheeseburgers a day? I bet you can't wait to have Fatback "get up in you."

Not only that, Peter, but I recall several occasions where you tried to convince us that you WEREN'T fat. Yet here you are getting tummy tucks and promoting matches in which you "get your fat back."

Back to my point about temporary solutions. How did that temporary solution work out for you, Peter? I see that you've managed to pick up an X-Treme Title for yourself. I believe you said this is your 11th reign, correct? That's great and all but...

Why, Peter?

Why after all these years do you continue to settle for the X-Treme Championship?

Do you actually believe Sid when he tells you that the X-Treme Title is the most difficult championship to hold? Don't be stupid, Peter. Look at the lineage of that title and you'll see that it's also the easiest title to obtain. Personally, I didn't need it. I carried it for a grand total of seven days and forgot that I even had it.

Instead, I went straight to the top, Peter. Why? Because I was motivated, bitch. I don't settle for second rate. I climbed that mountain, picked up the X-Treme Title along the way, and then tossed that shit behind my shoulder and continued my ascension. Oh, i'm supposed to hold the X-Treme Title and wait two weeks so I can get a shot at the United States Title? Nope. I said "fuck the United States Title," and went straight for the crown. Oh, six weeks as the X-Treme Champion earns me a briefcase? Hmm, I think I'll just beat everyone in a match instead.

I accomplished in six months what you've failed to accomplish in the many years you've been with the XWF. I even took a month-long break in between and had to deal with stupid inter-promotional war bullshit.

You want to know why I can accomplish all of that and you can't, Peter?

Because you're fat.

You're one of those fat people where the fatness goes beyond just poor physical conditioning.

Just look at your career, Peter.

It's all fat.

Hart Title? What's that? An old title that no one cares about anymore? Allow me to explain, fat boy.

You don't see WWE's Jeff Hardy or Christian running around bragging about that one time where they won the WWF Light Heavyweight Title. The only person who I could see doing that is Gillberg since that might have been the highlight of his career. Yes, Peter. You do in fact come off looking like Gillberg whenever you run around flaunting your XWF Hart Title reign.

[Image: 559602_zpsf0468772.jpg]

Not many folks care that Gillberg won the Light Heavyweight Title, Gilmour. Just like not many folks care that Gilmour won the Hart Title.

So Gillberg-- I mean-- Gilmour, go ahead and tell me more about your reign as Hart Champion.

All those title reigns mean nothing in the long run, Peter. It's all unwanted fat that you've put on over the years.

Eleven reigns as the X-Treme Champion means that either you went on to pick up eleven reigns as United States, World, or King Champion, or you have an incredibly low ceiling. Hmm, I don't see any US Titles or crowns in your record so that narrows it down a bit.

The sad thing is you've had so many opportunities, Pete.

You could have turned things around after Lethal Lotto when you beat those three guys, or at Gauntlet City when you beat me in the six-man. But you didn't. You fell back into the same old lazy habits. For a second, I actually believed that you might make something of yourself as I laid there on the ground with your foot on my chest. I thought, 'hey, maybe after all of these years Peter finally gets it.'

A couple of weeks later, you're back to being a big fat loser while remaining a placeholder for the Trio Titles. You then allow yourself and your fiance to get picked on and tormented for months on end. What kind of a man lets another man call his fiance a man? You then lose Wild Card Weekend to my lackey, Luca Arzegotti. You lose the King Match after having to put in zero amount of work to earn it. You even took two weeks off beforehand in order to prepare for it.

Peter, you quite possibly have the worst story in all of professional wrestling. You're so terrible that it's funny. It's Gillberg-funny. Having Peter Gilmour in XWF is like having Gillberg wrestle consistently for three years straight. We see you wobble down to the ring and we think 'shit, wouldn't it be hilarious if this actually won?'

Peter, just look at the tag line of the match for fucks sake:

Quote:OMG can you imagine if Gilmour wins that would be so epic

Even the dickhead in charge of the show is laughing at you. It's almost like throwing Gillberg in a match with Rock and Austin and saying, 'holy shit, what if this idiot actually wins?'

You're an unintentional comedy act, Pete. I like to laugh, and that's why I like having you around. That's why I like to bully you. And now that I've got that pesky crown off of my shoulders, I can do more of it.

I've got so many ideas rolling around in my head, Peter.

One where I let you run with the X-Treme Title for five weeks, six days, 23 hours, 59 minutes, then I take it from you... only to hand it right back. Does that sound like a fun game to you, Peter?

Or maybe I recruit all these ridiculous Peter Gilmour parody characters, put them under my control, and see which ones I can get under your skin the most with.

Speaking of which... Peter, I know you're convinced that i'm the one responsible for Payback and Fatback giving you shit for the past couple of weeks. Peter, I wish I was the man responsible for such characters but I'm not. These recruits are just ordinary people trying to have fun at your expense. They must see how pathetic and weak you are and think to themselves 'hey, I can pick on Peter too.'

Shame on them!

Peter, I'm not sure why you even accepted this match where "trash talk" is being brought to the forefront. You've got nothing good to say, Peter. In fact, I'll go ahead and do your trash talking for you.

Gilmour: "fuck you maddy, u fucking cunt... i always knew you were a pussy and a . The only way you can beat me is if I'm dead and sadly YOU CAN'T KILL ME! SUCK MY DICK! ;) ROSE IS WOMAN IM NOT FAT HART TITLE!!! WAHABRAHGBAHRABAAHBAHB"

As for Sid... I don't know. What is there to say about Sid Feder? He's the European Champion again. How exciting. He's making another group. How exciting. He vows to shred through The Black Circle. How exciting.

What the fuck, is this a repeat of March or something?

One of the Feders talks some shit, wins a title, forms a group, promises to destroy Black Circle, and let me guess... disappears again while I keep chillin'?

Ah whatever.

Tell me more about how you're going to grind us all up like everyone else does, Sid.

I believe last time it was the super group of Unknown Soldier, Donathan De Sade, Mr. Satellite, Poppa Feder, Tyler Decker, and like five others who vowed to put an end to The Black Circle which was down to myself, Luca, and Shane at one point.

Then there was The Connection...

Extreme Revolution...

The Brotherhood...

And now this again.

My question is why?

Why do people want to end The Black Circle so badly? Why do you all constantly refer to us as tyrants and whatnot?

People complained about my "tyrannical" reign as king, yet they're happy to see Theo Pryce, who might as well be my incarnation, rise to power. Idiots like Gilmour who talk about how they now have a king who they can respect. Peter, Theo is from the exact same group as me, you moron. You fucking, fucking, fucking, FUCKING moron. Who's letting you run roll around with a microphone?

Smoke Man, Sid Feder, and the rest of you talk all that shit about how bad we are for this company because we "hold you down" or some shit. Are you fuckin' kidding me? Didn't look to me like we held down John Austin when he beat Eli's ass for the US Title. Sid Feder didn't seem to have a problem cashing in his briefcase that Shane allowed him to have. And last time I checked, Duke and Griffin; and ESP, Tri Bute, and Jessie Diaz are not Black Circle members.

No one is holding you morons down. You're free to do as you please.

We're not as evil as you all make us out to be. Shane could demand that all of you turn in your belts tomorrow night and make you wrestle without pay if he wanted to.

But Shane is a fair person. He'll let you keep your titles, your briefcases, and your paychecks.

People come up to me and tell me that Sid is forming a group that looks to tear through The Black Circle. I say, good for Sid. Let him recruit all the non-female, non-"cock blowing" men that he can find. I'm sure Tony Santos will come around, keep trying Sid.

If Sid is looking for a match with The Black Circle, all he has to do is open his mouth.

Personally, I have nothing to gain anymore out of wrestling Sid Feder. I humiliated him by having a young lad by the name of Benjamin Crane defeat him in a ladder match, spearing his wife off a stage, and sending him into hiding. He pretty much blew his whole load on the humiliation thing at Gauntlet City. And now he can fuck off to Madness with the European Title and deal with Luca and Space Cock for all I care.

I've got no crown Sid. Why are you coming after me? Go bug Theo.

Yes, I have a vagina.

Yes, I love cock.

I mean, if you want, we can spend the entire week talking about my thirst for semen. Is that a priority for you?

Or you can quit being lazy and go chase after a title that isn't reserved for second rate talent. (YES, JUST LIKE LUCA! YES, I HAVE REFERRED TO HIM AS SECOND RATE MANY TIMES BEFORE.) I swear, you've got the same thing going on that Peter does with the X-Treme Championship. What is with you guys who refuse to advance your careers? You actually let Theo Pryce, a guy with a measly five victories, win the King of the XWF Championship.

You see, Peter? You're not the only one who's a lazy bum. Just look at your father there! In fact, tell him to quit running around with that goofy ass US Title like it means something.

(12-08-2013, 10:21 AM)3xB+Hx2=4HK Sid Feder Said: Take me out of this match and put me in Radio's match so I can kick the shit out of him and Conner McDickbag. I'm looking for a quick and easy win at this fucking house show -- it's a house show.

Meanwhile I wish you luck, Madison.

I accept Sid Feder's formal surrender.

Take him away, Shane. I'm done with him.
[-] The following 6 users Like John Msdison 2.Faggot's post:
(12-08-2013), Andrew Morrison (12-08-2013), Dr. Zero (12-11-2013), Great Buzzard Eli James IV (12-08-2013), Mr. Radio (12-08-2013), Theo Pryce (12-09-2013)
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

12-08-2013, 06:19 PM

Peter reads what John had to say about him and Sid and proceeds to laugh, not wickedly but laughs his ass off.

Wow Maddy, was that the best you can do? All I can make out of that long as fuck promo was "Peter's a fat fuck that is only good for the Xtreme Title and rides Sid Feder's dick. He can't win a match by himself. He has to have people help him. He wants us to suck his dick so that means he's gay.. wahhh"

Good god Maddy just shut the fuck up and accept the fact that me and Sid are going to beat the living hell out of you. You can change your gender but you're still a piece of shit and I'm going to enjoy making you bleed. Sid can read a book while I kick your ass. In reality me and Sid dont need to waste our time on a loser like you. So do us a favor Maddy and SUCK OUR DICKS!

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
[-] The following 4 users Like Peter Fn Gilmour's post:
(12-08-2013), Andrew Morrison (12-08-2013), Theo Pryce (12-09-2013), Wallace Witasick (12-08-2013)
John Msdison 2.Faggot

XWF FanBase:
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12-08-2013, 09:55 PM

Peter is right, I basically did call him a fat fuck who's only good enough for the X-Treme Title.

Why is that? Because history has shown that:

A) Peter is a fat fuck.

B) Peter is only capable of winning the X-Treme Title.

I'm sorry Peter but these two things are verifiable truths.

As far as I can recall, I never made any direct connection between you and Sid Feder in my promo, Peter. In fact, I did you both the honor of talking about you separately.

And holy shit, Peter. Your promo turned graphic pretty quickly. I'm sitting here talking to you about wrestling titles, Duane Gill, and nutrition, and you decide to come back with all these perverted statements. I said no such thing about either one of you "riding" the other's dick. That is some awfully fruity language coming from you, Pete. Now I can't help but picture you and Sid "riding" each other-- ugh. You're bringing up gay sex between you and Sid without me even suggesting it. That's scary. Is there something you want to tell us, Peter?

And for the record, I didn't even mention:

"He wants us to suck his dick so that means he's gay.. wahhh"

Those are your words, fat boy.

I've kept this dialogue between us professional, Peter. I was hoping you would do the same, but like always you want to dive into intimate details of the gay sex fantasies you're having about yourself and Sid.

Fuck, Peter. Can you go one minute without having dicks on your mind?
[-] The following 4 users Like John Msdison 2.Faggot's post:
Dr. Zero (12-11-2013), Mr. Radio (12-08-2013), Theo Pryce (12-09-2013), Wallace Witasick (12-08-2013)
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

12-08-2013, 10:35 PM

Can you go one week without changing gimmicks? First you're the King of the XWF, then I throw you off the skybox and you turn into a Mexican named JUAN and now you're a bitch. Well, you always WERE a bitch but I digress.

Keep making fun of me Johnny boy. You're impending death is coming on Sunday John and there is nothing, NOTHING you can do about it because me and Feder are going to rip you apart limb from limb.

Keep overlooking my abilities John. I may not have beaten you before but by God I will strike you down with the force of a million armies and put an end to you once and for all. I may not even need Feder to beat you John. Feder has his own agenda and if he wants to end you himself, I will not stop him.

and to counter your assumption that I'm gay, how does it feel to know that you suck Shane 's dick on a daily basis? let's face it, the Black circle are all cocksuckers. But you're the biggest one of them all John. So FUCK YOU and after I beat you, you can do the only thing you do best. SUCK MY DICK!

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
[-] The following 3 users Like Peter Fn Gilmour's post:
Andrew Morrison (12-09-2013), Theo Pryce (12-09-2013), Wallace Witasick (12-08-2013)
John Msdison 2.Faggot

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12-08-2013, 11:34 PM

I find it odd that you think Sid Feder will play any role in the match come Sunday. Especially when you consider the fact that he practically shit his pants in his opening promo and has already fucked off to Radio's match. He gave up/tapped out/held up his white flag. I can't say that I blame him since having a loss on his record to someone who's both a woman and a "cock blower" is the last thing he needs right now. But let the record show that Sid Feder did forfeit, and I allowed him to take the cowards way out like the generous woman that I am. Sid Feder checked out, Pete. It's just you and me now-- your biggest fear.

I also find it odd that you're bringing up gimmicks. Since when is holding a championship a gimmick? By that logic, John Austin's gimmick is United States since he's the United States Champion.

Why, Peter? Why do you have to be so dumb?

As for Juan Madison, I share no relation with the rookie sensation from Mexico. I'm sure Juan appreciates the compliment though.

So that basically takes care of your gimmick argument, which I'm not sure what point you were hoping to make. Then again, look who I'm talking to here.

Again, I've never overlooked you, Peter. I took your abilities into consideration a couple of months ago and actually gave you a title shot. And just like I thought, your abilities were shit. Just terrible. I actually wish I HAD overlooked them because it's so much worse than it actually looks.

And then you say you "may not even need Feder" in order to beat me. So that means you admitted that you need Feder in order to beat me. That might explain why you're so insecure about people thinking that you "ride Feder's cock." Peter, it's so obvious that you believe in this notion more than anyone else in the federation. I'm sorry you have to live with that.

How does it feel to know that I'm gay and I suck Shane 's dick every day? Well, it feels pretty good I guess. Thanks for reminding me! I'm gonna go touch myself to that very thought. At least I'm not insecure about my dick taking. You're the one who's being a whiny bitch about your fiance being a man. I don't know why you continue to deny it. I have access to Rose Smith's files and know things that you don't even know about her. Just the other day I was reviewing her files after a night of sucking Shane's cock, and she literally has "MALE" checked off on every form of documentation with this organization.
[-] The following 3 users Like John Msdison 2.Faggot's post:
Andrew Morrison (12-09-2013), Dr. Zero (12-11-2013), Wallace Witasick (12-08-2013)
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

12-09-2013, 05:18 AM

wow another weak assumption made by Juanita Madison. Yeah, I combined your names since you're a transexual now. Face it John, u couldnt cut it as a man so after you lost to Theo Pryce, you became a little BITCH that still sucks dick. hell you suck more dick as a woman then Jenna Silver gets pussy. Keep assuming Rose Smith is a man when there is no proof that SHE is. You and the rest of these idiots here in the XWF are just JEALOUS.

Then you go on running your mouth about Feder again. Like i said before Sid has his own agenda and will destroy you if he sees fit. I will just be there to pick up the pieces. I don't need to ride his coattails in order to beat you. We will just beat you into the mat until we feel we're satisfied and feel like pinning you. Face it John, you can't beat both of us by yourself. Admit that you fear me and Feder and admit that your worst fear is about to come true.. Losing to the one and only Peter Fuckin' Gilmour. You have no hope of beating me and Feder, John boy so just give it up.

After we beat you, we'll take the XWF by storm with my good friend Unknown Soldier and we will rule the XWF. And if you don't like it.. well.. do what you do best Johnny.. SUCK OUR DICKS!!

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
[-] The following 1 user Likes Peter Fn Gilmour's post:
Wallace Witasick (12-09-2013)
Sid Feder Offline
Saving myself for you

XWF FanBase:
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12-09-2013, 10:48 AM

What the fuck's going on in here? Figures, all I needed to do was take a step back and let John Madison eliminate himself from the equation by not knowing how to follow rules. He fails to realize these "time limits" on our house show promos are put in place for our own good, because if we spend too much time talking about a useless house show instead of working out and training, then we might as well kill ourselves.

Spend more time talking about a house show opponent, John. Spend hours each time even though the limit is clearly fucking stated to be minutes!

And go find Juan Madison! -- I have to correct him on a stupid mistake he made a few days back. You're not him, right John? Maybe you can correct his mistake for me then? Yeah, let's do that -- go find Juan's ass comments from the past week or so, locate where he tries to drop some championship stats on Supernova and myself, and correct that stupid fucking spic before I have to. Prove to me you're smarter than that bumbling idiot. I mean, you DO see the major flaw in his stats, correct? I mean, since you're not him and all.. and those flawed stat interpretations didn't come from your mind or anything like that.

Oh shit, I went over by a couple seconds too! Better call me on it, John -- but at least with me, I can go over the time limit and still have my audience care what the fuck I'm saying.

*drops bitch* What happened--? ? *walks away*

SiD    Fede
[-] The following 1 user Likes Sid Feder's post:
Peter Fn Gilmour (12-09-2013)
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

12-09-2013, 12:30 PM

Sid, don't bother listening to what Juanita Madison is saying. All the crap s/he is saying is coming out of her ass and is the same bullshit s/he has been saying for almost a year now. He talks so much about me riding your coattails when it was ME who won the Tag Team Titles. It was ME who won the Trios Titles and it was ME that retained the titles all by MYSELF at Gauntlet City.

John, do your fuckin' research before trying to insult us ok? I don't even know why we are even in this match. But now that I think about it, it makes perfect sense. Me and Feder are in this match to shut you up for good. Face it, ever since you lost to Theo Pryce, you've been a shell of the man we once knew you as. You're a joke now inside and outside of the ring. But feel free to bash Sid for holding the US belt which he beat your boy Luca for. Keep talking shit about me being "fat" when we all know I lost a ton of weight and am in the best shape of my career.

Keep talking Maddy. The end is almost near for your sorry ass!

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
Sid Feder Offline
Saving myself for you

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

12-09-2013, 12:56 PM

:3 x Better: Yeah Peter you tell that !

*drops bitch* What happened--? ? *walks away*

SiD    Fede
[-] The following 1 user Likes Sid Feder's post:
Theo Pryce (12-09-2013)
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

12-09-2013, 01:26 PM

Sid, you are a good friend indeed. Let's murder this punk bitch!

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
John Msdison 2.Faggot

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

12-09-2013, 02:10 PM

Sid! What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be preparing for the match with Mr. Radio that you were begging Shane for? I find it hilarious that you are trying to talk about my readiness when you cannot even make up your mind as far as what match you'll be competing in.

However, you are right about one thing, Sid. Shane did recommend that we stick to a certain time limit. However, Shane also knows that John Madison has a reputation of going above and beyond all limits that get set in the XWF. After all, I was king for a brief eight months. You guys should go ahead and follow the guidelines though. Shane also recommends that we not perform piledrivers and moves off the top rope. For your guys' own safety, I recommend you follow that one as well.

As for the rookie sensation, Juan Madison, I unfortunately do not have any connections at this time with this young man. That "spic" probably fucked right off to the statistics department. I'm confused as to how Juan Madison is relevant to any of this though. But from what I've gathered, Juan is doing very well, working day and night, to provide the XWF statistics. Sid, I suggest that you confront Juan yourself if you have an issue with his quality of service. After all, you don't have much of anything else to do seeing as how you already forfeited this match.

Oh shit, have I reached my time limit? Fuck it, you're gonna listen anyway. Watch.

Peter, come on dude. I've already come out and stated that I'm all about the pole. You just can't drop this whole dick thing can you, Pete? I can tell it's eating away at you, driving you nuts. Perhaps you wish that you had the same confidence as me to go hang off someone's knob. Perhaps you wish that you could be John Madison and Sid Feder could be Shane . Also Peter, I became a woman prior to not being able to cut it against Theo Pryce. I've also accepted the fact that I couldn't cut it against Theo Pryce which is why I've chosen to start at the bottom.

Peter I haven't mentioned once in this whole promo about you riding Sid's coattails. I've only quoted you directly on this claim which YOU brought up.
In fact, I was going to give you the benefit of the doubt and think that you would go out there and take out both me and Sid on your own seeing as how it's a three-way match. But based off what I've gathered, you're not interested in doing that.

Poor Peter.
[-] The following 3 users Like John Msdison 2.Faggot's post:
Andrew Morrison (12-09-2013), Dr. Zero (12-11-2013), Theo Pryce (12-10-2013)
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

12-09-2013, 04:50 PM

oh Johnny, trying to think that I'm gay cuz I say "SUCK MY DICK" I say it because all of your insults are garbage and you're nothing to me so back off before I end your life! You know Maddy, you come out here saying you can go over the limit that Shane put for this event and thinking you're God's gift to the XWF. News Flash asshole, you aint nothing but another member of the roster! Sure you were king for 8 months, but yet you hardly defended it except against me and LJ HAVOK. You knew Soldier, Feder, hell even DUKE could've beat your ass but what did you do, crawl under Shane's skirt and suck his dick to get your way. Then you get Luca and the others in the Black Circle of Jerkoffs to do your bidding. I told you it was coming to bite you in the ass and what happens, Theo Pryce walks into the fed and takes your crown. I did say I respected Theo but right now he can suck my dick too. But that's another story for another time.

John, i might go over the limit with this but I could care less. I know Sid is in the match and if push came to shove, me and Sid would throw down but like I said he has his own agenda just like I do mine and in a few short days, me and Sid are going to end you. Face reality.. Face your doom.. John Madison.. WELCOME.. TO HELL! Me and Sid will be waiting to destroy you. SUCK MY DICK BITCH!

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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12-10-2013, 07:18 AM

(12-09-2013, 02:10 PM)John Madison Said: Sid! What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be preparing for the match with Mr. Radio that you were begging Shane for? I find it hilarious that you are trying to talk about my readiness when you cannot even make up your mind as far as what match you'll be competing in.

:3 x Better: Can you get me hooked up with the match I want? Let's not play stupid here and beat around the, ehem your, bush -- You are the one with the pull to make this happen. You spent eight months winning matches for the crown without actually being the individual responsible for the wins; surely you are capable of giving Shane a nice enough hickey that he'll save your ass by pulling me out of your match.

Isn't it funny how nobody else on the planet thought I actually would be able to get out of this match? Just you, John. Just you. Maybe it was hope more than actual belief, eh buddy boy?

Quote:Shane also recommends that we not perform piledrivers and moves off the top rope. For your guys' own safety, I recommend you follow that one as well.

:3 x Better: You know it's funny I've never seen or heard any rule or recommendation from XWF that we shouldn't perform certain maneuvers off the top rope. You are referring to a special set of precautions that are in place when performers aren't expected to be able to support the weight of an opponent they lift, or aren't expected to be able to maintain proper balance in a high spot. In other words, bitch, you just made reference to "all school buses being short" just because you yourself are always riding the fucking short bus. Of course that seems like the norm to you -- it's all you know -- extra precaution and assistance in lieu of above average skill to protect yourself and those around you. Shane or whoever told you that probably just doesn't want your underdeveloped body causing you to fuck up a top rope piledriver so badly that you actually kill the poor sap you do it do.

Tell Shane I appreciate him placing those extra physical guidelines in matches for the "special roster" members like yourself to follow. Meanwhile, I'll pay more attention to only the limits that apply to fully capable stars.

*drops bitch* What happened--? ? *walks away*

SiD    Fede
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12-10-2013, 10:21 AM

Quote:surely you are capable of giving Shane a nice enough hickey that he'll save your ass by pulling me out of your match.

I didn't have to ask Shane for that, Sid. Don't you remember; you forfeited the match within two hours of it being booked! In fact, I was well prepared for the triple threat or handicap match of a lifetime, whichever way you and your boy Pete decided to swing it. It made no difference to me seeing as how the end result is the same in both scenarios; John Madison standing on top while the X-Treme and European Champions look like a mound of ass. I applaud you for trying to spin things around though! Unfortunately, the tapes don't lie. And the tape showed Sid Feder shitting his pants and begging to be put into an "easy" match. I find it hilarious that you think it took any effort on my part for you to forfeit a match.

Take the match or leave it, champ. You don't need me or Shane to hold your hand; just give up like you said you would.

Quote:Tell Shane I appreciate him placing those extra physical guidelines in matches for the "special roster" members like yourself to follow.

That's just it though, Sid. They are recommendations, that no pro wrestler who is motivated and fearless is going to follow. Just like how setting limits on a promo (which you brought up) is a recommendation, and is not something that a motivated pro wrestler would follow. Did you know that it's also recommended that we not interfere in each other's matches? But guess what? I do that shit anyway because fuck it, I go above and beyond while the rest of you do everything you can to abide by limitations.

Quote:You spent eight months winning matches for the crown without actually being the individual responsible for the wins

This seemed like the perfect quote to end off of seeing as how I need to transition into whatever the fuck Peter Gilmour was spewing out earlier. Reason being, is that this statement from Sid just reeks of Gilmour and his mediocre filth.

I'll have you know that it was my hand that held my opponents to the mat while a referee hit the mat. It was also my hand that was raised and my name that was announced as the WINNER of said matches. This is like when people try to discredit your 24/7 briefcase cash-ins, which is something I've never done. In fact, I've always encouraged that type of chaos even if it meant I was the target. (It's a shame you were too scared to take the opportunity, oh well.) Ah, but it's no fun when you're on the receiving end of chaos, is it Sid? Therefore, you must try to discredit my victories. Horrible attempt, Sid. Try again, you can do it, buddy!

Oh great, now Gilmour...

Quote:oh Johnny, trying to think that I'm gay cuz I say "SUCK MY DICK" I say it because all of your insults are garbage and you're nothing to me so back off before I end your life!

Oh, Peter. I didn't say you were gay; just that you spent an unhealthy amount of time talking about and cocks. But if it makes you happy then fine I'll say it: Peter Gilmour is a homosexual. Are you happy now, Peter?

Quote:you hardly defended it except against me and LJ HAVOK

and Griffin MacAlister. And Tony Santos. And Sebastian Duke. And Luca Arzegotti. All of whom you are incapable of beating, but I gave you a crack at the title anyway because I'm such a nice guy bitch.

Quote:I did say I respected Theo but right now he can suck my dick too.

Why, Peter? Nothing has changed about Theo's attitude from before he won the crown, to when he won it, to after he won it. He's the same ol' fuckin' Theo which is why you looked like a dipshit when you said "finally a king that I can respect!" Theo was in The Black Circle all along, you fool. Fuck, Peter. Just do yourself a favor and stop talking. No wait, go ahead-- say something else. I can never get tired of flushing your head down the toilet.
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Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

12-10-2013, 02:39 PM

Oh wow, more crap from the mouth of Juanita Madison. Let's look over this pile of shit shall we?

John, why are you so obsessed with who Sid fights? It doesn't matter who he fights, he's going to destroy them just like he is going to do to you. So watch what you say because if I know Sid, he will rip off your leg and shove it up your ass. Stop being jealous of us who are more talented than you. Sure, 8 months you were KING.. But you overlooked the both of us. Don't deny it John.

Oh wow you called me a homo. WOW, John Madison just owned me with his witty comebacks. SHUT THE FUCK UP MOTHERUCKER! The only HOMO I see is YOU. We all know you love to suck Luca and Shane's dick and that's why you hide behind their skirts like a little BITCH! I never hid behind anybody in my career. Now i know you're gonna say I made challenges to ppl about leaving the XWF and blah blah blah, but let's face it those losers like John Raide, Steven Davids and this dickhead named Logic (who's really Smoke Man in disguise) are all beneath me. I'm the 11 time Xtreme Champion and I am going upwards from here. I already have a US or Tag Title shot in the bag but I wont be satisfied until I get that briefcase. And when I do, you're little buddy Theo better have his eyes glued onto his back becuase I might cash in on his lame ass.

You say I cant beat Luca, Griffin and Duke? BITCH I BEAT DUKE WITH SID FEDER AS MY PARTNER! You need to do your research more and stop sucking Shane's nasty potato you sick fuck! Face it John, me and Sid are wearing you down and by Sunday, you'll just be a pile of shell of the man you once were. You want me to stop talking? I'll stop after my hand is raised in victory and your back will be where it always is.. on the mat looking up at the lights. But you're used to that position right Maddy? Keep talking shit about us.. we'll just come back and bury you some more!

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
Sid Feder Offline
Saving myself for you

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12-10-2013, 06:23 PM

John? What exactly are you trying to do right now? Expose me as a ..on no.. "bad guy?" Gasp! Don't remind people how I want to get into Radio's match and beat the shit out of him for an easy payday!

Didn't I start out this entire discussion by saying I'm looking for an easy god damn win at this fucking house show? It's a house show for Christ's sake! I don't want to have to work hard at a fucking house show!

Do you know why I expect to have such a hard time with this match? Why I knew as soon as I saw it that I was up a shit creek with Madison's left tit for a paddle? Because now I had to deal with another CHAMPION; a fellow gladiator named Peter Fuckin' Gilmour! I want an easy win in this house show and now I sure as fuck am not going to get one. Pete's going to put up a fight and he's going to take me to the fucking x-treme.

I have an idea, John. Will you team with me? Just for this one match? If we can at least take Gilmour out of the equation I'll feel a lot more comfortable about getting my easy house show win, because then I'd be left with just you to deal with and we already know you can't take me one on one -- just ask Benjamin Crane.

So yeah, Pete? I'm afraid you're going to get beat out of this match, but don't worry, it's for a Three Times Better cause.

Let's do this shit, Johnny baby!

*drops bitch* What happened--? ? *walks away*

SiD    Fede
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12-10-2013, 07:23 PM

Quote:John, why are you so obsessed with who Sid fights?

Peter, I just stated in my previous promo that I don't care what Sid chooses to do with himself. Why am I bringing up Sid's participation level or "fights?" Well, because he's technically still booked as my opponent, you moron. Really, Peter? Do I have to explain these things to you?

Quote:But you overlooked the both of us.

Why do you continue to use this argument, Peter?

You. Were. Not. Over. Looked.

You had a shot at Wild Card Weekend-- you blew it.

You had a shot in a ten man gauntlet which you were the tenth participant of-- you blew it.

You had a shot in the battle royal in Brooklyn-- you blew it.

And after all of that, I still gave you an opportunity at the crown, and guess what happened? You blew it.

As for Sid, he chose not to participate in these events and he never issued a challenge; and he wasn't even around throughout most of the year. So him being overlooked is his problem. He's overlooked in the same sense that Donathan De Sade or Tyler Decker is overlooked. That bitch isn't around, so what's the point? I can't force these people to come to work.

Quote:Oh wow you called me a homo.

Peter, you've basically been calling yourself a "homo." You're the one who's coming out with all the penis references and trying to say that I do nothing but stand around calling you gay. The only time I've called you gay in the duration of this promo is when you kept asking for it. Furthermore, I find it to be very hypocritical of you to come out here and pretend like you're above the gay-bashing slurs. Especially since you call people in just about every promo that you cut. Fucking hell, Peter. Do you think about the shit that you say? If we were to poll the federation on "Superstar most likely to use sophomoric insults," I guarantee that Peter Gilmour would win by a landslide.

Quote: I never hid behind anybody in my career... ...Now i know you're gonna say I made challenges to ppl about leaving the XWF

I'm glad you realize how idiotic you sound when you accuse others of hiding when you yourself are incapable of taking on challengers when the stakes are raised. Just because you mention this fact in a promo, it doesn't make it less true.

Quote: I'm the 11 time Xtreme Champion and I am going upwards from here

Peter, you could win that title 22 more times and it wouldn't mean anything. That title is meant to serve as a stepping stone towards the United States and Tag Team Titles. Unfortunately for you, 1,306 X-Treme Title reigns does not equal 1 United States Title reign. Hmm, and lets see... out of all eleven of those reigns you've managed to squeak out a single Tag Title reign. That's terrible, Peter.


Wonderful, Peter. You should be proud of that accomplishment; you beat Sebastian Duke with Sid Feder. However, your argument was covering the subject of my KING MATCHES. This may come as a shock to you, but King Matches happen to fall under SINGLES COMPETITION. You and Sid Feder defeated Sebastian Duke in a tag team match; that's great! I'm sure the two of you would make good opponents for Duke and Griffin. With that being said, your original claim that I "only defended against you and LJ Havok" remains way off target.

Quote:You want me to stop talking?

No, dumb ass. Listen carefully to what I said:

"Just do yourself a favor and stop talking. No wait, go ahead-- say something else. I can never get tired of flushing your head down the toilet."

I, along with everyone else, simply suggest that you stop talking. But by all means, continue to talk. I'm having a blast!

Quote:Do you know why I expect to have such a hard time with this match? Why I knew as soon as I saw it that I was up a shit creek with Madison's left tit for a paddle? Because now I had to deal with another CHAMPION; a fellow gladiator named Peter Fuckin' Gilmour!

Sure, I'll play. I was waiting for you to go that route!

Perhaps you are right, Sid. After all, Peter Gilmour is the reigning eleven time X-Treme Champion and I'm just a former king who got buried in feces. And you-- holy fuck-- you're the European fuckin' Champion! In fact, I've mentioned in previous, outside promos how incredible it is that Peter Gilmour is the X-Treme Champion. I have to hand it to Peter; he's doing something right if he's able to maintain his grip over the X-treme title division when we have all of these fierce competitors running around. If that makes him a gladiator in your eyes, then we'll go ahead and say he's a gladiator. Although, this is a guy who claims to be the "King of Wrestling." Shit, you've actually downgraded his rank, Sid!

I said it before: I welcome the European Champion and the X-Treme Champion with open arms this Sunday. You guys are the ones who hold the gold and have that special bond that Peter can't shut the fuck about. Peter just goes on and on about the two of you, Sid. You made a wonderful suggestion about us teaming together, but I really don't think Peter is ready to let you go!

The deck is stacked against me, seeing as how I'm in a match with champions GLADIATORS, but rest assure, I will overcome the odds this Sunday!
[-] The following 1 user Likes John Msdison 2.Faggot's post:
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(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

12-10-2013, 08:47 PM

Wow John you really buried me there.. Maybe I should quit now and watch you and Feder battle to the death. You'd like that huh John boy you stupid piece of shit! FUCK YOU MADDY! Again, more diarhea from the mouth of a has been who has now turned into a slut. Great.. what has this shithole become? Oh right, A FUCKIN' SHITHOLE! I mean you come out here thinking you can counter my words but you FAIL! Just like you will on Sunday when I defeat you and Feder.

You can talk about me losing matches in the past like the Rumble and King but if you look more closely at the results John, it was the BLACK CIRCLE who fucked me over.. not me! If it wasnt for you and the other cockblowers in the group I would be KING by now. But keep thinking I lost when I didn't. Great logic there and not that idiot who just joined here. Then you say I'm a homo cuz I talk about ppl wanting to suck my dick. Wow, great assumption there bitch. Face it John, I'm on a mission and that mission is to get respect and now that I have won back the title that made me, I am looking for more and I got a US or Tag Title shot coming and you better believe me and Feder or me and SOLDIER will beat Griffin and Duke for those belts. Oh and by the way Maddy you forgot I won the Hart and Trios Titles. It seems every time you try to one up me, I'm always one-up on you. So either do your research or SHUT THE FUCK UP BITCH!

And Sid, if you wanna come out here and say that you and Maddy will team up on me and eliminate me from the match, think again. We may be friends, we may hate John Madison, but we are both something John isnt.. CHAMPIONS! But if you want to throw down with me, then I'll thrown down. You call me a gladiator.. I respect that. Sunday will be a day we will all remember Sid. It will be the day that Peter Gilmour ascended into superstardom by beating his best friend and a former King in the same match.

Good luck guys.. You're both going to need it. Oh and Maddy.. SUCK MY DICK!

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
John Msdison 2.Faggot

XWF FanBase:
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12-10-2013, 09:57 PM

Quit? What are you talking about, Peter? I need you to stick around for this blockbuster match of ours! After all, you are the fierce gladiator who's been overlooked all this time, right?

What's with you and Sid quitting on me all of a sudden? This was supposed to be a good ol' fashion triple threat match, but you guys keep trying to turn it into something else. The both of you need to live up to your championship names for fucks sake!

Quote:John, it was the BLACK CIRCLE who fucked me over

Sure, if by "fucked over" you mean "took to the X-TREME." X-Treme is the name of the game, champ. Shouldn't you know that seeing as how this is your eleventh run as X-TREME Champion?

Quote: But keep thinking I lost when I didn't. Great logic there and not that idiot who just joined here.

Wait--what? Peter... what the fuck...


Seriously, Peter?

I just sat here not too long ago and opened myself up to the possibility that you just might be a gladiator, and you lay this one on me? Peter, I hate to break it to you but: you lost. There's no deep, logical explanation necessary for this. You just lost, plain and simple.

Peter, when you hear this:


it doesn't mean:

WINNER: Peter Gilmour

Does this make sense?

Quote:Oh and by the way Maddy you forgot I won the Hart and Trios Titles.

Peter, I already addressed the Hart Title situation. That title is old news; it's not even mentioned in our official record book! It's like if Scotty 2 Hotty would show up on Raw and start bragging about his Light Heavyweight Title reign. People would look at that guy and be like, "really, motherfucker? You're bringing this up in 2013?"

And again, I have no problem with recognizing your tag title reigns. I'm glad to see that you're able to go out there and work in a team environment. In a tag team environment, you might just be one of the most dangerous competitors in the federation. But Peter, history has shown that once you try to break away from that team environment, you end up flopping. Sid says you're like a gladiator, but to me you're more like one of The Road Warriors. Hmm, Road Warrior Pete, anyone? Allow me to explain. See, in a tag team scenario, you're pretty good at what you do, maybe even one of the best. But once you try to break off into a singles career, that shit just doesn't work out. Try to picture Road Warrior Hawk carrying an Intercontinental Championship. It just looks weird, doesn't it? That's because it never has and never will happen. That's your situation with XWF.

Quote: You call me a gladiator.. I respect that.

You're welcome, Peter.
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12-10-2013, 11:33 PM

John, you mean to tell me I can't make it on my own? Really? REALLY? Wow, that is the most pathetic thing you've ever said about. Who won the Tag Team Titles from that guy who used to run Madness? OH yeah, ME! I won them by myself BITCH! Sure, I haven't fared well here in the XWF as a solo wrestler. I get that. But I still give it 100% in every match I am in and if I don't win, I dont cry about it. You can say I bitch and moan about losing my Title and King opportunities but that's because I got screwed by you and the rest of the Black Circle. Imagine if the Black Circle wasn't around back then, I think I would've became KING and you know it. You know I'm a threat John so you have to bring up my accomplishments as a tag team wrestler. Yet I'm an 11 time Xtreme Champion.. Ok, way to go there buddy.

I appreciate you actually recognizing some of my accomplishments but saying I can't win on my own is a slap in the face to me and as GOD as my witness John, I am going to do whatever it takes to beat you. Even if I have to go through my best friend and former partner SID FEDER to do it, SO BE IT! Sunday, your ass belongs to me.. and no John, that's not gay. You will lose to me! You will get your ass taken to the Xtreme! When you lose to me, you will bow down and SUCK MY DICK!

You said I'm a Road Warrior.. well this WARRIOR is going to run over you. and OH WHAT A RUSH it will be.. (see what I did there?) See you Sunday Maddy..

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
Sid Feder Offline
Saving myself for you

XWF FanBase:
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12-12-2013, 02:06 PM

:3 x Better: Hey fuck face Madison! Are you smart enough to know how to answer a couple simple questions with real answers? Let's try--

Which titles have you held in XWF? I'm talking about actual championships, like all federations recognize; not trinkets that are assigned to a member of the Black Circle to carry around in an illusion of superiority.

Oh, and how long did you hold it/them and to whom did you relinquish those actual championships?

This should be fun! Ya know, since you were "waiting for me" to bring up championships and all that.. Ya fucking stupid ass bitch.

Oh and, hey Peter? Are you sure it wasn't my daddy who helped you destroy Sebastian Duke? I mean please forgive me here -- I've beaten A LOT of people in XWF and elsewhere -- so I actually don't remember beating Duke with you as my partner. I know it could easily happen but I'm just not recalling it. I'm thinking it was my dad. Oh and John -- stats bitch -- shouldn't you have picked up on this too? Come on buddy; wasn't it Poppa Feder also known as Mister Mystery who destroyed Sebastian Duke with Peter Gilmour? Since you want to distance yourself from the bumbling bag of fuck ups you spilled as "Juan" Madison a couple weeks ago, maybe I can finally talk some real XWF history with the real whore herself? Eh, John?

Lastly, if it was really me who teamed with Peter and defeated Sebastian Duke, then holy fuck that's sad for Duke to be that forgettable. HA HA HA!

*drops bitch* What happened--? ? *walks away*

SiD    Fede
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12-12-2013, 04:22 PM

Quote:Which titles have you held in XWF? I'm talking about actual championships

Well, Sid. We have an official XWF website which can give you a listing of all champions past and present. I recommend that you give it a look. It will give you a rundown of every title all the way from the King of the XWF title down to the X-Treme title.

Quote: Oh and John -- stats bitch -- shouldn't you have picked up on this too?

Maybe? Then again, does it really matter? I see no reason to bring his partners into the discussion if they aren't relevant to the match. I've already stated for the record that Peter Gilmour is one of the best tag team wrestlers in the XWF. I know that's an unpopular opinion around here, but history has shown that Peter Gilmour is capable of getting the job done in a tag team environment. See, a lot of people like to give Peter shit when it comes to the legitimacy of his reign as Tag Team Champion. No one wants to recognize Peter Gilmour as a formidable member of the tag division despite the fact that he's proven himself twice.

And yes, I said that Peter can't get it done-- as a singles competitor-- and I stand by that opinion.

Anyway, I watched countless teams who came out here week after week and blamed their lack of success in the tag division on Peter Gilmour all because he was "carried" by his teammate/teammates. To me, that sounds like a pathetic excuse for them not being able to get the job done. They try to discredit Peter, telling him that he couldn't reach the top of the division without so-and-so. I recall one member who even went a month referring to Peter Gilmour as a friggin' backpack.

But like a Road Warrior-- or "Gladiator"-- Peter stood up to these people. Hell, Peter kept going even after his two worthless tag team partners abandoned him and left him to deal with the Trio Titles on his own.

So yes, maybe I did fail to call out Peter on his mistake of rattling off the wrong tag partner. But then again, how is it my problem if Peter doesn't care to remember who his tag partners were? Sounds to me like Peter considers his past partners to be "forgettable."

The fact is; Peter Gilmour won the Tag Team Titles and owned his fair share of responsibility for the success of the tag team. Yet, people want to discredit Peter for his success as a tag team superstar.

It's kind of like how Sid Feder tries to discredit my success as a singles competitor when he asks me "What actual championships have you held?" even though I was the reigning King of the XWF from March to November. The people who come up with the excuse that "Peter was carried," are the same idiots who come out with the excuse that "John has The Black Circle." I've taken on all challengers and even dealt with Paul Heyman and his ridiculous set of stipulations. I've told my opponents straight up that they should expect some form of outside interference, and to come prepared. Yet, they still failed and blamed their loss on The Black Circle.

And just like how others tried to blame Peter Gilmour for their lack of success as tag team competitors, this is Sid's way of blaming me for his lack of success as a singles competitor. He's mad at The Black Circle when he should be mad at himself. Mat at himself for not having the courage to pick up a microphone and challenge the King of the XWF, or not having the courage to cash-in his briefcase. Instead, he tries to play down the importance of the championship since he knows it's out of his reach.

People have even tried to use the same, tired argument that a 24/7 cash-in isn't a legitimate title win. Again, they blame their failures on anything but themselves.

Quote:John, you mean to tell me I can't make it on my own?

No, Peter. I do not think that you can win the King of the XWF Title. Hell, I don't think you're even capable of pulling off a US Title or European Title reign. You go ahead and keep trying though.

Quote:if I don't win, I dont cry about it.

Oh Peter, you know this isn't true.

Quote:I got screwed by you and the rest of the Black Circle.

Ah there you go again, just like Sid, blaming The Black Circle for all of your shortcomings. You and Sid let me know how blaming The Black Circle for all your lack of success gets you closer to the King of the XWF Title.

Quote:You know I'm a threat John so you have to bring up my accomplishments as a tag team wrestler. Yet I'm an 11 time Xtreme Champion

If this were a tag team match, sure, I'd see you as a major threat. The eleven time X-Treme Champion thing though-- that just tells me that despite all of your effort, you're incapable of taking your career to the next level.

Quote:saying I can't win on my own is a slap in the face to me

Good. Maybe the harsh truth is all that you needed after all these year of people feeding you bullshit. Would you rather have me lie to you and tell you that, "you'll get there some day, Pete!" or have me wake you the fuck up with, "you're terrible Peter, get your shit together."

Quote:Sunday, your ass belongs to me.. and no John, that's not gay.

Peter, I didn't even view that statement as being gay.

On the other hand...

Quote: When you lose to me, you will bow down and SUCK MY DICK!

Yep, sounds a tad bit gay! Not that it matters or anything. If you want to be gay then that's cool, Peter. Just stop trying to force it onto all of us.
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

12-12-2013, 05:05 PM

John, thanks for the pleasantries but you can shove them up your ass! Sure, I am a GOD in the tag team division and nothing when it comes to winning major titles other than the Xtreme. Yet, I am still here and I am still fighting. You can go on with your little fantasy that I can't become King of the XWF. That I can't beat guys like Nova, Duke or even Theo on my own. You may be right, but then again you may be eating those words. See John, I may not be the best wrestler here, but i got something that none of you motherfuckers have.. HEART! I've been here for almost 4 years now and I've been through the Jon Brown era. I've been through the lame as fuck James Raven era. I went through the highs and lows of the Shane era and IM STILL HERE!! I am never leaving the XWF! I have yet to cement my legacy here and now that I got a US or Tag Title shot in the bag and in 3 weeks hopefully I get a nice 24/7 briefcase that I can cash in when I see fit.

But John, you still think I can't get the job done on my own? Uh, I think you need to look at the results a bit more you dipshit. I beat Mr. Radio.. by myself. I beat that guy who used to run Madness.. BY MYSELF! I pinned 3 men to retain the Trios Titles.. BY MYSELF! I beat Steve Davids, PAYBACK, Andrew Morrison, Wyatt Reynolds and Hunter Payne.. BY MYSELF.. Hell, I even beat that Bryce guy BY MYSELF! So to say I can't win with "help" makes you sound like a hypocrite. Sure I got help when I was in the tag division but let's be real, I never needed their help. But you're going to need some help come Sunday because me and Feder are going to end your career.
Sid has his own objectives. Mine is to break you in half and shut you up for good and also to show your stupid ass that I CAN win the big one. Your words don't mean jack shit to me now John. All that matters to me is beating you until you can't move and then I will pin you and you will feel the embarrassment that Duke felt when I beat him.

So keep talking nonsense John.. Your end is near. See you soon BITCH!

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
John Msdison 2.Faggot

XWF FanBase:
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12-12-2013, 05:45 PM

Steve Davids, Payback, Andrew Morrison, Mr. Radio... Wow! Let me ask you this, Pete. What have any of those men accomplished in their careers? The fact that you bring up Steve Davids as an accomplishment goes to show that you're in over your head. Do you honestly believe that defeating Steve Davids and Mr. Radio is something to brag about? Do you think that defeating them pushes you to the next level? (hahaha) Fuck, that would be like me bragging about my victory over Liz Hathaway from last week.

The victories over people like Davids and Hathaway mean NOTHING, Peter. You need to realize that if you plan on moving up to the next level. No one gives a shit that you defeated Steve Davids, just like no one gives a shit that I defeated Liz Hathaway. How do you not understand this concept, Peter? I'm sure even The Phantom Stranger knows better.

Everyone knows that Davids and Hathaway are terrible, Peter. Even the people who lose to Steve Davids end up shrugging it off. That guy is just horrible at everything he does. He's just like you Peter, except not as entertaining to listen to. You make a fool out of yourself and we all laugh. Steve Davids is just BLAHHH.

Sorry, Steve. I didn't want to drag you into this. Trust me, the last thing that anyone (except Peter Gilmour) wants to include in their promo is Steve Davids. But I'm trying to get it through Peter's thick skull just how terrible you are, Steve. Do you think that you could do us all a favor and explain to Peter just how dreadful you really are? Maybe then he'll quit bringing up that fucking victory that he has over you!
[-] The following 2 users Like John Msdison 2.Faggot's post:
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

12-12-2013, 05:51 PM

Wow that was your comeback John? Really? My God where was the John Madison I once knew? Oh, that's right he left and became a fuckin BITCH that we have now.. JUANITA MADISON.. Who gives a fuck you beat Liz Hathaway? Who gives a fuck I beat Steve Davids? All he has for himself is that Duke kicked his sorry ass out of the Brotherhood of Dicksuckers! I beat Radio at his best and nobody gives me credit for it. I may not have beaten the best, but come Sunday I will beat the best.. I will beat my best friend Sid Feder and then I will end your pathetic existence John.

Prepare for your own funeral BITCH!

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
John Msdison 2.Faggot

XWF FanBase:
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12-14-2013, 02:22 PM

(12-12-2013, 05:51 PM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: Wow that was your comeback John? Really? My God where was the John Madison I once knew? Oh, that's right he left and became a fuckin BITCH that we have now.. JUANITA MADISON..

Prepare for your own funeral BITCH!

Peter, you've always called me a bitch, , and other middle school put downs, so I don't know what you mean when you say "John Madison I once knew."

Quote:Who gives a fuck you beat Liz Hathaway? Who gives a fuck I beat Steve Davids? All he has for himself is that Duke kicked his sorry ass out of the Brotherhood of Dicksuckers!

What the hell are you talking about, Peter? All that you're doing is reinforcing the argument that I used against you. Thanks, I guess.

Quote:I beat Radio at his best and nobody gives me credit for it.

Peter, it's Mr. Radio for fucks sake. What did you expect? Hey, everyone! Look! Peter Gilmour beat Mr. Radio! Look! See, no one cares that you beat Mr. Radio, Peter. Maybe you would have turned some heads if you had beaten the other spaceman.

Quote: I may not have beaten the best, but come Sunday I will beat the best.. I will beat my best friend Sid Feder and then I will end your pathetic existence John.

So first I'm "not the John Madison you once knew," and now you consider me to be "the best?" Shit, Peter. Can you ever make up your mind about anything?

Unfortunately, Sid Feder will not be joining us since he ended up forfeiting the match. I'd like to take full credit for that one since you decided to spend most of the time on how you AND Sid would be working TOGETHER to beat me down. What a shame, Pete. What a shame that you had to choose a coward for your backup.

Although you claim now that you intended on fighting Sid in the match, we all know that's a lie. You kept going on and on about you and Sid working together until Sid made a silly comment about me and him working together.

And just for the record, here is where you talked about how you and Sid would be working together, just in case you forgot:

Quote: You're impending death is coming on Sunday John and there is nothing, NOTHING you can do about it because me and Feder are going to rip you apart limb from limb.

Quote:Like i said before Sid has his own agenda and will destroy you if he sees fit. I will just be there to pick up the pieces. I don't need to ride his coattails in order to beat you. We will just beat you into the mat until we feel we're satisfied and feel like pinning you. Face it John, you can't beat both of us by yourself.

I just want to touch on that statement really quick. Peter, first you said Sid has his own agenda. Then you said that after he beats me up, you're gonna pick up the pieces. By the way, that's you admitting to riding his coattails since all you're doing is "picking up" after all of Sid's hard work. Then you say that you don't need him to beat me even though you just talked about "picking up the pieces." Then you said "WE will beat yo into the mat until we feel like pinning you." Then you went ahead and assumed that I would have to beat the two of you by myself.

Wow, Peter. How can you string together such an idiotic series of statements? You say so many idiotic things that I end up missing them and not picking up on them until I review the tapes. It's incredible.

Why is it so difficult for you to make decisions, or better yet-- make sense? Every sentence that comes out of your mouth conflicts with the other, it's insane. Do you suffer from some kind of mental condition?

Also, expect a shit ton of interference from The Black Circle this Sunday.

So either prepare for it now, or start bitching about how we're gonna fuck you over again. Shithead.
[-] The following 3 users Like John Msdison 2.Faggot's post:
Egyptian Snow Pharaoh (12-14-2013), Mr. Radio (12-14-2013), Theo Pryce (12-14-2013)
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

12-14-2013, 10:24 PM

John, I expect the Black Circle Jerkoffs to show up.. See you can't seem to get the gist of this. This is between me and YOU not the black Circle featuring John Madison ok? See, you claim that I hid behind Feder and Soldier when we had the Trios titles but you're contradicting yourself when you say that the Black Circle will be there to screw me over like they did when I battled you for the crown. Don't deny it now John. You claim I cant win matches by myself; solo matches mind you. Yet I can't remember the last time you won a singles match by yourself. Why do you have to hide behind guys like Luca who clearly sucks your dick and the other jerkoffs in that group? Good God man, let's just do this one on one with no interference ok? But I bet you'll agree and then somehow I get screwed. That's your M.O. isn't it Johnny? YOu make me SICK!

As far as Sid goes, it's a shame he will not be joining us for this battle because him and XWF managment are fighting like a bunch of bitches on their period. But really this should've been me and you to begin with. Even if the so called SUCK MY DICK match was cancelled, I will still kick your ass all over the ring and when all is said and done, I will beat you and then you will bow down and SUCK MY DICK!

The clocks ticking Johnny.. will you show up to dance? Or will you hide behind your so called friends like the BITCH that you truly are? Either way, I'm taking you.. TO THE XTREEEEEEEEEEME! See u tomorrow night.. BITCH!

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
John Msdison 2.Faggot

XWF FanBase:
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12-15-2013, 12:32 AM

Peter, I didn't claim that you hid behind Soldier and Feder during your Trios run. In fact, I said that you were the only one held your shit together while they dropped out of the team. Pay closer attention.

I said that IN THIS MATCH, it was your intention to work with Sid Feder. Why? Because you fucking said so! Go back and look at the statements I pulled from your promo, idiot. You even said you were gonna let Feder do all the work and that you were just gonna pick up the pieces. That was right before you said:

Quote:We will just beat you into the mat until we feel we're satisfied and feel like pinning you.

Peter, I'm only hitting you with the statements that YOU have been making. I didn't claim that Peter Gilmour hides behind anyone. I said it earlier; it doesn't matter to me if you and Sid work together or independently. Unlike you, I welcome a fun challenge.

Quote:you're contradicting yourself when you say that the Black Circle will be there to screw me over like they did when I battled you for the crown. Don't deny it now John. You claim I cant win matches by myself; solo matches mind you.

I didn't say you can't win solo matches by yourself. Peter, I'm pretty sure you could have a SEAL team interfere on your behalf and you'd still manage to fuck it up. Anyway, I said you can't win solo matches period. And by that I mean matches that actually mean something. Not some bullshit, ten minute, piss-break of a match with Steve Davids, Mr. Radio, or Zack Ryder. A good solo victory over someone like Nova, Luca, NAZI, Duke, Eli, Mystica...

Now, in the tag division-- sure, you can win those. But for you, tag team competition and singles competition seem to be two totally different things seeing as how you're solid in one and an absolute disaster in the other. You're what some people would call a "tag team specialist." Congratulations, Peter. You're special.

Quote:Why do you have to hide behind guys like Luca who clearly sucks your dick and the other jerkoffs in that group?

I don't, Peter. I go out there to have my matches and I win. Now sure-- I like to throw in some outside interference but that's just me having fun, buddy. I get a kick out of watching you put up a struggle after I unleash the hounds on you. Guess what, Pete? World Champions before me have played just as dirty. Ric Flair, Eddie Guerrero, Steve Austin, Triple H, just to name a few... Guess what those guys have in common? They're cheaters and they've all been successful in wrestling. I like to cheat, Peter. Deal with it.

And wow, you still have this fetish about me having Luca suck my dick even though Luca recently decided to saddle up with your boy Sid. Here's my question: what does Luca sucking my dick have to do with our match this Sunday?

It sounds to me like you're jealous of what I've been able to make Luca do, even despite the fact that he joined Sid's club. A club which clearly states: "NO COCK BLOWERS."

That's right. I got someone, who might as well be my sworn enemy, to suck my dick. And I'm a fucking female! Meanwhile, all you can do is talk about it. You're all talk, Pete. Just like you're horrendous career; nothing but pointless, incoherent rambling.

You tell people to suck your dick but you know it's not gonna happen. On the other hand, when I tell people to suck my dick, that shit goes down. Hell, I'm not even a man anymore and I'm still able to get more mouths hanging off this cock than you.

Quote:Even if the so called SUCK MY DICK match was cancelled, I will still kick your ass all over the ring and when all is said and done, I will beat you and then you will bow down and SUCK MY DICK!

You just let me know when you're ready to reinstate that stipulation, Petey. You sound pretty confident in your abilities so it surprises me that you refuse to go with the stipulation. It's a shame because often times we see superstars bring out the very best in themselves when the stakes are raised. That scares you though-- doesn't it, Peter? The idea of you competing in a Suck My Dick Match scares you to the point where you're shitting your pants like Sid Feder was when he saw that he had a match with John Madison.

Oh, and you know why Sid "had a disagreement with management?"

Because management refused to let Sid Feder forfeit the match. That's right; Shane told Sid to grow some balls and do the match or go home and sit on his couch. You should have seen him, he was on his knees crying to Shane, begging not to get hurt by John Madison. I humiliated him and his wife last January and he knew that the same thing would happen in December. Your boy Sid is a coward and he's never coming back because John Madison.

I sent your pathetic friend and European Champion home. It's a shame that I didn't get to tackle his wife off the stage this time around. Hmm, maybe I'll do it to Rose instead. After all, it's our yearly tradition.
[-] The following 1 user Likes John Msdison 2.Faggot's post:
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

12-15-2013, 10:49 AM

John, FUCK YOU! You think you can counter my arguments and make them seem logical? WRONG! All I say is true. You hide behind the Black Circle because you know.. YOU FUCKIN KNOW you can't beat me by yourself. You're a fuckin COWARD John. Man up and fight me one on one. Leave your lovers in the back because if they show up so help me God I will dismember them and throw their dying carcasses at your feet. You think you can come out here being something special John? YOU AIN'T SHIT! All you are is a pompous BITCH! Yeah I said it. A BITCH! Man or woman you are a BITCH John!

You can claim Im not a great solo wrestler yet I still hold the Xtreme Title. Great logic there motherfucker! I know I can beat guys like Luca, Griffin, Espy, etc.. Sure I come up short on most occasions but I never give up. I fight until I can't fight anymore and tonight I will fight with everything I have and I will end you once and for all! You think I'm scared of a suck my dick match? NO SIR! You think I'm scared of losing and sucking your dick, though you hide it like Einhorn in Ace Ventura Pet Detective. Oh it's true.. You think Im scared to suck another man's dick? You think I care? I don't care. If you want the stip put in, YOU GOT IT! But rest assured if I do in fact lose, I WILL NOT SUCK YOUR DICK!

I don't need Sid to beat the shit out of you John. So what XWF management pissed him off and took him out of the match. Sid will be back and he will be kicking ass. Hopefully yours in due time. But it's me and you now John and I plan on making you SUCK MY DICK!! See you tonight BITCH!

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
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Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
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