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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Relentless Night One 2023 RP Board
Disturbing Behavior
Author Message
The Blue Tango Offline

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

09-14-2023, 10:55 PM


Amid the wild winds that whipped around the top of the Grand City PD's rooftop, Atomic Bat's epic cape fluttered like something out of a comic book splash page. Bathed in moonlight, her face shone all cool and silvery. Those eyes? Oh, they were all kinds of fierce.

With a superhero landing straight out of a Hollywood blockbuster, she touched down, depositing the dazed goons with a thud right in front of Commissioner Jim Jordan. Like, Bam! Justice delivered!

"Evening, Commissioner," she greeted with a tight smile.

Jim eyed the thugs, one nursing a broken nose, the other glaring defiantly, “What’s their story?”

“Attempted ATM theft. You’ll find the machine locked tight inside of a crashed van at the corner of 4th and Main.”

He raised an eyebrow. “ATM theft? Like, the entire machine?”

Under the soft lighting of the rooftop, Atomic Bat shrugged. The bruises on her face hinted at a tough night out in the city. “Thugs are getting wild these days. I’ve heard tales of ‘some’ even going as far as joining Satanic cults for a chance at a larger slice of the criminal pie. What is the world coming to?"

Jim nodded with a grunt as he gave her a once over. “You’ve looked better.”

She touched a swelling on her cheek, wincing. "They were tougher than I expected. Had some heavy fire power on them… It’s only getting more dangerous out there…"

"Where's Tango when you need him? Should've been a breeze with him around," Jim noted, scanning the horizon for the familiar blue figure.

She sighed, "The Blue Tango had... other engagements tonight."

Jim looked at her sharply. “Is everything okay with him? Ever since that incident with Toxicity's cocoon, he’s been giving off an odd vibe...”

Atomic Bat hesitated, but then firmly shook her head. "No, everything's fine, Jim. Tango's just adjusting to his newfound abilities. We'll get a handle on it. Trust me."

The Commissioner gave her a long look, as if contemplating whether to push the matter further.

"Everything alright, Commissioner?"

He took a deep breath and scratched the stubble on his chin.  He said nothing for a few moments, which gave the Atomic Bat a little discomfort.


"It's nothing.  It's just…  In other districts, late at night, there have been other busts made…  Similar stuff, you know, robberies…  B&E's…  Reports of public disturbances…"


"Well, it hasn't been you guys has it?"

She was taken aback and looked at Jim with a confused look.

"I'm not sure I understand..."

"Well, these poor bastards aren't found nice and tidy like this with bows on their heads like you usually leave them.  They're found with broken limbs, faces, ruptured organs…  beaten to near death." 

Atomic Bat took a moment before answering, her eyes betraying a flicker of emotion. “Jim, you’ve known me for a long time. You know I always bring them in in one piece. My goal has always been justice, not revenge or… brutality."

"There were some where nothing was even reported.  We just show up and the only apparent crime is the massacre that we walk up to."

She couldn't help but look away.  As if they didn't have enough on their hands, now this?

"I'll get to the bottom of it, Jim.  Whoever is behind this brutal form of 'justice', I'll find them.  You know you can trust me."

There's a long silence between them before Atomic Bat forces eye contact with him again.


Sighing once more, he managed to allow a faint smile through, "Of course.  I trust you, Atomic Bat.  I trust you."

"Appreciated, Commissioner," Atomic Bat replied, forcing a smile back before launching herself into the air with her cape billowing behind her. 

As she soared through the night sky, Jim's words echoed through her head.

... I trust you, Atomic Bat.  I trust…  You.

[Image: 8dDskLd.gif]

Across the city, in what must be a high-tech lair hidden behind the facade of an ordinary apartment, Calypso sat on a recliner, a bag of chips in one hand, an Xbox controller in the other. The room was awash with the glow of multiple monitors displaying maps, algorithms, and, at this very moment, the game Starfield on the main screen.

It looked like he hadn't moved in days, nor bathed.  His five o'clock shadow grew into a near-full beard within a few days and the few remaining hairs on his head were a mess.  Reaching for another handful of chips, his gaze landed on a picture frame by his gaming setup. It was a snapshot of him and Atomic Bat, arms around each other, all smiles. For a moment, his grin faltered.

His eyes darted to another screen displaying a news feed. "ATM Robbery Foiled: Atomic Bat Takes Down Thugs." The headline was followed by an image of the two thugs she had captured, looking battered and cuffed.

"Chump change.  Call me when we need to bring out the big guns," he mused, his expression hard to read.

He indulged back into the game, but not for long before there was a knock at his door.  He removed the headset from one side of his head and listened, and there it was again. 

Not expecting visitors, he slowly crept toward the door, grabbing a police baton along the way and held it tightly and high above his head.  He slowly and quietly unlocked the door and swung it open to see Vita standing in the doorway!

“Vita?”  The light in the hallway nearly blinded him.  He took a step back and shielded his eyes with his free hand as Vita casually walked into the apartment.  He dropped the baton on the countertop and slammed the door behind his partner then followed her into the TV room.  She turned on a couple of standing lamps, which blinded him as well, and looked around at the room.  After a moment's thought, she decided to stand rather than clear a place to sit.

"Didn't expect to see you here. Did you make a break in the Doomsayer case?"

She looked up at him and took notice of the dark circles around his eyes and disheveled appearance.

"Um… No, I just thought I'd swing by," she said casually, her gaze looking over his shoulder to the chaos of his apartment. "Everything alright? You've been kinda MIA lately."

He shrugged and entered the room, still adjusting to the lights. "I've just been collecting my thoughts, that's all.  After that last run-in with Toxicity, I've felt great, but haven't really wanted to waste my energy, I guess?  L-O-L."

Vita continued to stand in place, almost nervously, and occasionally gave a glance around the room then back to Calypso.

"Sooooo..  Was this just a wellness check, or what?  Hehe.  Have you seen Starfield?  It's fantastic."

She bit her lip, thinking of the perfect alibi. "Oh, you know, just in the neighborhood. Thought I'd see how you're doing." She paused, "And maybe grab a bite to eat together?"

Calypso raised an eyebrow and pointed at the open bag of chips on the couch. "Not really hungry."

She smirked, "My treat?"

"Hmm," his darkened eyes squinted further as he stood in deep thought.

"There's a new Vegan BBQ place that just opened up a few blocks from here."

His eyes widened in interest, and a slow smile spread across his face, "They have tofu skewers?"

"They're famous for them."

"You should've led with 'Vegan BBQ'.  Why are we still standing here?"

He quickly grabbed his jacket from a nearby chair and rushed for the door.  Vita quickly grabbed him by the shoulder and stopped him in his tracks.

"NOT before you get a shower, dude."

[Image: 8dDskLd.gif]

As they walked side by side, it was evident that despite whatever issues Calypso was facing, they shared a deeper connection. The kind you'd expect from two who've spent countless nights watching over a city, even if neither admitted it out loud.

Vita stole a glance at Calypso, the moonlight catching the edges of his face. "You know," she began softly, "sometimes, a change of scenery and good company can do wonders."

He looked over and smirked, "I can't argue that some fresh air wasn't a bad idea.  And I don't think I've seen or spoken to another human-being in a couple of days."

Calypso realized after saying it out loud how pathetic it kind of sounded, but shrugged it off.  They both let out a short uncomfortable laugh and continued towards the BBQ place down the street.

Vita noticed small changes in Calypso's character, which made her nervous about what Commissioner Jordan mentioned earlier.  It was hard enough keeping him focused under the Hero's Guild, but after it fell?  It was like the rules and everything they stood for before were slowly starting to shed away.  Then after he was captured and went through whatever mutation in Toxicity's cocoon, they were gone…  But he was hiding it.

"I, uh, missed you on that call earlier," she finally said out loud.

"The ATM one?"

"Yeah, that one," she paused, "The only one."

"My bad!  I figured I'd, maybe, stick back in case some other trouble stirred up, ya know?  Why send all the troops to one place, right?"

"I can understand that.  It's just, we're a team, remember?  The Dynamic Duo!  The pair you wouldn't dare cross!  The last of the Hero's Guild!  We're hardly any of those when only one of us shows up."

Calypso scoffed and rolled his eyes just a little.

"Okay, I get it, but I think at this point we're wasting fire power."

"Fire power?  Cal, you don't know what kind of powers you have.  You don't know if they're going to last, or how long, or what they even are!  We're treading in deep waters here just assuming that something you gained from one of our greatest nemeses is a good thing!  This is not the business to be optimistic-"

"I think you're being under-mistic about the whole thing."

"It's pessimistic, and I'm not!  I'm being REAListic and safe!  In case you've forgotten, we barely escaped with our lives last time.  We HAVE to be more cautious out there, man, or one of us is totally going to get hurt."

Calypso sighed and kicked a few stones on his way by.  His frustration showed.  Why didn't Vita STILL not have any faith in him?  Why couldn't she trust him?  They've been Tag Team Champions for months and they've been fighting crime together longer than that.  She claims they're a team…  Partners…  But all he's ever felt like is her mere sidekick.

The two of them didn't say much the rest of the way to the restaurant and even while they were there.  They didn't eat in silence, but the conversation never really got further than a few comments about their food, which Calypso mostly replied with "Uh-huh's".  She wanted to bring up what Commissioner Jordan had mentioned earlier about the brutal busts across the city, but she wanted to be sure it was the right time.  Whatever power was surging through her partner's body right now wasn't something that was agreeing with logic…  and her simply asking him about it may trigger something…  especially if it was him, which she prayed over and over again that it wasn't.

[Image: 8dDskLd.gif]

With the dinner basically being a bust, as far as relationship building, the two left the restaurant and started the walk home.  Vita decided to walk with Calypso, even though her place was the opposite direction, because the whole ordeal was still eating away at her.  She wanted to ask him and played different scenarios in her head trying to find the right words.  Vita's intuition was absolutely right about this, because meanwhile, Calypso continued to stew over the trust issues he believed Vita had for him.  If she brought this up and even remotely accused him of something, who knows how he'd react.  All he cared about at this point, was proving to her, someway/somehow, what he was capable of now.

Opportunity rose at the perfect time.

As they passed by an alley, Calypso noticed a group of young men gathered at the start of it and in front of an all-night convenience store, literally doing nothing.  Calypso noticed some of them were enjoying a couple products which could have only come from said convenience store and he stopped in his tracks.  Vita, very puzzled, quickly reached for Calypso's arm but missed it completely.

"Cal!"  She whispered loudly after him.  "What are you doing?!"

Calypso casually strolled up to the crowd and stood just a few feet away in front of the would-be leader.

"Sup?"  Calypso said in a low, stern voice.  Not his Blue Tango voice, by any means, but an authoritative one, for sure.

The group, all talking among themselves, stopped and looked over to him.  A couple of them look confused while a few others laugh.  The leader, we're calling the one in the center surrounded by everyone the leader, looked around at his posse and took a gurgly slurp from his blue frozen drink and licked his lips with a blue tongue.

"Sup?"  He replied.

Calypso took another small step towards the group.

"You guys pay for all that crap?"

Vita, now highly alarmed, stepped between them and started to nudge Calypso back.  A few of them spoke up asking if Calypso was a cop and what business it was of his, but the leader stayed silent and looked down at his drink and back up to Calypso.

"We DID pay for this crap.  What are you?  The night patrol?"

"Cal!  Cal!  What are you doing?!"

Calypso shimmied past Vita and the group closed in around him.

"You're gonna wish I was just the night patrol.  Now, answer the question.  DID you pay for that crap or what?"

The same little weasels from the group still can't contain their laughter and the leader seemed baffled by the question.

"Dude, are you deaf?!  I DID answer the question!"

"Man, you don't have to tell him anything," said one from the background and immediately got shushed.

"We have nothing to hide."

"Can you produce a receipt?"

Vita was powerless in the situation.  Nothing was pulling Calypso away.

"Who the hell keeps a receipt for a slurpy?!  Man, you're crazy.  You need to walk away."

Calypso sighed and placed his hands on his hips.

"You need to stop escalating the situation.  Hand over a receipt and I'll be on my way.  Otherwise, march in there and pay for what you've stolen."

The leader threw his arms up in frustration then handed off the cup to the person next to him.

Reaching around his back he said, "Okay!  I'm done with this, bro!"

Calypso saw this and engaged immediately!

"He's strapped!"

In an instant, the leader is on the ground after Calypso landed a straight, lightning-quick punch crushing his sternum.  His cellphone dropped out of his hand and smacked off the ground; all of this to the great displeasure of the crowd.  Some booed while a couple others got into Calypso's face and started shoving him away, which forced our hero to begin defending himself.  One got a high kick right under the chin to send them soaring back.  Two others got a back fist across the face to cause both of them to lose some blood from their mouth on the pavement.

"Cal!  Calypso!"  Vita shouted!  "Stop!  STOOOP!"

As she stepped in, one of the hoodlums pulled out a knife and backed himself against the window of the store.  Without even thinking about it, she disarmed him and flipped the attacker to the ground.  One tried escaping, but Calypso grabbed an empty soda bottle from the ground and whipped it, striking the fleeing thug in the head and knocking him to the ground!  Calypso then went back to the leader, picked him up by his shirt, and headbutted him in the face bloodying him up, as well.  Vita took notice of this immediately.

"That's enough!  Calypso!  Put him down!"

Calypso held eye contact with his victim, through his blood-splattered face, then tossed him through the convenience store window!  The man inside, presumably the owner, rushed outside to the massacre!

"What are you doing?!  Why you hurt my customers?!  I call police now!"

"We have to get out of here!"

Vita grabbed Calypso by the shirt and it was only now that he submitted and allowed himself to be dragged away.

[Image: 8dDskLd.gif]

Vita shoved Calypso into his cramped apartment, slamming the door behind them with an echoing bang. Her face was flushed red, a mixture of frustration and concern filling her eyes. "WHAT IN THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING?!?"

Calypso stumbled, off-balance from the force of her push, and finally regained his footing. His eyes met Vita's. "What?  Vita I–"

"No!" She cut him off sharply, her finger stabbing the air in his direction. "Don't you 'Vita' me! You barged in there, created chaos out of nothing, and beat those kids senseless. For what, Cal? For WHAT!?"

Calypso squared his shoulders, his height seeming to give him a sense of authority. "They needed to be taught a lesson," he growled, the corner of his lip curling. "They were disrespecting us, the whole neighborhood. You might not have seen it, but I did."

Vita's eyes widened in disbelief. "Teach them a lesson? By resorting to unnecessary violence?!" She threw her hands up in exasperation. "This isn't the way, Cal! You can't just go around assaulting people to establish dominance. That's not who we are!"

He took a step towards her, his eyes burning with intensity. "It's a cruel world, Vita. And sometimes you've got to make tough decisions to ensure our place in it. Those thugs, and they were THUGS, were up to no good…  I know it…  I just reminded them of their place."

She stepped back, avoiding his gaze, and whispered, "And in the process, you might've jeopardized ours."

Calypso's eyes flashed with annoyance. "What are you suggesting?  Does me throwing off the kid gloves make you uncomfortable?"

Vita's face hardened, her voice low and intense. "It's not about kid gloves, Cal. It's about our principles. It's about being that beacon of hope in a world where darkness encroaches every corner. We don't exist to punish – we exist to guide, to inspire!"

Calypso laughed bitterly.  "Inspire? Guide? Look around, Vita! The world's gone mad! You think being gentle with thugs is going to change anything?"

Vita took a deep breath, trying to remain calm. "It's not just about the thugs, Cal. It's about everyone who's watching. Every child who idolizes us, every person who believes in a better world because of us. We aren't just a duo who brings justice — WE symbolize hope — and to do that, we have to follow the code set forth by the Heroes Guild."

"Code….  CODE!!  Do you remember what living the CODE got everyone else?  They're not living anymore!  If you expect me to make that kind of stupid sacrifice then you're out of your mind.  Fuck the Hero's Guild."

Without warning and with no time to react, Vita viciously backhanded the taste out of Calypso’s mouth!

[Image: tt.gif]

Calypso's head snapped to the side, the sharp sound of Vita's palm meeting his face echoing through the room. His eyes, wide in shock, slowly turned back to face hers. A thin streak of blood trailed from the corner of his mouth.

Vita, chest heaving, her hand still raised, glared at him with a fiery intensity. "Don't you EVER disrespect the very institution that gave us our purpose," she hissed.

Calypso touched his lip, feeling the warmth of his blood, and smiled... He slowly straightened, locking eyes with Vita. "That's right," he whispered coldly under his breath.

Vita's gaze didn't waver. "They gave us a framework, a set of principles to ensure that heroes remain heroes and don't turn into the very thing they're fighting against. I believe in that code, Cal. And if you don't, maybe we really shouldn't be working together."

Calypso hesitated, his defiant expression softening slightly. He let out a slow exhale, glancing away from Vita's piercing gaze. He tried to think about the big picture; Doomsayer, Smoker, the city, and, of course, the Tag Team Titles.  The room was thick with tension, the silence only broken by their synchronized breaths.  He knew what had to be done, but Vita was set in her ways.  There was a protocol in taking down maniacal world destroyers.  Regardless of what he thought tonight, he wasn't winning this argument.

"You don't get it," he began slowly, "This world... it's become so much darker. And sometimes, I feel like the rules and regulations hold us back. Like they keep us chained when we need to fight with everything we have."

Vita's stance remained guarded. "The darkness you talk about? It's precisely why we need those rules. We can't let it change us, Cal. If we do, then what difference is there between us and the villains we face?"

Calypso looked away and said nothing."

She saw the internal struggle reflected in his motions. "Cal, the desire to make a difference is noble. But we must always remember the path we take to achieve it. It's easy to get lost when we let our emotions guide us unchecked."

He looked down, his fingers gently caressing the red mark on his cheek. "Maybe you're right," he admitted softly, his voice carrying a hint of uncertainty. "Maybe I let my anger and pride cloud my judgment."

Vita approached him slowly, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. "It's not too late to make amends. To stand by the principles that brought us together. But you have to choose, Cal. Every day. To be the hero that this world needs."

Calypso met her gaze, his face unreadable.

Was it genuine realization or a careful calculation?

"You've given me a lot to consider," he said, his voice laced with an ambiguity that left the future of their partnership hanging in the balance.

[Image: 8dDskLd.gif]

Atop one of the tallest buildings in Grand City, a solitary figure stands poised on the precipice, surveying the sprawling metropolis below. It's Atomic Bat, her iconic cape fluttering gracefully in the night breeze, a beacon of hope and resilience. With The Blue Tango nowhere in sight, she stands alone, her unwavering gaze fixed on the distant horizon, ever vigilant against any lurking menace.

Just above her, an XWF Cambot hovers, its advanced lenses honed in on her. The drone maneuvers with precision, ensuring the world gets the most stunning view of the city's guardian

As the Cambot prepares to broadcast, Atomic Bat takes a deep breath, drawing strength from the city she's sworn to protect.

"Ladies and gentlemen, citizens of this grand city, and fans tuning in from across the globe, I stand before you alone tonight, but not unaccompanied in spirit. As a symbol of hope, a beacon of righteousness, I bear a responsibility. Usually by my side is The Blue Tango, a hero whose journey of growth and change is nothing short of inspiring. Though he's not here physically, our partnership remains steadfast. Together, even in absence, we hold the most prestigious title in wrestling today—the XWF Tag Team Championships."

"By the time Relentless arrives, The Blue Tango and I will have marked 150 days as the XWF Tag Team Champions, surpassing all present titleholders in the XWF in terms of tenure. Even EDWARD, with his undeniable prowess and spectacle, has worn his Anarchy Championship for nine days fewer than our own. As for the rest? Their achievements pale in comparison. Our tenure speaks of a bond and unity that cannot be broken. Yet, hushed tones suggest our division is waning, devoid of true talent and merely awaiting the emergence of Charlie Nickles' heir and the proclaimed ‘Son of Satan’. They believe they will emerge as champions from the shadows of a dead division."

"Such misguided notions!"

"HOLD FAST! From Notorious Kings, to Intergalactic Duos, from wild Dogs and mighty Lions to Vagabonds and Wanderers, we’ve remained unyielding. To all who have dared, we have always been the steadfast wall. And as Relentless approaches, we will once again rise, ready to confront the ominous beckoning of ‘Hell's Hamper’ and the impending doom that is said to follow."

"Now, when I gaze upon our challengers, HGH and LSM, I'm met with a blend of amusement and disappointment. Here we have HGH, claiming to be the antichrist, the 'son of Satan' no less. Then there's LSM, parading around as one of his foreboding horsemen. And let's not forget their backup: The Thugs? Well, they might just herald the end - the end of the XWF's fandom, that is. Such an unoriginal, dull ensemble! It's almost laughable to think that this motley crew could signify the end of anything, except perhaps decent taste and decent ratings."

"Both HGH and LSM had the world at their fingertips, brimming with potential. But instead of embarking on a noble journey of hard work and resilience, they ventured down a path of gimmicks and theatrical antics. Instead of showcasing genuine talent and proving their mettle, they've chosen to align themselves with characters who are hell-bent, quite literally, on undermining the very essence of our shared ethos."

"They formed a group, promising to be the next big thing in wrestling. They hyped their debut, made grand promises, and built up the anticipation. We all waited, expecting something revolutionary, something groundbreaking. But when the time came... What did we see? A parade of clichés, a mishmash of old tropes repackaged in a new, yet equally uninspired, wrapping. The spectacle they promised turned out to be nothing more than smoke and mirrors, and their so-called 'revolution'? It fizzled before it even began. While they might have promised Armageddon, all they delivered was a whimper. In a world thirsting for genuine talent and authentic champions, they’ve turned out to be just another flash in the pan."

A playful smirk forms on her face.

They showed up, touting themselves as the next great evil, but what did we witness? They 'Shock Mastered' their grand entrance! It was as if someone had scripted a slapstick comedy – they tripped, stumbled, and ended up face-first in the arena of embarrassment as their team lost their debut to a zoo animal! And just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse? Sidney Grey, a lone figure, overshadowed their entire sinister act. In a twist of irony, she managed to outmaneuver and out-villain them, showing the world just how amateurish ‘The Left Foot’ truly was. Not only did they fail to establish themselves as the supreme team on Anarchy, but they were also outplayed in their own game of darkness. The message was clear: they were neither the best in skills nor in theatrics. It was a revelation, perhaps, that they're not quite ready for prime time."

"But here we are, right?"

Atomic Bat's playful smirk widened behind her mask. Then, as quickly as it appeared, it vanished, replaced by a look of resolute determination as she straightened up, her posture emanating the iconic authority she'd always been known for.

"Throughout my journey, I've stood toe-to-toe with adversaries who desired nothing more than to see me crumble, to see me broken beneath their heel. The threats, the challenges, the daunting odds — I've faced them all. And The Blue Tango? He's stared into the abyss, confronting challenges that would make the bravest of souls second-guess their resolve. Yet, each time, no matter how dire the circumstance, we didn't falter. We didn't waver. We rose, soaring above our adversaries, showing them, and the world, the indomitable spirit of true heroes. Because, in the end, that's what heroes are made of, resilience in the face of overwhelming odds."

"Neither The Blue Tango nor I were born yesterday. We're acutely aware that stepping into the ring with HGH and LSM means we aren't just preparing for a match — we're gearing up for an all-out war. We haven't overlooked the ever-present shadow of The Thugs, lurking, waiting for the opportune moment to strike. We understand, all too well, the mentality of our opponents: for HGH and LSM, it's not about the honor of the fight, but the endgame. Their thirst for gold isn't about pride or legacy; it's about possession by any means necessary.

But let's not forget, as superheroes, facing overwhelming odds isn't new territory for us. It's practically our day-to-day. We've been cornered, outnumbered, and underestimated more times than I can count. Yet, every time, we've managed to turn the tables. Because here's the thing: we don't need the fight to be fair. We thrive when the odds are stacked against us. We revel in proving naysayers wrong. So, let them bring their tricks, their schemes, their looming threats. We'll face them head-on, stand unwavering beside each other, and ensure that this so-called 'The End' is stopped in its tracks, long before it even starts!"

[Image: 8dDskLd.gif]


Another XWF cambot followed Calypso walking alone through the dirty streets.  Any desire to go home and dive back into Starfield didn't even appeal to him now.  He was already in a not so good part of the city and was coming to a crossroads.  He reached the end of the block and went to take the right towards home, but stopped.  He looked to the left, where the street lights were dim, and headed that way instead.  Stores that were open during the day were gated and boarded up.  Graffiti littered almost every square inch of concrete there was.  DIfferent circles of homeless folk gathered around each other; doing whatever and, besides a quick glance, for the most part ignored Calypso as he stomped by.  He ignored whatever they had going on, too.  At this point, he just didn't care.

Whatever Toxicity did to him opened a door.  AB was right about one thing, they didn't know what it was all about, but whatever it was, it was working.  He was stronger, faster, smarter, which made him more confident and a better superhero…  At least that was what he thought.  There hasn't been any negative side effects or anything to alarm them…  So what was the big deal?  The incident outside the convenience store was nothing.  He WANTED to ignore the little stuff, but the constant mentoring from AB turned to lecturing, then turned to him just wanting to prove that they were better than this petty crime crap………  Maybe, Toxicity was actually trying to help them defeat Doomsayer?  She was always all about the secret agendas and maybe Doomer didn't have the control he thought he had over her………  There were too many questions that still needed answered…  And a lot on both of their minds…   

This is where the inner monologue starts:

I can't believe she just can't let that stuff go…  The Hero's Guild…  The Code…  The Code was great when there were more than two of us against an endless army of assholes…  I was all for it at first, too.  The quest I had to embark on to become a "true" superhero.  Earn my wings.  My badge.  All that good stuff.  I was ALL for it.  Until the shit hit the fan, right?

I get the good guy thing.  Not going out there and destroying or taking lives I think is a start, but when there's so much on the line is there really a line that you shouldn't cross?  With Doomsayer looming in the background, us basically waiting for his next move…  What's out of line?  What's out of the question?  What is against the code?  How can we break the rules?  When this duo first started, it was a great idea.  I had nothing better going on and all I had was a cape.  The Atomic Bat really made the Blue Tango mean something.  Something to be proud of and something that a few people nowadays shouldn't bat an eye at.  That carries right over to the Tag Team Titles.

We've had them for months and every month so far has become easier.  I told Ned Kaye when he barked about us leading a dead division that he was completely right.  Weeks have gone by since we defended the straps last against him and King and here we are again…  Two individuals that decided to take their turn.  That's exactly what they are, too.  Just like the last couple we've had.  Not a team.  Not a threat.  Not a thing.

Who do we have?

Harmon Grayson Hays and Latina Submission Machina…  Sigh…

I suppose I'm more disappointed that we just don't have more cats scratching at the door.  We've had the titles forever here and you'd think the smell of blood would just be too overbearing for some out there that they would just have to try and ruin our fun somehow.  We started out as a joke to a lot of people around here and we not only proved those suckers wrong, but doubled down on it.  We've not only defended our titles but have with ease every step of the way.  Not once have I felt threatened against a single duo that's stepped forward to challenge us.  Not once have I ever felt that our titles were in jeopardy.  What does the rabbit pull out of the hat this time?  A Charlie Nickels dreamchild?  Don't make me puke.  That guy can hardly hold it together let alone string two wins together, and now this? 

LSM is a lost cause already because she's forever tainted by relation, but someone give HGH the memo that falling down hurts a lot more with someone on your back.  Whatever silly nonsense that they filled him up with is going to implode when the Blue Tango and Atomic Bat set aside whatever differences they have in the world and focus on the big picture.  Whether it's defending the world we live in and or the one's we wear around our waists, we give 200% each and every time that duty calls.

It's not like they haven't done well for themselves…  Individually.  LSM has some big wins, some big titles.  They've both been Anarchy Champions…  They've done fine by themselves.  Until some big shots come rolling in and steal all their thunder.  They brought the THUGS into whatever little mess that they have brewing, who we've already blown away – easily – and had a match with John Black, which they lost.  Granted, LSM was about to choke out NK, but that's the difference between that "W" and that big ol' "L".  So, maybe ditch John Black in the future… Maybe without him last time you might've escaped with the win, but who knows?  We'll see how they fare this week against a couple of other nobodies.  At the very least they'll be practiced up losing by the time Relentless rolls around.  If they pull out a win, it makes no difference, they've shown they can carry the torch until someone bigger and better comes along…  But at the moment, someone bigger and better is holding it already and we're holding it way too high for either of them to even reach.

People can talk us down all they want.  They can point out the competition and call it weak, call us weak along with it.  The fact of the matter is that we're here and we're waiting for the challenge.  We're waiting for that special team to come out of nowhere and surprise the entire XWF Universe for once with something that will make our awesome, excellent, and on-going Tag Team run something to remember.  Relentless is supposed to be the highlight of the XWF, the main event of main events, yet here we are…  Here we are defending some top XWF gold against another couple of randos that for some reason thought they could take what's ours.  Bunch of crazy fools man.  AB and I have spent a lot of time together in recent months…  We're to the point of any relationship where you're just tired enough of the person that you're both a little on edge and more dangerous than ever before.  That's what's been the greatest part of this journey, ya know?  With each and every defense we're getting waaay better at this.

The cambot actually sails past Calypso as he stopped and looked through a gated off driveway.  It corrected itself and hovered behind him again as he poked his head through the bars.  Up the swirly road toward the top of a hill was a mansion… with plant life growing all around it and through it…

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