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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Bad Medicine RP Boards 2022
Seeing The Other Side...
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Peter Vaughn Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:
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(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

11-26-2022, 10:24 PM

The Road So Far:

Reflections & Resurrections, P1

Reflections & Resurrections, P2

Reflections & Resurrections, P3

[Image: executive-summary.jpg]

It hasn't been a fun ride lately for Peter Vaughn.

He lost his Supercontinental Title due to shenanigans with Charlie Nickles. He had Buster Gloves turn on him, refusing to believe that Finn Kuhn could rig a video for his own advantages. He now faces a basic Handicap match against both men at Bad Medicine.

Oh, and he's been lost throughout the incalculable dimensions of the multiverse.

That one's probably a bigger issue, all told.

Vaughn, the Head Custodian of the Custodial Coalition, previously had been tricked into being pulled into a mirror dimension by his nemesis, Bernardo, the leader of the Maintenance Mafia. This world was nearly the end for both of them, as their counterparts proved to be devious and power-hungry, just like them. Both men were forced to ally together to escape, with Bernardo having to rush into a portal jump. Instead of returning them back to their dimension, the two men ended up in a pre-historic universe. The creatures living there proved to not be very fond of human beings.

Now Vaughn and Bernardo seem to be aligned once again in their efforts to escape, each knowing that the other will betray them as soon as they find an opening. But how will it all end? I suppose we'll be finding out... shortly...

~We begin inside the former headquarters of the Maintenance Mafia. The Coalition has taken complete control of this installation, pushing the Mafia closer than ever to being obliterated. But it's come at an intense cost, with the loss of Peter Vaughn. All efforts have been made to figure out the technology that was used. All efforts have been futile. We find ourselves back in the Hall of Mirrors, the control area for the portal jumps. The hallway was once full of technicians, but now, the only person left is Bill Sykes. He is sitting there with a depressed look on his face, as he studies the mirrors once more.~

Bill Sykes: I don't know what to do, Peter. I really don't.

~Bill rubs the top of his forehead, obviously dealing with the remains of a nasty migraine.~

Bill Sykes: We tried powering this one with the Optigon. We tried crossing it with the power grid; the mayor loved that. We brought in every Mafia member who was willing to give information in exchange for leniency. None of them were on the team that worked on this. Luke even tried hacking the system for 32-hours. He's currently on enforced bed rest. Honestly, Peter, we tried everything to get you back... and we've failed you.

~A single tear runs down the side of Bill's face. He wipes it away, looking annoyed at the escaping emotion. He pushes himself to his feet, clearing his throat.~

Bill Sykes: All you need to know, Peter, is that I'll make sure the Coalition goes on... until maybe, someday, you find your way... back...

~Bill's voice fades away as there's suddenly a circle of electricity growing in the middle of the mirror at the end of the hallway. It grows larger, taking up most of the mirror, causing Bill to step back and prepare to run in case in began to act like a black hole or something. But that doesn't happen. Instead, a single individual comes toppling through the portal, falling to the ground in front of Bill.~

Bill Sykes: Oh my God! PETER!!!

~Bill runs to Vaughn's side, helping the man up, as the portal begins to close behind him. As it disappear, Vaughn glances back at it, as if waiting for something else to happen. It doesn't, so Vaughn slumps partially onto Bill. He's covered in blood across the front of his outfit. It's unclear how much belonged to him. Bill takes Vaughn over to the chair, sitting him down. Vaughn winces, with Bill taking in the wound across his side.~

Bill Sykes: You're hurt!

~Bill pulls out his communicator, quickly dialing for the right number.~

Bill Sykes: This is Sykes in the Mirror Room! Vaughn is back, repeat, Vaughn is back!! I need medical here immediately!

~We hear the startled response, but Bill doesn't bother listening to it. He leans over Vaughn, checking on him.~

Peter Vaughn: It's... good to see you, too, Bill. Don't worry... I think it's just... a flesh wound... or two...

Bill Sykes: What the hell happened, P... Mr. Vaughn? Where have you been?

Peter Vaughn: That's... a long story, Bill. And it's one that... doesn't really need to be heard. I just... want a shower... a beer... and a long rest...

Bill Sykes: We'll do what we can, sir.

~A medical crew comes hurrying in with a stretcher and supplies. Bill helps Vaughn over to the stretcher, getting him situated. All throughout, Vaughn keeps looking back at the mirror, staring at his own reflection, while also reliving what he just experienced... ~

[Image: DbA7AhUW4AId0-B.jpg]

~We find ourselves in a large jungle area, overgrown for the most part. There are the sounds of exotic birds and other animals, some of which don't sound at all familiar. The camera pans down on a section of bushes, which are moving slightly. Slowly, Peter Vaughn's head appears, looking over the top in both directions. He nods, then lowers back down. Our perspective changes, showing Vaughn kneeling in the bushes beside Bernardo, who appears to be frantically working on his technology.~

Peter Vaughn: How's it coming?

Bernardo: Don't rush me, stupido! It's getting there!

Peter Vaughn: I'm sorry if you feel rushed, asshole, but those Bigfoot bastards are probably tracking us down again right now...

Bernardo: Then keep your annoying voice down and let me work!

~Bernardo seems to be trying a method to speed up the recharge of the device, as we can see a green line slowly going upwards. It's not moving fast enough for either man.~

Peter Vaughn: Man, I should have left you behind...

Bernardo: Without this? Even you're not hard-headed enough to believe you could build something like this yourself.

Peter Vaughn: I could have gotten it back from your corpse...

~Bernardo scoffs, as he continues his work. Both men know that they're stuck with each other, at least for now, as Bernardo's sore ankle will keep him from being able to defend himself. There's a sudden, strange howl in the air, which brings Vaughn back to his feet. He peers around, seeing nothing, but his instincts are telling him he's being watched. He reaches into his pocket, fiddling with something, before turning back to Bernardo and pulling him up.~

Peter Vaughn: They're coming again. We need to get moving.

Bernardo: Don't they have anything better to do??

Peter Vaughn: I don't think any other entertainment has been created in this reality. Let's get going. How much longer?

Bernardo: Five minutes. Maybe less.

Peter Vaughn: Sure you don't want me to carry it?

Bernardo: Don't make me laugh.

~The two men start moving through the jungle, trying to be as quiet as possible, although it's not easy on a bad ankle for Bernardo. They move further towards what looks to be a river of some kind. Crossing it is out of the question, it's way too strong a flow. They start moving alongside it... just as a large, wooden spear lands near them.~

Peter Vaughn: Ah, shit...

Bernardo: RUN!!!

Peter Vaughn: No, really? I was going to negotiate!

~They run on, while we can see several creatures popping out of the jungle behind them. They're hard to describe, as they're completely different from anything that's ever been seen on our Earth. Really, "Bigfoot" is probably the best description. Maybe this is the universe they come from. Either way, they're intent on killing their prey, loping after Bernardo and Vaughn. One of them steps out in front of the fleeing duo, howling. Vaughn scoops up a rock on the fly and lets loose, cracking it across the creature's head. It falls, with Vaughn & Bernardo hurrying past. There's a beeping coming from Bernardo's wrist.~

Peter Vaughn: Fuck, they're gaining... can't you move faster??

Bernardo: You want to be the one with a sprain, pendajo?? It doesn't matter anyway, I think we're out of here!

~Bernardo triggers the dimensional device, shooting a beam in front of him. A portal opens, spinning around wildly. All of the creatures suddenly stop in their tracks, apparently scared by the strange sight.~

Peter Vaughn: You a little more sure about your coordinates this time?

Bernardo: Trust me, there's no interference on this trip. We're going exactly where I want us to go.

~Bernardo hides a dark smile, as he begins to move forward towards the portal. One more spear comes flying in, but thankfully, it goes right between the two men, shooting through the portal. It disappears from sight. Vaughn, having no other option, jumps with Bernardo through, and both men vanish... ~

~Only to appear out the other side, shooting out of the portal in front of what appears to be an apartment building. Both men turn and look behind him, to see if any of the creatures are brave enough to try leaping through. None appear. The portal closes, sealing them off from that strange world. Vaughn nods, then looks to his side, noticing the wooden spear sticking out of the side of the building.~

Peter Vaughn: Huh. Guess that spear gained some momentum on the way through. So is this right, Bernardo? Are we... home... wait a second...

~Vaughn suddenly looks around, realizing that street that they're on. He steps forward, checking out the building in front of him.~

Peter Vaughn: This... this is my... my old apartment building. What are we doing here, Bernardo? Bernardo?

~Vaughn glances around behind him. While he was distracted, Bernardo appears to have taken off. Vaughn shrugs, checking something in his pocket, before stepping up to the building.~

Peter Vaughn: What a crazy coincidence. I even recognize some of these names... Zydalgo... Benson... V... Vaughn??

~Confused, Vaughn looks closer at the names of the tenants, as the camera zooms in... clearly showing us the name "Vaughn" on one of the buttons. Vaughn stands there, stunned, as the video cuts away.~

You never know where you're going to find your name, do you?

For instance, I didn't expect to hear my name mentioned by Finn Kuhn as his excuse out of trouble. But I guess I shouldn't be surprised. When the word was broken that Finn was the man who rigged the I Quit match against Buster Gloves, I was the one who happened to be there to save Buster from a vicious beating from the man. I knew Finn wanted revenge after that. I just figured he'd be man enough to come right at me on his own.

Instead, he dials up a completely obviously rigged video, claiming that I was actually the one who arranged for Buster to say "I Quit". I mean, obvious to anyone besides someone of Buster's apparent intelligence, because he bought it, hook, line, & stinker. He wasn't alone, as I know most of the XWF audience also believes that I must have been the one to set up that loss. Of course, they're all idiots, so it's not that big of a shock.

But I just want to know, why does everyone out there see Finn as some sort of good guy savant? Why do you put him on so high a pedestal, that he 'obviously' wouldn't do something like this? Why don't they see the obvious?

Here's the thing: if Finn was such a great guy, why didn't he protest the ending to that I Quit match at Relentless? Did you hear him saying "That didn't happen, I want this match restarted"? No. Did you hear him screaming at the ref that the win was tainted and it should be taken from him? No. What you saw was Finn acting like he was confused, while gladly taking the victory that he badly needed at an XWF Pay-Per-View.

How about after that? Once Buster & Finn began talking about how everything was rigged, did Finn tell Buster that he'd give him half his PPV winnings from the match? I sure as hell didn't hear about it. Finn kept every cent that he got from that 'rigged' ending, working perfectly to his own satisfaction. Has he gone to the XWF leadership and said to strike that win from his record, since it shouldn't count? Hell no. He's PROUD of winning at Relentless!

So again, what makes people see Finn as the good guy here? He's taken advantage of everything that he's gotten, whether you believe he arranged it or not. And now, he's again rigged things to his advantage. He's arranged with his little video to make it a Handicap match, myself against Finn & Buster. And how long does Buster think that's going to last? Because as soon as Buster turns his back, I'm certain that Finn will try to end Buster's career with another pin, crushing his hopes and dreams here in the XWF.

And Finn's going to trumpet that from the heavens, how he ended Buster's career and got one over on the Mechanic.

But I'm not going to let that happen.

You're not going to succeed, you despicable piece of turd trash. I'm not going to let it go down. If it means I have to break both of you, ending BOTH of your careers, that's what I'm going to do.

Then we'll see if everyone still wants to think of Finn as some kind of glorious god, or if they'll finally see him for the fallen angel he really is.

~After a few moments of rare indecision, Vaughn reaches a finger out towards the Vaughn button. He stops, though, thinking it over.~

Peter Vaughn: These have to be old, right? They just... they haven't gotten around to replacing them yet. It's the only thing that makes sense...

~Vaughn thinks about it a little longer, then reaches out, pressing the button for Zydalgo instead.~

Voice: Yes?

Peter Vaughn: Hi, umm, you probably don't remember me, but...

Voice: Oh, is that you, Peter?

~Startled, Vaughn looks at the speaker for a second, then shakes it off.~

Peter Vaughn: Yeah, yeah, it's me. I'm surprised you recognized my voice...

Voice: It hasn't been THAT long, Peter. So you forgot your keys again?

Peter Vaughn: I... er...

Voice: *sigh* Just remember me next time we need some work done on our sinks, okay?

~The door buzzes open, with Vaughn instinctively reaching forward to open it while it's still triggered. The speaker cuts off, even as Vaughn turns back to it.~

Peter Vaughn: Ummm.... thanks?

~Predictably, there's no response.~

Peter Vaughn: Gotta be an Alzheimer's situation...

~Vaughn slips inside, checking out the lobby.~

Peter Vaughn: Hmmm. Looks about how I remember it, if much worse off. I'm surprised this place is still standing, though, so I guess it's doing better than I expected. Wonder who's in the old apartment?

~Vaughn heads to the elevator, pressing the button. Nothing happens. Vaughn scoffs at it.~

Peter Vaughn: Figures. The slumlords wouldn't keep these maintained, would they? Looks like it's the stairs. Good, I could use some exercise, since I have a match to prepare for.

~Vaughn turns and jogs to the stairway, heading up two flights as quickly as possible. He stops on the third flight, considering the steps there.~

Peter Vaughn: Right there. That's the step I sat on when my father told me Mom had left us. She didn't even have the courage to tell me face-to-face. Yeah, lot of memories here....

~Vaughn can almost see the crying kid sitting there, being comforted by his father. He puts it aside, though, and heads up to the final floor, making his way down to his old apartment. He stands in front of it, focusing on the numbers on the door.~

Peter Vaughn: They never did tell me who had moved in once Dad was put into hospice care and passed away. Odds are it was someone desperate. Who else would want to live here? I wonder...

~Vaughn's hand hovers forward, as if to knock on the door, but he doesn't seem to want to take that final step. He shakes his head.~

Peter Vaughn: Nah. They don't need some former resident stalking them. The past deserves to stay in the past, anyway.

~Vaughn turns to leave, ready to go check on how things are going with the Coalition. That's when the door opens, and a voice shocks him to his core.~

Voice: Peter! You made it!!

~A man steps into the hall, giving Peter a big hug, with Peter too stunned to return it. His eyes have gone wide, enough to see the whites more than the iris.~

Peter Vaughn: D... Dad??

~Vaughn's father comes out of the hug, smiling widely.~

Mr. Vaughn: Wow, have you been working out? I'm impressed son. I was never one to be in tremendous shape, myself.

~Peter has no response, as Mr. Vaughn pats his son on the shoulder.~

Mr. Vaughn: Come on in! You're welcome, as always!

~Peter, completely shellshocked at this point, lets himself be led inside, as the door shuts behind them.~

Sometimes no matter how hard you prepare yourself, you can be taken by surprise.

That's how I felt the day that Buster Gloves turned on me.

You know the worst part, Buster? I've always been in your corner, whether you knew it or not. For some reason, you seem to blame me for you not getting into CCPE, but you're completely wrong on that aspect. I talked you up to Chris Page. I wanted you in with us, as part of the greatest wrestlers in the world today.

But Chris has a different view than I do. He's been in the business a lot longer, and he said that you weren't ready. No matter how much I disagreed with him, there was nothing I could do. He was the boss.

He was also right. You weren't ready, Buster. I'm ashamed of myself for not seeing it beforehand, really. You proved that by taking losses in Level Up, and then coming into the XWF the way you did. You lacked the fire that you used to have. I don't really know what happened there, Bust, but you lived up to your name for a while there.

But I was still pulling for you. I was rooting for you in the back when you went at it with that bloodthirsty Finn. I thought you were going to take him down for sure. But no, you let yourself get put in a position where you could lose, and you lost. I mean, I don't think you were getting out of that submission hold anyway, the way Finn leveraged it. But even with the controversial ending, you put yourself there. You allowed Finn to beat you the way he did, and I tell you, Finn is still bragging about it to this day.

That's when everything went down, didn't it? You found out about the secret video showing Finn betraying you. You lost your cool and allowed Finn to KO you. Then I stepped in. But even with my backing you 100 percent, wanting you to find that fire again, you quickly turned on me as soon as you thought you had a smidgen of reason to. You immediately believed the media and the fans that I'm some evil snake in the grass.

Well, that's a damn sight better than being a little lamb with no way to protect himself.

I will say this, Bust, you seem to have gotten some of that fire back, and I'm glad. I'm sorry it took such an unlikely turn of events for it to happen, but maybe you can still save your XWF career. Maybe you can pull your ass out of the fire before it's cooked entirely. But it's going to take you opening your eyes and seeing the truth.

I've always just wanted the best for you, Bust. Sometimes that might mean I'll have to dish out tough love. But I haven't given up on your damn ass yet.

So if you end up taking the Plunge, remember: it's for your own good, you son of a bitch.

~We're inside the Vaughn apartment now, as Peter is still staggered by the sight of everything around him. All the furniture he remembers, with a few new additions here and there. He looks in every direction, taking it all in, as his father walks in behind him.~

Mr. Vaughn: I'm happy you were able to get away from that custodial conference you told us about. It really wasn't Thanksgiving here without you. Hey, Ma, guess who showed up??

~Peter looks forward, stunned again as a woman comes walking out of the kitchen area, holding a pumpkin pie fresh from the oven. She smiles brightly at Peter, hurrying to put down the pie so she can give her son a hug.~

Peter Vaughn: Mom??

Mrs. Vaughn: Peter! It's wonderful to have you here!!

Peter Vaughn: I... I don't understand...

Mrs. Vaughn: Thomas! Come on out and see your brother!

Peter Vaughn: Thomas? He's here too??

~Vaughn turns as the bedroom door opens and Thomas walks out. But this isn't the Thomas Hill we've seen on television many times, the half-brother of Peter Vaughn. This Thomas has different features, and even appears to be a little taller. If anything, you can see the resemblance of Vaughn's father shining through. The man walks forward, extending a hand.~

Thomas Vaughn: Glad you got your foot out of your ass and came here, Pete.

Mrs. Vaughn: Now don't be like that, Thomas! You know your brother has a lot of responsibilities!

Thomas Vaughn: Sure, sure. Lots of plumbing projects to run.

Mr. Vaughn: Now, son, I've told you before, if you enjoy the work, it's as important as you want it to be. Now, c'mon, Peter, we were just getting ourselves ready for the meal.

~Peter's mom grabs his arm as he is almost dragged into the kitchen/dining area. It's a small set-up, but it's still big enough for four people. Peter takes a seat, as his mom goes to get another place setting. Thomas sits to his right, looking a little arrogant the way he leans back in his chair. Mr. Vaughn steps to the other side, where the turkey is currently waiting being carved.~

Mr. Vaughn: With this miracle in hand, let's get to eating!

Mrs. Vaughn: Hold your horses, Papa, let me get the plate down at least!

~Mrs. Vaughn gets Peter set up, then sits down across from him. They all bow for a quick prayer, with Peter being the only one not to close his eyes. Then the feast begins.~

Mr. Vaughn: You'll want one of the turkey legs, right, Peter?

Peter Vaughn: I... don't you want it... Dad?

Mr. Vaughn: With my cholesterol? Trust me, your mother wouldn't let it happen. I have to eat as lightly as possible.

Mrs. Vaughn: Oh, yeah, blame me for keeping you alive, hon.

~The two laugh, as Peter shakes his head in bewilderment. He looks over at his mom, thinking things through.~

Peter Vaughn: So... you two seem to be doing pretty well. You, uh... you haven't had any problems over the years?

Mrs. Vaughn: What, you mean... as a married couple?

Mr. Vaughn: Strange question for the dinner table, Peter.

Peter Vaughn: Yeah, I know. I just... you know, there are a lot of couples that haven't lasted as long as you have...

Mrs. Vaughn: Oh, well, like any marriage, we've had our... difficulties. You know it almost reached... well, thankfully, it never did. We worked through it, and now we're happier than ever.

Peter Vaughn: And still living here...

Thomas Vaughn: Hey, I've offered to move them to a better house, since, y'know, I'm the one you can afford it. They just won't move.

Mrs. Vaughn: Why would we? This is our home. It's where we raised our children. It's where so much of our life has come together. No, we're not going anywhere.

~Vaughn sits quietly for a few seconds, ignoring the passing around of dishes around him. He's working things out in his head.~

Peter Vaughn: So... that pretty much decides it. I'm in an alternate dimension still.

Mr. Vaughn: Excuse me, son?

Peter Vaughn: But the only difference... the moment that changed anything... is that you never left, Mom...

Mrs. Vaughn: I... I don't understand...

Peter Vaughn: It was you... you did this...

~Peter's tone is darker now, surprising everyone in the room. They look at him with concern and some worry as he stands up, glaring at each one of them, before focusing on his mother.

Peter Vaughn: It's all your fault...

~Peter looks furious, as his 'mother' can only sputter in confusion as we cut away.~

It's all your fault.

It's your fault that I'm going to be crashing your little Handicap party by taking the fight to both of you.

It's your fault that I'll be bringing my best game once again, ready to annihilate anyone standing in my way.

It's your fault that I'm going to have to break both of you, instead of just one.

It could have been so different. If you were smarter, Bust, we could have become a hell of a team in the XWF. I would have pulled you along to so many titles. The tag division is disintegrated right now. We would have ruled over it. But you couldn't look past your rage and see the glory that could have been.

If you were less arrogant, Finnigan, you would have let it happen. You would have given Bust his chance to actually be a success here. But you couldn't do it. You couldn't fight him fairly, and you had to rig the game in your favor. You had to be a degenerate dickhead who shows one face to the crowd while laughing at them in the back.

If either of you was worth more, you'd be able to stand up against me one on one, and try to prove yourselves that way. But you want to both fight me and make your path easier. It saddens me that the XWF is becoming this way. Unbalanced. Undisciplined. Unintelligent.

Let me ask you this, Bust: has Finn implied at any time that he'd be willing for you to take the pin on me? No, I'm sure he hasn't, because Finn has no intention of losing this match. He wants to win it, and he'll gladly backstab you the second you guys think you have me down. I wouldn't be surprised if his master plan is to pin you, since he knows how difficult it is to keep my shoulders on the mat.

If you actually could pull a few brain cells into a group and make them work, Bust, you'd realize that your best chance is to backstab him first. Trick Finn into thinking you guys are working together, then break his heart with one punch. You could probably even make him tap out to that, and honestly, I'd have to really debate whether or not I'd break that up.

I want to win, but more than that, I want to see Finney Kumby suffer.

So by all means, Bust, feel free to bloody Finn up some. I won't stand against it. I'll even help out. But I don't see you accepting that, since you're so damn stubborn and unable to see the truth no matter how obvious it is. You're just too distrusting, too disturbed by your rage.

So, yep. It's all your fault. Accept the blame, because the punishment is coming.

~The family is shocked into silence as Peter Vaughn is on his feet, having shoved his chair against the wall. He starts pacing back and forth, ignoring them, as he fumes.~

Mr. Vaughn: Peter... Peter, please, talk to us. What's going on?

Peter Vaughn: It's her fault. It's all her fault...

Mr. Vaughn: What, son? What did your mother do?

~Mr. Vaughn looks over at his wife, who is starting to cry, having no idea what's going on. Thomas is up as well now, looking pissed at his brother's actions.~

Peter Vaughn: If it wasn't for her... you'd be dead, Dad.

~Mr. Vaughn gasps, taking this almost as a threat as he steps backwards.~

Peter Vaughn: If it wasn't for her... you wouldn't be the same, 'Tom'...

~Peter says that very derogatory, causing Thomas to flare up in anger. He starts to step forward... and Peter steps into a superkick, knocking Thomas out with one shot!!! Thomas goes down hard, as both parents yell out in shock and dismay.~

Peter Vaughn: If it wasn't for her... I wouldn't be what I am today...

~That seems to slow Peter down slightly, as he stops at a nearby counter. He picks up a picture, which shows a happy Peter Vaughn, smiling, alongside his family. It looks like they found a way to get to Six Flags and take a picture there. It was probably the best theme park they could afford, but they appear to have had a great time. Peter glares at the photo, then throws it to the side, shattering it.~

Mrs. Vaughn: Oh my god!! Peter, please, STOP!!

Peter Vaughn: I'm not your Peter... I'm not that wuss who decided to stay a janitor, a pussy who couldn't even fight back against his own shadow. I'm Peter Vaughn, Four-Time World Champion! And here... I'll never be that... never...

~Mr. Vaughn steps forward, reaching out for his son.~

Mr. Vaughn: You're having a breakdown, Peter. Please, let us help you!

~Peter responds with an uppercut, sending his father stumbling back into the cabinet on the wall. A few plates fall and crash to the ground, as Mr. Vaughn drops to the ground, holding his chest. His wife runs to him, kneeling next to him.~

Mrs. Vaughn: His heart!

~As Mrs. Vaughn comforts her husband, Peter reaches onto the table... picking up a large carving knife. He considers it, before turning towards his 'mom'.~

Peter Vaughn: You take all the blame for this... mother. Damn you. Damn you to hell.

Mrs. Vaughn: Please... please... please...

~Peter watches her cradle Mr. Vaughn, trying to protect him. He looks over to the downed Thomas, who still hasn't moved. Peter then shakes his head, then checks something in his pocket.~

Peter Vaughn: You're all lucky I have someplace to be.

~Peter turns, walking away without another word. He leaves behind destruction in his path, as the Vaughn household here will never be the same.~

It's been said that I can bring devastation wherever I go.

I still get some blame for what happened in OCW, unfair though that might be. But then, when you're the World Champion when the whole place turns upside-down, they can't help but accuse the guy at the top, even if he didn't stick around for the chaos afterwards.

I was the International Champion in TPW when that fed went down, and people loved to say that was my fault, too. I was just too dominant. I didn't let a single other person hold that championship. I was threatening to take over the Duos Titles as well with Mark Flynn. So it's no wonder that the wrestlers rioted and tore that federation down. They just couldn't handle it.

I wrestled in PWV and quickly became their World Champion. But things fell apart after that, as the forces that be worked against me. They didn't want me as the champ, believing in all the rumors of other feds. So be it. They didn't last that much longer with their revolving line of 'top' champs, did they? I'm sure there are a few people that put that debt on me as well, although they'd have to bend over backwards to blame me there.

When I came to the XWF, I brought together the Exiles, and we ultimately wiped out one of the most popular stables of all time: the Apex. Most of those bastards aren't even around anymore, we so completely destroyed them. A lot of people also said that I destroyed the Universal Title's honor, even though I won that belt fair and square, crushing Jim Caedus. But they still believed that I ruined it.

And now, I hear the same thing from you, Buster. How I'm scum, the filth that ruined your career. You know, at some point, you can only blame so many other people before you face facts and realized that you've done it all to yourself.

But if you want to blame me for every bad thing that's happened in your life, Bust, I'll allow it. I'll even accept it. Blame me all you want, if it lets you sleep at night. When you're sitting at home after Bad Medicine, contemplating yet another loss, maybe throwing it all on me will help you survive.

I don't think Finn will lose a minute of sleep, really. He's too egotistical, he'll probably write it all off as a bad dream and believe that he actually won the 'moral' victory or something. He'll twist it so far around that he'll be looking down at his ass when he walks, which would be pretty funny to see.

All-in-all, boyos, you can blame me for whatever you want. I'm used to hearing the disrespect. I've heard it all before. The hatred. The denial. The disdain.

Censure me.

Condemn me.

But I guarantee that you'll never forget me.

Prepare to take the plunge.

~The picture comes up on a Starbucks. They're not a sponsor... I don't think. The camera zooms in on the window, showing Bernardo sitting there, enjoying an expresso. We find ourselves inside the store, enabling us to hear him as he licks his lips.~

Bernardo: It doesn't matter the universe, these always seem to hit the spot!

~Okay, maybe they are sponsors. Who knows? Bernardo finishes his drink, then looks at his wrist for a second, noticing the power level.~

Bernardo: Okay, about time for us to get home. What a wild ride. At least there's one good payoff in the end.

~Bernardo slips out of the store, giving the friendly Starbucks baristas a nod. He walks out, taking a deep breath of the nice, clean air, another benefit of this dimension's earth. He heads around to the alley, making sure he's out of view of most people walking by. He then begins fiddling with his device, pressing a few buttons to enter in the correct coordinates. He triggers the portal, watching it slowly open wide.~

Bernardo: Home sweet home...

~Bernardo takes a step forward... then freezes up, his eyes wide. He trembles, holding still, as we can see a shadow moving behind him. The voice is soft, yet it's clear who's talking.~

Peter Vaughn: I was recently reminded of the story of the Scorpion and the Frog. Have you heard of it? You see, this scorpion wanted a ride across a river. The frog was worried he'd get stung, but the scorpion told him, hey, I wouldn't do that. We'd both drown. So the frog agrees to take him across. Well, halfway there, the scorpion stings him. As the frog dies, he asks the scorpion why kill them both, and the scorpion just says, it's in my nature.

~Bernardo doesn't say anything. He's just shaking, unable to speak.~

Peter Vaughn: The problem for you, Bernardo... is that we both happen to be Scorpions, don't we?

~Slowly, Bernardo slumps downwards to his knees, as Peter Vaughn stands over him. We can see Vaughn's shirt. It's got some blood splattered across his shirt. The camera angle changes... letting us see the knife blade sticking out of Bernardo's upper back. It's angled to the side, probably avoiding most of the internal organs, but some serious damage has definitely been done. Vaughn slowly reaches around him, plucking the device from his wrist, as he looks towards the portal.~

Peter Vaughn: I figured you knew the actual coordinates. You just brought me here to distract me. You probably thought I'd want a life like this, don't you? My parents alive and together? My brother a full blood relative? Well, you're wrong, Bernardo. This world isn't built for someone like me. I have my world, and I will never give it up.

~Vaughn starts around Bernardo, heading for the portal. Bernardo suddenly reaches up, catching him by the arm, causing Vaughn to look back at him.~

Bernardo: Don't... don't do it. Take me... with you... there's no... Bernardo here... no Mafia...

Peter Vaughn: Huh. That's interesting. No Mechanic = no Mafia? A strange coincidence. It sounds like this world deserves you, Bernardo. Good luck... and goodbye.

~Vaughn pulls away, moving towards the portal. Bernardo, having no other option, pulls out his other hand from his pocket... revealing a pistol.~

Bernardo: Damn you... Vaughn...

~Bernardo begins firing, as Vaughn immediately accelerates, leaping towards the portal. We can see one of the bullets graze across him, doing minimal damage, while the others seem to be altered by the portal, hitting the walls around the alley. Vaughn disappears into the portal, as it immediately shrinks. Bernardo tries to crawl towards it, with no success, as it vanishes completely. Bernardo gasps, hitting the concrete.~

Bernardo: Vaughn.... VAUGHN!!!!

~We leave Bernardo bleeding in the alley, laying there, as the camera zooms upwards, leaving the alley. We slowly fade out.~

[Image: mechanicposter.jpg]

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