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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
PlaceMarker Nightmare Savage
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Atara Raven Online
Αφροδίτη Ενσαρκωμένη

XWF FanBase:

(Physically attractive male on every level; can seduce you; that disarming smile; those bedroom eyes.)

10-28-2022, 10:58 PM

[Image: 2WX8IrQ.jpg]

Sweet dreams are made of these......

[Image: mP8bvTW.png]

Who Am I to Disagree

Travel the World and the Seven Seas.....

[Image: VhHL5kI.png]

Everybody Is Looking For Something.......

.....everybody is looking for something.

[Image: jYgHkkA.png]

Some of them want to abuse you......

Some of them want to be abused....

[Image: 8a2dBqQ.png]

Sweet Dreams





[Image: qZh39Dk.png]

You've shunned me for my beauty.

You've shamed me for my sexuality.

You've mocked my successes.

You've revelled in my failures.

You've questioned my commitment.

Yet, despite it all I've persevered and all I have ever wanted is mine. In the realm of XWF and beyond I continue to prosper, continue to achieve, and conquer everything I set my desirous Aegean blue gaze upon. I have excelled at every aspect of our business and branched out and stood at the top of whatever industry I have chosen and I have done it largely by the sweat of my own back.

All you have ever wanted is mine. All you have ever wanted to be, I am. Every obstacle you have stumbled upon, I have hurdled.

Your dreams are my reality. My reality is now your nightmare. Atara Raven....Aphrodite Incarnate....the Goddess. This is her realm and here she is complete control.

[Image: ILnbMTS.png]

All the psychological projections, all the narcissistic venom you spit, mere illusions in the perpetual state of fantasy you two live in. Conjure your delusions as a shield to protect you and watch them dissipate with a flick of my wrist. Subjection has no place in my reality, your nightmare. I will pierce through every layer of contradiction. You will gargle and drown on every baseless accusation thrown my way. You will be torn limb from limb by every dagger you fathom to be in your arsenal. I will turn your skull to mulch with the weight of all the Scholastic book fair insult books you've mustered. 

The time for the two of you to wake up has come and gone. The dream you're both chasing, have been chasing, and will continue chasing has led you into peril that this great beauty has made her domain.
My pleasure is your pain.
Muster all the courage and malice you can, come as Spartans prepared to die and keep in the back of your subconscious the fact I've smacked the bitch out of you both in the past and for less than Aphrodite's Girdle. Don't let the fact that you bested me before be the source of any motivation. In this dream there is no salvation
My reality, your nightmare.

There is no War Games team to reach out to. No group for you cast blame on in a desperate attempt to salvage the already shakey  narrative you have ever mattered a smidgen in XWF. That you have ever been respected, admired, or remotely been cared about other than your ability to consistently spew hot fucking air to fill air time.

There's no veil to hide that you've openly been a running joke by the entirety of the roster since the existence of all things Jenny Myst.

But Dove, there is in my realm a shining beacon to the fact you're only has good as whatever circle jerk you've knelt center stage for. To the fact there's no one left willing to blow a fucking load your way so you've ran back a man Theo used once as a god damn distraction to pass some time. Like a pet, a dog. Every good boy likes a cheap chew toy. Good things dogs have no perception of fantasy and reality, or knock off and name brand right because Jenny Myst comes out of whatever mold is in vogue.

The idea is to upgrade dicks Dove, but good for you for being dug up for play time again.

Squeak, Squeak, bitch. Maybe dye your hair blue since you already smell of wet mutt and human centipede Marf for some momentum instead because apparently Mr. Mumble Mumble in my Martian Manhunter undies can't wipe his own ass without a helping hand either.

Especially a left hand.

Yeah, that's not a dated  and played out insult in my reality Swanson but you don't exactly know much about dates do you. Still whining over Lycana Mandatory therapy?

Mandatory Therapy?

They make you do mandatory therapy?

....... therapy?

Pay me bitch, $250 an hour for all the time I wasted watching tapes listening to your woe is me she left me bs and then another $250 for putting you out of your misery come Saturday.

[Image: ckJc5Fw.png]

I mean seriously, are you Gary Goth related? Brothers? Dad & Son? Because you both have the solitary broody dude in the dark room thing down pat. There you guys go.

Goth. Marf. Twat.

Maybe try a group session, can even take the B.O.B name to keep that ridiculousness alive.

Babies. On. Board.

Suckling the tiny teets of Jenny Myst so she feels involved, loved, appreciated, and can take all the credit for not being the reason you all still suck it up and remain mediocre.

OOC: Sorry guys for shortness, Halloween stuff with kids took longer than expected.

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[Image: 8pr1Az7.png]
[Image: jtHw5j1.png]

[Image: YLZBFO7.png]
2x Freestyle Champion
1× Federweight Champion
2× Heavymetalweight Champion

1x Fade 2 Black High Voltage Champion
1x Fight NYC! Brooklyn Champion
1x Fight NYC! Island Champion
1x PWV Anthem Champion
#29 XWF Top 50 2021
AW Top 100 2021
#13 EFed Podcast Top 100 2022
#67 Efed Podcast Top 100 2021
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"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (11-03-2022), Marf (10-29-2022), Prince Adeyemi (10-29-2022), Richard Powers (10-29-2022), Theo Pryce (11-05-2022), Thunder Knuckles™ (10-28-2022)

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