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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
Bite of Passage 1.5 (Pitstop Savage)
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Vita Frickin Valenteen Offline
Vicious Frickin Vampire

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

04-05-2022, 03:54 PM

Vita is set to challenge Corey Smith for the Supercontinental Championship, but before that match takes place next Warfare, Vita will square off against the previous Supercontinental challenger from March Madness, Angelica Vaughn. Vita has already addressed Corey Smith and acknowledged that she would need to find a way to take her in-ring prowess to the next level to improve her chances of taking home gold. Now, with the short window of free time between Anarchy and the upcoming Savage, Vita and Jami travel to Calgary, Alberta, Canada looking for that Obi-Wan treatment from the best in-ring technician that Canada has ever produced. Now in Canada, it’s just a matter of spending a night in a hotel, and then off to see “The Hitman”, but in the dead of night, Vita attempts to creep quietly out of the room when the sudden sharp intrusion of light from the bedside lamp stops her in her tracks.

"Going somewhere?"

Vita turns to face Jami, who is sitting up in bed looking awful frumpy. Vita smiles wide, trying to seem natural as she as unnaturally scratches at the back of her head as she searches for an excuse.

"Uhhh, yeah! Just going out for a snack!"

Jami doesn't say a word as her eyes pan the room, settling on the cage of ratty treats they brought along. Jami looks back to Vita, who is out the door already as it slams behind her!

Jami grabs her cell phone off of the nightstand and begins texting.

"Vita just left. She said she was going out for a snack, but we have plenty of rats here!"

"Follow her and report back"

"Yes blood princess!"

[Image: batty.gif]

“Pre-match suck-ups, gotta love'em! No-thanks Angi, we're not friends, but hey, since you're suddenly so interested in conversation, let's pretend!"

"Hi, Angelica! How’s that " Vaugh-ne-mous" reinvention from “so many World Championships”, to a loser who ghosted March Madness coming along!? You’re supposed to be the gal with the plan to rise to the top like sweet cream, but you've literally sank to the bottom of the cup with the rest of the sugary gunk that just didn't quite mix when you failed to even produce your contractually REQUIRED, promotional materials against Corey, much less actually (or AXLY?) climb into the ring and show all of us XWF’ers just who the heck Angelica Vaughn is supposed to be because as it stands right now, all I see is a spoiled brat that doesn’t understand or simply doesn't care about the work that goes into this profession! How long before your careless attitude towards this sport leads to more than embarrassment for you!? In case you haven't noticed between photo-ops, this isn't exactly a safe work environment, especially for the careless and distracted, and while you may have talent and definitely have the best manager money can buy, but all the talent and coaching in the world doesn't mean squat if you lack the discipline to put it to use! But you don't JUST lack discipline Angelica Vaughn! You lack frickin HEART as well, and THAT is going to be your ultimate undoing when our paths cross in just a little over a week when I step OVER you on my way to capturing the championship that everyone ASSUMED was YOURS to take! How frickin fooled they all were! Good marketing, for sure! Because all anyone had to do was look back a few weeks prior to your arrival in the XWF to see the truth! Your carelessness and disinterest in this profession, or at the very least THIS company, led you to an embarrassing loss to Jenny frickin Myst, seriously!? How much crap must Sar have given you behind the scenes for that flub!? Nothing against Jenny, she can be a formidable opponent and was just featured prominently in the finals of March Madness! She's also STILL totally owed a supreme butt-kicking from yours truly!"

"OH!! BY. THE. WAY!"

Vita waves to the camera with a cheesy smile!


"Welcome back!"

"I can't wait until we can schedule a play date!”

Vita bites her lip, because while there is a score to settle there, Jenny Myst and all of her terribleness isn't the focal point of this video, so with a deep exhale and a stern glare, Vita refocuses on the task at hand!

“BUT back to YOU, Angelica! This was your debut for the company, right?! It was your one opportunity to make a good first impression on the XWF universe and let them know just who Angelica Vaughn was and what YOU were here to do, and you fell FLAT on your face! Hey Angi, do you want a masterclass on how to make a splash in a company? See the former Uni champ who shares a surname with you, because this run that you're on now, this isn’t it! When I watched this go down, I thought to myself that this had to be a mistake! A miscue! Something! I mean, there’s no way that Sarah frickin Lacklan would return to the XWF and stake her reputation on the line for someone who isn’t driven enough to properly prepare for Jenny Myst, right? I mean, you literally let her out game you from pillar to post! You looked like a joke, sis!”

“Anyway, so that happened, and it must have even thrown XWF management for a loop because the next Savage we find Angelica being fed a gimme’ against some guy who shows up to lose from time to time. No, not That Guy, some OTHER guy named R.L. Maybe it wasn't a gimmie? Maybe it was a king of the jerker's match!? Point is, he’s not important and neither is this super easy course-correcting victory. Moving on!”

“The following Savage..."

Vita takes pause to reflect.

"Does it feel like I'm giving a history lesson? ANYWHO!! THIS is where things really get interesting because SOMETHING changed! The Angelica that we would see at the final Savage of March would gain a victory over The Chameleon, who we would later find out was actually Ned Kaye! The reason this result is SO interesting to me is that Ned Kaye isn’t a pushover by any means! Heck, I have an L or two to him myself, but here, Angelica Vaughn showed up and showed out, FINALLY showing the XWF a glimpse of the talent that we are all promised every time Sar comes out to play hypeman for your entrance! Then again he WAS The Chameleon, so that means he was mimicking YOU, so odds are that you BOTH just sucked that night, but you a little less since you're apparently so used to it!”

“Two wins, the latter over a respected name of the roster, okay, I’ll say it, good job overcoming that initial stumble! You’re totally on the right path to washing that foul taste out of everybody's mouths, AND you’ve even managed to earn a Supercontenintal Championship match against Corey Smith at the Pay-Per-View! Holy crap! That’s totally awesome and because you’re Sar’s sis, I was REALLY hoping to see you come home with the gold and make Sar proud, even if it was a bitter pill to swallow seeing your place on the card compared to mine!”

“SERIOUSLY! Going into March Madness, I was on a 5 match winning streak! With recent wins over Thunder Knuckles, Ruby, and Morbid Angel, I sure wasn’t expecting to look at the card and find myself initially NOT EVEN BOOKED!”

Vita huffs.

“Listen, I’m used to not being handed crap. I scrape and fight to get my opportunities, and that’s fine, I’ve never complained before, BUT!! When someone like YOU is just handed an opportunity over someone like me when I have OBVIOUSLY outworked you the entire time that you’ve been a part of the XWF!!"


"You go on to CRAP THE BED as hard as you did!? You didn’t just let Corey down, you let the FANS down, and more importantly! You let Sar down! She may not say it publicly, but there’s no way she can be happy with the result of her hard work, especially when you compare the influence that she has had on your career to that of MINE!"

"And no, I’m not ashamed to admit that Sar’s involvement in my XWF career has helped to give me the focus that I sometimes lack. Sure, maybe it’s because I want to kick her butt as the endgame, but at least I have an endgame, a goal to work towards. What are YOU doing here!? Ya know, other than riding Sar's coattails and making a living off of HER accomplishments in the XWF rather than carving out any of your own!"

"When you first came here, you said that your contract had run out in the company you were at prior and that you simply took the largest offer on the table. THAT. RIGHT. THERE. Should have told us everything that we needed to know about just who Angelica Vaughn REALLY was, someone only in this business for what she can easily con out of it! As soon as she realized Corey Smith wasn't going to just hand her the title, she buried her head in the sand!! Pathetic and cowardly, but I'm sure they'll be a fantastic face-saving excuse lined up and I can't wait to hear it, just like I can't wait to hear your excuse after I kick the crap out of you and cement Angelica Vaughn as an afterthought to not just Sar, but EVERYONE!? See, I didn't come to the XWF because it was the largest contract on the table. I came here because it was the ONLY contract on the table! I was a sixteen-year-old kid, and this company was the only one willing to offer me the opportunity to begin my in-ring career straight away despite my very limited training, and in my time here, I've faced AND overcome so many frickin challenges that even people three times my age couldn't fathom!”

Vita steps back from the camera with her arms spread out to her sides.


Vita steps back in closer!

"Do you think that I wanted this, that becoming an undead immortal was my intent? Because it wasn't! Though it totally has it's perks! That doesn't change the fact that my condition is a by-product of my chasing a dream to one day hold the Universal championship myself, and in pursuit of that dream, I've racked up quite the list of accomplishments and made my name to the point that, if I wanted to, I could go ANYWHERE, but I don't, and that decision has NOTHING to do with money."

What it has EVERYTHING to do with is the fact that in order to be the best, you have to BEAT the best, and there's no denying that anyone claiming to be the best in this industry has at some point walked through these halls! Alias, Vinnie Lane, James Raven, Shawn Buttstein, Ruby... SARAH LACKLAN... Look, I could go on for days, but the point here is that the BEST place to be to face the BIGGEST challenges and truly hone your skills to someday actually rise to the top and win the grandest prize that this company has to offer, is in fact, right here, and Angie, THAT'S the reason why I'M here, not just a paycheck!"

"Now, does my assessment of your total lack of drive and focus chap your butt? If so, then good! Get off your hind end and do something about it! Because despite your performance thus far suggesting that this match should be nothing more than a "light work" warmup, I'm not treating it as such! Again, I saw what happened with Ned, and I'm prepared for the reputation that preceded you before you ever stepped foot in the XWF, Angelica Vaughn. Now, let's see if you can pull your head out of your ass long enough to give her to me!"

Vita smirks confidently before the camera drone flies away. Vita, now left alone, sighs before heading off down the sidewalk.

"So, all she did was record her promotional material. After that, she just walked away. Should I continue to follow her?"


"Yes, blood princess"

Jami follows Vita for a while but has trouble keeping up with the agile vampire. Still, Jami does manage to keep Vita in view until she disappears inside of a condemned building at the edge of town. It takes her a few minutes extra to get there, but Jami does finally catch up. As she stands outside of the ominous structure, she fears what she may find inside, and what Vita may do to her should she discover the dark truth that she suspects! With all of this on her mind, Jami bravely enters the building, trying her best to be stealthy despite the fact that Vita can see perfectly in the dark, but Vita doesn't appear to be here. Nobody does.

Suddenly a door-sized section of one of the walls begins to lift open. Jami quickly ducks behind some old equipment as a couple exits the secret area. Jami watches the couple playfully kissing and giggling as they head towards the exit. It doesn't take long for Jami to realize that they are vampires. The fangs and blood give it away! Then, The hidden door begins to slide down, but Jami makes her move and makes it through just in the nick of time. She stands up and takes inventory of her surroundings. Just some empty boxes and other discarded trash, nothing of interest, that is until she spots the ladder leading down into a small opening in the Earth. Jami has her reservations about exploring further, but she was told to follow Vita, and a good intern does what she's told!

Jami slowly descends the ladder, unsure what she will find at the bottom. What she finds is some sort of old tunnel system. Faintly, she can hear the beat of music playing, but it's hard to tell from where exactly as it seems to come from every direction. So, Jami explores for the source of the music, following it down a long dark tunnel and right into a cave rendition of the nightclub scene from Blade! Vampires everywhere! And! And! They're!!! Mingling?

Yes, the fact was, as weird as it may have been to find a vampire nightclub deep within an underground tunnel system, it was even weirder t realize that putting that aside, you'd be hard-pressed to tell the difference between this and a normal nightclub setting... You know, other than the cave walls and stuff. Jami stays mostly hidden as she peaks out to search for Vita, and quickly finds her sitting at the bar and laughing it up with some guy. They seem to be having a good time. Jami covertly snaps a picture and text it to you know who. Aw, no reception. She'll get it later.

Jami continues to watch Vita until it happens. Her worst fears come true! Vita leans over and wraps her arms around the man that she was just speaking with and that's when Jami's worst fears come true and she watches Vita sink her fangs into the guy's neck! Forgetting where she is in the moment, Jami springs out from behind the wall and begins to scold Vita!

"Vita Valenteen!! What in the HELL do you THINK that your doing!?"

Vita withdraws her fangs as her widened eyes settle on Jami, who is unaware of the other vampires that are slowly surrounding her!


Jami fires back with a question of her own! "NO! What are YOU doing here!?!"

Getting a snack, as she said, but there's no time to explain! With Jami now fully surrounded, Jami finally takes notice of the angry mob of the undead surrounding her, and the gravity of her situation sets in.

"Uh, Vita... What's happening?"

Vita races to Jami's side and tries to ease the other vampires off.

"Guys, chill! She's just my thrall-"

Caught off guard by that word, Jami quickly interjects. "Wait, your WHAT!?"

Vita ignores her and remains focused on the crowd of angry vamps.

"And obviously she's totally new!"

Some of the faces in the crowd soften to this news, others don't. Jami doesn't seem to care as she's still seeking answers!

"No, wait, we aren't skimming over this! You said I'm your thrall! Vita, what exactly does that mean!?" Jami had read books where vampires had thrall servants. She knew what it meant, at least in that context, but hoped that it held a different meaning in the " real world".

Vita sighs.

"Remember that first night that we met?"


Vita just kinda looks at her, waiting for it to click.

"Oh my God... I never questioned why I was... You... You bit me?"

Her memory is foggy, but it all comes back to her in an instant.

"OH MY GOD!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Jami screeches from just outside the restroom door!

"Just wrapping up my promo!"

Jami turns flush with anger and begins berating Vita! How could she! She's ruined everything! This is a PR nightmare! She really lays into her good, maybe worse than Peggy earlier. Vita takes it all pretty well.

Until she doesn't!

[Image: BITE.png]

Jami glares at Vita who nervously shrugs in response. The awkward moment is so intense that they both forget that they are surrounded by a mob of angry vampires, that is until one of them speaks up.

"Take your pup and leave, eh? Seems you two have much to talk about anyway!"

The crowd breaks out into a roar of laughter at the expense of the two undead girls' new drama as we fade to black!

[Image: VVbatlogosm.png]

1x Anarchy Champion
1x Xtreme Champion
2x Television Champion
1x Lord Of Violence (March 2022)
2x Tag Team Champion
2x Freestyle Champion
3x Heavy Metalweight Champion
1x Federweight Champion
24/7 Briefcase Winner - March 2019
2019 Tweener Of The Year

Match History
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[-] The following 5 users Like Vita Frickin Valenteen's post:
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (04-06-2022), Angelica Vaughn (04-06-2022), Raion Kido (04-07-2022), Theo Pryce (04-16-2022), Thunder Knuckles™ (04-05-2022)

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