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X-treme Wrestling Federation » XWF Live! » 24/7 X-treme Championship
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Knock Knock
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Lycana Offline
The Dark Vixen of Violence

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

11-29-2021, 06:50 PM


Comes on the closed 24/7 hallway doors that Bam had locked because he was already getting annoyed with everyone showing up. He makes his way over and plasters his eye to the peephole that he had installed, definitely without Vinnie's permission. And out there, just waiting to come in and get him was....


He frowns and backs away, shaking his head as he turns back around, walking towards the card table set up off to the side. He just gets there when....


What the fuck? is probably what he is thinking right now. Do the drones see thought bubbles?

He spins back around, once again looking out the peephole to see not a soul in sight. He whips the door open, looking down as a large, fluffy black wolfish looking canine sits in front of him. The tail thumps a few times on the floor as Bam looks around, confused. He takes a step back as the beast gets up and trots in like she owns the place, scampering off into the shadows. Bam shuts the door, and turns around looking for his unusual visitor.


He shrugs and grabs up his Miller Lite bottle to pop the top off, he sets it right back down again as a voice floats from the shadows.

Well hello Bam!

Lycana materializes, sauntering towards him with a swing of her hips, a soft smile playing about her mouth. She is clad in one of the sets of clothing she had stashed around the place, Jim never having bothered to hunt them all down. Bam looks a little surprised to see her, glancing back towards the door before turning back to her.

I knew if you saw me out there you probably wouldn't have opened the door, so I had to be a little sneaky to get in, just so I could give you a proper welcome to the XWF!

She stops a few inches in front of him, offering up a saccharine smile.

And a congratulations! I see you took my advice on being wary of Caedus and decided to forgo an actual match all together! Bravo my dear! Kudos.

Golf clap.

And finally, to formerly introduce myself, since you liked running your mouth behind the Twitter screen... and since you thought that sweet, innocent looking creature on the Charity cruise was me. Poor thing didn't even have RBF. And it looked like she liked you... those beer goggles must have been working overtime.

She picks up his beer and cheers him, taking a swig, then making a face, slamming it back down.

Blech... how do you even drink this? You should try one of the Apex ones. Anyway! I'm Lycana...I know you're gonna be real busy and all...

She extends her hand and he automatically takes it.

... but I'm looking forward to our date. Oh, since it's expected of me....

She yanks him in, dropping down to hook him and roll him up tight. The ref who had been reading some weird fetish mag this whole time throws it and leaps into action.



[Image: 4086c1e276501693b8a7b9fdfa8189402a2e8ba7.gif]

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BamMiller Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

11-29-2021, 09:03 PM

Bam kicks out at the count of two, barely getting his leg up, and stands up with a smile on his face as he looks at Lycana.

Well, I see you finally accepted my date I offered you weeks ago, love, but wtf was that you just did? I hope you aren't that hairy all the time, but that's a conversation for a different day. Still, I must say I was disappointed in waiting on you to come dance with me and have a great night, but no, you sidestepped me for the company prince Alias, and I get it he's got the whole long hair deal going on and speaks with such wisdom, but you see how you two turned out.

Bam picks up a Miller Lite Bottle and sips on it as he looks Lycana up and down.

Now I can't believe you didn't enjoy this Miller Lite, I'm starting to think you have poor judgment, especially over the last couple of months of making decisions that didn't work out for you lately, and now you want to try your luck with me the biggest trash talker that walks around with a microphone in his hand. I understand if you think I'm like everyone else around here that runs their mouth just to hear themselves speak like Chris Page but understand I back what I say, just go ask Jim or go rewatch Bad Medicine, that thing was over quicker than the last election.

Bam walks out of the room with the Xtreme Championship across his shoulder. He stops halfway out the door as he looks back.

Now pick yourself up, little wolf. I'm not done with you by a long shot, and I've got a welling your going to enjoy this game we are going to play, and just because you look lovely under a full moon doesn't mean I'm going to take it easy on you, so buckle up Lycana because tonight I'm taking you to Miller Time.
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JimCaedus (11-29-2021), Lycana (11-30-2021), Theo Pryce (11-30-2021)

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