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Drew Archyle Offline
Apex's Weakest Link duh

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08-31-2021, 09:34 PM

As the camera fades in we see an exterior view of an unfinished Death Star Part Deux. Based on the various parts of the exterior that is unfinished I’d estimate that the mobile space station is about 69% complete.

“You don’t have to do this mom. Together we can defeat him. I know it. We already took out that merc for hire Thunder Fett and that crimeboss Robba the Fatt in his own mobile palace. The guy had no idea what was happening until it was already over. And for what? Because he insisted on freezing Shawn Solo in carbonite? Why couldn’t he just let Shawn pay off his debt like he promised to? The guy is a Rebel General he could afford it. But no, Bobba had to be greedy and now his charred up wormy corpse is wasting away on the sands of Tatooine."

“Tatooine. The place of your birth.” Darth Fury says.

“Our birth.” Drewk responds.

“Join me Drewk. It’s not too late. We can rule the galaxy together the way we want. Mother and son. Empress Fury has a nice ring to it.”

“That’s all it will ever be mother, a dream. I will never join the BOBside. I will never join you. Nor will I replace you, which is how your Master wants this to go. You know it and I know it.” Drewk says just as a ding is heard.

The scene then transitions to reveal 5 oval lights that illuminate with a deep red color before a large elevator door slides open revealing Darth Fury and her son Jedi Knight Drewk.

About 100 meters away atop a large landing is a silver throne. The throne’s current position is facing a large looking glass allowing it’s inhabitant the ability to look outside of the space station to the battle that is waging on outside between the Empire and the Apex Alliance.

Darth Fury and a still shackled Drewk step out of the elevator and past a pair of the Emperor’s Imperial Guards who were standing guard at the elevator door. Darth Fury and her son approach the Emperor and slowly ascend a set of stairs before coming to a stop on the landing where the Emperor is seated.

The throne slowly turns around to reveal the big bad of this story, Emperor Pagepatine. Pagepatine is looking all gnarled and gray on account of that ass whooping he took from Jedi Master Windu way back in the day.


Hearing Drewk’s remark Darth Fury gives him a nudge from behind pushing him a few feet closer to the Emperor who remains in his throne unphased by the comment.

“Welcome Young Skywalker. I have been expecting you. You no longer need those.”

And with a wave of his hand Drewk’s shackles unlock and fall to the floor.

Emperor Pagepatine ushers the guards away and without hesitation the two Imperial Guards disappear behind the elevator.

“I am looking forward to completing your training. In time you will call me master.”

”You could really benefit from a nightly skin care regimen. Just saying.”

“You are mistaken, my young Jedi. About a great many things.”

After a few seconds of awkwardness Darth Fury breaks the silence.

“His lightsaber.”

Fury says as she reaches forward with her left arm and hands Drewk’s lightsaber to his master.

“A Jedi’s weapon. Much like your mothers. By now you must know that your mother can never be turned from the BOBside. So will it be for you.”

“That’s gonna be a no from me dawg.”

“What?” Darth Fury asks.

“Soon I’ll be dead, or chilling on a beach somewhere. But probably dead.”

At this remark Emperor Pagepatine laughs. We’d like to think that Darth Fury is laughing behind her mask but who really knows.

“Perhaps you are referring to the imminent attack by your rebel friends.”

The remark seems to stun Drewk as he looks out the big looking glass, then to the Emperor and then to the ground.

“Yes. Yes. I assure you we are quite safe here.”

The Emperor says as he turns his back on Drewk and Darth Fury to return to his throne.

“Your overconfidence and general lack of skin care is your weakness.”

“Your faith in your friends is yours.”

The Emperor says as he further retreats towards his throne, with Drewk’s saber still in his hand.

“It is pointless to resist my handsome boy.”

“What?” A somewhat miffed Drewk asks.

“Everything that has happened is by my design. Your friends on that moon are walking into a trap. As is your rebel fleet. It is I who allowed the alliance to know the location of the shield generator. It is quite safe from your pitiful little Apex Alliance. An entire legion of my best troops awaits them. I’m afraid the deflector shield will be quite operational when your friends arrive.”

“Well, that’s just...unfortunate.” Drewk says as he ascends the last few steps and joins the Emperor at the landing with Darth Fury now be his side.

“Look I gotta be honest with you here Emperor. I’m not really big on this whole BOBside thing. Sure it might look cool. People buy your merch, especially around the holidays but it’s not a healthy lifestyle. You all are always looking over your shoulder every minute of every day. I mean look at you. You look like you’ve been dead for 300 years already. I bet your knees kill when it rains out. And you, my dear mother. I thought Dad was a piece of trash with the drinking and the cheating but you?

You cut off my damn hand. That was my dominant hand mom. You know how long it takes to make one hand dominant over the other? A long damn time mom. A long damn time.

And the people you all associate yourselves with? Bobba the Hutt? That overweight and unethical gangster. Where is he now? Dead. His ship blew up thanks to me and my friends. Thunder Fett? Slowly digesting over a thousand years in a sarlac pit. That little trash monster Oswald also dead and Mr.BOBside, yeah he dead.

Moral of the story, in the battle between the BOBside and the Apex Alliance the good guys have come out on top.




So why do you think this time will be any different gramps?”

“You use sarcasm and comedy to mask your fear.”

“Speaking of masks you should really consider one at night. I know a great skin cream that you can put on at night and rip off in the morning. It will definitely help with those wrinkles.”

The trio stare out the window as a battle wages on out in space. Brilliant flashes of light go off in the distance as the fleets of the two warring sides battle each other in the cold darkness of space.

Drewk looks back at the Emperor and then over at his mother and finally down at his lightsaber which is laying on the thrones armrest right next to the Emperor.

“You want this don’t you?” The Emperor asks as he starts patting the lightsaber. “The hate is swelling inside you.”

“That’s gas actually. I had tacos for lunch.”

“Take your Jedi weapon. Use it. I am unarmed. Strike me down with it. Give in to your anger. With each passing moment you make yourself more my servant.”

“No. It’s just gas. I promise.”

“It is unavoidable. It is your destiny. You, like your mother, are now mine.”

The trio continue to stare out the window as more flashes of light go off in the distance.

“Now witness the power of this fully armed and operational battle station.”

The Emperor reaches over with his gnarled hand and presses a button on the side of his throne.

“Fire at will commander. And don’t miss. We don’t want a repeat of last time.”

It takes only a few seconds but then a large green laser shoots out of the Death Star at one of the Rebel Alliance ships destroying it instantly as millions of pieces of debris now begin to float in the weightlessness of space.

“Your fleet is lost and your friends on the Endor moon are toast. There is no escape my young Apprentice. The alliance will die. As will your friends.”

The Emperor pauses for a moment allowing the young Jedi to take in the words he just heard.

“Good. I can feel your anger. I am defenseless. Take your weapon. Strike me down with all of your hatred and your journey towards the BOBside will be complete.”

Drewk thinks about it for a few seconds, casually lifts his right leg to let out a small fart while simultaneously using the force to call out to his lightsaber.

Within a split second of the saber reaching Drewk’s hand the saber ignites a vibrant green and he swings forward towards the Emperor only to be met by the blood red blade of his mother Darth Fury’s weapon.

Darth Fury and Drewk Skywalker exchange violent swings at each other as the Emperor cackles in the background like some drunk uncle at Thanksgiving who just secretly took the last dinner roll without anyone noticing.

Drewk takes another violent swing at his mother’s dome before kicking her in the abdomen sending her falling backwards down the steps on her bum.

“Good. Use your aggressive feelings boy. Let the hate flow through you.”

“Will you just shut up? You’re so annoying.”

“Obi Jim Caedobi has taught you well.” Darth Fury says as she rises to her feet and slowly starts ascending the staircase again.

“Do we really have to fight mom? Can’t we go back home to the desert? You can meet some of my friends.” Drewk asks as his mother continues to ascend the staircase.

“You are unwise to lower your defenses.” Fury says as she again swings her lightsaber towards her son only to be met by her son's green lightsaber.

The two continue to exchange a volley of slashes before Drewk does some fancy spinning and then a nifty backflip onto a small catwalk that goes across the throne room while deactivated his lightsaber.

“Your thoughts betray you mom. I feel the good in you. The conflict.”

“There is no conflict.”

“You couldn’t kill me before and I don’t think you’ll destroy me now.”

“You underestimate the power of the BOBside. If you will not fight then you will meet your destiny.”

Darth Fury hurls her ignited saber towards Drewk, missing him but succeeding in slicing both arms of the catwalk, separating it from the ceiling and sending Drewk rolling down to the floor where he disappears in the darkness under the throne’s platform as Fury’s lightsaber returns to her as if it were some sort of lightsaber boomerang.

Fury again ignites her saber as she then begins searching the space beneath the throne looking for her son.

“You can not hide forever Drewk.”

“I will not fight you mom.” Drewk says while continuing to hide in the darkness.

“Give yourself to the BOBside. It is the only way to save your friends. Yes, your thoughts betray you. Your feelings for them are strong. Especially for….your sister. So you have a twin sister. Your feelings have now betrayed her too. Obi Jim was wise to hide her from me. Now his failure is complete. If you can not be turned to the BOBside perhaps she will.”

The very thought of his sister Baea turning to the dark side ignites a fire and fury within Drewk that sends him out of the darkness and charging at his mother with his now ignited saber.

Drewk swings his siber violently and repeatedly hitting pretty much nothing but various pillars and the occasional computer console but definitely not his mother.

Drewk continues to his saber, each one with more anger and fury than the one as the two continue their fight from under the platform and towards the front of the throne room stairs where the Emperor is standing almost giddy like a school girl as his old apprentice fights what he hopes to be his new apprentice.

Drewk swings his saber again and again and again until Darth Fury falls backwards into a railing but even that does not stop Drewk as he continues his violent assault until he eventually swings down with both hands cutting off his mothers right hand sending it and her lightsaber down a long shaft.

The Emperor cackles behind them as Darth Fury’s breathing even with the help of her suit becomes extremely labored. Emperor Pagepatine descends the stairs towards them as Drewk looks down at his wounded mother.

“Your hate has made you powerful. Now fulfill your destiny and take your mothers place at my side.”

"See. Told ya."

Drewk looks down at his mother and then at his own bionic hand and then down at his mother’s severed wrist and realizes the full weight of what just transpired. Drewk realizes that he is at the precipice of a monumental decision. Give in to the anger and the hate and become his mother. Or turn away from it and likely die.

“Never. I’ll never turn to the BOBside. You’ve failed your highness. I am a Jedi like my mother before me.”

Drewk deactivates his saber and tosses it to the ground as the Emperor closes in on him and his wounded mother.

“So be it. Jedi. If you will not be turned you will be a crisp.”

With that Emperor Pagepatine unleashes some sweet sweet lightning that immediately sends Drewk to the ground as Darth Fury climbs to her feet and joins her master at the bottom of the steps.

“Only now at the end do you finally understand that the BOBside is the place to be.”

Emperor Pagepatine unleashes another flurry of lightning into Drewk which sees him writhing in pain.

“Your pathetic skills are no match for the power of the BOBside.”

And some more lightning.

“You will pay the price for your lack of vision.”

And a little bit more lightning. As Darth Fury looks on.


Emperor Pagepatine hears Drewk’s cries and only smiles as he unleashes even more of his purple and white lightning into the wretching body of Drewk Skywalker.

“And now Young Jedi. You will die. Extra crispy.”

As the smoke from Drewk’s body begins to clear Pagepatine smiles again before unleashing another series of lightning into Drewk.

Darth Fury looks down at her son in obvious agony and then at her master before looking back at her son again as he body continues to convulse from the electrical charges coursing through him.

Fury looks at her master once more who is clearly enjoying the moment.

“Awwwww hellllllllll noooooooooooooooooo!!!”

Darth Fury grabs Emperor Pagepatine, lifts him high above her head as Pagepatine’s lightning now starts to enter Fury’s body and with all her might tosses the Emperor down the same long shaft that her hand went down only a few short moments ago.

“Bye Felicia.”

It takes only a few seconds before the Emperor’s body is engulfed by a brilliant white light at the bottom of the shaft which then sends an blue energy charge back up the shaft towards Drewk and Fury. Drewk slowly crawls over towards his mother and grabs her by the shoulders, cradling her in his arms.

Sensing the end Drewk lifts his mother up and together the two walk towards an Imperial Shuttle as everyone else appears to be flying the Death Star Part Deux. Unable to carry Fury any further the two of them fall to the ground as they reach the bottom of the shuttles landing platform.

“Drewk help me take this mask off.”

“But you’ll die.”

“Nothing can stop that now. Just for once let me look on you with my own eyes”

Drewk reaches down and first removes the upper portion of Fury’s helmet and then pulls off the face guard revealing her face to him for the first time.

“Damn girl. You nasty. You actually look worse than the Emperor.”

Now go my son. Leave me.”

“No, you’re coming with me. I’ve got to save you.”

“You already have Drewk. You were right. You were right about me. Tell your sister you were right.”

The final words of Darth Fury hit Drewk hard as her body slumps down having already crossed over to the other side.

Drewk carries his mother’s body onto the shuttle and places her on a bench before climbing into the cockpit, firing up the engines and escaping the second Death Star only seconds before it explodes.

Down on the planet of Endor the Ewoks and the Rebels celebrate as they watch the Death Star up in the sky explode. Shawn Solo, Baea, Mainbacca and a bunch of fuzzy little fuckers are all partying and having a great time believing that the Empire has been finally been destroyed.

Rumor has it Baea and Shawn Solo exchange a deeply passionate kiss somewhere else on the surface of Endor but because it wasn’t captured on film we can not confirm or deny whether it truly actually happened.

It did and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

Also on the surface of Endor Drewk constructs a funeral pyre so that he can burn the remains of his mother the former Darth Fury.

“Thank you Mom for seeing the light side of things. I know the struggle you went through, turning against the very Empire you helped to create. The truth is without you the Empire never would have become what it was. Pagepatine may have been the Emperor but he was nothing without you. His trusted right hand. But when push came to shove you did the right thing. You sacrificed yourself for your flesh and blood. You let love not hate win out.”

The camera pans out as Drewk stands a few feet from the pyre and watches as his mothers body continues to burn while we see various shots of celebrations on planets such as Coruscant, Bespin, and Tatooine.

A few moments later we see Drewk appearing in the Ewok camp where he gives a warm embrace to Shawn Solo and his sister Baea. He shakes hands with some of the fighter pilots and a few others before looking off into the distance to see the force ghosts of Obi Jim Caedobi, Yoven and lastly his mother, the redeemed Jedi Nanikin Skywalker. He smiles at the three of them who watch the celebration from afar while Drewk turns back towards his sister and rejoins her and Shawn by the fire.

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[Image: fMJwa5h.png]
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