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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Anarchy Boards » Anarchy Results
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bWo Anarchy 8-19-21
Author Message
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Offline
The Guy

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

08-21-2021, 01:34 PM

[bwo][Image: b-Wo-Anarchy.jpg][/bwo]






1RP 1K Word Limit


Big Preesh! with BMI
- vs -
Tommy Wish with John Black
1RP 1K Word Limit



- vs -




Due to all the setbacks, I decided to just roll with what was already written and to do summaries for the others. I hope y'all don't mind. I also inserted the segments that were given to me, so if you submitted one you're good to go.

I didn't see the point in trying to get new writers for the matches that weren't done, and I just don't have the energy to do them myself LOL.

Anyway, here's your truncated Anarchy!!!!


1RP 1K Word Limit


Miss Fury attacks Lord Raab as he tried to make his entrance causing a NO CONTEST[/bwo]


Big Preesh! with BMI
- vs -
Tommy Wish with John Black
1RP 1K Word Limit


After BMI ruthlessly attacks John Black at ringside, the referee throws him out of the arena.

The match continues with Preesh using his size to his advantage, but Tommy wish using his brains and his speed to hang in there. At the end, JB slips into the ring after the ref takes a bump from Wish, and JB smacks Preesh in the medulla oblongata with a SLAPJACK! Tommy Wish follows up with a HideYaFace and scores the win over Big Preesh![/bwo]


Tommy Slavino: Up next Bama, we’ve got the FORMER Anarchy Champion, Ruby in action as she looks to get back on track after being toppled by her lover several weeks ago.

Bama T: OH YOU KNOW THAT’S GOTTA’ BURN BABY! Centurion, Roby’s boo-than will be in the Main Event tonight, getting worked over by the BOB Elite, while Ruby is stuffed down here in the undercard.

Tommy Slavino: And Ruby’s opponent tonight is no slouch. The man who has the world wondering just who is the Blue Tango, CALYPSO is always tangoing with purpose.



The lights in the arena dim as Calypso's music starts. Several spotlights pan over the crowd and all meet at the entrance where Calypso appears wearing a glittering robe. He walks through the mist wearing the Television Championship proudly around his waist and slowly makes his way to the ring. Using the ring steps, he climbs to the apron, wipes his feet, and steps through the ropes into the ring. The spotlights follow Calypso to the center of the ring where he stands, unstraps the title from his waist, and holds it high into the air.

[color=#00BFFF]Tommy Slavino: Well that’s interesting, I don’t know why Calypso is wearing a replica Television Championship still… didn’t his short-lived title reign end years ago?

Bama T: OH BABY! Calypso needs to get with his people and update his entrance choreography. As proud a dancer as Calypso is, I can’t believe he’s let this go down!


Tommy Slavino: And here comes his opponent! A woman not wearing a replica of her championship, Ruby!

Bama T: Ruby looking to come out and make a statement tonight baby! She’s ready to get back in the hunt for the Anarchy Championship!

Ruby makes her way to the ring…

Tommy Slavino: Looks like Ruby needs to hire someone to help choreograph an entrance. That was really boring.

Ruby and Calypso face off in the ring. Mika Hunt calls for the bell and steps out of the way. Like every BWO match, this will be contested under Fury’s Rules, which is kind of a redundant title - as there are no rules.

Ruby moves in towards the cha-cha-ing Calypso and swings a leg at his head. But Claypso is graceful like a peacock. He ducks under the strike. Ruby turns to grapple him, but Calypso dips out of the way, causing the former champion to tumble towards the ropes chest-first. Calypso’s eyes widen, and as Ruby bounces back from the ropes he rolls her up.



An easy kickout by Ruby who rolls back. Calypso comes charging in, graceful as ever, with a running knee, but Ruby avoids and strikes her foe in the head with a roundhouse kick. But with Calypso's speed, Ruby doesn’t fully connect, and her boot only grazes the man who is totally not the Blue Tango. Calypso stumbles from the grazing attack and swings back at Ruby with a short arm clothesline but he’s taken down with a drop toe hold and then squashed under Ruby’s imposing weight from a standing moonsault!


Tommy Slavino: Indeed they do, Bama! And right now neither of these two have any clear advantage - - BUT RUBY GOES FOR THE COVER!



A convincing kick out by Calypso springs Ruby to her feet, she goes for another standing drop of some kind, but the former Television Champion sweeps the legs!






Calypso’s head bounces and bends awkwardly on the mat as he immediately senses trouble, grasping for his neck and rolling away from Ruby, under the bottom rope and onto the floor.


Ruby is up to her feet and stalking the fallen Calypso on the arena floor from the ring. Ruby hits the ropes, and just as Calypso stands she dives between the top and bottom rope like a torpedo! Suicide Div--EYE RAKE!

Calypso caught Ruby mid air with the desperate pull at her face, unmasking the superhero and sending her tumbling to the floor with him. The crowd is going wild. The impact still sent Calypso smashing into the guardrail, throttling his already damaged neck even further. He struggles up to his feet, wincing every step of the way to the ring apron. He climbs up and spots Ruby on the floor who is just getting up from her knees, long claw marks from Calypso’s fingernails scratched around her eyes. He blinks and looks for Calypso, but it’s too late!

Tommy Slavino: GUNS FOR HIRE!

Calypso dives off of the apron and takes Ruby back down with a Thez Press and then proceeds to start slapping and clawing at her face as he lets out some then-chested shouts of anger. He even appears to be crying a bit as he closes his fist and starts beating Ruby’s head into the floor. She’s unable to cover up, and one last strike from Calypso appears to knock her out cold.

Calypso stands and WOOOOS for the crowd before doing a cartwheel. He picks Ruby up and rolls her under the bottom rope and goes for the cover.




Ruby kicks out after that devastating attack from Calypso! Gassed and in shock, Calypso pulls himself up to his feet. He lingers over Ruby for a moment who, just as she moves to get up, is smashed right back into the mat with a standing double foot stomp.

Tommy Slavino: Uh oh, Bama! Ruby looks to be in some real trouble here!

Calypso doesn’t go for the pin, instead he eyes the turnbuckle, knowing that a well executed move from the skies should be able to put Ruby away for good. He climbs up gingerly and begins motioning for Ruby to stand. After a moment of clearing the cobwebs and catching her breath, Ruby is to her feet… but she turns around into a -


Tommy Slavino: BUT RUBY COUNTERS!!

Just as Calypso was to connect, Ruby leaps in the air and puts her feet out for a front dropkick, connecting right to Calypso’s face!

The two both fall to the mat, but Calypso obviously takes a lot of damage. Ruby scrambles up from her back quickly and dives on Calypso for a pinfall,




Just barely Calypso gets his shoulder up. The crowd is growing hotter and hotter for this contest! But before any more action can take place, Calypso has rolled out to the floor again.

Tommy Slavino: Great strategy here, Calypso clearly had the advantage out on the floor earlier, and he’s looking to even the odds again.

But Ruby follows Calypso out from the opposite end of the ring and stalks him. Just as he stands, Ruby charges and leaps in the air with a flying crossbody! The attack sends both wrestlers to the arena floor, Ruby bouncing off of Calypso’s body and rolling into the guardrail with a sick thud. Both wrestlers are down on the floor, but the crowd begins roaring them back to life. Calypso gets to his feet, staggering and holding his fists out like the Fighting Irish mascot. Ruby pulls up on the guardrail and lowers her eyes at her foe.

Ruby steps untoward Calypso and eats a slap across the cheek, but she turns back and catches Calypso with a backfist that knocks him silly. Ruby swings again, but Calypso catches her arm, grabs her by the head and goes to slam her face into the apron. But Ruby stops the momentum with her hands out. Ruby sends an elbow into Calypso’s gut, and breaks free, sliding under the bottom rope and back into the ring -


He starts pulling Ruby back to the outside, but the smaller Ruby is able to shift, turn, and strike Calypso in the face with a kick from her free leg. The shot blasts Calypso back. Ruby gets in the ring and charges toward the ropes.











[bwo]Winner by Pinfall - Ruby[/bwo]



Match cancelled after every mini other than Pebbles tests positive for PEDs[/bwo]


The crowd, both bWo and XWF loyalists alike, instantly begin to boo as out from the back steps the God of Death, Giovanni DeSantis. GD is wearing his black cloak, and is flanked to his left by a mysterious woman, and his right by a young Chinese man dressed in all black and holding a bodybag over his shoulder. GD takes a few steps forward, and as he does, a sea of servants begin to follow behind him, carrying a large wooden cross. The crowd boos louder as the entire delegation makes their way down to the ring. As they get to the ring, the Chinese man tosses the bodybag over the ropes, and he and the mysterious woman get onto the ring apron and hold the middle rope down and the top rope up for GD to easily step through. GD is quickly tossed a mic from ringside as the rest of his servants struggle to bring the cross into the ring.

GD: The time of dormancy has ended. As we await the destruction of Centurion, sacrifices must be made for the God of Death. North Carolina, you have all been chosen to bare witness to another soul taken for Armageddon’s Reign.

The crowd boo’s louder, both for the comments made by GD, and also for getting the name of the state wrong.

GD: Vinnie Lane! Theo Pryce! I want you both to look into this ring tonight, and see what is about to happen. If you do not give me Centurion soon, the God of Death will sacrifice your entire roster until there is no one left. The souls of Anarchy will be purged, beginning with the most innocent of them all...

GD walks over to the bodybag and drags it into the middle of the ring. The servants, meanwhile, have set the cross up in the middle of the ring, and hooked it to some device. GD quickly unzips the bodybag and dumps it out...


A broken and bloody Boris topples out of the bag, almost completely lifeless. The crowd boos louder now, with some folks tossing cups and garbage into the ring. GD easily grabs Boris by the top of the head and lifts him off the ground.

GD: Your patron saint is nothing more than a false idol. He is a bag of meat and garbage, and he breathes air that he does not deserve. Boris, you have been chosen as the next sacrifice for Armageddon’s Reign.

GD quickly kicks Boris and nails him with a Dominator as the rest of his followers scramble towards him. GD stands up, and his followers quickly grab Boris and drag him to the cross. They begin to tie him, first by his hands, then by his feet, to the cross. After they are done, the cross begins to raise in the air, causing the crowd to continue with their loud booing. Blood begins to run out of Boris’ tracksuit and ushanka as the cross raises higher and higher into the air. GD lets out a menacing laugh as the lights cut in the arena and a blue mist overtakes the ring. Just like that, the lights turn back on, and everyone is gone, including Boris and the cross, as “Five Finger Crawl” plays again.

- vs -


Edward Jr. and Elijah Martin are not on the page throughout the match - eventually, Martin blasts his partner in the back of the skull from the apron with his Death By Forearm finisher!

HGH and the Latina Submission Machina don't realize what's happened, and LSM snares Edward Jr. in her Machina Roll for the pinfall victory!


When the show comes back from commercials the anti pro wrestling activist turned pro wrestler against her will, Sonya Benson, is in the ring flanked by Norris and Smith. The crowd is letting her have it with their jeers.

Tommy Slavino: “It was only a matter of time before Sonya Benson made her way around to Anarchy. She’s shown up on Warfare and Savage offering one million dollars for a personal trainer and 500 grand for a tag team partner. She even tried preying on Steven Cooper, a man with cancer, offering him a ‘contractor’ job.”

Bama T: “Steven shut that stuff down, baby. Sonya’s gotta know it will be nearly impossible to find anyone willing to take her up on her offers considering the crimes she’s committed against professional wrestling. It would be career suicide. Peers would turn on them. Fans too. The only silver lining to all of this is Sonya will be assigned to our show here, so we get first row seats to see her getting her ass kicked over and over and over and over again. Yeah, baby, yeah!

The otherworldly beauty raises the mic to her nervous, troubled, angry lips despite the fans trying to shush her down.

[Image: gcmNmTy.gif]

Sonya Benson: “I’ve travelled to those other two goat rodeos in person to show how serious I am about hiring a personal trainer or tag partner for one million dollars, but haven’t received any applicants yet. So here I am, presenting myself before you all to extend the same offer. Surely there’s someone in XWF that can use my monetary offer. I refuse to believe there’s not. You’re professional wrestlers after all. Bleed yourselves out for a packet of peanuts.”

This doesn’t sit well with the crowd, just like everything else she’s said recently.

Sonya Benson: “The contractor's job(s) still stand too. On Warfare I actually tried to extend an olive branch to the fans. I read a poem in hopes of showing them I’m not the evil harlot the media has claimed me to be. This didn’t work out well, so I’ll do something different now. I will sing to you the sweetest song ever sung. Please quiet yourselves. Thank you.”

She clears her throat and sings a beautiful song.

Sonya Benson:
“Now I've heard there was a secret chord
That David played, and it pleased the Lord
But you dont really care for music, do you?
It goes like this, the fourth, the fifth
The minor falls, the major lifts
The baffled king composing Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Your faith was strong but you needed proof
You saw her bathing on the roof
Her beauty and the moonlight overthrew her
She tied you to a kitchen chair
She broke your throne, and she cut your hair
And from your lips she drew the Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Well, maybe there's a God above
As for me all I've ever learned from love
Is how to shoot somebody who outdrew you
But it's not a crime that you're hear tonight
It's not some pilgrim who claims to have seen the Light
No, it's a cold and it's a very broken Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Well people I've been here before
I know this room and I've walked this floor
You see I used to live alone before I knew ya
And I've seen your flag on the marble arch
But listen love, love is not some kind of victory march, no
It's a cold and it's a broken Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Hallelujah, Hallelujah”

The crowd’s chant of “SHUT! UP! SHUT! UP! SHUT UP!” gets too loud for her liking and she relents. A sour expression falls upon her inherently bratty face.

Sonya Benson: “Fine then! May all the bad things that can happen to someone happen to all of you. May you all die before the sun comes up and may you rot in hell.”

With that, Sonya and her entourage exit and make a hasty egress up the ramp, disappearing behind the curtain.




Terry Borden steps onto the stage as a wild assortment of pyrotechnics explodes. He steps forward before pretending to shoot a machine gun towards the ring. The crowd goes mild as the pyro ends and Terry Borden flexes his insanely large muscles. The man starts to run down the entrance ramp, only to find himself tripped up by his own insanely large feathery neck scarf! Terry falls flat on his face much to the chagrin of the audience.

Tommy Slavino: "I don’t think that’s what he had in mind, but it sure is a special entrance!"

Bama T: "I told him he should take that damn scarf off in the locker room!"

Terry jumps to his feet and wipes some of the blood off of his busted nose. Terry growls before charging into the ring and rolling underneath the bottom rope. He runs straight toward the turnbuckle and headbutts it, getting some more color for the match!

Tommy Slavino: "He’s worked himself into a frenzy here!"


His music hits, soon the ramp opens up and slowly Oswald begins to rise. His ornate cane planted in the platform, dressed to the nines like always. The crowd starting to chant "MAY-HEM, B. O. B.! MAY-HEM, B. O. B.! MAY-HEM, B. O. B.! MAY-HEM, B. O. B.! " Once he was equal to the stage, he flung open his arms to form a t, letting out a loud roar, before grinning as he steps forward, making his way as he slowly unbuttons his suit jacket, his tie, his dress shirt, and unbuttoning the Billion Dollar Championship belt, handing it, his clothes, and the cane, to one of his servants as it appears as he takes his stance to get ready to face off against his opponents.

Tommy Slavino: "This is the proving grounds for Big Money Oswald! He’s been the Billion Dollar Champion, now he’s looking to become a double-champ!"

Bama T: "Some people might look at Oswald’s odds and scoff, but with Terry Borden alongside him here tonight I think Oswald might just be able to pull off the upset! BOB has power in numbers, BABY!"


Thias ducks his head under the base of the XTron and steps out onto the ramp. Shirtless and wearing only black jeans and black boots, Thias scans the crowd mean-mugging everyone. He ignores the boos from the crowd and walks to the ring, reaching the top rope from the floor and pulling himself up onto the apron before stepping over the top rope.

Tommy Slavino: "The big muscle monster from Avalanche is here tonight and he’s looking bigger than ever! He’s undefeated and he’s looking to keep that streak alive here tonight!

Bama T: "He may be the biggest guy in the ring tonight, but will he be the BADDEST guy in the ring tonight? Only time will tell, but I know where my money’s going!"

Tommy Slavino: "To hookers and cheap coke?”



Centurion walks out to the ring calmly, waving occasionally to the fans in the audience. The belt strapped around his waist glistens as the lights dim and an unwanted spotlight shines down on Centurion. Centurion sighs and< keeps his head down as he descends the entrance ramp. The Anarchy Champion walks up the steel steps and onto the ringside apron. The lights return to their normal brightness as the XWF hall of famer ducks underneath the top rope and into the squared circle proper.

Tommy Slavino: "The Anarchy champion looks to hold on here tonight, but will three challengers be too many?”

As soon as Centurion steps into the ring he is immediately bull rushed by Oswald and Borden! As the bell rings Centurion is already being hit with a flurry of fists as he is forced back into the corner. One big bloody headbutt from Borden is all it takes to get blood spewing out of the anarchy champion’s forehead. Centurion falls back against the turnbuckle and slumps to a seated position as the onslaught of numbers overwhelms him.

Bama T: “Get him, boys! Play that numbers game!"

Tommy Slavino: "But they have to remember that this isn’t a triple threat!

While Oswald and Borden both bring a foot up to the throat of the seated Centurion, Thias Watts watches the action unfold from across the ring with a big smile stretching across his face. He cracks his knuckles as he slowly approaches the BOB boys from behind. Borden and Oswald seem oblivious, as the two men continue choking Centurion out with their leather boots. Oswald and Borden mock Centurion as he squirms wildly. Centurion’s blood squirts out onto their feet as they compress his neck.

Thias Watts grabs Oswald and Borden by their heads before slamming them together! Borden and Oswald each fall against the two sets of ropes near the turnbuckle! Thias grabs Borden and places one of Terry’s arms over his neck before grabbing him by the tights and lifting him high into the air for a big ol’ SUPLEX! The sound of the two men slamming against the mat echoes throughout the venue! Terry Borden rolls out of the ring as he clutches his lower back: but Thias Watts gets right back up to his feet!

Watts waltzes his way over to Oswald, who is now pushing himself off of the ropes. Oswald lashes out at Watts with a big right hand, Watts brings up his big left forearm and simply swipes Oswald’s fist out of the way! Thias delivers a big right boot to Oswald’s gut that doubles him over. Thias Watts picks Oswald up and delivers a bigtime gorilla suplex!

Tommy Slavino: "Talk about a human suplex machine! I think Thias might be able to suplex a fighter jet!”

Bama T: “Yeah he’s big, and he’s strong, and he’s tough as nails and…...and I’m thinking Terry and Oswald should have started the match out by jumping HIM!"

Thias Watts hooks Oswald’s leg and goes for the cover!


Centurion breaks up the pinfall!

The Anarchy champion’s blood drips onto both Thias and Oswald as he jumps on top of both men. Oswald rolls out of the ring as Thias and Centurion both scurry to their feet. The two men lock eyes as the crowd starts going nuts. Watts brings his right thumb up to his neck before slowly moving it past his jugular in a clear show of intimidation. The bloodied champion bucks off the threat while unclipping the championship belt from his waist and handing it over to the referee.

Tommy Slavino: "This might be the real fight right here! This is the matchup I know a lot of people were looking forward to! Oswald and Borden are GREAT, don’t get me wrong, but Centurion is a certified legend and Thias Watts is STILL undefeated! ”

Outside of the ring both Terry Borden and Oswald have risen to their feet. The two BOB cohorts have regrouped near the english and spanish announce tables. Oswald slams his fists on the english language table and screams at Tommy Slavino to give him more favorable coverage. The two announcers nearly shit themselves, one of em falls out of chair etc

Bama T: “HA! He sure told your FAT ASS off, Sloppy Slavino! Show some BOB loyalty!"

Tommy Slavino: "I….I………..”

Bama T: “Just sit back and let the pro call this match!"

Terry Borden and Oswald turn around in contempt before heading for the ring apron. Oswald lifts up the apron while Terry Borden starts pulling weapons out from underneath the ring. A garbage can, a steel chair, a brown sack with a black question mark drawn on it in sharpies, and then a barbed wire wrapped pool noodle. Terry and Oswald look over their supplies and test out a few with practice swings as they try to decide what weapon to equip.

Bama T: “They’re finding just the right weapon for the job! These two men of steel are damn near surgical in that ring, and once they find the right tool for the operation it’s over!"

Meanwhile, back inside the ring, Watts and Centurion seem set to duke it out one on one! The two men are slowly circling each other, Thias Watts shuffling his feet in a classic boxing stance while Centurion crouches down in a freestyle wrestling stance. A few more moments of passive-aggressive circling go by before both men give up the formalities and just charge at each other!


Thias Watts staggers a few steps back before making contact with the ropes. The ropes propel him forward and he jumps on Centurion with a big forearm just as the champion is trying to push himself back to his feet! Thias starts wailing away on Centurion with a flurry of fists and forearms as Centurion tries to roll off his stomach to no avail! The big man is simply too big for Centurion to break free!

Tommy Slavino: “Thias has Centurion right here he wants him!”

Bama T: “But not for long!"

Terry Borden slides into the ring with the barbed wire wrapped pool noodle and Oswald slides into the ring with the steel chair. Thias Watts sees them coming and quickly gets off of Centurion...but he’s too much of a man! His massive frame can’t get back to a standing position in time to avoid a crushing chairshot from Oswald! The bloodied Borden chuckles to himself as he smacks Watts with the pool noodle. The barbed wire rips pieces of the big man’s flesh off as he falls back to the ground. Oswald follows up the surprise attack with a few more chair shots to both Centurion and Thias Watts.

Tommy Slavino: “Look at Oswald go! He’s so-so….so good! He’s great!”

Bama T: “Asskisser! You better do better than that if you don’t want him coming back here and hitting you with that chair!"

Tommy Slavino: “They don’t call him Big Money for no reason! He’s really giving it to those boys! It’s going to cost them BIG MONEY to pay off the medical debt from those chair shots!”

Bama T: “Those BROTHERS are BAD!"

The BOB boys throw their weapons down before they go for simultaneous pins, Oswald on Watts and Borden on Centurion.




Oswald and Borden complain to each other before switching opponents and going for a double pinfall once more.

Bama T: “It didn’t work the first time, but it could always work the second time! Hell, it took Abraham Lincoln way more than two tries to win an election!"




Tommy Slavino: “I’m shocked!”

Oswald and Borden rise to their feet and immediately begin strategizing their next move. They stand in the middle of the ring for a few seconds as they figure out who they should target and what awesome BOB-branded move they should pull off. As the two men stand in the ring Centurion starts crawling towards the steel chair. A trail of blood follows the champion as he grabs the steel chair and slowly starts pushing himself to his feet with the help of the nearby ropes.

Oswald sees Centurion stirring! The billion dollar champion charges at the Anarchy champion…..just to be hit smack dab in the face with a steel chair! Oswald crumples beneath the concussion-inducing chairshot. Even the roar of the audience isn’t enough to drown out the sickening sound of metal crumpling in on itself after cracking bone.

Bama T: “Don’t say anything Tommy, no one wants to hear it!"

Tommy Slavino: “I wasn’t going to say anything!”

Bama T: “I said don’t say anything!"

As Oswald collapses Terry Borden charges in to finish the job…..only to be met with the exact same fate! Borden hits the mat as the fans go into a fury. Centurion looks at the crumpled and now useless chair and laughs before throwing it outside of the ring. Centurion picks Terry Borden up by his mustache and looks down at one of his unscrupulous attackers. Centurion bleeds incidentally onto Terry Borden before picking him up to his feet just to immediately slam him back down with a saito suplex!

Centurion rolls off of Terry Borden and picks himself up to his feet once more. The champion takes stock of his situation and sees Oswald trying to sit up. Centurion charges straight toward Oswald and hits him with a running right knee that busts his forehead open! The force of the blow causes Oswald to roll beneath the bottom rope and onto the ringside flooring.

Bama T: “This wasn’t part of the plan!"

Thias Watts pushes himself up to his feet and sets his sights on Centurion. The two men lock eyes and bullrush each other once more. This time Centurion is forced to do a backflip after running straight into the big man’s clothesline! Centurion lands on his back in a daze, but he isn’t given one second to recuperate. Thias Watts immediately begins stomping away at Centurion with great furor.

Thias Watts briefly halts the onslaught in order to drag the battered champion back up to his feet. Thias Watts roughly tosses Centurion against the ropes. When Centurion comes running back like a frisbee he’s greeted with a scoop powerslam! Watts hooks the leg for the pin!




Tommy Slavino: “A kick out by Centurion but still, look at the big man go!”

Bama T: “GOD DAMN IT, TOMMY! Don’t you remember what Oswald said?"

Tommy Slavino: “I’m just trying to call the match how I see it!”

Bama T: “That’s not your job!"

Tommy Slavino: “That’s literally my job!”

Thias Watts shakes his head in frustration before climbing to his feet. As Watts rises to a standing position he sees Terry Borden sliding into the ring with a garbage can! Terry quickly jumps up and charges ahead with the garbage can…..charging right into a big boot! Terry drops the garbage can and falls to the mat. Thias Watts grabs the garbage can and starts crumpling it into a small piece of trash with repeated blows to Borden’s downed body.

Thias Watts rolls Terry Borden over and hooks his leg for a pinfall!




Bama T: “Good work Terry! That’s forty years of built up resilience in action right there!"

Thias roars in anger as he lifts the bleeding stump that is Terry Borden up to his feet. Thias grabs the much, much smaller man around the throat and begins choking the life out of the man. Thias proceeds to hit him with not one, not two, not three, but FOUR consecutive headbutts! Both men are now bleeding life stuffed pigs, but it’s impossible to tell who’s blood is who’s! Borden is relatively lifeless now, but that doesn’t stop Watts from irish whipping Borden into the turnbuckle! Thias Watts trails Terry Bordern the whole way- Terry takes a few steps back as he rebounds off of the post pad only to be scooped up by Thias and then dropped with a rough looking head-out tombstone!


Thias, clearly exhausted, struggles to make the cover but eventually he gets his body on top of Terry’s.


Tommy Slavino: “WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO?!”


Bama T: “Go in there and stop this, Tommy!"

Tommy Slavino: “That’s DEFINITELY NOT my job!”

Oswald has stirred and he’s looking into the ring frantically. He grabs the nearest weapon and slides under the bottom rope.


Oswald gets to his feet and raises the weapon above head as he dives for Watts.

Bama T: “Get him, Oswald, get him!!!"

3-NO! OSWALD BREAKS IT UP JUST IN THE KNICK OF TIME! He hits Watts over the head with a brown sack of SOMETHING! Thias Watts rubs the now bruised spot on his head as he rolls off of Borden.

Tommy Slavino: “That was close!”

Bama T: “Way too close!"

Oswald charges at Watts with the brown bag, he lifts the bag over his head and goes to hit Watts with it….but the big man ducks out of the way before wrapping his arm around Oswald’s waist and leaping behind him! The big man grabs a hold of Oswald and hits him with a belly to back suplex that electrifies the crowd!

Thias lays on the ground for a few moments, trying to regain his breath. Thias eventually pushes himself up. He grabs the brown sack with the question mark drawn on it from off the ground. Thias Watts holds the bag upside down and lets the surprise contents spill down onto the mat.


Bama T: “It’s Fury’s rules, BABY! But those leeches definitely weren’t meant to be used against members of BOB! They might be genetically modified to cause IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME! Who knows what our science department does with all their money?!?!"

Tommy Slavino: “....irritable bowel syndrome?!”

Bama T: “IBS is a very serious condition that affects millions every single day!"

Tommy Slavino: “I don’t care if they give me the poops or not, I know I definitely don’t want those leeches anywhere near me!”

Thias shrugs as the leeches fall to the bloodsoaked mat. Thias makes sure he empties the entire bag before he grabs Oswald’s head and puts it right in the leeches pile. Watts takes a few steps back before sprinting full speed ahead and hitting a big curb stomp on Oswald’s head!


Oswald lays unresponsive on the ground as blood and leeches cover his head. Thias confidently kicks the man over before placing just one boot on Oswald’s chest. Thias flexes as Oswald lay still. Centurion slides into the ring behind him with the gift wrapped box in his hand.


Centurion climbs to his feet as he hastily unwraps the box.


Centurion quickly scampers towards the much larger man.

3-NO! Centurion charlie horse kicks Watts in the knee forcing him to step off of Oswald!

Watts turns around in anger to confront Centurion, but the anarchy champion quickly takes the top off of the box. A quick grin flashes across Centurion’s face before he reaches into the box and throws it’s contents right into Watts’ face!

Tommy Slavino: “Gift Wrapped pocket sand?!”


Tommy Slavino: “But leeches and pocket sand?! This is barbaric!


Thias Watts reaches for his eyes with his hands as he starts stumbling around the ring blindly. Centurion drops the gift wrapped box before hitting the blinded Watts with a standing dropkick! The big man finally goes down! Centurion quickly follows up by running off the ropes and delivering a big elbow to the defenseless Watts!

Centurion springs back up to his feet almost immediately. Surprisingly enough, Thias Watts is quickly on his feet as well, although it takes a few more seconds for him to get up. Centurion eyes him the entire time and as soon as Watts takes a standing position, he immediately eats a Bloody Symphony (Busaiku Flying Knee)! Centurion nearly jumps out of his shoes as he brings his knee up seven feet in the air to connect square with the jaw of the big man! The brickhouse of a man falls to the ground as if he were just a house of cards! The bleeding oaf collapses to the ground before being covered by Centurion for the pin.




Bama T: “Where are Oswald and Borden? They need to get back in the ring! Either one of these guys could walk away with the belt tonight!"

Thias Watts throws Centurion off of him before sitting straight up ala the phenom.

Tommy Slavino: “Thias hasn’t had enough yet! He’s right back up!

Thias Watts and Centurion both rise to their feet. The scarlet coated men eye each other with hatred from across the ring. Meanwhile the BOB boys are both starting to stir back to consciousness, albeit slowly. A handful of leeches have decided to cling to Oswald’s busted flesh. He starts slowly pulling them off and throwing them out of the ring while Terry Borden starts crawling over to one of the turnbuckles.

Back in the center of the ring Thias Watts and Centurion have locked up. The classic tie up immediately starts to favor the much larger Watts as Centurion is forced to immediately step back. Thias continues to press the advantage. The big man’s stature and frame absolutely dwarf the retreating Centurion.

Bama T: “Centurion is an IDIOT! Why would you tie up with someone so much bigger than you?!"

As Watts keeps pushing forward during the tie-up, Centurion intentionally falls onto his back as he uses his technical advantage to lock Watts into a sneaky inside cradle rollup! The referee drops to the mat and starts counting!

Tommy Slavino: “I think that was why, Bama T!

Bama T: “Shut up!"


Ewww. The referee just eviscerated a few leeches with his hand. Their bloody wetness covers his fingers as the camera zooms in on the grossed out referee.

Tommy Slavino: “The referee needs to keep counting- Centurion’s losing valuable time!

Bama T: “Good!"

Centurion screams at the referee to keep counting as Thias Watts violently tries to kick out of the inside cradle to no avail! Centurion has it locked up too tight, he has every leverage point!
The referee snaps back to reality and returns to the count!


3-NO! Oswald breaks up the inside cradle with a swift kick!

Bama T: “YES! Oswald keeps the match alive!"

Terry Borden swiftly joins the action next! Oswald starts stomping away at Centurion while Terry Borden starts sending boots down onto the back of Ned Kaye’s muscle man. Terry Borden lifts Thias up before punching him in the gut. As Thias keels over he eats a powerful rising knee from Borden that flings him against the ropes. Terry Borden is right back on him with a clothesline that sends both men spiralling over the top rope and out of the ring!

Oswald lifts up Centurion, but he doesn’t get as lucky as Terry! Centurion sweeps Oswald’s legs out from underneath him. As Oswald falls onto his back Centurion climbs atop him and swiftly locks in an armbar. Oswald starts screaming for Terry’s help, but Borden’s caught in a bloodrage! He’s just pounding away at the Watss’ face on the ground outside the ring!

Bama T: “Look at Borden’s BOB power! He’s fisting him hard!"

Tommy Slavino: “Quiet, Bama- you’re making BOB look bad!!

Bama T: “What are you talking about, Tommy?! I’m just telling the people how hard Borden is fisting that big bla-.....oh. I see now.!"

Back in the ring Oswald tries to rip his arm away from the anarchy champion, but Centurion is too technically skilled to let it go free! Centurion uses Oswald’s own movements against him to apply even more pressure with the armbar! Oswald continues to scream for Borden’s help but it’s still no use! The referee is asking Oswald if he wants to tap, and he screams no!

Oswald reaches for the rope with his free arm. He struggles for it, nearly grazing it with his finger tips. It takes everything Oswald has, but he’s able to scoot his body a few inches….just enough so that he can reach the rope! As Oswald grabs onto the bottom rope with his free arm he yells at the referee to break the hold.

Tommy Slavino: “This is Fury’s rules, the referee won’t make Centurion let go! The ropes mean nothing!

Bama T: “Centurion is cheating and the ref is in on it!"

Oswald screams and argues with the referee as he’s held in a t pose with one of his arms stretched out by Centurion and his other arm desperately stretched out towards the ropes. The referee tells Oswald that there’s nothing he can do, but that only causes Oswald to cling even more dearly to the rope. The crowd is going absolutely wild! So wild that Terry Borden can’t even hear Oswald’s cries as he starts dragging Thias Watts towards the steel steps. As Borden approaches the steps he sits Watts against them.

Back in the ring Oswald is still hooting and hollering as Centurion twists and wrenches the billionaire’s arm. Oswald grasps the bottom rope as hard as he can with his free hand as he begins to pull his whole body closer to the ropes. The camera begins to cut between shots of Oswald’s face and Centurion’s face. Oswald looks completely desperate, his blood pumping out of his face as he intermittently clenches his face and screams from the pain. We can see a leech from the brown bag crawling onto Oswald’s face before biting into the outside of his mouth. Centurion looks completely confident, he wears a jovial grin as he mocks Oswald for kissing a leech. Centurion calls for Oswald to simply give up before a popping noise POPS out from Oswald’s twisted shoulder.

Outside the ring Terry Borden has lifted up the ring apron and pulled a sledgehammer out from under the ring. Terry Borden practices a golf swing with the sledgehammer. He shakes his head from side to side in discontent, his scarlet coated hair flinging wildly across the back of his skull. Terry Borden takes a practice baseball swing and immediately starts shaking his head up and down. Borden starts grinning sadistically as he approaches Thias Watts.

Tommy Slavino: “No, no Terry! This is too far! We don’t want to see this!


Terry Borden starts sizing up Watts before he swings the sledgehammer towards the skull of the big man! A sickening clanking sound echoes throughout the arena as the handle of the weapon flies out of Borden’s hands. Terry starts shaking his hands and exhaling harshly after making contact with nothing but steel! Watts ducked out of the way just in time!

Tommy Slavino: “What an amazing roll by Watts!!

Bama T: “Damn it! Why do you love that big black man so much, Tommy/! He’s not BOB! You know what? I think I know why!"

Tommy Slavino: “Don’t even start with that, Bama T!”

Oswald has pulled his entire body over to the ropes. Oswald lets go of the bottom rope with his free arm as Centurion STILL holds on tight to the shoulder popping armbar. Oswald screams in agony as he reaches up for the top rope with his free hand. Oswald is just barely able to get his massive maw around the highest rope.

Outside the ring the bruised and battered Terry Borden and Thias Watts are now going blow for blow right across the barrier from the front row fans. Each punch sends droplets of blood into the audience, and the crowd is going koo koo for it! Thias Watts ends the exchange with a massive overhand right fist that ends up slumping Terry Borden across the spanish announce table.

Bama T: “Oh no, I hope they don’t break the spanish announce table! How will Hanari Carnes and Reggie Estrada be able to follow along with the match?!"

Tommy Slavino: “You know what, sometimes you take things way too far Bama T!”

Watts grabs Borden’s skull with both hands before violently smashing his head into the table….repeatedly. Watts begins dragging Borden’s face across the table, smearing blood all over it….much to the chagrin of the announcers seating right behind it! They stand out of their chairs and lean against the barrier as Thias Watts pushes Borden’s entire body onto the table.

Inside the ring Oswald is trying to pull himself up with the assistance of the top rope. He’s making modest gains, despite the added weight of Centurion on his arm. It takes a good deal of time and a helluva lot of manpower, but soon enough Oswald has raised himself to a standing position!

Tommy Slavino: “Oh my God, I didn’t know Oswald had this in him! He usually struggles with submissions, but he’s still going strong!

Bama T: “You’re just a hater, Tommy! I knew Oswald had it in him!"

The sickening crack of breaking bone is heard all too well by Oswald, but still he doesn’t let himself give up! Centurion hangs onto Oswald’s arm, with his head near Oswald’s knees and his feet near Oswald’s face as he continues to cling to the armbar! Oswald takes a few labored steps forward as the referee urges him to just give up already!

Tommy Slavino: “Oswald has shown he is strong as an ox, but sometimes strength alone isn’t enough! Oswald has shown he’s great! There’s no dishonor in giving up before your arm is ripped off! Centurion doesn’t look like he’s going to let go!

Bama T: “No, damn it, no! If one BOB wins we all win, and I want to win tonight damn it! Go Oswald, get out of that hold!"

Thias Watts and Terry Borden seem completely undisturbed by all the in-ring carnage. The two of them are caught up in their own world! Blood is dripping off the men like hot wax from a candle. Thias Watts seems absolutely blind and deaf to everything but the battle against Borden. He headbutts Borden once more before climbing atop the announce table. Thias Watts screams out like a gladiator and is met with tremendous applause from the crowd. Watts pounds on his chest like he’s the king kong of the XWF before he grabs Terry Borden’s mostly limp body and holds it way high up in the air with a gorilla press as he looks out towards the roaring fans.

Tommy Slavino: “That’s incredible! Look at that! He might just paralyze him if he throws him from that height!

Thias Watts throws Oswald up in the air and tries to catch him in a piledriver on the way down…..but Watts slips on all the blood smeared across the table! The two lumbering men come crashing through the table uncontrollably! This spot receives the biggest pop from the crowd yet!

Bama T: “HA! That’s what he gets for not joining BOB!"

Tommy Slavino: “Oh no! I don’t think either man is going to be getting up anytime soon after a crash like that!

Back inside the ring Oswald’s face is twisting and contorting nearly as bad as his arm. Oswald seems to be reaching the breaking point. The pain is so intense that he’s paid absolutely no mind to the fat leech sucking the blood out of the side of his mouth. Centurion continues to twist and turn like a python squeezing and snapping the billionaire’s drooping arm.

Tommy Slavino: “This is getting hard to watch! Oswald just won’t give in, no matter how brutal it gets!

Oswald screams out in some sort of panzer power as he springs to the corner! Oswald squishes Centurion against the turnbuckle, crushing the smaller man’s frame between the post and Oswald’s body! Centurion immediately releases the hold. As Oswald steps away from the corner Centurion sinks to the mat.

Bama T: “But that was easy to watch! Now keep it up, money man!"

Oswald immediately collapses against the ropes and takes a welcomed rest. The rest is brief, however, as the relentless anarchy champion starts to pull himself to his feet. Wobbly and dazed, Centurion starts stumbling around as Oswald steps off the ropes. Centurion is looking at the world through rose tinted eyes and with double vision, so his quick 1-2-uppercut combo rips through nothing but the air beside Oswald!

Oswald kicks Centurion in the knee, causing the champion to bend down. Oswald grabs Centurion and looks as if he will perform a powerbomb, only to pop his opponent up into the air, but at an angle so they start to fall down head first, only to catch them as they're coming down before slamming them with a DDT!

Tommy Slavino: “THE DELETION!

Bama T: “Money Oswald is going to DELETE Centurion’s reign!!"

Oswald covers the champion!





Tommy Slavino: “He’s Centurion, that’s what he does!

Centurion is just barely able to get a shoulder up, but somehow he does it! Oswald slams the mat with his uninjured arm as he screams at the referee to count faster next time. Oswald goes to pick Centurion up, but he immediately recoils as soon as he tries to do just about anything with his busted arm. Centurion is able to come to his senses as he pushes Oswald away from him.

Tommy Slavino: “I think Oswald has lost the use of that arm! He used every working nerve he had left in that arm to lift Centurion up for the finisher, and now his arm is absolutely limp!

Centurion is able to connect with a few jabs that send Oswald stumbling back. Centurion quickly twists his body around and performs a spinning kick right to Oswald’s gut that sends BOB’s Billionaire Champion backfirst into the turnbuckle! Centurion grabs on to one of the ropes near the corner in order to give himself omre balance as he delivers a few kicks to the side of Oswald’s head. Centurion returns to a standing position before driving a shoulder into Oswald’s gut. Keeping his shoulder pressed against Oswald, Centurion grabs Oswald’s legs and lifts the big man up so he’s sitting on the top of the turnbuckle.

Centurion looks up at Oswald, both men just dripping in gore. Centurion grabs on to the top ropes on either side of the turnbuckle and starts trying to get his feet onto the second ropes. His feet keep slipping and he seems entirely too worn out for such elaborate and precise footwork, but eventually Centurion is able to perch himself atop the second rope.

Tommy Slavino: “What’s Centurion doing here?! Going to the top rope can be a recipe for disaster!

Bama T: “Centurion’s going big or going home! I hope he goes home!

Centurion peeks outside of the ring and makes sure that Terry Borden and Thias Watts are out of commission. Sure enough both men are still inside a pool of blood atop the collapsed spanish announce table. Centurion nods to himself as he begins to step up onto the top rope of the turnbuckle. As Centurion perches at the tippy top of the post he grabs Oswald in what looks to be the beginning stages of a 1000 Mile Slam (angle slam).

Tommy Slavino: “He’s going for a 100 mile slam off the top rope! If Oswald lands on his neck his career could be over!

Bama T: “This is madness! This can’t be allowed!

Tommy Slavino: “But it is!

Centurion wraps his arms around Money Oswald and begins to squat in preparation for a big time jump

But then


Centurion yelps uncontrollably right before Oswald pushes him off of the top rope and onto the mat. Centurion lands perfectly on his back as Oswald looks down at him with grim malice.

Oswald crouches atop the post before jumping off of it and doing a corkscrew shooting star press from the top rope!

Tommy Slavino: “I don’t believe it! I don’t believe it!

Bama T: “Oswald’s turning everyone into a believer tonight! He’s turning Centurion into an OBSOLETE Anarchy Champion!

The Billion Dollar Champion lands the move perfectly, but it’s taken absolutely everything out of him! Oswald is exhausted, but he lands right on top of Centurion! Amazingly, the leech on Oswald’s mouth stayed hooked to him despite the flight through the air! The referee flops to the mat and counts the pin!




[bwo]Winner By Pinfall and New Anarchy Champion - Big Money Oswald[/bwo]

Oswald stands as the rest of BOB swarm the ring, congratulating him on his win, raising the belt high up in the air, as one of his servants come in with a spray paintcan. He looks the camera dead in the eyes as he takes the can, shaking it up before placing the title on the ground. The camera follows him as he spray paints 'bWo' on it before wearing it around his waist on top of his Billion Dollar Championship belt.

"You will NEVER get rid of me as Anarchy champion! Anarchy is BOB! Anarchy will be known as bWo! FOR! LIFE!"

He throws up four fingers then puts his index finger and thumb into the shape of an L.

"Welcome to a new era! The era of your new and only GOD CHAMPION!"

After the match, the crowd begins to file out when...


The arena explodes as "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane struts down the aisle in his well-known hot pink business suit and bandanna. He slaps some hands and rolls into the ring, mic in hand.

"What's up everyone! Miss me?"

The crowd pops again.

"Well I missed y'all too. Now, you might remember... I've been on a little sabbatical recently. A little self reflection was in order... because as you know, I had an issue. An addiction. I hurt people. I hurt my fans, and I hurt my hot babe Roxy Cotton... I'm so sorry baby. Really. Truly.




I didn't just vanish into the night. Nope! I never really felt all that sure about what happened between me and Fury. Like... it just felt like something was missing, you know? Miss Fury is a lot of things, after all, but a victim? Nah. That's not her style. There was another shoe that needed the drop!"

Vinnie opens his mouth again, but he's cut off by Miss Fury's music...


Fury storms out from the back with a mic of her own in hand.

"What the hell are you doing here, Lane? This is MY show now! Anarchy belongs to ME! And after what you did you should be in prison, so you got off really easily!

Vinnie holds a hand up to stop her mid-sentence.

"I'm actually glad you decided to interrupt, Jess. For real. Because you need to see this!"

Vinnie then extends his arm to the Tron, where a grainy video feed takes over. The images are sparse and dark, it's obviously some sort of security footage on a low-grade camera. But, one thing that's clear is a familiar face... the face of Graves when he was a woman after Miss Fury took over his consciousness.

[Image: unnamed-645x360.jpg]

She's seen talking with what looks to be other members of BOB, though it is impossible to tell as their backs are turned.

"So what we'll do is ruin Lane! We know he can't say NO to a wild night if he's under the influence. He's a doofus! A goober! All I have to do is get to his house, slip him a mickey, and convince him that we're just warming up for some fun with Roxy. I'll have cameras set up and we already know what our tech team is capable of... they'll never be able to figure out the splices and edits! We'll have Lane and the XWF right where we want them to be! We'll get anything we want! And all it'll take is one night of dirty sex... and quite frankly, in THIS body? I don't care what we do."

The feed cuts and the crowd is in shocked silence. Miss Fury's face is completely flabbergasted.

"Wait how did you... that... you weren't supposed to... NO! NO! IT'S LIES! YOU MADE IT UP! YOU TOOK ADVANTAGE OF ME! OF GRAVES! OF US!"

Vinnie cuts her off again.

"Look dude, I'm not proud of what happened that night... it was wrong, for sure. I broke my word to someone I loved. But as far as taking advantage? Dude, you SET ME UP! You planned the whole thing! You tricked Roxy into thinking you two were friends, and then you came into our home and laid a trap... and for what? To get your own division? Your own title? Your own show? To take MY show and MY company away from me? Well congrats, dude... you did it. For a couple weeks anyway."

"No way! You signed it over! We had a deal - a business deal! You can't back out now!"

"Oh but dude I totally can! Because you see that legal threat against me was made under false pretenses... and that makes the entire deal NULL and VOID! You could spend the next decade behind bars for extortion and racketeering! But I'm not gonna do that to you, man... I've got better ideas. You see... NEXT Anarchy, which I am now FULLY taking control of back, is going to be business as usual... no more of this Fury's Rules nonsense. We're going back to doing MY Anarchy MY way. And the main event for that show? Well dude... that's gonna be YOU versus LORD RAAB. And if you lose? Then the entire Brotherhood of Baddies is DISSOLVED. All the branding GONE. Your special division the bWo? DESTROYED."

Fury looks stunned, but then she laughs.

"Oh really? That's the best you could do? RAAB? Are you serious? No problem. I accept. I MORE THAN accept! I'll even vacate my title if I lose! Actually... EVERYONE in BOB will vacate their titles if I lose! The Bastards! Oswald! Atara! Everyone!"

Vinnie smirks.

"That's mighty kind of you to offer, dude... I'll take it! You might wish you'd waited until I was finished, though. Because this isn't Furey's Rules anymore, like I said. It's standard rules. And if you don't win for ANY reason, count out... DQ... forfeit... whatever... then you're going to hold up your end of the bargain!"

Fury looks unhappy about this on the ramp. She squirms a little.

"And if anything strange happens to Raab, like what happened earlier tonight? That's going to be a No Contest. Which means you don't win. And not winning this match is the same as losing, dude!"

Fury looks even more upset at this news.

"And one last thing. I wanted to thank you, Jess. Because even though you were sneaky and evil and underhanded... you DID show me that I needed some help around here. Someone in the mold of Commissioner Lacklan when she was around, to give me some much needed insurance against scam and manipulators like yourself! So I'd like to introduce to you the referee for your match against Lord Raab at Anarchy... someone who I know you will NOT be able to bribe or sway with sexual liaisons in any way. The NEW Commissioner of XWF Anarchy, who learned at Sarah Lacklan's side how to do this job when she was an intern for Lacklanland... DOLLY WATERS!"


Dolly emerges behind Miss Fry as her music plays, and she extends her hand for a shake.

"Really looking forward to working with you."

Dolly gives a wink and the camera tightens on Miss Fury's face, which is now turning ten different shades of red from anger.

Anarchy fades from the air with an image of a grinning Vinnie Lane while the crowd chants "THANK YOU VINNIE!" in repetition.



[Image: dR5ZguS.png]
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[-] The following 11 users Like "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane's post:
ALIAS (08-21-2021), Dolly Waters (08-21-2021), ElijahMartin (08-21-2021), JimCaedus (08-21-2021), Marf (08-21-2021), Miss Fury (08-21-2021), Mr. Oz (08-21-2021), MrBig (08-21-2021), Theo Pryce (08-28-2021), Thunder Knuckles™ (08-21-2021), Tommy Wish (08-21-2021)
Mr. Oz Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

08-21-2021, 02:00 PM

Great fuckin' show! Great writing overall!

[Image: xdagprt.gif]
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Mr. Oz's post:
Thunder Knuckles™ (08-21-2021)
Thunder Knuckles™ Offline
A No Good Bastard

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

08-21-2021, 03:52 PM

Ooc: Congratulations to Big Money on a big big win!

[Image: newtngb.png?ex=661f68da&is=660cf3da&hm=6...9be1b4b4b&]
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[-] The following 2 users Like Thunder Knuckles™'s post:
Dolly Waters (08-21-2021), Mr. Oz (08-21-2021)
Marf Offline
THE Marf

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

08-21-2021, 04:10 PM

Good show folks, and shout out to Oswald, congratulations man!

2x Xtreme Champion
2x Television Champion
2x Freestyle Champion
5x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Member of Charlie’s Carnies
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[-] The following 2 users Like Marf's post:
Mr. Oz (08-21-2021), Thunder Knuckles™ (08-21-2021)
Atara Raven Offline
Αφροδίτη Ενσαρκωμένη

XWF FanBase:

(Physically attractive male on every level; can seduce you; that disarming smile; those bedroom eyes.)

08-21-2021, 11:33 PM

Congrats Oswald!

[i[Image: vEWm3Pg.png]

[Image: 8pr1Az7.png]
[Image: jtHw5j1.png]

[Image: YLZBFO7.png]
2x Freestyle Champion
1× Federweight Champion
2× Heavymetalweight Champion

1x Fade 2 Black High Voltage Champion
1x Fight NYC! Brooklyn Champion
1x Fight NYC! Island Champion
1x PWV Anthem Champion
#29 XWF Top 50 2021
AW Top 100 2021
#13 EFed Podcast Top 100 2022
#67 Efed Podcast Top 100 2021
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[-] The following 3 users Like Atara Raven's post:
JimCaedus (09-01-2021), Mr. Oz (08-21-2021), Thunder Knuckles™ (08-21-2021)
Lord Raab Offline
"The Green Disease German Monster"

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

09-01-2021, 01:14 PM

Damn, good thing I checked the results just before I wrote the RP as I'm so far behind with everything; it's unbelievable, even just noticing today, I've been booked for a match. It seems like a great show, and yeah, the idea of the whole brand split if Ruby loses is brilliant. Certainly much better than winning a title as Lord Raab isn't really interested in winning titles unless a great storyline for that comes around.

Also my bad for not showing the last match, not sure how I missed being booked here. However, I will be showing up one hundred per cent, even if I looked at this at the last minute. Better than a day after the deadline though.

[Image: AgO3KzJ.png]

[Image: bcywcYD.jpg]

I love AJ Allmendinger.
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