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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Anarchy Boards » Anarchy Results
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bWo ANARCHY 07/22/2021
Author Message
Miss Fury Offline

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

07-25-2021, 09:26 AM

[bwo][Image: b-Wo-Anarchy.jpg][/bwo]





Tommy Slavino: "Hello and welcome to bWo..."

Bama T: "NO, NO, NO, NO, TOMMY! You're screwing it up, baby! IT'S THURSDAY NIGHT, AND YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS!"

Tommy Slavino: "BOB has taken over!"

Bama T: "There you go, baby! Hell of a main event tonight, wouldn't you say?"

Tommy Slavino: "Indeed! In tonight's main event, we will see Miss Fury successfully defend her championship against the likes of that big doofus Big D!"

Bama T: "Big Doofus is good Tommy, but I always preferred Big Diarrhea, because that's what comes out every time that loser opens his big mouth, baby!"

Tommy Slavino: "Also tonight, Big Money Oswald and Thais Watts will battle it out for the number 2 contendership to the Anarchy championship!"

Bama T: "And on the first Anarchy post War Games, the winner of that match will challenge Centurion alongside of Terry Borden who smacked the shit out of Geri Vayden last Anarchy to earn his shot at the Anarchy Championship, baby"

Tommy Slavino: "Speaking of Terry Borden, he's in action later tonight against one of the few remaining voices of the ill-fated #FuckBOB movement, Solace Tatum!"

Bama T: "And you better believe that Terry's looking to raise his stock in BOB by finishing the job that Miss Fury's alleged "hired thugs" failed to do in the first place, baby, and that's to remove this piss stain from the XWF and damn sure from OUR SHOW, baby!"

Tommy Slavino: "HGH and EDWARD Jr. Also make their debuts tonight and so much more, but up next, our opening contest!"


1RP 1K Word Limit


Giovanni DeSantis walks out from the back, cracking his knuckles. Barely casting a glanse toward the crowd he walks to the ring and enters. He waits impatiently, pacing in his corner, for his opponent to arrive.

Tommy Slavino: "The God of Death has made no secret of the fact that his goal is simple - get to Anarchy Champion Centurion as fast as possible!"

Bama T: "This is a man that I think is 99% anger, Tommy. He ain’t never sent a birthday card to no one, I guarantee you that!"


Monster by Skillet plays over the sound system as Lord Raab comes out through the curtain wearing his green and black wrestling trousers with his nickname The Green Disease German Monster on the front of them with Monster Energy logos on the side of his trousers with black gloves on both of his hands and wears a black and green mask and ignores the fans as he goes up the stairs before going in-between the ropes and crouches down in the corner moving backwards and forwards, rubbing his hands and moving his neck around while looking at his opponent with anger in his eyes while waiting for the match to start.

Tommy Slavino: "Lord Raab is one of the most vicious competitors on Anarchy. He ended the career of former XWF Champion Sarah Lacklan not long ago!"

Bama T: "Right here in this very ring, baby. Lord Raab doesn’t have a great record but he knows how to hurt people!"

Referee Ari Silverstein calls for the bell.


The bell sounds and Raab meets God of Death in the center of the ring, trying to intimidate him with snarls and flexing his much larger frame in his face.

GD simply brushes past him and walks to the ropes, demanding a microphone instead!

Tommy Slavino: "What in the world..."

Someone brings GD a mic while Raab looks stunned at the disrespect.

“Someone go in the back and bring out the so-called Anarchy Champion Centurion RIGHT! NOW!”

GD points at the announce booth while he continues shouting.

“Stop wasting my time with this TRASH and bring me Centurion!”

Bama T: "Don’t point at Bama, now!"

Tommy Slavino: "He can point at me all he wants, I don’t want any trouble..."

Bama T: "If I didn’t have to worry about Sassafras’ safety I’d go give him a piece of my mind, baby!"

Lord Raab doesn’t like the sound of the insults, and he ambushes GD from behind, clobbering the God of Death with a big forearm shot to the back of the head that sends him sprawling and the microphone flying out of the ring.

Raab keeps pounding away on GD, kicking him in the ribs and nailing him in the spine with repeated double ax blows, but GD won’t stay on the mat. Raab gives him a nasty clothesline and GD gets right back up! Raab snarls and throws a running big boot at GD, which keeps him down a little longer… but when Raab tries to follow up with a jumping knee drop, GD moves aside!

God of Death slides out of the ring and leans under the apron… when he stands up he’s pulled out… a door? Yup. It’s a pretty standard room door. But this one is covered in thumbtacks!

Tommy Slavino: "What kind of madman thinks to adorn a door with thousands of thumb tacks?"

Bama T: "How long did this man stay up last night with some tacks and a glue stick, baby?"

GD sets the door covered with tacks onto the apron just as Raab runs out of patience and flies over the top rope onto him with a somersault plancha!

Raab grabs GD and sends him flying into the ring post, then gets a sick grin on his face as he leans GD’s tacked up door down from the apron to the floor. He then grabs GD in a goozle!

Tommy Slavino: "This could be a chokeinator!"

Bama T: "Lord Raab is gonna send the God of Death on a ride to Hell, baby! Sassafras, cover your eyes!"

Bama covers his dog;s eyes as Raab goes for the choke slam, but GD smacks Raab’s hand off of his throat! GD then headbutts Raab in the face, sending Raab stumbling backward right in front of that door…


God of Death gores Raab right through the door, and it snaps in half as Raab’s head hits the apron hard. GD grabs half of the broken door and flings it aside, and pulls Raab up to his feet… the other half of the door is stuck in his back still!

Bama T: "Now that’s just nasty! He’s gonna get an infection for real! Staph is no joke, baby!"

GD yanks the door out of Raab’s flesh, eliciting a shout of pain from Raab. Raab rolls back into the ring and GD follows, still with the half door in hand… and he slams it hard onto Raab’s back again! And again!

GD tosses the door aside and smirks at the battered Raab, who is rolling around in agony. GD heads out again and once again goes under the ring, this time coming up with a kerosene can and a lack of matches!

Tommy Slavino: "What the heck is he doing!?"

Bama T: "Looks like it’s gonna be Mississippi burning tonight, baby!"

GD re-enters the ring and douses the half of the door with kerosene, splashing some onto Raab as well as Raab gets to his feet. Some of the fluid gets in Raab’s eyes, and he grabs at his face, blinded.

Tossing the can aside, GD strikes a match and drops it down onto the door… and lights it ablaze! Raab stumbles in a circle and GD grabs him in and lifts him for a powerbomb…


Raab hits the door chest first and then he’s alight as well! Raab rolls off of the tacks and back and forth across the canvas to put out the flames on his body, and jumps to his feet only to be caught with THE GUILLOTINE’S WRATH!!!

Raab once again is sent crashing into the flaming thumbtacked broken door, and this time after rolling the flames off of him he stays down, panting, as God of Death moves to a corner and just watches.

Tommy Slavino: "This is brutality! I know it’s no DQ but holy cow!"

Bama T: "This is how the Baddies wanted their shows to look, Tommy! Fury’s rules mean NO rules, baby!"

The Tron comes to life just then, with the face of Miss Fury smiling on the screen.

Bama T: "Well speak of the dang devil..."

Fury’s face grins wider as her voice fills the arena.

"Raab! Hey Raab! You want me? You Miss Fury face to face!? You look like you’ll need a stretcher to ever make it to the ring for your next fight! HAHAHAHAA!!!"

This seems to please God of Death, but he continues to just lean in the corner while Raab struggles to sit up. Raab sees Fury on the Tron and starts frothing at the mouth in anger.

"How about I give you a little help to the back, Raab? I’ll greet you at the door to my dressing room… IF YOU CAN MAKE IT BACK HERE! Herschel! Go get him!"

Herschel Kiss enters the frame as Fury turns to face him, and then Kiss slams his fists together with an EVIL sneer. Kiss heads off as the Tron goes dark, and a moment later he appears at the entrance and heads to the ring!

Tommy Slavino: "We have a match in progress!"

Bama T: "No rules, baby! Nothing the official can do!"

Kiss pulls himself up to the apron as Raab gets to his feet, and Raab charges the big man with a spear through the ropes! Raab and Kiss crash to the floor and start pummeling one another with punches as God of Death watches from the ring, barely interested at all.

Kiss gets up and sends a knee into Raab’s torso, but Raab catches it! Raab charges Kiss back into the guardrailing, and now it’s all Raab as he sends elbow after elbow after elbow into the skull of Herschel Kiss!

Tommy Slavino: "Looks like Big Puddin’ might have bit off more than he could chew!"

Bama T: "Who chews puddin’?"

Raab and Herschel Kiss continue to fight up the ramp and vanish through the entrance… and Ari Silverstein is already up to a count of four! Possibly a world record cadence for a professional wrestling referee!







[bwo]Winner by Count Out/Match Abandonment - The God of Death[/bwo]

God of Death doesn’t even wait to finish listening to his name being announced as the winner before he absconds from the ring, heading for the back while shouting for Centurion!


The match will take place outside in the parking lot where any and all weapons are legal, including the cars!
1RP 1K Word Limit

Tommy Slavino: "Coming up next, the Street Fight between Terry Borden and Solace Tatum!"

Bama T: "Miss Fury keeps throwing the BOB's at this bitch and so far, she's had no luck, baby! Will tonight be any different? Doubtful, baby!"

We fade outside the arena in the parking lot where cars are parked in a huge circle surrounded by a sea of fans. Standing in the circle is none other than Solace Tatum and Terry Borden. The referee signals for the Horns!


This street fight is officially underway as we see Terry Borden strutting ass before ripping off his bWo tank top and throwing it at Solace before calling her out. They circle each other before they look to lock up only to see Borden gouge Solace in the eyes with a thumb! Borden opens up with a series of right hands before kicking Solace in the gut which leads to him snatching her by the hair and taking her towards on of the cars where he looks to drive her head first into the car hood! Solace puts on the breaks with her hands before driving a series of elbows into the midsection of Borden before bouncing him face first off the car hood! Solace drives Borden face first off the hood a second time and then a third before spinning Borden around and delivers a spin kick to the gut before springing up on a car and leaping off with a moonsault that takes Borden down to the asphalt with Solace on top for a pin.




Borden kicks out of the near fall. Solace is the first to her feet where she reaches down, picking Borden up off the ground only to have Terry drive Solace back into another one of the parked cars! Borden follows up with a rake across the eyes followed by a double thrust to the throat. Terry takes a front face lock where he hoists up Solace Suplexing her onto the front hood of a car! Borden yanks off his BOB Bandanna and stuffs it down the throat of Solace before choking away with both hands across her throat! He releases the choke after several seconds before climbing his old ass up on the front hood of the car where he looks to drop an elbow! Solace moves and Borden crashes down onto the hood of the car!

Tommy Slavino: “Terry just a little slow on that one, wouldn’t you say Bama?”

Bama T: “He’s sixty-fucking-six for Gods sake, baby, but that doesn’t stop him from being one of the most dangerous competitors here in both the bWo and Anarchy!”

Solace rolls off the car hood where she walks around the car popping the trunk! She pulls out a trash can and as Borden rolls off the car hood she comes back around smashing him over the head with the trash can! Borden falls backward to the ground where Solace climbs back up on a car hood and delivers a body splash! She makes a cover.


Borden kicks out!

Tommy Slavino: “Impressive show of power and awareness by Terry Borden!”

Bama T: “Damn straight, baby! That’s why they say he has the largest arms in the business, baby!”

Solace gets back up to her feet where she picks Borden up. She looks to deliver a twist of fate only to have Borden shoves her away before the move can be delivered. Solace turns around and walks into a right hand, followed by a second and then a third before his whips her into the trunk of an oversized SUV. Solace bounces off the trunk and into a Scoop Slam from Borden on to the unforgiving asphalt. Borden drops an elbow across her chest before making a cover.




Solace kicks out to overwhelming boos from the crowd of pro bWo fans that’s gathered. Borden starts hammering away with hard right hands to the face of Solace before getting back to his feet where he pops the trunk of the SUV to reveal BIG PUDDIN’ HERSCHEL KISS emerging from the back. Puddin struggles to roll out of the trunk, but once he does, he joins Borden as they start to stomp away on Solace.

Tommy Slavino: “This is why you don’t mess with BOB! You never know who, what, or where the next attacker is coming from!”

Bama T: “Element of surprise, baby! Gotta keep these mama’s boys on their toes, Shavone!”

Puddin and Borden continue the assault before Terry hits her in the back with the steel pipe, as he keeps smacking her on the back with it, the group of onlookers start cheering them on. Then Terry tries to choke her with the steel pipe but she clocks Terry over the head with the chair, breaking the hold in the process, but Herschel creeps up behind her and wraps his big chocolette arms around her, but Solace swings back with the chair, cracking it over Herschel’s head and causing him to let go! She then starts to wail on him with the chair to his head, then she hits the chair on his gut and she drops the chair and she grabs him by the head, and starts to slam it on the hood of the BoB inspired SUV. She does it a few more times, but Terry grabs her off of Herschel by the hair and whips her into the grill of a car, causing her to cry in pain.

Tommy Slavino: “This is an all out brawl between these two tonight!”

Bama T: “Look at big baby Solace crying like someone just stole her lollipop, baby!.”

Terry grabs her by the hair, and he slams her head through the driver's side window which broke at ease, and he starts to pose as the onlookers chant his name! As soon he comes back to Solace he grabs her by the head, but this time she uses a can of mace to blind Terry, and he stumbles around the lot with his eyes closed, and one of the onlookers grabs the steel pipe, and they hit him on the back of the head with it, and she DDT’s him! The attacker removes his hood and it’s Brandon Walker!

Tommy Slavino: “What business does he have getting involved in this match Bama!?”

Bama T: “Solace sure ain’t taking the high ground is she!? Maybe she and Miss Fury should sit down and try to work out their differences, baby!”

Tommy Slavino: “Solace Tatum in BOB? I can’t see that happening Bama, not after the history between her and BOB!”

Solace covers!



Terry kicks out at one, and Solace then stomps on him, and she then goes to one of the unlocked cars to get something, and she pulls out a pair of brass knuckles from one of the glove compartments, and she waits for Terry to get on his feet. As soon he got on his feet, she tries to swing the brass knuckles at him but he blocks it and unloads a BIG PUNCH, causing her to drop the brass knuckles on the ground, then he hits her with a Scoop Slam on the front window of a car, which left a cracked dent as she rolls off of the hood and onto the ground.

Tommy Slavino: “Man, what a sick Scoop Slam on Solace on the front window of that car, I hope someone’s had their insurance paid up for a new one!”


Then Terry goes for the cover on Solace by placing his foot on her gut..




Solace kicks out, and Terry eyes widen at the ref, and he confronts him to the point he berates him as the onlookers start heckling Terry. Then he starts to choke on Solace for a minute, then he lifts her up and he tries to go for a Suplex on the ground, but Solace hooked his leg and turns around to hit her own Suplex on Terry on the ground. She then gets handed a crowbar from the onlookers, and she taps it around the ground as she awaits for Terry to get on his feet. Once he is on his feet, she then hits Terry on the head with the crowbar, which busts him wide open.

Tommy Slavino: “She just cracked Terry open like a watermelon, this has gone too far!”

Bama T: “She should be DQ’ed Slavone! I don’t give a damn what the rules are, baby!”

But to Solace’s shock and dismay, Terry doesn’t go down! His eyes grow large and his nostrils flair. The bWo fans are PUMPING TERRY UP!

Tommy Slavino: “There’s that infamous durability of TERRY BORDEN!”

Solace backs away in fear as Terry steps forward, impactfully pointing his index finger at her as the crowd yells along!


Bama T: “Second wind baby!”

Suddenly Thais Watts hits the ring and blindsides Terry Borden from behind with a big clothesline!

Tommy Slavino: “IT’S THAIS WATTS!”


Terry is still pumped from the crowd! He pushes up to all fours to a massive pop!


Tommy Slavino: “Get Slept!”

Thais hits a massive curb stomp to Terry Borden!!


Suddenly Big Money Oswald hits the ring and clobbers Thais from behind, stumbling him! Ozzy chases after, hitting a few more blows across Watts' back as he tries to evade the Big Money Man! Thais drops and rolls out of the ring where Ozzy follows and the two big men begin exchanging punches at ringside!

Tommy Slavino: “These two face off later tonight to decide the number 2 contender to the Anarchy Title!”

Bama T: “Along with Terry Borden, the winner of Oswald and Thais will challenge Centurion for the Anarchy Championship!”

Inside of the ring Solace is stalking Borden as he struggles to get back to his feet.

Tommy Slavino: “Borden doesn’t see Solace behind him!”

As Terry pushes up, Solace surprises him with a reverse swinging neckbreaker!

Bama T: “The Sol Searcher! Not like this baby! NOT LIKE THIS!”

Solace uses her last bit of energy to drape her arm over Borden!





Tommy Slavino: “I can’t believe it! Solace Tatum just defeated the number one contender to the Anarchy Title!”

Bama T: “Yeah, but not on her own baby! I’d say this win should go to Thais Watts if anyone!”

Mika helps Solace to her feet and raises her hand, when suddenly someone spins her around and clocks her in the jaw knocking her out cold! The camera pulls back and it’s Miss Fury with the discarded brass knuckles from earlier!

Tommy Slavino: “Well we don’t need to ask what Miss Fury’s opinion of tonight's result is!”

Herschel enters the ring and helps Terry to his feet before the three of them begin stomping the living dog shit out of Solace! Once satisfied with their handiwork, Fury calls off the troops and ask for a microphone.

”Good job Solace! You did it! You beat Terry Borden! Too bad it doesn’t mean a damn thing! Terry will still go on to challenge for the Anarchy Championship next week, and you? Well, you’ll be right here in the mid card where you belong!”

Fury begins to laugh before throwing the mic on top of Solace and leaving the ring with her BOB’s.


BMI and Preesh!
- vs -
Tommy Wish and John Black
- vs -
Calypso and Jamaican Jimmy
- vs -
Centurion and Ruby
1RP 1K Word Limit

Jamaican Jimmy walks to the ring not giving a fuck.

Tommy Slavino: This is a big break for Jamiacan Jimmy, and he knows it! A win here, over figures like Centurion, Ruby, John Black, and Tommy Wish, would catapult him to the top! He is dialed in and entirely focused on this match, you can see it on his face! He’s never cared about anything more!

Bama T: Exactly how many lead paint chips did you eat as a kid, Tommy boy?!


The lights in the arena dim as Calypso's music starts. Several spotlights pan over the crowd and all meet at the entrance where Calypso appears wearing a glittering robe. He walks through the mist wearing the Television Championship proudly around his waist and slowly makes his way to the ring. Using the ring steps, he climbs to the apron, wipes his feet, and steps through the ropes into the ring. The spotlights follow Calypso to the center of the ring where he stands, unstraps the title from his waist, and holds it high into the air.

Tommy Slavino: A win here tonight would be huge for Calypso!

Bama T: I’m not sure I see it in the cards, Tommy.


Centurion and Ruby walk to the ring with no special entrance, their lack of care for theatrics clearly having no impact on the standing ovation they receive from the fans in attendance.

Tommy Slavino: The clear favorites!

Bama T: That’s who I bet your house on, Tommy!

Tommy Slavino: You what?


On the X-Tron, it shows a Smiley Flower then all the pedals fall off into a blue scared Smiley Flower, then on the stage we see Tommy standing at the stage as the beat dropped, he looks at the crowd while had his hand in his pocket. Then he walks down to the ramp, and he gives some high fives to the fans, then he climbs to the ring and once he enters, he simply sits on the corner as he awaits for whomever he's fighting, as his theme slowly fades off.

Bama T: Tommy...heh, I bet you wish you were as badass as him! I think you oughta give him his name back before he comes over here and takes it from you! He’s a THUG!

Tommy Slavino: You’re ridiculous sometimes, you know that!? I was named Tommy first!


Gun shots sounds blast on the X-Tron, the smoke arises on the entrance way and the camera pans around the arena, and then it pin points Black who's coming out of the entrance stage. He takes a look around the ring, and he walks down the ring ignoring some of the fans, then he gets to the steel steps he goes at it with one of the fans, and he pushes one of them on the floor. Then JB smiles and climbs the steps and enters the ring, then stands in the ring rising a fist in the air.

Bama T: I know I bet your house on Centurion and Ruby, but I wouldn’t be too surprised if these two came away with a win here tonight! It’s Fury’s rules! That has to benefit these THUGZ over those goody two shoes!

Tommy Slavino: There are a lot of contenders in that ring tonight, in matches like this, really it’s anyone’s game!

Bama T: Right….

The referee calls for the bell and the action is immediately underway! Big Preesh and Calypso immediately begin trading blows in the middle of the ring! Tommy Wish and Ruby pair off next to the ropes while John Black charges towards Centurion and pushes him back into a turnbuckle. Jamaican Jimmy leans back against the opposite turnbuckle, just watching all the anarchy go down.

Tommy Slavino: Jimmy’s really getting comfortable there! I think his partner could use his help!

Sure enough, it only took a few moments for Big Preesh to begin to get the best of Calypso. His huge fists are pounding down on Calypso’s face and forcing the much smaller man to wobble backwards towards the ropes.

Bama T: Calypso should take a few notes from Big Mad Ivan!

Big Mad Ivan has slidden out of the ring and is talking mad trash to some of the fans in the front row. A particularly rowdy group of fourteen year old virgins are arguing about the location of the female clitoris with Big Mad Ivan when, out of nowhere, Tommy Wish tosses Ruby over the top rope! She collides roughly with Ivan, sending both of the competitors crashing to the barricade! The front row fans go nuts as Tommy Wish slides out of the ring!

Back inside the ring, Jamaican Jimmy is watching nonchalantly as Big Preesh absolutely hammers away at Calypso, who is now absolutely slumped and leaning against the top rope. Big Preesh’s hammer fists are starting to open up a massive cut just above Calypso’s left eye, but the concerned referee can’t do anything but watch! On the other side of the ring John Black is laying into Centurion in the corner, delivering a series of stiff right hands to the XWF legend's pretty face.

Tommy Slavino: There’s action everywhere tonight!

Bama T: There’s more action in this arena right now than your wife has seen in years, Tommy!

Tommy Slavino: This is supposed to be a professional relationship, you jackass

Tommy Wish has lifted up the ringside apron and is searching for something under the ring when, all of a sudden, Ruby pulls herself to her feet and throws BMI at Tommy! The sheer size of BMI sends Tommy to the floor! The two men lay next to the ring without much movement, allowing Ruby to jump onto the barricade and make a cute little curtsy to the fans before running down the barricade! As she nears full speed she jumps off the barricade and onto the two downed men, perfectly executing a modified Tope Con Hero off the barricade! The crowd goes nuts!

Tommy Slavino: A Tope Con Hero this early?!!? Ruby isn’t pulling any punches in this one!

Back in the ring Centurion has been forced into a seated position by John Black’s continued fists. Calypso’s limp body has now fallen to the second rope as a bloodied mess, and Big Preesh seems tired of playing with it. Big Preesh cocks his head towards Jamaican Jimmy and starts making a beeline towards him. Jimmy looks entirely nonchalant...until he sees Big Preesh nearing him. Then, Jamaican Jimmy sprints across the ring in a hurry!

Bama T: There’s no need to fight a battle you won’t win, Jimmy! Keep running around that ring and tire that BOB-fraud fatty out!

As Jimmy runs away from Preesh he accidentally bumps into John Black, forcing the man off of his feet and into the ropes. Jimmy quickly jumps away from the turnbuckle. Centurion takes the moment of reprieve to burst out of the turnbuckle as well! Centurion charges out from his seated position in the corner with great force, propelling himself off of the ropes as he charges forward!

Centurion charges straight into the rushing Big Preesh and spears him in the gut! Preesh collapses to the ground, breathless, before quickly rolling out of the ring while clutching his midsection and grimacing in immense pain!

John Black lifts himself back up and charges towards Centurion, not content to let the A-lister get out of skid row quite so easily. John Black charges towards Centurion with a big boot, but Centurion ducks the kick and slides John’s leg out from under him! Jamaican Jimmy looks on, but rolls his eyes, clearly not that impressed by the demonstration. Centurion turns back to him and argues that the sweep was at least a little bit impressive. Jimmy shrugs and turns his head to the side. Centurion places his hands on his hips as he shakes his head from side to side.

Meanwhile, outside the ring, Ruby has lifted BMI to his feet only to chuck him headfirst into the nearby steel steps! The fans go crazy for the violence as Ruby follows it up with a few stiff kicks to Tommy’s head!

Bama T: Ruby is really showing her ruthless side here tonight!

Tommy Slavino: Well it’s a Fury’s rules match! She’s just trying to act a bit more like Miss Fury! You know what they say: when in rome….

Big Preesh and BMI start crawling towards each other on the outside of the ring. The two men, still laying on their massive bellies, begin discussing the game plan with each other while Ruby is busy locking Tommy Wish into a single leg crab.

Back inside the ring, Centurion has turned his attention away from Jimmy and back towards John. Centurion reaches down towards JB….only for JB to reach up and drag him down into a surprise roll-up pinfall attempt! The referee jumps down to the ground and begins to count!

Jamaican Jimmy breaks it up!

Tommy Slavino: Oh, so now he cares!

Bama T: Of course, the match was on the line! Centurion was about to blow the whole thing! ….damn it! He should’ve let it happen, I wanted to see that!

Ruby hears the referee’s hand slapping the mat and immediately turns her head to look into the ring. She lets go of Tommy Wish and slides underneath the bottom rope when she sees Centurion’s perilous situation. As Centurion and Tommy Wish begin to roll away from one another Ruby charges full-steam ahead at Jimmy and dropkicks him between the ropes and out of the ring! Jimmy lands right on top of FABMONGOUS just as the two big men were starting to lift themselves to their feet! Meanwhile, Calypso’s limp body has rolled out of the other side of the ring.

Centurion and Ruby immediately begin sounding off on John Black, who is doing his best to defend himself and throw a few jabs of his own, but the numbers game is too much for JB to overcome! Eventually Centrubion backs him into a corner where Centurion hits him with a huge right hand that staggers him!

Tommy Slavino: He’s going to feel that in the morning!

Tommy Wish slides into the ring with a steel chair in his hand! Before Centrubion even knows what’s happening, Tommy Wish is able to crack Centurion across the back of the skull! There’s a thunderous echo throughout the arena before Centurion falls to the ground!

Bama T: And HE’S going to feel that, quite possibly, FOREVER! CTE is a son of a bitch!

Ruby turns around only to be met with her own chairshot to the face! She brings her hands up to protect her head, but they provide minimal defense as she falls to the ground alongside Centurion!

Bama T: And just like that the Thugs have turned the tides! No DQ matches are right up there alley, and they’re playing up their advantages!

Tommy Slavino: They’re going to get somebody seriously hurt!

Bama T: I think that’s the plan! I think that’s what the fans paid to see!

Tommy Wish sends the chair crashing down onto Centurion once more, forcing the XWF veteran to slide out of the ring to avoid additional attacks. John Black rubs the sore spot on his face. The camera zooms in on the faint imprint of Centurion’s knuckles on JB’s dark skin. The camera zooms back out as JB kicks Ruby in the back just as she begins to try and push herself up to her hands and her knees. Tommy Wish hits Ruby with the chair, flattening her once again.

On the outside of the ring Jamaican Jimmy and FABMONGOUS are all slowly getting to their feet. As the three men rise to a standing position Jimmy starts pleading with the two men to form a makeshift alliance. BMI and Big Preesh look at each other, then at Jimmy. The two men offer their hands out to Jimmy and he happily shakes them. Jimmy turns around and goes to slide in the ring when, all of a sudden, BMI and Big Preesh each grab one of his legs and pull him back! FABMONGOUS takes turns hitting Jimmy in the face before they toss him over the barricade into the roaring crowd.

BMI and Big Preesh turn around and are just about to enter the ring when Calypso comes running around the corner with a kendo stick in his hand! Calypso cracks Big Preesh across the head with the kendo stick! The kendo stick shatters in two, with a few sizable splinters sticking out of Preesh’s forehead! Blood begins to trickle down the big man’s face as he woozily stumbles around before quickly collapsing to the ground!

Tommy Slavino: What an incredible blow from Calypso! A true David and Goliath story!

Bama T: But there’s another Goliath...and Calypso only brought one kendo stick to this fight!

BMI stares at Calypso with sheer rage. Calypso visibly gulps before dropping the piece of the kendo stick still in his hands. Calypso immediately turns around and starts running up the entrance ramp, blood still leaking from the cut just above his left eye! BMI is slow to follow, but he follows nonetheless! Calypso has a sizable headstart on him, but when Calypso turns back around to look, he stumbles to the ground! Calypso hastily pushes himself up to his feet only to slip on his own blood! BMI is quickly catching up to Calypso, and Calypso just barely makes it into the tunnel backstage before BMI does!

Tommy Slavino: You can’t win the match in the backstage area!

Bama T: That coward isn’t trying to win the match, that coward is just trying to survive!

Tommy Slavino: Big Mad Ivan is losing focus on the task at hand! He has a match IN THE RING that he needs to win!

Bama T: Well what do you expect? He’s big, he’s mad, and he’s Ivan! He just wants to whoop Calypso’s ass right now!

Back inside the ring Tommy Wish has placed the chair in the center of the ring while John Black has been steadily laying boots to Ruby’s back. John Black eventually picks Ruby up by her mask, bringing her head up off the ground just enough so he could knee her right between the eyes. Ruby’s eyes seem to roll back into her skull and John Black decides to jump on top of her and go for the cover.


Tommy Slavino: Say what you will, but Ruby is tough as nails!

Bama T: Blagh.

JB pounds the mat in frustration as Tommy Wish calls out to him and gestures for him to throw Ruby his way. JB picks Ruby up off the mat and irish whips her towards Tommy Wish who hits her with an Implant DDT onto the steel chair!


Bama T: Haha! Awesome!

Tommy Wish turns Ruby over and hooks her leg as he waits for the referee to begin the count.


Bama T: WHAT?!?!?!


The crowd roars in thunderous support of the former anarchy champion as she kicks out on her own accord. Tommy Wish and John Black look absolutely shocked. Tommy stands up and starts discussing the next move with JB. The two seem to agree on a strategy as they approach Ruby, but just as they go down to grab for her Centurion rolls back into the ring with a golf club!

Bama T: Why does he always seem to have one of those handy? I’m not sure he’s as clean as everyone says he is!

Tommy Slavino: This is a no DQ match, Fury’s rules! Golf clubs are perfectly legal!

JB and Tommy Wish back off slightly as Centurion starts swinging the golf club around. Ruby crawls over towards Centurions side of the ring as he wards off the Thugs with his weighty club. Ruby begins literally crawling up Centurion as she groggily makes her way back to her feet. Centurion grabs Ruby around the waist as JB and Tommy Wish start to slowly make their way towards Centrubion!

Bama T: Even with a golf club, I think I’m still taking the Thugs in this matchup!

Tommy Slavino: But you said you bet my house on Centrubion!

Bama T: We all make mistakes!

Jamaican Jimmy slides into the ring! Jimmy climbs to his feet and finds himself standing directly between Centrubion and the Thugs! He doesn’t seem to like it one bit and immediately brings his hands up to his shoulders with his palms out, indicating that he means no harm.

Tommy Slavino: Wait….what’s that in the rafters?

The camera cuts to a shot of a man dressed up in a blue superhero costume. Blood is seeping through the man’s mask just above the left eye slot. He’s walking through the rafters while keeping a careful eye on the action in the ring below.

Bama T: Is that….is that the Blue Tango?! Does he have a match here tonight?!

The camera zooms out so we’re able to see the action in the ring and the man in the rafters at the same time. Big Preesh slides into the ring, bumping into Jamaican Jimmy as he pushes his own fat body to it’s feet. A few droplets of blood drip from the splinters in Preesh’s forehead down to the ring as the man rises to a standing position. Jimmy turns around, seemingly offended by being pushed, and immediately slaps Preesh across the face. Tommy Wish responds in kind by hitting Jimmy with a haymaker out of nowhere. JB kicks Preesh in the knee as Centurion starts moving towards the fray himself, golf club in hand. Ruby pushes off of Centurion and makes her way towards the ropes in the corner.

Tommy Slavino: All hell is breaking loose!

Bama T: But what’s that idiot in the rafters doing?!

The man in the blue superhero outfit has stepped on top of the guard rail in the rafters. He makes the sign of the cross across his chest before kissing his fingers. He steps off of the guardrail.


Tommy Slavino: HE’S GOING TO DIE!!!!

The man dives off the rafters, doing a 990° flip so that his body does two full circles before crashing to the mat back first, with his hands crossed over his chest! EVERYONE IS WIPED OUT!.......except Ruby, is now sitting on the top of one of the turnbuckles! Ruby leads the audience in a thunderous round of applause as the bleeding man in the blue suit flips right up to his feet. The hero in blue basks in the overwhelming approval of his actions. He turns to Ruby, who gives him two thumbs up and a smiling face. The Blue Tango returns the favor and provides her a big thumbs up and a toothy smile.

Tommy Slavino: WHAT A MOMENT!

Bama T: There’s still a match going on! He hasn’t won yet!

Ruby in the Rough!

Ruby jumps off the top rope and damn near stomps Blue Tango’s head straight into his neck with the top rope double footed stomp!

Tommy Slavino: Eeegggghhh! I’m glad that’s not me.

Ruby rolls the man over and hooks his leg. The referee shrugs before counting the pin.




EDWARD steps out from the curtain wearing an ill fitting suit and sunglasses as his boy EDWARD Jr. follows out behind him hopping around the stage like a monkey boy. EDWARD shouts and points to the ring, directing JUNIOR to head down the ramp. EDWARD follows behind as JUNIOR bounces from one side of the barricade to the other slapping hands and interacting with fans before finally climbing into the ring and bouncing all around it with some hyper energy that must come from hard life on the island.

Tommy Slavino: "EDWARD JUNIOR is making his debut tonight here on bWo Anarchy, but his father is no stranger to these lands is he BAMA?"

BAMA T: "Hell no, baby! EDWARD was once a promising star in the ranks of the XWF before his career was tragically cut short by our current champion. You know baby, the guy who scolds people for doing ruthless evil things, only to do them himself and blame his "hard life" as his excuse!"

Tommy Slavino: "Yes Bama, Centurion sure is a walking contradiction isn't he!? It's amazing that Ruby seems so enthralled with his man meat, because there's no denying that Centurion might be just as evil as he claims BOB is!"

HGH's music hits to a mild reaction, but as the young up and coming walks out from the back sporting a BOB t-shirt, the majority of the crowd lights up and welcomes him like a returning hero! HGH plays into the positive reaction before taking off down the stage.

Tommy Slavino: "HGH also making his in ring debut tonight BAMA! Did you know that when Miss Fury was first putting together the concept of the bWo, that HGH was among her first signings to the company?"

Bama T: "Yes Tommy, I do! I also know that this dweeb was too scared to work in front of the size crowds that BOB pulls in, and he's been sitting at home trying to find his balls ever since! I also know that shirt is bootleg, baby!"

Tommy Slavino: "To be fair, all BOB shirts are bootleg in quality, but we pass the savings on to you, the consumer! #JoinBOB today by ordering your t-shirt for just $20! TWENTY-BUCKS! Where else can you get a damn wrestling t-shirt for $20!? Nowhere! That's where! Order more than 5 and you get a 15% discount!"

Bama T: "That's right baby! BOB is all about the numbers, and when you bring your friends into the fold you all save, baby!"

EDWARD gives JUNIOR some last minute advice before exiting the ring.


HGH and EDWARD Jr. push out of their corners and slowly circle the ring with their eyes locked. HGH taunts JUNIOR, making fun of his old man's missing hand. EDWARD Jr. rushes in and HGH steps through with a heavy handed clothesline, but JUNIOR rolls underneath, rebounds off of the ropes and fires back with a dropkick that sends the off balance HGH to the mat where he quickly escapes to the outside!

Tommy Slavino: "How about that!? EDWARD Jr. has sent HGH on the retreat!"

Bama T: "HGH looks pissed after being made a fool of, baby!"

HGH slaps the apron in frustration! He then turns towards the fans and gets into a heated altercation with a fan in the front row. Suddenly EDWARD Jr. slides out of the ring and smashes HGH's head against the steep barrier before throwing him towards the ring. HGH slides in, and EDWARD Jr. follows just behind, but HGH catches him with a foot to the back of the head as he slides into the ring! HGH keeps laying the boots in a effort to keep EDWARD Jr. pinned to the mat. HGH grabs JUNIOR by his hair and pulls him to his feet, but JUNIOR breaks free and fires off with a big right that staggers HGH! JUNIOR pushes in with another big right, but HGH deflects it and fires back with a quick eye rake that blinds EDWARD Jr. and allows HGH to effortlessly move in for a spinebuster!

Tommy Slavino: "Remember, this match is being contested under Fury's rules, so anything goes!"

Bama T: "Anything, baby? Then why don't one of these idiots think to bring a gun!?"

Tommy Slavino: "Pretty sure that murder is still illegal Bama!"

Bama T: "I didn't say nothing about killing folks, Tommy! Just shoot them in the knee like the Terminator, baby!"

HGH grabs EDWARD Jr. by the neck and lifts him to his feet! He holds him there, his feet just barely touching the mat! EDWARD jumps up on the apron and begins to shout into the ring at HGH to release JUNIOR, but HGH just laughs and hoist JUNIOR up higher before slamming him down with a sit out double choke slam! EDWARD tries to enter the ring, but Mika Hunt cuts him off at the pass, holding him up in the ropes. HGH uses the distraction to remove some foreign object from his boot. He kneels over JUNIOR and grabs his hair, lifting his head off of the mat. HGH flashes the object for EDWARD to see. EDWARD's eyes grow wide and he begins to fight harder to push past Mika as HGH hammers the spike into JUNIOR's forehead causing an eruption of blood from his hairline! HGH quickly tosses the object out of the ring and tries to play smooth as EDWARD hops back down to the floor and Mika survey's the damage in the ring.

Bama T: "What an idiot! Don't throw the weapon out! It's Fury's rules! Keep using it, baby!"

Tommy Slavino: "A rookie mistake for sure Bama! It would seem that HGH isn't overly familiar with the in's and out's of what a Fury's rules match details!"

HGH grabs JUNIOR and pulls him up into a sleeper hold! JUNIOR fights to break free as his blood runs down his face and HGH’s arm! On the outside EDWARD gets the crowd riled up in support of JUNIOR who uses the energy to push himself up to a knee! HGH looks worried as JUNIOR continues to power out! JUST as JUNIOR goes vertical, HGH drops to his knees and connects with a low blow from behind!

Tommy Slavino: “Good thinking on the part of HGH!”

Bama T: “If you can’t beat’em, sock’em in the balls, baby!”

JUNIOR doubles over and stumbles forward. HGH rushes in from behind and body presses him into the ropes, grabbing his waist and rolling back. HGH releases as JUNIOR rolls up to his feet, HGH rolls back, springing up and catching JUNIOR with a cutter!

[Image: WeeklySlightCockerspaniel-max-1mb.gif]

Tommy Slavino: “He calls that one “The Injection Shot”! Will it be enough to put away the caveman from an island unknown!?”

HGH hooks both legs!




Tommy Slavino: “Edward Jr. able to kick out at the last moment!”

Bama T: “You know Slavone, I’m really impressed with how fluid this HGH is, baby! It’s hard to believe that this is his first match on a nationally televised show!”

HGH springs up to his knees and argues the count with Mika!

Tommy Slavino: “He is very naturally impressive Bama, there’s no doubting that, but distractions like these only go to expose his lack of experience!”

EDWARD Jr. pushes up to his knees, panting for breath. He spots his opening as HGH and Mika continue to go back and forth in a heated argument.

Bama T: “That lack of experience is about to cost him Slavone!”

JUNIOR springs up and runs full on towards HGH who turns just in time to step in with a wild clothesline, but JUNIOR rolls under, jumping up and springboarding off the top rope with a moonsault!

Tommy Slavino: “Huge springboard moonsault!”

Bama T: “HGH didn’t know what hit him, baby!”

HGH scrambles to his feet only to get caught up in a double underhook! JUNIOR shouts out to the crowd for support as the mixed reaction pours back in from the split audience! JUNIOR plants HGH with a double underhook powerbomb! He springs to his feet and rushes to the corner, hopping up to the top in a single bound, JUNIOR repositions to face his opponent before standing up and wildly beating his chest as he lets out a roaring battle cry!

Tommy Slavino: “Anyone who has seen his dad wrestled knows what’s next!”

Bama T: “What’s next baby!?”

EDWARD Jr. leaps off of the top rope and crashes down onto HGH’s chest cavity with a double foot stomp!

Tommy Slavino: “EDWARD SMASH!”

HGH flops in the ring, holding his chest tightly and struggling to breath. JUNIOR hops up to all fours and moves around the ring like an ape, keeping his eyes on his prey. HGH pushes up to a seated position as he tries to catch his wind. JUNIOR spots his opening and moves in, grabbing HGH from behind and locking in a rear naked choke, but HGH prevents JUNIOR from locking in the choke with his superior strength! HGH pushes up to a knee, then his feet. JUNIOR releases, but HGH grabs his wrist, pulling him in for a massive clothesline that flips JUNIOR inside out! On the outside, EDWARD is flipping out!

Tommy Slavino: “EDWARD Jr. seemed unstoppable until he came face to face with the power of HGH!”

Bama T: “Harmon Grayson Hayes has the best training money can buy, baby! At least, that’s what he keeps telling everybody!”

With JUNIOR still out cold, HGH doesn’t use the opportunity to score the victory, but instead to taunt and mock EDWARD Sr. on the outside. EDWARD jumps up on the apron and the two begin arguing as HGH continues to taunt EDWARD.

Tommy Slavino: “I have to wonder, Bama, what’s the strategy here? Why didn’t HGH follow through with the clothesline!?”

HGH grows bored with EDWARD and starts to turn his attention back to JUNIOR, but EDWARD notices JUNIOR stirring to life and reaches in to grab at HGH, trying to lure him back in! EDWARDS hand grazes HGH’s shoulder and he springs back towards EDWARD and fires off a stiff right hand, knocking EDWARD down to the apron!


HGH turns around as JUNIOR rushes in with a dropkick, but HGH simply side steps, allowing JUNIOR to eat shit! HGH stomps on the back of JUNIORS head a few times before leaning over to pull him up. As he does, EDWARD pulls himself back up by the ropes and reaches in over the top rope, clubbing HGH over the head with his wooden hand! HGH stumbles into JUNIOR who slips behind and hooks HGH’s waist before snapping him to the mat in a bridging suplex!





Tommy Slavino: “I can’t believe it! It looked as though HGH was just moments away from securing the victory!”

Bama T: “That’s what happens when you spank the moon over the kettle, baby!”

Tommy Slavino: “Huh!?”

Bama T: “We’ll be right back, baby!”


The camera cuts back to the bWo Ring Announcer announcing Jordan Knoxville, who’s standing outside of the ring and flexing his muscles. Then the arena lights goes down as the X-Tron comes to life.


The lights come back on, and we see Osira strutting down the ring with upmost confidence in the world, and she climbs the steel steps, and enters the ring and she flips her hair back and blows a kiss to the hard cam. Then as here theme cuts off, Knoxville enters the ring and both have a stare down.

As the bell had rung, they still are having a stare down, and Knoxville then does a test of strength with Osira, and the both go at it. As both of them try to out stretch one another, Osira get’s the upper hand and does a Lucha type of move which knocks him down, then he stood up all heated at that. Then he strangles her to the corner by the count of three, which he breaks it up and he Whips her to the corner and hits her with a Clothesline, then he eases back up as she gets off the corner, and he eye pokes her.

Then he tries to go for a sleeper, but Osira Mule Kick him, and she does a Headlock Takedown, which he immediately reserves it into a kick to the back of her head, then Knoxville then gets on his feet and goes to the outside, he pulls up the apron and finds some chairs, baseball bats, and other weapons which he slides into the ring, as he stood on the apron, Osira hits a Running Single High Knee that dropped him back outside.

Tommy Slavino: “Osira is on fire here tonight against Knoxville.”

Bama T: “I think that this young rookie still has a lot to learn about Osira, because she’s giving him a lesson he won’t forget.”

She then goes to the top rope and attempts to hit a Diving Crossbody, but he ducks away from it, and as she’s in pain, he stomps on her and he lifts her up in a scoop slam position, and slams her ribs first on the barricades. Then he flexes his muscles at a woman in the front row, who passes out from it, and he lifts up Osira and tosses her back into the ring.

He then enters, and picks up one of the chairs in the ring, as he waits for her to get up, he hits her head with the chair a couple of times. Then he wedges the chair on the middle and top rope, and he picks up Osira and he tries to whip her to the chair, but she reversed it the his head get’s wedged on the chair, then she goes for the (fruit)roll up…




Knoxville kickout, and he rollout of the ring to catch some air. Then Osira taunts him to get back to the ring, and Knoxville ignores her, then she charges to the outside for another Diving Crossbody, but he catches her in mid air and hits her with a fallaway slam on the floor of the outside, then he pulls out a chain from his boots and he wraps it around his fist, and he starts punching her with it and even reaming the chained fist to her forehead. Then he unwraps it, and he starts to strangle her with it, then the ref told him to stop which he did.

He then climbs back up into the ring, and he starts to set up some unfolded chairs in a line of some sort, and Osira slowly rolls back into the ring. Then Knoxville then starts to chop her chest to the corner, and he tries to set her up in a Superplex position, but she started to punch him off of her, and he falls to his feet on the mat, and she goes for a Tornado DDT but he just toss her off into the lined up chairs which separated, and he goes to the apron as she slowly gets to her feet.

Then he tries to go for the SlingStar Lariat, but she manages to hit a Spinning Heel Kick out of nowhere, which dazed him on his feet, then she hits another Spinning Heel Kick, then she connects with a Short Arm Elbow Smash. She then lifted up Knoxville, and she Wrist Lock him into a Japanese Armdrag. While still holding his arm, she goes for a Fujiwara Armbar which he kept his hands locked together for her not to apply pressure, then she starts to bite his arm but his foot got on the bottom rope for the ref to see, so he tells her to break it up.

Tommy Slavino: “This match is pretty well for Osira, she managed to get Knoxville off his game. With how much damage she tried to do with his arm, i’m surprised she didn’t even try to tap him out.”

Bama T: “Well Knoxville can’t risk his arm being broken by this technical wizard like Osira, she knows how to break anyone’s limbs.”

As Knoxville rolls out of the ring, the lights goes out of the arena, then it comes back on, and the camera cuts to Tommy holding a Kendo Stick at the ramp where Knoxville was rolling up to, and he turns around to se Tommy and he hits him with a Kendo Stick to he body, then he hits him on the back, then he grabs him and he whips him to the steel steps. Then he aims the Kendo Stick at Osira who was in the ring in a confused state, and the lights goes back out.

It’s back on, and we see Knoxville laid out on the mat.

Tommy Slavino: “What was Tommy doing here in this match? He just was in hellacious four way tag match not to long ago.”

Bama T: “Maybe he was just looking out for Osira, even though she didn’t need the help at all.”

Then instead of going for the cover, she then lifts up Knoxville, and she hits him with…









Thias ducks his head under the base of the AnarchoTron and steps out onto the ramp. Shirtless and wearing only black jeans and black boots, Thias scans the crowd mean-mugging everyone. He ignores the boos from the crowd and walks to the ring, reaching the top rope from the floor and pulling himself up onto the apron before stepping over the top rope.

Tommy Slavino: "Thias is a big, big man… so far we’ve barely seen him taken off his feet!"

Bama T: "If anyone can do it it’s Big Money, baby. Oswald’s been hungry since that slam contest… I ain’t never seen the man this focused!"


His music hits, soon the ramp opens up and slowly Oswald begins to rise. His ornate cane planted in the platform, dressed to the nines like always. The crowd starting to chant "MAY-HEM, B. O. B.! MAY-HEM, B. O. B.! MAY-HEM, B. O. B.! MAY-HEM, B. O. B.! " Once he was equal to the stage, he flung open his arms to form a t, letting out a loud roar, before grinning as he steps forward, making his way as he slowly unbuttons his suit jacket, his tie, his dress shirt, and unbuttoning the Billion Dollar Championship belt, handing it, his clothes, and the cane, to one of his servants as it appears as he takes his stance to get ready to face off against his opponent.

Tommy Slavino: "Here he comes! The Billion Dollar Champion, no matter how many times he loses it!"

Bama T: "No one else has the cheese to flex that belt, Tommy baby! Big Money is the man! Big Billions in the house!"


James Sampson starts the match off and right away the two big men start jawing from across the ring. Thias shouts in a deep voice asking if Money “wants go go,” and Big Money nods emphatically, and they charge each other in the center of the squared circle.

Oswald and Watts collide shoulder to shoulder and circle each other, shoulder jabbing each other and jawjacking the whole way like two rival bullies in a school hallway. Watts shoves Money back, and Money returns fire. Watts then slams a fist into Ozzy, who gives him one right back. They each grab the other by the collar and start hammering one another ala Frye-Takayama. You know the drill. Hit the graphic!

[Image: R6H4Zx2.gif]

Yeah that’s the good stuff.

Thias takes a hard shot to his ear and his knees loosen, allowing Oswald to scoop Watts up and run him across the mat into a huge powerslam! Oswald stands up and roars as Watts arches his back in pain on the canvas.

Tommy Slavino: "I can’t believe it! That was the most powerful slam in the history of this great sport![b]

[b]Bama T: "I told you baby! The Ozzman Cometh!"

Watts rolls to his front to get up and Big Money charges him, slamming a knee into Watts’ head and dropping him once more. Money follows up with a massive elbow drop to the clavicle, and he then shouts at Sampson to get in position for a cover.



Watts powers out!

Tommy Slavino: "Referee was out of position there, we might have already gotten a winner."

Bama T: "That official is an embarrassment!"

Oswald snarls at the ref and then starts pulling Watts up by the head. Watts flings Ozzy’s arms off of him and locks an iron claw onto Big Money’s midsection!

Oswald is in pain as Thias puts the screws to the claw, really amping up the torque. Then Money starts backhand chopping Watts for all he’s worth, forcing him to break the hold.

Oswald charges Watts like a bull and both men fall out through the ropes in a massive half-ton spear!

Tommy Slavino: "What a maneuver!"

Bama T: "Wrong guy, baby!"

Both men are squirming on the floor, but Money is up first. He starts peeling up the small rubber mat on the floor… and then pulls up the first layer of flooring itself! Much like the Earth, the floors of wrestling arenas are stronger underneath the initial layer of crust once you get to the mantle.

[Image: tenor.gif?itemid=16212653]

It’s true, Tommy, shut up.

Anyway, Big Money pulls Watts over onto the double exposed floor, then stands on the apron over him… and dives off with a splash!


Big Money slams himself hard onto the exposed floor as Thias Watts rolls away and gets to his feet! Thias grabs the top section of ring steps and holds them in one hand… then throws a fastball right at Ozzy’s head!


The steps connect with Oswald and Oswald collapses face first onto the floor, completely unconscious. A dark shadowy cloud shifts over him, as if the dark passenger possessing his body is trying to rouse him.

Bama T: "I’m gonna go to church and call my mama after this show, baby! That right there was the devil!"

Watts muscles Money up off the floor and rolls him back into the ring beneath the bottom rope, then steps over the top to enter himself…


Oswald shakes the top rope and starts lifting and dropping it rapidly, making Thias Watts’ eyes roll back into his head from the high tension ring rope crushing his certainly gigantic huevos!

Watts is practically in tears straddling the rope, and Ozzy scales the corner and stands on top of the top turnbuckle. Money hooks him, then lifts him in a massive vertical suplex from the top! Watts and Oswald hit the mat together and the corner posts are blown out of their moorings! The ring collapses!


[b]Bama T: "Sweet Tupelo honey! Are they okay!?"

Officials flood the area as James Sampson waves the match off… we’ve got a no contest due to ring malfunction!

[bwo]NO CONTEST[/bwo]

Watts and Oswald continue to sluggishly try to go at one another, fighting their way backstage.

Tommy Slavino: "Folks we need to take a break while we get a new ring set up out here! I’ve never seen anything like this!"

Bama T: "We need us some stronger rings, baby!”[b]

[b]Tommy Slavino: "We are just moments away from our Main Event and what a Main Event it is!"

Bama T: "You said it, baby! Our wonderful, bWo World Champion, Miss Fury, will be defending her belt against a talking mime!"

Tommy Slavino: "Big D brought that very belt back into the limelight, but it was Miss Fury who gave the belt the prestige it deserves!"

Bama T: "Big Dumbass couldn't even beat Oswald, what makes him think he can stand toe to toe with THE Champion, baby?!"

Tommy Slavino: "The Man Called D has vowed vengeance on BOB for costing him, not only THAT belt, but the Universal Title, as well!"

The lights go out in the arena as the fans get to their feet in anticipation, half of them cheering, while the rest jeer.

Tommy Slavino: "Sounds like we've got a split crowd for this one!"


Multiple spotlights shine throughout the crowd, almost as if searching for someone. They don't seem to find what they're looking for in the audience, causing them all to converge into one, big singular spot in the center of the ring. All of a sudden, the spotlights turn off, leaving the arena in darkness once more, before turning on to.............................

[Image: Already%2Bin%2Bthe%2BRing.gif]

...............................BIG D IN THE RING!!!!!!!!

Tommy Slavino: "How the hell does he do that?!??!"

Bama T: "Calm down, baby, he was. probably hiding under the ring the whole time!"

Big D paces the ring, focused on what could be the biggest match of his career. He tests the ropes and walks around, waiting for his opponent to enter.


As Miss Fury's theme hits, the bWo faithful rise with praise for their Champion. The XWF fans try their best to drown them out, but their love for her is too strong and overshadows the hate.

Bama T: "Oooooooooo, baby, listen to this crowd!"

Tommy Slavino: "If I didn't know any better, I'd say she's getting a louder reaction than D did!"

Bama T: "Of course she is! Baby, this is bWo Anarchy and she's the BOB World Champion!"

Miss Fury walks out onto the stage, accompanied by "Chronic" Chris Page, riling up the fans even more. A good chunk of them cheer for her, but an almost equal amount of boos can still be heard beneath them. Fury poses with her belt for a moment before heading down the aisle with Page.

Tommy Slavino: "Always a pleasure to see the former Universal Champion."

Chris Page gives his woman a good luck kiss before making his way to ringside. Miss Fury climbs up on the apron and into the squared circle, where she holds the former XWF World Heavyweight Championship up in Big D's face while Page points and laughs from the outside.

Bama T: "She's gonna make him cry, baby!"

Tommy Slavino: "Big D hasn't wrestled in months; the last time he had an official match, he walked out on it."

Bama T: "Baby, you've got to be a BIG pussy to run away from Thad Duke!"

Tommy Slavino: "It doesn't look like D's running here, maybe he's grown a pair since then."

Bama T: "Not likely, baby; not likely AT ALL!"

Big D takes the harassment in stride, staring into Miss Fury's eyes as she continues to gloat. Finally, without warning, he snatches the belt out of her hand and raises it above his head, causing the crowd to lose it.

Bama T: "NO!!!!! Baby, that's not yours!!!!!!!!"

Tommy Slavino: "Big D is a man without fear here tonight!"

Bama "Put some fear in him, baby! Make him afraid!!! "

Miss Fury flips her lid as Chris Page does the same on the outside. She demands D to give it back to her, but he hands it to the ref, instead, as a show of dominance.

Bama T: "Who does this guy think he is, the Champion?!?"

Tommy Slavino: "I believe, deep down, he still feels like he IS the Champion."

Bama T: "Baby, that's pathetic!"

Tommy Slavino: "I never said it wasn't."

The referee holds the Championship up for all to see, before taking it over to the time keeper and calling for the bell.



MISS FURY © - vs - BIG D

Big D tries to lock up with Miss Fury, but she immediately backs away and retreats to the outside. The BOB fans applaud her swiftness, while the XWF ones shower her in boos. Chris Page walks over and begins discussing strategy as an impatient D taps his foot in the ring. He finally gets tired of waiting and drops back to the ropes, bouncing forward towards the power couple as if he were about to dive. The potential move causes the pair to split off in separate directions, as The Man Called D abruptly stops before doing anything.

Tommy Slavino: "Did they really think he was gonna perform some sort of Lucha move?"

Bama T: "You never know, baby; the D could stand for 'dive out onto you!'"

Tommy Slavino: "'re right, Bama, how could I have missed that?"

Miss Fury calls for Big D to backup so she can walk up the stairs, despite the fact he's already on the opposite side of the ring. D climbs up on the turnbuckles, resting his ass on the top one, as Fury makes her way back in. She heads in D's direction, where he dives off for a Double Axe Handle smash. Miss Fury sidesteps the move and Kicks D in the stomach, causing him to bend over, before grabbing his hand and tossing him towards the other corner. Big D reverses it, chucking Miss Fury against the buckles, instead, before tossing her over his head with a Belly to Belly Suplex. Fury immediately gets back up and swings at D, who ducks under it, wraps his arms around her waist, and delivers a textbook German Suplex.

Bama T: "Baby, all that time away and he STILL couldn't learn anything new?!"

Tommy Slavino: "I don't know, that Double Axe Handle was pretty impressive."

With his opponent down, Big D signals for the Dan Slam, getting both the BOB AND XWF fans on their feet.

Tommy Slavino: "Big D's looking to end it early!"

Bama T: "Someone save her, baby!!!"

Almost right on cue, "Chronic" Chris Page slides into the ring with a chair and smacks D in the back with it as hard as he can. The blow drops the challenger to a knee, where CCP follows it up with another one!

Bama T: "Fury Rules, baby, and so does Page!"

The second shot drops D down to another knee, wincing in pain as he tries to stay up. Page lifts the chair up for one final blow, only for............................................



Tommy Slavino: "Uh oh, we all know who THAT is!!!!"

Bama T: "Baby, what the HELL is he doin' here?!?"

Chris Page looks towards the ramp in anticipation, only for Robert to jump the barricade and slide in behind his foe. By the time Page realizes it, Main's already all over him! Omega hammers away at the former Universal Champion, backing him against the ropes, where Robert Clotheslines him over top to the outside. Main follows close behind, delivering more rights than the Declaration of Independence! He grabs Page and tosses him into the barricade, where he flips over it, into the audience. Robert Main stays on him, exchanging blows up the steps in the crowd, until they eventually disappear.

Bama T: "This is unfair, baby! Robert Lame has no business getting involved in this match what so ever!!!!"

Tommy Slavino: "You're absolutely right, Bama, this is between Big D and BOB."

The Man Called D gets to his feet, but Miss Fury's already there with a shot to the gut from the chair Page abandoned. D hunches over, allowing Fury to drop the chair behind her and set him up for a DDT. Miss Fury jumps in the air for extra impact, but Big D manages to slip his head out on the way down and Slam her onto the chair. He then runs to the ropes and back, where he jumps up and attempts an Elbow Drop, only for Fury to roll out of the way! D's arm crashes against the chair, causing him to grab at it and roll around in pain.

Bama T: "Baby, the bigger they are, the harder they fall!"

Miss Fury rolls onto Big D for a half-assed cover.



Bama T: "That was a 3, baby!!!"

Tommy Slavino: "Referee, Ari Silversteen, says otherwise, making me think we need to bump his salary down a bit!"

Miss Fury gets up and Stomps Big D's injured arm, before picking the chair up and positioning it around the hurt appendage. She delivers another Stomp, this time to D's head, before heading over to the corner and climbing up to the second rope. Fury takes a moment to pose for the crowd, receiving a positive reaction from the BOB faithful, before jumping off. As she dives towards him, The Man Called D jumps to his feet and uses the chair wrapped around his arm to bitch slap Miss Fury in mid-air!!!

Tommy Slavino: "That shot knocked the taste out of MY mouth!"

Bama T: "What a cowardly piece of dog shit! Baby, if you need a chair to beat Miss Fury, you don't belong in the ring with her!"

Big D winces, the blow taking a toll on him, as well. He removes the chair from his arm and throws it out of the ring, before dropping down and hooking one of Fury's legs for the cover.




Bama T: "Baby, that was a fast count!"

Tommy Slavino: "It certainly wasn't your average count, I'll give ya that!"

Big D sits up and gives the ref a questionable look, only for him to hold up two fingers as if it was the legitimate count. D responds by holding up one finger, his middle one to be precise, causing Ari to point at his uniform, reminding D who's in charge.

Bama T: "Disqualify him, baby!"

Tommy Slavino: "No Disqualifications in Fury's Rules, Bama."

Bama T: "You know what they say about rules, baby, they were meant to be broken!"

Tommy Slavino: "And how exactly does one break the rules when there aren't any?"

Bama T: "Let me get back to you on that one, baby!"

Big D gets to his feet and waits for Miss Fury to get to her's. Once she does, he grabs her by the arm and drags her back down to the mat, trying to apply a Big D Face Cruncher. Fury fights it, doing everything she can to prevent him from locking it in, but he's too strong!

Tommy Slavino: "He's got it! Miss Fury could be moments away from tapping out!!!!"

The BOB World Champion reaches out for the ropes, which are alot closer than D would like, but still too far away for Fury to grab onto. She uses her free hand to pull them forward ever so slightly, getting close enough to touch the bottom rope with her fingertips, but that's it. Desperate to escape, she manages to slide the two of them forward just enough to grab hold of the rope, but Big D refuses to let go!!!!!

Bama T: "Break it up, baby, she's got the rope!!!!!"

Tommy Slavino: "It doesn't matter, Bama, with No Disqualifications, there's no reason for D to let go!"

Bama T: "Damn Miss Fury's Rules!!!!!!"

Despite having no real authority to, Ari Silversteen grabs at Big D's arm, anyway, and tries to pull it away. D does his best to keep hold, but Miss Fury pulls herself over the bottom rope to the outside, and uses the leverage/Ari's assistance to escape. She stumbles over to the ring post and rests her back against it as The Man Called D slides out underneath the ropes and joins her. He puts some distance between them, before rushing forward and jumping at Miss Fury with a Stinger Splash............................ only for her to dive out of the way!!!!! This causes Big D's head to collide with the post, sending him tumbling to the floor as blood begins to run down his face.

Tommy Slavino: "If Fury can get D back in the ring, this one's over!"

Miss Fury takes a moment to gather her breath before bending over and bringing Big D to a vertical base. Blood continues to pour down his face, smudging the remnants of his paint, as his opponent rolls him into the ring. She slides on in and hooks both of D's legs for a cover.




Bama T: "Baby, that was the slowest count I've ever seen!"

Tommy Slavino: "It definitely could've been faster!"

Miss Fury gets up and runs her boot across Big D's wound, causing more blood to gush out. She then drops down to D's level and mounts him, raining down with punches as the challenger tries his best to cover up. Eventually, Fury gets back to her feet, bringing Big D with her, before Irish Whipping him towards the corner. The impact sends him back towards his opponent, where she cracks him in the side of the head with a Chris Page-esque Judas Effect that drops him. A confident Miss Fury puts a single foot on Big D's chest for a cover.




Bama T: "Baby, that last shot must've knocked him silly, or else he wouldn't have kicked out!"

Tommy Slavino: "To be fair, Big D never really had much for brains to begin with!"

Miss Fury pops to her feet and motions for her opponent to do the same. It takes D a little bit, but he eventually does, allowing Fury to come at him with Hearts and Flowers!!! However, Big D sees it coming and catches her leg, spins Fury around, and hoists her up for the Dan Slam. Before he can hit it, though, Miss Fury is able to slip out behind him and connect with a Low Blow that receives an equal amount of praise and criticism.

Bama T: "Right in the family jewels, baby!"

Big D's positioning allows Miss Fury to lock in an Octopus Stretch, receiving a standing ovation from the bWo fans.

Tommy Slavino: "The Black Widow! Miss Fury is moments away from retaining her Title!"

Despite having his balls knocked back up inside of him, Big D tries his best to fight out of the submission hold. Miss Fury keeps the pressure on, but D is somehow able to work his way to a vertical base. Once standing, The Man Called D attempts to get to the ropes, only to realize it wouldn't even matter if he did. With no other options besides tapping, Big D slowly positions himself so the nearest corner is directly behind him, before charging backwards and ramming his opponent into the turnbuckles. The first shot doesn't work, as Fury refuses to let go right away, but a second one forces her to let it go. Big D stumbles to the center of the ring as Miss Fury quickly recovers and runs at him, only to get caught with a surprise Spinebuster out of nowhere!!!!! Unfortunately for D, he is unable to follow the move up with a pin, leaving both competitors out on the mat.

Bama T: "Baby, is that move even legal?!?"

Tommy Slavino: "Unfortunately, as I've already pointed out, everything is legal under Fury's Rules!"

Bama T: "Even Spinebusters?!?"

Tommy Slavino: "Even Spinebusters."

Bama T: "Oh, baby, what is this world coming to?"

D and Fury crawl over to opposite sides of the ring, where they each use the ropes to pull themselves up. Miss Fury rushes at Big D, who swings at her with a Clothesline, which she ducks underneath. Fury bounces off the ropes and back at D, where she rocks him with a Running Knee. The shot turns the challenger around, allowing the Champion to jump up and attempt a Backstabber. On the way down, Big D grabs onto the top rope, causing Miss Fury to hit the mat hard without him. The Man Called D grabs hold of his opponent's legs and flips over her for a cover, but she immediately kicks out and grabs hold of his waist. The two of them rise up, with Fury flipping them around and going for a Backslide. Big D rolls through the pin and puts Miss Fury's head between his legs, before lifting her up for a Powerbomb. Rather than Slam her down, though, Big D pops Miss Fury in the air and spins her around for a modified Dan Slam that gets a myriad of reactions from the live crowd, all of which begins to shake the stadium.

Tommy Slavino: "He hits it!!!! Big D is 3 seconds away from regaining his Championship!!!!!"

Bama T: "No, baby, NOOOOOO!!!!!!!"

As the XWF fans jump for joy, Big D drops down and hooks both of Fury's legs for a convincing cover................................ but Ari Silversteen refuses to count it!!!!!!!!!

Bama T: "HA!!!!! Ari's earning his money tonight, baby!"

Tommy Slavino: "He most certainly is!!!!!"

A fed up Big D gets to his feet and backs the crooked referee into a corner. Ari reminds D who's in charge, but the former XWF World Champion doesn't seem to give a shit, anymore. He grabs hold of Silversteen's striped shirt, but gets attacked from behind by Big Money Oswald!!!!!!

Tommy Slavino: "Speaking of money!"

Bama T: "Oswald brought the calvary and, baby, I love it!"

Big Money is joined in the ring by Herschel Kiss and a handful of other BOBbers. They drag D to his feet and hold him in place as Oswald delivers some powerful strikes to the ribs of Miss Fury's opponent. The XWF marks begin to boo, with a few of them attempting to jump the barricade to protect him, only to be stopped by security, as well as a couple fans in bWo shirts!!!!!!

Tommy Slavino: "These fans are going absolutely ballistic!!!!!"

Bama T: "Pretty sure I just saw a few of them try to jump the barricade! Baby, I love the passion, but don't be stoopid!"

Big Money slaps the taste out of a helpless D's mouth, as the BOBers also get in a couple shots of their own. Just when things are looking bleak for The Man Called D, the lights begin to flicker a bit and the X-Tron glitches out.......................



Tommy Slavino: "It looks like Big D has some back up!"

Bama T: "NOW Avalanche wants to get more involved?!?!"

Tommy Slavino: "Given Ned's history with D, this should come as no surprise whatsoever!"

Ned and Eobard begin fighting the BOBbers, as Thias Watts heads directly for Money Oswald.

Tommy Slavino: "These two clashed earlier in the night and, apparently, they're not done!!!"

Thias hammers away at Oz, causing him to retreat to the outside. Watts follows him, where they continue to brawl as both sides of the fan spectrum cheer them on! Stone Clotheslines himself and two BOBbers out of the ring, as Ned tosses the rest out. A dazed D looks up at his former partner, a man he hasn't seen since the Nefarious One's arrival, giving him a thumbs up as thanks. Kaye nods, before joining Thias on the outside for assistance.

Bama T: "This ain't fair, baby! Big D's not supposed to have any friends!!!!"

Despite the backup, Big D is still left vulnerable to a recovered Miss Fury. She stands there and waits for him, ready to finish the challenger off the moment he gets to a vertical base. As this is going on, the cameraman out on the apron decides to climb inside the squared circle in order to get a closer look.

Tommy Slavino: "Since when do we allow cameramen inside the ring???"

Bama T: "Cameraman Bob has gone rogue, baby!"

Miss Fury doesn't seem to notice the heavy set cameraman behind her as he rests his camera on top of the nearest turnbuckle. He then approaches Fury, grabbing her by the shoulder and turning her around, where he proceeds to hit a Doublearm DDT that riles the fans up even more than they already were!!!!!!

Tommy Slavino: "I'd that........... Is that who I think it is?!?"

Upon hitting the move, the cameraman gets up and removes his sunglasses/wig, revealing none other than War Games Team Captain Demos!!!!!!

Tommy Slavino: "It's Charlie Nickles!!!!!!!"

Bama T: "Baby, he's got NO business being out here, just like the rest of Snow Pile!!!!"

The fans cheer as Charlie makes finger guns, leaving Big D laying in the corner, stunned.

Tommy Slavino: "No doubt Demos is trying to send a message to the other War Games teams!"

Bama T: "Then go bother them!!!!"

Charlie continues to show off in the ring, as Big D and Miss Fury try to recover from the other side's help. As if things weren't already crazy enough, all of a sudden the sound of glass breaking fills the air..............................


Bama T: "Baby, who the hell is THIS?!?"

[Image: heN6rWh.gif]


Bama T: "What the hell is HE doing here?!?"

Tommy Slavino: "Trying to join BOB, perhaps?"

Bama T: "I hope so, baby!"

Stone Cunt heads down the aisle, complete with a 'CUNT 3:16' jacket, before walking over to Ned and connecting with a Stunner! Thias turns his attention away from Oswald and towards Jackson, only to get caught with a Stunner, as well!

Bama T: "Oh, baby, he's only attacking their guys!"

Eobard Stone tries to help his stablemates, only to wind up with the same fate as the rest of them. After delivering a third Stunner, Noah Jackson rolls in the ring and assures Charlie that everything is okay with a handshake. Nickles goes to greet Noah's hand with his own, only to get dropped with a Stunner, too!!!!!

Bama T: "Baby, Noah Jackson IS BOB!!!!!"

Big D pulls himself up in order to fight back, but is met immediately with a barrage of Mudhole Stomps, before being dragged to the center of the ring and hit with a Stunner!!!!! A shocked Miss Fury looks up at Noah as he calls for someone to toss him in some Victoria Bitters.

Tommy Slavino: "Looks like they're about to celebrate with some Victoria BOBbers!"

Stone Cunt helps Miss Fury to her feet and hands her a beer, which she opens and clinks together with his. They both take a drink, only for Noah to drop her with a Stunner just like the rest of them! This prompts Big Money to slide in to help, but he's hit with his own Stunner the moment he gets up!!!!!!

Tommy Slavino: "We haven't seen Noah Jackson for months, what is the point of all this?!?"

Bama T: "The point is to piss us all off, baby, and it's working!!!"

Noah Jackson heads over to the corner and pulls himself up onto the second rope, where he celebrates some more.

[Image: 4SoRiSM.gif]

Jackson notices some of the BOBbers on the outside getting up, so he climbs over the top rope and hops down to the floor where he lays a Stunner on every last one of them before heading back up the ramp, through the curtain.

Bama T: "Baby, what............ the........... fuck?!"

Tommy Slavino: "WTF, indeed, Bama. This match has turned into a car wreck and neither vehicle has finished flipping yet!"

Everyone is left laid out as Big D and Miss Fury try to get back to their Title Match. The two of them crawl to the center of the ring, where they use each other to get to their feet. Once they do, Big D swings at Fury, receiving a mixed reaction from the crowd. Miss Fury strikes back with a right of her own, getting the same reaction as D from the hot crowd. They go back and forth with punches, with the XWF fans backing D and the bWo ones, Fury. Eventually, their cheers and boos are replaced with screams, as the camera focuses on something going on in the audience.

Tommy Slavino: "I'm being told a fight has broken out in the crowd between the XWF fans and BOB faithful!"

Bama T: "Baby, I got free tickets to the next show for anyone who knocks out a Big D supporter!"

D and Fury continue to fight in the ring, as the brawl in the audience escalates further than anyone could've imagined. Security does it's best to break things up, but fans from both sides do away with them before turning their focus back to each other.

Tommy Slavino: "We might need to skedaddle if things start to get too far out of hand!"

Back in the ring, D and Fury continue to exchange shots at the fans cheer/boo them both with every shot. Finally, Fury switches it up and Eye Rakes Big D, who responds by punting her as hard as he can in the pussy!

Bama T: "That one hurt MY clitoris, baby, and I don't even have one!"

Big D drops to the ropes and back, where he's met with a face full of Red Poison Mist! The liquid blinds him, allowing Miss Fury to connect with a Hearts and Flowers Kick to the side of his head that drops him flat on the mat. Fury lays across D for a cover as Ari goes to deliver yet another fast count.



THRE---before Silversteen can count the 3, an unhinged XWF fan pulls him out of the ring, breaking the count!!!!!!

Tommy Slavino: "That fan just robbed Miss Fury of the win!!!!"

Bama T: "Baby, this whole thing's been rigged from the get go!"

The XWF fan clobbers Ari, laying him out, before being attacked by a cluster of rabid BOB supporters. The XWF faithful refuse to stand by as this happens, breaking down the barrier separating them from ringside and attacking the opposing fans.

Tommy Slavino: "We've got a riot on our hands, Bama!!!!"

Bama T: "Get me the fuck outta here, baby!"

Bama T tries to leave the commentary booth, but there's too many people fighting around him. Tommy pulls him back down into his seat and explains the situation.

Tommy Slavino: "If we do our job, maybe they'll leave us alone!"

Bama T: "Baby, tell that to Ari!!!!"

Tommy Slavino: "Regardless, we really don't have much of a choice!"

As the fans continue to brawl on the outside, Miss Fury goes to pick D up, only to get clobbered with a brutal Clothesline that practically knocks her out of her boots!!!! The move proved to be Big D's last line of defense, as he immediately collapses to the mat afterwards.

Tommy Slavino: "I sure hope we can finish this match!"

Bama T: "Baby, this all could've been avoided had Ari just disqualified Big D for being a douchebag like I asked!"

Big D and Miss Fury barely stir, as Thunder Knuckles heads on down the ramp, a pair of brass knuckles in each hand. He then slides into the ring and begs for D to get up, ready to pounce the moment he does.

Bama T: "And the rest of Team BOB has arrived, baby!"

TK waits for Big D, but he never gets the chance to strike him because.................................................


Tommy Slavino: "This is NOT looking good for BOB!!!!!"

Thunder Knuckles swings at James Raven who ducks the shot and pushes him into Shawn Warstein, who absolutely ROCKS him with a King's Crown that sends one of the pairs of brass knuckles flying into the air. The duo exit the ring and fight their way through the riot, not realizing Bobby Bourbon was out on the apron to catch the knucks.

Bama T: "Not so fast, baby! I told you the rest of Team BOB was out here and, baby, I meant it!"

The TV Champion waits on the apron, prepared to clock Big D the moment he gets to his feet. Unfortunately for Bourbon, Raven and Warstein didn't come alone, as Jim Caedus and Drew Archyle are right there to pull him off in Powerbomb position. Trying to make the best out of a bad situation, Bobby tosses the brass knuckles in to a risen Miss Fury before being SLAMMED through the announce table!!!!!!!!!!!

Tommy Slavino: "And there goes our table!!!!!"

Back in the ring, Miss Fury cocks her arm, preparing to strike Big D as he gets back to his feet. Before she can, though, Centurion appears from out of nowhere and jumps up on the apron, where he reaches in and takes the brass knuckles from her. She turns around and bitches him out, only to get cracked in the jaw with them!

Bama T: "Dammit! Shouldn't he be in a retirement home?!"

Cent' jumps down and makes his way through the rioting fans, all of whom respect him too much to lay a finger on him.

With Miss Fury seeing stars, Big D comes up behind her and, with his last remaining fumes, connects with one of the sloppiest Dan Slams of his career!!!! D barely has anything left in the tank to cover her, but somehow manages to get an arm across her chest while laying flat on his back.

Bama T: "Ha! Can't win without a ref, baby!!!"

All of a sudden, Betsy Granger rushes out from the back, wearing a ref's shirt.

Tommy Slavino: "Looks like he's got one!"

She shimmies her way through the fighting fans and slides in the ring, where she counts the fall for D.




[bwo]Winner and NEW bWo World Heavyweight Champion, Big D via pinfall[/bwo]

Bama T: "Baby, this ain't right! Betsy Granger is NOT a referee, and Big D ain't no Champion, either!"

The time keeper manages to give Betsy the bWo Championship before being engulfed by the crowd. She takes it over to Big D and raises his hand, placing the belt on his chest. Eobard, Ned, and Thias join them in the ring, helping the new Champion to his feet. D holds the belt above his head triumphantly, as Thias Watts hoists him up on his shoulders as Ned congratulates him.

Tommy Slavino: "No doubt this is more about hitting BOB where it hurts, than supporting Big D."

Bama T: "XWF may have won the battle but BOB will win the War......................... Games baby!"

The show ends with Big D celebrating with XWF wrestler's and fans, alike.

Hey, hey, hey! Miss Fury!

A familiar voice cuts through the arena. Miss Fury turns around to see this smiling mug on the big screen.

Tommy Slavino: It’s Corey Smith!

Bama T: That’s FORMER TV champion, Corey Smith. Bobby turned him inside out, baby!

[Image: dcaa4a9d5438caa680a76d625bf851bff91665c5...300_hq.gif]

She scowls immediately, and starts barking orders to the B.O.B. ring crew, gesturing at Corey’s image.

Hello to all the B.O.B.’ies in attendance as well. He pauses and smirks. So, Savage and Warfare were a thing, weren't they ? There your people were, Miss Fury, all up and down the card, carrying out attacks and such. Now, this isn’t about my match. Bobby beat me fair and square. But that post match beat down? Not to mention the post match beat downs on all those other folks over the past week? Very poor form.

Corey definietly has Miss Fury’s full attention now. She watches him carefully, a challenging smile on her face.

So here’s what I’m thinkin’ Pay back’s a BITCH.

The crowd pops! Miss Fury leans on the ropes and rolls her hand in a “what else you got” fashion.

And you might wanna vet your people more carefully. Or at least pay them better. Because it didn’t take all that much scratch to sneak my entire War Games team into the arena. Not to mention a few others you pissed off at Savage and Warfare.

Bama T: What?! I haven’t seen a single member of Corey’s stupid War Games team all night!

Tommy Slavino: Maybe they’re just really good at hiding?

Now, Miss Fury cocks her head. She looks around the ring, and then she gestures a member of the crew over, whispers something to him, and he darts towards the back.

Yes, that’s right. We’re already right under your nose. He leans in towards the camera. And there you are, all by your lonesome.

But, it doesn’t stay that way for long. We see Big Preesh, Money Oswald, Thunder Knuckles, and Bobby Bourbon headed for the ring. Miss Fury smiles and beckons for them to join her. TK stops to shoot a cautionary look under the ring before rolling in.

Bama T: Good idea TK!

Oh, you got your peeps? Damn! Corey looks flustered. This wasn’t supposed to happen this way! You guys were all supposed to be laid out by now! He throws his hands in the air.

Miss Fury, looking annoyed, starts gesturing for a mic. But Corey cuts her off.

Or maybe! MAYBE! He shoots a sly look. Maybe this has all been a distraction to get you all in the same place at once! A ha!

Bama T: Gotta say, this is not impressive.

Miss Fury shakes her head and laughs. TK shoots Corey the bird. Bobby taps his newly won Television Championship.

Oh, who am I kidding? I cocked this all up. Corey frowns. You got me. Turns out, I just didn’t have the GUTS to be there to face you all down.

Suddenly, the ring is coated in a rain of gore from the heavens! In the blink of an eye, a torrent of animal guts have been dropped from the top of the arena into the ring, dousing B.O.B.!

Tommy Slavino: Oh my God! You’ve gotta be kidding!

The crowd, especially those nearest the ring, starts to scream. Miss Fury, with pure hate in her eyes, surveys the carnage. Everyone is head to toe in rotting viscera! Thunder Knuckles looks like he’s gonna puke! Money Oswald slips and falls in the corner, dragging Preesh down with him!

Bama T: UGGHHHH, THE SMELL! *gags*

Meanwhile, Corey, back on the screen, winces. Oh, that is NOT a good look. If I were you guys, I’d be PISSED!

And just like that, it’s a golden shower from on high! A familiar golden liquid cascades down on the ring like a particularly disgusting waterfall! More screams from the crowd as they frantically try to get away from the splash zone. The force of the tidal wave of piss knocks Miss Fury off her feet! Everyone in the ring looks disgusted! Bobby Bourbon still tries to help Miss Fury up, but even he looks like he’s gonna wretch!

Tommy Slavino: Oh...oh….I’m gonna be…**URP**

Bama T: Under the desk! Under the desk!

Bama T crawls under the announce desk, and Tommy, still looking like he’s got the heaves, slides under with him.

Money Oswald tries to crawl out of the ring, but he keeps slip sliding in the guts and urine. Preesh is just sitting there, looking at his body covered in waste in horror. TK starts pulling himself up on the ropes, hollering invectives the whole time!

Meanwhile, Corey Smith continues!

You know what, maybe NOW you’ll understand that actions have consequences. And at War Games, you best believe that lesson is gonna continue. You guys thought you had it all figured out eh? All us idiot rubes letting Miss Fury draft her own guys. But you see, that’s just it. It’s not that we didn’t see what she was doing, we just didn’t give a SHIT!

Bama T: Oh no no noooooooooooooo!!!!!

Yep, you guessed it. It’s the drizzlin’ shits! And it’s all runny, splash splashing all over the ring, seeping out onto the floor, spraying into the first few aisles!

Bama T: I hope Corey Smith is happy! He just turned the Missippi Coliseum into a hazardous waste zone! Somebody call the Department of Health!

Tommy Slavino: I’m gonna...I’m gonna….BBBLLLLLLLAAAAAAAARRRGGHHHH!

In the ring, B.O.B. is indeed a sorry sight, raging and barfing and trying to claw their way out of the ring through the filth. Miss Fury rises to her feet and screams in rage at Corey’s image!

From my team….

The shot pulls back to reveal Alias, Morbid Angel, and North Korean War Criminal mugging for the camera.

… yours, smell ya later. The image blips out.

Tommy Slavino: *Huff* *Huff* I’m so sorry! Oh, we need to get a Hazmat team out here or something. I can only imagine there’s going to be hell to pay at War Games if these two teams get at each other in the finals. Corey Smith may have gone too far here!

Security is scrambling to control the riot. Meanwhile, a team rushes out from the back, presumably to help those in the ring, but stop short at the edge of the cesspool looking green about the gills. Miss Fury screams at them to come help, but it doesn’t look like their going to budge!

Bama T: Oh baby, if Corey wants a goddamn war he is gonna get one at War Games!

Tommy Slavino: You have to think though that the other team members B.O.B. attacked have got to see this as some kind of rallying cry. Or at least a comeuppance.

Bama T: All I'm thinking right now as that we somehow gotta get the hell outta here! Ugh! See ya at War Games baby!





[Image: WarGamesLogo-2.png]

[Image: WG-banner.gif]


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"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (07-26-2021), ALIAS (07-25-2021), Atara Raven (07-25-2021), Doctor Louis D'Ville (07-25-2021), Dolly Waters (07-25-2021), HeavensToBetsy (07-25-2021), JimCaedus (07-25-2021), Mr. Oz (07-25-2021), Ned Kaye (07-25-2021), Richard Powers (07-25-2021), Robert "The Omega" Main (07-27-2021), Ruby (07-25-2021), Thaddeus Duke (07-26-2021), Thunder Knuckles™ (07-25-2021)
HeavensToBetsy Offline
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XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

07-25-2021, 11:23 AM

Hey Big D, congrats on that win! Hard-fought and well-earned, happy I could be a part of it.

As for you, my love BoBbers... I'll be seeing you lot at War Games. Kisses!!

FORMER [Image: 8pr1Az7.png]
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"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (07-26-2021), Atara Raven (07-25-2021), JimCaedus (07-25-2021), Lycana (07-25-2021), Miss Fury (07-26-2021), Ned Kaye (07-25-2021)
Noah Jackson Offline
Very Serious Wrestler

XWF FanBase:
Hardly anyone to be honest

(booed by most fans; hurts people even when not supposed to; often angry and shitty)

07-25-2021, 03:58 PM

"Just a message to all y'all dog sons ov bitches you can have your BOBs and your Apexs and your Avalanches, it won't mean jack shit to me; Stone Cunt Noah Jackson ain't taking no prisoners and the whoop-ass won't stop til I'm dead or my hair grows back!"

"And that's the bottom line because Sick Cunt said so!"

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226 | 11 | 81

Star of the Month (August 2019)
1/3 Star of the Month (January 2020) with Fuzz and our Subaru
RP of the Month (November 2019) with Big Disappointment
Holder of the most wins in the XWF (Mostly house shows)
Holder of the most draws in XWF (All on Anarchy)
Winner of Sickest Cunt of the Year 2020
Winner of Greatest Wrestler who ever lived 2022
Holder of the world's rarest pog collection (Valued at $200)
Owner of Ned Kaye's cat that Ned named Deepthroat for some weird reason
Voted most feared man by Centurion (Twice!)
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[-] The following 10 users Like Noah Jackson's post:
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (07-26-2021), Atara Raven (07-26-2021), Dolly Waters (07-25-2021), HeavensToBetsy (07-26-2021), JimCaedus (07-26-2021), Miss Fury (07-26-2021), Ned Kaye (07-25-2021), Thaddeus Duke (07-26-2021), Theo Pryce (07-25-2021), Thunder Knuckles™ (07-25-2021)

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