Drew Archyle
Apex's Weakest Link duh
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07-14-2021, 03:55 PM
You know there's something soothing about sailing the open seas. The calmness of water. The vast openness that is the ocean. It's simple. Peaceful. Being far far away from everyone and everything. The beautiful thing about being on a boat sailing around the world is that your problem's don't follow you. After all, problems can't swim. Unfortunately you can't get away from your problems forever. At some point, no matter how hard you try life has a way of sucking you back in and that's what happened months ago when despite all my desires to stay away I was forced back. Not literally of course but I was bound by a sense of duty and loyalty to my friend. Robert Main has been my best friend, my brother from another mother since we were kids. When I heard what happened to him I did what any good brother would do. I came home and then spent the next several weeks playing Sherlock Holmes. Which as everyone knows led us to March Madness.
Anarchy vs Chris Page.
When the reveal was made, when the proverbial mask was removed Chris Page was finally forced to come face to face with his past. I'm sure Chris will tell everyone who will listen that he knew all along who Anarchy was but we all know how false that is. We know how much Chris loves pretending to be the smartest man in the room so if he actually knew it was me he would have been at the front of the line to spill the beans. Now what most people seemed to forget in the fervor of the moment after the mask came off is that Chris Page vs Drew Archyle was a battle years not months in the making. Chris Page sent me to the hospital twice in the years leading up to March Madness 2021. But rather than taking my revenge immediately I took a step back and let Robert and Chris battle it out. And battle it out and battle it out and so on and so on. Until one day, seemingly out of the blue bitter enemies became fast friends. That's what made the pairing of Page and Main so painful. A guy who tried to kill me twice was now standing side by side with my best friend, my brother. It's why I stayed away as long as I did. I knew then Robert was making a mistake but it was his mistake to make. But now I am here. Now I am ready to take what is mine.
We fade in to an interior view of Casa De Main, more specifically the guest house which Robert had built on his property specifically for Drew so that he would no longer have to hear Drew and his sister Kayla treating each other's bodies like amusement parks under his roof. Laying in bed, covered by a white bed sheet from the breasts down is the aforementioned Kayla, her beautiful blonde hair shimmering as the sun's natural light penetrates the windows and shines upon her. At the foot of the bed hunched over wearing a white shirt with it's sleeves torn off is Drew Arcyhle.
As Kayla begins to stir Drew reaches down to the ground towards one of two black boots and slips it onto his left foot. It takes only a few seconds for Drew to lace the boot up. Once done he reaches towards the other boot and slips that on his right foot and repeats the process of lacing it up. As he completes this seemingly simple task Kayla sits up in bed, the white sheet still covering her below the neck.
"Where are you going?"
Kayla asks as she looks around the room giving it a quick scan.
"It's Wednesday. I'm going to the hospital to see the kids."
Drew says as he stands up and then reaches over towards a free standing chair and removes a large black coat from it. Drew holds the coat up in the air allowing the sun to illuminate it as he begins brushing some loose dirt off of the coat before slipping it on. Drew then reaches down into a black duffle and removes from it a few other loose articles of clothing and other accessories that help complete his pirate outfit. A red sash which he places around his shoulder. A black leather belt with a metal sword attached to it and an extremely dirty black hat which he casually flips onto his head.
"I keep telling you that you should come with me. There is something about seeing the joy on a terminally ill child's face when a pirate walks into the room that really helps to put the rest of your life into perspective."
"I know I know. And I should. I just don't know if I could handle that. I think it's extremely important and wonderful what you do and you know I support it 150% I just don't think I could see those kids and not burst into tears. Which, speaking of kids, there is something we need to talk about."
"Can it wait until I get back? I don't want to miss the bus."
"Why don't you let me drive you? I can be ready in a few minutes."
"No, you sleep in, you've had a busy week. Besides I like taking public transportation. Most of the folks on the bus recognize me, they know what I am doing and why but every so often you get a few strangers who can't help but awkwardly stare at the grown man in a full pirate costume sitting on a bus."
"You ever think about changing it up and maybe going as something else besides a pirate?"
"I have actually. Someone once mentioned to me that I should go dressed as Captain America but I just don't think I could pull that one off..."
Drew says as he awkwardly stares into the camera for an uncomfortably long time.
"Are we still on for dinner later?"
Drew asks as he reaches down and grabs a small bag off the chair and slings it around his shoulder.
"I have court this afternoon but I should be back here by around 6."
"Oh one more thing. You mind feeing Harley before you leave?"
As if right on que the aforementioned Harley, a 100 pound female Rottweiler saunters into the room, her bright pink tongue hanging from her mouth. Harley walks upt up to Drew and rubs her head along his thigh which prompts Drew to reach down and rub the dog along the top of her head and behind her right ear.
"Be good for Kayla. She'll feed you before she leaves."
Drew gives Harley one last pat on the head before heading towards the bed where Kayla is sitting in an up right position.
"See you soon."
Drew leans down towards Kayla and gives her a kiss on the forehead before exiting the home and beginning his 8 block trek to the closest bus stop.
I'm sure by the time I get around to remembering how to upload this promo onto the internet Chris Page will have already bored you all to the point of contemplating suicide, which, all half truths aside, if you or anyone you know has or is contemplating suicide please call the Suicide Prevention Hotline at 800-273-8255.
Now back to the issue at hand, Chris "I talk a lot but say very little" Page. I am sure by the time you all watch this banger of a promo Chris will already have blown his wad reminding you all that he's beaten me twice while conveniently leaving out the context of how it all happened. Yes Chris has won 2 matches against me so far, but there is a huge, huge, huge, I'm talking bigger than Pinocchio Page's lying nose difference between winning a match and beating someone. It's true Chris won his match against me at March Madness, with the help of Thunder Knuckles and Bobby Bourbon. I'm sure Chris will leave this part out when he offers up his edited brand of bullflop that he labels history. I'm sure he'll remind you all how at War Games like a billion years ago he eliminated me leaving out of course the part about how he only did that because I literally jumped in to save Robert from being eliminated. He calls that elimination a victory against me but ignores that my self sacrifice ended up leading to Robert eliminating Chris and winning the match for our time. So yeah, Chris has technically bested me twice but beaten me? No, Chris has never, ever beaten me. And he never, ever will. And Chris knows it. He won't say it of course because Chris Page telling you the truth is about as rare as Chris Page winning a match on his own. If on the off chance it actually does happen it's usually by mistake.
When I came back at March Madness I said that match was not about winning the Universal Title because it wasn't. It was personal. It's still personal but this time it's personal for a whole other reason. Where previously I fought for my friend, a match that I had won until Chris was bailed out by his hired help, now I fight for me. Now I welcome the challenge of outside interference because I know it's coming. Chris will swear up and down that he can win on his own but he knows he can't. He knows he can't because he couldn't before. That was me at my rustiest. Since then I've done nothing but train and better myself as a person and as a wrestler. While Chris was rambling on and on and on for weeks on end about how amazing of a wrestler he is while leaving out all of the inconvenient truths about how he got there I've been as they say hitting the bricks. Tightening up the flaws in my game so that when Wednesday night comes around I will be in a perfect position to DEFEAT Chris Page. If I manage to lose, we'll all know why. It won't come as a shock to anyone who has been paying attention. Chris Page wants this match to be under the banner of Pure Wrestling Rules. Well that's great Chris but I don't recognize your bullcrap stipulations. You want this to be about wrestling and I want this to be about blood and broken body parts. You think that by watering this match down it somehow gives you an advantage by removing what you perceive to be my strength but the truth is my greatest strength is my ability to not give a rip. You want to make this a pure wrestling rules match? Cool. You want to go the other way and make it xtreme rules? That works too. Maybe a ladder match or throw in some tables and chairs. The point is it doesn't matter Chris because when the bell rings I am the better wrestler and you know it. There is a reason all of your matches of late have ended with some B.S going down and it's because YOU KNOW you can't hack it anymore. Part of me wonders if you ever truly could but that doesn't really matter does it? In the here and now, you can't outwrestle me. You can't outwrestle Rob or Jim, I'm not even sure you can outwrestle your protegee Andre Dixon.
What you are better at than me is spinning wild tales. You absolutely are a better liar than I am. A better grifter and a better fraud. A better schemester and a better con but in no way are you a better wrestler than I am. You might think that because you've won countless titles and countless matches over the years that somehow it means something of substance but the truth is it doesn't. All it means is that you've been around a really really really long time. I've had less than 2 dozen matches and the only active title I haven't won in the fed is the Universal Title. You think if I spend a few decades trying I might be able to finally one day crack the code like you did Chris? Thaddeus Duke has done more in two years than you have in two decades. Robert Main and Jim Caedus have both eclipsed you in every conceivable way and in a fraction of the time. Hell so has Bobby Bourbon and in short time his buddy Thunder Knuckles will too. See Chris your numbers and collectibles might sound impressive to the uninformed but those of us in the know, aka, anyone with an IQ that approaches 3 digits, we know that you are career is marred with unending disappointment with the occasional surprise. You are nothing more than a coward playing second fiddle to the guy playing second fiddle. And I know, I know, you're probably listening to this and thinking "Well that guy is a hypocrite, he's nothing more than a sidekick at best" and you'd be right. I am. But that's by choice. Can you say the same?
Even when you were the Universal Champion you were one of the least talked about guys in the place. Imagine that. Finally getting to the top of the mountain after all these years only for people to still treat you like the ugly girl at the dance. That must have been a bitter pill to swallow Chris. There you are standing at the top, finally, finally holding the top prize in the business only for everyone to give you a quick glance and then going about their lives as if nothing of consequence actually occurred. You can lie to yourself and act like your title reign somehow transcended the sport but we all know the truth. Your little time at the top was nothing but a little blip in the timeline in the history of the XWF. This place as it stands has several members on it's roster who have truly transcended, who have truly changed the game, good or bad. You, Chris Page, no matter how hard you try to be that guy, no matter how much you tell all of us and yourself that you are that guy, you aren't. You never will be because you just don't have the chops to be that guy. Not in the ring and certainly not on the mic. Miss Fury just be being the brain behind BOB has done more to change the game of the XWF than you ever have. Think about that for a second. Really sit there and let that marinate in that marijuana mush brain of yours. Our current tag team champions, the guys who have basically become your bodyguards, they too have done more for this company than you ever have. They went Across Enemy Lines and brought back another companies tag team titles. And here you are, hitching your coattails to BOB like the coward you are. Chris Page tying his fates to the shiny new toy of the moment so as to try and seem more important than you actually are. The jig is up Chris. Stop lying to yourself. You have never been less relevant than you are today.
As the scene fades back in we see Drew Archyle in full pirate garb sitting at a bus stop. To his left is a teenager with his eyes fixated on his smart phone. He probably isn't even aware that he is sitting next to a real life part time pirate. To his right is a middle aged woman in medical scrubs. She tries to side eye Drew without being noticed by Captain Arrrrrchyle but unfortunately one of her glances lasts a split second to long and Drew slowly turns his head towards the woman which startles her.
The woman doesn't respond to Drew verbally instead she just smiles and half heartedly nods at him.
"Momma always says life is like a box of pirate booty. You never know what you're gonna get."
Again the woman says nothing instead she just sneers at Drew and then slides herself further down the bench until she is a good 4 feet away from Drew.
"Some people just can't take a joke."
Drew says to the teenager fixated on his phone and as expected is met with no response at all. Fortunately the awkward silence only lasts a few seconds as the bus pulls up. The bus comes to a complete stop before the doors open. Drew, ever the gentlemen allows the techno tranced teen and the mean medical professional enter the bus first before he brings up the rear. As he ascends the 3 steps at the front of the bus a familiar face is there in the drivers seat to greet him.
"Hey there Mr. Drew, is it that time of month again?"
An older African American man whose name tag reads "Marcus" says as he and Drew fist bump before Drew takes his seat right behind Marcus the bus driver. Marcus has been a bus driver, driving this exact bus route for over 30 years. He is basically a household name among those who ride the # 41 line.
"It sure is Mr. James."
Marcus James of Henderson, Nevada, father of two and widower after 35 years of marriage to Clarice pulls a level closing the van door before shifting the bus into gear. The bus abruptly lurches forward and then immediately continues it's journey down the highway.
"When are you gonna give this gig up Mr.James? Spend some time with your kids and grandkids?"
"Not until my son is out of college. He will be the first member of the family to graduate from college you know. Once that's done I will have hopefully saved enough money from this job to pay for his tuition. I told him when he was in high school that if he went to college and graduated I will pay for it. My wife's life insurance gave us a little money to put towards his education but not enough.."
Marcus says as he looks up in his large rear view mirror so as to make eye contact with Drew.
"If you don't mind me asking Mr. James, and I hope this isn't too personal but about how much does it cost to send someone to UNLV for 4 years?"
"About 10 grand a year give or take."
"So you're trying to save up 40 grand or so?"
"A bit more than that. We took out a loan which a modest interest rate but by the end it's closer to 55 grand."
"I see that makes sense. I never went to college myself. Sometimes I wished I had but I've done ok for myself. Thankfully i've had some really great friends and a good support system. One more question Mr. James, about how much more do you have to save up before you get to that finish line?"
"About 15 thousand dollars."
"I see. So you can see the light at the end of the title but it's not close enough yet."
"No it's not Mr. Drew but with God's Grace I'll get there."
"Yes you will Mr.James, I know you will. Ok I lied, one last question and it's one I should know the answer to, what did you say your son's name was? I know we talked about him before but for some reason I just can't remember."
"His name is Trey, Mr.Drew. Trey Winston James."
"That's it. Trey. I can't believe I forgot that."
Drew reaches into his back pocket and pulls out a small black book with an even smaller #2 pencil. He opens the book and flips a few pages before coming to the page he wants. At the top of the page it says "To Do List". The first 2 items on the list are crossed out. The next two items which read "Talk To Dewey" and "Buy ring" are not. Drew then quickly scribbles "Contact UNLV - Anonymously pay Trey's Tuition." before closing the small book and putting both it and his small pencil back into his back pocket.
"Mr. James I just want to say you are an inspiration to the members of this community. You were a loving husband and a wonderful father. I hope one day to be just like you. I really mean that."
"Thank you Mr. Drew. That is really kind of you to say."
"Maybe, but it's the truth and people deserve to hear the truth whenever possible."
Drew's time on the bus lasts a few more minutes before the bus comes to a stop right in front of Sunrise Children's Hospital, located on S. Maryland Parkway which is in between North Las Vegas and Las Vegas proper.
"Have a great day Mr. James."
"You too Mr.Drew. Say hello to the kids for me."
"I absolutely will."
Drew and the mean medical professional both step off the bus and head into the hospital as the scene fades to black.
Before I go I want to try and put a nice bow on things. So far BOB has had it's fun running roughshod over the XWF roster collecting bodies and titles but like all things, it too must come to an end. It started at Leap Of Faith when the combined forces of Apex and Legacy cost you Chris your precious Universal Title. And it carried over to a few weeks ago when Apex cost your protegee Andre Dixon his TV title. And those tag titles that Bobby and TK seemingly have a stranglehold on, those too will vanish from their waists soon enough because of us. This is not a threat, so much as it is a promise of things to come. And then we will see what happens when everyone in your orbit realizes the harsh truth that every bad thing that has happened to them has happened because of their association with you. We will see what happens when the cracks in the armor of BOB start to form and the false bravado of Chris Page vanishes like a fart in the wind. I wonder what will happen when the man at the front of BOB leading the charge against Apex Legacy gets stabbed in the back by the very cronies he conned into helping him steal his seat at the head of the table.
Chris you keep brushing me off as the goofy sidekick to Robert Main. The guy no one should ever take seriously because he doesn't take himself seriously and your right about that. I don't. I believe there are more important things to life than wrestling. But that's my prerogative and you are making a mountain of a mistake thinking that my place in the hierarchy of this company is what it is because I CAN'T achieve more. You keep banking on the status quo holding serve. That you and BOB will keep doing what you want because no one has stopped you. So far that has been the case but your mistake is thinking that no one can. Well Chris I'm here to tell you to your face that this ain't that kind of story. This is the other kind, this is the story about how sometimes the underdog rise and the mighty fall.
w/ Robert "The Omega" Main and and James Raven "Apex" Longest reigning tag team champions in XWF history at 241 days.
February 2018 Superstar Of The Month
March 2019 RPOTM For Captain Americhyle - The First Apexvenger
Winning Team War Games 2017 w/ Apex
XWF Federweight Champion