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Saturday Night Savage 02-27-2020
Author Message
Theo Pryce Offline
King of Kings
Management Lv. E-Rex

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

02-28-2021, 06:01 AM

[Image: V3i33MC.png]



Mini Morbid
- vs -
Slash Hopkins

Liam Roberts
- vs -
Osira Themis
March Madness Round 1

Solace Tatum
- vs -
Kris "The Hammer" Von Bonn
March Madness Round 1

Noah Jackson
- vs -
The Storyteller
March Madness Round 1

Ned Kaye
- vs -
Scarlet "The Huntress" Donaldson
March Madness Round 1

Kieran Overton
- vs -
Miss Fury
March Madness Round 1
Fury Rules(Xtreme Rules)

- vs -
Dean Rose
Barroom Brawl
Match will take place in the failing XWF New York Restaurant

Shawn Warstein
- vs -
Bearded War Pig
March Madness Round 1

Hawaiian Hardhead
- vs -
Hanari Carnes
March Madness Round 1

Ash Quinn
- vs -
Mandii Rider
March Madness Round 1

[Image: rWOE8Gi.png]

Corey Smith & Thaddeus Duke ©
- vs -
Charlie Nickles & Jim Jimson
TLC Tornado Tag

The scene cuts to the loading dock of Madison Square Garden where a black limo is pulling into the building where it pulls to a smooth stop. The driver opens his door and steps out of the driver's seat where he walks back to the back door opening it up where the XWF Universal Champion Chris Page steps out through a smoky haze that bellows out upon the door opening. Chris is wearing a pair of black leather pants with a blue sport coat, black-framed shades covering his eyes as he slings the Universal Championship over his right shoulder.

Chris starts to walk towards the backstage area when he is approached by Steve Sayors.

Steve Sayors- “ Chris Page, later tonight you are set to address the world regarding the shocking revelation that Thunder Knuckles was the man that attacked Robert Main and has potentially ended his career. What can you tell us now?”

Chris Page walks right past Steve Sayors giving him a middle finger towards inches away from Steve’s face garnering boos from the crowd.

PC: "We've got quite an interesting match starting us off here tonight, as newcomer Slash Hopkins will be taking on the veteran, Mini Morbid."

HHL: "This'll be a good opportunity for Slash to establish himself. If he can't beat someone the size of Morbid, he might as well go home."

PC: "I take offense to that!"

HHL: "Sorry, didn't mean to get short with you."

PC: "It's quite alrigh.......... HEY!!!"

The lights go out…the crowd screams with anticipation for who is to enter! The rhythmic drumming sounding like a battle march gets louder. The lights slowly come on turning the arena red.

Double bass starts drilling as Aeon’s - God Gives Head in Heaven roars over the loud speakers!

Mini Morbid Angel storms from the backstage area and flexes his massive arms for the crowd who screams with excitement!

Mini Morbid stomps down to the ring and steps over to the top rope and walks to the center of the ring and flexes again!

PC: "It's always a pleasure to see Mini Morbid somewhere other than Anarchy."

HHL: "He wasn't gonna pass up the opportunity to compete inside the world famous Madison Square Garden!"

A motorcycle revs up before the music hits, as Slash Hopkins makes his way out from the back to little crowd reaction. He doesn't let this affect him, though, as he heads down to the ring with his eyes locked on his opponent. Slash climbs onto the apron and into the ring, where he immediately heads towards Morbid, only for the referee to stop him.

PC: "Hopkins almost looks offended by his choice of opponent."

HHL: "Then I guess he better win."

The ref tells Slash to wait a moment, before turning around and making sure Mini Morbid is ready. Upon receiving confirmation, the referee calls for the bell and steps out of Hopkins' way.

Mini Morbid
- vs -
Slash Hopkins

Slash goes to grab his opponent, but Mini Morbid runs through his legs, causing Hopkins to nearly fall over. He manages to catch himself, but ends up turning into a Shining Wizard from Mini who quickly covers.

Hopkins bench presses Morbid off of him so hard, it sends him flying over the top rope all the way to the outside as the audience gasps in horror.

PC: "Oh my God, poor Mini Morbid!!!!"

Amazingly, Morbid is able to do three front flips in a row before landing on his feet to a standing ovation from the MSG crowd.

HHL: "Mini Morbid looked like a superhero!"

PC: "Listen to the fans, Heather, he IS a superhero!"

Morbid waves to the crowd for a moment, only to be surprised by a Tackle from Slash Hopkins off the apron, receiving a handful a boos for his trouble.

PC: "This guy is NOT very charismatic AT ALL."

HHL: "Pretty obvious Madison Square Garden loves Mini Morbid."

Slash Hopkins tosses Morbid back into the ring, rolling in behind him and climbing up to the second rope. Hopkins jumps off towards his opponent, who manages to roll out of the way at the last second, causing Slash to Belly Flop hard on the canvas. With his opponent down, Mini Morbid hurries to the top rope and dives off the moment Hopkins makes it to his feet. Unfortunately for Morbid, though, Slash catches him, effortlessly, in mid-air.

HHL: "The little guy's in trouble now!"

Slash goes to lift Morbid up for a Body Slam, but Mini is able to reverse it into a Phoenixrana. He sends Hopkins flying across the ring, before running at him the moment he gets back up and going for a Running Bulldog. Slash is able to escape his opponent's clutches, though, using his momentum to throw him towards the ropes and connect with a brutal Big Boot that sends Morbid flying backwards into the ropes and down to the mat. He then uses a single foot to roll Mini over and cover him.


HHL: "Morbid's heart is bigger than he is!"

PC: "Truly an inspiration for the vertically challenged everywhere!"

Slash picks his opponent up with one hand and tosses him into the corner, where he drives his Boot into Mini's throat as the referee gives him a 5 count. Once he reaches 4, Hopkins takes his foot away and Irish Whips Morbid towards the opposite corner. To the surprise of everyone in attendance, Mini Morbid runs up the turnbuckles like they were stairs, before turning around and connecting with a Flying Spear from the top rope, leaving both men out on the mat.

PC: "If Mini Morbid can make it to his feet first, these fans are gonna blow the roof off this place!"

HHL: "They might do the same with boos if Slash manages to get up first."

Both men roll over onto their stomachs, before slowly crawling to their knees. Thankfully for Mini Morbid, his lack of height allows him to get up a few steps ahead of Hopkins, garnering a HUGE pop from the audience. Slash swings at Morbid, but misses completely due to their size difference, allowing Mini to sneak behind him and pull something out of his costume.

HHL: "What the hell is THAT?!?"

PC: "I think it's Gilly's severed dick!"

Slash Hopkins turns around and Mini Morbid jumps as high as he can, allowing him to jam the cock down his opponent's throat. Hopkins begins choking, clutching at his neck in desperation to get a breath, to no avail. The fans laugh as he struggles to pull it out of his mouth, only to lose consciousness and fall backwards. Somehow, Slash lands on the ropes and gets catapulted back towards Morbid, where one of his massive arms is able to Clothesline him so hard, he does another three flips in the air before crashing down to the mat simultaneously with his opponent.

PC: "What the hell just happened?"

HHL: "I'm not quite sure, but if neither of them answers the ref's 10 count, this match will end in a Draw!!!!!"

Winner - Draw due to double count out

Osira walks out wearing a BOB t-shirt. She is met with a mixed reaction as the fans just can't decide whether to cheer or boo the BOBbies! Osira postures on the stage as a golden shower of sparklers falls like a curtain behind her. Osira then makes her way down the stage as all of the male fans reach out in hopes to touch her, but Osira gives them the cold shoulder and climbs up on the apron before stepping through the middle ropes.

PIP: You know, Osira did a fine job of holding her own against Kenzie Grey on Anarchy. Too bad she wasn't actually scheduled for the match!

HHL: Hey PIP, what if tonight Osira is actually Miss Fury under a mask?

PIP: That's crazy! That's obviously Osira in the ring! They don't make masks that convincing!

HHL: You never know PIP, BOB-Labs just might!

Liam's music hits and he comes charging out of the back like a maniac! He runs down the ramp slapping a few hands along the way before sliding into the ring and charging right up to Osira, shoving her back with his forehead as he talks some smack!

PIP: Liam Roberts looks to be all business tonight!

HHL: No, Liam Roberts looks like a dork tonight! Where was this fire in the weeks leading into the match?

PIP: Undoubtedly missing, but the same could be said for Osira as well!

Ari Silversteen calls for the bell!

Liam Roberts
- vs -
Osira Themis
March Madness Round 1

PIP: I didn't realize it until now, but it seems that BOB somehow managed to get the referee who's in their pocket assigned to this match. I think that it's safe to say that any chance Liam Roberts might have had tonight, it's out the window now!

HHL: Whoa, whoa, whoa! Pip, you can't just go dropping accusations like that! Ari could sue you for slander!

PIP: Oh jeez, fine, the referee who is ALLEGEDLY in BOB's pocket!

Osira steps out of the corner looking to get a feel for her opponent, but Liam has a different strategy in mind and darts out of his corner with a flying bodypress that smashes Osira right back into hers! Liam lands on his feet and moves in again, hitting Osira with a standing dropkick! She smashes against the turnbuckles and slumps down to a seated position. Liam runs across the ring, pivots, and darts back, flying in with a running knee that Osira narrowly avoids! Liam wastes little time chasing after her, but Osira shoves a thumb into Liam's eye causing him to back off. Osira follows through with an arm drag then clings on with an arm bar as Liam hits the mat!

PIP: Notice how Ari didn't call that eye poke!

HHL: Give the man a break Pip, he was distracted by the fat kid in the front row who was trying to start a Big Preesh chant!

Liam grabs the bottom rope, and surprisingly Ari calls for the break!

HHL: See Pip, he's calling it fair!

But Osira doesn't let go, instead Ari stomps on Liam's arm!

PIP: Oh yeah, that's totally fair and impartial!

HHL: Oh, he meant BREAK!

Osira releases the hold after Ari stomps it. Liam rolls on the mat holding the inflicted arm as you wonder if it' broken for real! Osira gets back to her feet and lays the boots to Liam a few times before walking away to taunt the fans with her new BOB awesomeness! While she's doing this, Ari kneels down to check on Liam, but the camera angle actually catches him seemingly trying to bribe Liam as he stuffs a stack of bills down Liam's trunks.

PIP: What was that!? WHAT WAS THAT!?! Did Ari just try to bribe Liam Roberts!?

HHL: No way Pip! He was probably just offering a cash settlement for that injured arm! Nobody has time for lawsuits during the pandemic, you know!?

Liam grabs the money from out of his trunks and looks at it as he still favors that injured arm. He climbs up to his knees with the money out in front of his face. He spits on it and throws it to the side as the bills scatter ringside and fans desperately try to reach over the barricade for the free money!

PIP: It looks like Liam isn't willing to just lay down and die!

HHL: Yeah? Could have fooled me!

Liam doesn't have time to get to his feet as Osira rushes in the moment he tosses those bills and cracks his skull with a running single knee. Osira drops to her knees and pounds on Liam with a wild flurry of rights and lefts that are essentially a seated version of her trademark What Ten Count. Liam tries to deflect as many of the shots as he can, but Osira is relentless in her assault and eventually one too many slip through and render Liam unconscious! Osira then returns to her feet. She paces for a moment as she regains her breath, keeping an eye on Liam the entire time. Liam does begin to stir when he pulls himself towards the ropes and starts trying to use them to climb back to his feet. He makes it up to a knee when Osira moves in. She grabs Liam by his hair and yanks him up. She whips him out for a short arm clothesline, but on the rebound Liam ducks and positions himself behind her! Osira turns around only to be met with a kick to the midsection followed by a DDT!

PIP: Against all odds, Liam Roberts has taken control of this match!

Osira lays there cradling her head as Liam paces around getting himself pumped up!

HHL: He's wasting time though! When you turn the tides of a match like this, you stay on them!

Liam moves back in and stomps Osira's midsection a couple of times to keep her compliant. He then leans over and pulls her to her feet. He pushes her back into the corner and keeps her there is a knife edge chop that echoes through the arena!

Crowd: OHHHHH!

Liam takes a few steps back and rushes in with a big splash! Osira springs out of the corner on shaky legs. Liam hits a second DDT and goes for the cover!

PIP: Uh ONE!? Where's Ari!?

The camera cuts to show that Ari is at ringside arguing with the fat kid from earlier!

HHL: Looks like he's dealing with an unruly fat kid!

PIP: That's not his job!

Osira kicks out near three, but there's no way of knowing for sure since Ari is distracted. Liam slaps the mat out of frustration before rolling out and arguing with Ari. Ari tries to explain that the fat kid chanting Big Peesh is annoying the other fans or something, but Liam doesn't want to hear it and threatens Ari with a closed fist. Scared for his life, Ari submits and returns to the ring. Liam follows suit.

PIP: Finally, we can get back to the match, but Liam had to waste a lot of time chasing after Ari. You have to wonder if it was enough time for Osira to recover!?

Liam moves in on Osira looking to set her up for the Kill Somebody, but Osira grabs Liam and rolls him up for the pin!




Winner - Osira Themis

Liam getting an elbow up just after the 3 count! Osira celebrates her slim victory.

"The following first round contest is scheudled for one fall...

"Introducing first, making her way to the ring... SOLACE TATUNM!"

Solace makes her way to the ring.

"Her opponent..."


The lights go out. Then Thunderstruck by ACDC starts playing. And only white lighting starts flickering on the stage as the song starts. Just as the lyrics get to 'Thunderstruck', there is a glow on the stage, and Kris The Hammer Von Bonn is lit up by the glow and he is holding his Hammer. The lights come back on fully, and he walks all the way to the ring, followed by his Manager Antony The Jerk.

Kris walks up the steel steps. Then climbs into the ring. Oh each side of the ring, he lifts his Hammer in the air, and poses to the audience. He does this four times, one for each side of the ring. He then places his hammer in the corner, and waits for his opponent.

Solace Tatum
- vs -
Kris "The Hammer" Von Bonn
March Madness Round 1

The match starts with both Solace and Kris walking calmly to the center of the ring. The pair slowly circle each other for a few moments before locking up! Kris shifts his weight up and down as he pushes Solace into the far turnbuckle. The pair are still locked up, but Solace’s back is firmly pressed against the turnbuckle. Kris delivers a few quick knees to Solace’s midsection forcing Solace to let go. Kris follows up with a stiff right hand that knocks Solace flat against the turnbuckle.

PC: This is a strong start for The Hammer!

HHL: We haven’t seen him on TV in a while, but it looks like he hasn’t missed a step!

Kris pulls Solace out of the corner only to lock her into a suplex! She crashes against the mat with a loud ooft. The Hammer wastes no time before hopping on top of her and delivering blow after blow! Solace is trying to defend herself with her arms, but Kris is having no time! He grabs her by the arm and locks her into a kimura armbar! Solace hollers in pain as she tries to reach the ropes, but it’s no use! They’re way too far away!

PC: He’s got that hold locked in tight!

HHL: What an amazing start to the tournament for THE HAMMER! He's my surprise pick to make a deep run in this tournament!

Solace calms herself down as she emulates all of her training. She slowly and carefully slides out of the hold before kicking Kris away and hopping up to her feet. Antony The Jerk cheers Kris on from outside the ring. The Jerk tells The Hammer to charge…..and he does!

Kris charges right into a superkick from Solace! He backs up a few paces with a clear grog to his step, but he still stands! For a few seconds! After some wobbly steps Kris falls down to the ground anyways! Solace senses her opportunity. She runs towards the turnbuckle nearest Kris and hops up on the top rope like it was nothing! Antony The Jerk jogs to the post and tries to climb up on the ring apron, but by the time he nears Solace she’s already left her feet! She moonsaults down onto Kris, who lets out a loud “ooft!” as Solace’s body crashes into him. Antony The Jerk is pulling out his hair as he watches the tides of the match turn. He tries to complain to the referee, but they don’t give a shit about what he has to say! Solace goes for the cover!



Kris gets the shoulder up just in time! Solace rolls off of him and stands to her feet. She delivers a couple of boots to the downed man’s face before picking The Hammer up. Kris gets to his feet but is practically tripping over his own shoes. Solace kicks him in the gut one time before delivering the Tatum Bomb (facebuster)! Kris’s head goes slamming off the mat! He looks to be out!


HHL: She’s just about got this one wrapped up, Pip!

Solace goes for the cover, hooking a leg as he hold Kris’s shoulders flat against the mat.



Antony The Jerk is on the ring apron holding a hammer! He looks set to step between the ropes but the referee stands to their feet and tells him off! The referee and Antony start arguing!

PC: Solace has this match won! Antony is trying to prevent the ref from doing his job!

HHL: He’s just doing his job as a manager, Pip!

Solace has had enough of this. She hops off of Kris before scrambling over to the arguing men. Out of nowhere…..SUPERKICK! Antony The Jerk flies to the mat.


PC : He was asking for it!

Kris The Hammer has now started to stir. He slowly pushes himself to his feet as Solace walks back to him. Within what seems like a millisecond Kris is in Solace’s grasp. Another millisecond goes by and we see Solace hit a HUGE reverse swinging neck breaker!

PC: The Sol Searcher!

HHL: It’s really over this time!

Solace hooks the leg.




Winner - SolaceTatum

PC: What a first round win for Solace! She looked damn good in that ring!

HHL: I know that I wouldn’t want to meet this hot young upstart in the second round...but someone is going to have to!


PC: "It's the sickest c-word in XWF!!!!!"

The crowd pops as Noah Jackson strolls lazily from the back and basks in the glow of sick cunt energy washing over him. He slowly puts his right foot forward and glides down the ramp on his heelies, rhythmically raising and lowering pointed fingers to the sky as the crowd chants.


Until he reaches the apron where he gracefully rolls under the bottom rope and goes straight to the corner continuing his motions and the chants until his music is rudely cut off.

HHL: "It's been a minute since we've seen the former TV/Tag Team Champion in action, but he's back and looking to become King.............. c-word."

PC: "He's got an interesting challenge ahead of him with The Story Teller. We know what to expect out of Noah, but we aren't quite sure yet what to make of the newcomer."

The Story Teller walks to the front of the stage with a book in hand. He makes his way to the ring and places the book down just outside the ring before sliding in. Once inside, he jumps on the ropes, and uses his hands in a cup motion to signify a book.

PC: "The Story Teller wasn't able to pull off a victory last week, but showed alot of potential, nonetheless. If he can pull off a win here tonight against a former Champion, things will start going in the right direction for sure."

HHL: "Absolutely. Sarah Lacklan got her big break in March Madness a couple years back, no reason The Story Teller cant have a similar..............[b]story

PC: "Did you just make a pun?"

HHL: "No; not intentionally, at least."

With both men looking ready to start, the referee calls for the bell and the match gets under way.

Noah Jackson
- vs -
The Storyteller
March Madness Round 1

The Story Teller goes to lock up with Noah, who ducks under his arms and rides his heelies over to the ropes where he poses for the crowd. The Story Teller looks a little annoyed, turning around and charging at his opponent from behind. Jackson managed to see this out of the corner of his eye, allowing him to drop down to the mat, pulling on the top rope, and sending The Story Teller toppling over to the outside. Noah starts another "CUNT!" chant, which the raucous crowd happily joins in on.

PC: "Noah looks happy to be back, that's for sure!"

HHL: "Seems like his trolling has gotten worse, too!"

PC: "What YOU call trolling, I call having fun!"

HHL: "Well, it doesn't look like The Story Teller's having any fun."

The Story Teller immediately gets to his feet and slaps the ring apron in frustration as the ref starts a lax 10 count. He paces back and forth for a second as Noah Jackson runs back to the opposite side and towards his opponent on the outside. Just when it looks like he's gonna go for some high impact move, he slowly leans over the top rope and rolls over into The Story Teller's arms. Unfortunately for Noah, though, his opponent is able to stay on his feet and hold him in place.

PC: "The Death Defying Leap backfires!"

HHL: "Guess that's what he gets for being a troll."

The Story Teller holds Jackson in position for a moment, before tossing him up and delivering a vicious Neckbreaker onto the floor. He then drags Noah up and rolls him into the ring, where he follows close behind with a cover.


The Story Teller runs to the ropes as Noah goes to get up and puts him back down with a Knee to the Face, before dropping down for another cover.


PC: "Noah may be a troll, but there's a reason he's held gold on multiple occasions here."

HHL: "Because his dad carried him?"

PC: "Yeah right! If anything, HE carried Fuzz!"

The Story Teller brings Noah to a vertical base before tossing him back to the mat with a Snapmare, Kicking him in the spine afterwards for good measure. He then gets back to his feet and heads over to the corner, where he ascends the turnbuckles all the way to the top and waits for his opponent to get up. Once he does, The Story Teller dives off for a Clothesline attempt, but Noah manages just step out of the way, causing him to crash against the canvas. Jackson wags his finger and shakes his head as his opponent writhes on the ground in pain.

PC: "Smart move by Noah!"

HHL: "Not very often you hear the words "smart" and "Noah" in the same sentence!"

Jackson turns around and spits at his opponent, narrowly missing him. This lights a fuse under The Story Teller, causing him to pop up and rush at Noah, who takes advantage of his emotions with a surprise Rake of the Eyes. The ref hounds him for it, but the Sick Cunt ignores him and delivers a Throat Chop. He gets another earful from the ref, but Noah insists he meant to Chop his chest and "slipped," before wrapping his opponent up in a Headlock, complete with a noogie.

PC: "Now Noah's just messing with him!"

HHL: "NOW?!? He's been messing with him the entire match!"

PC: "I don't know, that Death Defying Leap looked like it had aLOT of potential!"

HHL: "Keep telling yourself that, Pip."

As Noah continues to drive his knuckles into the top of his opponent's head, he leans forward and begins Biting him. The referee rolls his eyes and reminds him he can't do that, either, getting called a "CUNT!" for his trouble.

PC: "Noah's been out of action for quite some time, seems he forgot the rules!"

HHL: "Something tells me he didn't forget, he just doesn't care."

Noah Jackson continues to keep hold of The Story Teller's head, until he finally manages the strength to lift Noah up into a Backdrop position and bring him down across his knee for a modified Backbreaker. Both men lay sprawled out as the referee slowly starts a count.

PC: "What happens if neither man gets up in time?"

HHL: "I suppose someone would get a bye, then."

PC: "Who?"

HHL: "No idea."

PC: "You know what would help with that? BRACKETS"

The referee gets to 3 when Noah begins to stir, followed close behind by The Story Teller. They each manage to get to their feet simultaneously, with Jackson being slightly a step ahead. He swings at his opponent, who ducks under Noah's arm and responds with a Kick to the gut, before bending him over and getting him into Pedigree position.

PC: "This could be the End of the Chapter for Noah Jackson!"

Before The Story Teller can deliver the move, Noah is able to escape and go for an Enzuiguri. The Story Teller manages to hang onto his opponent's plant foot and dodge the other one, before stepping over him and locking in a Boston Crab!

HHL: "Looks like Noah's March Madness journey is about to come to a Full Stop!"

The Story Teller applies pressure to the legs and lower back of Noah Jackson, who screams obscenities at his opponent as he tries to fight out of it. Luckily for Noah, their exchange brought them close enough to the ropes for him to reach out and grab the bottom one, forcing a break.

PC: "I bet The Story Teller wishes he'd pulled Noah closer to the center!"

HHL: "Hindsight's 20/20, all he can do is look ahead and make his next move."

The Story Teller brings Noah Jackson to his feet and gets him in DDT position as the fans get to their feet in anticipation. He goes to hoist Jackson up for the Book End, but Noah's able to flip himself out of his opponent's grasp and land behind him. This allows him to do a King Hit to the back of the Story Teller's head, sending him falling forward towards the top rope. He bounces off and into Noah's arms, allowing him to bend The Story Teller over with his head between his legs.

PC: "He could be setting up for a Down Thunder!"

Noah lifts his opponent up and flips him around in mid-air, driving his head into the mat between his legs. The impact causes The Story Teller's body to go limp and fall to the mat, allowing Jackson to hook a leg for the cover.


Winner- Noah Jackson via pinfall

PC: "And Noah picks up the win in his return match!"

HHL: "He may have looked sloppy at times, but Noah will advance to the next round of March Madness."

With his opponent out on the mat, Noah raises his fingers and points to the heavens, all the while starting what could be the greatest "CUNT!" chant anyone has ever seen.

PC: "Did you ever expect all of Madison Square Garden to chant with Noah like that?"

HHL: "I can honestly say I didn't, but his performance tonight earned one."

There's a mixed reception as Bobby Bourbon is shown standing outside the locker room door of Chris Page. He knocks on the door and waits. It is suddenly swung open by Chris Page who is now jacketless, shadeless, and is wrapping his right hand in white tape.

BOBBY BOURBON- Listen man Thunder Knuckles sent me to see if you wanted to talk things out after what happened on Warfare!

Chris instantly cuts him off while in midsentence.

Listen, Bobby, listen well because I am only going to say this one time.

There is nothing but sheer seriousness and all business within the tone of the Universal Champion as he continues.

You go tell Thunder Knuckles, Fury, Oswald, and whoever else is here with BoB that later on tonight I am walking to that ring... and if Thunder Knuckles has the guts he's going to meet me face to face.

Chris starts to shut the door only to open it up and state.

I do not walk out there to talk.

Chris closes the door on Bobby Bourbon as the scene fades back to ringside.

HHL: With everything going on around Chris Page he has come to Madison Square Garden to get some answers from the man that cracked the skull of Robert Main.

Pip: Thunder Knuckles just knocked some sense into that Walnut Brain of Robert Main.

"The following first round contest is scheduled for one fall...

"Introducing first, NED KAYE!"

The entire stadium goes black as the song begins. Slowly, the X-Tron begins to show scarce, glowing embers, the light of each one illuminating smoke growing at the entrance of the ramp. As the song continues, more embers are seen until a large fire is displayed on the screen. The ramp then glows Ned's famous blue, revealing a silhouette in the smoke. Slowly stepping from the fog is none other then Notorious Ned Kaye. He stops for a moment, calming himself in front of the clamoring crowd. He lifts an arm, eyeing the stands to watch the many audience members who follow suit. With a single smile, he drops his arm and rushes towards the ring, slipping in from under the bottom rope, picking himself up immediately.

"His opponent...

"About to make her way to the ring... SCARLET "THE HUNTRESS" DONALDSON!

Eye of the Tiger plays and from the back steps Scarlet The Hunteress Donaldson. She kneels down at the top of the stage, and acts like she is looking for footprints of her opponents. Then the Misfits Manager Antony The Jerk joins her, and they both head to the ring. On special occasions like Main Events and title matches she could be joined by the rest of the Misfits. Kris The Hammer Valentine and Melanie Crayzee Childs.

Ned Kaye
- vs -
Scarlet "The Huntress" Donaldson
March Madness Round 1


The crowd responds as Ned and Scarlet start to circle each other before locking up center ring. Ned uses his size and strength to back Scarlet up several feet and snatching a side headlock where he then takes her over to the mat! Scarlet quickly counters into a head scissors , Ned transitions into an ankle lock submission attempt that sees Scarlet roll through and pop back up to her feet with a stalemate between the two.

HHL: Nice tidbit of chain wrestling to start things off with.

They circle each other once again before looking to lock up, Scarlet evades with a go around where she takes a back waist lock on Kaye where he snaps off a release German Suplex! Scarlet gets back to her feet where she sizes up Ned and as he stands up he is met with a superkick to the gut followed by being spiked head first into the mat with a DDT!

Pip: Scarlet is not playing around in the opening minutes!

Scarlet makes a cover!




Ned kicks out of the near fall. Scarlet gets back to a vertical base where she reaches down picking Ned up off the mat before hurling him across the ring and into the ropes, Kaye bounces off the near side ducking under a Scarlet clothesline attempt where he bounces off the far side gaining a full head of steam as he delivers a flying forearm to the Huntress!

Kaye gets back to his feet where he picks Scarlet up off the mat; he rocks her with several European Uppercuts before driving her back into a set of buckles. Ned laces Scarlet across the chest with a knife edge chop before hoisting her up to the top turnbuckle. Ned steps up on the middle ropes where he locks a front face lock. Ned looks to deliver a suoerplex!

Scarlet latches on to the top rope blocking the attempt, she lands several jabs to the ribs breaking Ned’s grasp before slipping through his legs landing on the mat where she brings him out of the corner with a running Powerbomb! Scarlet holds for the cover.




Ned kicks out to a huge pop from the crowd.

HHL: Sweet Running Liger Bomb from Scarlet to the former Hart Champion.

Scarlet gets back to her feet where she debates before reaching down picking Ned back up the canvass. She sends him crashing into a set of buckles and charges in after him where she eats his right boot to the face. Ned comes out of the corner with a spinning roundhouse kick that sends Scarlet to the mat.

Scarlet rolls over and starts pushing her way back up to a vertical base as Ned bounces off the near side delivering an axe kick across the back of the neck of The Huntress! Ned makes a cover hooking the far leg.




Scarlet escapes the near fall.

Pip: The Huntress is showing some heart with the kick out.

HHL: It is all about making it to that next round and coming one step closer to being named King or Queen of the XWF.

Ned gets back up to his feet. He picks up Scarlet where he delivers a side Russian leg sweep! Kaye rolls out to the ring apron where he reaches his feet, he sizes up Scarlet before spring boarding off the top rope with a 450 splash only to see Scarlet draw up her knees causing Ned to crash stomach first on them.

Pip: Scarlet able to see that one coming. Now it is Ned who finds himself in a spot as Scarlet starts to get back to her feet.

Scarlet is back up to a vertical base where she picks Ned up before delivering a back breaker! Scarlet opts not to cover and instead steps back out to the ring apron where she starts to climb up to the top rope. Scarlet locks in on Ned before leaping off the top rope with a Frog Splash attempt!

Ned rolls out of the way and it is Scarlet who ends up crashing and burning!

Ned makes his way back towards a corner before getting himself back up to his feet. He sizes up Scarlet and charges forward with a Notorious Knee square to the face of Scarlet! Ned makes the cover!




]Winner - Ned Kaye

Ned raises his fist up proudly, taking in the atmosphere and looking out at the crowd with a smile. He motions for a microphone.

HHL: "You love to see it! The former Hart champ might not have the best start to his 2021, but he's certainly finding some momentum and making statements coming into the March Madness tournament!"

PC: "Now, I'll say what we're all thinking, Heather: It's nice to see Ned win to get a bit of momentum, but these bold claims about winning the tournament? It's just not bound to happen. I like Ned, but he's about as prepared to win this thing as I am to text my ex-girlfriend."

HHL: "Then you think he's got a good shot?"

PC: "Oh, ha ha. Let's quiet down now, the man's about to speak!"

Ned takes the microphone and begins to talk, noticing that it doesn't seem to be picking up his words. He taps it a bit when suddenly, the lights on the nosebleed seats cut out, prompting alert on the Notorious One's face. He tosses the mic away, bracing himself for an ambush!

PC: "You have got to be kidding me! Where's security when you need em'?"

HHL: "This is looking like a repeat attack from the same people who attacked Ned on the Feb 11th Anarchy and seemingly assaulted Hart Champion R.L. Edgar on the last Warfare! Looking like it's about to get dark in here!"

The lights closer to the ring begin to flicker off when all of the lights die immediately! Commotion is heard from the ring… when a weak flashlight illuminates some of the battle in the middle of the ring!

PC: "I'm so sick of not being able to see because some assholes want to beat someone and not be caught doing it! Can you make out any details, Heather?"

HHL: "I can see Ned fairly well, but I have no clue who's attacking him! Could you try holding that damn thing steady?"

PC: "Give me a break here, at least I have a light!"

After a huge crash and the sounds of retreat through the audience, the lights finally come back on, a turnbuckle pad uncovered and Ned bleeding from the forehead in a head on the ground. As his body crumples further to roll onto his chest, a giant "17" is painted in black on back.

HHL: "Anarchy, Warfare, and now Savage. Whoever did this, they're certainly not willing to stick to one brand. Any clue who it could be?"

PC: "Isn't it obvious? It has to be The Left Hand! They have the beef with Edgar! They have Lycana looking to snatch his Hart Title on this upcoming Warfare and they likely are beating on Ned to just for the hell of it."

HHL: "The more that gets said, Pip, the less certain I am that they're behind it. We'll just have to see how this plays out. Hopefully, more people aren't dragged into this. We'll be right back with you in a sec, folks."

The scene fades to a quick commercial break as a medical team checks on Kaye.

Beast by Puppy plays over the sound system as there's a massive amount of boos when Kieran Overton walks out as he screams on top of his lungs with his hands in the air on top of the ramp, wearing shorts, shirt, gloves, and boots before walking down as he ignores each one of the fans before he goes up the steps and goes over the top rope and places his hand on his left arm, basically not giving a damn about them before he turns to anger, while he goes to sit in the corner, waiting for his opponent to come to the ring.

PIP: "Kieran Overton looks angry."

HHL: "He always looks angry, but can his anger match his opponent's Fury!?"

PIP: "Wait, that's not Miss Fury!"

HHL: "No shit Sherlock! It's Thunder Knuckles!"

PIP: "Well what's he doing out here!? He's not a part of this match!"

Thunder Knuckles comes out to a huge ovation and soaks it in at the top of the stage.

PIP: Why are people cheering this man?! He's a self professed supervillain and does horrible things all the time!

HHL: That's true, but he's entertaining, and the people like to be entertained!

TK makes his way over to the announce desk.

PIP: Oh crap, he's coming over here!

HHL: Maybe he's going to call the match with us!?

PIP: I hope not.

TK can be heard through PIP's headset yelling.

TK: Move it or fucking lose it!

TK motions for PIP to GTFO. PIP removes his headset and backs away from the desk with his hands up. TK takes his headset and seat.

TK: A'll right, now that we have a commentating team worthy of calling this match, let's get this show on the fucking road, shall we!

Miss Fury's music plays as the crowd turns their attention to the stage. As Fury walks out dressed in her black catsuit and mask she is greeted with a mixed reaction with the hardcore fans cheering as the casuals boo. Fury plays into the smaller section of fans that are rooting for her as Kieran Overton paces the ring.

TK: "Would you listen to that fucking reaction! I can't wait to see the ratings for tonight's Savage! Bet we break some fucking records!"

HHL: "It's a reaction sure, but not a good one TK!"

TK: "What's your point, Heather!? Are you saying the fucking crickets we heard during OverAton's entrance was better!?"

HHL: "Well no, but… WHAT THE HELL!"

As Kieran stands in the middle of the ring staring up at the stage and his opponent, he doesn't realize that the actual and unmasked Miss Fury just slid into the ring behind him.

TK: "Oh tubby tubby tubby, look behind you!"

Kieran notices the fans freaking out over something in the ring. He turns to check things out, only to get blasted in the face by Miss Fury with her NEW BOB World Heavyweight Championship belt!

TK: "That's the closest that tub of lard is ever going to come to a real championship!"

HHL: "Real? Isn't that the same title that you and Robbie gave Big D such a hard time for!?"

TK: No, it's fucking different! Can't you see that this one clearly says BOB World Heavyweight Champion!?

Kieran is down as Miss Fury begins to argue with the official to start the match, but the official is arguing that Kieran isn't ready.

TK: "What is this shit!?"

TK produces a microphone and stands up on the table.

TK: Hey shit stain! I don't know what the hold-up is, but this match is Fury's rules! You know what the fuck that means!? It means that there are NO RULES! So I'd suggest that you start the match right this fucking second, otherwise BOB may just need to replace the injured referee!

Without hesitation, Chaz Bobo calls for the match to start!

Kieran Overton
- vs -
Miss Fury
March Madness Round 1
Fury Rules(Xtreme Rules)

HHL: "WOW, he listened?"

TK: God damned right he did!/color]

Fury hands the BOB World championship over to Chaz Bobo before stalking the downed Kieran Overton. Kieran begins to stir as Fury sets up in the corner. As soon as he's on his feet, Fury rushes in with a big knee, but Kieran rolls out of the way and dodges the fatal blow.

[Color=#FF0000]TK: "What the fuck! This fat tub of lard just tumbled out of the way! That's not skill, that's taking advantage of being round!"

HHL: "Wouldn't that still be a skill?"

TK: Shut it Heather!

Fury hits the ropes but hooks her arms around the top rope to stop from rebounding. Kieran makes it up to his feet and smacks the side of his head, seemingly shaking the cobwebs from the prematch attack before letting out a ferocious battle cry and charging at Miss Fury. Fury drops down, pulling the top rope with her, which causes Kieran Overton to fall out of the ring and crash onto the thinly padded concrete floor with a thud! Miss Fury rolls out behind him and delivers a kick to the ribs for good measure, but the move seems to do little more than irritate Overton who slaps the floor before springing up to his feet. Fury goes on the run, leading Kieran around the ring before sliding in to avoid the big monster of a man. Kieran slides in behind her, but Fury slides right back out of the ring on the opposite side.

HHL: Miss Fury seems to want nothing to do with the enraged Kieran Overton!

TK: "Bullshit Heather! Fury isn't afraid of anyone, especially Karen OverAton! This is all just part of her strategy!"

HHL: "Strategy!?"

Kieran runs across the ring and slides out giving chase to Miss Fury who's already cutting the corner around the ring!

TK: Yeah, get the fat fuck winded!

Miss Fury slides into the ring again and darts straight for the other side. Kieran slides in a little later and pushes up to his feet only to find Miss Fury to have rebounded off of the ropes and flying in full speed ahead with a wicked knee to the bridge of his nose that rocks him right back through the middle rope and to the outside! Fury jumps to her feet and plays to the crowd for a moment as she lets them soak in her greatness before grabbing the top rope and springboarding to the outside with a splash that takes Kieran down just as fast as he was able to get up!

TK: "See!? Told you, all part of the plan!"

Miss Fury grabs Kieran by the arm and pulls at him to get to his feet. She isn't strong enough to pull him up, but she's able to guide him back to his feet. She whips him towards the steel steps, but Kieran pivots and reverses the momentum, sending Miss Fury crashing into the steps instead!

HHL: "Was that part of the plan too!?"

TK: Nobody likes a wiseass, Heather!

Fury looks hurt as she lays on the floor holding her back and groaning. Kieran moves in, grabbing the BOB World Champion by her hair and forcefully yanking her to her feet before scooping her up into his arms. Kieran gets a running start and powerslams Fury right into the uncovered portion of the concrete floor!

TK: "What the Hell!? That's not fucking cool!"

HHL: "But it's legal thanks to Fury's rules!"

Miss Fury looks to be broken in half after the massive powerslam. Kieran dumps her back into the ring and reaches under the ring skirt searching for something. After a moment he retrieves a steel chair. Kieran looks at the chair with a sick grin before turning his attention back to the downed Fury inside of the ring. Kieran slides in and stalks Fury as she struggles to get to her feet.

TK: "He's fucking up letting her get back up!"

HHL: "I don't see how, she's out on her feet!"

As Fury regains her vertical position, she's obviously woozy and stumbles a bit. Kieran charges in and swings for the fences, but Fury tumbles out of the way similar to how Kieran did earlier!

TK: If we had stat cards, Miss Fury's agility would be fucking superhuman!

HHL: That's exactly what Kieran did earlier!

TK Shut it Heather!

Fury is up and on him before Kieran can figure out what happened. Some well-placed kidney punches and he drops that chair! Fury whips him into the corner and rushes in with a knee, but Kieran rolls out of the way leaving Fury to catch nothing by buckle! She bounces out of the corner and right into Kieran's waiting arms. He whips her into the corner and follows in with a big splash! Fury stumbles out of the corner only for Kieran to whip her into the opposite corner and follow in with a second big splash! Fury again stumbles out of the corner dazed and confused. Kieran charges in and finishes her off with a massive clothesline and flips her inside out!

TK: Oh shit!

HHL: I think she's dead TK!

TK: She ain't fucking dead, she's playing possum! Fury's smart like that!

Kieran doesn't try for the cover though. Instead, he decides to take advantage of Fury's Rules as he slides out of the ring to retrieve a second steel chair. Once back in the ring, Kieran wastes time setting the two chairs up side by side, giving Miss Fury time to recover. Kieran moves in on her and delivers a few clubbing blows across her upper back to keep her compliant with his plans. He then lifts her up for a powerbomb and steps in towards the chairs, but Fury slips out and reverses it into a facebuster dead smack into the steel chairs!


Miss Fury struggles to drape an arm over Kieran as Chaz Bobo slides in for the count!




TK: "Bullshit! That was a slow count! We need Ari out here!"

HHL: "That was a perfectly fair count TK."

TK: Shut it Heather!!

Kieran and Miss Fury continue to lay on the mat motionless, forcing Chaz Bobo to start a ten count!







Kieran and Fury both begin to stir!



Kieran is up to his feet!


Followed by Fury, but Kieran doesn't give her a moment to think as he rushes in with some vicious punches and kicks that keep her off balance as he backs her against the ropes. He then whips her into the ropes, and on the rebound, he surprises her with a mandible claw! Fury waves her arms wildly as she's at the mercy of Kieran Overton for a moment, but a swift kick to the dick breaks the hold, and Fury rolls to the outside once more!

TK: "Smart fucking move by Miss Fury to break that hold, gotta admit!"

HHL: "Judging by the anger in Kieran's eyes right now, I'd say the intelligence behind that move is questionable!"

Kieran seems to shake off the low blow as he vents his frustrations with a loud roar! Fury takes off around the ring, but Kieran slides out and cuts her off. Miss Fury begins to beg off the monster, but it's no good, Kieran is looking for revenge! What he doesn't notice is a BIG Bobby Bourbon crawling out from under the ring behind him! Kieran grabs Fury who is still begging him off. With a wicked smile, Kieran seems to have something in mind for Fury, but a big clubbing forearm from Bourbon breaks his hold on Fury, who slinks away as Bobby continues to pound on Kieran!

HHL: Are you kidding? How many rules can you break in one match!?

TK: "Fury's Rules Heather. This is ALL fair and legal, not that we'd fucking care otherwise!!"

HHL: "Legal maybe, fair, definitely not!"

Fury climbs up to the apron and begins barking orders at Bobby. Bobby seems to listen and throws Kieran back into the ring, over the top rope like a rag doll. Bourbon climbs in just behind him and scoops him up as Fury continues to bark directions at Bobby.

TK: "The boss is delegating to The Human Wrecking machine. This just proves how fucking smart she is! Use the tools at your God damn disposal I fucking say!"

Bobby Bourbon lifts Kieran up extra high and slams him down with a Bobby-Bomb that shakes the entire ring and even causes Miss Fury to bounce up and down on the apron. Fury then orders Bobby to prop Kieran up in the corner, and he does. Miss Fury enters the ring and sizes up her opponent before rushing in with a flying double knee strike! Kieran looks out cold, but that doesn't stop Miss Fury from staying on the offense! She grabs his right leg and drags him to the center of the ring. She points up at TK at the announcer's desk and yells;

Fury: This one's for you!

Before delivering DDT to the big man's foot!


Fury doesn't go for a pin though, instead, she crawls around the downed Overton and locks in a modified version of The Black Widow (Octopus Hold)! Kieran seems to be out cold, but Chaz Bobo still has to check! He lifts Kieran's arm up, holding it for a second before releasing and watching it fall to the mat!


He grabs his arm again and repeats to the same result!


One more time, Chaz lifts Kieran's arm up. He releases and



Winner - Miss Fury

TK: What a clean win, another victory for BOB!

TK tosses the headset before joining his BOB brethren in their celebration!

The fans give a chorus of boos at the obvious screwj ob, leaving Overton searing on the outside as Savage cuts to commercial.

- vs -
Dean Rose
Barroom Brawl
Match will take place in the failing XWF New York Restaurant

We go live to the failing XWF New York! The restaurant that doesn't need social distancing rules due to a severe lack of customers! Centurion has been killing time waiting for his match to start by eating buffalo wings and perusing the song catalogue for karaoke and it looks like he's just found the one; Tom Sawyer by Rush. As he stands onto the stage and the drone of Tom Sawyer begins along with the kick of drums the doors suddenly swing open and Dean Rose enters like a cowboy entering a saloon. Centurion eyeballs the Rose as he walks in, the veteran drops the mic meeting the rookie on the dancefloor, Rush continuing to play in the background.

PC: "I love this song."

A ref who works there part-time sighs as he rings a bell at the bar.

HHL: "And this barroom brawl is official! Man, I hope they don't wreck the pool table."

The two immediately grapple and throw one another towards the pool table.

HHL: "Awww man!"

Rose is shoved against the table and the balls scatter; Centurion goes for a swing but it's ducked by Rose who swiftly grabs an 8 ball in his fist and rams it into Cent's temple! Dazed the grizzled vet stumbles back shaking the cobwebs; Rose throws the pool ball at high speed but misses, he tries again and it's dodged. Centurion rushes in to close the gap but is stopped short as the Scotsman swings wild with a pool cue which is inches away from Cent's face!

PC: "Rose showing his resourcefulness."

A hit of anger washes over Centurion's face as he back away from the wild swings before he manages to get ahold of the cue and pushes back against Rose, he manages to knock the cue away. Centurion quickly lands a solid gut punch on Rose who doubles over; Cent grabs Dean by his collar and runs him into the bar. Rose slumps against the bar and Centurion gives a quick flurry of jabs to knock Rose dizzy before picking him up and slamming onto the top of the bar and sliding down the alley of discarded bottles and mugs! Centurion spins away and Rose falls behind the bar in a heap; Centurion rubs his temple and goes to a nearby table to fetch a glass of water, giving a head nod to a couple having a drink.

HHL: "Look at that, middle of a match and Cent still takes time out of his day to socialize with the fans."

PC: "Put it back in your pants, Heather."

As a refreshed Cent returns to the bar he's blindsided by a bottle of Lane's Private Reserve Appletini! Which smashes into pieces on impact with Cent's dome! Centurion falls to the ground and Rose climbs onto the bar and sizes Cent up, leaping with a flying clothesline! Both land in shards of broken glass and cuts appear on both wrestlers as Rose goes for a tight pin. The ref slides in for the count.






Rose kneels up and grabs Centurion's hair pulling him to his feet and whips him into the jukebox! Centurion crashes into the machine and "Hold the Line" by Toto chimes on; Cent shakes his head and adjusts his focus to see Rose rushing towards him Cent dodges in the nick of time and Rose punches through the glass ruining an all-time classic! Centurion gets to Rose's back and wraps a hold around Rose's neck and flips him over onto his stomach keeping a choke locked in as the ref gets in close to check Rose's vitals.

Dean tries to keep himself in check, pushing himself off the floor using brute strength but Centurion's expertise keeps the rook down.

Rose begins to fade on the sodden floor.

But lets out a roar as he pushes himself up and manages to get a devastating elbow into Cent's mush!

The hold releases and Rose powers to his feet as Cent is staggered!

Rose speeds in and spears Centurion out through the doors and the two collapse on street outside! The bustling noise of the city almost becoming deafening as onlookers cheer the two on.

Both men dazed they slowly get their bearings and glare holes at one another with panted breaths.

Rose, impatient tries to catch Cent off guard but Centurion is ready! He positions for a counter but Rose tucks his shoulder in low and charges Cent like a rhino sending him barreling into a parked car leaving a heavy dent! Rose keeps the pace going for a big boot but Cent rolls out of the way and gets to Rose's back as Dean holds his leg in pain, sending his foot into the metal door at high speed, Cent sprints and V TRIGGER!

A beautiful knee into Rose's face!

Dean is staggered and Centurion takes full advantage!


A perfect "Angle Slam" onto the hood of the car and Centurion rests his back on top of Rose, the crowd counts with the ref!






Winner via pinfall - Centurion!

Once the vocals hit in Wolf Totem BWP emerges from behind the curtains fierce and swift. Headbanging in a power stance his head almost smashing into the rampway, he really gets excited. Sprinting down toward the ring, sliding in under the bottom rope. Combat rolling to his feet he throws up one arm with his hand forming the shaka symbol. His thumb and pinky sticking out while the rest of his hand is knuckled up into a fist. Pig then chooses a turnbuckle, which he sprints toward. Turning last second slamming his back into the buckles before sliding down until his ass hits canvas where he sits kind of like Raven from WCW, awaiting the bell.

As the song begins playing former Universal Champion and one half of Australia's favorite tag team the Sick C*nts Shawn Warstein makes his way out from the back. He greets the fans as only Shawn Warstein can, with edginess and annoyance. Warstein climbs into the ring, gives his opponent a passing glance and then waits in the corner for the ref to begin the match.

Shawn Warstein
- vs -
Bearded War Pig
March Madness Round 1


HHL: Probably one of the most anticipated battles of the first round is about to take place with former Universal Champion Shawn Warstein taking on Bearded War Pig!

Pip: Pig has some work to do after a crushing defeat to Doc on Warfare, this could be his time to step to the plate and knock one out of the park.

Warstein and Pig lock horns center ring! The crowd is pumped as they jockey for position with Shawn using his size to work Pig back into the ropes where the referee calls for a clean break. Shawn slowly releases and backs away towards the center of the ring.

HHL: Neither of these two are going to make a lot of mistakes, you have to imagine they are going to be careful in the opening moments.

Pip: The feeling out process has begun.

Pig comes back out locking up with Warstein where they once again jockey for position before Warstein snaps him over with an armdrag takeover! Shawn pops back up to a pop from the crowd followed by a bow. Pig gets back up and walks right up to Warstein where he slaps him across the face!

Shawn fires immediately with a right hand, Pig comes back with a right, Shawn fires back, Pig throws right back and we are off with a trade of right hands that Pig gets the better of as he backs Warstein back into a neutral corner. Pig charges forward eating a reverse elbow from Warstein stagger Pig back out towards the center of the ring. Warstein explodes from the corner and into a discus clothesline that nearly turns him inside out!

Pig is quickly into a cover hooking a near leg.




Shawn kicks out and is immediately put in a rear chin lock.

HHL: Bearded War Pig caught Shawn Warstein off guard!

The referee asks Shawn if he wants to surrender which he refuses before starting to immediately work his way to one knee before stepping up to a vertical base where he turns into the chin lock only to see Pig transition into a Muay Thai clench where he starts driving a series of knee strikes to the face of Warstein! Shawn catches the knee on the way up for a strike where he is able to back trip the standing leg of Pig taking him to the mat. Shawn lays the right leg down before stomping violently on Pig's ankle!

Pip: It certainly did not take long for this one to break down!

Warstein drops down into a mount position where he starts to hammer down with a flurry of forearm smashes to the face of Pig! Shawn pops back up to his feet where he picks Pig up off the mat where he hurls him into a set of buckles. Warstein charges forward delivering a running boot to the face! Shawn backs out towards the center of the ring where he drives a boot to the midsection of Pig as he staggers forward; Shawn delivers a Buckle Bomb to Pig!

HHL: Cover by Warstein!




Pig kicks out of the near fall. Shawn is the first to his feet where he picks Pig up before locking in a front face lock. Shawn hoists Pig up in the air before driving him down into the mat with a spinning Falcon Arrow Suplex! Warstein does not put on the breaks as he is back to his feet where he steps out to the ring apron and makes his way towards the nearest set of buckles.

Pip: Warstein is going up top!

Shawn climbs up to the top turnbuckle where he sizes up Pig. Shawn leaps off the top rope looking for a flying elbow drop!

Pig rolls out of the way at the last second sending Warstein crashing and burning into the mat. Pig rolls towards a corner where he gets himself to one knee before sizing up Warstein who is starting to stir and get to a vertical base. Pig explodes from the corner with a Spear! He immediately follows up with right hands to the face of Warstein!

HHL: The tide shifts once again as Bearded War Pig finds himself back on the offensive.

After a series of right hands Pig is back up to a vertical base where he reaches down picking Warstein up by the head. Pig lands a spinning back fist that rocks Warstein! Pig follows up with a spinning roundhouse kick that sends Warstein spilling out to the floor between the top and middle ropes!

Pig slides out to the floor after Shawn where he picks him up only to hurl him back into the ring.

Pig slides back into the ring where he gets back to his feet.

Pip: Can't say that Bearded War Pig does not want this in the ring.

Pig is back to his feet where he sizes up Warstein who is getting back to his feet. Pig comes up from behind snatching a back waist lock where he delivers a German Suplex with a bridge.




Warstein kicks out of the near fall.

HHL: Neither one of these two are holding back tonight on Savage.

Pig gets back to his feet. He reaches down picking Shawn up off the mat where he takes Warstein back into the ropes before hurling him across the ring with an Irish Whip, Shawn bounces off the far side where he ducks under a Pig clothesline. Pig spins around eating a Superkick from Warstein that spins Pig around where Shawn immediately follows up with a vicious backstabber! Shawn covers.




Pig kicks out before the fatal three count to a gasp from the crowd.

Shawn immediately gets to his feet where he backs up into a neutral corner where he sizes up Pig from behind. Pip reaches one knee before Shawn explodes from the corner delivering the King's Crown!

Pip: Goodnight Bearded War Pig.

Shawn covers.





Winner - Shawn Warstein

We come back from commercial to see Steve Sayor's standing next to Theo Pryce's who is just wrapping up a phone call.

Steve Sayors: I'm here with Theo Pryce and apparently he has some clarification on the ending to the Miss Fury and Kieran Overton match.

Theo Pryce: That's right Steve I do. I rewatched the ending of that match several times to see if I was missing something because it just floors me that an XWF referee would call for the bell ending a match when the guy clearly has his arm still up in the air but I didn't miss anything. That referee, or should I say, now FORMER referee screwed up. That referee cost Kieran Overton that match. It's disgraceful. So here is what we are going to do, Kieran Overton is going to be giving another chance in the March Madness Tournament. He will be MOVING ON TO ROUND 2 and as such will be booked on the March 13th edition of Savage. Now if you don't mind I have a plane to catch.

Steve Sayors: You heard it here folks, Kieran Overton will be advancing to round 2 and another XWF referee has been fired.

As the music begins, Hawaiian Hardhead bursts through the curtain wearing a Hawaiian shirt. He stays focused on the ring as he heads down the aisle and over to the steps, where he climbs up onto the apron and inside the squared circle.

PC: "This is an official March Madness Tournament Match."

HHL: "As opposed to an UNofficial one?"

PC: "Just clarifying for the fans at home, Heather; afterall, there's alot of posers out there nowadays."

HHL: "While you're not wrong, I wish you'd stop repeating stuff you hear the young kids saying."

PC: "Don't be hating!"

HHL: "It's hay-TIN, Pip. If you're gonna say it, at least say it right!"

Hawaiian Hardhead paces around the ring in anticipation of his opponent, when all of a sudden their theme hits.

As Danza Kuduro plays, Hanari spins and dances his way onto the ramp in traditional Latin Bachata style with the Dominican Republic flag on a pole over his shoulder. He swings his hips and points at the ladies in the front row, winking and making the gun symbol with his free hand. Carnes spins again before making his way down the aisle with a cocky head swing and million dollar smile. Once at the ring, he climbs up the steps and into the ring, where he heads over to a corner and gets on the top rope, swinging his flag a few times before hopping down.

PC: "Hanari beat Big D last year to make it to the Finals, where he came up short against Madison Dyson. If he can improve on his 2020 performance, we'll be seeing a Latin King!"

HHL: "Easier said than done, though. Not only does he have to make it through one of the most competitive Tournaments XWF has ever seen, he's gotta get past Hawaiian Hardhead just to advance to the next Round!"

PC: "Hardhead didn't make it easy for Corey to get a win last Savage, no doubt he's gonna give Hanari a run for his money here tonight!"

The referee makes sure both men are ready to go before motioning for the time keeper to ring the bell.

Hawaiian Hardhead
- vs -
Hanari Carnes
March Madness Round 1

Hanari locks up with Hawaiian Hardhead, who has no issues pushing Carnes back into the corner, causing the referee to break it up. HHH lets go, but strikes with a Headbutt before tossing him opponent to the opposite side. He then charges at Hanari, who manages to get a boot up, sending his opponent stumbling backwards. Carnes runs towards Hardhead, who is able to lift Hanari onto his shoulders and deliver a Samoan Drop out of nowhere, laying on him for a cover.


HHL: "It's gonna take alot more than a Samoan Drop to keep Hanari down."

Hawaiian Hardhead brings Carnes to his feet and picks him up for a Scoop Slam, but Hanari manages to slip out behind him. HHH turns around into an Enzuiguri, but is unaffected by it, catching his opponent off guard.

PC: "They don't call him Hardhead for nothin'!"

Hanari is quick to his feet, but is knocked right back down with a Chop between the eyes. Hawaiian Hardhead drags his opponent back up and Irish Whips him to the ropes, lifting his leg up as Carnes bounces back towards him. Before he can take the Big Boot, however, Hanari manages to slide under his opponent's leg and pop up behind him, dropping HHH to a knee with a Chop Block. Hanari goes for a German Suplex, but is unable to lift Hardhead on the first attempt. Thinking on the fly, Carnes runs both of them forward into the ropes and uses the momentum to bounce off and connect with a German Suplex on the second attempt.

PC: "Sometimes you gotta work smarter, not harder!"

HHL: "You should try it sometime."

PC: "A German Suplex off the ropes?!?"

HHL: "No, working smarter. Maybe you wouldn't say stupid shit all the time!"

PC: "If I wanted to work smart, I wouldn't be commentating with you."

HHL: "Right back at ya, Pip."

Hanari goes to cover his opponent, but is immediately tossed off. He gets back to his feet and connects with multiple stomps as HHH stands up. Carnes swings at Hardhead, who blocks the shot and shoves him away. Hanari rushes back towards him, but HHH catches him with an earth shattering Spinebuster before hooking a leg for the cover.


Hawaiian Hardhead picks Hanari up and hits him with a Suplex in front of a corner, before getting up and heading out onto the apron. HHH climbs the ropes until he makes it to the top, where he dives off with a Five Star Frogsplash, only for Carnes to roll out of the way at the last second.

PC: "Hanari needs to take advantage of that missed Gorilla Warfare!"

With HHH slow to his feet, Hanari is able to get up and jump onto him with a Lou Thesz Press, following it up with some punches. He then hops off his opponent(who pops up after him) and runs to the ropes, ducking a Clothesline from Hardhead before bouncing off the other side. On the rebound, Carnes attempts a Rolling Superkick, only for Hawaiian Hardhead to catch his leg, throw him into the air, and deliver a surprise Cutter out of nowhere!!!!!

HHL: "Hawaiian Death Roll!!!!"

PC: "He's got the cover, Hanari's March Madness journey is over before it even began!"


A frustrated Hawaiian Hardhead pounds the mat before getting up and heading to the corner, waiting for his opponent to get up. Once he does, Hardhead charges at him for a Spear.................... only for Hanari to step aside, causing the Hawaiian to crash, shoulder first, into the ring post. He pulls himself out and turns around into a Super Step Up Enzuiguri, dropping him to the mat. Hanari rolls the hard headed one over and lays across him for a pin attempt.


PC: "Hanari thought he had him!"

HHL: "Guess his head is harder than we thought."

Hanari Carnes grabs HHH's arm and steps over it, but Hardhead uses his free one to shove his opponent off him. The 2020 Finalist turns around and runs into a Clothesline from the Hawaiian. HHH motions for the end, before bringing Hanari to a vertical base and lifting him into the air in Jackhammer position.

Before Hardhead can hit it, though, Hanari is able to slip out of it and kick him in the back of the leg. With his opponent dropped to a knee, Carnes is able to step over his arm and lock in a Cross Arm Breaker in the center of the ring.

PC: "Viva la Republic! Hawaiian Hardhead is gonna have no choice but to tap out!"

HHH reaches for the ropes, but they're too far away. He tries to drag Hanari and himself closer, but the match has taken too much out of him. In a last ditch effort, he tries to stand up so he can slam his opponent, but Carnes applies more pressure, forcing him back down to the mat with no choice but to tap out.

Winner- Hanari Carnes via submission

HHL: "Hanari's moving on!"

PC: "You gotta wonder how that might've turned out had they been a little closer to the ropes?"

HHL: "Coulda, should, woulda, doesn't matter Pip; Hanari Carnes is the winner here tonight."

A pumped up Hanari grabs his flag and waves it for the crowd with pride, as Hawaiian Hardhead grabs at his shoulder.

HHL: "It was a good call to go after the arm after seeing how ineffective some of those headshots were."

PC: "I'm sure that missed Spear played a factor in that decision. This is why he came so close last year, and it's exactly why he has a great to chance to be there at the end, once more."

Purple lights flash. Ash walks out crouched, eyes sweeping the crowd. As the music picks up she runs down to the ring sliding under the bottom rope. Jumping up on the turn buckle she pumps her fist to the beat.

Sham pain by Five finger death punch starts playing as Mandii Rider makes her way out onto the stage. She rises her arms and the crowd gives her a bit of a pop and she makes her way down to ringside. She heads up the steel steps and walks to the middle of the apron. She wipes her feet and then vaults over the ropes and into the ring. She runs over to the corner and climbs up to the middle turnbuckle and raises her hands in the air to some more cheers from the crowd. Rider hops back down and walks to the middle of the ropes and leans back while waiting.

Ash Quinn
- vs -
Mandii Rider
March Madness Round 1

Heather: Another March Madness round one matchup here between Ash Quinn and Mandii Rider.

Pip: Let’s see who wants it more out of these two fine ladies.

Heather: Fine ladies? Really?

Pip: Well what am I supposed to say? Two brutes with four tits?

The two lock up in the middle of the ring to start things off. Rider gains the upper hand with a wrist lock but Quinn breaks loose by jarring her with a forearm to the face. Rider responds with a head butt that knocks Quinn backwards. Rider goes for a clothesline but Quinn takes her down with a drop toe hold. Quinn secures a side headlock while Rider fights back to her feet. Rider tries to hoist Quinn up for a back drop but she twists and brings Rider to the mat with a headlock takedown. Quinn keeps hold of the headlock while Rider slaps a hand on the mat in frustration.

Rider pushes her way slowly back up while Quinn tries to tighten the headlock. Rider again attempts to bring Quinn up for a back drop but Quinn elbows her in the head and drops back down. She lifts her knee hard into Rider’s stomach and then places a leg across the back of her head. She goes for a fame asser but Rider counters by lifting her up and drilling her with a sit out powerbomb from out of nowhere. Quinn bounces hard and holds her back in pain. Rider rolls over and gets back up while Quinn goes to the ropes to pull herself up.

Heather: Quick start for these two!

Pip: They both have something to prove in this tournament.

Heather: They’re both trying to carve out a path here in XWF that’s for sure.

Pip: They could both really use a win here tonight.

Quinn throws a sharp kick that Rider checks before snapping an open palmed slap to Quinn’s jaw. She tries to answer back with her own punch but Rider blocks it and twists her into an arm wrench. Quinn attempts to counter into a behind the back wrist lock but Rider grabs hold and takes her down with a snapmare. As Quinn turns to get up Rider goes for an axe kick. Quinn steps aside to avoid it and then turns with a spinning heel kick. Rider catches it but Quinn hops up with her free leg and nails Rider in the face, taking them both down.

Quinn pops back up and runs over to the corner and jumps up onto the top rope. She dives off with a flying elbow drop but Rider rolls out of the way at the last second. Quinn lands hard on the mat and Rider rolls back over to her and latches on with a cross face. She wrenches back hard while Quinn cries out in pain. She crawls over to the ropes slowly while Rider holds on and tries to keep the submission locked in. Quinn reaches a leg over enough to get a foot on the bottom rope to break the hold.

Heather: Great presence of mind there from Ash Quinn to stop the submission!

Pip: What kind of damage did that do to her neck though?

Rider bounces off the ropes while Quinn is getting to her feet. She comes running over to clothesline Quinn but suddenly Ash leaps forward and they wind up clothes lining one another to the mat. The crowd begins to buzz as Lycana and Marf appear through the crowd and hops the barrier. They enter the ring as the referee runs over and yells at them to leave. He tries to get in Lycana’s face but Marf grabs him and tosses him out of the way like nothing. As Quinn is trying to get up she spots them and tries to escape but it’s too late. Lycana grabs her and hits a running bulldog.

Marf glares at Rider while she gets up. He motions for her to leave and turns to Quinn but Rider turns him around and cracks him with a stiff forearm to the jaw. Marf doesn’t react and just stares at her. She hits him again to no reaction again. She pulls back and goes for a heavy elbow but Marf grabs her and hits a power slam in stride. Lycana leaves Quinn on the mat and turns to Marf and Rider. Marf throws Rider into the ropes and as she comes back Marf catches her and picks her up so she’s draped over his shoulder. Lycana jumps up and Marf drops back so Rider falls into a nasty DDT from Lycana.

No winner, double disqualification!

Heather: What the hell is going on here!? The referee has called for a double disqualification!

Pip: The Dissentients have ruined this tournament match!

Marf and Lycana get up and look over to Ash Quinn now. Quinn tries to get to her feet but Lycana grabs hold of her. She throws her forward and Marf nearly breaks her in half with a vicious spear. Lycana climbs to the top rope while Marf grabs hold of Quinn. He picks her up and then lifts her for a power bomb. Lycana jumps off the top and lands a seated senton as Marf drops Quinn in perfect unison. Lycana exits the ring and grabs a pair of steel chairs and slides them into the ring. She grabs a microphone next before climbing back into the ring.

Lycana: Ashley, oh dear Ashley Quinn. You betrayed us, betrayed the Left Hand. You spoke negatively about us all when you thought we were gone. Hid yourself away when you realized we were still here. But weeeee fooooounnnd youuuuuu!

Lycana jumps up and down with pretend excitement before handing the microphone over to Marf. He walks over and looks down at Mandii Rider. He leans down and drops to a knee. He strokes her head softly with his free hand while bringing the microphone up to speak.

Marf: Stupid girl, we gave you the chance to leave. This had nothing to do with you. Shouldn’t have stuck your nose into our business. What happens from here on out, well I’m afraid that’s entirely your fault now...

Marf gets up and grabs one of the steel chairs. He lies it in front of Rider before pulling her up. She can barely stand as Marf positions her. He then hits the Sway flipping pile driver directly onto the steel chair. Rider slams hard and crumples to the mat. The referee attempts to get involved but Lycana grabs the other chair and slams it over his head, knocking the referee unconscious. Marf shifts his gaze over to Ash Quinn as she is struggling to crawl to the ropes. She reaches a hand out but Lycana smashes the chair down causing Ash to scream and hold her arm in pain.

Heather: Somebody get out her and stop this!

Pip: Marf and Lycana clearly have no limits get help out here now!

Marf lifts his chair up and slams it across Quinn’s legs. Lycana responds by bringing her chair down onto Quinn’s legs now. They take turns smashing their chairs only on Quinn’s legs to keep her down. Marf drops his chair and kneels beside Quinn, holding her head into his chest. He closes his eyes and smells the top of her head while she struggles in pain. Marf smiles and nods before lifting the microphone back to speak.

Marf: Welcome to your life, Ash. You betrayed the Left Hand and thought you could just what, exactly? Coexist with us all without punishment for your actions? Afraid not my dear, we got you. And we will get you again. And we will continue to get you no matter where you hide. No matter who you think you’re allied with. No matter what show you are jobbing on. Just have a peek over your shoulder at any given moment, and there we’ll be.

By the way, where are your new friends now? Looks like you’ve backed the wrong conceptual horse on this one dipshit. Just look at ya, none of this would be happening if there was a single ounce of loyalty in your pathetic carcass. But here we are, poor life choices Ash. So...until next time...

Marf slams the microphone into Quinn’s head before getting to his feet. He nods to Lycana who goes over and climbs to the top rope. Marf hauls Quinn up and raises her up to Lycana. She grabs hold of Quinn and then leaps off the top, hitting the Metamorphosis avalanche moonsault side slam. Lycana slams Quinn down hard while Marf watches in amusement. Marf helps Lycana up and they look out to the group of referees waiting to enter the ring but are too nervous. Marf makes a motion to the two laid out girls before Lycana and him leave the ring and out into the crowd.

Dick You Down by Kevin Gates starts blasting out of the XWF sound system as DDS make their way out from the back. Jim Jimson riding a dolphin because of course he is while Demos walks to the ring all creepily because guys in masks are creepy obi. <----This is what happens when you don't have an entrance description.

Two of the three tag team champions, yeah because we rotate tag team champs like a ferris wheel now walk down to the ring. They stand in the center of the ring and raise the titles in the air to the delight of the crowd before handing them off to the ref so that the match can begin. < ----Ya'll can write 3000 word rps but can't write a 200 word entrance? For shame.

[Image: rWOE8Gi.png]

Corey Smith & Thaddeus Duke ©
- vs -
Charlie Nickles & Jim Jimson
TLC Tornado Tag

Match Submission:
The two teams stare each other down as Referee Lawanda Sass does a final inspection of the tables, ladders, and chairs littering the ringside area. She looks up and sees the dangling XWF Tag Team Titles, securely harnessed above the ring. Satisfied enough by what she sees, she lifts up her arms and calls for the bell!


HHL: “And with that tonight’s main event is underway! The Continuum looks to make a powerful showing tonight as Corey and Thad defend the titles against the undefeated Dolphin Destruction Squad! As impressive as DDS has been, I just can’t help but think they’ve got their work cut out for them in this match and I don’t know if they can make it happen.”

PC: “Well, don’t be so sure, Heather. DDS might not look as prestigious as Continuum at first glance, but this isn’t Duke and Smith’s normal element. We’re talking about a technical wrestler and a quick, hard striker against a hardcore vet and one of the craziest people on the roster today and that’s saying something! Tornado Tags aren’t normal affairs and I’ve got no doubt that DDS is better suited to it normally, but adding a TLC on top of that? This is the kind of match they were made for!”

The four men burst forward and begin exchanging blows! Thad and Demos go at it while Corey and Jimson follow suit! As the latter continue to trade strikes, the former lock up with Thaddeus quickly slipping behind and around Demos to hit him with a side russian legsweep! Demos rolls onto his stomach to recover only for Thad to quickly capitalize with a liontamer submission!

HHL: “Duke’s looking to cause some immediate pain to Demos!”

PC: “I mean, can you blame him? Demos ran his mouth about Duke’s loved one’s! His family! He threatened to hang Thad tonight! I’d be shocked if he didn’t act off of some of that bad blood immediately!”

With a couple of quick headbutts to fend off Corey, Jimson notices Thad’s hold and wraps his arm around Duke’s neck, breaking the hold on Demos! Jimson snap suplexes Thad causing the previous Universal Champion to clutch his back for a moment before preparing to recover! Meanwhile, Smith slips out of the ring to grab some hardware! Jimson rushes Thad who dodges out of the way only to eat an incoming big boot from Demos! Duke staggers back into a full nelson from Jimson! Demos lands a few body shots before Corey slips back into the ring, striking Demos’s back with a steel chair! Jimson tries to use Thad as a human shield, but Duke leans forward, giving Smith a clear shot to Jim’s spine!

The now freed Thaddeus launches himself into the ropes and executes a swinging neckbreaker on Jimson, who rolls out of the ring to avoid further damage. Demos grapples Smith from behind, looking for a German Suplex. Thad leaps up onto the nearest turnbuckle and missile dropkicks Demos from the side! Demos, swiftly beginning to recover, eats a running knee to face from Corey who propels himself off the ropes! Thad works fast to get Demos in the Figure Four lock, as Smith finds the right position and lands a standing onto the Television Champion!

HHL: “An effective opening from Continuum! It’s in their best interests to kind of keep this up and shy away from too many risks. While they can likely handle a bit more spectacle in a traditional match, doing so here too often is bound to get dangerous.”

PC: “Bound to Get Dangerous is the name of my new mixtape, Heather.”

HHL: “Shut up, Pip.”

On the outside, Jimson has set up a table and seems to be grabbing something from underneath the ring! When he finally emerges, he has a black bag with unknown contents that he tosses to the side. Corey begins making the trek up to the top turnbuckle, hoping to hit a shooting star legdrop and limit Demos for the remainder of the match as soon as he makes it to the top, gearing for the shooting star, Jim grabs his foot and crotches him with a sweep of the leg. With some relief from the pressure of two opponents, Demos rolls over, reversing the figure four causing Duke to shout out in pain! Demos breaks the hold at the same time that Jimson goes for a 450 splash! It connects with Thad, his body bouncing against the mat! Meanwhile, Demos grabs Smith and pulls him down, before getting him into position for a powerbomb. Demos lifts him up and heads towards the ring ropes! He jackknife powerbombs Corey Smith onto the table in the ringside area! With Thad isolated for the time being, DDS begin their assault! Demos grabs the chair that Continuum used on him earlier and drives it into Thad’s throat, causing Duke to grab his neck in agony. With an opening, DDS lifts Duke up together until he’s situated on Jimson’s shoulders! Jim hits the rolling death valley driver! Demos unfolds the chair, setting it up in the center of the ring as he drags Thad into the seat.

Duke, rocked from this onslaught of offense, is unable to get out of the way as Demos hits the running knee on him, knocking him straight out of the steel chair! The two notice Corey recovering on the outside. In response, they coordinate to both head to the top two turnbuckles closest to Smith and, with a quick confirmation glance, they leap for two diving headbutts onto the outside that connect with Corey! The audience goes insane after seeing such a dangerous maneuver succeed!

HHL: “That was incredibly risky. If Corey had managed to avoid it, that could’ve been a major setback for DDS.”

PC: “You worry too much. You gotta take risks to win these big kinds of matches! DDS gets that more than most teams around here and it’s paying dividends!”

As Smith is once again prone in the table rubble, DDS rolls back into the ring, Demos dragging Duke by his hair and setting him on his back within range of a high flying move. As Thad stares up at the lights, Jimson heads to the top rope again and executes a brilliant triple moonsault! But as Jimson’s in the air, Thaddeus pulls himself through Demos’s legs to avoid the move! JIMSON FACEPLANTS IN DEVASTATING FASHION!

HHL: “You were saying, Pip?”

Jim clutches his arm, clearly having landed poorly on it and about everything else! Duke gets back up to his feet and runs the ropes to hit Demos with a slingblade! With Jimson far from recovery, Thaddeus grabs the steel chair still in the ring and clamps it on Jim’s hurt left arm. As Demos gets to his feet, Thad catches him, getting in position for a DDT! With a huge breath, Thad DDTs Duke onto the steel chair, crushing Jimson’s arm! As Demos lifts his head up, it’s immediately apparent that he’s been busted open, blood already oozing down his forehead!

Corey pops up from the outside, climbing onto the top turnbuckle and signalling Duke to head to the opposite one! Thad follows with his partner and they stalk Demos as he rises! As soon as he gets one foot secure beneath him, they leap off, hitting Demos with two missile dropkicks simultaneously, knocking him right back down! They kip up to a roaring audience, but the cheers are halted by an audible shock when Demos wastes no time in picking himself up!

PC: “This is Charlie’s bread and butter. I can only imagine how much it will take to actually put him away!”

With a nod of agreement, Thad slips out of the ring, heading for the tables after pulling Jimson out of the ring. He props up a table against the crowd barrier before rushing towards Jim again. Grabbing that left arm, Duke performs a grounded hammerlock on Jim, who is anything but quiet about the displeasure of the hold. Inside of the ring, Corey steps up to Demos and delivers a chop flush onto his chest! Demos clutches his upper body and pays Corey back with an uppercut! At ringside, Thad’s broken his hold and dragged Jim towards the table, getting ready to DDT him through it! But Jimson holds on! He keeps his center of gravity low and reverses their positions, Jim’s back now closer to the table. Summoning some strength and adjusting his hold on Duke, he snap suplexes Thad into the table! As Jimson gets up, he heads for the ladders, dragging one towards Duke.

Gaining the upper hand in the exchange of strikes, Demos whips Corey into the ropes, catching him on the way back for a gnarly sidewalk slam. Hearing Jim call him on the outside of the ring, Demos leaves Corey and hops out the side to approach Duke, the ladder, and the black bag Jimson had grabbed earlier in the match. Coinciding with Jim returning to the ring, Damos grabs the bag and reveals what lies within.

A rope.

HHL: “Oh God.”

PC: “Well… Demos is a lot of things, but a liar is not one of them.”

HHL: “It’s one thing to say you’re going to hang your opponent in promotional material. It’s an entirely different thing to actually do it!”

Demos positions Duke’s body on one side of the ladder, tying the rope around his neck! The audience gives a horrified boo at the display! He feeds the other side through the rungs of the ladder and pulls it through the opposite side, yanking with all of his force and pulling Thad up as he grasps his neck, scratching at the rope!

HHL: “This is sick! Somebody do something!”

Jimson lifts Smith up, bearhugging him tight as Corey screams in pain. Composing himself, he gets a few punches in on Jim’s head, breaking the hold before he notices the peril his fellow Tag Champion is in! He stuns Jim with a spinning backfist, rushing towards the apron and springboarding off of the ropes to hit a hurricanrana onto Demos! Demos’s head hits the floor and he loses grip of the rope, freeing Duke. Wasting no time at all, Thad forces the rope off of him, though it’s still tied. Corey checks on Thad making sure he’s alright before hearing the commotion in the ring! Jim’s brought the first ladder into the ring! He’s about to go for the belts! Making it just in time after Jim’s set up the ladder in the center of the ring, Corey leaps up and goes for the belts himself! Jim is incensed that Corey’s using his ladder and climbs up the opposite side, tussling with Smith before a solid throat punch knocks him to the canvas. Thad’s in pursuit of Demos on the outside as he picks up a chair and drives it into the back of Demos’s knee, delivering a hard strike to his back! With Demos on the ground, Duke wraps the steel chair around Demos’s left leg and proceeds to Garvin Stomp the hell out of it to a big pop!

As Corey gets close to undoing the belts, he feels the ladder shake violently. Looking below, he sees Jimson armed with a chair bashing the hinges of the ladder! Although he tries to grab the belts before the ladder collapses, he’s too late! Jimson breaks the hinges, bringing the ladder crumbling down flatly onto the canvas! Jimson lifts up Corey and piledrives him onto the broken ladder! Jim stands triumphantly in the ring, caught off guard as Thaddeus yanks a rung of the ladder to sweep Jim off his feet! Thad sets up a table towards the ramp and drags Demos onto it. Talking to Corey quickly, he gets Smith to hold up the end of the broken ladder with his back as it hangs off of the side of the ring. Jumping onto the apron, Thad runs across the rungs and hits the M.O.A.B.! Shooting Star Press onto Demos through the table! Corey drags the broken ladder out of the ring and drags a pair of tables towards ringside, unfolding them as he heads towards his intended spot. While dragging the tables, he slides the ladder that was used to hang Duke into the ring. Thad lifts himself off of Demos and drags him back towards the newly setup pair of tables, only to be surprised as Demos jabs him right in the jaw!

HHL: “How is Demos still in this?”

PC: “You could honestly ask that about all of them! They’ve all taken a ton of punishment!”

Demos stands up, trying to bounce back from some tough offense, but Duke hits him with the Double A Spinebuster! He pulls the TV Champ onto one of the tables before pulling himself into the ring. He assists Corey with setting up the ladder only for Jim Jimson to crash into them both holding a ladder of his own! Continuum falls to the mat, giving Jimson time to balance his makeshift club onto the ring apron and the crowd barrier! Lifting up Corey and dragging him to the apron, Jim positions Corey and seizes his chance CANADIAN DESTROYER ONTO THE LADDER! It snaps in half, leaving Corey in a heap! Jim runs back into the ring, lifting the ladder up and stabilizing it in mere moments, but before he can begin to climb, Thaddeus catches him! He lifts Jim up for a backbreaker, slamming the most anti-dolphin man in the world into his knee, making sure to drop him on that hurt left arm. Seeing Demos begin to recover on the outside, Thad decides he needs to prevent a two-on-one scenario. He takes a breath, bringing Jim to his feet, and goes for a springboard hurricanrana, but Jimson moves out of the way! Thad collides the mat and Jimson begins to capitalize, grabbing ahold of Thad’s jaw!

Demos sees his opportunity and begins climbing up the ladder in the center of the ring. He looks down at his partner desperately trying to force a pinecone into Thad’s mouth as he keeps Duke away from the ladder, leaving a clear path for Demos! Wincing while he climbs the ladder, Demos summons all of his speed to make it up there before he can be interfered with! Jimson locks in the Jimson Snack on Thaddeus, the pinecone taking the place of a mandible claw as he holds Duke in place! Thad’s muffled cries of pain can be heard as the pinecone gets snug in his mouth! Demos makes it to the top!





HHL: “LOOK! Corey’s up!”

Corey slides into the ring and leaps onto the ladder, the impact shaking Demos’s hands away from the belts! Smith makes it to the top in seconds to confront Demos! Winding up a forearm strike, Corey connects it square onto Demos’s chin! Demos nearly falls back, but regains his equilibrium and hits back with a nasty hook to Smith’s jaw! Corey almost tumbles down the ladder, but he holds steady and retaliates with another forearm strike with a similar effect on Demos! They begin to exchange, each blow bringing the other combatant closer to losing their balance and sinking to the mat! Hook! Forearm! Hook! Forearm!

HHL: “There’s no telling who can outlast the other! While Demos has Smith outmatched in pure brawn, Corey’s strikes are nothing to be trifled with! This match could be decided by a single hit from either of these men!”

Another hook!

PC: “I think you’re right, Heather! Whoever wins this war of attrition is almost guaranteed to end this match!”

Another forearm! Demos’s knees buckle…!

He stays at the top! Another hook! One of Corey’s hands loses its grip on the top of the ladder!

But Corey catches himself just before his momentum sends him to the canvas! Another forearm!

ANOTHER FOREARM! The crowd explodes as Corey Smith begins to unload with repeated forearm strikes on Demos, not giving him a chance to trade more shots! After unleashing on Demos, Corey grabs him by the sides of his head and slams Demos’s face onto the top of the ladder! Demos crumples back, instinctively adjusting his legs so he drapes upside down over the rungs of the ladder rather than collapse, but Corey’s chance to unhook the belts is clear!

PC: “Jimson better think fast or this match is over!”

Jimson leaps to his feet, breaking his hold on Thad who’s still twitching from the pain of Jim’s hold! As Smith begins to fiddle with the harness, Jimson lifts Duke up and whips him face first into the ladder, nearly toppling it and interrupting Smith’s attempt to grab the belts and exploding the pinecone in Thad’s mouth! Corey begins trying to speed up his efforts to free the Tag Titles as Demos begins to rise! Jim sets Thad for a second whip into the ladder, but Thad catches him and forces Jim to join him in crashing into the ladder, knocking the ladder completely over the ropes and crashing Corey and Demos into the tables below! Thad and Jim collapse in front of the ropes closest to their prone partners!



PC: “Corey must’ve gotten them loose just in time, but he wasn’t able to get a hand on them! This match isn’t over yet! AND JIMSON’S GETTING UP!”

Jimson starts to regain his senses as he spots the Tag Titles waiting for him in the center of the ring! Jimson prepares to lunge for them!




THADDEUS COUNTERS WITH THE END GAME, CATCHING JIM’S LEFT ARM IN THE HOLD!!!! He spits out bits of pinecone as his mouth bleeds, holding Jim away from the titles!

HHL: “Thad has led the attack on the left arm of Jimson this whole match and it finally paid off!”

Jimson screams from the agony, cursing dolphins as he struggles to escape the End Game, but Thad just won’t let him go!

PC: “It’s an effective stalemate for right now! Duke can’t go for the belts without releasing Jimson! The risk is just too much!”

HHL: “It comes down to Corey and Demos again! Thad’s technical prowess has bought the champions precious time, but Smith has to put this one away!”

On the outside of the ring, Demos and Smith are nearly motionless, both exhausted and battered from the brutal match nearly sitting behind them! After seconds that feel like an eternity, one of the men begins to slowly rise up!




PC: “That’s the thing about Charlie Nickles! Regardless of the name, hardcore legends are just built different! He’s been in this kind of situation countless times before, he can make it today!”

HHL: “You might wanna rethink that, Pip! Look!”

As Demos finally stands, he begins to wobble, having to use the crowd barrier as leverage to stop from collapsing!

HHL: “Demos’s experience might’ve prepared him for a TLC match better than Continuum, but that experience comes with a cost! You can’t just take that kind of damage constantly without it affecting you eventually and we’re seeing that wear on him right now!”

Demos pushes off the barrier to lean onto the ring apron! He can see his partner just past the ropes within just a little more than an arm’s length, but try as Demos might, he just can’t lift his legs up to get into the ring! The pain is too much!

PC: “We talked about the damage that Thad did to Jimson’s arm, but it can’t be understated that he also attacked Demos’s legs a fair bit, too! If I’m Heyman looking at the replay, I’m definitely rethinking a few of my actions!”

Demos looks around on the ground and finds the rope he used earlier and kneels down to pick it up, barely able to lift himself up again! He leans over the apron and latches the rope around Duke’s neck before falling to his knees while holding the rope!

Duke struggles as he’s choked, his End Game on Jimson beginning to loosen!





Demos pulls down as hard as he can when all of a sudden, Corey gets to his feet! Corey springboards off of Demos’s shoulder onto the top rope and leaps towards the Tag Belts!







HHL: That was an incredible effort by DDS out there tonight. Corey Smith and Thaddeus Duke are two of the best in the business but DDS gave them an absolute dog fight.

[whiite]Pip: You're right Heather it was a great match but the better team won for sure.[/white]

DDS have disappeared into the back while Thaddeus Duke and Corey Smith take a few minutes to collect themselves and the tag team titles before disappearing into the back as well.

Madison Square Garden erupts with a massive, mixed reception upon “Judas” by Fozzy hitting the speakers.

HHL: We are about to get some answers.

The reception grows as the XWF Universal Champion emerges out to the top of the ramp with his title in his left hand, shirtless, both fists heavily taped.

Pip: He is coming for a fight.

Chris walks intently towards the ring with a purpose. The small walk leads him to ringside where he hurls his title over the top rope into the ring. Chris climbs up on the ring apron where he steps through the ropes and enters the squared circle. Page calls for a microphone and he is given it via a ring attendant. Chris paces back and forth across the middle of the ring looking down at his Universal Championship. The music fades away leaving Page to continue to pace, slowly, looking down at his title. Chris raises the microphone and begins to speak.

The XWF Universal Championship; a championship that I busted my ass to attain has been overshadowed by a dark cloud when it comes to how I arrived to face Thaddeus Duke at Snow Job.

Chris stops pacing as he looks up towards the camera before continuing.

We have mysterious messages popping up continuing to insinuate that I have something to do with that attack behind a guy that I look at and call family, Robert Main.

There is a nice pop at the mention of Robert's name. Chris allows it to die down before he states.

So let's talk about all of this going back to Snow Job, and going back to the parade thrown by BoB. We all remember that, right?

The X-Tron starts to display...

HHL: What?

The Beast slings the Universal Title over his right shoulder while turning his attention towards the top of the stage. Suddenly we see emerging out to the top of the ramp MISS FURY, THUNDER KNUCKLES, BOBBY BOURBON, BARNEY GREEN, JENNY MYST, and BROKEN OSWALD walking out and towards the ring while you can read the Beasts lips.

What the fuck is this?

Pip: BoB is on the way to the ring!

The members of BoB reach ringside before all entering the ring where they surround The Beast.

HHL: Not looking good here!

Thunder Knuckles steps in the middle as if to challenge The Beast only to pull out a BOB t-shirt that he reaches out. A smirk graces the face of The Beast as he takes the shirt and puts it on! Suddenly massive balloons start to drop from all over Lambeau Field, randomly popping on the way down sending confetti sailing in the air floating towards the crowd below!

Thunder Knuckles and Miss Fury raise the arms of the Beast in the air before TK and The Beast share a quick hug in the ring.

Pip: What am I seeing? Has Chris Page or The Beast aligned himself with BoB?

Pryo starts to explode all over Lambeau Field once again as a group of dancing midgets emerge out to the top of the ramp followed by a horde of clowns ranging from juggling to uni-cycling and making balloon animals! Large inflatable balloons start to float out to the top of the ramp. We’ve got Charlie Brown, we got Garfield, Mickey Mouse, Spiderman, Ironman, and a host of others. Red confetti flies everywhere as we see The Beast hoist up the XWF Universal Title while the dancing midgets and clowns surround the ring.

We cut back to the live shot of Chris Page who continues to stare into the hard camera.

You have all assumed that because BoB came to the ring and celebrated a hard-fought victory that I had just joined their ranks, right? You all just labeled me as a BoB member because I put on a fucking t-shirt in twelve-degree weather after competing for nearly a goddamn hour? Nobody bothered to ask me, nobody bothered to seek me out and find out what was going on.

Pip: Page is pissed!

When I came out here two weeks ago with BoB in tow I told the world that Thunder Knuckles, Bobby Bourbon, Miss Fury, and Jenny Myst are all talents that you have all been sleeping on; all because it was and is true, but because they are friends of mine behind that curtain. Do not misconstrue business with personal.

Chris takes a moment to gather his thoughts before he states.

On the other side of the equation I have mysterious spots playing in the background insinuating I have some sort of involvement; I was just as shocked as the rest of the world when I found out Thunder Knuckles was behind this attack; now let me tell you the truth.

HHL: What?

Truth is I knew Thunder Knuckles was behind the attack before the man behind the mysterious spots shed the light on. I knew this; I told Robert about it and devised a plan to infiltrate to see who was behind getting Thunder Knuckles involved. Whoever is behind the spots just blew the cover like a fucking idiot! It got me thinking that the person behind all of this is the perpetrator himself!

Pip: Chris Page is accusing Thunder Knuckles of being behind the spots that have been airing as of late.

I have called out the person behind all of this for a few weeks only to have my calls go unanswered; so it makes sense that this ploy to pin me for some shit I did not do would come from people that I thought were my friends.

Chris turns and faces the entrance ramp.

Thunder Knuckles I am standing right here and I am waiting for you.

Pip: Page is calling out Thunder Knuckles!

HHL: Thunder Knuckles is answering the call!

The crowd boos intently as Thunder Knuckles emerges out to the top of the ramp wielding a black baseball bat in his right hand resting on his shoulder.

Pip: All the elements are present for this to become a combustible situation.

Thunder Knuckles starts to walk towards the ring as Chris slides the Universal Title to the side with his foot. Thunder Knuckles reaches ringside where he looks in the ring at Page. The boos grow louder as Miss Fury and Bobby Bourbon hit the ring from behind with Bourbon spinning Page around and delivering a Pop Up Bourbon Bomb to the Universal Champion!

HHL: Bourbon and Fury are attacking Page!

Bourbon and Fury start putting the boots on Page as Thunder Knuckles climbs up on the ring apron where he steps into the ring, bat in hand.

Pip: Does this mean Page is telling the truth this whole time?

Bourbon reaches down picking Page up where he holds him by both arms exposing him for TK to who uses the head of the bat and jabs it into the exposed ribs of the Universal Champion! The New York crowd erupts with loud boos as Bourbon maintains control of the arms of Page while TK lands a second jabbing shot to the ribs followed by a third.

Miss Fury has the XWF World Title in her hands we see Bourbon spin around holding Page in position for Fury who blasts the Universal Champion in the skull with the World Title!

HHL: This is a mugging from the primary players of BoB just to get their hands on Chris Page!

Bourbon throws Page down to the mat, Page busted open by the hands of the belt shot from Miss Fury. The crowd starts a “CCP! CCP! CCP! CCP!” chant directed towards the ring. Thunder Knuckles stands over Page where he raises the bat and drives it down like an ax across the back of Page!

Pip: They are pinpointing the lower back; anyone who knows Page knows his weakness is a bad back!

HHL: Page is an island upon himself; nobody is coming to help him.

Thunder Knuckles passes Miss Fury the baseball bat as Bobby Bourbon reaches down picking a bloody Universal Champion up off the mat where he locks in the front face lock, he hoists Page up in the air with a vertical suplex! Bourbon holds Page up vertically allowing the blood to rush to his head!

Bourbon falls backward with a vertical suplex that Thunder Knuckles finishes off with the single foot DDT!


Page screams out in pain as he rolls around on the mat clutching at his right ankle! Thunder Knuckles reaches down picking up the XWF Universal Championship where he hoists it up in the air for all to see to massive boos from the crowd before he turns towards a fallen Chris Page and drops the title on top of him!

The crowd is in complete shock with what has just transpired. We see Thunder Knuckles, Bourbon, and the World Heavyweight Champion Miss Fury make their exit from the ring at Historic Madison Square Garden leaving the XWF Universal Champion a broken and bloody mess.

Saturday Night Savage fades to black.

A huge thank you to everyone that helped the show

Chris Page
Miss Fury
Big D
Ned Kaye

And everyone that RPed

OOC: Part of the Saturday Night Savage card for the next show will go up today, the rest will go up on Wednesday after the conclusion of Warfare. Remember you will have a shorter window for rping but we will be pushing the soft deadline back a few days to compensate.

[Image: XCwEiv2.png]
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[-] The following 16 users Like Theo Pryce's post:
(02-28-2021), ALIAS (02-28-2021), B.O.B. D (03-01-2021), Corey Smith (02-28-2021), Derrick Diamond (02-28-2021), HeavensToBetsy (02-28-2021), Jim "the Jim" Jimson (02-28-2021), LiamRoberts (02-28-2021), Lycana (02-28-2021), Marf (02-28-2021), Miss Fury (02-28-2021), Ned Kaye (02-28-2021), Osira Themis (02-28-2021), R.L. Edgar (02-28-2021), Robert "The Omega" Main (02-28-2021), Thunder Knuckles™ (02-28-2021)
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(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

02-28-2021, 06:21 AM

Sweet show guys!

[Image: Jkq64Z1.png]
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Derrick Diamond's post:
Atticus Gold (02-28-2021)
Lycana Offline
The Dark Vixen of Violence

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02-28-2021, 06:39 AM

Awesome show! I def enjoyed the read!

[Image: 4086c1e276501693b8a7b9fdfa8189402a2e8ba7.gif]

lycana2 (1)
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Marf Offline
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02-28-2021, 11:30 AM

Great stuff!

2x Xtreme Champion
2x Television Champion
2x Freestyle Champion
5x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Member of Charlie’s Carnies
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Corey Smith Offline
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(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

02-28-2021, 02:07 PM

You guys can stop booking me in matches with furniture anytime you want. Thanks!

OOC: Good show! Tons of matches, so it must have been a bitch to put together. I'm hoping I can be on hand the next Savage to help write. Congrats to the folks who advanced in MM, and to those that didn't don't forget there's gonna be a second chance opportunity.

[Image: CoreySig6A.png?width=270&height=406]
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[-] The following 2 users Like Corey Smith's post:
(02-28-2021), R.L. Edgar (02-28-2021)
Thaddeus Duke Offline
Management Lv. 2


XWF FanBase:
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(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

02-28-2021, 04:43 PM

Suck it Charlie!

[Image: wgqr9W2.png]

1x  XWF Universal Champion || 3x  XWF Xtreme Champion || 1x  XWF Supercontinental Champion (First)
1x  XWF Hart Champion (Last) || 2x  XWF Television Champion || 1x  XWF Tag Team Champion
1x  OCW Savage Champion || 1x IIW Tag Team Champion  || 2x  SOTM (9/20, 7/21)
2021 Male Wrestler of the Year (shared w/ Alias) || XWF Hall of Legends
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Dean Rose Offline
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03-01-2021, 02:42 AM

OOC: good show, well done to whoever wrote my match.

Win record: Fuck you
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Charlie Nickles Offline
The Nickleman

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

03-01-2021, 04:59 AM

(02-28-2021, 04:43 PM)Thaddeus Duke Said: Suck it Charlie!


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