(07-23-2013, 06:19 PM)Jonny Rebel Said: Jonny Rebel acknowledges his very EPIC grammatical failure and stands up. Jonny dusts himself off and helps Tony up.
Jonny Rebel:: Well, I feel like a durp! Thank you for pointing that out.
Jonny wipes his forehead off and big boots Tony in the face. Struggling, Jonny sticks his hand out and blinks as a cheese burger appears.
Jonny Rebel::Well what do you know.......that shit actually works.
Jonny stands is shock as Tony starts to move around. Rebel crams the burger into Tony's mouth and drops him on the back of his head with the Vertibreaker.....again. Like deja vu! Then pins Mr. Santo's shoulders to the ground.......1........2..................
Tony chews the cheeseburger for a moment, but then spits it out in disgust. Why? Because it's not a cheeseburger at all! Jonny Rebel, in his ghastly attempt to replicate the skills of the one and only Tony Santos, managed to conjure up a cow's dirty intestine! No E Coli for Santos today, no sir!
Tony is still confused, though. Who is Mr. Santo, and why is Jonny Rebel pinning his shoulders to the ground? Is he going to pin a non-competitor? Whisper sweet nothings into his ear? Kiss him? Rub baby oil on his chest and call him Jose? Tony doesn't know, but he fears for Mr. Santo.
Tony wabbles to his feet, since his legs are only partially functioning thanks to being dropped on his head
twice (jerk), pulls out some fresh lipstick that he keeps handy in case he has to help Mr. Satellite look pretty for his nights out on the town at a moment's notice, and draws a blood red "S" on Rebel's face. Why? Because fuck you, that's why.