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Anarchy - 11/19/20
Author Message
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Offline
The Guy

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

11-20-2020, 03:49 PM



"Dark Warrior" Micheal Graves
Big D
Just a run of the mill contract signing! Probably no shenanigans whatsoever!

Barney Green
- vs -
Tommy Wish
X-Treme Rules!

- vs -
Big Money Oswald

Kenzi Grey (w/ Bobbi London) & Ruby
- vs -
Tula Keali'i (w/ Boris) & "Notorious" Ned Kaye
Tornado Tag! Everyone is legal at all times!

[Image: gR8affl.png]

The MLK pops OFF as pyro and laser lights light up the sky in Savannah!

"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane sits at his ringside announce desk in his hot pink bandanna and a huge grin on his face.

Vinnie Lane: "Baby we've got a HOT one in Georgia tonight! Right down the street they are still furiously counting ballots but RIGHT HERE TONIGHT we're gonna skip right to the action! And by action I mean MUNDANE PAPERWORK! Let's hit the ring!"

We hit the ring.

[Image: gR8affl.png]

"Dark Warrior" Micheal Graves
Big D
Just a run of the mill contract signing! Probably no shenanigans whatsoever!

We see Steve Sayors in the ring, standing next to a table with three black office chairs around it. On the table rests a clipboard with some papers attached, as well as some microphones.

SAYORS: "Welcome, everyone, to the Contract Signing for the XWF Internet Championship match at High Stakes!"

The fans get hyped up for a moment before letting Steve continue.

SAYORS: "It's been hectic in the Internet division as of late, but there will be no shenanigans tonight! Just three grown men signing a legal document and shaking hands like adults........."

The fans boo, causing Sayors to frown a bit before continuing.

SAYORS: "Well, anyway, how 'bout we bring the competitors out here, what do you say?!"

The boos turn into cheers, which instantly change back to boos upon hearing "Violence" by BOB begin to play.

The lights go dark as Micheal Graves walks out to the stage, the crowd dumping on the untraviolent superstar even harder.

Vinnie Lane: "What's that he's wearing?"

The camera gets a close up of the black t-shirt Graves is wearing, which reads "Bobbi4BOB" in red spray paint.

Vinnie Lane: "If Graves pushed this hard for ME to join, even I might not consider it at this point!"

Micheal walks about halfway down the ramp before taking off in a sprint and sliding into the ring. Graves jumps to his feet and slowly takes a few steps towards Steve Sayors, before taking a seat in one of the chairs. He leans back and puts his feet on the table, adjusting his shirt so the fans at home at read it.

SAYORS: "Thanks for joining us, Micheal................. I like your shirt."

Graves picks up one of the microphones to respond but, before he can say anything, "X-Men Theme" by Powerglove hits over the PA system.

Vinnie Lane: "Looks like Big D doesnt want to hear what Graves has to say!"

Pyro falls from the X-Tron as Big D walks out onto the ramp and immediately makes his way down the aisle, eyes focused on the Dark Warrior.

Vinnie Lane: "Looks like things are about to come to a head, already, and MeFisto isn't even out here, yet!"

Big D slides in the ring, abruptly, but as he gets up and takes a step towards Graves, Steve Sayors gets in his way.

SAYORS: "Big D, please! If you knock Micheal out, he won't be able to sign the contract!"

D(into Steve's mic): "Fine by me! He cheated his way into this match, anyway!!!!"

GRAVES: "I didn't even hit you, how are you gonna blame ME for your incompetence?!?!"

Big D reaches for Graves, but Steve holds him back. Before anything else can go down, though...................

....................."Here I Go Again" by Whitesnake blares through the arena as the fans go nuts.

Vinnie Lane: "Ladies and gentlemen, MeFisto has arrived!!!!!!"

The song drags on as Big D impatiently waits, telling the Dark Warrior he "Could've kicked his ass by now". Finally, the hard part hits and MeFisto bursts his way through the curtain, a t-shirt gun in hand.

Vinnie Lane: "Does MeFisto have a new line of shirts like Graves???"

MeFisto points the gun into the crowd and launches, not a t-shirt, but a thirst quenchin' Powerade directly into the face of some unfortunate fan in the front row. He takes a few massive steps forward and launches a few more, this time further into the distance.

Vinnie Lane: "That fan is gonna remember the night MeFisto gave him a concussion with a Powerade Launcher...................... unless, of course, he doesn't!"

MeFisto tosses his prop to the side and heads down the aisle, proudly pointing to his Internet Championship and posing for the cameras. After what feels like an eternity of stalling, MeFisto makes his way up the steel steps and into the ring. Steve offers him a mic, but MeFisto refuses, instead pulling his own from out of nowhere.


The camera shows MeFisto's mic, an obvious XWF one with tape over the logo and his name written in crayon over top of it.

SAYORS: "Well, gentlemen, now that we're all here, what do you say we get down to business?"

Big D reaches onto the table and picks up one of the mics.

D: "That's right, Steve we ARE all here................."

D turns towards MeFisto and puffs his chest out.

D: "............... quite a feat for this guy!"

The fans "ooooooo" and "ahhhhhhhhh" at Big D's diss, as MeFisto's eyes bulge out of his head, his breathing getting heavier.


Big D chuckles sarcastically, remembering all the things his rival had done to avoid a match with him; as well as all the shortcuts he took to hang onto his belt.

D: "Sometimes it's not enough to merely 'show up,' you gotta actually put the work in!"

Before MeFisto can respond, Micheal Graves gets up from his seat and slams his hand on the table.

GRAVES: "That's bullshit, ya pussy! MeFisto worked really hard helping me get into this match!!!!!!"

MeFisto puts his hand over his heart, touched by Graves' sentiment.


Big D rolls his eyes and heads back over to a chair, plopping down and motioning with his hand.

D: "Let's get this over with so those two can get a room."

SAYORS: "Very well."

Steve flips the contract open and slides it over to D, along with a pen. Big D quickly scans it, before looking up at Graves and speaking into his mic.

D: "You know, last time I signed a contract in the middle of a ring, YOU put me through a table afterwards..........."

Big D looks back down and quickly signs his name on the contract before rising up and tossing it into the Dark Warrior's chest.

D: "................... wanna try that bullshit again?!?!"

Graves laughs, reminiscing about what he'd done to the former Internet Champion so many months back. Ignoring D's threats Micheal casually signs on the dotted line and hands the contract over to Steve.

SAYORS: "Your signature is '#joinBOB?'"

The Dark Warrior throws his arms up like he'd just done the most gangsta shit ever and didn't give a fuck. Steve shrugs, grabbing the pen and handing it, along with the clipboard, to MeFisto. The Champion looks over it thoroughly, pointing at random spots and muttering to himself. Finally, MeFisto puts the pen to the paper and simply draws a picture of an 'M', with the middle part as a body and the outer lines as flexing arms.


The fans cheer as MeFisto hands the contract over to Steve, all three of their signatures gracing it.

SAYORS: "And there you have it, folks! At High Stakes it'll be Big D vs Micheal Graves vs MeFisto in a Tripke Threat Match for the Internet Championship!!!"

As Sayors finishes his sentence, the Dark Warrior picks up his mic and addresses MeFisto.

GRAVES: "You know, MeFisto............ if you joined BOB, the two of us could team up on Big D until he's essentially out of the match; then we could finally have the Dream Match all these people have been dying to see!"

The fans boo as MeFisto looks around, contemplating what he should do. Graves takes off his 'Bobbi4BOB' shirt and tosses it to MeFisto, who gazes at it in awe. Big D turns towards MeFisto, advising him against it................................. when, all of a sudden, Micheal Graves stands on his chair and dives OVER the table onto the former Internet Champion!!!!!! The Dark Warrior begins hammering away at D as MeFisto watches on.

Vinnie Lane: "Graves is laying into Big D! If MeFisto doesnt stop him, he might not make it to High Stakes!!!!!"

Graves busts D open with his fists, covering them in more crimson with every shot. Finally, MeFisto yanks Micheal off the ground, a serious look in his eyes. The Dark Warrior doesn't respond, instead standing there and waiting for MeFisto to strike............................... but he instead puts on the shirt, receiving a hailstorm of boos from the audience.

Vinnie Lane: "I don't believe it!!! MeFisto joined BOB!!!!!!!"

The Dark Warrior gives his new ally a five before turning his attention back to Big D. With Graves beating the hell out of D, MeFisto grabs at the BOB shirt and rips it off his body, tearing it in half in the process!!!

Vinnie Lane: "Looks like it was just a swerve!"

A completely battered Big D rolls to the floor as Micheal Graves gets back up. MeFisto then turns him around, kicks him in the gut, and Powerbombs the Dark Warrior through the table, receiving a deafening pop. As "Here I Go Again" begins to play, MeFisto poses for the crowd.

Vinnie Lane: "At High Stakes, we're gonna find out if MeFisto is the real deal or not. There will be no fake injuries, no running away, just three of Anarchy's finest going at it to prove which of them is truly the best."
[Image: gR8affl.png]
The scene opens up where we see Heather, in her red dress and peep toe heels on, with her hair in a ponytail standing in front of the Anarchy logo in the MLK arena backstage. Then she looks at the camera, and speaks.

Heather: Welcome fans to this edition of Anarchy, I am standing in for Steve who couldn’t make it to the show. Due to an unknown illness, he’s going to need some time to recover. Tonight, in our action packed card, we have a lot of stuff going on. Tonight, I am here to—

Tommy in his shorts, and black t-shirt and black boots come down to the interviewer, while towing his newly won Federweight strap in his hand. He then looks at Heather, up and down, but mostly down at her heels. Then he finally looks at her blue eyes.

Tommy: Well Well Well, if it isn’t Heather who’s the voice of Warfare and Savage. What brought you here down south?

Heather: I was told to come down by Vincent at the last minute to do some interviews for the show, he specifically told me that you wanted me to interview you, is that right?

Tommy: Well, looks like it’s true… so, what are the questions you want me to tell you?

Heather: You have a match against Barney Green tonight in X-Treme rules, how do you feel about? He seems to be heading in the right direction in his return to the company, even heard people vouching for him to be the winner at High Stakes battle royal.

Tommy rubs his chin, then the looks at her open toed heels. He see’s her arch poking out of her heels as she moves around, then Tommy looks at her one more time, and this time puts his finger in the air.

Tommy: Look, I got no love lost for him over the shit he did to me and JB last Anarchoween. I won’t let it go, but at the same time, he’s going to be a threat to how many people in that battle royal; but he isn’t much of a threat to me in my X-Treme element. I know he’s gone crazy in those X-Treme rules stips in his lifetime, but against me? Hell nah!

Heather: So do you think you’ll be able to dethrone Green as an X-Treme legend, by the end of tonight?

Tommy: Even if I do or don’t, I’ll still be proud to know that he won’t be able to be even at 50% clear chance of getting on his flight to Arizona before the end of this week. I will make him an example like how I did to Halocen, yeah you know that girl who keeps running her lips on me.

Heather: Well, you know she’s taking on his partner… do you think she has a chance against him?

Tommy laughs out loud, to the point he smacks her hand on her shoulders, which she slouches a bit. Tommy regained his composure.

Tommy: Neither here or there Heather, moving on. Maybe after the my match with Green, how about I treat you to some southern BBQ spot? My treat!

Heather then blushes at Tommy’s obvious attempts to hit on her, and she beams her head down in shame, then she looks back on Tommy who stands there with a smile on his face.

Tommy: Look Heather, I gotta go beat this so called Legend of this place named Green, I’ll meet you back up here later once the show is over. Plus, I know them heels are killing you so I will offer to rub your feet once these camera are off, aight?

Tommy walks off with a smile on his face, as Heather stands there, biting her lip as the next segment occurs.

[Image: gR8affl.png]

Barney Green
- vs -
Tommy Wish
X-Treme Rules!

"Like A Prayer" By Madonna starts to play as the fans start cheering.

We hear a loud beeping, and then a massive garbage truck backs up into the aisleway! The fans lose their minds as the truck opens its rear end and dumps a pile of PS5s onto the ground, and then Barney Green exits the truck with a trash can full of brand new Xbox X-Series boxes! Christmas came early in Savannah! Barney Green, Dressed in his garbage man uniform, hands out all the Xboxes and Playstations to fans in the front row and then heads to the ring armed with the trash can. He slowly walks down to the ring and high fives a few fans and then places his garbage can in the corner and climbs into the ring. He waits in the corner as the music fades.

Tommy walks down to the ring, holding a picture of Halocen. He then tears it up, and hands it to the kid on the ramp. Then he looks at Green, and he smiles at him. Then he slides into the ring, and he sits on the corner, nodding to the beat. Then his theme cuts off.


Both men are standing in the ring, and both men are staring down one another. Tommy hands his hand out for a shake, but Green just ignores it and spits at him; he then punches Tommy in the face, and Tommy gets hit again by Green’s punches. Then he locks Tommy in a Headlock, and he Squeezes his head on his side, Green then starts to twitch his arms to add Pressure on the Headlock on Tommy. Tommy then manages to lift Green up with a Back Suplex on Green, and he stomps on him. Tommy then does a Knee Drop on Green, and goes for the pin.

Green quickly kicks out, and he gets on his feet. Green then Headbutts Tommy, and he tosses him outside of the ring, then he lifts up Tommy and he Whips him on the barricades. Green then charges at the barricades towards Tommy, but he moves out the way. Green then breaks the barrier, and Tommy takes advantage by grabbing one of the fans’ chairs, and he slams it on his back. Green then crawls up to the stairs, and Tommy keeps on slamming the chair on his back.

Then one of the fans tries to beat up on Tommy, but he and one guard starting hitting back at the fan. Then we see Green at the top of the stairs, and he grabs one of the fans’ signs that hid a stop sign and he slides on the railing, and clocks Tommy with it which causes him to roll back down on the broken barricade.

Vinnie Lane: “Man this match has turned into a brawl between these men, how will these fans react to this? Well, we did see one fan get beaten and escorted out. Good riddance! I think? No wait, come back!”

Green then rips the paper, and he sees the stop sign, and he waits for Tommy to get on his feet, and once he did, Green hits it over his head. As Tommy was getting loopy back to the ring, Green was taunting to the crowd with it. Green then drops the sign, and he grabs Tommy by the head and he slams it on the steel steps. Tommy then stumbles around, and Green punches him in the head, then he hits a DDT on the padded floor.

Green then looks under the ring, and he pulls out two chairs, and tosses them in the ring. Then he takes a barbed wire bat, and places it in the ring also. Green tries to pull up Tommy, but he gets low blowed by him. As Green was holding his groin, Tommy then eyerakes him while giving him some punches to his midsection. Then he hits a Suplex on Green on the floor, then he goes back to the ring.

Tommy then picks up the barbed wire bat, and taunts Green to get back into the ring. Green slowly rolls back into the ring, and gets on his feet. Tommy then hits Green with the bat on his midsection, and he pressed the wires on his forehead. Then he graded his face with it, then does a Russian Leg sweep with the bat on Green. He then hits Green on the leg with the bat, and he drops the bat in the middle of the ring. Tommy then picks up one of the chair, and waits for Green to get on his feet.

Vinnie Lane: “So much is going on with Tommy, I don’t know if he’s going to outlast Green in this match…”

As soon Green is on his feet, Tommy tries to hit him with the chair, but he manages to dodge the shot and it made Tommy do the Kurt Angle chair spot on the ropes, then Green takes advantage of picking up the chair, and hitting Tommy with it, which causes him to bust open. Then Green hits him with some more chair shots on his midsection, then he drops the chair. Green then goes back outside, and looks under the ring.

He then pulls out this table, and slides it into the ring. He then finds another table, and slides it into the ring. He enters the ring, and he props one of the tables up in the corner of the ring; then he picks up Tommy and places him on the leaned table. Green then goes to the opposite corner and charges at him to hit a spear, but Tommy moves out of the way, which causes Green to break through the table.

Tommy then picks up the chair, and he opens the chair. Then he lifts up Green, and he Irish Whips him on the ropes, and he hits a Drop Toe Hold face first on the chair. Tommy then sets up the table in the middle of the ring, and he then lights it on fire. Then Tommy looks into the hard cam with blood dripping down on his face with a sadistic smile, and he tries to lift up Green, but he gets hit with an Intelligent Diversion to his throat.

Vinnie Lane: “Oooh, what an underhanded tactic by Green, he sure knows how to throw guys off with a punch to the throat with his massive hands.”

As Tommy is holding his throat, Green see’s the flaming table and tries to hit his Foleyplex through the table, but Tommy hooks his free leg and punches him on the side to break the hold. Then he kicks him in the midsection, and hits the J-Bomb through the flaming table. While we see Green convoluting through the table, Tommy then sits on the corner watching Green getting checked up by the ref.

Tommy then gets back up on the mat, and grabs the chair and places it on his ankle, then he stomps on it. As Green is in pain, Tommy then does it again, until he ended up back outside. He then looks under the ring and picks up some light tubes from under the ring, and he slides about four of them in. He re enters back into the ring, and he lifts up Green.

Tommy then tries to hit his own Foleyplex on the tubes, but Green manages to reverse his attempt into his own and he hits the Foleyplex on the light tubes. We see that he hooked Tommy’s leg in the process for the pin…

Vinnie Lane: “Man, what a move Green did on Tommy… let’s see if it puts him away.”




Vinnie Lane: “Oh no, Tommy managed to get a kickout at such a short notice. How much Tommy’s gonna take against Green?”

Barney slams his hands on the mat and then a light bulb seems to go off over his head. Not a real bright one, more like a fridge light, but still, an idea is an idea.

Barn heads out of the ring and grabs his trusty trash can, holding it up for the fans to see as it gleams in the lights. He tosses it into the ring and gets back in, then grabs the can and bashes Wish in the face with it right when Tommy gets to his feet.

Vinnie Lane: “WHOA! That’ll loosen your teeth!”

Barney then flips the can over and drops it over Tommy’s head, trapping him inside the trash can! Tommy looks like a can with feet, and he has no defense as Barney bends him over and lifts him by his waistband before cracking his skull against the trash can with a vicious piledriver into the can!

Tommy’s upside down in the can and his legs aren’t moving as Barney shoves him over into a lying position. Barney then heads to the top rope and crosses his chest, saying a silent prayer to Danny DeVito, the patron saint of trash men. He then leaps off with a big splash, flattening the trash can under his girth!

Vinnie Lane: “Oh my god, I think Tommy Wish is dead! That can looks like an empty tube of toothpaste!”

Wish’s legs twitch, sticking out of the destroyed trash can. Barney grabs at his ribs, wincing, but stays on top for a pin!




Winner by Pinfall - “The Daddy of Violence” Barney Green

Vinnie Lane: “A HUGE win for Barney Green and BOB! I hope we don’t need the jaws of life to get Wish out of that trash can… but we might! Or at least a sardine key!”

[Image: gR8affl.png]

- vs -
Big Money Oswald

Vinnie Lane: “Looks like up next we have more BOB action, as their BIG MONEY machine Oswald takes on Halocen, who made an impressive debut in a losing effort last Anarchy.”

Smoke billows...Green pyro flashes off and on with Halocen coming out of the smoke, tongue out hands raised high. Throwing down her hands the pyro flashes higher and little green explosions pop down the ramp. She runs to the ring full speed, sliding under the bottom rope. She drops to her knees tongue out leaning all the way back pumping her fist. Jumping up she runs to the turnbuckle mounting it, tongue out devil horns high in the air!!

Vinnie Lane: “She’s full of SPUNK!”

As this happens, Oswald starts coming up from the center of the stage, green smoke billowing from where he is emerging. He walks out with an ornate cane, with images of skulls in gold and silver, as money falls from the rafters. The money having faces of himself. He walks forward with his cane, not even really needing it, simply using it as a prop just to show his "status" to the world. His hair tied into a tight bun laid against the back of his skull. He flips his cane in his hand, holding the base and swinging the topper from left to right as the crowd chants "MAY-HEM, B. O. B.! MAY-HEM, B. O. B.! MAY-HEM, B. O. B.! MAY-HEM, B. O. B.! " The topper of the cane is shown to reveal a platinum skull with horns literally made of onyx attached to the forehead of it. As he walks to the steps he smirks and says to the crowd ""You've got it! SING IT LOUD! SING IT PROUD!" They continue to chant MAY-HEM, B. O. B. until he gets in the ring. Once to his corner, he takes off all of the top portion of his suit, from jacket to dress shirt leaving only his pants, including his tie before placing full attention onto his opponent.

Vinnie Lane: “Man, Ghost T… I mean Oswald, looks ripped as HECK. He’s been hitting the gym hard, I bet. Definitely not spending all day playing video games!”


Halocen looks uneasy, she seems to be off balance when it comes to finding a way to approach the much larger Oswald. She looks to use her quickness to get behind him or to find a weakness, but Oswald is on his game and keeps her backpedaling until he has her stuck in a corner.

Oswald explodes at Halocen, looking to maul her against the turnbuckles. Halocen slips out, escaping to the apron through the ropes as Big Bad Money hits the buckles hard. He shakes it off easily, but not before Halocen can scramble up the ropes and leap off at him with a crossbody… caught in midair!

Vinnie Lane: “Not where she wants to be! Ozzy has her in a bear hug now! That’s bad for the ovaries, folks!”

Oswald squeezes the bearhug tight, and Halocen is in bad trouble already. She starts to go limp, but manages to come up with a desperation plan and jams her thumb into Oswald’s eardrum! Oswald roars and cups his ear, dropping Halocen.

Halocen hits the ropes and shoots a shining wizard right into the ear that Oswald is protecting. He howls, dropping to all fours as a trickle of blood drips from his inner ear.

Vinnie Lane: “He might have a ruptured cochlea! Ha. Cochlea. That’s a funny word. You know what’s not funny though, folks? TINNITUS.”

Halocen jumps and wraps her slim thighs around Oswald’s dome, flipping him headfirst into the mat with a picture perfect seated hurricanrana! Halocen jumps onto Oswald for a cover!

But is immediately bench pressed off as if she were a child!

Halocen is up fast but not for long, as Money flattens her with a charging shoulder tackle. The simple move has her on her back, squirming in pain just that easily. Because muscles. Oswald drags Halocen up by her gnarly green hair and flings her into a corner, then follows her in with a running corner splash that probably took months of parkour training to perfect.

Oswald steps aside as Halocen falls forward, but he catches her and hoists her onto his shoulder instead of letting her collapse naturally. He looks to be setting up for a behemoth of a running powerslam, but Halocen manages to snag the top rope with her hand and slithers off of Oswald’s thick shoulder meat, standing against the center of the ring ropes.

Oswald charges her, looking to spear her out of the ring! But Halocen sidesteps and sends a knee into Ozzy’s temple, and he falls out onto the apron himself. Oswald’s bell was rung for sure, and he takes his time shaking it off and getting to his feet as Halocen climbs the ropes again and then takes flight!

Halocen with the Death by Rock n’ Roll off the apron! Oswald is taken tumbling into the ring post and finally onto the steps from the momentum of the devastating move,but it looks like Halocen might have taken some of that impact as well!

The referee hits a five count as Halocen limps back to get into the ring, and she rolls in clutching at her knee. Oswald rolls back into the ring as well, right after the count of nine. Oswald looks PISSED at having taken the move, and he knows he got lucky with Halocen getting nicked up in the process.

Vinnie Lane: “Oswald is a lot of things. Big. Angry. Smelly. King of dirty. Shiny, sometimes, when his skin gets greasy. But not stupid… no wait, scratch that. He’s kinda stupid too. But he’s right this time!”

Halocen tries to stay on offense but gets caught when she goes for a dropkick. Ozzy snatches her up and flips her round so he’s belly to back with her, and then delivers a devastating SEXTUPLE GERMAN SUPLEX!!! That means SIX!

After sending Halocen into the mat the sixth time, Ozzy cracks his neck and sends her flying to the ropes. Halocen rebounds and Money sends her vertical with a pop-up into a spike DDT! Halocen got DELETED!!!

Vinnie Lane: “That’s gonna do it! Remember folks, sextuple means six, it’s NOT a sex thing! I specifically asked!”

Big Money crawls on top of Halocen with a sneer.




Winner by Pinfall - “The Billion Dollar Man” Big Money Oswald

Vinnie Lane: “Big win for a big man! BOB is having themselves a night to remember here, they went 2-0!”

[Image: gR8affl.png]
Ruby paced back and forth in the locker room, nervously rubbing her hands and adjusting her mask as Bobbi London sat back looking calm and collected. The big Aussie raised an eyebrow at Ruby.

Bobbi London: “You’s about to wear a ‘ole in the floor mate! Don’t you’s worry, Kenz will be ‘ere just Iike I’s said she would, yah?”

Ruby: “I do hope so, bud. After what she said last week I’m allowing myself to be mildly optimistic, but I wouldn’t bet my life savings on it. It’s only a couple of hundred Canadian dollars, but still…”

Bobbi laced her thick fingers and cracked her knuckles loudly.

Bobbi London: “Look Luv, ‘ere’s the deal; Kenz ‘as a massive ego bout being led by the nose and playing second fiddle. She might ‘ave left Anarchy with ‘er knickers in a twist about not coming back, but trust giving it to ‘er straight about being in Sarah’s shadow ‘as been eating at ‘er the past two weeks. She’ll show...just to spite me, and when she does, we will make sure that Tula limps into ‘igh Stakes, ripe for the picking, yah?”

Ruby: “Now wait just one Roxy Cotton’ pickin’ minute there. We’re here to win. Fairly. To show the people, and Kenzi too, that the forces of good are going to once again dominate Anarchy, as they once did. Tula is doing a fine job of instilling some ‘tegrity in that Anarchy title, but the B.O.B. is still out there, and we have to come as one and UNITE! Vinnie’s just playing games with this match, we need Kenzi focused, not spiralling off the deep end into some mad quest for vengeance, looking for blood.”

Bobbi frowned, staring at Ruby as if she had just grown a second head.

Bobbi London: “Listen up Rubes! I’s don’t give a flippin TOSS about you’s beef with bOb or you’s love affair with Tula! We’s got our sights set on bringing home that Anarchy Title, and that means doing it by any means Luv! If that means taking Tula apart tonight, we’s better be able to count on yous ‘ave our backs, GOT IT?!”

Ruby: “Of course I’ve got your backs in the ring tonight! Well, Kenzi’s… I will hold nothing back, but if you’re expecting me to go and sneak some illegal weapons in and ring Tula’s bell with a baseball bat when the ref ain’t looking, I’m afraid you’re barking up the wrong tree! Kenzi doesn’t need that ish to be great! Neither did I!”

Ruby stood defiant across from the much bigger woman, but Bobbi was none too impressed. Just as things start to get heated between the two of them, the door flies open and Kenzi stomps in, slamming the door behind her with an annoyed look on her face.

Kenzi Grey: “OKAY! I’m here...but don’t think I showed up because of anything you said! I’m here because I WANT to be here and I’m the number one contender for that Anarchy Title...PERIOD!”

Ruby’s face lit up as she saw Kenzi, but tried to keep any obvious celebrations to herself.

Ruby: “Of course you are! Who’s saying anything different? Ready to kick some backside in the main event and get a clean win before your big title match, eh?”

Bobbi settled back down, trying...and failing to hide the shit-eating grin on her face. Kenzi looked at her, unsure of what had been said between the two women before she came in. She shook her head and gave Ruby a curt nod.

Kenzi Grey: “Whatever! Let’s go get this W!”

She turned and headed back out as Bobbi continued to smirk. The large woman walked past Ruby, giving her a slight shoulder check.

Bobbi London: “Yah, yous ‘eard her, it’s whatever. Let’s get the bloody win!”

Ruby: “...cleanly and legally.”

She ran past Bobbi, giving her a massive slap on her massive backside and giggled before continuing to grab Kenzi’s hand and started dragging her towards the ring.

Ruby: “Last one between the ropes is a rotten egg!”
[Image: gR8affl.png]

Kenzi Grey (w/ Bobbi London) & Ruby
- vs -
Tula Keali'i (w/ Boris) & "Notorious" Ned Kaye
Tornado Tag! Everyone is legal at all times!

“Gimme Your Applause” by Lady Gaga, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera begins to play as bulbs flash all through the arena. Kenzi Grey walks out with a confident smile for the fans as an explosion of pyro erupts and she strikes a pose for the cameras. She pauses to adjust the heavy black brace on her right knee, then heads down the aisle slapping the outstretched hands of the fans. At ringside, she climbs onto the ring apron and pauses again for the flash of the cameras, kneeling there with a smirk. She climbs the turn post and gives the fans one more photo opportunity as she sits atop the turnbuckle, still blowing kisses and posing for the fans. She hops down, finally entering the ring as she readies herself for her opponent.

The arena lights goes banana Lime Green, and suddenly we see Ruby coming from the entrance way. She walks down to the ring, and giving high fives to all her fans and rolls into the ring and she does her superhero pose as her theme fades off.

We see Tula walking down the ring with her belt being towed by Boris, she then ignores all the fans as she gets to the apron. She climbs up the steel steps, and Boris levels the third and second rope which she enters. She then does her shadowboxing as the camera cuts to Boris cheering her on with his vodka bottle by his side.

The entire stadium goes black as the song begins. Slowly, the X-Tron begins to show scarce, glowing embers, the light of each one illuminating smoke growing at the entrance of the ramp. As the song continues, more embers are seen until a large fire is displayed on the screen. The ramp then glows Ned's famous blue, revealing a silhouette in the smoke. Slowly stepping from the fog is none other then Notorious Ned Kaye. He stops for a moment, calming himself in front of the clamoring crowd. He lifts an arm, eyeing the stands to watch the many audience members who follow suit. With a single smile, he drops his arm and rushes towards the ring, slipping in from under the bottom rope, picking himself up immediately.


We see all four people in the ring, and they all start to throw them bows at one another. Ruby is on Ned, while Tula is on Kenzi. Ruby locks in a headlock on Ned, and she hits a Bulldog on him and she does a standing double foot stomp on Ned’s back. Then we see Tula hitting her Jujitsu like punches on Kenzi, and she grabs her head and hits a Hairmare. She then lock in a Chinlock on her for good measure. Then Ruby comes in to pull her hair, and slam her on the mat to break up the hold. Then we see Ruby shoving Tula, and she decks Tula with a slap and she grabs her head and she goes a series of knee strikes until Ruby was on the mat.

Ned gets on his feet, and grabs Ruby by the neck and he and Tula hit a double Superkick on her, and Tula goes for the cover. Before the ref counted to one, Bobbi comes in and breaks the pin, and slides back out. Then we see Bobbi and the ref argue, and we see Tula getting handed something by Boris, and it was her black pipe. She then waits for Ruby to get on her feet, but Kenzi kicks it out of hand, and she hits a Standing Hurricanrana on Tula. She then does a Backflip Double Knee stomp on Tula.

Then Ruby gets on her, and she taps Ned on the shoulder, and he turns around and eats a Discus Lariat from Ruby, then she hits a Pele Kick on him. Kenzi connects with a Kickout DDT and she covers Ned for the pin…




Vinnie Lane: Oh man, this action is getting pretty heated up folks. We see that the team of Kenzi and Ruby are dominating Ned and Tula, we almost got victory here tonight.

Kenzi picks up Ned, and she whips him on the ropes and she connects with a Dropkick on him, while Ruby hits a Double Leg Drop on him. Tula then grabs Ruby from behind, and she hits a German Suplex. Then she mounts onto Ruby, and she dishes out some elbows on her face, but Ruby manages to elbow her back to break the mount.

Ned then gets on his feet, and beams his eyes on Ruby, but Kenzi back rakes him. As he holds his back, she does it again, she does it once more but Ned turns around with anger in his eyes. Kenzi moves back in fear, as Ned tries to come close to her. Bobbi is on the apron, and she tosses a water bottle on Ned and he looks at her. While they argue, Kenzi then goes for a roll up…




Vinnie Lane: I think having Bobbi hitting him with that bottle was uncalled for, but she does have a strong throw though.

Tula then attempts to hit a Crossface Chickenwing on Ruby, but she manages to reverse out of it by sliding under legs and she does a double leg takedown. Ruby then goes to the apron, and once Kenzi gets on her feet, Ruby hits a Springboard Dropkick on Tula. But Ned, ended up attacking her back with some forearm clubs. Then he hits an Arm Drag on Tula, while locking in her arm.

Boris manages to drag her free hand on the bottom rope to break the hold, which Ned did. Ned then goes to the outside to confront Boris, and Boris puts his fist up acting like he was gonna fight Ned. Then suddenly, Ruby beams herself off the ropes and hit a Tope Con Hero on both men on the outside.

Then we see Kenzi alone with Tula, and she drags her to the corner. Then we see Bobbi strangling Tula with her belt, then the ref reprimanded her once again, as Kenzi does some mudhole Stomps on Tula in the corner. She then drags her to the middle of the ring, and she heads to the apron, she then taunts to the crowd. Then Ruby grabs her leg off, and she landed face first on the apron.

Vinnie Lane: "Sheesh, what a save by Ruby… I hope Kenzi’s million dollar smile is still worth something."

Bobbi then hits a sloppy looking clothesline on Ruby, and they have a catfight outside. Then Boris comes behind Bobbi, and pours some Vodka down her head. Bobbie then gets on her feet, and Boris smashes the vodka bottle over her head which should have knocked her out… but instead she turns slowly and sees Boris standing there in all his track suited glory. Bobbi licks the vodka from her fingers… and then grabs Boris in a huge tongue kiss! She is in there DEEP folks!

We see Ruby picking up Kenzi and she slides her back into the ring.

Ned manages to get back in the ring quicker, and hits a series of kicks onto Ruby, and he hits a Step-Up Enzuigiri on her. Then he goes to the top rope, and hits a diving Double Stomp on Ruby’s midsection. Then he see’s Kenzi on her feet, and he hits the Notorious Knee outta nowhere on Kenzi. He then goes for the cover..




The referee has fully lost control as Bobbi London has punched into the ring and straddled Ned Kaye. She’s hammering him with hard blows as the bell rings! The match has been thrown out!

Winners by Disqualification - “Notorious” Ned Kaye and Tua Keali’i

Vinnie Lane: “The bell is still ringing, but London doesn’t even seem to hear it. Here comes Boris, with lipstick smeared all over his balaclava.. He’s trying to help everyone pull Bobbi away!”

Boris, Ruby, Tula, and Kenzi all try and fail to get Bobbi to leave Ned alone… and then finally, “Madd” Maxine comes running down to the ring!

Vinnie Lane: “Oh finally! Max will straighten this out for sure!”

Maxine slides into the ring and grabs Bobbi’s chin in her hand, lifting her cherubic face up so that their eyes meet. Bobbi releases Ned and stands up.

Vinnie Lane: “Yes! I knew Max would get through to Bobbi! The good always shines through from people!”

Bobbi andMax then nod, and clobber Ruby and Tula Keali’i! Bobbi waylays the Anarchy Champion with a massive back elbow, and when Boris tries to interject he gets grabbed by the taint and the throat by Maxine, who lifts him high overhead in a military press, then spins him like a helicopter blade and sends him flying from the ring!

Vinnie Lane: “What the crap is happening! What are Max and Bobbi doing!?”

Ruby tries to intercede, but Maxine Vader Claps her into a shambling heap on the mat. Maxine then grabs Ruby’s head from behind, gripping one hand on her chin and the other on her occipital protuberance… and snaps Ruby’s neck like she’s twisting off a bottlecap! Ruby collapses, motionless and Kenzi drops to her knees to check on her.

“What the hell are you doing, Bobbi! Ruby’s my friend! I don’t need this crap!”

“Shut you’s mouth, Kenzi, I’s doin’ all this for YOU’S! Me an’ Maxy’s gonna make sure you win that title at High Stakes!”

Maxine blasts Tula Keali’i with a huge Brain Chop! Tula’s eyes roll into her head and Maxine then scoops her up and devastates her with her Maxed Out big ending! She gathers Tula’s motionless body up again, and this time drives her hard into the mat with the modified weapon X, the Maximum Overdrive!

Vinnie Lane: “That’s enough Maxine! I can’t believe my eyes, Mad Rhymes has just laid out two of Anarchy’s greatest talents, and the number one contender to the Anarchy Championship is powerless to stop them!”

Bobbi and Max smirk, looking at the bodies all over the ring. They then each grab an arm of Kenzi Grey’s and start pulling her out of the ring toward the backstage area.

“Come on, luv! Time to go start trainin’ for that title match!”

“Bobbi damn it let me go! Max, come on, bro!”

But they don’t let her go. They pull her all the way backstage as Anarchy fades from the airwaves with close-ups on Ruby, Ned, Tula, and Boris all lying unconscious in and around the ring.


Kenzi Grey
John Black
Big D
Rudy Giuliani’s Hair Dye

[Image: dR5ZguS.png]
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[-] The following 5 users Like "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane's post:
(Gravy_Xtreme_5000) (11-20-2020), Atara Raven (11-20-2020), Johnny Legend (11-21-2020), Mr. Oz (11-20-2020), Ned Kaye (11-20-2020)
Ash Quinn

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

11-21-2020, 05:24 AM

Great show!! On to high stakes!
(Gravy_Xtreme_5000) Offline

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

11-21-2020, 10:06 AM

(11-21-2020, 05:24 AM)Ash Quinn Said: Great show!! On to high stakes!

Great butt! Cute skull! I love that shirt! #joinBOB?

Big D!!!

God you SUCK!


Just think of what coulda been!



On to WIN the Internet title!


Show sucked outside of BOB and Bobbi segments.

BUT fair props to Lane for keeping lame-duck nincompoops like Charlie Nickles and Corey Luxington.JPEG off of the A-Show!

[Image: MOSHED-2023-6-19-16-15-56.gif]
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[-] The following 2 users Like (Gravy_Xtreme_5000)'s post:
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (11-21-2020), Mr. Oz (11-22-2020)
Jenny Myst Offline
The Queen of X-Treme

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

11-21-2020, 10:49 AM

(11-21-2020, 10:06 AM)Soft Fluffy Graves Said:
(11-21-2020, 05:24 AM)Ash Quinn Said: Great show!! On to high stakes!

Great butt! Cute skull! I love that shirt! #joinBOB?

Big D!!!

God you SUCK!


Just think of what coulda been!



On to WIN the Internet title!


Show sucked outside of BOB and Bobbi segments.

BUT fair props to Lane for keeping lame-duck nincompoops like Charlie Nickles and Corey Luxington.JPEG off of the A-Show!

Gravy keep it in your pants. We don't want Ash in B.O.B....she's not the do ya say it.....hygienic? Makes the fish market in Wuhan smell good by comparison.

Trust me, I've been in the ring with her. Needed a full body deep cleanse immediately after.

[Image: GxjjAcs.gif] 
[Image: 53vkwmL.png]
[Image: eRm3OdS.png]
[Image: lJ5ayVc.png]
[Image: Jdsm6ZU.png]
2x XWF Bombshell Champion
3x XWF X-Treme Champion
3x XWF Television Champion
X- Title Briefcase Holder
War Games Captain 
Sex, Metal, Barbie, CHAOS
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Jenny Myst's post:
Mr. Oz (11-22-2020)
(Gravy_Xtreme_5000) Offline

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

11-21-2020, 12:43 PM

Hey! Stop it! That was rude!


Besides, glass houses!

[Image: MOSHED-2023-6-19-16-15-56.gif]
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[-] The following 1 user Likes (Gravy_Xtreme_5000)'s post:
Mr. Oz (11-22-2020)
Mr. Oz Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

11-22-2020, 03:53 AM

"Graves... outside of not being homophobic, transphobic and racist, we're evil. We're not supposed to give a fuck about what upsets people. I could tell Miss Fury that you need some help with your...

memory problems."

Oswald cracks his knuckles.

[Image: xdagprt.gif]
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Charlie Nickles Offline
TITLE - The TV Champion

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

11-23-2020, 04:26 AM

(11-21-2020, 10:06 AM)Soft Fluffy Graves Said:
(11-21-2020, 05:24 AM)Ash Quinn Said: Great show!! On to high stakes!

Great butt! Cute skull! I love that shirt! #joinBOB?

Big D!!!

God you SUCK!


Just think of what coulda been!



On to WIN the Internet title!


Show sucked outside of BOB and Bobbi segments.

BUT fair props to Lane for keeping lame-duck nincompoops like Charlie Nickles and Corey Luxington.JPEG off of the A-Show!

Fuck you, pussy. Didn't think D.D.S. patrolled these halls like we do the streets? Think again, buckwad.

D.D.S. vs. you and one of your suckboys at the next Anarchy.

Book it, Lane.

[Image: Jdsm6ZU.png]
Reigning, Defending, Bloodletting
[Image: jtHw5j1.png]
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Ash Quinn

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

11-23-2020, 05:47 AM

(11-21-2020, 10:49 AM)Jenny Myst Said:
(11-21-2020, 10:06 AM)Soft Fluffy Graves Said:
(11-21-2020, 05:24 AM)Ash Quinn Said: Great show!! On to high stakes!

Great butt! Cute skull! I love that shirt! #joinBOB?

Big D!!!

God you SUCK!


Just think of what coulda been!



On to WIN the Internet title!


Show sucked outside of BOB and Bobbi segments.

BUT fair props to Lane for keeping lame-duck nincompoops like Charlie Nickles and Corey Luxington.JPEG off of the A-Show!

Gravy keep it in your pants. We don't want Ash in B.O.B....she's not the do ya say it.....hygienic? Makes the fish market in Wuhan smell good by comparison.

Trust me, I've been in the ring with her. Needed a full body deep cleanse immediately after.

Pot meet kettle! I still can’t get your fishy douche smell off of me no matter how many times I shower. How the hell can you smell like week old cod and lilac.
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Offline
The Guy

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

11-23-2020, 06:25 AM

Where did Chuck get his dental license?

[Image: dR5ZguS.png]
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[-] The following 1 user Likes "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane's post:
Mr. Oz (11-23-2020)
Mr. Oz Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

11-23-2020, 07:17 AM

(11-23-2020, 06:25 AM)"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Said: Where did Chuck get his dental license?

"From Isaac Yankem's Dental School and Truck Repair."

[Image: xdagprt.gif]
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(Gravy_Xtreme_5000) Offline

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

11-23-2020, 11:38 AM

Fuck you! I don't have time for your games! I'm planning on winning the Internet title, Dummy! How about you come JOB for BOB and make my first defense look real good!?
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[-] The following 1 user Likes (Gravy_Xtreme_5000)'s post:
Mr. Oz (11-23-2020)

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