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Spooky Night Savage 10/31*
Author Message
Atticus Gold Offline
Gold is the New Black
Management Lv. 2

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

11-01-2020, 12:02 PM



Brian Storm
- vs -
Jim Jimson
Thing Match
An alien lifefrom will randomly inhabit each competitor to boost their strength, speed and athletic ability.

Hanari Carnes
- vs -
Nathaniel Idenhaus
Invasion of the Body Snatchers
Competitors must do at least one RP as their opponent

Michael Graves
- vs -
Zane Norrison
Haunted House Brawl
The match will take place in a haunted house
Competitors must fight through the spooky halls and win by KO

Donovan Blackwater
- vs -
"Chronic" Chris Page
Zombie Lumberjack Match
The undead will surround the ring and attack anyone on the outside

Charlie Nickles
- vs -
Sebastian Duke
Buried Alive Match

[Image: xwftv.png]

Thunder Knuckles ©
- vs -
Johnny Legend
Alien Abduction Match
The winner must throw their opponent into the tractor beam of an orbiting UFO

[Image: rWOE8Gi.png]


Multi-man Tornado Tag
Characters will be randomly selected to be placed on a team of Aliens or Predators
Total RPs are judged and a team will be declared a winner
Doing an optional 3rd RP will help your chances in this match

Atticus White is shown, in his office, putting the finishing touches on a very snazzy Malcolm X costume, when Big D walks in wearing a bald cap and a fancy suit. Upon seeing his co-General Manager, he lashes out at him.

D: "What the fuck is this shit?!"

White looks down at himself, rather proudly, before half-heartedly putting his fist in the air.

ATTICUS: "I'm Malcolm X! I figured someone as pro BLM as you would actually LIKE it!"

A furious, and possibly drunk, Big D turns towards his coworker's desk and shoves a bunch of the contents onto the floor. Considering this wasn't the first time he's done that, Atticus had no response to the uncalled for outburst, other than questioning D's choice own of costume.

ATTICUS: "Who the hell are YOU supposed to be?"

Big D throws his hands up and rolls his eyes.

D: "Well I was supposed to be YOU, but because blackface is a big no no nowadays, I ended up being Atticus BLACK, instead!"

ATTICUS: "Why the hell would you go as ME for Halloween?.......... other than to get on my nerves, of course."

D(sighing): "Well, I THOUGHT we were going as each other, but apparently I was wrong!"

Big D stomps over to his desk and sits down, but immediately stands back up as soon as his ass hits the chair.

D: "This is unacceptable! If you're not gonna be ME, there's no way in hell I'm gonna be YOU........."

Big D makes his way for the door and storms out, leaving a huge grin on Atticus's face.

ATTICUS: "Good luck finding a backup costume on Halloween. At this rate, he'll miss the entire show!"

The camera fades out as White happily hums to himself at the thought of not having Big D around all night.

Comes in riding a clydesdale with a corncob PCe in his mouth, twirling a lasso high above his head. He rides the horse down the ramp and around the ring, back to the end of the ramp, jumps off, smacks the horse in the ass and the horse runs up the ramp, returning to its place backstage. Then Brian tosses his lasso in a corner and rolls into the ring under the bottom rope, gets up and waits for the fight to start.

We see Jim coming down to the ring with his sign that says “KILL ALL DOLPHINS” he holds it into the top as he trash talks to the camera, then he walks down to the ramp and he see’s one of the kid showing him “Dolphin’s R KEWLER THAN U” sign, and he snatches it from the kid and tears it up and laughs as he walks down to the ring. He climbs into the ring, and enters it still with his sign in his hand.

Brian Storm
- vs -
Jim Jimson
Thing Match
An alien lifefrom will randomly inhabit each competitor to boost their strength, speed and athletic ability.

As the bell rings, we see both men in the ring. As they circle around, they look up at the sky and see two aliens at their corner. On Storm’s corner, he see’s a brolic looking alien who hands him a drink, and Storm drinks it and becomes a strong , rocky looking bulky man who beats his chest. Then we see on Jim’s corner a ET looking alien rocking a “Jim Jimson’s #1 Fan” shirt points his finger out to him, and Jim touches his finger and he suddenly starts to become a faster, agile, focused as he stares down the brolic Strom. Then we see both men circling around the ring, and they lock up. Then it become a tug of war, where we see Strom pushing him on the ropes. He takes a shot at Jim’s gut on the ropes, and he whips him with such velocity, and he connects with a simple Lariat to the face. Brolic Storm then flexes his thick belly to a crowd on the bleachers.

PC: Man, this brolic version of Storm is brining thicc in thickness within this match against this faster, more agile version of Jim. Must be the fact that strength means more than speed in this case in the match.

HHL: Don’t count out Jim, he’s still trying to get himself in order to take this man down.

Jim quickly hops on his feet, and he starts to hit quick punches on Storm, then he gives him a good Uppercut on Storm, who’s dazed from it. Then Jim teleports to the top corner, and hits a standing Triple, quadruple Moonsault onto Storm. Then we see him jumping very high in the sky with a 630 splash onto Storm. Instead of pinning Storm, he just stands there in the ring as the fans are shocked to see Jim like this. Jim then lifts up the brolic Storm with ease, and he gives him a multiple quick Headbutts. Then he beams himself off the ropes, and goes for a Crossbody, but Storm manages to catch him mid air and delivers a Powerslam onto him.

Storm then starts to mound on Jim, and hits with elbow’s to the face. Then he turns him around, and hits him with some more the elbow’s to the back of his head. Storm then tries to lock up on his waist, but Jim manages to out maneuver him, and he locks onto his waist. Then Jim quickly gets him up and gives him a series of quick German Suplex onto Storm. Then Jim transitions it into a front face lock, with quick knees to his head.

Storm then beats on Jim’s back with his strong hands, and manages to have him break the hold. Then Storm rolls over to his side, and slams his hand on the mat that caused a dent out of his frustration. Jim then tries to lock in a chin lock, but Storm got on his feet and gives him strong elbow shot to his left rib, which almost shattered from the blow. Then Storm gives out some strong forearm shots on Jim’s head, then he connects with an Overhead Punch onto him. He then manages to lift Jim up, and slam him with a Belly To Belly Suplex.

HHL: Man, this match is all over the place with these men, that i’m concerned that these aliens in their corners are giving them way to much power, for their own good.

PC: Well, these men are out in the middle of nowhere, so of course they are getting the help they need with keeping this match interesting. Let’s see how far their powers go.

Storm then drags Jim to the middle of the ring, and he taunts to the crowd. Then he runs to the ropes, and goes for a stiff looking Ground Body Splash and hook his leg for the pin…




PC: Looks like this brolic Storm ended up not getting the three count against this high flying Jim in time, eh?

Jim quickly got on his feet, Storm then locks in a Sleeper Hold onto Jim, but quickly slips out of the hold and then goes for a heel hook on Storm’s leg, but the brolic looking alien manages to grab Storm’s hand, and places it on the bottom rope. Jim refused to let go of the the hold, so the ref counted to four. Jim finally breaks the hold, and he does some Bob Backlund style knee lunges in the ring like man, which caused the crowd to boo at Jim.

Storm slowly gets on his feet, and Jim kicks his leg that he locked it on. He kept on kicking it until Storm was kneeling, then Jim gave him a flurry of punches and charges to the ropes and tries to connect with a Dropkick, but Storm grabs his legs and he does an Airplane Spin. As Storm kept spinning Jim, we see the ET alien on Jim’s corner turning himself into Lacey Evans. Storm stops mid way through, and gawks at her. As she kept being flirtatious with Storm, Jim managed to do a super sneaky quick roll up on Storm for the pin…

HHL: Hold up, that ins’t right at all, Jim’s own alien tried to lure him into a trap for the pinball. That isn’t right at all!

PC: Got to admit, i’d be distracted also with how pretty that ET alien turned into, I wonder if he got any relatives up in that planet I can meet up with.




HHL: Oh that was a close one for Storm!

PC: Yeah it was… let’s see where it goes from here now.

Both men roll up to their feet and face off once more, the alien parasite burrows deep into Jim Jimson and causes a golden aura to spike around him, he bald head sprouting beautiful golden locks as he screams, his muscles bulging; Brian Storm places a scouter over his eye and is shocked to see Jim's power level raising by the minute, Storm has no choice, he needs to blindside Jim while he has the chance and goes in for a strike but Jimson teleports out of the way!

HHL: Yooooooooooooooo!

Brian panics and looks around, he deflates as he sees Jimson charging a beam of pure energy in his hands which he unleashes screaming "CRAYFISH ARE BAD!!!" and Storm is obliterated by what we're saying isn't a Kamehameha for legal reasons, but totally is a Kamehameha. Jimson falls back down to earth, his golden locks disappearing as he pants exhausted; Storm lays motionless in a crater and the ref calls the match.


All Hail The Queen from the album GRL and the hit series Queen of the South begins to hit. The arena lights begin to flash. "All Hail The Queen" comes up on the screen every time the lyric is said in the song. The crowd looks towards the still empty stage as pink glitter begins to fall from the ceiling. The crowd dances with the beat.

At about the 1:30 mark, at the words "The Greatest" hit, the voices deepens, as if being chopped and screwed, and the lights go off. Big purple letters come up on the X-Tron.

[Image: P4OI4FG.png]

Heather: It's that time again! Queen's Court! It's been too long since we've been graced by the presence of the Queen on Savage!

Pip: Perfect time for a commercial break, if you ask me.

Heather: It's Queen's court time! Spooky Savage is off and running but what would a special event like this be without an appearance from The Queen?!

Pip: She hasn't wrestled since the Pay Per View, she hasn't even opted in. Some would say she's hiding from competition.

Heather: Sounds like someone is jealous.

Pip: If only........

Jenny makes her way out onto the ramp, and she has a smile that anyone with eyes could tell was fake. She has both her Shooting Star Title and the RLF True Title with her, one around her waist, the other over her shoulder. She walks down the ramp, towards the ring that has the Queen's Court chairs and table set up.

Heather: Jenny looking good here. Double champ, on top of the women's division. Beautiful.

Pip: One of them is from a defunct federation. RLF isn't even open right now!

Heather: Still hasn't lost it! She was 5-0 defending it.....and as far as I am concerned she's a double champion!

Pip: You really need more friends.

Jenny gets into the ring, flaunting her belt with a smug look.

[Image: OOM5YkG.gif]

She grabs a mic.

Jenny: "It's been a while since the Queen has held court, and I'll be honest, a lot has changed. My life has certainly taken a turn since the last time I graced you all with my presence and provided the number one talk show on cable TV. I wasn't myself last time I was out here.....Chris Chaos had just dumped me on national television, that sloth Mandii Rider had cost me a match at Leap of Faith, and I was direction, no motivation, and honestly, no hope. Madison Dyson was back, Atara Themis was the center piece of women's wrestling, and Jenny Myst was on her own here for the first time in four years. But since that show, where I walked off the set, I have found myself. I have re-formed Hells Bells with my bestie Sarina Hazard........I joined B.o.B..........."

The crowd responds to this, most of them boos with a few cheers mixed in.

"...........I became the Shooting Star champion and propelled myself to the top of the women's division. I have become the only woman on this roster to not only be the longest reigning champ, but the only one who has held this title twice. I all but retired Madison Dyson before her untimely death, and I have made a name for myself, all to myself, for once.

Some of you know this, some of you don't, but I was supposed to have Thaddeus Duke on the show this week. He decided he'd rather hide under the gut of Paul Heyman and blow me off, so I had to scramble to find someone to come on. That hadn't happened before. I have had Cataclysm, Ned Kaye, The Wizard, Thunder Knuckles, Theo Pryce, you name it. Nobody else had an issue, but apparently this show is too small for someone like Thaddeus Duke. It hurt me at first, but now.........I see it as a blessing. Does anyone really care what Thaddeus has to say anyway? His constant whining, his long tenure here with nothing to show for it in terms of gold......"

She taps both belts with a smirk.......

".........and his overall bitchy attitude. Instead, I have decided to make the choice I should have made from the beginning.........and they have accepted. Let me introduce to you my guests tonight. A legend, like moi, a champion, like moi, and someone who looks good in a onsie, like moi.........Ladies and gentleman, the Warfare MVP and current XWF Hart Champion, accompanied by B.O.B..................."

The crowd pops, despite it being B.O.B.........

"............and new member to B.O.B..........Robbie Bourbon!"

Heather: Oh my god! It's Robbie! The big man is on Savage, along with his new found brothers, and he's gonna be on the Court tonight!

Pip: Something doesn't feel right about this!

The unholy group of villains makes their way out onto the ramp. Bourbon, Graves with Miss Fury, Oswald, Barney Green, Thunder Knuckles. They make their way up the ramp and into the ring as the crowd is loud but with a mixed reaction.

Cake and juice is provided in front of each chair. Also, each has its own jack-o-latern filled with candy. A microphone sits next to each one. They come in and they all smile (except for Graves) at Jenny, before sitting down.

Jenny waits a few moments for the music to cut, then brings her bedazzled mic to her mouth.

Jenny: "Robbie.....I'm going to cut to the chase here because I know you're a straight up kinda dude.......You're now the Hart Champ. You're the Warfare MVP.....and you're a member of B.O.B. Why? Why us, why now? What made you want to join forces with the Brotherhood of Baddies?"

Bobby: "Well, Jenny, it's Bobby now. Also, because B.O.B. is the whole damned future of wrestling."

She curls her lip.

Jenny: "Sorry......Bobby then...........and damn right we are, but that doesn't tell me WHY. You're a legend here, you have done it all, held every belt we have multiple are the type of guy who goes against groups like this. Why the change?"

Bobby: "Well, you see, Oswald has a ton of money. Watch."

Robbie snaps his fingers. A chimp in a tuxedo riding an ostrich in a tuxedo enters carrying a tray with a huge mug on it that reads "Coffee" in very floral lettering. Robbie retrieves the coffee from the chimp in a tuxedo riding an ostrich in a tuxedo.

Bobby: "I never, ever would have spent my money on that. But, Oswald is so refined and wealthy he has a whole zoo with animals in tuxedos. They're all so well mannered they're house broken and remove their trousers before having a poop. Those are classy fucking animals!

Then there's TK, who is a fucking badass and genius. We're going to be tag champs someday. Just wait and watch. I know you've seen us work together but you ain't seen nothing yet.

Graves needs constant watching and monitoring and lest he steal my vehicle again, or become all rapey pervy, I have one of eight dozen ways to cripple him with my bare hands.

There's even you, Jenny. So talented, hosting a show. I'm honored to be here.

So besides being surrounded by talent and seeing how far I can grow, I really feel like too many people were talking shit about you all and figured you'd be a lightning rod to idiots who I can crumple up on television.

November is going to be the biggest month for B.O.B. yet, as Barney Green wins the Universal Title!"

Jenny looks a bit taken aback at the Barney comment.

Pip: This is ridiculous. This show has become a circus.

Heather: Ratings, Pip! Ratings!

She grins, looking over at Oswald, who is sitting, barely able to fit in the provided producers chair, with one leg crossed over the other. He has his Billion Dollar Title over his shoulder.

Jenny: "And you.....Oswald. I welcome you to the court as well. You've been quite the active one lately, even forming your own belt because management is too stubborn to give you a real this......."

She taps her belt with a smile.......

"You beat Peter Gilmour at Relentless to become to number one contender for the Hart Title.......but now he has it........."

She points at Bourbon, who pulls some sort of pastry out from under the strap of his onsie. He eats it, slowly, but stops when he notices them looking.

Jenny: "What is the plan now? Do you still want to go after the Hart Title now that its in house? Or are your sights set on different things. Tell us, tell the world, what is going through that brain of yours?"

She smiles, awaiting an answer.

Pip: Myst trying to stir the pot here, this may not be a good idea!

Heather: She knows what she's doing!

Oz chuckles lightly

Oswald: "Firstly, thank you for acknowledging my accomplishments. Though, this title-"

He hefts his Billion Dollar Championship, to get it in a better light, as if trying to make his belt look more important than her belt and the Hart belt.

Oz: "This belt already has a title defense as well and as you can see, I am still the BDC. It is quite unfortunate that I have yet another taker. Speaking of Peter and his annihilation at my hands, ending our several year feud, he legitimized my belt by wanting me to put it on the line. So, while the management will never call it an XWF title, I feel that by someone like him chasing after it, it makes the title even more an XWF title than even Management is willing to admit."

He looked over at Bourbon and at the Hart title

Oz: "I was supposed to face him a bit of go. Unfortunately, Management doesn't want to make money and a match between Robbie Bourbon and the Billion Dollar Man would be guaranteed to draw in millions of dollars. Since they won't give me the title shot for some BOB on BOB action, I might as well formally give away my title shot to someone else. Or they change it to a TV shot.

Would I like to have the Hart belt in my hands once more? Of course I would. However, I hold no desire to take or seek a title owned by a member of BOB.

So when it comes to what my plans, well, bring home the Anarchy belt to BOB. Or going after the TV belt."

Jenny smiles, he smiles back. The whole thing seems corny, but Jenny is content to waste air time to make sure B.O.B gets over.

Jenny: "Management will never give any of us a fair shake, hence why this little collection has become far less little in recent weeks. Looking forward to having you on solo soon, I think everyone would get their money's worth with that........"

The crowd boos.

"Oh come on....this is a champion here, and a number one contender, all rolled into one gargantuan package. Try to show a little respect!"

They boo more.

Jenny: "Fine, you don't want that? Then lets just do it here......I am sure the people of Roswell really have SOOO much else to do but talk about aliens and stand in line for government assistance. I mean, how can so many people be wearing stained wife beaters at the same time in the same place?!

The crowd boos more feverishly.

"You can jerk off to your tourist trap later, I am conducting an interview here......."

She clears her throat.

Jenny: "Speaking of titles, since we're both technically champions.......why did you name it the Billion Dollar Title, if I may ask?"

Jenny: "And.........since you're here with family now.......tell us, for the record, why did you choose B.O.B? There HAS to be a reason, and don't say its because Graves begged you, we know that already......"

She shoots a look at Graves, whose flexing his knuckles.

Oz: "I named it thus because I am a man worth multi-billions of dollars. I deserved to be recognize for all I have done and accomplished. So I decided to show my wealth and status to the world. Flaunt it, you could say. When you feel you're one of the best, you deserve the best, correct?"

Jenny: "Trust me.....I know."

He looked over to Graves and nodded

Oz: "While it is true, Gravey Baby there pleaded and begged, I ended up joining because I knew it was a kick to the pants. My Broken self was too busy to notice the coup over this VESSEL. So I took over and vowed to wreak as much havoc as I could. So, instead of being all by my lonesome and performing twisted and evil shit, I joined BOB and have yet to have a single reason to stop my plans to rule over this world."

Pip: Good lord, can we go to commercial already?!

Heather: SHHHH!

Barney looks at Jenny. His eyes meet hers, and hers light up like a lightbulb.

Jenny: "Barney Green. The legend himself. The definition of hardcore wrestling. You and I go way back, vicariously through Chris, of course, and I have said some terrible things about you over the years. I am glad you've found it in your massive heart to forgive me. I see now the error of my ways, and let me just tell you I am rooting for you, Barn!"

She claps, a bit sarcastically to the naked eye.

"I see you've put your name in the hat for the vacant Universal Title extravaganza at High Stakes. What is your game plan going into this unprecedented event?"]

Barney: "Thank you so much. I'm glad I found such a great group of people to be friends with. The game plan is to outlast everyone and hopefully take the belt home."

Jenny: "Your body must be ravaged over all the years of Hardcore wrestling and a terrible diet. How are you feeling physically as 2020 winds down?"

He shifts a bit in his chair, but answers.

Barney: "My body feels fine for now. We shall see what happens next year."

Jenny: "Don't take this the wrong way, but you have always been the lovable loser. The fans of always cheered you despite limited success now you joined up with a group of supervillains and have stamped your name in the book of 'bad guy'. Is this going to be a difficult change for you? Why did you decide to join a group filled with villains when you could have had you a legacy forever cemented as being the XWF's ultimate good guy?"

Pip: "Okay, now THAT is a good question! [white]

Barney: "I seriously doubt these upstanding people are evil. Just a group of friends hanging around and having a good time. I'm down for that.

Jenny blushes like you would at a baby or a puppy and mouths "how adorable".

Heather: Does Barney seriously not know what he has gotten himself into?"

Jenny shakes his hand with a smile, and turns towards Fury and Graves.

Jenny: "Gravy......what is all this with Bobbi London? I mean, I knew you were a fan of the ladies, but pretty sure the girls of National Geographic weren't your thing. Why Bobbi? I mean, and no offense Robbie, but I mean you put a mask and a onesie on her and she could be Hart Champion, or a pair of gym shorts and tennis shoes and she could be Barney over here! I thought you had SOME standards, Gravey!"

[white]Pip: "This is so egregious and rude. B.O.B is turning this show into they're personal playground.

Heather: I like it!

Graves: "The heart wants what the heart wants Jenny! Are you jealous?" Graves asks as he eyes Jenny head to toe while licking his lips. "Unfortunately for you, I'm taken! Maybe? Truth is I don't know, but ever since I caught a gander of them silver dollar nipples, its like I've been under a spell. Bobbi is living in my head rent free, and that's not a bad thing! As far as your so called standards go, Bobbi London is a beautiful and talented woman, and animal would be lucky to garner her attention. Suggest otherwise again, and we may have a problem!" Graves barks at Jenny, causing Miss Fury to place her hand in his shoulder, signaling him to stand down.

Jenny grins a wicked grin at Graves.

Jenny: "She's gross, Gravy."

Graves explodes up, and Jenny stares at him with a sick smile as Miss Fury sits him down again, telling him its ok.

Jenny has a wicked grin on her face again.

She looks at Miss Fury, who seems to be the only one in the ring with any sort of control over Graves.

Jenny: "Miss Fury......I've gotta say, I am digging the outfit. The whole supervillain thing, the asphalt colored spandex, the 5th grade Halloween party it. All of it. But you know, I need to ask something that I think everyone here wants to know. If I learned anything from Chris Chaos during my time with him, it is that you have to have an end game. There always has to be a purpose and a goal to everything you do, as whacky as it may seem at first. What is your end game now that Vita is out of the picture and no longer a champion?

Miss Fury: "End game? I believe that we've already seen this game play out in it's entirety. I set out to do what Vita couldn't, and I did that without any training or preparation. Due to my success in the XWF thus far, I think that the fact that I am not a wrestler in any way shape for form is sometimes lost on people. Vita winning the belt after the fact meant absolutley nothing, but her dropping that title in her first defense, against a competitor that BOB has beaten over and over again does say everything, doesn't it? No, there is no endgame here. Vita has exposed herself once more as a helpless child who is lost in a world that she's unprepared for. Next question!

Jenny grins, dusting off her belt to further rub in that she is in fact a champion, and a double one at that.

Jenny: "I was a helpless little girl once, thrust into a world that I was unprepared for as well. I know exactly how that goes, and how she feels. But, unlike her, I rose to the occasion and I made something of myself. Now I get to sit here and host a talk show while the XWF women's divison attempts to get its act together. Fury.......since this is MY show and everyone here wants to me, they do.......why did YOU choose ME? Why did you and your Frankenstein over there (points at Graves), push so hard to get me into B.O.B?"

Pip: She just HAS to have the attention on her at all times, doesn't she?

Heather: Shh! I'm trying to listen!

Miss Fury: "Jenny, I know that you're fishing for a compliment here, and to be perfectly honest, you'd deserve it, but your talent in the ring played little in my decision to recruit you. When I sought you out, I wasn't looking for a championship level wrestler, I was looking for a soldier who would dedicate herself to the cause for the benefit of not only herself, but the group as a hole. Separated from Chaos, you needed a home, you needed friends, and BOB provides both." Fury points around the ring at the various members of BOB. "Look around you, each and everyone of us shares a similar story. All of us were betrayed or abandoned in some way. All of us have felt the pain of not being accepted. Whether that was by friends, management, or the finicky fans that are more than happy to use you up before tossing you to the curve. Now us misfits and outcast have a home, and we have a family, and we work to ensure that each and every member of this family is taken care of. This business has a way of chewing people up and spitting them out, and even if you are strong enough to survive that, you come out the other side worse for ware. Allow me to ask you a question Jenny, why did you become a wrestler?"

Jenny: "Fame and Money?" she says sarcastically, but Fury doesn't miss a beat.

Miss Fury: "Exactly, and BOB offers both in abundance. Nothing is out of reach for us, and in turn the world lays at your feet when you're a part of BOB."

Jenny smiles, but a real smile this time and not a snarl. She hugs Miss Fury, and Graves shoots up. Fury points, and he sits back down.

Jenny: "Thank you all for coming out and being a part of this! This is my new family, my new home, and as always, Join B.O.B!"

B.O.B gets up from their seats. Bobby takes two plates of cake with him. Oswald takes the punch. Each one stuffs their pockets with candy. Barney Green smashes a pumpkin in the ring for the sheer thrill.TK snarls his lip at the entire thing and leaves the ring. Bobby next, followed by Oswald, Barney and Graves/Fury.

Jenny turns back to the crowd.

Jenny: "There you have it, folks. The best bit of programming this sad excuse for a wrestling show has seen this year! The Queen's Court delivers again, and at High Stakes the Queen is going to show her kingdom who their ruler truly is. You all laughed at me, for YEARS. You said I was NOTHING. You said I was TRASH. You said I was USELESS. Come High Stakes, you can take all those words and throw them in the dumpster with your pathetic lives. After High Stakes, the ONLY word you need to refer to Jenny Myst, is........Queen."

She drops the mic and the crowd roars as the turns around.



Pip: The Queen is down! Ash Quinn out of nowhere has taken out the Shooting Star Champion!!!!!

Ash picks up the belt and holds its over her fallen adversary.

Pip: Ash Quinn sending a message to the Queen!

[Image: KQpBxCa.gif]

Pip: These two have to be tag team partners on Warfare! Oh man that's gonna be electric! How can these two coexist?!

Heather: Talk about a cat fight!!!!!

[Image: P4OI4FG.png]

Savage goes to commercial.

Danza Kuduro hits and Hanari spins and dances his way out to the ramp in traditional latin Bachata style. He is carrying the flag of the Dominican Republic on a flag pole over his shoulder. He swings his hips and points at the ladies in the front row, winking and making the gun symbol with his thumb and index finger of his free hand. He spins again and walks his way down to the ring with a cocky head swing and a million dollar smile. Climbing the ring steps he gets into the ring, getting on the top rope and waving the flag a few times before jumping down and preparing for the match.

Darkness fills the arena and all you can see... is the gleam of Nathaniel's eyes - cold, fearless, terrifying and glowing silver. Like the very bullet that could kill him. Smoke filters and shifts, all around and from somewhere unseen, a howl is heard, distinct and very wolf like, it is followed by a growl and Nathaniel descends the ramp. Slowly the lights return but he is unfazed, focused solely on the ring as he marches forward. Climbing the steel steps, Nathaniel takes his place within the ring.

Hanari Carnes
- vs -
Nathaniel Idenhaus
Invasion of the Body Snatchers
Competitors must do at least one RP as their opponent

As the bell rings, we see Hanari doing the goose step to mock Nathaniel, and he looked at him with distain. Then Nathaniel does his own hispanic jig at Hanari, and Hanari then clocks him in the jaw hard. Hanari kept punching him in the jaw, then he locks him in with a headlock, but Nathaniel shifts his weight on Hanari to the ropes and has him break the hold. Then Nathaniel whips him off the ropes, and he gives him a Headbutt. As Hanari is on the mat holding his head, Nathaniel comes up to him, but Hanari manages to give him a Drop Toehold onto the corner.

Hanari then gets on his feet, and he chops him in the chest on the corner. Then he does his own Boot Choke on the corner onto Nathaniel, then he manages to back up after the ref’s four count. Then he gets in the middle of the ring, and charges on Nathaniel for a Super Enziguri, but Nathaniel rolls out of the corner. Then he grabs Hanari, gives him series of Knee Lifts to his gut, then he transitions it into a Sidewalk Slam. Then he places him in the middle of the ring, and he charges for the ropes and hits a Leg Drop onto Hanari and covers him..



Nathaniel then gives him series of stomps to his body and head, then he lifts up Hanari, and he takes him to the ropes. He then wraps Hanari onto the top and middle rope by his arms, and he clobbers his chest with his forearms. Then he chokes Hanari, but the ref intervened between them, and Nathaniel breaks the chokehold on him and backs away. Then the ref let Hanari loose from the ropes, and he falls onto his knees. Then Nathaniel runs at him and tries to go for a Curbstomp, but Hanari rolled outside of the ring.

PC: Man this match is playing opposites between these guys here tonight in the heat out here.

HHL: Well, since they were body snatched, it make sense that these guys are attempting to out maneuver one another.

Hanari is slowing getting on his feet on the outside, while Nathaniel follows him out there. Nathaniel tries to pick him up, but Hanari eye rakes him, and he whips him over to the steel steps, which he takes back first. Hanari then lift up Nathaniel, and he slams his head onto the apron and slides him back into the ring.

Hanari comes back into the ring, and he taunts to the crowd with his goose step which caused them boo hard at him. Then he turns Nathaniel onto his front side, and stomps on his head for good measure. As he back up, Nathaniel gets on all fours and we see Hanari gives him his own Curbstomp and goes for the pin…




Hanari then lifts up Nathaniel and he grabs his arm, and twist it. Then he transitions it into a Cross Armbar, but Nathaniel manages to get his foot on the bottom rope to break it off. Hanari then roll onto his feet, as does Nathaniel, and both men start to throw punches at one another. Then it lead into Nathaniel kicking Hanari into his dick right in front of the ref, who reprimanded Nathaniel. As Hanari was holding his family jewels, Nathaniel gives him Guillotine Choke.

As Nathaniel locked it in, we see Hanari almost passing out due to Nathaniel’s force on it. Hanari arm is raised by the ref, but by the third arm raised, he raised a fist. Then Hanari with determination, manages to break the choke and hits him with a Jumping Knee Armbreaker. As Nathaniel was holding his arm in pain, Hanari then kicks him in the gut, and he Tosses him into the corner.

He then gets to the corner, and he slaps him couple of times. Then he charges himself towards him and connects with a…


PC: Holy Moly, that was a nice Punta Cana kick from Hanari, he’s getting himself ready to take out the former NAZI here.

HHL: Will Hanari capitalize on this moment to pin him?

Hanari doesn’t go for the pin, but instead he uses the ropes to get on his feet. Then he lifts up Nathaniel, and he kicks him in the gut and tries to hit his finisher…


Which connects, and Hanari finally covers him…




HHL: Oh no, Hanari tried to finish him off with Nathaniel’s own finisher, but managed to kickout at the neck of time.

PC: I had no idea Hanari had that much strength to lift him up like that, he’s more known to break arms than lift people over his shoulders.

Hanari then gets enraged with the ref, and confronts em over the count. Then we see Nathaniel pulling out a brass knuckle out of his pants, and slowly gets on his feet. As soon Hanari turns around, Nathaniel blast the brass knuckle to his face and waves it at the ref, and the ref said “fuck it” towards Nathaniel due to not wanting to feel the wraith of the former NAZI, who glared into his eyes.

Then Nathaniel tosses it out to the front row, and the place became loudly at those bleachers. Then he preys around the fallen Hanari, who slowly gets to his feet while holding his jaw. Then Nathaniel gives him a Knee Lift into his ribs, and he gives him a textbook Vertical Suplex. Then he looks at left arm and gives a good stomp on it.

As Hanari is holding his left arm in pain, he slowly gets to his feet as Nathaniel gives a menacing smile at Hanari and grabs his left arm and hits his own…


PC: Oh, now we see Nathaniel playing Hanari’s own game by trying to break his arm. He’s got it locked in tightly, after he tried to crush his left arm with his boot with force.

HHL: Will he manage to break the hold, or will Hanari end up being a victim of his own finisher by the end of this match?

Nathaniel struggles in the hold, crying out in agony he flails wildly in the armbreaker and reaches for the ropes but Hanari repositions himself and drags Idenhaus into the center of the ring.

PC: This is looking like the end of Nathaniel, he's got nowhere to go!

Idenhaus's face turns red as veins pop from his temple; he places his free arm down and pushes himself over and wraps Hanari up into a pin! The ref slides in for the count!






Hanari barely kicks out!

Carnes rolls up and is seething with rage and gives a rough forearm into Nathan's nose to get some breathing room, Hanari rolls out of the ring and searches underneath it as the ref berates him all the way; Carnes stands back up brandishing a steel chair and slides back into the ring. The ref gets in Carnes face and blocks his path to Nathaniel, Hanari growls and knocks the ref away with a solid hit and the boos of the crowd grow louder. Carnes takes the chair and swings it down again and again and again onto the prone body of Idenhaus before trapping Idenhaus' arm into the steel chair and locking his infamous cross armbreaker back in which Idenhaus almost immediately taps out for.

Atticus White steps out onto the ramp and ushers a new ref and security to put a stop to this, security chief Marshall Law taking the lead dressed up like the kid from "Up", after some trouble, they drag Hanari off Idenhaus who cradles his possibly broken arm and the ref calls for the bell over and over.


Hanari continues to brawl with security before being outnumbered but taking down some security guards with him as Savage cuts to commercial.

Michael Graves
- vs -
Zane Norrison
Haunted House Brawl
The match will take place in a haunted house
Competitors must fight through the spooky halls and win by KO

PC: "It wouldn't be Halloween without a haunted house, and that's exactly where our next match takes place in!"

HHL: "That's right, Pip, the first one to either knock their opponent out OR scare them to death will be declared the winner."

PC: "The participants have been let loose inside the attraction, so let's take you there live and see how things unfold!"

The scene cuts to inside of a spoooooooky haunted mansion, where we see Zane Norrison wading through a bunch of cotton cobwebs in search of his opponent. As he takes a few steps forward, a figure sneaks out from behind a random crate and sneaks up behind Norrison.


The figure turns on its chainsaw and holds it high above their head, as Zane turns around and screams like the girl from Psycho. As the chainsaw comes down on his shoulder, however, he realizes it doesn't have the chain on it and is merely a prop. Norrison reaches forward and yanks the mask off the figure, revealing it to be some high schooler doing this as a part-time job.

ZANE: "YOU'RE not Micheal Graves!"

The kid shrugs as a someone else jumps out of nowhere and tackles Zane through the wall.


They end up in one of those rooms where the walls seem like they're spinning. Both men quickly get up and exchange punches, trying not to get dizzy as they do so. Graves climbs onto the make shift bridge and goes to leave, but Norrison blocks his path. Rather than fight forward, the Dark Warrior disappears into the darkness behind him, with Zane following close behind.

They enter a room modeled after a graveyard, where Graves immediately breaks a fake tombstone over his opponent's head. He then grabs Norrison by the arm and goes to Irish Whip him, but it breaks off as he does so. Rather than crash into the closed casket in his path, Zane manages to dive over it and get to his feet. The Dark Warrior tries to swing Zane's arm at him over the casket, but there's JUST enough distance between them that he narrowly misses. All of a sudden, the casket bursts open and a cheap looking mummy, wrapped in toilet paper, rises from it. Micheal Graves, reacting out of shock, beats the actor over the head with Zane's arm, screaming "JOIN BOB" as he does so. This allows Zane enough time to hit a Roundhouse Kick, sending Graves stumbling into a different room.

The Dark Warrior ends up in what looks like a children's area, as cheap looking ghosts hang from the ceiling and a table of worms, brains, and eyeballs made of food rests in the center of the room. Zane follows close behind Graves, using his one arm to delivee an Uppercut that knocks his opponent to the ground. As Norrison goes to approach Graves, however, the bowl of "brains" grabs his attention, stopping him dead in his tracks. He stares at it for a moment, his eyes gleaming, before burying his face in it and munching away.......................... stopping just two bites in and pulling his head out of the bowl.

ZANE: "Bleck! Those aren't brains at all!"

Norrison turns into a vicious Superkick from Graves that literally knocks his head off. Despite being decapitated, Zane's body pushes ahead towards Graves, who grabs the bowl of "eyeballs" and dumps them out in front of him, causing Zane to slip on them and fall to the floor in a hilarious manner. The Dark Warrior raises his arms in victory, but it's not over yet, as Zane's body slowly rises back up as if he was some sort of....................................zombie.

Micheal Graves looks stunned at first, before remembering that his opponent IS a zombie, causing him to snap out of it and hit a Fall Away Slam that tosses Zane over to his head. Norrison's body uses it's lone arm to reattach his head before standing back up, ready to fight. Graves uses the fact his opponent can't fully block to his advantage, swinging furiously with both arms, getting in at least half the shots. This forces Zane to retreat into the next room, with the Dark Warrior hot on his heels.

The wrestlers enter what it either some sort of Torture Chamber, or kinky sex dungeon. The room is filled with a variety of wooden tables, each of which has it's own form of punishment from a torture rack to a slab for experimenting on unsuspecting victims. The walls are covered in chains and there's an electric chair beside the door the competitors entered through.

Zane tries to get away from Graves, who grabs his oppponent by the shoulder and turns him around. The Dark Warrior then delivers a swift Kick to the gut before lifting Norrison up for a Grave Consequences. Not having an arm works to Zane's advantage, as he's able to slip out of Graves' grasp, behind his opponent. The Dark Warrior turns around into a one-handed Pop-Up Powerbomb attempt when, suddenly, lurking in the shadows of the Haunted House...

Bobby Bourbon emerges.

Graves, you stole my truck, you son of a bitch, so I'm stealing your spotlight!

Bobby clubs Zane in the back of the head. Both Bourbon and Graves hoist Zane up and deliver a double powerbomb to Norrison as he smacks concrete so hard it cracks! Green glowing mystical energy shows from beneath as Graves's eyes glow the same sickly color. Bobby pulls out a chainsaw and starts it, gunning it, splattering bar oil everywhere. Graves cackles as Bobby raises the chainsaw above Zane, then sinks it down, cutting off one of his feet! This causes Norrison to lose his FOOTing and stumble backwards directly into the electric chair. Seeing his opportunity, Micheal Graves rushes over to the switch on the wall and flips it on. Lights flash and sparks fly as the chair sends Zane's body into a frenzy. Electricity pulses through his undead veins, completely frying him. With no sign of movement from his opponent, Micheal Graves is declared the winner.


We see Atticus White sitting at his desk, shuffling through various papers when, all of a sudden, something off camera gives him a fright.

ATTICUS: "No.................. NOOOOO!!!!!!"

The old man jumps out of his chair and heads for the door as quickly as he can, running into the hallway and out of sight. As he runs past, we see the very thing that sent him into the frenzy: a questionable looking "ghost." The figure stands there for a moment, before taking the sheet off it's head to reveal none other than BIG D.

D(shrugging): "I guess he doesn't like ghosts!"

The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is a ZOMBIE-JACK MATCH!

We get a shot of Zombies… yes, flesh eating zombies surrounding the ring.

” Introducing first, about to make his way to the ring…. Representing the Brothers Blackwater, he is DONOVAN BLACKWATER!

Donovan emerges out to the top of the ramp followed by the Brother’s Blackwater. Pausing briefly, the brothers look around at the exuberant crowd, with immense entertainment. Sharing an amused glance to one another as the fans scream. From there they walk in unison to the ring, occasionally separating to approach a random fan that's losing their mind. Clearly, enjoying the effect they have on the crowd, the Brothers Blackwater continue onward. Once they reach the ring, two of the brothers hold up the bottom rope, as the intended participant for the fight slides into the ring. That brother then takes his place in the squared circle and awaits his opponent, while basking in the cheers from the audience.

” And introducing his opponent….”

” About to make his way to the ring, he is one half of the XWF World Tag Team Champions…. “CHRONIC” CHRIS PAGE!”

The lights dim to darkness as the video package on the Jumbo Tron displays Thaddeus Duke’s entrance video as we see Chris Page saunter out to the top of the ramp under a single spotlight.

” Yet another rub in the face of Thaddeus Duke who hasn’t been in the ring since Relentless weekend, a large part because of Chris Page.”

Chris looks down at ringside at the Zombies before rolling his eyes as he starts to make the walk towards the ring. Chris reaches the foot of the ramp before walking through the Zombies and slides into the ring where immediately Donovan pounces with kicks to the back of Page!

Donovan Blackwater
- vs -
"Chronic" Chris Page
Zombie Lumberjack Match
The undead will surround the ring and attack anyone on the outside


Donovan picks Page up off the mat where he hammers away with right hands before attempting to send Page through the ropes and to the floor, Page lands on the ring apron where he has to stomp away at a Zombie before connecting with a shoulder block to the midsection of Donovan which is followed up with a Sling Shot DDT by Page! Chris quickly rolls Blackwater over making a cover,




Donovan escapes with a kick out. Page is the first to his feet where he reaches down to pick up Donovan where he’s met with a headbut to the gut breaking Page’s grasp. Donovan pops back up to his feet delivering a swinging neck breaker to CCP.

” How are we even safe with all these Zombie’s around us?”

” That’s a damn good question.”

Donovan reaches his feet where he picks Page up off the mat and hurls him out to the floor! Donovan laughs as Page starts to get surrounded by Zombies. Page ducks under a lunge from a Zombie only to dive under the ring. The swarm of Zombies start to make their way to one side of the ring as Page crawls out from under the ring on the other side… and has a samurai sword with him!!

” Thank God the nonsense is about to end.”

Page looks up at Donovan while telling him to “Hold”. He comes around the ring, sword in hand and takes off a head of a Zombie with one swipe! There goes a second head, a third!

” CCP is slaying Zombies!

This literally continues until all Zombies have been eliminated as Page picks up a Zombie head and throws it in the ring at Donovan. He tosses the sword to the ground before climbing up on the ring apron soaked in zombie blood.

” Now can we get back to business?”

Chris steps through the ropes as we see Donovan lunge towards Page who ducks under latching on to a back waist lock delivering a German Suplex, he rolls through maintaining his grasp on the waist of Blackwater picking him up of the mat where a second German Suplex is delivered! Page rolls through maintaining the grasp on the waist only as they stand Donovan lands a standing side switch and has the back waist lock on Page delivering a German Suplex of his own! Donovan maintains the grip and rolls through picking Page up off the mat and lands a second German Suplex maintaining the bridge!




Page escapes the pinfall attempt. Donovan is the first to his feet where he picks Page up and sends him crashing into a neutral corner. Blackwater comes forward with a Roundhouse Kick to Page in the corner where he brings Page out from the corner with a Side Walk Slam. Blackwater makes another cover.




Page kicks out once again.

” Every match so critical on the road to High Stakes for CCP as he’s made it his mission to prove everyone wrong, starting with tonight.”

” But thus far the edge has to go to Blackwater as he’s pretty much controlled the pace since before the bell.”

Donovan gets back to his feet. He reaches down picking Page up where he connects with a forearm smash rocking Page back towards the ropes. Donovan charges forward only to be elevated over the top rope and out to the floor! The Brother’s Blackwater help Donovan up to their feet long enough for Page to springboard off the top rope with a Shooting Star Press down on top of all the Brothers Blackwater taking them all down to the floor!

Page gets back to his feet where he picks Donovan up off the floor and tosses him back into the ring. Page climbs up on the ring apron before making his way towards the nearest set of turnbuckles. Page starts to climb the buckles reaching the top turnbuckle where he sets sail delivering a picture perfect Diving Headbut to Blackwater! It’s Page who executes the cover.




Donovan escapes the pinfall with a kickout.

Page back to his feet reaches down where he picks Donovan up by the hair and latches on to a front waist lock where an overhead release belly to belly suplex is delivered! Page scurries into a second cover hooking the near leg.




Another escapes from Blackwater.

” Neither man is able to put the other away thus far as they continue to go back and forth.”

” It’s going to come down to who makes that crucial mistake.”

Chris is the first to his feet where he assists Donovan up with a handful of hair. Chris decks Blackwater with a stiff right hand rocking Blackwater back several feet and as Page comes forward Donovan lands a leg sweep knocking Page down to the mat! Page pops back up to his feet where he walks into a boot to the midsection from Blackwater followed by the Alley Oop Facebuster!

” Making Friends delivered to Page! This is going to be it!”

Donovan makes the cover hooking the near leg.




Page kicks out!

” Page isn’t done just yet!”

Donovan, kinda shocked that Chris kicked out gets back to his feet where he sizes Page up as Chris starts to roll over pushing himself up off the mat and back to his feet, Donovan explodes towards Page looking for a Spear that Page leap frogs over Blackwater! Donovan puts on the breaks before smashing into a neutral corner; he turns and walks into a Judas Effect from Page! Chris makes the cover hooking the near leg.




Donovan kicks out in the nick of time as we see Chris start to work his way back to his feet, he sizes up Blackwater who starts working his way back to his feet where he walks into a boot into the midsection from Page and it’s Page that looks to deliver the Page Plant!

Blackwater counters with a back body drop that Page counters into a sunset flip stacking Donovan’s shoulders to the mat.




Donovan kicks out again and both men quickly get to a vertical base with Donovan charging towards Page with a clothesline, Page ducks sending Blackwater bouncing off the near side and into an awaiting spinbuster slam from Chris Page! Page is back to his feet where he picks Donovan up off the mat, he boots him in the midsection where he delivers the Angel’s Wings!


Chris rolls Donovan over making the cover.






” A convincing win for Chris Page as his road to High Stakes is in full swing.

Chris looks towards the camera as holds up one finger as he states.

” One down… One to go.”

” Page now has his eyes locked on the Alien’s versus Predators Random draw Main Event.”

Chris exits the ring and makes his way back up the ramp.

PC: "Up next we have Sebastian Duke vs Charlie Nickles in a Buried Alive Match. I don't know about you, Heather, but I can't think of another stipulation better suited for Halloween than that!"

HHL: "Absolutely, Pip, there isn't anything much scarier than the thought of being buried well before you've met your maker!"

PC: "Well, that nightmare is about become a reality for one of these two men here tonight, the question is: who will it be?"

As "Blue On Black" by Five Finger Death Punch begins, red and white lighting flashes around the arena. Sebastian Duke emerges from backstage with his long hair pulled back into a ponytail. He wears a black and white bandanna on his head and wears jet black shades. His black leather trench coat stops around the knees. He stands on the stage looking out over the crowd with his PrimeTime fight glove clad hands resting above his hips. A lot of the 20-30 something men and women cheer wildly for the man they've grown to respect over the years. Kids hate him. Always have, probably always will.

He takes a moment to smooth out his goatee, then the chorus hits: BLUE ON BLACK, TEARS ON A RIVER and the Legend begins to head down the aisle................. when all of a sudden, Charlie Nickles sneaks out from behind the curtain and breaks a barbed wire 2x4 over his back.

PC: "Oh man, Charlie's full of surprises tonight!"

HHL: "Yeah, talk about a trick!"

PC: "One man's trick is another man's treat."

Charlie tosses the broken piece of wood aside as Sebastian drops to his knees, writhing in pain. The referee sees the attack from the ring, causing him to call for the bell, before hurrying over towards the ramp.

Charlie Nickles
- vs -
Sebastian Duke
Buried Alive Match


Charlie runs at Sebastian from behind and drives him, face first, into the ramp with a Bulldog. Nickles then grabs Duke by the hair and smashes his face against the metal stage, over and over again, all the while laughing about it. The former Number 1 Contender rolls his opponent onto his back and begins hammering at his face with what seems like a million shots per second.

PC: "Charlie Nickles sure is giving it to Daddy Duke!"

HHL: "Please don't ever say that again."

PC: "No promises."

Eventually, Charlie lays off the assault and stands up, bringing his opponent with him. As he leads him over towards the giant mound of dirt, Duke fights back with a couple shots to the ribs, followed by a Headbutt that cracks Nickles' skull open like an egg.

PC: "That's not one of those blood rushing masks, folks, Charlie Nickles is ACTUALLY bleeding!"

HHL: "This one's been brutal since before the bell rang, but we didn't expect any less from these two."

As blood trickles down Charlie's face, Sebastian walks over to the shovel lodged in dirt next to the open hole and removes it. He then turns to swing it with full force, but Nickles just barely ducks under it and responds with a Kick to the gut. Charlie steals the shovel from Duke and absolutely wallops him over the back with it, forcing him to drop to a knee, before charging forward. Sebastian manages to spring to his feet and flip Charlie over his shoulders, dropping him directly into the grave behind him.

PC: "That couldn't have gone any better for Duke!"

HHL: "He's halfway there, but can he finish it?"

Sebastian picks the shovel back up and begins tossing dirt onto his downed opponent. It doesn't take Charlie long to stir, as he wipes the sediment off of his bloodied face and grabs at the shovel. Both men fight for control of the tool, with Nickles gaining the advantage thanks to a well timed Elbow, followed by a Rake of the eyes. Duke stumbles backwards, clutching at his face as he does so, allowing Charlie enough time to crawl out of the grave. He then lifts the shovel above his head but, before he can swing it, Sebastian drops him with a Big Boot.

HHL: "I don't know how Duke connected with that one, he can barely see!"

PC: "That's the instincts of a veteran right there! Duke knows there's other senses besides sight, he probably smelled Charlie and knew exactly where he was!"

Sebastian takes a moment to regain his sight before bringing Charlie to his feet and Irish Whipping him towards the barricade in the aisle. Nickles reverses it mid-whip, and instead sends Duke crashing against the barrier, back first. Charlie then charges at his opponent and Clotheslines them both over the guardrail into the crowd.

PC: "They're heading in the exact opposite direction of where their objective is!"

HHL: "Well, the fans in the front row certainly are getting a treat!"

Both men get up and take turns swinging at each other a few times until, finally, Charlie staggers Duke with a particularly hard right. Nickles grabs his opponent by the back of the head and let's multiple children in the crowd take turns slapping the shit out of him.

HHL: "Getting a free shot on Duke is almost better than candy!"

PC: "This is another one of Charlie's tricks, those kids have GOT to be plants!"

Before anymore children can beat him up, Sebastian delivers a swift uppercut to Charlie's jaw, before grabbing him around the throat. Duke glares at all the kids who hit him, sending them retreating behind their parents for safety, before turning his attention back to Nickles....................... who cracks him over the head with a chair! Sebastian backs up a few steps and grabs a chair of his own, which he uses to deliver a vicious shot across Charlie's skull. Nickles laughs it off, demanding Duke to give him another one, which he happily obliges. Charlie looks a little dazed, but responds with a thumbs up, followed by another chair shot back at Sebastian as the fans around them go nuts.

PC: "I don't know how either of these men are standing right now!"

HHL: "It's a different breed in XWF, THAT'S for sure!"

Charlie goes to swing on Sebastian, again, but Duke punches the chair into Nickles' face, causing him to drop it. He then lifts his own chair high above his head and decks Charlie with it so hard, it sends him flying back over the barricade. Sebastian tosses his bent and broken chair to the side before climbing over the guardrail and joining his opponent in the aisle.

PC: "Whoever's seats those were, they're gonna be standing for the rest of the night!"

HHL: "Yes, but they'll always remember the night Sebastian Duke and Charlie Nickles beat the hell out of each other with THEIR chair."

As Charlie struggles to make it to his feet, Sebastian Duke puts him right back down with a Running DDT onto the ramp. Duke then picks Nickles up and rests him against the barricade before delivering a barrage of fists to his opponent's ribs. This fires Charlie up, causing him to retaliate with multiple strikes of his own that forces Duke back up the ramp.

HHL: "Despite Charlie's cheap shot at the beginning, this has been a pretty even contest."

PC: "Charlie just wanted to make things interesting and, up to this point, they have."

Nickles follows Duke onto the stage, where he grabs him, and smashes his face against the metal backing. He then grabs Sebastian's hair and yanks him down by it, sending the back of his head bouncing off the entrance ramp.

HHL: "If we had concussion protocol, Sebastian Duke would be in it right now."

PC: "Instead, he's about to find himself inside of a grave!"

Charlie drags Duke back over to the pile of dirt, ready to put his opponent away for good. Once in front of the open grave, he wraps Sebastian's arm around his head and goes to hoist him up for his finishing maneuver.

PC: "Charlie's gonna put Duke six feet under if he hits this Steubenville Screwdriver!"

Before Nickles can deliver the move, however, Sebastian Duke manages to slip out behind his opponent. He shoves Charlie forward, nearly pushing him into the grave, and charges at him with an arm extended.

HHL: "Soul Shot!!!!"

At the last second, Charlie Nickles manages to duck the Clothesline from Hell before kicking Duke in the nuts. With his opponent hunched over, Charlie goes for a Double Arm DDT................ only for Sebastian to escape and level him with a Brogue Kick that sends Nickles crumbling to the dirt.

PC: "The Eliminator!!!!

HHL: "I don't think Charlie's gonna be waking up anytime soon from that one!"

Sebastian Duke grabs Charlie Nickles ad tosses him into the grave, before picking up the shovel and beginning the burial process and as he slams the shovel into the dirt the lights go dark…

The lights draw up to reveal….

[Image: 27f.gif]

[Image: Itvn.gif]


Chris stands at the side of the gravesite staring at Sebastian Duke who still has the shovel in the dirt. Duke yanks the shovel out of the dirt to swing it at Page only to see Robert grab the shovel and allows Page to come forward with a straight kick to the balls of Duke! Sebastian drops to his knees as he releases the shovel in the hands of Main. Page walks up to Duke as he holds him by the chin.

” You and your boy are going to learn that you don’t hunt what you can’t kill!”

Robert comes from behind breaking the shovel across the upper back of Sebastian Duke! Duke falls forward face first into a pile of dirt. Page drops down snatching a handful of dirt before cramming it down the throat of Duke! Chris stands back to a vertical base where he kicks Sebastian straight in the head!

Charlie Nickels is shown climbing out of the grave where he sets his eyes on Cataclysm and suddenly becomes an intelligent man and goes the other direction as we see Robert picking Sebastian up out of the dirt. Main hoists Duke up in the air and Page is there to complete the Shatter Machine!

The crowd roars with massive boos as Page and Main both stand over Father Duke. The cameras catch a close shot of Page as he is heard speaking towards the camera.

” Come back soon, Thad.”

Chris reaches down picking a defenseless Sebastian up where both he and Robert take Duke by the throat before delivering a Double Chokeslam into the gravesite! Chris makes his way to the tombstone and shoves it over into the grave on top of Sebastian before walking off camera only to return with a backhoe pre-filled with dirt. Page drives the backhoe to the gravesite and dumps the load of dirt on top of Sebastian effectively burying him alive.


Chris Page emerges from the backhoe as he and Robert stand on the grave that houses Sebastian Duke.

One quick cut later and you are being jostled around in the back of a black Escalade. It’s all lights and sirens as it speeds down the street. In the driver’s seat, a man in a dark brown long coat with shades and an ear piece. And in the other….Special Agent Shaft Blackman! He’s turned around, shouting at you in the back seat.

Strap in muthafuckahs!

He brings a handgun to bear and slams a clip into it.

For weeks now I been interviewin’ the XWF’s dumbass employees trying to get a lead in the Dyson case. I might as well have stayed home and pulled my pud for as useful as they asses was! But now, we just got word that Madison Dyson’s grave has been…. He turns towards the agent that’s driving. Would you turn that shit off?!

The other agent points to the radio. It’s the theme from Halloween!

Yeah, I know what the fuck it is. I want it off!

The other agent sighs. Just trying to stay in the Halloween spirit. He grumbles, but nonetheless turns the song off.

As I was sayin’, we just got word that Madison Dyson’s grave has been DESECRATED! And their been reports of some creep hangin’ around the cemetery. So we headed there right now to get this shit sorted and hopefully break this muthafucka WIDE OPEN!

Don’t you think it’s all kinda creepy, sir? Like a horror movie?

Blackman makes a face like he just heard the dumbest shit. What is you talkin’ about?

The other agent shrugs, but keeps his eyes on the road. Well, here we are. It’s Halloween night, and we’re headed to check out a desecrated grave at a cemetery where some weirdo has been hanging around. I mean, if this WAS a horror movie, I wouldn’t like our chances right now. He laughs nervously.

Blackman just stares at him for a moment before barking, Just keep your damn eyes on the road and get us there in one piece!

The Escalade careens around a turn, and we see now that a second sleek black truck is following just behind them. They both have their lights and sirens wailing and enraged motorists lay on their horns as they get cut off by the Federal convoy. Before long, the vehicles arrive at a massive wrought iron gate.

[Image: write-your-text-on-cemetery-gate.jpg]

The gates automatically slide open as they approach. Blackman leans forward in his seat. Hang around this first loop, and then take the first right. That’ll take us to her plot.

The agent does as directed, but it’s difficult to see with the fine foggy haze that’s settling in now. Blackman grabs a couple flashlights out of the glovebox. He looks up after another moment has passed and throws out his hand. Yeah, right near here. Stop the car.

The truck lurches to a halt, along with the other one just behind. Shaft passes along a flashlight to the other agent and gets out of the car. We see two more FBI agents exit the vehicle behind them. Almost in unison, all of their flashlights cut on, but the light is almost lost amidst the sea of low hanging fog.

Where we going, sir?

Just follow me. He points to the hill just ahead of them and he starts to walk up it. His bald pate catches the glint of the moon, and his gait tosses up some of the fog, turning it into disparate eerie reaching tendrils in his wake. The other agents are looking around nervously, flashlights out and hands creeping towards their firearms.

See, it’s like a horror movie!

I already done told you to shut up about that shit!

Chastened, the agent clams up. They finally reach the crest of the hill, where an ostentatious grave awaits. Madison’s grave itself is flanked by two bucking unicorns. And the headstone is a 10 foot spire that looks vaguely phallic in nature. One of the agents whistles, distracted by the sight of it. But suddenly, he falls! His screams scuttle the other agents, who train their lights on the source of the commotion. The agent is laying in an open casket at the bottom of a six foot hole.

Blackman’s eyes go wide. Holy fuck, her grave ain’t just desecrated, it’s fuckin’ empty!

Hey...uhhhh….can somebody help me out?

With an annoyed gesture, he points to the other agents, who spring into action pulling the third out of Madison’s open grave. Blackman turns, looking outward from the top of the hill. He shakes his head in astonishment. Somebody really took her goddamn body. But who?! And why?!

tHe oNES wHo WALk in thE EnD TIMEs tOOk heR…. A raspy voice sounds out. The agents startle, and finally settle their beams on a slight figure standing half way out from behind the spire of Madison’s grave. It’s Mercy, Madison’s one time bodyguard. [/color]

Blackman smirks. Well ain’t this some shit. We been lookin’ for you. He gives a slight nod to the agents from the other car, and they break off to flank Mercy from behind while Blackman keeps her attention. Now what’s this craziness you on about?! Who took her body! Where is it?!

She cocks her head. I tHouGht YoU WANTed to KNOw wHo KILLeD hEr?

I want to know that too. You realize you’re a prime suspect, right? I mean, I know guns ain’t exactly your typical modus operandi, but….


Blackman’s face goes blank and he trades astonished looks with the other agent beside him. They both unholster their weapons, training them on Mercy. So you are confessing to the murder of Madison Dyson?!

Mercy draws in a ragged breath that sounds like a grotesque slurping sound. Yes. I had no choice. The devill made me do it. He gave me the gun. Threatened me and my child if I didn’t obey.

Oh so the devil made you do it, huh? That’s what all the crazies say. So you think I could talk to this devil?

You alrEAdY diD.

The agent screws his face up in confusion. What you mean? Then, he shakes his head in frustration. You know what, nevermind! It’s probably just more crazy bullshit anyway! Now put your goddamn hands in the air, you’re under arrest!

Mercy tentatively starts to raise her arms….but then she dissappears behind the spire!

Goddammit! Close in on her! CLOSE IN!

Seconds later, you hear the crack of two gun shots! Followed by a scream! Agent Blackman and his partner circle around the spire to see Mercy nowhere in sight! But one of his agents has a knife buried in his chest to the hilt and the other is looking around bewildered.

I don’t know where she went!

She was right fuckin’ here!

Up there!

A flashlight beam shines halfway up the spire, where Mercy is affixed to it like some monstrous predator! Blackman gasps and opens fire, but Mercy slithers around the spire.

I’m on it! The agent circles around to the front of the spire, but he is overtaken by a flash of movement as Mercy leaps down on him like a bird of prey! He barely has the time to let out a choked scream before Mercy rips out his throat with her distended jaws!

FUCK ME! Blackman takes aim and fires at Mercy, but she rolls off the body too fast and all Blackman succeeds in doing is putting a round into his rapidly cooling partner.

Rolling to her feet, Mercy bolts down the hillside. The agents give chase, following her further into the center of the graveyard. Nought but the tops of most of the headstones are visible through the fog.

Which way?!

Aw fuck! I think she went that way! Blackman takes the lead, charging towards a large crypt like structure. He takes cover behind it, and the other agent slides in next to him. Their breathing ragged, Blackman speaks up again in a labored tone. I can’t see shit through all this fog.

I know sir it’s…….iiiiiiiiiiiiiiitssssssss…..The other agent’s eyes roll back in his head. Blackman looks down to see the other man’s guts unspooling from a vicious smile-like carving in his abdomen! The agent looks down in shock, numbly picking up the slick gore soaked insides that are now trailing between his legs. Blackman screams as the other agent sinks to his knees and then hits the ground.

Mercy pops up from the fog, bloodied knife held high! Agent Blackman pushes himself away from the crypt, loosing off a shot that goes wide right. Mercy rolls into the fog again, and the agent sweeps the ground with his flashlight in a panic. Finally, he spots the barest hint of movement and fires again. He hears a cry of pain from the obscuration. I got you bitch! The beam of his flashlight finally settles on a small pool of blood in the grass. Cautiously, he finds that the pool diminishes into a slight trail of crimson. Blackman follows the trail, senses ablaze. It leads him to another row of tombstones.

Suddenly, there’s a flash of movement from behind one of the tombstones! Mercy goes low, opening up Blackman’s achilles tendon with her knife. AAARRGGHHHHH! He drops to his knee as that foot gives out. Mercy lunges at him again, her shoulder stained red from the gunshot. She moves to drive the knife deep into Blackman’s neck but he gets an arm up to block it. The blade sinks deep into his flesh instead, embedding in bone! He screams again, and pushes Mercy away in desperation. Her hips strikes one of the headstones and she falls, but only momentarily. Blackman struggles to his feet and levels the gun again. Popping off another couple shots at where Mercy just was. But she’s gone once again.

Blackman chances a look at his arm, where a virtual river of blood is spilling out from around the blade. His eyelids flutter as his quivering hand goes to the handle of the knife.

iT’s OVeR fOR yOu. Mercy appears behind him and reaches over, snatching the knife out of Blackman’s arm. He cries out in pain again and falls onto his back. Taking aim at Mercy again, he tries to fire at her, but she kicks the gun out of his hand a fraction of a second before he can pull the trigger.

Slinking back on his haunches as the blood loss starts to take effect, the agent puts his flashlight hand out, illuminating Mercy. You know you ain’t gonna get away with this. You just killed three federal agents!

Mercy smiles a horrible serrated grin, pulling her fleshy malformed lips up tight against her face and brandishing her teeth. fOuR. She says simply as she throws herself on top of Blackman. He tries to strike her with the flashlight but she swats that away too. Mercy bends low and sinks her teeth into his forehead. Blackman screams bloody murder and kicks his feet out uselessly as we hear the sound of wet, tearing flesh! With a heaping helping of the skin from his forehead in her teeth, she pulls downward, causing the flesh to split and tear even further. Blackman’s final scream is anguished and horrifying as the remainder of his face is pulled straight off his skull.

The shot goes to Blackman’s nearby discarded flashlight. You dimly hear a disgusting smacking sound, and the flashlight’s beam is splattered with droplets of blood, rendering the entire shot in a crimson hue before fading to black.

[Image: 211061-Foggy-Cemetery.gif]

The shot returns to the arena, where we see a stunned Pip and Heather!

HHL: I….uhhhh….I don’t even….

PC: I think HOLY HELL about sums it up! Mercy just admitted to killing Madison Dyson, Madison’s body is missing and we just saw 4 FBI agents get taken to the SLAUGHTERHOUSE! Poor Agent Blackman.

HHL: But what was that about Mercy saying the devil made her do it?

PC: Man, who knows….Mercy’s NUTS!

HHL: I think there’s still more to this situation than meets the eye. She lets out a whoosh of air. We’re gonna try to get back to the action here. And to our viewers with sensitive stomachs, sorry about that.

PC: And uhhh...Happy Halloween I guess. Gotta say one thing for Mercy. She always makes the holiday interesting. She killed Dracula last year!

The lights dim down to black with Destiny by Stratovarius(a shorter starting) starts to play over the speakers. With only a few seconds passing with the intro, the song stops for a moment and an unknown, deep male voice calls out, "The Last Legend" while it also appears on the screen in writing. The music comes back forty seconds into the song as it starts to pick up.

Announcer: Hailing from Detroit, Michigan. Weighing in at 244 pounds...Johnny Legend!!!

Johnny Legend appears from behind the curtain in his sleek black robe with "The Last Legend" on the back. The stitching on the back lettering is starting to come loose and some holes in the robe, he raises his arms in the air to a mix crowd reaction. Sporting a smirk as he struts his way down the ramp, Johnny Legend keeps his distance from the fans as he hopes they don't put any more rips into his cheap robe. He climbs through the ropes and into the ring while his music slowly dies down.

Twenty midgets with sparkers in both hands held as high as their little arms can reach, line both sides of the entrance ramp. The sparkers ignite as Thunder Knuckles walks past them. Once Thunder Knuckles is down to the ring he rolls under the bottom rope and in one movement he pops up to his feet. With his back turned towards the camera, he raises his right fist in defiance. As soon as his fist goes up, counterfeit xbux with Thunder Knuckles' face on them fall onto the crowd.

PC: Y'know, I don't think I'm ever not going to be offended by TK's entrance.

[Image: xwftv.png]

Thunder Knuckles ©
- vs -
Johnny Legend
Alien Abduction Match
The winner must throw their opponent into the tractor beam of an orbiting UFO

The bell rings and the two men circle. TK attacks first, tying up with Legend. Legend is able to slide around, wrapping his arms around TK's waist, but the TV champ elbows out of it. TK rolls around now and wraps his arms around Legend. Legend tries to do the same thing as TK, and elbow his way out, but TK is ready. He locks the leg and drops him face down onto the mat. TK shows off some of his technical prowess by staying on him, locking in a sleeper once he has him down there.

[white]Pip: Interesting strategy here by the champ! He's usually more of a brawler.

Heather: He's taking the easy way out, he wants to make Legend pass out then drag him to the tractor beam. I don't blame him!

Legend, however, is fighting his way out of it. He is reaching for the ropes. He eventually gets there. Knuckles milks it, though, and waits until the 5 count, maybe even 5 and a half, to break the hold.

He does, with a smug smirk, and Legend rolls out of the ring under the ropes. TK follows grabbing Legend by the head and throwing him into the ring post head first. He bounces off with a sickening thud.

Legends tries to crawl away, but is woozy. TK kicks him hard in the ribs. Legend is reaching up to the apron, trying to pull himself up. TK bounces his head off the apron. The swishes his hands together, as if to say hes washed his hands of it.

Pip: TK is confident here, and he has dominated Johnny Legend in the early going here.

TK grabs him by the back of the neck and tosses him up the ramp way. Legend crawls up the ramp, TK kicking at him every couple of feet, til they get to the entrance area. TK turns and gives the throat slit symbol, but Legend takes advantage, low blowing TK, bringing him to his knees.

Heather: He'll feel that for a while!

He gets up, grabbing TK who is still on his knees holding his junk, and DDT's him onto the steel entrance ramp.

Legend gets up and stumbles through the curtain, TK is beginning to stir. He realizes Legend is gone, and is getting to his feet when Legend omes back through the curtain with a lead pipe, bringing it down across the back of the TV champ. Then again.

Then again.

Legend tosses down the pipe and picks up TK by the head. He walks him through the curtain and the camera follows.

TK is fighting back, however, showing the grit that has made him champion. The two battle down the hallways, throwing each other into walls and over tables. They knock each other back and forth.

The makeup ladies and tech workers scramble as the two make their way through the hallways. TK bounces Legend off a table, spilling hot coffee. TK picks up the coffee pot and dumps it on Johnny Legend.

Pip: Good lord. This Television Title match is turning into an extreme rules match quickly.

Heather: They need to get outside, did you expect them to just stroll out there together?

Legend covers up as his skin bubbles a bit. Thunder Knuckles seems satisfied. He picks up Legend, trash talking as he does. He goes to toss Legend through a plate glass window, but Legend blocks, elbowing him in the face to back him off before stumbling away. He finds a door, reaching for it. He pushes it open, stumbling outside. TK isn't far behind as he clubs him from behind, taking him down.

Legend is crawling away, and TK kicks him. The UFO is seen hovering nearby, and when legend notices it, he tries to crawl away.

He stands up and a hard shot from TK takes him down to the dirt again. Legend tries to get up, TK knocks him back down. A face full of dirt, he blows and puffs, moving loose strands of dirt with each exhale.

The hiss from the ulta-bright tractor beam light could be heard. TK picks up Legend. With a middle finger, he spits in his face and punches him again. Legend flies into the tractor beam and is sucked up. The light disappears and TK smirks, turning to walk away as the ship flies off.


The ref goes to raise Thunder Knuckle's arm in victory but the UFO turns around.

PC: Holy shit! Legend took control of the spacecraft!

Thunder Knuckles is stunned, like a deer in the headlights as the UFO comes flying down at speed towards him.

HHL: But TK threw him into the tractor beam! He won... Right?

PC: I... I don't know!

The ref gets the fuck out of there as the UFO speeds down and crashes to earth, taking out the ring and most of the ground! The crowd go nuts in a mix of sheer panic and excitement; Thunder Knuckles disappearing under the craft. A minute or so goes by as the top of the UFO pops open and a battered Legend climbs out but is stunned as a bloody Thunder Knucles greets him stood atop the craft.

TK: "Welcome to Earth."

And with that TK lands a heavy haymaker, rocking Johnny's jaw and falls back inside the craft. Thunder Knuckles cracks his neck and hops in to give chase; inside the cold metal ship, with wiring bursting from the walls as sparks fly TK searches the halls for Legend as the lights blink on and off; the TV champ creeps the corridors and jumps a little as a door opens with a quiet hum, inside is an autopsy table and two dead aliens.

HHL: Oh damn, Legend murked some greys.

Thunder Knuckles walks into the room and examines the robotic arm and many implements; Legend pops out of thin air and rocks Thunder Knuckles with a solid gut punch before turning back invisible; Knuckles grabs his stomach and searches around in a guarded pose and falls to his knees as Legend grabs a metal tube and knocks TK down then throwing a knee into TK's face. The metal pole is dropped as TK scrambles on the ground and grabs a vial of green ooze he tosses the vial and it smashes to pieces as the form of Legend appears, the ooze burning his skin and attire. Thunder Knuckles gets to his feet and charges Legend but Johnny telegraphs his move and chokeslams TK onto the autopsy table and immediately grabs the robotic arm and fires up a saw blade bringing it close to TK's face as he laughs like a madman; Knuckles grabs the arm and tries to force it away; as the blade whirs and begins to cut into TK's cheek, blood squirting as TK's yells in pain!

PC: The champs in a tough spot! Legend may just kill him!?

Thunder Knuckles manages to find the strength and pushes the arm away and throws his head into Legend's nose and busts it open; TK rolls off the table and shoulder barges Legend out of the way leaving the room and stumbling back into the corridor; The challenger catches his bearings and gives chase and the two find themselves into a dim room with two pods and a large console. The two stare off at one another before locking up in a collar and elbow; Legend takes advantage following through in the hold and digging a knee into TK's thigh and twisting his body around to launch Knuckles away with a gorgeous German Suplex; Thunder Knuckles flies into the console, cracking his spine as an alarm blares and both pods open with a hiss of smoke; Legend grabs the scruff of TK's neck and picks him up and begins smashing his head against the console; dials and lights flick on and a screen shows a course being plotted with each bash of TK's head.

The champ stops himself by grasping the console and stopping Legend short, TK throws an elbow backwards and spinning around, dropping Legend with a solid side kick, the two get some breathing room and Legend rushes in first to go for a clothesline but TK ducks underneath and gets to Legend's back and dropkicks Johnny in the back who falls into the pod and panics as the cover slams closed. TK stands up with paneted breath and looks as Legend tries to escape by slamming himself into the glass, Knuckles looks at the console and a large red button peaks his interest, he locks eyes with a nervous Legend who shakes his head to no avail as TK slams his fist down on the red button and the pod rumbles before being launched from the spaceship and the pod flies far into the air, disappearing over the horizon.

The crowd watch as it sails over them and the ref calls for the final bell.


TK sits down beaten and exhausted and lights up a cigar in the wreckage of the UFO, his theme playing in the distance outside the UFO.

The crowd roars with boos as for the second time tonight Chris Page emerges out to the top of the ramp to Thaddeus Duke’s entrance theme. Chris walks with a purpose towards the ring.

HHL: We’ve already seen Page in action tonight and we’ve witnessed the Beast play a pivotal role in burying Sebastian Duke alive tonight… what else could he possibly want?

PIP: There’s no telling.

Chris Page reaches ringside where he climbs up on the ring apron and steps through the ropes entering the ring where he immediately walks across the ring demanding a microphone from the time keeper. Page is given the mic as the music fades away. He raises the microphone to his lips as he states.

”You’ll have to forgive me for occupying tonight’s program… but when you’re the Saturday Night Special you show up and show out. Now, I can give two fucks about the Blackwater ordeal earlier tonight as it was nothing but a glorified “get yourself back up on your feet” encounter; as many of you know Relentless didn’t quite go as planned. Day One I put on a clinic that was ruined by a homosexual that desperately tried to push his personal agenda on me, he paid that price… right Thad?”

Chris pauses for a mere moment, giving Duke Nation time to boo him before he continues.

”As if Thaddeus kissing me wasn’t bad enough; the audacity that you people give me crazy backlash over kicking the shit out of him is absolutely insane! I’m the bad guy because I defended myself after being inappropriately treated all for the sake that your lovable homosexual could escape with a DISQUALIFICATION victory intact. Thaddeus KNEW he didn’t have what it took to put me down and thus resorted to the cheapest of all tactics, and you all cheer him? How has it felt not having that satisfaction over the last six weeks? Thad’s on the shelf because of me and much like Thad’s on the shelf his old man was put in the ground because of me!”

The crowd erupts into loud boos as Chris continues.

”Over the last two months I’m personally responsible for eliminating BOTH father and his idiot son from the XWF equation, and with High Stakes approaching and the rumored return of Thaddeus allow me to stand in this ring and tell the world that if Thaddeus has entered the High Stakes Battle Royale then I’ll be right there to ensure that victory isn’t in the equation for him and I will put him in the grave next to his old man!”

XWF Universe: “FUCK YOU PAGE! FUCK YOU PAGE! FUCK YOU PAGE!” starts to echo throughout the facility drawing a smirk from Page.

”Fuck me? Fuck all of you for being nothing more than sheep!”

The X-tron lights up just outside the facility as a lifeless Sebastian Duke is being loaded into an ambulance, giving Chris Page a laughing fit in the ring.

HHL: The legendary Sebastian Duke, Pip! On his way to a local medical facility...

PIP: And Chris Page is laughing.

HHL: This is a real situation, Universe. This isn’t an angle or a storyline like some other wrestling companies out there.

PIP: This is as real as it gets, unfortunately.

The ambulance turns on its sirens and pulls out of the facility lot, but the camera stays on the road just outside as more sirens are heard, coming toward the facility in Roswell.

HHL: We do have one update for you and its that Duke is breathing, but unconscious.

The first police motorcycle rounds the bend toward the facility and other follow.

PIP: What’s this all about?

HHL: I… I don’t know, Pip. That’s a rather large police presence just outside here!

PIP: Chris Page looks confused.

HHL: ...maybe we all do.

The police escorted motorcade comes to a stop “backstage” and in the second Cadillac limo, Paul Heyman’s rotund self steps out, grinning ear to ear. The fans in attendance give him a mixed reaction.

HHL: Paul Heyman, folks! In Duke’s stead, he’s been a bit of a mouthpiece for him since he’s been away.


PIP: Word is, he’s still on the mend though, so I think these fans are expressing their disappointment in yet again, not getting what they want in the form of Thaddeus Duke.

The X-Tron cuts out and focuses on Page on the ring who smiles and shakes his head as Paul Heyman emerges from backstage. Page goes to speak but realizes his microphone has been cut.

”Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Paul Heyman,” he begins to a more raucous reaction from the Roswell fans.

”Hello Christopher,” Paul says smugly. ”It’s been a few weeks since we last met. It’s been a few weeks, Chris, since you so courageously put your hands on me. It’s been a few weeks since I marched my fat ass to that ring and told the Universe what they already knew… that the XWF is better with Thaddeus Duke and I’d go so far to say, Chris… that SAVAGE… is better with Thaddeus Duke.”

Chris Page grabs another microphone and goes to speak, but that one too is also cut off.

”What is it Chris? You want to bore these people to death some more?”


Heyman looks around at the Roswell chapter of the XWF Universe.

HHL: These people love them some Lionheart, Pip.

PIP: Once again, he’s not here to give the people what they want! It’s hard to be the champion of the people, when you’re not even here.

HHL: These people… disagree.

”What kind of man would I be if I denied your hearts desire? What kind of man would I be if I didn’t at least give you some hope?”

HHL: These fans… still crying out for Thaddeus Duke here on Spooky Savage!

PIP: Wish in one hand...

Suddenly the lights go out in the facility and the X-Tron frame bursts into flames reminiscent of the King of Darkness. On the X-Tron:

[Image: LvT5ckl.gif]

PIP: Is he here!?

HHL: I don't have an answer to that question!

HHL: What!?

Thad Duke’s ‘My Name Is Human’ hits and if there was a roof on the XWF facility tonight, they’d have blown it off just now.

”I give to you, YOUR LIONHEART!




Thaddeus Duke steps out from backstage and the place is rocking. Page looks out at the universe in disdain for the reaction towards his rival.

With the aid of his crutches and sporting a leg brace, Thad starts for the ring. He stops midway, soaking in the love from the sold out Roswell crowd.


HHL: This crowd, singing Thad Duke’s theme song here tonight in Roswell!

PIP: It’s making him a little emotional.

HHL: He idles at emotional.

He finally reaches the ring apron, climbing the steps gingerly. Heyman sits on the middle rope and lifts the top, allowing the injured Thaddeus Duke to more easily enter the ring. With the aid of the crutch, he hobbles over to come face to face with Chris Page.


The Universe wraps up singing Thad’s entrance music just as it fades out. Heyman holds a mic to Thad’s lips and he goes to speak, but the crowd is deafening, causing him to chuckle a bit.


”Thanks for that,” Thad says with a pause. ”It’s good to be back.

“Clearly the XWF spared literally no expense on this set up tonight. I don’t even think those bleachers are rated for spectators.”

Thad’s smile fades as he turns his attention to Chris Page.

”So uhhhh… Nice haircut. What’d ya do? Lose another match?”

HHL: In case you forgot, Chris Page lost his hair back at Relentless!

Page gives a mocking smile at Thad’s remark.

”You know uhhh… you got a whole lot of balls coming out here pretending my sexuality, which isn’t homosexuality, by the way, has anything to do with why you got yourself disqualified at Relentless.

“See, your inability to put me away and your growing frustration with that fact, is what lead to you doing what you did. You, a 30 year veteran in this business wanted to take this brash, cocky, 21 year old kid to school, but I guess… what you saw at Relentless… was the student surpassing the teacher and you can’t handle that fact.

“Me doing what I did, was just your convenient excuse. You blaming my sexuality and let’s face facts here, homosexual isn’t the term you want to use…”

PIP: Easy now, this is a family show.

HHL: But is he wrong?

”You’ve been wanting to call me a cock sucking, fudge packing fCENSORED on television since the day you set your eyes on me. You know it… I know it.

“I pushed the envelope and I’ll admit that, but if you think I haven’t always pushed the envelope Chris, then you haven’t been paying attention. I have a reputation for saying or doing whatever the fuck I want to and if you don’t think the Suits in the back on any given night aren’t hovering around the production truck with their fingers at the ready to push the mute button on me… again, Chris… you haven’t been paying attention.

“I’ve always had a knack for ruffling feathers and that’s exactly what I did and why I did it at Relentless. You can come out here and say I’m pushing some fCENSORED agenda onto you but bitch let me tell you something and I told you before, you wouldn’t crack the top 100 of people I’d like to fuck so excuse me while I vomit in my mouth a little...”

PIP: Oh myyy!

Thad takes a moment, before continuing on.

HHL: Only in the XWF, folks!

”Do you think these people cheer me simply because I smile and play the good guy? Do you think they cheer me just because I give no less than 110%?

“They cheer me, Chris, because of that… and I never forgot who pays my bills. That and because… I continuously punk out bitches just like you whenever the hell I want to.”

Page takes exception to Thad calling him a bitch multiple times and kicks Thad’s crutch out from under him. Duke hits the mat and the crowd gives Page some mega-heat for his actions. Heyman hits the mat checking on his protege as Page turns to bask in the hate from the XWF Universe.

Thad rolls over and gets back to his feet, albeit a bit hobbled. The Chris Page nuclear heat quickly transitions to Thaddeus Duke nuclear baby heat. Page isn’t an idiot. He knows they’re not cheering for him and with his back still turned, Heyman hands his protege back his crutch and quickly escapes the ring.

Page turns his head to look over his shoulder and can clearly see Thad standing.

XWF Universe: “FUCK ‘EM UP THAD! FUCK ‘EM UP!”[/blue] clapclap

”As if I didn’t see that coming… same old predictable Chris Page.”

Thad tosses the mic over his shoulder and as Page turns to face him, Duke swings the crutch, making a crack sound as it impacts the side of Chris Page’s knee causing a roar of approval from the Universe. Page doubles over in pain as he clutches his right knee as Thad winds up and hits him again in the side of the knee.

Page hits the mat on all fours, trying to protect himself, but Thad swings the crutch, busting it across Page’s back.

HHL: Thaddeus Duke, doing a number on Chris Page!

PIP: These two won’t stop!

HHL: The feud of the year candidate rages on, Universe!

After having the crutch busted over his back, Page rolls over onto his back writhing in pain and kicking the mat. Thaddeus Duke meanwhile, is removing his leg brace. Once its off, he excitedly tosses it out into the crowd and points to Heyman. Paul quickly grabs a steel chair and hands it through the ropes to his protege.

Thad retrieves the mic again. ”I’ve been looking forward to this day for over a month, mother fucker!” Thad drops the mic again.

HHL: Page now, is slow to get up.

Page gets to his feet, feeling the effects of multiple shots to him from the crutch just moments ago and Thad winds up with the chair.


Thad lowers the boom, smashing the chair into Chris Page’s skull. Page falls to the mat, on dream street.


Heyman cries out with laughter, looking in at his client and the Universe continues to cheer on the Lionheart.

Thad winds up with the chair in hand, then brings it crashing down into the side and chest area of Chris Page. Page instinctively rolls over on his stomach and again, Duke swings the chair, bringing it down across Page’s back.

Duke backs off, waiting patiently for Page to get to his feet.

PIP: Stay down, Page!

As Page gets to his feet, Duke advances toward him with the chair…


Page eats another chair shot to the skull and falls flat on his back on the mat. Thad winds up yet again, but as he goes to swing, a referee has entered the ring and grabs the chair from behind. Thad and the ref play tug of war with the chair for a second, before Duke lets go, causing the ref to hit himself in the face with the chair.

HHL: We need smarter officials.

Thad can’t help but laugh at the referee’s misfortune as he retrieves the chair. Another ref hits the ring though and is nicely asking Thad to stop and hand him the chair. Duke obliges, tossing the chair to the ref who then catches it.


HHL: Better Than You!

PIP: Thad Duke just superkicked the chair into that refs face!

Duke grabs the mic again: ”GOD! DAMN! This feels good!

“Anyone else?”

Duke drops the mic again and then tosses both referees unceremoniously out of the ring by their shirt collars and belts, through the ropes before returning his attention to Chris Page. The chair in hand, he eyesballs Page’s ailing knee. With the seat back, he stabs the chairs edge into Page’s knee cap, causing him to scream and writhe in pain and roll over onto his stomach.

Duke then does the same maneuver again, this time into the inside crease of the knee. With the adrenaline flowing, Thad pulls his hoodie off and tosses it into the crowd as a trio of XWF security guards rush the ring.

The first guard enters the ring and takes a stiff punch from Thaddeus Duke square in his jaw. He hits the mat and rolls out of the ring, clutching his jaw. The second goes to grab Thad, but Duke ducks underneath him. The guard turns…

HHL: Shell Shocked to Security number two!

PIP: Thaddeus Duke and his Nation will NOT be denied the destruction of Chris Page here tonight on Savage!

The third guy tries to reason with Thad. Duke holds his hands up and mouths the words “ok, I’m going.”


HHL: Better Than You to the last security guard!

Duke grabs the mic again. ”Hey Atticus, if you’d be so kind to send me more faces to kick, I mean… it’s been awhile and I’m real heavy on the trigger tonight!”

Thad then turns to Page who is now sitting upright with his feet beneath him.

”Be a good sport, Chris. Hold this for me.” Thad says as he drops the mic again and hands Page the chair from earlier.

Thad gains a head of steam and delivers a modified shining wizard, sending the steel chair smashing into Page’s face.

HHL: Running Waters from Duke to Page!

PIP: Oh! Page is busted open here!

After hitting the Running Waters on Page, Thad kisses two fingers, holding them in the air for a brief moment, paying homage to one of his best friends. Page lies on the mat, drifting in and out of consciousness as Thad lays the bent up chair on top of him. Thad point to the sky to a massive pop from the crowd.

HHL: The destruction of Chris Page is on!

PIP: Thaddeus Duke is heading to the Penthouse!

HHL: What’s he gonna do here!?

From the top rope, Thad leaps into the air and lands a shooting star press, sending his own body crashing into the steel chair between he and Page.

HHL: Mother of all Bombs from Thaddeus Duke!

PIP: Why… does he do this to himself?

The impact with the chair causes Thad himself to suffer a great deal of pain. Not once, did his smile fade. Duke gets back to his feet and he grabs Page by his ankle and drags him toward the corner of the ring. As he reaches the corner, Thad hops to the outside.

HHL: Duke now, on the outside and he’s grabbed himself a fresh steel chair.

PIP: Page is still on dream street.

From the outside, Thad pulls Page crotch first toward the ring post, with Page’s legs on either side. With Chris’s knee against the post, Thad winds up and swings the chair, sandwiching Page’s knee between the ringpost and chair. Page yells out in pain and Thad nails him again, then a third time.

HHL: Chris Page, in some agonizing pain!

PIP: Thaddeus Duke didn’t come here tonight to make jokes and smile for the cameras, Heather.

Thad tosses the chair and grabs a hold of Page’s left leg, wrapping it around the ring post and placing it against Page’s right knee. Duke places the backside of his leg and knee across Page’s ankle.

HHL: Thaddeus Duke! With the figure four leglock around the ringpost!

PIP: Chris Page has no escape, Heather! The pain coursing through him right now has got to be unbearable!

HHL: Here comes the Roswell police force!

PIP: What the actual hell!?

HHL: I’m not sure, but it might be the same police that escorted Thaddeus Duke here earlier tonight!

The cops try to pry Thad’s legs off of Page, but it isn’t working. So one lucky cop clubs Thad’s thigh with his nightstick and Thad let’s go of the figure four. He gets back to his feet and the cops try to reason with Thad and get him to go peacefully but the kid just ain’t having it. The cop that hit him with the nightstick gets shoved forcefully to the floor and Thad grabs his nightstick and starts beating the holy hell out of the cop.


HHL: OH! And the police gang tackled the Lionheart!

PIP: Well, he just assaulted a police officer!

With Thad trapped on the floor, they wrestle the cuffs onto his wrists and a trio of officers pull him to his feet as the XWF Universe starts pelting the officers with trash.

In the ring, Page has pulled himself to the far corner, covered in his own blood and his body throbbing in pain as he watches the arrest of Thaddeus Duke. As the police start escorting Duke from ringside, Page is seen laughing. Thad flips him a double middle finger as they pass by the front of the ring toward the entrance way.

HHL: This has been a rather auspicious return for the Lionheart to say the least, Pip!

PIP: As he is apt to do, Duke allowed his emotions to get the better of him and when you assault a police officer, you’re probably going to jail.

Through the entrance way and in the backstage area, Thaddeus Duke is loaded into a police cruiser.

"Hey can we stop for donuts?"

the same motorcade that escorted him to the facility, now escorts him to the local jail.

” Ladies and Gentleman the following contest is scheduled for one fall and is the special ALIEN’S versus PREDATORS Tag Team Tornado Match! The rules are simple, the match will have participants drawn at random to determine the teams, one the teams have been determined there are No Disqualifications, No Count Outs and the match will continue until there’s a pin or submission in the ring.”

” Seems pretty cut and dry to me.”


Team Aliens; minus Chris Page make their way towards the ring.

” Missing in action after that horrific assault from the returning Thaddeus Duke is Chris Page. It looks like Team Aliens might be coming in with a disadvantage.”

Team Aliens reach ringside where bickering amongst the team is visible.


Team Predators start to emerge out to the top of the ramp minus the recently buried alive Sebastian Duke.

” Team Predators is missing a heavy hitter in Sebastian Duke.”

” Ole Se-Bas is still taking a dirt nap.”

Team Predators reach ringside where they all make their way into the ring. The line in the sand has been drawn as we see Legend and TK staring down each other, Graves pairs off with Jimison, Blackwater and Carnes, Zane and Nathaniel and Nickels and Brain Storm

” That proverbial line is draw and all hell is about to break loose.”


Upon the toll of the opening bell its fists a flying amongst the ten men!

” We’re going to do our best to try and call this action; wish us luck!”

Bodies are all over the ring as blows are traded amongst the teams. Amidst the brawl the ring starts to thin as Jimison is thrown out to the floor by Graves who follows while on the other side of the ring Legend clothesline TK over the top rope and out to the floor!

” Clearly a Predator saved Legend from the Aliens earlier tonight.”

Legend rolls out to the floor following up on TK while in the ring Nickels hammers Storm back into a neutral corner with forearm smashes, on the other side of the ring Zane and Nathaniel continue to trade blows as Carnes hurls Donovan out to the floor and follows him out.

Nickels hammers away at Storm knocking him down to the mat where he backs across the ring looking to size Storm up for a running knee only to be blindsided by Norrison! Zane spins around to go back after Nathaniel where he’s met with a boot to the midsection before being sent crashing face first into the top turnbuckle!

Storm works his way back to his feet in a neutral corner where he removes the top turnbuckle pad.

Out on the floor Graves Powerbombs Jimison on the ring apron! TK gouges Legend in the eyes before going under the ring where he pulls out a steel chair! TK jabs Legend in the gut with a chair doubling him over where TK cracks it across the back of Johnny!

Donovan is being whipped towards the ring post by Carnes!

Carnes comes around the ring chop blocking the right knee out from under Thunder Knuckles! Across the ring on the floor we see Graves choking away at Jimison with zero regard. In the ring Storm catches Nickels with a Superkick as Charlie tries to reach his feet! Storm makes a cover.




Nickels kicks out as we see Storm start hammering away with right hands! Norrison counters a pick up attempt with a jaw breaker to Nathaniel. We see a Table being slid into the ring from Michael Graves! On the other side of the floor Carnes locks in a single leg boston crab to the Television Champion!

Norrison picks up the Table and leans it back against a neutral corner where he shifts his attention towards Nathaniel. Norrison picks Nathaniel up off the mat where he takes him towards the corner housing the table and drives Nathaniel face first into the table.

Storm picks Nickels up off the mat before hurling him over the top rope sending him out to the floor. Graves slides into the ring where he comes up behind Nickels with a School Boy!




Nickels kicks out!

Out on the floor Donovan comes forward with a straight kick to the face of Carnes breaking the single legged Boston Crab to TK! In the ring Norrison charges towards Nathaniel looking to Spear him through the Table! Nathaniel side steps Zane sending Norrison crashing through the table! Graves is putting the boots to Nickels when he’s driven into the mat with a Full Nelson Slam from Nathaniel! He makes the cover.




Kickout by Graves!

Out on the floor Legend has recovered as he comes up behind Donovan who is rearing back with a right hand, Legend catches the hand and spins Blackwater around where he plants him with a Belly to Belly Suplex on the floor! Legend lands right by the chair! He grabs it as he gets back to his feet and looks at Thunder Knuckles who is on all fours. Legend comes up cracking the chair across the back of TK! In the ring Nickels picks up Norrison from the debris of the table before delivering a swinging neck breaker! Nickels covers Norrison!




The count is broken by Hanari Carnes from out of nowhere!

On the floor Johnny is choking TK with the chair when he’s clubbed from behind by Blackwater! Brian Storm comes around the ring with a Kendo Stick in hand and cracks the ribs of Blackwater! He follows it up with a Side Russian Leg Sweep assisted with the Kendo Stick!

” They’re fighting all over ringside!”

Legend tosses the chair as he picks TK up off the floor and hurls him over the barricade and into the front row!

” The fight between Legend and Thunder Knuckles has spilled into the crowd!

Storm slides into the ring behind Nickels who turns around and is cracked in the head with a shot from the Kendo Stick knocking him out! Storm makes the cover!




Jim Jimison flies off the top rope with an elbow drop across the back of the neck of Brian breaking the cover! The crowd pops big for Jimison as he reaches his feet! Jim swings at Carnes who counters into the CROSS ARM BREAKER! Carnes cranks on the cross arm breaker as the referee is in prime position as he starts asking Jim to surrender! Jim is about to tap when Nathaniel makes the save by gouging Carnes in the eyes causing him to break the hold!

Donovan slides into the ring where Michael Graves looks for a Superkick! Donovan catches the boot throwing it down to the mat where he drives a boot to the midsection doubling Michael over for Donovan who hoists Graves up in the air and sends him over the top rope crashing down to the floor with a Powerbomb! We catch up with Thunder Knuckles and Johnny Legend on the concourse of the arena where Thunder Knuckles hurls Legend over a merchandise table! TK comes forward snatching a BOB t-shirt where he starts choking away at Legend!

Back in the ring Donovan scoops Zane up over his shoulder where he looks to deliver a Snake Eyes in a neutral corner, Zane slides down the back of Blackwater before shoving him forward sternum first into the buckles, Zane rolls Donovan up with a School Boy!




Donovan escapes the near fall! He and Zane get to a vertical base with Zane spearing Blackwater! Jim Jimson picks Carnes up and takes him back into a corner. He hoists him up setting him on the top turnbuckle, Jim climbs up on the middle ropes then the top where he looks for a top rope hurrincanranna! Carnes blocks and counters by coming off the top rope with a Sit Out Powerbomb!

Charlie Nickels slides into the ring behind Carnes with a Barbwire wrapped bat!

Carnes turns around where he’s met with a running shot from Nickels using the Barbwire Bat as a clothesline that opens Carnes up as he hits the mat! Nickels bounces off the ropes using the barbwire bat as an elbow and drives it into the forehead of Carnes! Nickels makes a cover.




Brian Storm dives on top of the cover breaking the count at the last second!

We catch back up with Thunder Knuckles and Johnny Legend on the concourse with Legend now with the upper hand as he takes TK out the front entrance and into the streets of Roswell!

Back ringside Storm tosses Nickels from the ring as Carnes rolls out to the floor! Jimison is out cold in a corner as Nathaniel and Zane and Donovan are down on the floor at the point. Brain Storm is all that’s left standing when suddenly the lights go dark.

The lights come back up revealing…

[Image: pjimage-5-696x392.jpg]


” That’s not CHRIS PAGE! That’s the BEAST!”

The Beast is standing in the ring staring the proverbial hole through Brain Storm as the music abruptly cuts. Storm shows no intimidation as he comes forward with a right hand to the jaw that doesn’t flinch The Beast! Storm backs up gaining more momentum and swings with another hard right hand to the jaw turning the Beasts head to the left causing him to shift his head back to facing Storm.

” The Beast seemingly absorbing those blows by Brian Storm.”

Storm charges towards the Beast swinging at him, The Beast ducks sending Storm bouncing off the ropes where Page drops low shoving Storm up in the air with a self-assisted Shatter Machine to Storm on the way down. The Beast rolls Storm over making the cover hooking the near leg.






The Beast stands back to his feet where the official attempts to raise his arm only to have The Beast snatch him by the throat before taking him back into a neutral corner where he releases his grasp. The lights suddenly dim to darkness and when they come back up The Beast is gone.

Special thanks to

Chris Page
Big D
Thaddeus Duke
Jenny Myst
Bobby Bourbon
Corey Smith
John Black
Thunder Knuckles

And everyone who RPed this week.

[Image: ESXHYMB.jpeg]
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[-] The following 13 users Like Atticus Gold's post:
(Gravy_Xtreme_5000) (11-01-2020), Atara Raven (11-01-2020), Corey Smith (11-02-2020), Derrick Diamond (11-01-2020), Jim "the Jim" Jimson (11-02-2020), Johnny Legend (11-01-2020), Marf (11-01-2020), Mr. Oz (11-01-2020), Prof. Bobby Bourbon (11-01-2020), Robert "The Omega" Main (11-02-2020), Theo Pryce (11-01-2020), Thunder Knuckles™ (11-01-2020), Tommy Wish (11-01-2020)
Ash Quinn

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

11-01-2020, 12:49 PM

Great show y’all!! Jenny our tag match should be so much fun
[-] The following 2 users Like Ash Quinn's post:
Derrick Diamond (11-01-2020), Peter Fn Gilmour (11-01-2020)
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

11-01-2020, 05:03 PM

Enjoy kicking zanes ass girls. Ill just stand in the corner takking to my sexy demon Valerie sky.

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Thaddeus Duke Offline
Management Lv. 2


XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

11-01-2020, 05:52 PM

That... was fun.

[Image: wgqr9W2.png]

1x  XWF Universal Champion || 3x  XWF Xtreme Champion || 1x  XWF Supercontinental Champion (First)
1x  XWF Hart Champion (Last) || 2x  XWF Television Champion || 1x  XWF Tag Team Champion
1x  OCW Savage Champion || 1x IIW Tag Team Champion  ||  1x AAW United States Champion
2x  SOTM (9/20, 7/21)  ||  2021 Male Wrestler of the Year || XWF Hall of Legends
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Prof. Bobby Bourbon Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

11-01-2020, 06:12 PM

(11-01-2020, 05:52 PM)Thaddeus Duke Said: That... was fun.

Glad you had a good time.

Your dad got buried, by the way.

I cut someones foot off!

[Image: DtUCPfZ.png]
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Thaddeus Duke Offline
Management Lv. 2


XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

11-01-2020, 06:30 PM

(11-01-2020, 06:12 PM)Bobby Bourbon Said:
(11-01-2020, 05:52 PM)Thaddeus Duke Said: That... was fun.

Glad you had a good time.

Your dad got buried, by the way.

I cut someones foot off!

Well... his performances have been dragging my name down so maybe that was for the best.

[Image: wgqr9W2.png]

1x  XWF Universal Champion || 3x  XWF Xtreme Champion || 1x  XWF Supercontinental Champion (First)
1x  XWF Hart Champion (Last) || 2x  XWF Television Champion || 1x  XWF Tag Team Champion
1x  OCW Savage Champion || 1x IIW Tag Team Champion  ||  1x AAW United States Champion
2x  SOTM (9/20, 7/21)  ||  2021 Male Wrestler of the Year || XWF Hall of Legends
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Miss Fury Offline

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

11-01-2020, 06:41 PM

Even the BOBs that you people aren't aware of looked good tonight...

[Image: 1invQS6.jpg]
[Image: BOBClub.png]
#JoinBOB #JoinbWo
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[-] The following 3 users Like Miss Fury's post:
Jim "the Jim" Jimson (11-02-2020), Mr. Oz (11-01-2020), Thunder Knuckles™ (11-01-2020)

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