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"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Offline
The Guy

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

10-25-2020, 06:35 PM



Competitors will reveal their choice of costume in their RP, based on the categories assigned to them!


Big D
- vs -
Internet Rules!

Big Money Oswald & Barney Green
- vs -
John Black & Tommy Wish
BOB for Apples Match!

The ring will have a large vat of water with apples floating in it. The winners will succeed when they hold their opponents underwater long enough for them to black out!

- vs -
"Notorious" Ned Kaye
Graveyard Match!

Match takes place in the haunted grounds of historic Howard Street Cemetery!!

- vs -
"Dark Warrior" Micheal Graves
Giles Corey's 'More Weight' Match!

The winner will have to bury their opponent in heavy rocks until they are unable to free themselves by the count of ten!!


"The Face of Anarchy" Kenzi Grey
- vs -
Roxy Cotton
Burn the Witch Match!

[Image: H0l5.gif]

One of these women will have to strap the other to a pyre in the middle of the Salem town square, and set them on fire!

If Kenzi Grey wins, she will receive an Anarchy Title Match at High Stakes.

If she loses, she will NEVER receive a title shot!


Vita Valenteen
- vs -
Tula Keali'i
Trick or Treat Match!

The fans will bring whatever they want to see used in the match, and all objects are allowed!

[Image: gR8affl.png]


Big D
- vs -
Internet Rules!

Vinnie Lane: "While I'm sure this show we'll be full of tricks, we're gonna start you off with a treat: Big D vs MeFisto for the Internet Championship! Per my ruling two weeks ago, if MeFisto gets himself DQed tonight, he will lose the belt! While I can admit what he did was clever, we can't have my Titles losing any more prestige than they already have!

"Here I Go Again" by Whitesnake begins to play as the fans cheer for the XWF Internet Champion, giving him a standing ovation.

Vinnie Lane: "Man, Salem, Massachusetts sure loves MeFisto! You'd almost think we were coming to you live from Parts Unknown!"

After waiting around for the hard part eventually MeFisto emerges from behind the curtain.....................................only it's not MeFisto, it's BIG D!!!!

Vinnie Lane: "Graves might be right about Big D stuffing a sock in his tights!"

Wearing his rivals signature tassels and half-assed face paint, Big D throws three identical poses to the ones MeFisto does, before making his way down the aisle. As he does so, D passes out Powerades(though they're obviously Gatorades with tape over the 'POWER' part) to the fans in the front row.

Vinnie Lane: "Big D sure is selling the MeFisto act."

The former Internet Champion walks up the steel steps and onto the apron, where he wipes his feet before climbing into the ring. Big D then makes his way to the center of the ring, posing three more times, tossing one last "Powerade" into the audience as he strikes the last one. After a moment of holding it, Big D walks over and grabs a mic, doing a half-assed MeFisto impression.

D: "Oooooooooooo, BROTHERRRR, I don't know why I'm out here right now! It's in my contract to come out second, Ooooooooooooo yeah!!!!"

Vinnie Lane: "I'd give Big D a 5/10................. but considering MeFisto himself is a seven, that's still pretty good!"

Big D goes to continue the terrible impression when, all of a sudden, "X-Men Theme" by Powerglove hits over the PA system. The fans lose their minds as pyro falls from the X-Tron and fireworks shoot up from the stage as MeFisto walks out from the back, Internet Title around his waist.

Vinnie Lane: "Is that the Internet Champion?..........because all I see is the former Champ!"

Just as Big D had done for him, MeFisto was dressed as HIM, as well. Despite trying to imitate his opponent, MeFisto can't help but strike a few of his signature poses at the top of the ramp. The camera reveals the back of MeFisto's pants, which say 'LITTLE d' on them.

Vinnie Lane: "Apparently MeFisto knows Big D stuffs, too!"

MeFisto makes his way down the aisle, high fiving fans and slipping them Powerades, acting as if he was being smooth about it. He then makes his way over to the steps and climbs up them, onto the apron where he points at Big D for a moment, his eyes bulging from his head. A hyped up MeFisto furiously shakes the top rope before climbing into the ring and getting right up in Big D's face.


MeFisto begins to prance around the ring, doing everything he can to make his opponent look as gay as possible. He then heads back towards the center of the ring and takes one last shot at D.


A fed up Big D swings at MeFisto, causing him to take a few steps back towards the ropes, unstrapping the Internet Title and letting it drop to the mat as he does so. D connects with another right as the referee picks up the Championship, holds it up, and takes it over to the time keeper, before calling for the bell.


Big D goes to Irish Whip his opponent to the opposite side, but MeFisto reverses, sending D for the ropes, instead. On the rebound, MeFisto flips the former Champion with a Belly to Belly Suplex that sends him flying over his head. D quickly gets back to his feet and swings at MeFisto, who ducks under his arm and delivers an explosive German Suplex that drops the challenger on his neck. A dazed Big D rolls to his feet and stumbles around the ring, allowing for MeFisto to get behind him and go for a Dan Slam. Before he can hit it, however, the co-General Manager of Savage slips out and shoves MeFisto away from him, before retreating under the bottom rope to the outside. The crowd cheers as MeFisto flexes for them, all the while Big D looks on in disgust from ringside.

Vinnie Lane: "Those were some vintage Big D moves by MeFisto............... poses aside, of course!"

As the referee casually begins to count, MeFisto leans against the second rope and motions for Big D to come back in. D acts like he's going to, at first, before backing up and bitching about his opponent to the ref. The official forces MeFisto to back away, allowing Big D the opportunity to slide into the ring and charge at the Internet Champion. MeFisto goes for a MEFISTO-LINE, but D ducks it and runs for the ropes. He bounces off them and back at his opponent, attempting a Clothesline of his own........... to no avail!

Vinnie Lane: "MeFisto didn't even budge!"

Big D runs back to the ropes and goes for another Clothesline, once again, barely having any effect on the Internet Champion. He drops back a third time, attempting a Shoulder Block instead, but it ends up knocking himself down rather than MeFisto, who rubs the failure into his face through a variety of poses. A pissed off Big D pops to his feet and runs the ropes AGAIN, but is met with a Big Boot that drops him to the mat. MeFisto bounces off the ropes, but before he can even attempt an Atomic Leg Drop, his opponent retreats to the outside, once more.

Vinnie Lane: "If Big D wants to win back the Internet Championship, he's gonna have to do it inside the ring! Running from MeFisto isn't gonna earn him anything!"

Big D puts his hands on his hips and takes a deep breath, turning his back towards the ring. A fed up MeFisto climbs through the ropes and turns D around, greeting him with a right that sends him stumbling around ringside. The former Champion makes his way over to the ring post and leans against it, as MeFisto rushes at him with an arm extended. At the last second, Big D manages to dive out of the way, causing MeFisto's limb to collide against the unforgiving steel. He immediately clutches at it as he slides down to his ass, hollering out in pain.


Big D pays no mind to MeFisto's pain, delivering multiple stomps to his downed opponent. The Internet Champion ignores the shots, continuing to clutch at his shoulder as he motions for the ref to come out and check on him.

Vinnie Lane: "I think MeFisto might actually be hurt!"

The referee hurries through the ropes and looks over MeFisto's arm as he howls in agony.


The concerned ref throws up an 'X', causing an emergency crew to rush out from the back. Big D tries to take a step forward, but the referee asserts himself and demands the former Champion to back off.

D: "He barely hit the damn thing!!!!"

Vinnie Lane: "This is a tough situation, folks. While I agree it didn't look like he hit the post THAT hard, only MeFisto truly knows how much pain he's in."

Big D watches in disbelief, with his hands on his hips, as the medical crew looks over MeFisto. They ask him a variety of questions and even run him through concussion protocol(for some reason), but he insists he can't continue.


The referee hears the diagnosis and waves his arms in the air, declaring the match a Draw.


Vinnie Lane: "And the referee has called a stop to this match! It's such a shame, you never wanna see a match end like this, especially when there's gold on the line; but we've got to look out for the safety of our competitors. I don't need anymore lawsuits than I've already got!"

An irate Big D paces back and forth as the trainers continue to work on MeFisto.

TRAINER: "Can you stand up?"


Big D argues with the ref, who refuses to let him anywhere near his opponent.

D: "He's fuckin' faking it!"

MeFisto ignores the firmer Champion, continuing to whine about the amount of physical, and possibly emotional, damage that's been done.


Big D rolls his eyes as the trainer motions for the medical staff to bring out a gurney. Everyone watches in disbelief as they load MeFisto onto the stretcher for a mere shoulder injury. As they begin to haul him away, though, MeFisto makes one final demand to the staff.


One of the trainers hurries over to the time keeper and grabs the Internet Championship, before heading back over to MeFisto and resting it across his chest. To the surprise of no-one, he raises his "hurt" arm in the air to show off his Title as he disappears behind the curtain.

Vinnie Lane: "I've been doing this a long time, but I've NEVER seen anyone stretchered away over a shoulder injury!"

Big D angrily kicks at the steel steps, cussing up a storm as he stomps his way up the ramp and to the back.

Vinnie Lane: "And based on his reaction, I'm assuming Big D hasn't, either."

[Image: gR8affl.png]

Big Money Oswald & Barney Green
- vs -
John Black & Tommy Wish
BOB for Apples Match!

The ring will have a large vat of water with apples floating in it. The winners will succeed when they hold their opponents underwater long enough for them to black out!

Money Oswald and his partner Barney come out from the back with their B.O.B. brethren. They all psych each other up and get high fives and even high TENS! They are SERIOUS! Barney adjusts his bright red snapback and wife beater, then keeps ROLLIN ROLLIN ROLLIN down to the ring while scratching his chocolate starfish. Oswald has a beard.

Wish, Black, and Reggie Estrada appear on the ramp. Tommy may or may not have gone as far as getting a couple ribs removed to fulfill his Marilyn Manson costume, and… well, Black has a beard. We really should have booked Estrada in this one, since he’s always in costume.

The T.H.U.G.S. get to the ring and stare across at the Baddies, pointing at the vat of watery apples while making some non-PG13 comments.

Before the match begins, several stagehands get into the ring, removing a huge padded wooden cover at the center of the ring. As they carefully step out with the cover, a vat filled with water and apples in a hollowed out circle in dead center of the ring is now visible between the four men. As the cover is shoved beneath the ring, the bell is sounded, medical personnel on standby for this dangerous match.


The T.H.U.G.S. immediately head after Barney, outnumbering him and doing their best to push the garbage man out of the ring, both firing off a few punches as they have Barn singled out. Green holds onto the ropes, taking a large chop from Black that nearly makes his feet lift of the ground, but Barn's got a tight hold on the ring ropes as his partner dashes to his aid. With a shoulder tackle to Tommy Wish, Oswald breaks up the beatdown the two started and pushes John Black towards center ring, Black nearly falling into the vat, but stopping himself short. Oswald goes for the clothesline as John ducks, and gets behind Big Money for a rear naked choke! While Oswald struggles to break free, Tommy and Barney are locked up behind them, Wish pushing his opponent away only to pull him back and land an uppercut, throwing Barn a bit off balance, but still mostly unfazed!

Tommy walks forward, making sure Barn is in place and chopping him so loud it sounds like a gunshot reverberating throughout the arena! Tommy whips himself into the ropes and charges at Green with a flying lariat, only for Green to dip down, yanking on the top rope, favoring his back as Tommy flies over and crashes into ringside!

Oswald, sick of John stuck around his neck, begins to lean over the water, slowly bringing off the ground until Black's head is within reach! With a huge grunt, he wraps an arm around John's neck and flings his body forward, catching it in his other hand! Grinning at the crowd, he begins to squat several times before vertically suplexing John Black into the water! Oswald Autem catches his breath, turning to see his partner and moving towards the ropes to find Wish recovering from his earlier dive. With a glance, the two BOB members think up a scheme, Oswald kneeling and holding out his hands, his fingers interlocked. Green whips himself into the ropes, wincing some as he runs towards Autem, who boosts him up for a frog splash onto Tommy! The two men land hard, Barney writhing in pain from the stunt as his partner lifts Wish up and drags him into the ring, bringing him close to the water. As he's preparing to grapple Tommy for a suplex, his feet are yanked back by John Black in the apple-filled pool, crashing Autem into the mat, feet dangling in vat! Wish gains his faculties, stumbling into the ropes behind him and hitting the Billion Dollar Champion with a springboard leg drop!

Vinnie Lane: “What a maneuver! He’s EN FUEGO! From dooooowntown!”

Vinnie keeps spouting off random video game quotes as John pulls himself out of the water while Wish summons his strength to carry Oswald, twisting towards the center of the ring and powerbombing Oswald on the edge of the vat and the mat while Black delivers a cutter on the way down, leaping back in the pool! Wish helps his partner out, giving John a chance to curbstomp Autem face into the floating apples! While the two men are focused on Oswald, Green has returned to the ring behind them, launching his body towards the T.H.U.G.S. with a double running clothesline! Black and Wish are thrown to the ground, the crowd a mix of cheers for Green and boos with for B.O.B. as Barney picks up the prone John Black and bodyslams him, John lifting an arm up in pain. Wish backs his man up, wrapping his arms around Barney and delivering a belly to back suplex before focusing on the recovering Oswald, locking in a boston crab before Oswald has a chance to get up! John pelts Barney with haymakers before landing a DDT on the garbage man!

Black sees an opportunity to finish off Broken Oswald for good, leaping over the vat and aiming a dropkick at Autem's head! But Oswald shifts his weight, leaving Black to collide with Tommy's leg, breaking his hold! Oswald jumps up, flinging Wish towards Green as he seemingly effortlessly picks John up for a powerbomb, only to transition into a DDT and landing The DELETION!

Oswald tosses Black's body into the water as Barney lifts wish up and sends him away with a DDT of his own, the Green Awakening! With one final lift, he powerbombs Tommy into the vat, leaving both T.H.U.G.S. out cold in the water as medical staff rush into the ring!

Winners by Probable Drowning - B.O.B.

Halocen's music blares from the speakers and she comes from one side of the crowd as Ash comes from the other. The crowd begins to cheer as the two ladies tap the THUGS on their shoulders, dropping each of them With a double superkick to the chin. As the dazed tag team lays on the mat Halocen reaches into the vat and grabs out two apples, tossing one to Ash. They shove their apples into the guys' mouths, High fiving each other and raising each other's hands in the air as Ash's music kicks in.

[Image: gR8affl.png]

- vs -
"Notorious" Ned Kaye
Graveyard Match!

Match takes place in the haunted grounds of historic Howard Street Cemetery!!

The scene opens up to the Howard Street Cemetery, completely with stock screams and grainy shots of the headstones. It was poring raining out on those graves, with thunderstorms. While the whole gravesite was in complete despair, suddenly the sun starts to shine as Ned in his Samson costume rides into the graveyard on his “horse”, then we see him getting off his “horse” with a small “sword” and shield in hand. As he walks around the graveyard, he notices an open burial ground with an “XWF” logo on the headstone. Ned looks fearless as he laughs at the burial ground.

Vincent The Warrior Dude: How will thou Samson handle thy Elf god Boris, let's find out dudes and dudettes!

Then Ned notices a sprit that glows from one of the headstones, and suddenly it burst out the Elf Stalin. Then we see Stalin charging for him with his sword, but Ned deflects his attack and they get into a sword fight out of nowhere. As both men kept fighting, we see the same woman who tried to harm Elf Boris standing on a tree, setting her bow and arrow that has a blue glow on the tip of the arrow. As she aimed for Ned, a slight wind threw off course and she ended up hitting a bystander, who disintegrate from thin air.

Ned takes notice of a woman on a tree, and she disappears out of nowhere, as Ned tried to figure out what was going on, Elf Boris comes onto the graveyard, on his drunken master stance as he drinks out of his magical potion of “Wodka”. Then Ned drops his sword and shield, and both beasts starts to go at it once the bell had rung.

Elf Boris punches Ned in the face, and Ned punches him back. As they kept punching, Ned kicks Elf Boris in the gut, and he picks up one of the headstone and clobbers him with it. Then Elf Boris is on the grass, and Ned stomps on him for good measure. Ned then tries to roll him in the grave, but Elf Boris bites Ned on the ankle to stop him. Elf Boris quickly get on his feet, and he gives him some sloppy looking Headbutts, that turned into a Jumping Headbutt that made Ned stumble around.

Vincent The Warrior Dude: With all thy headbutts that Elf Boris did on thy Samson, this one may cause the king to be slain by Elf Boris.

Elf Boris then lifts him up, and hits a DDT on the ground. Elf Boris then takes a shot of his potion, which made him go crazy drunk. Ned slowly gets to his feet, and he gets assortments of punches and kicks from Elf Boris, which caused him to almost fall into the grave. Ned’s foot is on the grave, but he manages to get some dirt and throw it into Elf Boris’s eyes. Ned then gets out of the grave, and this time he pulls out a shovel and hits Boris hard with it.

As he continues to hit blows after blows with the Shovel on Elf Boris, he then drops the shovel, and he hits a divine Super Kick on Elf Boris. Elf Boris is spinning around, and Ned hits another Super Kick on him. Ned then hits an Arm Drag onto him, then he drags Elf Boris to the graveyard, and manages to get him into it. But Elf Boris grabs Ned by the balls, and raises out of the grave, as he was still clawing his balls. Elf Boris manages to get on his feet, but Ned eye gouges him. Ned kept eye gouging until he bites his Elf forehead of his. Ned then gives him a Vertical Suplex for his troubles.

Ned then pulls his shield up, and he waits for Elf Boris to get on his feet. As Elf Boris gets on his feet, he dodges the shield attack and his eyes turned red, and he summoned a bottle of Absolute Wodka, and he breaks it over his head and he uses it to stab at him with it.

Vincent The Warrior Dude: Oh man, this match is heating up!

Ned then deflects the shots from the bottle with his sword, and both men go to the other side of the graveyard. Then they chase one another, and both men clashed with one another. Then we see Ned dropping his shield, and he kicks the bottle out of Elf Boris’ hand. Then he grabs his head, and takes him to the nearest tree, and he holds his head and runs off it and tries to hit a Sitout Shiranui, but Elf Boris catches him midway and he hits a Saving Grace onto the open grave.

Vincent The Warrior Dude: Oh no, will Elf Boris bury Samson Ned.. or will Samson Ned be resurrected?

Boris catches his breath and crawls to the open grave, where Ned is dragging himself out of the ground. Boris grabs Ned by a hand and helps drag him up and out, then brings him to his feet… and Ned pulls him in with a Notorious Knee!

Boris goes stiff as a board and falls like a felled tree back towards the open grave, and Ned makes sure to put the icing on the cake by dusting off his old DEVASTATING finisher, the Airborne Annihilator crossbody! Ned lands on Boris inside the grave and the referee drops down for a count!




Winner by Pinfall - “Notorious” Ned Kaye

[Image: gR8affl.png]

- vs -
"Dark Warrior" Micheal Graves
Giles Corey's 'More Weight' Match!

The winner will have to bury their opponent in heavy rocks until they are unable to free themselves by the count of ten!!

The cameras on the X-Tron cut to outside in the parking lot where Ruby and Michael Graves stand ready, two referees stood between them. There are several stacks of wooden boards and a huge pile of large, round-ish boulders as well as several forklifts, scissor lifts, and a heavy crane near the rock pile. Ruby delivers a pose to the camera in her Marie Curie costume before the camera cuts to the grinning Graves who produces a black rose from his empty sleeve in his Alexander Herrmann attire.

Vinnie Lane: “So, I checked the books, and Gravy’s Devastator costume does technically count as a historical figure, since the Transformers movie came out in the mid-80’s. He could have put a little more effort into it than just taping some painted cardboard boxes together though… look at Ruby’s expertly stitched Marie Curie outfit!”

The two approach each other, the refs quickly parting as to not be in the way. Ruby keeps her distance, knowing Michael has her beat in the pure strength department. He stretches out his arms, making sure to have her walking backwards towards the stones. As she realizes she's getting cornered, Ruby attempts to swiftly dash underneath Gravez's arms, but gets caught and tossed back into the rocks. He goes for a hook to her stomach, which she narrowly avoids! He goes for another that lands square against her, knocking some wind out of her! Another! The Super Dear'O gets out of the way and Michael's fist collides with solid stone! Not only did his fist's skin not break, but the stone cracked as Graves begins to laugh, pursuing Ruby further!

Vinnie Lane: “Graves has mystic powers! No mortal man could just punch a wall!”

The Dark Warrior sprints towards the backpedaling Ruby and goes for a spear, only to be countered as Ruby leaps and hits him with a dropkick straight to his chin! Graves is on the concrete while Ruby climbs onto a nearby forklift and delivers a moonsault onto Graves, leaving him temporarily stunned! She manages to place one of the wooden boards onto her downed opponent, but as she tries to lift one of the stones, she realizes it's wayyyy heavier than she anticipated!

She's able to lift it up a bit, but it's taking a lot out of her as she tries her hardest to pick it up, her fans chanting for her so loudly she can hear it out in the parking lot!


As she struggles, she hears a voice.

"Can I help you with that?"

Ruby: "That would be *huff* great...!"

She catches her breath, turning around to see Graves holding the board! He drives the edge into her midsection, causing her to kneel over in pain. Gleefully, he cracks the board over her back, tossing the two halves away before effortlessly picking up a rock over his head and slamming it towards the ground where Ruby lays!

Vinnie Lane: “Dang it, Mick! You’ll kill her!”

Thankfully, Ruby rolls out of the way and gets a few yards between them while she recovers! Smiling with a devilish, crooked grin, Graves begin to hurl the stones at Ruby like dodgeballs, the Super Dear'O forced to duck and leap at the barrage coming towards her! Suddenly, a realization overcomes Graves and he begins to aim a rock at one of the cameramen! Ruby looks on in horror as he throws the stone, pushing the camera operator out of the way, but being glanced by the small boulder as she does! She falls to the ground, Graves walking towards her as she writhes on the ground, clutching her shoulder. Michael grabs one of the board halves that he tossed away and arranges it on two boulders at each end of the board, holding it up like a table! He picks Ruby up by her hair and lands inverted DDT on her through his makeshift table! He grabs another board and puts it on top of her, arranging the two rocks onto the board to pin her down! The ref begins the count of ten!


Graves walks towards the rock pile, pushing a cameraman out of the way as he marches closer!



He lifts up a rock in each arm, beginning the walk back towards Ruby, who seems motionless!



He grows nearer!


Ruby is stirring, doing all she can to break free from under the weight of the rocks!


The Dark Warrior is there! He prepares to drop the final rocks on Ruby!


"Well, Super Dear'O, it's time for you to..."



He says the final word as he drops the rocks on the board!


But Ruby escaped just in time, managing to slip out before the extra weight was added! Graves chuckles, following Ruby as she retreats to the crane. Michael lunges at her, but she dips down and Michael goes face first into the lifting hook! Ruby thinks fast and attaches the hook to the back of his shirt, running over to the crane and lifting Graves several feet off the ground! She climbs up a nearby scissor lift and turns to the camera, shouting:

Ruby: "Don't try this at home!"


Vinnie Lane: “What a sickening crack! I think I heard Gravy’s skull split open like a Cadbury Creme Egg!”

Graves is finally looking to be in one place for a bit as Ruby drags a wooden board over him and barely lifts one of the stones onto it! The count starts!



Ruby walks over to another rock, cradling it in her two arms as she lifts it, forced to squat and waddle as she walks with it!



Graves isn't moving! Ruby adds the extra weight, dropping the little boulder with a huff as she rushes to find another!



Before Ruby can even lift anything else, Michael Graves bursts through the board holding him down! He rises to his feet easily, looking like a monster straight from the depths of hell as he approaches Ruby, who finds herself stuck between the rocks and the hard fists of B.O.B.'s most sadistic member(allegedly)!

Vinnie Lane: “What vile plans does the Dark Warrior have for our friendly neighborhood Super Dear’O?”

Graves swings with a hook that Ruby instinctively ducks away from, but he stops short! As she lifts up, he punishes her read with a cruel slap to her cheek! But before Graves can insult her any further with another slap, Ruby dips down and strikes him with a pele kick, knocking him back while she jumps on a nearby stack of boards! She takes a step back and dashes forward for a Tope Con Hero, knocking Graves onto the concrete! She knows she has to act fast, so she leaps onto the pile of rocks and anchors herself between one of the stones and the pile, pushing it onto the board with her legs, holding Graves down and buying her some time! She jumps in a scissor lift and presses the controls to raise above the peak of the makeshift mountain!



She turns to the camera!

Ruby: "Remember! Drink your milk, eat your Ruby'O's, and leave this stuff to the professionals!"


Graves is stirring!


In an instant, Ruby leaps from the scissor lift and hits the top of the pile with a Ruby in the Rough! The rocks begin to tumble and cover Michael Graves in a tomb of scattered stone as Ruby safely slides off!




The rocks begin to vibrate!


They're not stopping!



The stones are motionless!


Winner by Puritanical Torture - Ruby

[Image: gR8affl.png]


"The Face of Anarchy" Kenzi Grey
- vs -
Roxy Cotton
Burn the Witch Match!

[Image: H0l5.gif]

One of these women will have to strap the other to a pyre in the middle of the Salem town square, and set them on fire!

If Kenzi Grey wins, she will receive an Anarchy Title Match at High Stakes.

If she loses, she will NEVER receive a title shot!

The fans awaited the arrival of the ‘Face of Anarchy’ with great anticipation, but none more than Vinnie Lane. He had gone through great lengths to ‘educate’ Kenzi Grey after the theft of his coveted 30 Second Promo Championship, and he had every intention of seeing her burn tonight. Vinnie rubbed his hands together as he sat behind the announce table.

[color=#ff1493]Vinnie Lane: Tonight is the final installment of my X-Treme miseducation of Kenzi Grey, where we are all going to see her burned at the stake in a slutty costume of her choosing! However, before that happens, I think it’s only fair that I address the firing of Sarah Lacklan…

Vinnie took a deep breath.

Vinnie Lane: It was all Kenzi’s fault. LET’S GET ON WITH THE WITCH BURNING!

Vinnie was all smiles as the first chords of Kenzi’s theme music played, then faded, only to be replaced by “Nothin’s Gonna Stand in Our Way” by Spectre General. The hardcore faithful of XWF are clueless, but the flash of color on Vinnie’s cheeks make it clear that he knows the theme that’s playing.

Kenzi bursts through the entranceway dressed as Vinnie’s arch nemesis for the affections of his fiancé, Captain 80’s! Feathered hair, tassels, and attire way too skimpy to describe here is what greeted the fans. Kenzi sprinted to the ring, pumping a single fist in the air, rounding the ring several times before jumping onto the apron and violently shaking the ropes. She started to step inside, then paused and slowly turned and glared at Vinnie. She smirked behind her painted face and hopped down, stalking towards the announce table. She slammed her hands down, startling Vinnie as she snatched up a microphone.

[Image: CaptKen.jpg]


Vinnie looks to the entrance way, nervously. The group known as bOb had run amuck all over the XWF with no regard for anyone. With bOb behind her, his plans would now be in complete jeopardy, along with his safety. Vinnie felt a pair of strong hands on his shoulders and he closed his eyes and swallowed hard. He had been taken unawares and now he was going to be the next victim of the villainous brotherhood OF baddies! Vinnie held up his hands as he slowly started to turn.

Vinnie Lane: “Dudes…come on now…you don’t want to do…this?”

Vinnie paused, then angrily swatted the hands away from him as he stared at Bobbi London wearing a t-shirt with bOb(bi) printed on the front.

[Image: bOb-bi.jpg]

Vinnie Lane: “WHAT IN THE HELL DO Y-”

Vinnie doubled over as bOb(bi) punched him in the groin and threw him into his seat. Vinnie could only collapse down onto the table as he tried the shake off the blow to his twig and two berries. Captain Kenzi grabbed Vinnie by his hair, forcing him to look up at her.


Kenzi shoved his head back down on the table and headed to the ring, but bOb(bi) was quick to yank Vinnie back up, slapping his face to clear the cobwebs.

bOb(bi): PAY ATTENTION! Remember, yous wanted this mate!

Vinnie is left in a heap, but manages to raise his head up as familiar music hits.

Roxy Cotton emerges, dressed as… A SLUTTY SARAH LACKLAN!

Vinnie Lane: “Oh man. This is awful. This is what Rox spent all night working her fingers to the bone watching a hired seamstress make for her?”

Roxy gets down to the pyre and meets Kenzi, who is running around in wild circles to match the intensity of her ridiculous CAPTAIN 80’S (but slutty) Halloween costume. She pulls a microphone from behind her back, though.

“Vinnie, I told you that I was taking Sarah’s place in this match. RIP, btw, bb. And the reason I did it is so that YOU can feel the pain of watching something you love go up in smoke! So… ring the bell!”

Rox throws her mic down and adjusts her albino wig and winks through her blood red contacts. Her cheap plastic vampire fangs nearly fall out as she climbs up onto the pyre as the bell rings.

Vinnie Lane: “Rox what the heck are you doing!?”

Roxy motions for Kenzi to just light the pyre up… Roxy’s sacrificing herself for Kenzi! She has no interest in winning this match whatsoever, she only seems interested in making Vinnie Lane hurt.

Kenzi shakes her head and refuses to light up the kindling, and in fact she gets up next to Roxy on the pyre… apparently indicating that the only way anyone is getting fire set to them is if BOTH women are engulfed in flame. The official looks confused as Vinnie Lane rises from the ground and rushes over.

Vinnie Lane: “No way! I’m calling this thing off! Rox, you could win this thing if you tried to, you know you could, and I’m not someone who’s going to step in the way of real competition… but THIS? This is just some dumb plan to get back at me? You’re not even going to try??”

Roxy nods her head and holds hands with Kenzi, then closes her eyes and waits for the flames.

Vinnie Lane: “Well it is straight BS! Not a chance I allow this crap… Kenz, Rox, this will be a draw all right… but no one is getting set on fire! No one wins, and no one loses… which means that Kenz, I’m sorry, but you’re NOT getting that title match at High Stakes!”

Fans boo. What a bait and switch!

Vinnie Lane: “So please… Kenzi… come on down, get off that thing. We can talk. Let’s work all this bad blood out like adults, okay?”

Kenzi looks ready to argue, but instead she nods when Rox mouth’s to her that it’s okay. Kenzi and Roxy hug, and then Kenzi leaves the pyre and walks toward Vinnie.

Vinnie Lane: “I’m sorry about all of this, Kenz. I just wanted to make my show as awesome as possible, and I knew you could overcome all of the things I threw at you… I guess I just let everything get to my head after a while, I needed everything bigger and crazier!”

Kenzi opens her mouth, but then closes it and just shrugs. She seems at a loss, but willing to let bygones be bygones. She holds out her hand for a handshake.

Vinnie Lane: “Good. I’m glad we can come to a real agreement. You’re still gonna be the Face of Anarchy, dude, even if you can’t get your title match…”


The camera switches to Bobbi London, standing near the pyre where Roxy still is leaning, blowing on her fingernails.

“You’s two can be all friendly all you’s want, but Bobbi London an’ all these spooky Massachusetts fans came for a FIRE!”

Vinnie Lane: “BOBBI NO!”

But it’s too late. In an instant, Bobbi has tossed a molotov cocktail onto the kindling, and the whole thing goes up in a flash! Roxy Cotton is engulfed in flames for a nanosecond before Vinnie dives into her and knocks her away, sacrificing his own designer clothing and probably a few second degree burns in order to save her.

The referee calls it!

Winner by Witch Burning - Kenzi Grey

Vinnie Lane: “WHAT!?!? Oh come on! Roxy what were you thinking!?”

“Well bb, what I’m thinking now is… you owe my friend a shot at the Anarchy Championship!”

[Image: gR8affl.png]


Vita Valenteen
- vs -
Tula Keali'i
Trick or Treat Match!

The fans will bring whatever they want to see used in the match, and all objects are allowed!

We see Tula walking down to the ring with her Black Graphite Pipe, ignoring the fans as she enters the ring. Then she looks at her pipe very deeply, and smacks it on her hand as her theme cuts off.

Vinnie Lane: “Oh man, what will she do with that pipe tonight, when she knows that these fans will bring even more weapons, how will it play out tonight?”

As the opening riff of "Hart Attack" roared through the arena the crowd jumped to their feet as Vita ran onto the stage. Vita walked down the stage in a zigzag pattern as she slapped hands and tried her best to get the crowd riled. At the foot of the ramp, Vita took off and slid under the ropes to enter the ring. Vita hopped to her feet and struck her infamous "Arnold pose" to the crowds' delight!

Vinnie Lane: Oh my, here comes the champion herself, how will she fair against her top contender for her title in this Fans Bring The Weapons match? Let’s get this show on the road!

Then the bell had rung, and Vita extends her hand for a good luck, but Tula wasn’t having it and she smacks her hand away from her. Vita then “pouts” over lack of sportsmanship, and Tula clocks her with a haymaker to the gut of Vita. She then does a double leg takedown with a flow over on her head, and she locks in a front face lock on Vita. Vita manages to float over on her back, and she kicks Tula in the head to break the hold. Both women are on their feet, and they circle around one another, then they lock up and Tula hits another double leg takedown, but this time she mounds on Vita’s back.

Tula then starts hitting her elbows on the back of her head. Vita then tries to elbow her in the face, which connects. Tula then stumbles on her feet, as Vita leg sweeps Tula and she smacks her head on the mat until she stopped. Vita then grabs Tula’s left arm, and she wraps it around the middle rope, and locks it in. Vita break the hold, and she heads to the outside, where the fans are pulling out objects for her to use.

Vinnie Lane: What will Vita use in this match against Tula… I hope it’s something go—

Vita picks out frying pan and goes back into the ring with it. She then hits Tula hard as she could with he frying pan.

Vinnie Lane: Oh a frying pan…classic, i guess.

Tula grabs Vita’s arm, and she takes the frying pan from her and tosses it to the outside. She then does an Arm wrench, and kept wrenching her arm. She then Irish Whips Vita to ropes, and she connects with a Knee Strike on Vita. She then lifts Vita up, and goes for another Knee Strike which caused Vita to go to the ropes. Then Vita signals the fans to toss her some weapons like a blowdryer, iron, and a giant bag of candy. Tula then picks up the blow dryer, and “blows” Vita’s hair, then hits her with it.

Tula then gets the iron, and jams the tip of it into her forehead and clocks her head with it. She kept using the Ironing as a blunt object on Vita’s gut until she stopped. She picks up a big bag of candy and opens it up to reveal it being nothing but razor blades inside. She then spreads it across the ring.

Tula then picks up Vita, and she tries to hit a DDT onto the blades, but Vita Stopped the momentum and she reverses into a Back Body Drop on the razors on Tula. Tula is in pain, as Vita looked shocked on what she did to Tula.

Vinnie Lane: Oh my goodness, we are surely in for a horrific night in this ring. That bag of candy was nothin’ more than a trick!

Vita snaps out of her shocked trance, and she goes for the cover…



Tula kicks out and rolls to the outside, Vita follows suit as the ref was cleaning the ring up from the blades. Tula then punches Vita on the nose, and Vita teleplays that with her own punch to Tula’s face. Then it lead into a catfight that spoiled into the crowd, Vita then uses a beer can and smashes Tula’s face with it. Tula then uses a leather whip and whips her with it. Tula then whips Vita as she tries to crawl away. Then Tula catches her, and she chokes her with the whip.

Tula then lets go of the whip, and she got a bucket from a fan that was filed with worms. As Vita was coming back to the ring, Tula manages to grab Vita’s hair and teases that she’s going to feed her worms. Vita manages to break her hold, kicks her in the gut, and she takes the bucket of worms and spills it on the floor. She then tries to go for a Russian Legsweep, but Tula refused to budge and she stomps on Vita’s foot.

Tula then hits her own Russian Leg sweep on her into the pile of worms. Then she picks up some and feeds some of it to her, which made Vita want to puke.

Vinnie Lane: “Whoa, what the hell is going on here? Is the Boogeyman responsible for this worm infestation in Salem?… whatever it is, i hope we can continue this match up.”

Tula then pulls her Black Graphite Pipe, and rolls into the ring. Tula stands there, as Vita slowly rolling away from the worms pile. She then gets heated, and goes to the fans and she takes each and everyone’s objects and tosses them in the ring, as Tula kept moving away from getting hit. Then Vita goes under the ring, and lifts up a table and slides it into the ring. The she looks under the ring once more, and pulls up out two chairs and tosses them in the ring.

Vita gets back into the ring, and Tula hits her with the pipe. Tula hits her in the back with it, and chokes her with it. Tula breaks the hold, and she see’s the weapons in the ring and she picks up a hockey stick, and swings at Vita’s gut as she was slowly getting on her feet. Tula then drops the stick, and picks up a stop sign, and beats her with it. Tula drops the sign, and lifts up Vita and hits a Overhead Belly To Belly Suplex onto the two chairs stacked on one another, and Tula goes for the pin…




As Vita kicks out, Tula then sets up the table in the corner of the ring, and she lifts up Vita and props her to the table. She then headbutts her on the face, and lays her on the table. She punches Vita for good measure, she then heads for the top rope..

Vinnie Lane: Uh oh, what will Tula do in order to score her first championship?… Will she risk it all or will these witches hex her in Salem.

Tula dives to the table with Double foot stomp, but Vita rolled out of the way, and Tula crashed through the table. Vita then smacks the mat, gets on her feet with full of adrenalin as Tula rolls back onto her feet Vita hits her with various amounts of punches, then she Irish whips her to the ropes and she connects with a Koppu Kick on Tula.

Vita then gets pumped, and gets on her feet and props to chairs on their sides and sticks a pair of light tubes on the chairs in middle of them. Vita is waiting for Tula to get on her feet, and when she managed to gain her conciseness; Vita kicks her in the gut and hits a…


The crowd chanted “holy sh**”… and she slowly covers her…

Vinnie Lane: Jesus christ, that was sick move done by Vita… let’s see if she’ll be the one to be treated back with her Anarchy championship!



Tula kicks out, shocking Vita Valenteen!

Vita pounds the mat an d heads to the top rope as Tula Keali’i rolls around in pain. Slowly, Keali’i gets to her feet, her legs wobbly beneath her. She starts to turn toward the corner just as Vita leaps off with a HUGE jump into her devastating EAT DEFEAT finisher!

Vinnie Lane: “She got it! Vita lands the biggest move in her arsenal to retain the title!!!” Wait, what’s going on?”

In the ring, Vita is squirming within the grip of Tula Keali’i… apparently right at the point of impact, Tula adjusted her body position just enough to avoid the impact, and ended up transitioning directly into a dragon sleeper… the Aloha!

Tula cranks the hold on with as much torque as she can muster, and Vita’s wildly flailing limbs start to slow and sag. Her arms fall limp to the mat and the referee grabs her wrist and lifts it… it drops!

The ref holds Vita’s hand up once more, and it drops once more!

One last time the official pulls Vita’s limp arm into the air and releases it…


The ref calls for the bell quickly and makes sure Tula releases the hold, which she does… Vita is completely unconscious, and the referee as well as Tula both check on her as the bell sounds and Tula is announced as the winner!

Winner by Submission and NEW Anarchy Champion - Tula Keali’i

Vinnie Lane: “I can’t believe it! What a performance from both of these amazing ladies, the Anarchy Championship is the hottest thing in pro wrestling right now… you never know who’s going to hold the gold on Thursday nights!”

Vita is okay though she looks bummed as she learns what happened. Tula is handed her new title belt and stands in the center of the ring grinning from ear to ear as Anarchy fades to WITCH BLACK!


John Black
Ned Kaye
Big D
Kenzi Grey

[Image: dR5ZguS.png]
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[-] The following 13 users Like "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane's post:
(Gravy_Xtreme_5000) (10-25-2020), Atara Raven (10-25-2020), Atticus Gold (10-28-2020), B.O.B. D (10-25-2020), BrianLance (10-26-2020), Charlie Nickles (10-25-2020), Corey Smith (10-25-2020), John_Black (10-25-2020), Marf (10-25-2020), Mr. Oz (10-25-2020), Ned Kaye (10-25-2020), T.H.U.G.S (10-25-2020), Thunder Knuckles™ (10-25-2020)
Charlie Nickles Offline
TITLE - The TV Champion

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

10-25-2020, 06:43 PM

Our Hawaiian hero is the champ!

[Image: Jdsm6ZU.png]
Reigning, Defending, Bloodletting
[Image: jtHw5j1.png]
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[-] The following 3 users Like Charlie Nickles's post:
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (10-26-2020), Mr. Oz (10-25-2020), Ned Kaye (10-25-2020)
Mr. Oz Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

10-25-2020, 07:52 PM

The sound of bones and joints crackling and popping would happen just as he leaves the showers, revealing his actual body.

"It was a valiant try, THUGS, but you should've known. You should've known we wouldn't be easy to beat, nigh impossible. You tried, and that is commendable. Stay affiliated with us, you will win again. Bet."

He grinned to those watching,

"Join us. You will find more success if you simply let yourselves open to us.

Join BOB."

[Image: xdagprt.gif]
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[-] The following 2 users Like Mr. Oz's post:
(Gravy_Xtreme_5000) (10-25-2020), Thunder Knuckles™ (10-25-2020)
Miss Fury Offline

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

10-26-2020, 10:34 AM

"She won the title only because of Lane's interference."

"Last Anarchy I made her tap out in the middle of the ring."

"And this week, if there were any doubts left, Vita dropped the title to an unranked contender."

"Ladies and gentlemen, I think I've proven my point. Good or bad, hero or pest, none of it matters. Vita Valenteen is and will always be a little girl whose dreams far outway her talent."

"Maybe if she were to #JoinBOB I could lead her to success, but even I must admit that I'm not a miracle worker."

[Image: 1invQS6.jpg]
[Image: BOBClub.png]
#JoinBOB #JoinbWo
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[-] The following 2 users Like Miss Fury's post:
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (10-26-2020), Mr. Oz (10-26-2020)
Vita Frickin Valenteen Offline
Vicious Frickin Vampire

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

10-26-2020, 01:09 PM

The better woman won tonight, and I'm nothing but happy for Tula.

Congratulations girl!

[Image: VVbatlogosm.png]

1x Anarchy Champion
1x Xtreme Champion
2x Television Champion
1x Lord Of Violence (March 2022)
2x Tag Team Champion
2x Freestyle Champion
3x Heavy Metalweight Champion
1x Federweight Champion
24/7 Briefcase Winner - March 2019
2019 Tweener Of The Year

Match History
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Tula Kealiʻi Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

10-26-2020, 01:15 PM

(10-26-2020, 10:34 AM)Miss Fury Said: "She won the title only because of Lane's interference."

"Last Anarchy I made her tap out in the middle of the ring."

"And this week, if there were any doubts left, Vita dropped the title to an unranked contender."

"Ladies and gentlemen, I think I've proven my point. Good or bad, hero or pest, none of it matters. Vita Valenteen is and will always be a little girl whose dreams far outway her talent."

"Maybe if she were to #JoinBOB I could lead her to success, but even I must admit that I'm not a miracle worker."

Oh, there's rankings, are there? I must have missed that memo. And who puts together these rankings? You?

b.O.b had a shitty Anarchy. You have two choices - cry or cope.

[Image: tenor-3-1.gif]
2x Anarchy Champion
1x and current XWF Micronesian Champion
XWF Star Of The Month - October 2020
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(Gravy_Xtreme_5000) Offline

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

10-26-2020, 01:21 PM

(10-26-2020, 01:15 PM)Tula Kealiʻi Said:
(10-26-2020, 10:34 AM)Miss Fury Said: "She won the title only because of Lane's interference."

"Last Anarchy I made her tap out in the middle of the ring."

"And this week, if there were any doubts left, Vita dropped the title to an unranked contender."

"Ladies and gentlemen, I think I've proven my point. Good or bad, hero or pest, none of it matters. Vita Valenteen is and will always be a little girl whose dreams far outway her talent."

"Maybe if she were to #JoinBOB I could lead her to success, but even I must admit that I'm not a miracle worker."

Oh, there's rankings, are there? I must have missed that memo. And who puts together these rankings? You?

b.O.b had a shitty Anarchy. You have two choices - cry or cope.

Yeah, and you've had a shitty career! How many times have you lost to BOB members so far this year? A hundred? A thousand? Beating a weak ass paper champion doesn't change that! Enjoy that belt while you can dummy, cause a betting man would have you dropping it on your first defense just like Vita!

I can't wait for High Stakes!

[Image: MOSHED-2023-6-19-16-15-56.gif]
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Ash Quinn

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

10-26-2020, 01:30 PM

Great show all around again everyone! Great match and congratulations to the new champ
Mr. Oz Offline
Active in XWF

XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

10-28-2020, 10:14 AM

(10-26-2020, 01:15 PM)Tula Kealiʻi Said:
(10-26-2020, 10:34 AM)Miss Fury Said: "She won the title only because of Lane's interference."

"Last Anarchy I made her tap out in the middle of the ring."

"And this week, if there were any doubts left, Vita dropped the title to an unranked contender."

"Ladies and gentlemen, I think I've proven my point. Good or bad, hero or pest, none of it matters. Vita Valenteen is and will always be a little girl whose dreams far outway her talent."

"Maybe if she were to #JoinBOB I could lead her to success, but even I must admit that I'm not a miracle worker."

Oh, there's rankings, are there? I must have missed that memo. And who puts together these rankings? You?

b.O.b had a shitty Anarchy. You have two choices - cry or cope.

"Excusez-vous enculé?! We had a spectactular show! Our friends in THUGS, with me and Barney, we fuckin' tore the house down! We fuckin' stole this shit. 'b.O.b had a shitty Anarchy.' Our match should've been the main event, not whatever boring shit you thought you were putting on."

[Image: xdagprt.gif]
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