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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Anarchy Boards » Anarchy Results
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Anarchy - 10/8/20
Author Message
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Offline
The Guy

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

10-09-2020, 03:19 PM



Savannah Knightley
- vs -
Liam Roberts


- vs -
Big D
Internet Rules!

Special Guest on Commentary: Micheal Graves!

Zane Norrison
- vs -
Scarlet "The Hunteress" Donaldson
Two out of Three Falls!


"The Face of Anarchy" Kenzi Grey
- vs -
Barney Green
Hindenburg Match!

[Image: AcademicUnconsciousAnkole-small.gif]

The match will take place inside a dirigible attached to mooring cables above the yard. After 15 minutes, the airship will be set ablaze!

Ruby, Tula Keali'i, Vita Valenteen, and Boris
- vs -
(Miss Fury, Money Oswald, Thunder Knuckles, and Robbie Bourbon)
Survivors Match!

Elimination-style 4 on 4 tag action!


The pyro is... less than stellar. I think Vinnie bought it himself from Costco on the way over, and you know New Jersey doesn't have the good stuff.

"DUDES! This is going to be a RADICAL Anarchy and I am freakin' STOKED! We have an amazing Survivors Match main event that's would totally blow the roof off this place if there was one! Plus, the Internet Title is on the line... again... as Big D and MeFisto square off... again. BUT! The COOLEST part is the first-of-its-kind Hindenburg Match pitting Barney of Baddies against "The Face of Anarchy" Kenzi Grey! It's gonna be WICKED dudes! Let's get right to it!!!"

[Image: gR8affl.png]

Savannah Knightley
- vs -
Liam Roberts

As Liam and Savannah stand in the ring, suddenly they are attacked by RoBOBoris!

The cyborg from the Brotherhood of Baddies takes them both out and then drags them backstage in his evil, metallic clutches.


[Image: gR8affl.png]
Vita Valenteen leaves her locker room and is heading, presumably, towards the arena. She isi stretching her arms and jumping around a little, to stretch out for the upcoming contest.

As she turns the corner, a female figure in all black with a black sky mask steps out from behind a soda machine. She appears to be holding a pipe of some sort. The female figure is behind Vita, and swings the pipe, making contact right to the back of her knee.

Vita buckles, and goes down holding her leg. The figure brings the pipe down again, and Vita cries out at it makes a sickening thud against the bone in her knee.

Vita is crawling, trying to get away. The figure brings the pipe down a third time. Vita is wincing, yelling, holding her knee. Vita is still trying to get up, however, pulling herself up using a nearby table. The figure waits until she is up on shaky legs, barely putting any pressure on the newly injured leg. She sizes Vita up and brings the pipe to the back of the leg once more, taking the legs out from under Vita and flipping her onto her back. The masked figure stands over the writing Vita Valenteen and drops the pipe. Pulling off the sky mask, blonde locks with pink tips fall out from underneath.


Vinnie Lane: “This is not good! We have a match scheduled! For god sakes get some help back there! Get that dime store slut out of my building!”

Jenny bends down and smiles into Vita's face. She pulls a flier out from inside her black stretch pants and drops it, fluttering, down over her. The camera pans in on the flier that says simply:


Jenny blows a kiss and grins a wicked grin as she walks away, referee's and EMT's rushing to Vita's side as the scene cuts.
[Image: gR8affl.png]


- vs -
Big D
Internet Rules!

Special Guest on Commentary: Micheal Graves!

Vinnie Lane: "Well, folks, you're in for a treat, as our next match is a rematch from Relentless. For those of you who couldn't afford 3 nights of non-stop XWF action and opted out of Night One, you missed one of the biggest upsets in the history of this company as MeFisto defeated Big D for the Internet Championship in his debut match! Well, the debut he actually showed up for...................."

The lights go dark as "Violence" by BOB plays over the PA. Micheal Graves walks out to the stage as the crowd dumps on the ultraviolent superstar. He ignores them as he makes his way down to ringside, where he joins Vinnie Lane on commentary.

Vinnie Lane: "Joining me in the booth is one of the top contenders for the Internet Title, Michael Graves. How's it goin', Graves?"

Micheal Graves: "Pretty good Lane! I heard a new song on the radio today!"

Vinnie Lane: "Oh yeah?"

Micheal Graves: "Yeah man, Twisted Sister have recorded a new song for the first time in decades!"

Vinnie Lane: "No way! How do I not know about this!?"

Micheal Graves: "No clue man, but it was an awesome tune! I think the name of it was "We Haven't Been Cool In 30 Years"!"

Vinnie Lane: "I see what you did there Graves, but that wasn't even funny, just mean."

Micheal Graves: "I wasn't trying to be funny! This next performance should cover all the LULZ for this show!"

"X-Men Theme" by Powerglove hits over the PA system as the fans begin to cheer. Pyro falls from the X-Tron and fireworks shoot up from the stage as Big D walks through the curtain, a serious look on his face. Multi-colored spotlights in the shape of a 'D' shine throughout the arena as the former Internet Champion puts his arms in the air before making his way down the aisle.

Vinnie Lane: "Big D's got a lot to prove here tonight: was his loss merely a fluke, or is MeFisto the real deal? We're gonna find out here in a few minutes."

Micheal Graves: "Hey kids, if you need to piss, this is your chance!"

Big D grabs at the middle rope and uses it to pull himself onto the apron, where he takes a moment to gander at the ring before climbing in. He heads over to his corner and waits for his opponent, pulling on the top rope as he looks towards the entrance.

Vinnie Lane: "Big D's skipping the showmanship tonight, he just wants to get down to business and win his Title back!"

Micheal Graves: "Big D is known for showmanship? I thought he was only known for losing to everyone!"

Vinnie Lane: "That's not true and you know it, Big D was on quite the tear as Internet Champion until MeFisto...


"Here I Go Again" by Whitesnake fills the arena as the fans go absolutely nuts, getting to their feet in anticipation of the new Champion. Four men dressed as Powerade bottles, each a different flavor, emerge carrying a golden throne........... but MeFisto is nowhere to be found!

Vinnie Lane: "Oh God, he's not here! He better not have stolen my belt, it's worth AT LEAST a case of Powerade!"

Micheal Graves: "You told me that the labor board wouldn't allow me to be carried to the ring on a throne!"

Vinnie Lane: "You wanted pre-teens carrying you dude, no!"

The man-Powerades head towards the end of the aisle, where they stop and set the throne on the ground. Just in time for the hard part of his theme to kick in, MeFisto bursts through the curtain riding in one of those mini-wrestling rings from Wrestlemania 3. As he rolls along towards his throne, he takes the time to pose for the fans, flexing his muscles and pointing towards his Internet Championship with pride.

Vinnie Lane: "I'm pretty sure each of the turnbuckles on his ring says 'POWERADE,' I'm starting to think the Coca Cola company are bigger whores than Thunder Knuckles!"

Micheal Graves: "I like this MeFisto, he makes me laugh, plus he has big muscles like me. You need that to succeed around here you know!"

Vinnie Lane: "Oh yeah? Then why haven't you found any?"

Once his mini ring reaches the throne, one of the Powerade servants unlatches the ropes up front, allowing for MeFisto to climb out, onto his chair. The four men then hoist the royal seat up onto their shoulders and take about seven steps forward, where they stop. The Internet Champion then steps off, onto the apron, where he stares in at Big D. MeFisto's entourage leaves as the former Champ motions for his opponent to join him in the ring.

Vinnie Lane: "The atmosphere is just as intense here as it was at Relentless!"

Micheal Graves: "I wasn't there, remember? Everyone was being a super puss and not wanting to fight me! As a matter of fact, 3 different motherfuckers backed out last minute cause they just so scared of Gravy and that of course forced me to go to G."

Vinnie Lane: "WHOA DUDE! Don't go name dropping the competition on live TV!"

Micheal Graves: "I WASN'T! ... GCWA isn't competition!"

MeFisto takes a few deep breaths, so big you can see his lips visibly moving as his eyes bulge. The Internet Champion grabs the ropes and begins shaking them as fireworks shoot from the ring posts, startling Big D so much, he tumbles to the mat.

Vinnie Lane: "Oh how the mighty have, literally, fallen."

Micheal Graves: "Mighty? Heh!"

MeFisto points at the former Champion, joining the audience, and Michael Graves, in a chorus of laughter. This pisses D off, causing him to jump to his feet and charge at his opponent. Big D swings at MeFisto, but he blocks it and connects with a right of his own, sending D stumbling backwards. MeFisto wastes no time climbing in, taking his off his belt as he does so and shoving it into the ref's arms. As MeFisto throws a couple of punches at Big D, the referee hurries the belt over to the timekeeper and calls for the bell.

Vinnie Lane: "This IS a Title Match, one that's begun before the ref can even call for the bell!"

Micheal Graves: "Shouldn’t be, we all know I beat Big D before MeFisto did!"

MeFisto backs D against the ropes before Irish Whipping him to the opposite side. Big D bounces back and is met with a Big Boot that drops him flat on the mat. The Champion runs to the ropes and attempts an Atomic Leg Drop, but Big D rolls out of the way and he lands hard on his ass. D quickly gets up and delivers a nasty looking Kick to MeFisto's face, sending blood flying everywhere!

Vinnie Lane: "Oh my God, Big D might've just broken MeFisto's nose!"

MeFisto rolls around on the ground, clenching at his face as blood continues to gush through his fingers. Big D stands there for a moment, laughing at his opponent...


Before getting down and covering him.




Micheal Graves: "SEE DUMMY!"

Vinnie Lane: "MeFisto's entire face is covered in crimson!"

A frustrated Big D gets up and Stomps at MeFisto's face, sending the back of his head crashing against the mat. He runs his hand through his hair and brings MeFisto to his feet, attempting to whip him into the corner. The Internet Champion reverses it, instead throwing D into the corner before rushing at him. Big D manages to move out of the way, causing MeFisto's chest to collide with the top turnbuckle. The former Champion sneaks behind him and uses the momentum of the impact to German Suplex his opponent, keeping it bridged for a cover.




Vinnie Lane: "The Champion's hanging in there, despite the rough start, but can he mount a comeback?"

Micheal Graves: "Who cares?"

Big D looks from MeFisto, to the top rope, before heading over to the ropes and climbing out onto the apron. D then heads over to the corner, where he slowly ascends the turnbuckles all the way to the top.

Vinnie Lane: "Big D's been taking alot more risks lately! He could be looking for that devastating, if not sloppy, Hurricanrana he's hit both you AND MeFisto with!"

Micheal Graves: "It doesn’t even hurt!"

Vinnie Lane: “Sure looked like it hurt when he hit it on you!”

Micheal Graves: "WELL, it didn’t!"

Big D waits for a dazed MeFisto to stand up and stumble in his direction. With his opponent in the perfect position, Big D jumps off and attempts a Hurricanrana................... but MeFisto manages to catch him on his shoulders and deliver an earth shattering Powerbomb that pins D to the mat!!!!




Vinnie Lane: "That was a hell of a counter by the Champion; he almost retained his Title right there!"

Micheal Graves: "Don’t worry Lane, it’s only a matter of time before Big D blows it!"

MeFisto tries to bring Big D to his feet, but D fights back with a punch to the gut. Upon receiving the shot, MeFisto begins calling out match instructions WAYYYYYY to loud!


Big D obliges to MeFisto's request, delivering a left hook to the ribs. MeFisto motions for more, yelling more instructions to his opponent.


Big D swings at MeFisto's nose, sending a clot of blood into the audience.


D swings again, then once more, the third one being blocked, of course. MeFisto retaliates with three rights of his own, backing Big D against the ropes again. He then leans forward, right up against D's ear, and calls out the next spots SOOOO loud, the nosebleed seats can hear him.


Sure enough, MeFisto Irish Whips Big D to the ropes and drops him with a Clothesline on the way back. As D gets back up, MeFisto runs to the ropes and knocks his opponent back down with a Shoulder Block. The former Champion bounces off the mat and back to his feet, where MeFisto's there to Military Press him above his head. He holds D up there for a second, making a few more calls.


MeFisto drops Big D behind him and runs the ropes, connecting with a Big Splash before rolling D onto his pack and hooking a leg.




Vinnie Lane: "....................I don't know WHAT to say about THAT!"

Micheal Graves: "MeFisto is so fucking cocksure that he’s calling his shots!"

Vinnie Lane: “He’s calling reversals and kickouts!”

Micheal Graves: "Hey, it just goes to show how much research MeFisto has put into Big D! You never hear Sarah Lacklan calling shit in the ring like that, and she’s the queen of research I’m told!"

Vinnie Lane: “Yeah I don’t think tha..”

Micheal Graves: "MeFisto for Uni Champ!"

Big D rolls over to the ropes as MeFisto gets up and heads in his direction. Before MeFisto can grab D, however, the former Internet Champion grabs his opponent by the tights and yanks him through the ropes to the outside. The referee scolds Big D, but he acts like he can't hear him, following MeFisto out to ringside. Big D approaches a downed MeFisto, who grabs him by the shorts, causing D to fall, face first, into the barricade.

Vinnie Lane: "Big D's gonna be as ugly as this match has gotten after that one!"

Micheal Graves: "Yeah Big D is pretty ugly! Know who’s the opposite of ugly here on Anarchy?"

Vinnie Lane: “I’m afraid to ask dude!”

Micheal Graves: “BOBBI FUCKIN’ LONDON, THAT’S WHO! Shout out to the most beautiful woman on Anarchy!”

The former Champion hangs limply on the barricade, a stupefied look on his face. MeFisto heads over to Big D and attempts to pick him up from behind, but D manages to escape. He then hoists MeFisto up for a Dan Slam, but this time MEFISTO escapes behind his opponent. The Internet Champion then shoves the challenger towards the metal ring post, but Big D uses his hands to prevent himself from colliding with it. He then turns around and sees MeFisto running in with a Clothesline, which D manages to duck, causing MeFisto's arm to crash against the post.


MeFisto collapses to the ground, clutching at his injured arm as the referee hits '8' on his count. Big D rolls into the ring and right back out, forcing the referee to restart the count.

Vinnie Lane: "Smart move by the former Champion, Big D knows he can't win the Title by countout!"

Micheal Graves: "He must have seen Miss Fury’s match with Vita at Relentless. You gonna restart this one too if you don’t like the ending?"

Big D walks over, grabs MeFisto, and tosses him back into the ring, following close behind with a cover.




Vinnie Lane: "Big mistake by D in not hooking a leg! That could've made the difference right there."

Micheal Graves: "MeFisto had a stipulation added to his contract that stated that Big D was not permitted to touch him below the waist!"

Vinnie Lane: “Wait, is that true?”

Micheal Graves: "How the Hell should I know, you’re the fucking boss!"

Big D reaches for MeFisto's injured arm and locks it up, applying pressure right on the joint. The Champion cries out in pain as Big D pulls on it, doing all that he can to stretch it out of it's socket. As D does this, the fans begin to encourage MeFisto, causing him to regain his strength and begin to fight back. MeFisto slowly turns into his opponent, getting to one knee, followed by the other, before using his new-found strength to Hip Toss Big D across the ring. D quickly gets back to his feet and rushes at MeFisto, only to go down to a powerful Clothesline. The challenger stands up, again, only to get lifted up and Body Slammed to the mat near the corner by the Champion. MeFisto then points to the top rope before climbing out onto the apron and climbing to the top rope, his legs shaking with every step.

Vinnie Lane: "MeFisto could be looking for that Flying Elbow Drop he put Big D away with at Relentless!"


Once at the top, MeFisto points to the sky before jumping off with his elbow extended. At the last second, Big D rolls out of the way, causing MeFisto's already injured arm to crash against the mat. Big D gets to his feet and drags MeFisto up with him, positioning himself behind him. D then lifts MeFisto up and goes to spin him around for a Dan Slam. As D does so, MeFisto intentionally sticks out his foot so it hits the referee and knocks him out as his opponent slams him down. Big D covers him after, but there's no ref to count the fall.

Vinnie Lane: "Big D has him here, but MeFisto made sure there wasn't gonna be a ref to count for him!"


A frustrated Big D shakes his head, slapping the mat three times to prove he did it. He then looks up into the sky, before getting to his feet and attempting to bring his opponent with him. MeFisto gets to his knees, but rather than getting up, he surprises D with a Low Blow to a mixed reaction from the crowd. Big D cries out as he drops to his knees before falling to the mat.

D: "Owww, my fuckin' ballllllls!!!!!!"

Vinnie Lane: "Yikes! I could feel that illegal shot from over here!"

Micheal Graves: "MeFisto sure has some pinpoint accuracy to hit that target! Big D’s just suffering a small injury here! I’m surprised the sock he keeps in his tights didn’t absorb the blow!"

Vinnie Lane: “Are you done?”

Micheal Graves: "Almost, one more! BIG D HAS A SMALL DICK!"

MeFisto shows no shame, instead of taking a moment to proudly pose for the fans, before reaching into his tights.

Vinnie Lane: "Please tell me he's reaching for a Powerade!"

MeFisto pulls out a pair of brass knuckles with the word 'POWERADE' written across them and puts 'em on. He looks from his fist to the referee, who's in the slow process of getting up, BUT has his back to MeFisto. Rather than strike, however, MeFisto just looks at the ref and Big D, his fist cocked and ready to go.

Vinnie Lane: "What the hell is he doing?! If he doesn't strike now, the ref will see him!"

Micheal Graves: "Maybe that’s the point, Vin!"

Big D makes it to his feet at the same time the referee does. Both of them turn around simultaneously, but only one of them sees MeFisto's illegal punch in time.................... the ref! As MeFisto's fist connects with D's face, sending a rain of blood flying into the crowd, the referee catches him in the act and calls for the bell.

Winner by Disqualification - Big D

Big D falls, face first, to the mat as he's declared the winner. MeFisto pretends, very badly, to be upset with the decision, all the while making his way over to the timekeeper and happily taking his Title. He then struts around ringside with a big ole grin on his face as he holds his Championship in the air. MeFisto then made his way up the aisle and to the back, celebrating as if he'd won.

Vinnie Lane: "Well, it's pretty clear to me that MeFisto got DQed on purpose! With that being said, I'm gonna have no choice but to schedule yet another rematch between the two and, this time, if MeFisto gets Disqualified, he will LOSE the Internet Championship........"

Micheal Graves: "Are you kidding me? Bullshit, it’s my time!"

Graves vanished into the void right before Lanes eyes before reappearing in the ring behind Big D!

Graves charges in with an Ax Handle that stumbles Big D!

Vinnie Lane: “How’d he do that!?!”

Micheal Graves then lifts Big D up into a crucifix!

Vinnie Lane: “Grave Consequences! Big D’s hurt!”

Graves manifest a bottle of lime green spray paint out of thin air and paints #JoinBOB on Big D’s back! Graves then turns his attention to MeFisto and starts calling him out before MeFisto disappears behind the curtain!

Vinnie Lane: “What a wild ride that was, but up next The Huntress vs a zombie! Just one, we’re not trying to cause an outbreak!”

[Image: gR8affl.png]

Miss Fury is leading the charge backstage as BOB members Robbie Bourbon, Big Money Ozwald, and good ole Thunder Knuckles follow behind.

Miss Fury: "WHERE IS SHE!?" She shouts as she swings open the door to the female locker room.

"AHHHH!" Various competitors quickly cover up and vacate the area, leaving only on bitch who is now staring face to face with her CERTAIN DEMISE!

[Image: ZgF5xJMG_o.jpg]

Miss Fury: "GET HER!"

Ozzy and Robbie are on her like white on rice and quickly pummel her into the ground! TK leans over the bloody and battered fox just like Chris Tucker did to Zeus in "Friday".

TK: "YEAH! THAT'S WHAT YOU GET WHEN YOU FUCK WITH BOB!" He says before laughing in her face.

Miss Fury: "Nobody makes a fool of BOB and gets away with it! NOBODY! Take a good long look at this pathetic creature, because, at the end of the night, this WILL be YOU!"

Miss Fury shoves the camera out of her way as she charges out of the room followed by TK, Robbie, and Ozzy, who all poke and laugh at the camera guy as they exit.

As the camera pans back into the room we catch Micheal Graves in the act of kidnapping MISS FURRY!

Micheal tosses her on his shoulder before noticing the camera filming his actions.

Micheal Graves: "I was never here!"

Suddenly Micheal and MISS FURRY dissipate into a cloud of purple mist.

[Image: gR8affl.png]

Zane Norrison
- vs -
Scarlet "The Hunteress" Donaldson
Two out of Three Falls!

[Image: pumpkin-patch-desktop-wallpaper-5653-593...papers.jpg]

Covert Jay: "Huttah!"

Vinnie Lane: "What the heck are you doing here dude?"

Zane and Scarlet stand in the ring, and a tiny version of the nearby looming New Hindenburg floats over… piloted by Mini Morbid!


Mini seems to be talking about Scarlet, and indeed he swoops in and kidnaps her right from the ring!


Mini flies off in his mini blimp and then someone sets Zane on fire or something, I dunno.


[Image: gR8affl.png]
Vinnie Lane: “Well Dudes, it looks like Kenzi is going to be a no show for this event. She hasn’t arrived at the arena and no one has heard from her since her unfortunate hot air balloon accident. We are going to have no choice but to declare Barney Green the winner via forfeit. That just goes to show you, here on Anarchy, it takes a lot more than fake bravado to join the X-Treme Evolution! I was really hoping that-“

Vinnie is abruptly cut off as Kenzi’s theme music played and all eyes turned to the entrance way onto the field over which the dirigible would be flown.

Vinnie Lane: “Whoa! I stand corrected! I guess Kenzi did make it…wait! What in the hell is this?!”

The music comes to an abrupt stop as the figure coming down to the ring isn’t Kenzi Grey at all, but Bobbi London dressed in Kenzi’s gear, stretched to the breaking point, and with a tangle of long black braids on her head. Vinnie waves her over and the Aussie ambles over, still doing a terrible Kenzi impression, likely because of the vaginal injury she sustained at Relentless.

Vinnie Lane: “Bobbi, what in the hell is this? Where is Kenzi?!”

Bobbi London: “Is yous fuckin’ mental mate? I’s obviously right ‘ere, yah?”

Vinnie Lane: “NO! Yous Bobbi London…where is Kenzi?!”

Bobbi started to protest, but the look on Vinnie’s face was clear, he wasn’t in a joking mood. Bobbi took a deep breath and leaned in.

Bobbi London: “Look, per Kenzi’s contract, I’s can stand in as ‘er double whenever it’s needed. Yous know full well that she’s been missing since yesterday when ‘er balloon went all wonky!”

Vinnie Lane: “I signed this match to Kenzi and ONLY Kenzi! If she doesn’t come out, then this will be a forfeit! I-“

Suddenly there was a gasp from the socially distanced audience as they all peered up in the sky as a hot air balloon descended onto the field with a disheveled and tired looking Kenzi Grey inside the basket and Maxine Ball in her skydiving uniform at the controls. The large woman guided the balloon down to the ground like an expert and before it could be properly moored, Kenzi spilled out and Sarah Lacklan ran out onto the field, nearly tackling her wife to the ground as they shared a tearful embrace.

Vinnie Lane: “Great! Now this thing can get underway!”

Everyone turned and stared at him in disbelief as they shared a collective "WHAT?!", but Vinnie had made up his mind.

Vinnie Lane: “I don’t want to hear it dudes! She was scheduled and now she's here! The Hindenburg Match will go on as planned! Well…”

He paused, looking right at Kenzi with a devilish grin.

Vinnie Lane: “…unless you want to relinquish my 30 Second Promo Championship and admit you stole it! Then I will consider postponing this match!”

Sarah was livid as she started to go off, but Kenzi grabbed the Universal Champion, holding her back from attacking Vinnie. The two shared a few hushed words and a fist bump before Kenzi turned and gave Vinnie the finger, before heading off towards the waiting airship.

Vinnie Lane: “Oh man, that’s rude! But this match is about to go on and someone is about to go down!”
[Image: gR8affl.png]


"The Face of Anarchy" Kenzi Grey
- vs -
Barney Green
Hindenburg Match!

[Image: AcademicUnconsciousAnkole-small.gif]

The match will take place inside a dirigible attached to mooring cables above the yard. After 15 minutes, the airship will be set ablaze!

Several dozen feet off the ground in Lakehurst, a facsimile of the grand Hindenburg airship from 1937 is circling its mooring tower. The footage showing the dirigible as it rotates is very grainy and in black and white for some reason.

Vinnie Lane (sounding like a 200 year old recording for some reason): “Here we see the incredible vehicle known as a Zeppelin. These beautiful vehicles can cross oceans and offer the height of class and luxury for the travelling class!”

The view changes to inside of the blimp. There, we see Barney Green in a newsboy cap and with a curly mustache on his face.

Vinnie Lane: “The dastardly Barney Green, once beloved by many, has lately been aligned with the BOB faction. The so-called Brotherhood of Baddies is an axis of evil running rampant these days in the XWF. Long gone are the days of peace and friendliness. Now, only the valiant stand between BOB and communist dictatorships like we’re seeing in Russia and Nat-see Germany.”

Barney stands with his hand on his hip, twiddling his mustache in a villainous manner, as only villains do. He pulls a black facemask out of his dungarees and wraps it around his eyes, villainously.

The screen then shifts to show “The Face of Anarchy” Kenzi Grey, shouting wordlessly at the camera. A decorative placard then takes the screen, with calligraphy between a pair of oversized quotation marks to let us know what Grey said.

[Image: 1KByJ4a.png]

The scene shows Kenzi shaking her head wildly and trying to yell.

[Image: EkdXAOJ.png]

Vinnie Lane: “Miss Grey seems to think this is one of those newfangled talkies everyone is going on about. No, no, we are doing things the proper original way. A dubbed over newsreel like our fathers loved! Hold on… it seems like Kenzi has another message for us...”

Kenzi is seen now angrily jumping up and down and clearly screaming some easily lip-read profanities at the camera.

[Image: t04aq3L.png]

Vinnie Lane: “Well I think EVERYONE knew that already!”

High-paced piano music plays as the bell sounds. The official onboard the New Hindenburg, Chaz Bobo, adjusts his leather suspenders and straightens his bowler cap, then directs the two combatants to engage.

Vinnie Lane: "Why look at those donnybrookers go! This will be a fine display of fisticuffs! BULLY! See for yourselves!"

[Image: e6f609137afe2047df2dabc0a1c1b105.gif]

Right away, Grey shows an athletic advantage. She has Barney in pursuit mode, forcing him to go after her in an attempt to wear him out. At one point, Barney makes a lunging dive toward Kenzi and almost falls out of the window of the passenger gondola.

Vinnie Lane: “Careful there, Mister Green! It’s a long way down!”

When Barney turns around, Kenzi leaps into the air and grabs a support handle near the roof, dangling there and repeatedly kicking Barney in his chest as if she were trying to put out a fire on his shirt. Barney covers up, and Kenzi drops from up above with a big elbow to the back of his head. This gets Green down to his knees, allowing Kenzi to execute a snap DDT and go for a fast cover.



Barney kicks out!

Vinnie Lane: “Close call there! Kenzi is trying her darndest to get this thing over with quickly, before the airship is ignited!”

Kenzi mouths to the referee.

[Image: DHONRq3.png]

Chaz Bobo pulls a gleaming pocketwatch from his trousers, then flips it open. He puts it away and then holds up all ten of his fingers.

Vinnie Lane: “Ten minutes left! Then this balloon is getting lit up like Christmas Eve in Times Square!”

Kenzi looks like she might be sobbing now, and it gives Barney the chance to snag her in a front chancery. Barney drags Kenzi by the head all the way across the gondola and then slings her against the wall. Kenzi slumps down to the floor and Barney takes a running start, rolling into her with a cannonball… but it’s a little different, since he never leaves the ground. It’s more like a bowling ball.

Either way, it works pretty well. Grey is stunned and unable to prevent Barney from lifting her onto his shoulder and dropping her torso across him in a Big Ending. A Big Greending! Kenzi turtles up and kicks her feet in pain, but Barney pulls her up to her feet and then winds up a massive uppercut! He drills Kenzi in the chin and she flies up, piercing the gondola roof and landing inside the inflatable gas-filled balloon top! She starts hacking and coughing immediately.

Vinnie Lane: “Folks to stay true to history we made sure that balloon was filled with 100% Hydrogen! We are authentic here in the XWF!”

Kenzi is obviously laboring to breathe, but when she catches sight of the explosive contraption strapped to the inside of the zeppelin, she sticks her head back out through the hole in the balloon and back into the gondola long enough to take a big gulp of air. She pulls herself back into the balloon and runs toward the bomb, but Barney has climbed up behind her. Barney clobbers Kenzi just as she gets to the bomb, and he tosses her across the balloon. She hits the wall of rubber hard and an exterior shot of the dirigible shows the imprint of her body pressing outward against its skin.

Back in the blimp, Barney has blacked out from lack of oxygen. Kenzi is gasping for air as well, and she manages to rip her way through the outer casing of the zeppelin, opening a hole to the outside! She sucks in some air and then plants Barney’s head in the hole so he doesn’t die from asphyxiation.

Vinnie Lane: “Uh oh! Barney’s weight is pulling that tear more and more open! The big fella just fell out of the blimp!”

Barney dangles outside of the New Hindenburg, holding onto a flap of the ripped skin near the stern. The entire ship leans backward.

Vinnie Lane: “So much for dieting!”

Kenzio runs to the bomb and sees that only five minutes remain on the timer. She yanks the contraption off of the wall and then flings it out of the tear in the blimp! The bomb lands with a thud on the ground and Kenzi drops to her knees in relief.

Barney Green pulls his head back into the balloon and turns his sights back onto Kenzi. He sees her getting up from her knees and runs at her with a lariat… but Kenzi dodges and walks up Green’s thigh to nail him with a step-up enzuigiri! Green falls face first, and Kenzi has him lined up for the Walk of Fame! Kanzi runs at him… Green pops her up in the air!

Green snags Kenzi in the Green Dream! He’s got the sleeper hold in TIGHT!

Kenzi is fading fast, and referee Chaz Bobo is right there to make sure she isn’t unconscious. Barney is really cranking that thing hard, he’s slobbering all over Kenzi’s braids from the effort. Not to mention the sweat! His all-wool workman’s shirt is absolutely stained from armpit to waistband!

Vinnie Lane: “Pardon me, ladies and germs… looks like the bomb is out of commission, so I have to use Plan B.”

Vinnie Lane stands up from his ringside announce booth seat and produces a longbow. He pulls a quiver filled with arrows, each of which seemingly have oily rags attached to the stabby ends. He pulls out a Zippo and lights those bad boys up, then zings one through the air using masterful archery! It lands right in the middle of the zeppelin, which immediately catches fire.

Vinnie fires off a few more arrows, hitting paydirt with each one. He then sits back down as if all of this is totally normal.

Vinnie Lane: “What? Was that weird?”

Back in the blimp, everything is on fire. Barney Green has no choice but to let go of his signature sleeper hold, because he too is on fire.

Bobo extinguishes Green’s burning shirt using the shirt off of his own back. What a guy. Also, wow, Chaz! Great abs!

Barney turns back toward Kenzi and gets drilled with a flipping back kick like Guile from Street Fighter 2!

The kick doesn’t fell Barney though, and he grabs Kenzi and heads for the rip in the blimp’s exterior! The entire structure is starting to collapse and contract around them, and we can see outside that it is beginning to fall toward the earth.

Vinnie Lane: “Barney’s got Kenzi and he’s running toward that hole… what’s he doing!?”

You know what happens. That damn fool leaps out of the blimp with Kenzi in his bear hug grip. They fall out of the sky, twisting and turning, until they hit the ground below with a big thump right before the New Hindenburg lands in a fiery pile next to them.

Chaz Bobo climbs shirtless out of the wreckage and makes a count… Kenzi landed on Barney!




Winner by Pinfall - “The Face of Anarchy” Kenzi Grey

Vinnie Lane: “Welp, she did it. She pulled it off somehow, and I guess it’s back to the drawing board for me… maybe I can have her tied to some train tracks or make her go to a Trump rally without a mask?”

Kenzi gets her arm raised, then notices the bomb on the ground next to her just as its tmer clicks down to 0:00.

[Image: J77LznI.png]


After the smoke clears, Kenzi, Chaz, and Barney Green are all seen hanging naked in the branches of nearby trees.

Vinnie Lane: “Time for our next match!”

[Image: gR8affl.png]

Ruby, Tula Keali'i, Vita Valenteen, and Boris
- vs -
(Miss Fury, Money Oswald, Thunder Knuckles, and Robbie Bourbon)
Survivors Match!

Elimination-style 4 on 4 tag action!

Vinnie Lane: “Listen, the fact is I spent all the money for pyro and entrances on that damn zeppelin. So we aren’t doing any today. Everyone’s in the ring except for Vita… we aren’t sure if she’s going to make it after what happened earlier, but everyone else is ready so... let’s go!”

Tula Keali’i and Robbie Bourbon start things off for their respective teams. Luckily it’s the real Robbie and not, like, a RoBOBbie version, considering what we saw machines are capable of earlier in the show.

Bourbon is soaking up the adulation from the New Jersey crowd, including Centurion, who has apparently stopped by to watch his favorite XWF megastar Ruby in person. Just kidding, Jersey hates Bourbon! They’d rather be watching that congressman who writes Bigfoot erotica right now!

Tula doesn’t like the size disadvantage and starts working the bigger man with scintillating leg kicks that start to buckle Robbie’s knee quicker than he’d like. He checks a few, but it’s clear this isn’t his area of expertise. When he tries to catch one of Tula’s leg kicks, she surprises him by raising up and smashing a knee lift right into his mouth, which sends him stumbling back into his corner.

Thunder Knuckles is there to slap a palm across Rob’s beefy back, and soon the TV Champion is in the ring in his place.

Vinnie Lane: “Another Anarchy debut in this match, the reigning two-time Television Champion, Thunder Knuckles. I’m not sure why he joined BOB, to be honest, the dude was doing great all on his own. Same with Robbie. The rest of those miscreants need the rub, but not these two…”

TK and Tule lock up, and Knuckles has Tula against the ropes quickly. His ability to work his leverage has Keali’i looking for alternative approaches, but before she can find any she’s tossed in a headlock takeover to the mat. TK holds a chinlock on Tula as he drives a few knees into her back, then grinds her down to the mat with a full side headlock, really putting on the squeeze.

Tula is writhing from the pain, but she eventually manages to get her body positioned in such a way that she can pop her head out of the headlock by kipping up. The move catches TK by surprise and Tula catches him with a back kick as he tries to get to his feet, knocking him flat.

Tula looks to her corner where Ruby and Boris are stretching their arms out, but before she can get there she’s flattened from behind by Miss Fury, who’s rushed the ring. Fury pulls Thunder Knuckles over to their corner before exiting, and she tags herself in. Fury runs over to Tula and stomps her into oblivion repeatedly, cutting her off from her team.

Vinnie Lane: “The Baddies are working like a finely tuned machine here tonight. They know they have a serious advantage right now, and that they can keep using quick tags to stay fresh while they wear down their outnumbered opponents!”

Miss Fury continues her assault, taking the time to rush the Non-Baddie corner and shove Ruby off of the apron! Boris enters to retaliate but referee John Bihl cuts him off, reminding him he needs to tag.

As Boris and Bihl argue, Fury calls her cohort into the ring, Big Money Oswald. The two of them get a few licks in on the downed Tula Keali’i, who is looking very worse for wear.

Boris and Ruby point behind John Bihl, and Bihl finally leaves Boris alone after the slav leaves the ring. Bihl turns and sees the double team and then orders Oswald out of the ring. The damage is done, though, and as soon as Money steps out of the ropes, he’s tagged right back in by a grinning Miss Fury. Oswald then stalks Tula as she attempts to crawl toward her corner, dropping an elbow into the small of her back just when she’s getting close.

Oswald pulls Tula up and hoists her onto his shoulder, then executes a massive running powerslam into the center of the ring that shakes the ropes.

Vinnie Lane: “I’m not sure how much more Tula can take, she’s been in the ring for the entire match thus far, and she’s had to square off with all four members of the opposite team!”

As if on cue, Oswald tags Miss Fury again, and she ascends to the top turnbuckles before leaping off with a frog splash. She covers Tula as Oswald leaves the ring!



Tula kicks out! Miss Fury can’t believe it, and she looks PISSED.

Fury slaps her hand across Oswald’s palm again and screeches at him to take care of Tula. Oswald steps over the ropes and leans down to grab Keali’i by the hair as Fury leaves the ring, but Tula flips like a bear trap and rolls Money over onto his shoulders!



Fury sees what’s happening and leaps in to break it up!


Eliminated by Tula Keali’i - Money Oswald

Oswald and Fury are livid, and they both attack Tula as the referee tries to break it apart. Oswald and Fury ignore him though, and this prompts Boris to lose his cool and rush into the ring, plowing over Oswald and knocking him out between the ropes with a shoulder tackle that the slav probably didn’t know he had in him.

Boris keeps the pressure on, punching and kicking away at Miss Fury as John Bihl tries to pry him off to no avail.

Vinnie Lane: “Boris needs to pay attention! He’s running on emotion protecting his friend, but the ref is counting!”

Boris won’t lay off, and he continues to rain punches down onto the face of Fury as the referee counts away, never hearing it.

5!!!!! That’s it!

John Bihl calls for a bell, and the announcement is made that Boris has been DQ’ed for fighting as the illegal man!

Disqualified - Boris

Bihl tackles Boris to get him off of Fury, and other officials storm to the ring to try and regain order. Oswald is hit with shock sticks like a loose circus bear until he heads to the back, and Boris is pulled from the ring and sent away as well.

Vinnie Lane: “WOW! Boris just made a huge mistake, although no one can really blame the dude for fighting with his heart instead of his head… only problem is, now all that’s left is Ruby and a badly beaten Tula Keali’i!”

Both Tula and Fury look to tag out, but Fury is quicker on the draw. She tags Thunder Knuckles, who runs into the ring at top speed to cut off Tula just as she leaps forward for a tag, catching he in midair on his shoulders and jackknifing her to the canvas at mach speed with an Alabama Slam!

Ruby’s head hangs as Robbie and Fury clap and holler in their corner, and then TK pulls Keali’i up from the mat by her sweat-drenched hair and slaps a deep sleeper hold on her!

Vinnie Lane: “The XBUX Dream! Tula’s trapped dead center of the ring and Thunder Knuckles has that thing SUNK on! Tula’s out!!!”

The ref checks Tula’s arm and quickly sees that she’s totally limp, then he calls for the bell.

Eliminated by Thunder Knuckles - Tula Keali’i

Vinnie Lane: “Oh man, this is NOT good… Ruby is all alone now against three opponents! Even as tough as she is she’s got no chance at all!”

Ruby slowly enters the ring as Thunder Knuckles licks his lips waiting for her. They square off and it’s a bit of a stalemate as the former Anarchy Champ and TK jockey for position. Eventually Ruby is able to duck under a back elbow and maneuver TK’s own momentum into a saito suplex, bridging her back into a pin!



TK powers out!

Vinnie Lane: “Quick thinking on Ruby’s part, trying to get someone eliminated ASAP, but the Television Champion wouldn’t stay down!”

Thunder Knuckles rolls out of the way of a quick legdrop from Ruby, and he tags Robbie Bourbon back into the match. Bourbon comes in like a wrecking ball, soccer kicking Ruby as she tries to get to her feet after rattling her tailbone on the missed legdrop. Robbie goes for a senton (a Bour-bon?) but comes up short as Ruby scissors her legs around his upper arm and rolls his shoulders to the mat!



Bourbon kicks out!

Vinnie Lane: “Once again, Ruby doing everything she can to get a fast elimination. She knows she has three people to get through if she wants to win this match, but it’s not going to be easy!”

Ruby looks to flip Robbie with an armdrag, but the big man won’t go over. He yanks her back up and devastates her with a clothesline that leaves her on the mat grabbing the back of her head as he walks to tag Thunder Knuckles back in.


Vinnie Lane: “HOLY CRAP! It’s Vita Valenteen! She’s got her leg wrapped in bandages and she’s got a severe limp, but she’s rushing down to the ring as fast as she can!”

Ruby smiles as Vita gets to her corner, and the Baddies are mad as heck. Miss Fury admonishes Robbie and screams toward TK, who just holds his hands up and turns toward her, asking what in the world he was supposed to do about it.

Ruby jumps on Knuckles’ back and drops him backwards with a lungblower! She follows up with a shining wizard to the back of his head, and then she turns to her corner where Vita Valenteen is reaching as far into the ring as she can for a tag!

TK crawls to his corner and tags in Robbie, who charges in looking to stop Ruby but can’t get there in time! Ruby makes the tag and Vita jumps up onto the top turnbuckle, meeting a running Bourbon with a one-footed Eat Defeat!

Vinnie Lane: “Robbie took it standing, though! Vita didn’t get it all with that injured leg! Wait, Ruby lines him up… RUBY CUTTER!!!!”

Bourbon takes the Ruby Cutter and then Ruby leaves the ring as ordered by the referee. Robbie stumbles and bumbles as Vita hops toward him on one leg… then nails the Canadian Destroyer!

Vinnie Lane: “The Anarchy Champion landed her big move! Robbie is down on the mat and Vita has a lateral press!”




Eliminated by Vita Valenteen - Robbie Bourbon

Just as the ref calls the three, Thunder Knuckles rushes into the ring and battering rams Vita Valenteen to the canvas. Bourbon rolls out of the ring and leaves the area leaving it as a two on two.

Vinnie Lane: “Vita just pinned a former Universal Champion and evened the odds in this match for the very first time, but she looks like she’s paid a price with that bum wheel!”

TK flings Valenteen into a neutral corner and follows her in with a splash, but nobody’s home as Vita slips out of the way! TK stops his momentum just in time and decides to go high risk, hopping up onto the second rope and leaping off for a double ax handle towards Vita… koppu kick from Valenteen! TK is stunned but Vita hurt that leg even more, so she dives into her corner and makes a tag to Ruby!

Thunder Knuckles takes a powder to the outside, but Ruby isn’t letting him off that easily. She runs the ropes… TOPE CON HERO! Knuckles is sent into the barricade and Ruby follows up by rolling him back into the ring and scaling the ropes in the neutral corner.

Ruby aims… RUBY IN THE ROUGH!!! The double stomp connects right into the sternum of Thunder Knuckles and Ruby drops onto him for a pin!



Miss Fury hits the ring, but Vita spears her before she can break up the pinfall!


Eliminated by Ruby - Thunder Knuckles

Vinnie Lane: “Ruby pinned the reigning TV Champion! That’s two Warfare and Savage talents taken out by the A-TEAM here on Anarchy… and now it’s down to Miss Fury! They might pull this off after all!”

Fury hits the ring running but Ruby backdrops her over the top rope and out of the ring to the concrete floor below.

“Hey you all! Look at me!”

Vinnie Lane: “What the… Graves? What the heck is this goon doing here? And is that… oh no… it’s Miss FURRY along with him!”

“Check out my new ladyfriend!”

Micheal Graves appears at the entrance ramp with a furry in a fox costume on his arm. He starts rubbing himself vigorously.

“Come to PAPA!”

Graves and the furry start making out, loudly moaning and panting into the mic Graves has with him. The referee can’t look away! John Bihl is disgusted and staring right at the sexual deviance as if he were driving past a five car pileup on the freeway! Fully distracted!

Ruby shakes it off and hits the ropes, looking for another Tope Con Hero on Miss Fury on the outside, but just as she hits the ropes for momentum…


Thunder Knuckles slams a STEEL chair into the back of Ruby’s head from outside the ring! Ruby collapses through the ropes and lands outside just as John Bihl finally peels his eyes off of the horror show happening on the entrance ramp and sees that TK is still hanging around.

Vinnie Lane: “John Bihl is finally telling TK to kick rocks, but the damage is done! Ruby is out cold on the ringside floor!”

Vita Valenteen moves to help Ruby but runs into the departing Thunder Knuckles. TK blasts her down to the concrete and then snatches up her bad leg… THUNDER STRIKE ON THE CONCRETE FLOOR!!!

John Bihl is focused on Ruby who still hasn’t moved from where she landed after the chair shot… he’s got a ten count started!









Miss Fury returns to the ring, laughing as she sees both Ruby and Vita on the floor still.



Counted Out - Ruby

Vinnie Lane: “Ruby still hasn’t budged, she’s on dream street and she was the legal person in the match! The referee just counted her out, but if he’d been paying attention he’d have disqualified Miss Fury for that blatant outside interference!”

Vita Valtenteen struggles and makes her way back into the ring as officials rush to the aid of Ruby. The crowd chants Ruby’s name as she finally wakes up, and you can see the sheer disappointment on her face as she’s told she’s been eliminated.

Ruby is helped to the back after giving Vita a thumbs up, and the match continues with Miss Fury chop blocking Vita Valenteen’s bad leg as soon as the champion pulls herself to her feet! Vita screams in agony, and Miss Fury locks in a figure four!

Vinnie Lane: “Oh no! Miss Fury has that injured leg tied up in a figure four and Ruby can’t do anything but watch from the ramp as she’s been removed from the match!”

Vita hangs in the hold for a few moments but the pain is simply too much for her to bear for long and she starts slapping the mat with both hands and wailing to the official that she gives up.

Eliminated by Miss Fury - Vita Valenteen

Winners and Survivors - B.O.B.

Vinnie Lane: “Miss Fury just made the Anarchy Champion submit! The Brotherhood of Baddies stands tall tonight, but they took every shortcut in the book to get there!”

B.O.B. fills the ring and celebrates as Vita Valenteen is dumped out under the bottom rope. Anarchy fades out on a closeup of the injured champion wincing in pain.


Big D
Vita Valenteen
Kenzi Grey

[Image: dR5ZguS.png]
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[-] The following 8 users Like "Loverboy" Vinnie Lane's post:
(10-10-2020), Atara Raven (10-09-2020), Miss Fury (10-09-2020), Mr. Oz (10-09-2020), Ned Kaye (10-09-2020), Prof. Bobby Bourbon (10-10-2020), Thunder Knuckles™ (10-09-2020), Vita Frickin Valenteen (10-09-2020)
Thaddeus Duke Offline
Management Lv. 2


XWF FanBase:
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(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

10-10-2020, 05:51 PM

I just watched the replay on XWF Network... you know... from my yacht... and I have to ask: Kenzi, why do you not have a lawyer?

[Image: wgqr9W2.png]

1x  XWF Universal Champion || 3x  XWF Xtreme Champion || 1x  XWF Supercontinental Champion (First)
1x  XWF Hart Champion (Last) || 2x  XWF Television Champion || 1x  XWF Tag Team Champion
1x  OCW Savage Champion || 1x IIW Tag Team Champion  ||  1x AAW United States Champion
2x  SOTM (9/20, 7/21)  ||  2021 Male Wrestler of the Year || XWF Hall of Legends
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Mr. Oz Offline
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(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

10-10-2020, 09:27 PM

(10-10-2020, 05:51 PM)Thaddeus Duke Said: I just watched the replay on XWF Network... you know... from my yacht... and I have to ask: Kenzi, why do you not have a lawyer?

"She does, but her lawyer is shoddy. Should ask me, but that would require her to join B. O. B. and if she doesn't, she can keep getting fucked over day in and day out."

[Image: xdagprt.gif]
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