Chris Chaos
Corporate Chaos
XWF FanBase: Very random (heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)
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Joined: Tue Jul 12 2016
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10-02-2020, 12:49 PM
(10-02-2020, 12:08 PM)Charlie Nickles Said: (10-02-2020, 11:36 AM)Chris Chaos Said: "Do you really want to do that again? Do you really want to put yourself through another loss to Sarah Lacklan? You just can't help but stick your disfigured nose into any picture relating to a title, can you? I am not going to agree to this because it is my time now, you had yours. Sharing is caring, after all. It's my play time, you're in time out.
Lets see how you do on Warfare. You aren't facing jobbers this time, and you have a little backup with Ned Kaye. You get by them, maybe you will jump up a few spots but right now you're the swill at the bottom of the keg, Charles. Nobody likes the swill.
Until then, sit back relax, and watch. The XWF is in for a wild ride."
I hate picking on the slow kid. So Jack, I gotta ask: are you ? Or simply delusional?
I main evented the last pay per view. I'm main eventing the next Savage Saturday. Did you get paid a cut of pay per view sales for Relentless, or was that just Sarah and I? I was Superstar of the Month in my DEBUT month. When was the last time you were even nominated for that award?
And you say I'm not facing jobbers this Warfare? You must be shooting up more dope than me. When was the last time your suckboys won a match against someone who actually showed up? Gilly got embarrassed at Relentless by a man who's whole shtick is that he's a shitty amalgamation of a better wrestler's gimmicks. Raising Canes got his ass beat by a fucking joke character. Fuck, even Mandi Dickrider lost her match. In fact, the only match your little 'corporation' won was the one that Pryce conceded after he knocked you out cold!
I'm going to make this real fucking simple for you so even your skinny tweaker ass can understand it: I'm coming for you whether or not you accept my challenge. You can accept my challenge, take a defeat like a man and gracefully bow right the fuck back out of the main event picture...or you can duck and run from my challenge like the scared pussycat you are and STILL get smacked down and tossed around when the time comes.
So what will it be, Mr. Incorporated?
"Poor guy. He just doesn't get it.
I'll say it slowly so you can understand that clearly, because I know comprehension is difficult for you. You 👏🏻 don't 👏🏻 deserve 👏🏻 to be 👏🏻 in 👏🏻 the 👏🏻 Main👏🏻 Event👏🏻 picture. 👏🏻. Sure, you Main Evented the Pay Per View. Goodie. I've Main Evented more Pay Per Views than you have the capability of counting to. Do you want a cookie for that? I have Main Evented more Savage's than you ingested calories this week, big boy. Main Eventing is what I do. I have held every title in this company, some of them two and three fold. I have been a main eventer for four years. Is this supposed to impress me? Am I supposed to be in a state of awe, quivering in my boots because you've Main Evented twice? I remember my first beer. It's okay, you're just excited. As adorable as that is, you're trying to impress people with things that just aren't that impressive. Star of the Month? Charlie, you sure do sit in good company. I mean this year alone you sit on your throne with Shane 's masked henchman, Felix Jones who isn't even an active wrestler anymore, and a Subaru. I mean, Subaru's are good cars, so I can see why it would be an honor. Getting Star of the Month is like getting a gold star on the corkboard in elementary school, it means you've done a good job but its nothing more than a pat on the back. A firm handshake. A Subaru.
I don't get SOTM because I don't want it. I don't care. I am focused on ONE thing, and that is the Universal Championship. Everything else, everyone else, is below my pay grade. Keep racking up those trophies to show your friends, though, Charles, maybe they will be more impressed than I am.
And delusional? Well first of all, Charles, I'll admit. It wasn't a great event for Chaotic Inc. But man of may lay off the whippets my guy. Mandii Rider didn't even have a match...........or......was that.......a 4th wall break? (uh oh....OOC alert! wheeeeeet wheeeeeeet siren noises).
"Charles.......its obvious you want to be something here. You want sooooo badly to be relevant. I get it, you're a competitor. You want to compete. I admire that. But track records, Charles.....trrrraaackkkk reccorrrddss. Before you can go off challenging just anyone, you need to beat SOMEONE. So lets see how Warfare goes, and then we can re-evaluate the little situation, eh?
And as for Main Eventing're teaming with Jim Jimson. You're teaming with a "joke character" as you referred to Dick Powers as. Against Thunder Knuckles, a former Television Champ and a damn good one, and Johnny Legend. Your partner better come with more than 250 words to say, Charlie, or that giant hairy back of yours may end up bending just a bit toooo far before Warfare.
I would respect you jussssst a smidge more if you earned something around here. I'll give ya these two shows to prove that maybe, JUST MAYBE, Robbie Bourbon, Robert Main and Sarah Lacklan just got lucky.
Although, somehow.....I doubt it."