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Charlie signs up for 1st grade math class
Author Message
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Offline
The Guy

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

09-28-2020, 12:01 PM

"Hi genius Charlieeeee! Hiiiiiii-iiiiiiiiiiiiiii-eye! I see you!"

"How many fingers am holding up? Look real close be4 you answer!"

[Image: ThVwUSz.jpg]

"Who we kidding? You can't math, just like you can't fight the big C bugs, C.Duff and Coronacovid!"

"Just think, if you hadn't wasted time messing around with me all week at the outlaw scatshow, and catching Covid and C.Diff by having like 600trazillion interactions with me, and if you didn't fall for my lil fake panic game where I pretended to worry about Sarah not getting a last min RP up (as if she needed it?!?!? (and yes I saw u look@the planted profile messages I left her FAKE-panicking too (and yes u fell for them TOO2!))), you may have been healthy enughf to remember how to COUNT!"

"Wink(1), wink(2)... Hmmm have 48 hours passed since my 2nd wink in a row? Durrrr I dunno!!111!!! WhO cArEs AbOuT dEm RuLeSsS??!? Winks again anywayzZzZzZz. ;)"

"Translation 4 people not sure what I'm talk about here: I'm jus makin' fun of Charlie for being . Tha's all."


#WinkWinkBitchTits #RealChampsDontWasteWork #SOfrigginOWNEDedEDed

[Image: dR5ZguS.png]
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SavannahKnightley Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Men and Lesbians

(physically attractive female on every level; can seduce you; that disarming smile; those bedroom eyes)

09-28-2020, 04:22 PM

Math is hard

[Image: savannah.png]
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[-] The following 1 user Likes SavannahKnightley's post:
Charlie Nickles (09-28-2020)
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

09-28-2020, 11:53 PM

hes not smarter than a 5th grader

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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Charlie Nickles Offline
TITLE - The TV Champion

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

09-29-2020, 01:18 AM

(09-28-2020, 11:53 PM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: hes not smarter than a 5th grader

If your list of accomplishments is any indication, I'd say that isn't a requirement for success here.

[Image: Jdsm6ZU.png]
Reigning, Defending, Bloodletting
[Image: jtHw5j1.png]
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[-] The following 2 users Like Charlie Nickles's post:
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (09-29-2020), Doctor Louis D'Ville (10-01-2020)
[-] Oh shit! Hater alert! The following 1 user Hates Charlie Nickles's post!
Peter Fn Gilmour (09-29-2020)
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Offline
The Guy

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

09-29-2020, 12:23 PM

"Woooah nelly. What do u have 2 say about that, Peteh? Remember this, Gilly, a guy that can't count 2 3 just tried to pick on you LOL! LOL! LOL! LOL! Charlie cant count 2 3! LOL! Fat j0bb3r Nickles!"

[Image: dR5ZguS.png]
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

09-29-2020, 09:30 PM

yeah that peter gilmour wannabe needs to learn how to count and handle his money.. PAY UP BITCH!

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Offline
The Guy

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

09-29-2020, 09:56 PM

Greggo has pissed himself. He's rolling around laughing his ass empty now.

"Holy crap imagine being the 'peter gilmour wannabe' of the xwf!!!!!!"


"Poor Charlie. EL EM EFF AY OHHHHH!"

[Image: dR5ZguS.png]
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Charlie Nickles Offline
TITLE - The TV Champion

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

09-30-2020, 03:54 AM

(09-29-2020, 09:30 PM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: yeah that peter gilmour wannabe needs to learn how to count and handle his money.. PAY UP BITCH!

I'm not paying you shit. I declared bankruptcy! My lawyer says that means I don't have to pay you SHIIIIIT.

You got a problem with that? We meet in the ring on Warfare. Let's discuss it then.

[Image: Jdsm6ZU.png]
Reigning, Defending, Bloodletting
[Image: jtHw5j1.png]
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[-] The following 1 user Likes Charlie Nickles's post:
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (09-30-2020)
[-] Oh shit! Hater alert! The following 1 user Hates Charlie Nickles's post!
Peter Fn Gilmour (10-01-2020)
Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

10-01-2020, 05:51 AM

Ur lawyer is worse than u.

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane Offline
The Guy

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

10-01-2020, 01:18 PM

(10-01-2020, 05:51 AM)Peter Fn Gilmour Said: Ur lawyer is worse than u.

"Mmmm you spe-uh-pronounced something wrong there. Do u rly not knows how 2 say loiyer? It's sayd LOY-ERRR just like that!!!1! Glass dismissaled."

"Also, *then. Never than."

"PS yer still smarter then Charlie tho!"

[Image: dR5ZguS.png]
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

10-01-2020, 09:40 PM

I spelled it right moron

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion
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(Gravy_Xtreme_5000) Offline

XWF FanBase:

(loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)

10-01-2020, 09:45 PM


[Image: MOSHED-2023-6-19-16-15-56.gif]
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