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X-treme Wrestling Federation » XWF OOC » Out Of Character (OOC) Board
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Happy birthday Tony!!!
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Rain Offline
The Queen of Queer


XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

04-25-2019, 10:05 AM

I'm back from my suspension, and the first thing I need to say is happy b-day Tony-tone!!! Sorry for annoying you before and running amok around here... I'm gonna try to take the advice of you and Vinnie and start putting in all of my effort into roleplaying for my matches. Thank you for all of your advice, even the thread you made back in 2013 to try and turn me around. Thank you for trying to set me on the right course, dude... have a beautiful day!!! Blush

[Image: Dahvie-vanity-botdf-crew-31823997_zpsgzuqvwx0.gif]

iAm fluid... my gender, my sexuality, my personality...
as fluid as the drops of water pouring down upon us from the heavens above

Former 24/7 Xtreme Champion [x1]
Born: 10.31.89 -- Died: 09.13.13 | ReBorn: 08.11.2014 | #emoHero | #BROKEN

@the_rain_storm (on forum) | @the_rain_storm (on twitter) | FaceSpace | The YouTubezz
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Tony Santos Offline
Santos Glares at You

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04-25-2019, 11:10 AM

Ah yes, it's my character's fake bday.

My advice would be to just chill, man. You look to have been unbanned just a couple of hours ago and you're already out the gate with three posts. Please let the others in the fed have their chance to control some conversations.

September 2013 and May 2019 Star of the Month
1x Hart Champion
1x Television Champion
1x Xtreme Champion

[Image: VIh61T5.jpg]
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Atticus Gold (04-25-2019), Peter Fn Gilmour (04-25-2019), Rain (04-25-2019)

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