World's best at making murderhobos cry
XWF FanBase: The 'cool' kliq fans (booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)
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04-16-2019, 06:59 AM
I was ALL set to be all #CoolKidsCleanSweep last night in Chicago after Ang and my Beloved won their respective tag matches, but then I remembered that Rox ended up flat on her back...and not in the good way. SO glad I didn't embarrass Rox like that! Dodged a bullet!
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"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (04-16-2019), Rain (04-16-2019)
World's best at making murderhobos cry
XWF FanBase: The 'cool' kliq fans (booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)
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04-16-2019, 08:36 AM
OMG! I have NO IDEA HOW but Dolly somehow got my WORK address switched with my HOME address for my latest shipment from Claire's and now the freakin' MAIL GUY has one of my packages! I am going to KILL that little shit if I ever find her 😡😡😡😡
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(04-16-2019), Rain (04-16-2019)
World's best at making murderhobos cry
XWF FanBase: The 'cool' kliq fans (booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)
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04-16-2019, 07:56 PM
Some douchenozzle went at my pal Trixie today because he didn't "measure up," if you know what I mean, and the entire business came to her defense. Even the WORST people I know! Cray!
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"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (04-17-2019), Kid Kool (04-20-2019), Rain (04-16-2019)
World's best at making murderhobos cry
XWF FanBase: The 'cool' kliq fans (booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)
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X-Bux: ✘0
04-17-2019, 12:47 PM
Jesus CHRIST! I stepped on one of Kenzi's stupid empty Doritos bags, slid, like, 27 feet, and slammed my big toe into the coffee table!! It hurts so much!!!!! I swear to GOD that I am going to beat that black ass until it's PURPLE when she gets home. She WILL stop leaving her trash everywh OH GOD MY TOE HURTS IMMA DIE
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"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (04-17-2019), Rain (04-17-2019)
Azrael Erebus
XWF FanBase: Hardcore, psycho fans (cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)
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04-17-2019, 02:26 PM
Stepping out of nowhere and everywhere at the same time, Azrael appears. Doing a double take when he witnesses Sarah McLachlan Lacklan.
"Hello nurse!"
2x Universal Champion (First reign was less than a day though, lol. Due to Sebastian Duke cashing in his briefcase.)
2x Tag Team Champion
3x Triple Tag Team Champion
1x Television Champion
2x US Champion (Title retired during my second reign as champ.)
2x X-Treme Champion
1x Bombshell Champion
2x HMW Champion
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Rain (04-17-2019)
Azrael Erebus
XWF FanBase: Hardcore, psycho fans (cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)
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X-Bux: ✘0
04-17-2019, 03:14 PM
"Why don't you follow your own advice?"
"Hey.... did anyone ever tell you, that you look like Sebastian Duke?"
2x Universal Champion (First reign was less than a day though, lol. Due to Sebastian Duke cashing in his briefcase.)
2x Tag Team Champion
3x Triple Tag Team Champion
1x Television Champion
2x US Champion (Title retired during my second reign as champ.)
2x X-Treme Champion
1x Bombshell Champion
2x HMW Champion
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Peter Fn Gilmour (04-17-2019), Rain (04-17-2019)
Azrael Erebus
XWF FanBase: Hardcore, psycho fans (cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)
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04-17-2019, 04:09 PM
(04-17-2019, 03:22 PM)Mingermind Said: Did any ever tell you that you look like every cliche edgy trans queer ever?
"Did any what? Any human? Horse? Shit filled condom? Any what? Were you just experiencing a stroke while trying desperately to insult me? Is that what went down here?"
"Well, much like you do constantly and repeatedly through life, you failed."
"Such surprise. Many wows. So much astound filled gasps and utter awe."
"Can you see the look of shock adorning my face, that's meant for you."
"Fucking douche."
2x Universal Champion (First reign was less than a day though, lol. Due to Sebastian Duke cashing in his briefcase.)
2x Tag Team Champion
3x Triple Tag Team Champion
1x Television Champion
2x US Champion (Title retired during my second reign as champ.)
2x X-Treme Champion
1x Bombshell Champion
2x HMW Champion
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Peter Fn Gilmour (04-17-2019), Rain (04-17-2019)
The Queen of Queer
XWF FanBase: The 'cool' kliq fans (booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)
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04-17-2019, 06:22 PM
Minger, did anyone tell you that you look A LOT like Mastermind, is he your intelligent older brother??
You should totez finish special ed, maybe then you'll grow up to be an Xtreme champ too, good luck kiddo!!! XD
World's best at making murderhobos cry
XWF FanBase: The 'cool' kliq fans (booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)
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04-17-2019, 08:14 PM
My new job is full of horrendously stupid people. ESPECIALLY that trash panda and her side bitch. Like, OMG, ya know?
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Kid Kool (04-20-2019), Rain (04-18-2019)
World's best at making murderhobos cry
XWF FanBase: The 'cool' kliq fans (booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)
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04-18-2019, 07:26 AM
On the one hand, my spirit is WAY high because me being around is making EVERYONE ubes active in my new company. But on the other, my spirit is WAY low because said company is sending me to FUCKING HICKSVILLE CONNECTICUT TODAY. GodDAMNit, Vinnie! Ugh! He is SO going to get an earful from me tonight! Need to figure out a way to get the fuck out of there before the hillbillies start thinking I look like one of their cousins. So gross.
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"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (04-18-2019), Kid Kool (04-20-2019), Rain (04-18-2019)
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP
XWF FanBase: Mixed (loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)
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04-18-2019, 12:30 PM
(04-17-2019, 12:47 PM)Lacklan Said: Jesus CHRIST! I stepped on one of Kenzi's stupid empty Doritos bags, slid, like, 27 feet, and slammed my big toe into the coffee table!! It hurts so much!!!!! I swear to GOD that I am going to beat that black ass until it's PURPLE when she gets home. She WILL stop leaving her trash everywh OH GOD MY TOE HURTS IMMA DIE
You love Kenzi's trash...
World's best at making murderhobos cry
XWF FanBase: The 'cool' kliq fans (booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)
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04-19-2019, 10:12 PM
Been a LONG into a fight with Kenzi last night...we're working on it...but I logged on right now and discovered that that useless cunt Melinda Rhodes got fired again. Today has suddenly become a good one.
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Kid Kool (04-20-2019), Rain (04-25-2019)
World's best at making murderhobos cry
XWF FanBase: The 'cool' kliq fans (booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)
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X-Bux: ✘0
04-23-2019, 08:37 AM
I'm not POSITIVE, but I think Dolly got taken in by a drug cartel on one of her "excursions" into Mexico and is probs already married off to some drug lord. Gonna be SO jelly if she gets preggers.
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"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (04-23-2019), Rain (04-25-2019)
World's best at making murderhobos cry
XWF FanBase: The 'cool' kliq fans (booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)
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X-Bux: ✘0
04-23-2019, 08:48 AM
One of my threads has over 600 views, and I just KNOW that, like, half of them are people like Kuda and Lux trying to figure out what they are supposed to promo about (because of their lack of skill or originality, obvs), and another quarter are just TinyD using me as stroke material, and FUCK that's gross
The following 2 users Like Lacklan's post:2 users Like Lacklan's post
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane (04-23-2019), Rain (04-25-2019)
World's best at making murderhobos cry
XWF FanBase: The 'cool' kliq fans (booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)
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X-Bux: ✘0
04-23-2019, 11:15 AM
Spent some time with Angie and there is CAT HAIR EVERYWHERE AGAIN OMG HOW IS IT MULTIPLYING
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Rain (04-25-2019)
World's best at making murderhobos cry
XWF FanBase: The 'cool' kliq fans (booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)
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X-Bux: ✘0
04-23-2019, 03:40 PM
That gross guy who swears too much keeps talking about that Twitter account that I don't have. Why is he so obsessed with me?
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Rain (04-25-2019)
Noah Jackson
Very Serious Wrestler
XWF FanBase: Hardly anyone to be honest (booed by most fans; hurts people even when not supposed to; often angry and shitty)
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X-Bux: ✘0
04-23-2019, 04:00 PM
"Dear imaginary diary,
Some dumb cunt actually believes she's fooling people into thinking that she doesn't run two or three separate Twitter accounts under different names despite them all posting the same bullshit and typing in the same manner as said cunt. Also, says I'm obsessed when she's the one who has talked about my promos on two separate occasions first, that I know of."
Holder of the most wins in the XWF (Mostly house shows)
Holder of the most draws in XWF (All on Anarchy)
Winner of Sickest Cunt of the Year 2020
Winner of Greatest Wrestler who ever lived 2022
Holder of the world's rarest pog collection (Valued at $200)
Owner of Ned Kaye's cat that Ned named Deepthroat for some weird reason
Voted most feared man by Centurion (Twice!)
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Rain (04-25-2019)
World's best at making murderhobos cry
XWF FanBase: The 'cool' kliq fans (booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)
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X-Bux: ✘0
04-23-2019, 05:07 PM
Triggered one of my particularly dumb and smelly stalkers into outing how much of an edgelord tryhard he is when he made some baseless and false allegations without a single shred of evidence in a pathetic attempt to save face in front of our peers and co-workers. He should ask Lux how well that tactic worked out for him.
Noah Jackson
Very Serious Wrestler
XWF FanBase: Hardly anyone to be honest (booed by most fans; hurts people even when not supposed to; often angry and shitty)
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X-Bux: ✘0
04-23-2019, 05:10 PM
"Gonna take a page out of Lacklan's book here and just make this bullshit about me despite it annoying literally everyone."
I clear my throat and put on my best Lacklan impersonation which is a cross between a 1800s Londoner and an early 90s valley girl?
"Sooo Ned Kaye keeps posting his promos right after mine and it's just TOTES annoying! It's like he wants to fuck me or something, eww gross. Good thing I can just say people want to fuck me instead of thinking of a decent comeback using my brain. LOL better use my amazing push to do mediocre on Anarchy!"
Holder of the most wins in the XWF (Mostly house shows)
Holder of the most draws in XWF (All on Anarchy)
Winner of Sickest Cunt of the Year 2020
Winner of Greatest Wrestler who ever lived 2022
Holder of the world's rarest pog collection (Valued at $200)
Owner of Ned Kaye's cat that Ned named Deepthroat for some weird reason
Voted most feared man by Centurion (Twice!)
World's best at making murderhobos cry
XWF FanBase: The 'cool' kliq fans (booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)
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X-Bux: ✘0
04-23-2019, 05:52 PM
My stalkers are SO triggered today 😳
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Rain (04-25-2019)
World's best at making murderhobos cry
XWF FanBase: The 'cool' kliq fans (booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)
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X-Bux: ✘0
04-24-2019, 05:25 AM
Ugh. Got another reminder of Kenzi's penchant for petting stray dogs. Seeing Baumer, Reeves, and Steele was TOTES what I wanted to do 😒
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Rain (04-25-2019)
World's best at making murderhobos cry
XWF FanBase: The 'cool' kliq fans (booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)
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X-Bux: ✘0
04-25-2019, 02:42 PM
After getting situated this morning in our usual Carolina hotel for her Queen City match (ew), Kenzi conned me into attempting to break Raab and Fizz's record. Again. We failed. AGAIN. I don't know how in the FUCK Fizz doesn't turn into a sponge left in the Sahara after the 3-hour mark, but that bitch MUST be some kind of superhero.
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Rain (04-25-2019)
Noah Jackson
Very Serious Wrestler
XWF FanBase: Hardly anyone to be honest (booed by most fans; hurts people even when not supposed to; often angry and shitty)
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X-Bux: ✘0
04-25-2019, 03:01 PM
***Noah sighs and resets the 'it has been X hours since Lacklan said some stupid bullshit' board back to 0***
Holder of the most wins in the XWF (Mostly house shows)
Holder of the most draws in XWF (All on Anarchy)
Winner of Sickest Cunt of the Year 2020
Winner of Greatest Wrestler who ever lived 2022
Holder of the world's rarest pog collection (Valued at $200)
Owner of Ned Kaye's cat that Ned named Deepthroat for some weird reason
Voted most feared man by Centurion (Twice!)
World's best at making murderhobos cry
XWF FanBase: The 'cool' kliq fans (booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)
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X-Bux: ✘0
04-26-2019, 07:43 AM
Super looking forward to today's Preseason game! Got Ax fit into her new cheer squad uniform so I can FINALLY replace Honey, and got my SWEET Windows Phone set up so that I can also watch Vinnie's shit team job out to San Antonio.
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Rain (04-26-2019)
"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane
The Guy

XWF FanBase: Some of everyone (cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)
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Hates Given: 26
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X-Bux: ✘0
World's best at making murderhobos cry
XWF FanBase: The 'cool' kliq fans (booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)
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X-Bux: ✘0
04-26-2019, 03:19 PM
HOT DAMNIT!!!! Ax "accidentally" fell out of her top while cheering on Amira and she dropped the ball!!! HOW DO WE LOSE AGAINST THE BELLAS?!?!
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Rain (04-26-2019)
World's best at making murderhobos cry
XWF FanBase: The 'cool' kliq fans (booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)
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X-Bux: ✘0
04-27-2019, 12:51 PM
The chicken sausage on my plate was CLEARLY cooked with vegetable oil and NOT extra virgin olive oil like I SPECIFICALLY stated. I threw the plate at the idiot waiter when Kenzi wasn't looking. Stupid pauper. NO TIP FOR YOU
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Rain (04-27-2019)
The Queen of Queer
XWF FanBase: The 'cool' kliq fans (booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)
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X-Bux: ✘0
04-27-2019, 02:33 PM
I just ate a donut and it had this big ol' hole in it, MY LIFE SUXXX!!!! >__<
Zane Norrison
The Post-Mortem Punk
XWF FanBase: Mixed (loved by some; hated by some; dips between clean/dirty)
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X-Bux: ✘0
04-27-2019, 03:03 PM
"I just had an avocado smoothie with brains mixed in. Very tasty."
1x X-Treme Champ
1x Hart Champion
1x SOTM November 2018
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Rain (04-28-2019)
The Queen of Queer
XWF FanBase: The 'cool' kliq fans (booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)
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X-Bux: ✘0
04-28-2019, 07:12 PM
@the_rain_storm My tv repairman gave me an extra porn channel when I SPECIFICALLY asked for ONE!!! This lesbian shit is......... whoops, nvm!!! XD ........note2self: invite kenzi to watch tv with me ^__^
World's best at making murderhobos cry
XWF FanBase: The 'cool' kliq fans (booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)
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X-Bux: ✘0
04-29-2019, 01:05 PM
Ugh. Roxy is trying to slip her selfies in my diary again. Weirdo.
World's best at making murderhobos cry
XWF FanBase: The 'cool' kliq fans (booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)
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X-Bux: ✘0
04-29-2019, 06:17 PM
It is SO cute when people think that they are the "leaders" of something. SO CUTE! Oh shit, my baby's match is starting!!!!! SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!
World's best at making murderhobos cry
XWF FanBase: The 'cool' kliq fans (booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)
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X-Bux: ✘0
04-30-2019, 01:31 PM
World's best at making murderhobos cry
XWF FanBase: The 'cool' kliq fans (booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)
(Where is my roster page?)
Joined: Tue Feb 19 2019
Posts: 853
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Hates Given: 19
Hates Received: 53 in 49 posts
Hates Given: 19
Hates Received: 53 in 49 posts
X-Bux: ✘0
05-01-2019, 11:05 AM
Today I learned that the definition of Vacation is: Won one of the titles, defended it against THE MAN/THE PIG, and have produced 100% of the contractually-obligated promotional videos for the brand you work for, as well as getting people to axly care about the XWF website.
Learn something new every day!
World's best at making murderhobos cry
XWF FanBase: The 'cool' kliq fans (booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)
(Where is my roster page?)
Joined: Tue Feb 19 2019
Posts: 853
Likes Given: 54
Likes Received: 1,064 in 498 posts
Hates Given: 19
Hates Received: 53 in 49 posts
Hates Given: 19
Hates Received: 53 in 49 posts
X-Bux: ✘0
05-02-2019, 09:17 PM
Well, tonight we learned that COMPLETELY getting EVERYTHING about your opponent wrong AND cutting a promo which was basically random swear words thrown together like a kid trying to impress others on the schoolyard is NOT the way to properly prepare for a match.
Hootie H. Hootie
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP
XWF FanBase: Kids, disabled people, casual fans (fighting the odds; helps others; disliked by most adult male fans)
XWF Roster Page
Joined: Thu May 02 2019
Posts: 16
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Hates Given: 0
Hates Received: 0 in 0 posts
X-Bux: ✘0
05-02-2019, 09:45 PM
nods respectively