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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
The Ares Project - Chapter 1: 'The Threat' RP #3
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Thaddeus Duke Offline
Management Lv. 2


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(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

04-05-2019, 07:06 PM

Hundreds of men and women decked out in military fatigues sit in a large room chatting among themselves. At the front of the room stands a podium on a stage. Behind that podium, sits an upright American flag. Next to it, the POW/MIA flag. Next to that, the yellow “Don’t Tread On Me” flag.

An older man, in his mid to late 50’s approaches the podium. He’s very fit and clean shaven. The man is muscular and tanned. His white hair cut to the military style crew cut. He wears desert fatigues and places a tan colored hat on his head and removes his aviator sunglasses.

”Ladies and gentlemen,” he begins as the onlookers settle down and give him their undivided attention. ”You know our goal, as it always has been, is to protect and defend the United States of America.” His audience hoots and hollers in approval. ”If any man is deemed a threat to the security of our great nation, it is our duty as lovers of liberty and defenders of freedom, to eliminate that threat to a definitive and final end.” His onlookers cheer wildly. Almost fanatically.

”General, who is our target?” asks a younger man, maybe in his late 20’s sitting about four rows deep.

”Lights please,” requests the General. Soon after, the lights in the room are switched off and a projector is turned on. Projected on the wall behind and to the General’s left, is a picture of Thaddeus Duke and his father side by side. ”Our orders, soldiers, are to find and eliminate the leadership of the Illuminatus State.”

The soldiers in attendance this day show their excitement for the action to come.

”Settle down, settle down,” he instructs of his soldiers. ”The Illuminatus State has been deemed by the great government of these United States an enemy of the people, and of the world.”

The projector clicks off and the lights are flicked on again. ”We have been asked by our nations leaders to deal with this threat and that is exactly what we’re going to do.”

[duke]4:42 PM | The Compound | Illuminatus Nation | Old Saybrook, Connecticut[/duke]

Thaddeus stands in the yard of the Compound, Mufasa and Simba at his heels. They sit, but their muscles keep flexing as if they’re ready to run. [duke]”Simba!”[/duke] Thaddeus yells as the younger Lion bolts across the yard. He throws a baseball as hard as he can, well over Simba's head. The lion looks into the air over his head, tracing the ball through the air and following its bounce as it lands. Simba stumbles as he reaches down on the grass for the ball and flips over. He gets back to his feet with the ball in his mouth and runs back toward Thaddeus. [duke]”Give to me,”[/duke] he instructs Simba and the young lion drops the ball at Thaddeus’ feet. He reaches down and retrieves the baseball, then wipes Simba’s saliva off with his shirt. [duke]“Mufasa!”[/duke] he yells and tosses the ball again. Mufasa, the elder lion, this time runs across the yard.

After his first day at school which was long and a little tiring, playing ball with the lions seemed like a good way to unwind. With Mufasa on his way back with the baseball, Thaddeus’ cell begins to ring. He pulls it out and looks at it: LINCOLN TRITTER

[duke]”Mufasa, Simba, inside,”[/duke] he instructs the lions and they head toward the door. Thaddeus hits the speaker button and starts to head in himself. [duke]”Linc, what’s going on?”[/duke]

”Thaddeus I stumbled onto something and your father told me I needed to call you right away,” Tritter says with some urgency.

[duke]”What is it?”[/duke] he asks as he enters the door. Seconds later, James appears nearby. Thaddeus holds his hand up to quiet him as he mouths the name of the caller. To which, Jim nods.

”I’ve been… picking up chatter about the Illuminatus,” Tritter warns.

[duke]”Chatter? What kind of chatter?”[/duke] he asks as he and James reach Thad’s office.

”The emerging threat kind… I wouldn’t have brought it to your attention so soon and without… really much of anything to go on, but your father thought you needed to know… and I agree.”

[duke]”An emerging threat?”[/duke] Thad questions aloud as he sits behind his desk, a puzzled look crosses his face. [duke]”It doesn’t seem plausible to me, Linc. I mean who are really my enemies at this point? I’m friendly with the Church now. Me and Dad are on pretty good terms. Who’s really left?”[/duke]

”I agree,” Tritter says quickly. ”But you never really know what crazies are out there and willing to cause havoc… and chaos.”

[duke]”There’s ISIS but Trump saw to them.”[/duke]

A rare laugh from Lincoln Tritter. ”If you say so, kiddo.”

[duke]”He doesn’t have them neutralized?”[/duke]

”It’s not so much that… It just seems… more a domestic threat, Thaddeus… Not foreign.”

[duke]”Not the Church. Not my father obviously. Not likely to be ISIS. Lincoln, who the fuck else is there?”[/duke]

”I don’t know anything else yet… I’m working on it though. When I know more, I’ll let you know.”

[duke]”Okay, thanks Linc.”[/duke]

”Later Thaddeus.”

Thaddeus ends the call and tosses his phone on the desk. He leans back in his chair with a sigh.

”A domestic threat?” James questions with a puzzled look.

[duke]”He seems convinced enough to tell me about it,”[/duke] Thaddeus concludes reasonably.

”It doesn’t make any sense. Why would any domestic group want to make enemies with the Illuminatus?”

[duke]”That’s the real question, isn’t it?”[/duke] Thaddeus asks as he ponders the possible answers. [duke]”They’ve seen our power, surely. It was on the news for years. Poland, Italy, the Vatican. The civil war. Maybe jealousy?”[/duke]

”It’d be a death wish, whomever it is.”

[duke]”I don’t know how serious I take this threat, Jim. We’re on U.S. soil. If someone would hit us militarily, the U.S. military would be forced into action don’t you think?”[/duke]

”True but we’re on sovereign land now, they wouldn’t necessarily be obligated to intervene.”

[duke]”No but who has the power to get through these gates? This place is a fucking fortress. My father saw to that years ago.”[/duke]

”We should probably put the military on high alert, boss.”

Thaddeus thinks for a moment. [duke]”Just call the airstrip, alert them of the threat. Let ‘em know we don’t really think the threat is credible, but we want to be ready if anything should happen.

“The rest of the military may continue to stand down. I couldn’t likely use them here anyway. Not effectively anyhow.”[/duke]

”I’ll call ‘em now.”

[duke]"After that, get a quick war game organized,"[/duke] Thaddeus instructs.

"How quick and what drill?"

[duke]"After dinner,"[/duke] he responds to the first question while he ponders the second. [duke]"Siege tactics. Let's be ready to respond."[/duke]


After dinner, I wash up and change out of my school uniform, leaving it out for Berta to have cleaned. Her rigatoni and meatballs were splendid, by the way. None of that stupid nasty stuff I hate so much.

Anyway, its war games time! I want the guys to be ready should anything actually happen, but I highly doubt anyone is actually ambitious enough to fight my military head on. That's a fools game. I've never lost a war and I certainly don't plan to do so anytime soon. Especially not on my home turf. Like in sports, no one knows a battle field better than its home residents.

This is my home.

This is my field.

Come at us if you really wish to challenge us, but we'll turn you away and send you running into the hills to lick your wounds and wonder what might have been. It's just sort of what we do.

By the time I make it down to the battlefield, night has fallen over the northeastern United States but I can already tell Jim is in stupid mode today. I said siege tactics, yes. I didn't mean medieval siege tactics. The fuck are we gonna do with trebuchets and ballistas? [duke]"Jim, what the fuck are we gonna do with trebuchets and ballistas?"[/duke] I ask. Out loud this time.

"You said siege tactics, mate!"

[duke]"I did, yeah. But in the year 2 thousand 19 ya fuckin' wankaaaa! Not 1319!"[/duke] A little British for my British fans. Weird ass fuckin' people.


The fuck was that? [duke]"The fuck was that?"[/duke] I ask out loud, echoing inner me as I turn around. Behind me is a giant bag of sand.

"Sorry boss! Lost my grip on that one!"

That's Barry. At least I think that's his name. I don't know. There's so many of them its hard to keep them all straight in my head unless they're in my face all the damn time. Like Mr. Edwards here.

[duke]"Okay, listen..."[/duke] No sooner do I start to talk and another fucking sandbag nearly hits me. [duke]"God dammit! I felt the wind from that one!"[/duke] No one owned up to it this time. Stupid jerks.

And there's another one, this time it made Jim jump backwards. Had he not, he'd have been hit. Probably in the nuts.

"Who the fuck is sandbagging us!?" Jim yells out as we both dart our eyes back and forth over the men in the distance. Several of the men point to their left as yet another sandbag comes flying in. That one lands several feet away. Anyway, we follow their pointing hands to a guy in a hooded robe, running from trebuchet to trebuchet launching sandbags at us.

[duke]"That's it!"[/duke] I yell. I've had just about enough of his shit so I run after him, dodging sandbags left and right. He get's to the last trebuchet and I launch into the air and tackle the hooded man to the ground. [duke]"Stop sandbagging! It's not nice!"[/duke]

Know what? Fuck these war games. It's been a long day and I'm tired. [duke]"Pack it up!"[/duke]

"What about the games?"

[duke]"Now I'm tired Jim. I wanna go shower and watch Shameless. I didn't get to lay around the house all day watching Judge Judy!"[/duke] He sighs in exasperation as he heads toward the Compound, hurrying to catch up to me.

"It was Dr. Phil for fucks sake!"

Before I forget, I know, you were expecting me to tell you who the man was in the hooded robey thingy. If I have to tell you, then you haven't been paying attention.

Come see me Saturday, martyr.

[Image: wgqr9W2.png]

1x  XWF Universal Champion || 3x  XWF Xtreme Champion || 1x  XWF Supercontinental Champion (First)
1x  XWF Hart Champion (Last) || 2x  XWF Television Champion || 1x  XWF Tag Team Champion
1x  OCW Savage Champion || 1x IIW Tag Team Champion  || 2x  SOTM (9/20, 7/21)
2021 Male Wrestler of the Year (shared w/ Alias) || XWF Hall of Legends
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