Vita Frickin Valenteen
Vicious Frickin Vampire

XWF FanBase: Some of everyone (cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)
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Joined: Sun Jul 29 2018
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Hates Given: 38
Hates Received: 13 in 13 posts
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03-30-2019, 05:59 PM
”Are you ready Ms. Valenteen?”
Asked Dr. Aykroyd, a cheeky smile and a thumbs up is all the response he needed.
”Right to it then!”
He said as he lowered his reflective goggles and turned to face the control panel.
Jessica took VV’s hand into her own and squeezed gently. VV squeezed back before looking to her.
”Here’s hoping we don’t die…”
With the flip of a big metal breaker switch comes a sudden burst of light so blinding that the camera spazzes out. When the picture returns, we find VV and Jessica are nowhere to be found.
”Goodluck girls!”
![[Image: giphy.gif]](
”Did it work?”
Jessica opened the hatch above them and stood up to get a better view of the lab.
”I dunno… The Doc’s not around... “
Jessica and VV climbed out of the machine and began looking around for anything that would tell them the date and time.
”Hey, what about this?”
She said while pointing at Dr. Aykroyd’s computer.
”Yeah check it!”
VV hunched over and started doin’ work on that computer, but alas!
”DARN! It has a password. Any chance you know it?”
Without skipping a beat, Jessica blurted out.
”It’s a secret!”
But unimpressed with her reply…
”Then you put it in!”
Jessica couldn't help but laugh.
”No silly goose, that’s the password, itsasecret!”
VV got back to work on that computer and quickly made it through the login screen. Unfortunately for her, the good doctor’s computer was an AMD Celeron series…
![[Image: 5%20hours%20later.jpg]](
Ok not really, but that shiz is reeeeeaaaaaalllly sloooooow.
”Got it!”
But that excitement quickly melted to sadness. Jessica took notice and began to fear the worst.
”Oh no, it didn’t work did it?”
VV continued to stare at the date on the computer. March 31st, 2019 it said.
”No, it worked, but we’re too late…”
”Too late? What’s it say?”
She asked as she rushed over to see for herself.
”Holy crap we went into the future!”
She said with utter defeat in her voice.
”But we needed to go back, not forward!”
”Um, we still can. We have a fully functional time machine right here!”
”Oh yeah!”[dpink]
Jessica and VV head back to the time machine. Jessica climbs in and VV follows, but then something strikes VV and she decides to head back out.
Where are you goin?”
[dpink]”I need to check something real quick!”
She replied as she rushed back to the computer. A few minutes passed and Jessica began to get impatient.
”Hello, are we ready to go yet!?!”
VV’s eyes remained glued to the screen as she responded.
Roughly 20 more seconds passed before Jessica rolled her eyes.
”Ash, seriously, let’s go!”
VV incheed away from the computer while it continued to hold her full attention. Jessica let out an irritated sigh, but just before she was about to cry some more, VV darted back towards the time machine.
”All done!”
”Finally! What took you so long???”
VV closed the hatched and began to buckle up for their next trip through time.
”I figured if it’s March 31st, I could take a peak at everything Jessalyn and Mastermind… Or well, his wife Maria, had to say about our match.”
She said with a disapproving sarcastic tone.
”Sorry, but I was curious. It’s not every day that a girl can travel to the future!
VV just shrugged her shoulders.
”Just more of the same really. That Maria really doesn’t seem to like me.”
”Screw her, right? She’s just scared that you’re going to make Mastermind look bad when you kick his ass!”
VV chuckled at the idea that she was going to outshine Mastermind and Jessalyn so much as to make them look foolish.
”I appreciate the support, but Mastermind and Jessalyn aren’t so easy to put away. There’s a good chance I walk out of this match twenty pounds lighter.”
Jessica began fiddling around with the controls in an effort to set their destination to March 12th.
”Please, Jessalyn hasn’t been heard from in weeks. She obviously isn’t taking either of you serious, and Mastermind is so obsessed with the idea of controlling his emotions that it’s obvious that it’s still a very big weak point for him.”
”True, but if we are successful here, then Masterminds, um…. Mind, will totally be on the match!”
Jessica gave VV a sly look as not so nice of thoughts crossed her mind.
”What if we don’t try and stop Christchurch from happening? What if we…”
VV was shocked to hear these words coming from Jessica.
”WHAT ARE YOU EVEN SAYING JESS!?! The only reason that we’re even doing this is to try and save lives!”
”I’m just saying, an easy win is an easy win, right?”
”Just no… Take this thing to March 12th so we can do what we set out to do…”
”And what is that exactly? Are you planning on catching a flight to New Zealand and putting that nut ball in one of your wrestling holds?”
She said sarcastically.
”What’s really the plan here?”
”Um, no…”
Sadly, that was VV’s original plan, but hearing it come out of Jessica’s mouth suddenly made her realize how stupid of an idea it actually was.
”I figure we can just make a few phone calls and warn people of what’s going to happen.”
Jessica laughed hysterically at the idea of VV calling in terrorist tips days before they happen, and the resulting aftermath when everyone wondered how she came by this information to begin with.
”What? That’s not a bad idea!”
”If you say so…”
VV crossed her arms and fell back into her seat upset by the fact that her best friend was giving her so much grief.
”Let’s just go already!”
”As you wish!”
And with the press of a button.
![[Image: giphy.gif]](
The girls hop out of the machine once more, and head straight for the PC.
User Name: “Dr Aykroyd”
Password: “Itsasecret”
”How is that possible?”
The two girls looked at the date in disbelief.
”Check online!”
VV quickly clicked on the Microsoft Edge icon (eww) and searched for current date and time.
2:14 PM
Saturday, March 30, 2019
”We only went back a day!”
VV started to spaz, but Jessica was quick to reel her in.
”Girl, chill… we still have the time machine, lets just try again.”
VV nodded and the two girls started back towards the time machine. Before they managed to reach it though, it began to make a low humming noise.
”What’s it doing?”
”Oh crap…. I dunno!”
Suddenly there was a bright flash of light that managed to temporarily blind the both of them. Once their eyes adjusted, they found the time machine missing.
”Jess, where did the time machine go!?!”
”I… I forgot to turn it off.”
”How do we get it back!?!”
”I don’t kn..”
At that moment, Dr. Aykroyd happen to have walked into the lab without VV or Jessica having noticed.
”Oh good, you girls have returned!”
Both of them jumped as they were caught off guard by the docs intrusion.
”Wait, I still remember the shootings happening…”
Jessica and VV explain the series of events that lead them to this point. The doctor listened attentively throughout the entire story. When they were finished, all he had to say was.
”You say that you set it to 03/12/19 before it took off?”
”Yes, so it should still be here, right?”
”Yeah, if it just went back a couple of weeks, then it should still be around the lab somewhere.”
”No girls, unfortunately that’s not how it works. I didn’t install a date system into the machine. The numbers that you set where for how many days into the future or past it was supposed to go. By my calculations, the machine should appear in roughly 85 and a half years.”
The doc nodded.
”Can’t you just build another one?”
”Sure, but sourcing the parts won’t be the easiest task. Hmmm….”
The doc rested his chin in his hand as he crunched some numbers in his head.
”If I begin work on a new machine right now, I should be able to have it completed by June.”
Both girls eyes lit up!
”That’s great!”
”Of 2028.”
And that light instantly left both girls eyes.
”I’m so sorry Dr. Aykroyd!”
”No no, it’s fine. Shortly after you girls left, I realized that there was a miscalculation in my work. The machine was unstable, so after three trips, it was likely going to self destruct. I’m just glad you girls made it back in one piece.”
”But we didn’t help anyone! All of those people who died, and we could have saved them…”
”You know, I have theorized that manipulation of the past is a statistical impossibility. Anything that you would have done to save those people would have likely caused a Temporal
”Temporal paradox?”
”Basically, you girls would have made a new timeline where that specific event didn’t happen, but this time line wouldn’t cease to exist. So everyone that died would have remained so, but in the new timeline that you created, those people would have lived. Assuming that you were successful in your mission that is.”
VV slumped her shoulders and looked absolutely defeated.
”I really thought that I could help those people…”
”Aw, don’t look so sad. Your intentions were commendable, but somethings are just out of our control.”
”So I’ve seen your promos, like all of them. Don’t ask… Anyway, do you wanna know the one thing that I took from them that I thought was relevant? It wasn’t you trying to flip the script to make me out to be the bad guy here. It wasn’t you making the so called point that I needed to sift through countless hours of footage to find the answer to a question that should only matter to you, but it was the fact that you guys actually think that you’re somehow good people. Seriously, with all of the name calling, sarcastic laughing and poor jokes, I find it hard to believe that anyone would look to either of you as “faces”, yet one click over to your profile on the XWF website states otherwise. Do you guys just not understand the idea behind being a fan favorite, or have you decided to let the world know just how crappy of people the two of you really can be?”
“As far as calling me out for not releasing enough promos for your liking… Dude, that’s lame A.F. and you know it. Sure, I get it. It’s our jobs to help promote the matches and the shows that they’re on. If we do well, that’s more eyes on the product, which is good for all of us, but to suggest that I’m somehow dropping the ball with this match, or that I might not be committed enough to walk out of March Madness with my championship intact? That’s just silly.”
“I’m not going to try and take anything away from you Mastermind. You’ve proven yourself to be a hell of a workhorse since first returning to the XWF. The attention and prestige that you brought to the Television title was nothing short of astonishing. Jim Caedus, up until recently, was revered as one of the baddest men in the business today, and he built that foundation by holding the Television title for an impressive ninety eight days. You crushed that run by adding an extra thirty one days to your own record. As a matter of fact, the only people to ever hold that title longer than you was Azrael Erebus and that was over five years ago. So yeah, you’re an accomplished athlete, and you’re quite possibly going to be my fiercest competition yet. However, that doesn’t mean that you’re walking out of March Madness with that Xtreme title without busting your butt to get it. See Mastermind, while you’ve been sitting around laughing at the amount of promos that I’ve put out, and trying to think oup clever ways to use that against me. I’ve been keeping tabs on every piece of footage that you’ve put out, and dying from laughter every time that Maria OR you open your mouths. Both of you are so confident, so cocky. Before the ink was even dry on the contract for this match, you were already releasing promos declaring that in 13 days, you would be taking this title.”
VV proudly raises the Xtreme championship up for the camera to catch in all of its glory.
”The funny part was how the entire promo was some trainwreck of an idea to actually approve the release of footage that showed nothing but complete lack of self control that the so called Master of Minds truly possessed. Now listen, before we even continue down this road, every word that I said to you, the letter that I sent over, all of it. That’s how I truly felt. My heart goes out not just to you, but to the entire world for the tragedy that happened on March 15th. That wasn’t just an attack on New Zealand, that was an attack on the entire human race. Every good and decent person in the world had their heart broken that day, much as we do most days anymore. This world is full of hatred and vulgarness, and the saddest part is that most of the time, all we can do is sit by and watch as civilization slowly collapses. Let me ask you something, how often do you turn on the news and see stories about suicide bombers killing school children? Or neglected children snapping and taking a gun to school? These days, you’re risking your life by simply heading out to a movie.”
“Yet despite all the wickedness in this world that affects us all on a daily basis, your husband decided to try and make it all about him. Can Masterminds outburst in the hotel that night really be labeled as anything more than a dumpster fire of a promo? What did you prove with that showing huh? You get some bad news, then wig the frick out. Next, your wife orders that other dude to tranq ya, and BOOM, all done, and the only thing that we learn from that is that Mastermind isn’t capable of controlling his emotions. So I might have mentioned a very REAL fear of what may happen if Mastermind were to fly off the handle like that in a match, but the thing is, you all acted like I was trying to either get management to pull Mastermind from the match, or maybe get into the big guys head and cause him to hold back or something. Nah babe, not my style, but we’ve been over that haven’t we?”
“I’ll put my resume up against anyone in this industry. I’ve accomplished more in the last eight months than most people do in their entire careers. I’ve held championship gold on three separate occasions. I’ve worked my way up to the sixth longest reign in the history of the Xtreme championship, and I’ve managed to earn this along the way!”
VV holds her 24/7 briefcase up much as she did with the title before.
”And i’ve done all of it because I’m not only willing to put in the work, but I’ve never shied away from a challenge! I’ve wrestled deranged stalkers, time traveling body swappers, demigods, and even APEX! Each and every time I looked that challenge straight in the eye and did the work necessary to be able to walk away proud, no matter what the result of the match may be, and this match makes no exception! I’m not afraid of Jessalyn Hart and I’m definitely not afraid of Mastermind! I’m not afraid because at the end of the day, either I win, or I lose, and if I lose, you can bet your butt that I’m going to learn from it and come back ten times harder! That’s how I go into every single match that I have, and so far, it’s worked out favorably considering that I’ve only ever lost to one other superstar, and that was Dolly Waters.”
“So, maybe I walk out of March Madness champion, or maybe I don’t, but either way, I’ll know I gave you my all, and if it’s not enough, then I’ll catch you on the rebound!”
1x Anarchy Champion
1x Xtreme Champion
2x Television Champion
1x Lord Of Violence (March 2022)
2x Tag Team Champion
2x Freestyle Champion
3x Heavy Metalweight Champion
1x Federweight Champion
24/7 Briefcase Winner - March 2019
2019 Tweener Of The Year
Match History