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Saturday Night Savage 2/9/19
Author Message
Taylor Mayde Offline
Director of Drug Testing and Analysis

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

02-09-2019, 11:03 PM

[Image: k5A7AW8.png]


[Image: 1200px-Ralph_Engelstadt_Arena_2007.JPG]


Taylor Mayde comes on to the screen with massive cheers from the North Dakota crowd.

"Hello everyone and welcome to Savage Saturday Night! Myself and Atticus have a great show planned for you all tonight and we thank you for your continued support of the XWF! Tonight is a show full of top tier matches and even"

Taylor smiles.

"We have Dolly Water in the building, an X-Treme Title Match and even a Hanari Carnes celebration to honor his Television Title win last week! Stay tuned! You never know what is going to happen on Saturday Nights!

But now.......Lux vs. Alejandro Rivera! Enjoy!"

The crowd pops BIG as the opening riffs of "Keeps Getting Better" blares out over the PA system. VV runs out onto the stage with the Xtreme championship draped over her shoulder. She's all smiles as the crowd gives her a warm North Dakota welcome.

VV stops just at the top of the ramp. She takes the Xtreme title off of her shoulder and hoists it up above her head as the fans continue to cheer her on.

She then continues down the ramp and slides into the ring.


HUGE (cheap) POP!!!

"Who's excited to watch me kick Tommy Wish's teeth down his throat later tonight?"

Another BIG pop for the teenage champion.

"Ya know Tommy, you claim that you weren't behind the weird stuff that happened to me this week, and frankly, I don't care if you were or not. You've done nothing bus harass both myself, and my partner Jessalyn ever since we first came together and formed the Midnight Dolls!"

Suddenly a MIDNIGHT DOLLS chant starts to pick up in the crowd. It gets louder and louder until it seems most of the audience is in on it. VV smiles like a goof as she takes in the admiration.

"Tommy, you've done nothing but try and make our lives miserable, but tonight it all comes to an end! I'm sure that you're back there somewhere just laughing me off. You probably think that tonight's going to be your night. You're going to beat me all over this arena and take this!"

VV raises the Xtreme Title up for everyone to see.

"Now while I may be out of my element tonight, I can promise you Tommy, I'm not giving this belt up without one heck of a fight!"

The crowd pops at VV's show of confidence.

"So you go ahead and gather up all of your "toys" Tommy, because at the end of the night, none of them are going to save you from the butt kicking that I plan on giving you!"

The crowd pops again, but the cheers quickly turn to murmurs of confusion as the lights suddenly go out and the arena is left pitch black.

Suddenly the X-Tron fires up with a black and white night vision shot of VV sleeping. The camera moves in closer as a gloved hand reaches out and gently runs it's fingers through her hair. VV winces and makes an annoyed noise, but doesn't wake. The person behind the camera pulls their hand back and the camera begins to move away from her before pausing on a static image.

Next the following words appear on the screen.

Good luck tonight my love...

I'll be watching.

Suddenly the video cuts to black and the arena lights come back up. VV is seen standing in the middle of the ring in a state of shock. The crowd also seems confused and they don't know quite how to react to what they've just seen. VV raises the microphone to her lips, but has trouble finding the words...

After a moment, she drops the microphone and quickly slides out of the ring. The scene fades to commercial with her quickly walking back up the ramp.

- vs -
Alejandro Rivera

We come back from commercial to LUX and ALEJANDRO RIVERA already in the ring. The referee stands in between the two and signals for the bell to sound effectively starting the match. Both combatants step forward in orthrodox stances and circle one another exchanging threatening looks. LUX suddenly feints a head kick, RIVERA bites on the feint...DIE! LUX has just hit the kick out of nowhere




What was that? 17 seconds into their match and LUX has just pinned the newcomer ALEJANDRO RIVERA. LUX celebrates as RIVERA rolls out of the ring shaking the cobwebs loose and looking angry.

That may be a record! LUX may have just set a savage record here! What a way to kick off the show!

Winner: LUX

Dolly Waters
- vs -
Donovan Blackwater
Winner will become number 1 contender for the TV Championship

All three brothers emerge, with whomever is fighting at the time, in the lead. Pausing briefly, the brothers look around at the exuberant crowd, with immense entertainment. Sharing an amused glance to one another as the fans scream. From there they walk in unison to the ring, occasionally separating to approach a random fan that's losing their mind. Clearly, enjoying the effect they have on the crowd, the Brothers Blackwater continue onward. Once they reach the ring, two of the brothers hold up the bottom rope, as the intended participant for the fight slides into the ring. That brother then takes his place in the squared circle and awaits his opponent, while basking in the cheers from the audience. In this case, its Donnovan.

Dolly walks to the ring looking focused. Fire in her eyes. As focused as she has ever looked.

The bell rings. DONAVAN and DOLLY comes out to meet in the center of the ring. DOLLY and DONAVAN begin circling each other waiting for the other to make there move. DONOVAN makes the first move with a quick jab, but DOLLY counters with a duck and shot to the abdomen. She backs DONOVAN up to the corner and delivers lightning fast right hands to the mid-section and then a good right hook to Donovan's head. Donovan eats the blow and grabs DOLLY putting her back into the corner. He throws three knee strikes before DOLLY blocks the fourth and circles out of the corner.

The two reset in the middle of the ring where DONOVAN initiates a tie-up. Donovan easy bullies the much smaller DOLLY, but DOLLY drops low tripping DONOVAN and attempts a Hart Lock, but DONOVAN avoids the submission. He gets back to his feet and immediately initiates another tie-up. This time he takes no chances and brings DOLLY back to the corner one two three punches to the head. Knee to the abdomen DONOVAN pulls DOLLY out of the corner and Northern Lights Suplex one...two...kickout by DOLLY WATERS.

DONOVAN pulls DOLLY to her feet, but once again she's slippery and hits a low dropkick to DONAVAN'S knee. In spite of himself DONOVAN hits the ground. DOLLY attempts a standing shooting star press, but DONOVAN is ready and puts his knees up catching DOLLY in the mid-section. DONOVAN turns her over one..two...three...four...punches to the head. DOLLY looks stunned and DONOVAN grabs for an anaconda vice smiling over at his brother RAPHAEL. DOLLY fights off the move, however, and gets to her feet followed by DONOVAN.

What a competetive match so far! Both competitors start circling one another again. DONOVAN the aggresor moves in slowly. DOLLY is keeping a sharp eye out. DONOVAN feints a round house kick. DOLLY goes to block the kick, but DONOVAN changes it hits a leg sweep. DOLLY gets back up, but is immediately cuaght by DONOVAN with a swinging neckbreaker, a leg drop, then the cover DOLLY WATERS kicks out of the pinfall attempt. DONOVAN pulls ehr up by the air not wanting to let her get space. He picks her up again for a pendelum backbreaker. DOLLY writhes in pain.

DONOVAN picks her up and carries her over to the ropes. He lets out a big left hand to the cheek of DOLLY before climbing to the second rope. There he positions her for a superplex but she blocks it. DONOVAN continues to try, but DOLLY is persistent that she is not going to be on the receiving end of this move. She finds an opening and hits DONOVAN in the sternum one shot after the other. DONOVAN lets her go and jumps back to the mat throwing a roundhouse kick that DOLLY partially blocks. Still stunned he quickly climbs up the ropes, but DOLLY is to smart to get caught in a superplex position and hits him in his sore abdomen before pushing him off the ropes.

DONOVAN lands on the mat and DOLLY comes off the top rope with a Dikucilkan. DONOVAN moves out of the way. DOLLY hits the mat and bounces up, but DONOVAN BLACKWATER catches her and MAKING FRIENDS! DONOVAN slides into the cover one...two...three

The BLACKWATER BROTHERS slide into the ring to celebrate with DONOVAN as DOLLY rolls onto the floor. What a heartbreaker for DOLLY WATERS, but what a victory for DONOVAN BLACKWATER.

Winner and NEW #1 Contender for the XWF Television Titlte--Donovan Blackwater!

Hanari Carnes TV Title Fiesta!

Danza Kudaro hits the the Grand Forks crowd goes nuts. Hanari Carnes walks out onto the ramp with the Television Title around his waist. He has the Dominican flag draped over his shoulders, and a big smile on his face.


He swings his hips and points at the ladies in the front row, winking and making the gun symbol with his thumb and index finger of his free hand. He spins again and walks his way down to the ring with a cocky head swing and a million dollar smile. Climbing the ring steps he gets into the ring, getting on the top rope and waving the flag a few times.

In the ring there are tables set up, all with Dominican color table clothes. On them is a massive amount of Caribbean food, along with little trinkets and symbols of his country. Hanging from the rafters, dangling in the middle of the ring, is a pinata, also in the traditional Domincan national colors. Hanari jumps down and signals for a mic.

"Señor y Señora's, mi nombre es Hanari Carnes and I am the new XWF TV Champ, mang!"

The crowd cheers.

"Nobody think Hanari can do it. Nobody believe in Hanari, essept Hanari, an now look......"

He unstraps the belt and holds it above his head. The crowd cheers again.

He puts the belt back around his waist.

"But no more about Hanari, and how good Hanari es, mang, this es a celebracion! So, les' get down to it, eh!"

He walks over to the other table, picking up a traditional Pasteles en hojas, and taking a bite with a big smile. He then moves over to the Mofongo, taking a bite and smiling again. Pouring himself a glass of champagne, he looks towards the stage as Danza Kuduro hits again and a conga line comes out from the back, dancing and clapping to the beat of the song. The make their way down the ramp and surround the ring, dancing and clapping.

Hanari begins signals for one of the attractive Latina's in the conga line to come into the ring. He signals for the song to restart and Danza Kudaro starts again, and the two of them dance in the middle of the ring. Hanari really has some moves.

After the song finishes, they each kiss each other on each cheeek, as is cutom. He holds her arm up and they all cheer. She goes back to ringside.

Hanari has the mic again.

"Ok, ok. Now, we have the best part of any party.....the pinata! Who wants to take a whack! Chu? Chu? How' bou' chu?"

He is pointing to kids in the crowd who have their hands raised.

He finally picks a kid out of the crowd and security ushers him into the ring. Hanari shakes the little boys hand and grabs the blindfold. He puts it on the boy and hands him a baseball bat he grabs from under the table.

Standing back he lets the kid take a few shots, whiffs.

Hanari is standing in the back with the mic going "ohhh!" and "almost, chico!" and "swing again!"

Finally, the kid hits the pinata, but to his surprise, and mild disappointment, miniature versions of the TV title fell out. Toy sized. The kid picked it up and looked at it. Hanari smiles.

"That for chu, chico! A lil' piece of greatness. In' fac', Hanari have enough for everyone!" He picks up the mini-belts and throws them into the crowd.

"Hanari es a man of the people! Now you can all be champions, too! Ole!"

The crowd roars.

Just then Hanari grabs the mic again. "An' now, dance party! What is a revolution without dancing, eh chico!"

Just when the conga line expects to get in the ring, something unexpected plays.

Jessalyn Hart steps out onto the ramp, and Hanari looks shocked and a little pissed.

She walks down the ramp, and when the conga line is in her way she yells "MOVE". They do. She steps in the ring and signals for a mic.

"Whoa, whoa, chica, dis is not good dance music. If chu wanted to dance, cha coulda say so, chu can dance with Hanari anytime you want!"

Jessalyn doesn't look amused.

"I am not here to dance, Hanari. I am here to ask you what the hell all this is? I am here to ask if you are serious? This is not how a champion behaves, Hanari. You've turned the TV division into a gimmick overnight, and I don't like it."

"Well Hanari doesn't like your outfit, mamacita!"

"I don't really care what you like or what you don't like, Hanari. I like that title, and I like winning. I like giving pride and honor to the XWF, not turning into an 8th grade latino birthday party!"

Hanari looks taken aback, but brings the mic up to his lips.

"Well, seniorita, if chu don' like it why don' chu try to come take this title from Hanari?"

"There is no try, Ricky Ricardo, there is only do. I AM GOING to take that belt from you and bring some sanity back to Savage!"

She drops the mic and exits as her music hits. Hanari smiles and shrugs. His music hits and the conga line comes into the ring and they all start dancing. Just then, Jessalyn slides back into the ring.

Can you hear me! Out of nowhere! Hanari is laid out!

Jesslayn wipes her mouth with a crazy look as she backs up the ramp.

Jessalyn fires the first shot! Oh what a war its gonna be next week!

Vita Valentine ©
- vs -
Tommy Wish
Xtreme Rules Match


After the drums play, once WICKED is shouted on the X-Tron, we see Tommy walking down to the ring in a leather jacket and he high fives some fans. He then slides into the ring, and takes off his jacket tosses it to the floor. He then leans on the corner as he waits for this opponent as the theme cuts off.

VV is standing at the gorilla position with the Xtreme title draped over her shoulder. She is lightly jogging in place and in the zone for her title defense against TOMMY WISH. As her music begins to play, she turns and starts for the entrance way when her and ALEJANDRO RIVERA bump into one another. VV looks up at him indifferent, but RIVERA still humiliated and angry about his 17 second loss looks angry.

VV: Oh, I'm sorr…

AR: Bitch, get the fuck outta my way.

RIVERA shoves her out of the way and passes by. VV glares at PANTERA in anger, You can tell that she wants to confront him, but remembers her upcoming match and decides to let it go, for now.

Vita comes to the ring.

The bell rings and immediately VV is showing spunk, and she's on Wish before he has time to get ready. Hammering him into the corner she whips into the ropes and runs at him with a splash. A series of chops and punches come next before a low knee and an elbow to the nose. She throws up an arm and yells to the crowd then steps on the middle ropes, jumps, and lands a big bulldog. VV is on fire to start this match.

She goes for a quick cover, but Wish gets a shoulder up! VV has a smirk on her face, as if she is toying with the leather jacket man. She picks Wish up by the hair and whips him into the corner again. She charges again but this time Wish moves, VV stops short but he slams her head off the turnbuckle and tosses her out of the ring.

This is where Wish does his most damage.

He goes under the ring and pulls out a kendo stick. This is all legal folks! Just as he is about to hit she, she nails him with some punches. He drops the Kendo Stick and she drop kicks him, sending him into the barricade. Catching her breath for a moment, she picks up the stick and looks at it with a snicker as the crowd cheers. She then drops the kendo stick and raises her fists. Walking over to Wish, she grabs him by the hair and begins to rain down shots, but he over powers her and whips her back first into the steps. She winces and slumps down. Tommy then runs and knees her in the face, her head bouncing off the steps.

Wish begins to pull a bunch of items out from under the ring. Stopsign, wrench, table. He slides them into the ring. He sets up the table in the center of the ring. VV, who is coming to, climbs to the top rope. The crowd roars as she jumps off but Wish catches her.



Wish rolls into the cover.




My god!

Wish pounds the mat.

He picks up VV by the hair, and looks at the Kendo stick. He grins a sick smile and picks it up.

Wish hits VV in the back of the head with a kendo stick. She stumbles forward off balance, but quickly recovers. VV whips the hair from her face before turning back to Wish with a smirk. A look of rage comes over Tommy as VV brushes off his attack. Tommy runs forward, but VV takes him to the mat with a drop toe hold! VV grabs the kendo stick and waves it in the air while pointing at Tommy. The crowd pops at the prospect of Tommy Wish getting a taste of his own medicine. VV rears back and smacks Wish across the back with the kendo stock. Tommy no sells the shot and pushes up to his hands and knees. VV swings again and connects with the small of the back. Tommy drops to the mat, but pushes right back up. Tommy is to a knee as VV swings the kendo stick for a third time and cracks him over the head with it, but Tommy completely no sells the shot and springs to his feet. VV desperately swings the stick again, but Tommy catches it and kicks her in the gut. The impact is so powerful that VV comes off her feet and drops to her knees. Tommy brings the kendo stick over his head and crashes it down across VV’s forehead, busting her open!
VV reaches up and feels the blood flowing from a fresh cut in her head. She looks at the crimson stain on her hand and falls backwards to the mat, too dizzy to stand. Wish stomps down onto VV’s head and takes to the skies as he jumps up and came down with a headbutt to VV’s forehead causing the blood to flow even more. Climbing on top of VV, Wish then unloads with rapid right hands before his attack transitions to gorilla styled fists from both hands as he swings down with a ground and pound. VV covers her face with her arms in an attempt to defend herself but Wish continues connecting with lefts and rights. In a moment of desperation, VV presses her thumb into Wish’s eye, pushing him back while still being hit with lefts and rights. Wish pulls his head back, causing VV’s hand to slide down and her index finger to catch on Wish’s bottom teeth. It was like a Christmas gift hand delivered from Santa himself as Wish realized where VV’s finger was.

Wish then bit down as hard as he could, bringing his swinging arms to rest. VVscreams out in pain! VV then swung upwards with her other hand, connecting with a stiff left to the side of his head, knocking Wish off of her.

Before VV even began to climb to her feet, she wiped Wish’s spit from his finger. The two then stood at the same time, Wish stepping in and taking the first swing. VV leaned back just enough to dodge the fist closing in on her face. She then fired back with a European uppercut, knocking Wish a few steps back and completely off balance. VV leaps through the air, wrapping her arm around Wish’s head. VV was going for a DDT but Wish immediately wrapped her up with both arms, holding her up and not allowing her to fall back to the mat. Holding VV in the air, Wish then charged across the ring, slamming VV back first into the nearest corner. Taking a step back, Wish then powered down and lifted VV up even more, throwing her over his head with a belly to belly suplex!

Wish goes for the pin once more.



3---NO! VV kicks out again! What does Wish have to do to put the X-Treme Champ away!

VV rolls over onto the stop sign. Wish grabs a chair from the outside, folds it hard, and enters the ring. He goes to hit the now standing champ, but she ducks and kicks him in the gut. He drops the chair. She then smashes him over the head with the stop sign. He goes to one knee, and she whacks him across the face with it. He is getting back to his feet slowly as she pulls a trashcan out. She says "time to take out the trash!" She puts it over his head, and shoves him. He falls into the corner, the trashcan over his face. Limping a little, she puts her arm up then runs and drop kicks the trashcan. He crumbles. Grabbing the chair she stands him up, and he slumps.

She posistions the chair between the ropes.


She pulls Wish out into the middle of the ring.


VV covers.




SHE DID IT!!!!!!!!


After the bell had rung, Tommy rolls outside of the ring and he rolls under the ring. Then about ten minutes later, he rolls out from under the ring with a chair, wearing a La Parka mask. He gets on his feet, and decks her with a chair shot to her head.

Then he smacks the chair some more on her body, until the ref had to grab the chair. The ref gets cracked in the head with a chair by Tommy. Then we see him outside again, with another chair then he slides back into the ring, and places the first chair on Vita's head.

Tommy pulls the chair up over his head, as the starts to throw garbage in the ring...


Tommy then drops the chair in the ring, and rolls out of the ring. He then walks up to the Entrance way, and stands there as the EMTs arrive closing the show.

BIG thanks to ElPantera for his contributions to this weeks edition!

[Image: IJkS6WM.jpg]

"It's Better To Be Pissed Off, Than Pissed On"
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Arthur Grey Offline
Ah. So you are as dumb as you look.

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

02-10-2019, 01:59 AM

Great show. Very well put together.

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Arnold “Chubby” Fletcher Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

02-10-2019, 08:31 AM

Guys, I would like to apologize. There were two segments left off of the show by mistake. They have now been added in. One takes place during the entrances of the Main Event, and the other one at the end of the same match.

Sorry guys.
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ElPantera Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Women and gay men

(physically attractive male on every level; can seduce you; that disarming smile; those bedroom eyes)

02-10-2019, 03:50 PM

The scene opens up on Alejandro 'El Pantera' Rivera now dressed in his street clothes looking upset.

AR: Tonight was the most humiliating night of my life. I am very sorry to my team, my family, my friends, and fans. I'm more devastated about the way I acted with Ms. Vita Valenteen it was uncalled for and I'm sorry.

The shot fades as Rivera picks up his bag and exits the locker room.

[Image: alberto-del-rio-png-4.png]
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drezdin5788 Offline

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

02-10-2019, 04:09 PM

(02-10-2019, 03:50 PM)ElPantera Said: The scene opens up on Alejandro 'El Pantera' Rivera now dressed in his street clothes looking upset.

AR: Tonight was the most humiliating night of my life. I am very sorry to my team, my family, my friends, and fans. I'm more devastated about the way I acted with Ms. Vita Valenteen it was uncalled for and I'm sorry.

The shot fades as Rivera picks up his bag and exits the locker room.

Its what you get

[Image: FSYLxSs.png]
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Vita Frickin Valenteen Offline
Vicious Frickin Vampire

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

02-10-2019, 04:11 PM

We open backstage where a bloody and battered VV is standing by.

”Tommy Wish, you’re a tough cookie, but even with me being out of my comfort zone tonight, I still walked away with this!”

VV holds the Xtreme Championship up for the camera.

”Tonight’s match should have been the end of our story, but you just couldn’t let it go could you?!? Your actions after our match were both dastardly and telling of what kind of man you really are. The fact that you couldn’t accept your defeat with even the slightest bit of dignity proves that you’re nothing but a jealous old has been who’s too selfish to realize that your time has passed you by and that the future of this company lies in the hands of the next generation!”

“Speaking of the next generation, Alejandro Rivera, next week you get your shot at my Xtreme championship and trust me, I’m looking forward to teaching you some manors!

[Image: VVbatlogosm.png]

1x Anarchy Champion
1x Xtreme Champion
2x Television Champion
1x Lord Of Violence (March 2022)
2x Tag Team Champion
2x Freestyle Champion
3x Heavy Metalweight Champion
1x Federweight Champion
24/7 Briefcase Winner - March 2019
2019 Tweener Of The Year

Match History
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ElPantera Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Women and gay men

(physically attractive male on every level; can seduce you; that disarming smile; those bedroom eyes)

02-10-2019, 05:14 PM

Firstly, Sebastian Duke and Drezdin quit trying to make yourselves relevant on this show. Nobody was talking to you guys. I was talking to VV and my supporters. That's neither one of you.

[Image: alberto-del-rio-png-4.png]
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ElPantera Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Women and gay men

(physically attractive male on every level; can seduce you; that disarming smile; those bedroom eyes)

02-10-2019, 05:27 PM

"Your words mean nothing to me Chico." Pantera grins at Sabasstian "So shut de fuck up...Duke."

[Image: alberto-del-rio-png-4.png]
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drezdin5788 Offline

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

02-10-2019, 05:45 PM

(02-10-2019, 05:14 PM)ElPantera Said: Firstly, Sebastian Duke and Drezdin quit trying to make yourselves relevant on this show. Nobody was talking to you guys. I was talking to VV and my supporters. That's neither one of you.
Fyi, no shit captain obvious.
Iike i said, its what you get for failing.
A two, do you even know the word relevant means, especially here in the xwf? Hell no you dont! It means that you dont loose in a record 17 seconds in what your first or second match in, and win matches to stay relevant.
And last but not least three, what supporters? they left your ass of what they saw.
Besides, their asses(Supporters) got deported to Mexico soon there after.

[Image: FSYLxSs.png]
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ElPantera Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Women and gay men

(physically attractive male on every level; can seduce you; that disarming smile; those bedroom eyes)

02-10-2019, 05:52 PM

Pantera laughs at the pathetic Drezdin. "You can shut the fuck up to motherfucker. I'll beat you up in New Zealand."

[Image: alberto-del-rio-png-4.png]
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drezdin5788 Offline

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

02-10-2019, 06:46 PM

While drinking your own Mexican golden piss !? Yeah right. But your more then welcome to try stupido puta. Till then, i gotta go. i have to do more important shit then waste my time with a burnt enchilada. Adios bastardo.

[Image: FSYLxSs.png]
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ElPantera Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Women and gay men

(physically attractive male on every level; can seduce you; that disarming smile; those bedroom eyes)

02-10-2019, 06:54 PM

"I don't even know what to say to that?" Alejandro laughs "You sound like a fucking idiot. See you Wednesday"

[Image: alberto-del-rio-png-4.png]
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drezdin5788 Offline

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

02-10-2019, 10:36 PM

Aaaaaaand a fourth straight loss for the walking talking burrito

[Image: FSYLxSs.png]
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ElPantera Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Women and gay men

(physically attractive male on every level; can seduce you; that disarming smile; those bedroom eyes)

02-10-2019, 10:56 PM

"You're loco." Pantera laughs wondering where he was for those first two losses.

[Image: alberto-del-rio-png-4.png]
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Tommy Wish Offline

XWF FanBase:
Drug addicts, rebels, weirdos

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following; may deal drugs on side)

02-11-2019, 07:05 AM

Tommy is in the back, bloody in the face, holding the mask in front of the camera, with a HUGE smile on his face.

"Everyone who watched that wonderful display of that match up, hopefully you all got your monies worth in North Dakota, when I explicitly stated that the title don't mean much, I meant that. For your lovely underdog Vita, to come out here and tell me, let alone you fine people in uncharted Indians lands, that I can't let next generation prosper is a lie.

What you people had seen was my alter ego telling me to crush her skull in, even though I have put her through a table during the match. I made sure she came out strong in that match, she's just won't understand.

Vita if you are hearing this back to your motel... I hope you manage to defend your title next show... i'll be watching in the audience.

Have A Good Night!"

Tommy drops the mask on the ground, and walks away from the scene holding all his rage in.
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