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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
A Fool Off His Guard Could Fall And Fall Hard...
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Vita Frickin Valenteen Offline
Vicious Frickin Vampire

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

01-15-2019, 12:45 PM



VV swipes her finger across the screen of her phone.



Once more…



VV tosses the phone across the room and turns her head to the side in disgust.

Vita wonders how it came to this? How could she possibly rise through the ranks as quickly as she has, proving herself to be a natural in the ring, yet find herself on the losing side of a match with a couple of geeks named Job Ber?

VV looks across the room to the lamp she found the other day. She slides off her bed and slowly walks across the room to the dresser that it sits atop. She knows that there’s nothing special about this lamp, nothing magical or otherworldly, but despite logic telling her otherwise, she reaches out for it with both hands, hopeful that maybe, just maybe…

Vita grabs the lamp and pulls it in close. With her eyes closed tight, hoping against hope for a miracle, she rubs the lamp. A moment passes, but nothing happens. VV opens her eyes, confirming to herself that a genie didn’t fly out of her lamp. With a slight sigh, VV places the lamp back atop the dresser and turns to walk back over to her bed.


Startled, VV turns around, fist clenched and ready to throw down, but what she sees behind her wasn’t what she expected to say the least. VV stumbles back in an effort to put distance between her and…

”I’ve been trapped in their for sooooooo long!”

The back of VVs leg bumps into the bed, causing her to trip and fall backwards. The genie of the lamp quickly moves in closer, almost nose to nose.

”So you know the deal! I’m the genie of the lamp! Long imprisoned, but now set free. Set free by who? Well my girl, set free by you, and that means that this is your lucky day! Because you have freed me from my prison, I am obligated to grant to you three, that’s right go ahead and count’em, three wishes! You can have whatever your hearts desire, all you have to do is ask! Though I should warn you, even a being as powerful as myself has his limits! There may be some things that you would like to wish for that I just can’t possibly grant to you. Examples of such things would be bringing the dead back to life. Interfering with the course of contested events, and any and all matters of love. Of course there’s more, but we’ll get to that later! So young lady, what might I call you?”

VV stares into the eyes of the genie from her lamp, she’s almost frozen in disbelief. The genie, noticing this, tries to snap her out of it, literally.




The genie jumps back, startled by VV’s screeching yell. VV, terrified, begins grabbing and throwing anything that she can get her hands on. Her purse, pillows, slippers. If it’s within reach, it’s flying towards the genie. Finally, in an effort to try and gain some control over the situation, then genie roars in a thunderous voice.


The genie’s voice changes to a much softer and gentler tone.

”Your wish is my command!”

With a wink and a smile the genie waits for VV to decide her first wish. It doesn’t take her long however, as she instinctively spits out the following.

”Make it so that we didn’t lose to Job Ber TooTree yesterday!”

”I can’t do that. It would violate the rule that I ju…”

”Make me strong enough to defeat APEX by myself!”

”Once again, as I told you before, I can not meddle in contest of ski…”

”Well give me an vanilla ice cream cone! Or is that beyond your…”

Suddenly a vanilla ice cream cone magically appears in VV’s hand. She looks down, startled at first, but that quickly changes to sadness when she realizes that this is real, and she just wasted a wish.




”Okay, So I’ve decided to do something that’s nearly unheard of in this profession.”

“I’m going to admit fault.”

“Robert, Drew, I want to apologize to the both of you for insinuating that the two of you were somehow sexist. I still think that the XWF as a whole does try to coddle and protect its women competitors to the point of actually hurting their chances of success, but to project that ideal onto you just because of a single comment from Drew about not liking the idea of hitting a women, maybe that was narrow sighted on my part.”

“So, my bad.”

“As far as what happens in the ring tomorrow night… Let’s just say that my confidence in The Midnight Dolls standing any chance at successfully defending died with our loss on Saturday. If Jessalyn and I can’t work together to defeat a team the likes of Job Ber TooTree, then how can we ever hope to defeat a team the caliber of APEX?”

“Don’t get me wrong guys, I’m not killing over and giving you the easy win. I’m still going to bust my hump out their, but I can see the writing on the wall. I’m sure Jessalyn see’s it as well. I can’t say for sure though, I haven’t seen or heard from her since Savage.”

VV pauses for a moment to consider where Jessalyn might be…

”I hope she hasn’t fallen off the wagon again.”

“Anyway, with a whole lot of luck… or a better genie… Maybe we still find a way to walk out of Warfare with these tag titles intact. It’s not likely, but like I said before, people lose all the time!”

VV nervously scratches at the back of her hair, realizing what she just said along with the stats that APEX has been throwing around all week.

”Unless you’re APEX that is!”

VV giggles nervously before finally letting out a defeated sigh.

”Oh well, win or lose, I’m going to look at this match for what it is. A chance for a young rookie to step into the ring with two future XWF Top 50 members, and maybe learn a thing or two. So, no matter what happens tomorrow night, no hard feelings, ok guys?”

VV’s phone buzzes with an incoming text. Her eyes quickly light up, hoping that it’s Jessalyn finally getting back to her. She pulls her phone out of her back pocket and unlocks the screen only to see that it was just a text from True Religion letting her know that her bralette had shipped. She lets out another sigh before looking back to the camera.

”Hey guys, does the offer for dinner after the show still stand? I think I could use a pick me up…”

And with that, the scene fades to black...

[Image: VVbatlogosm.png]

1x Anarchy Champion
1x Xtreme Champion
2x Television Champion
1x Lord Of Violence (March 2022)
2x Tag Team Champion
2x Freestyle Champion
3x Heavy Metalweight Champion
1x Federweight Champion
24/7 Briefcase Winner - March 2019
2019 Tweener Of The Year

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