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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » Heavey Metal Weight Championship
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Eating Your Teeth
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Michael James Offline
The Personification of Perfection


XWF FanBase:
Monster Heel

(always booed; cheats; hurts people)

01-15-2013, 11:25 AM

* Twenty four hours after Madness, Hisoka is walking around the XWF offices after being called in for a meeting with Shane . He walks into the empty lobby to discover the lights shut off. He enters the main floor of the office where he is surrounded by individual cubicles and random office equipment. He walks past the cubicles towards Shane's office. When he passes by the second row someone sticks out their foot and trips Hisoka. He quickly jumps to his feet and looks towards the cubicle to find nothing out of the ordinary. Hisoka begins to visually pan the room with his eyes. Just when he thinks the coast is clear he gets blasted in the face with an Osaka Spike Kick by Michael James *

Michael James: HEY! What the fuck are doing?

* James calls out towards the back of the room. A few seconds later we see a rather haggard looking homeless man appear from behind one of the cubicles. He is wearing a black and white striped referee shirt *

Homeless Man: Did you know this bitch is hiding cheetos in her desk?

Michael James: What?

Homeless Man: The fattie that works here is sneaking snacks in the bottom drawer. You don't think she'll miss them, do you?

Michael James: You really want to know what I think?

Homeless Man: Sure.

* He says while stuffing a cheeto into his mouth *

Michael James: I think you better get over here and do what I paid you to do. Otherwise, the only thing you're going to munching on will be your rotten fucking teeth. Understand?

Homeless Man: Got it.

* The homeless man stuffs the bag of cheetos into his pants and makes his way towards James and Hisoka. Just when James thinks that Hisoka is down for good, he rises back to his feet and drops Michael with a kick to the head. The homeless man leaps from a desk and jumps on Hisoka's back. He starts biting Hisoka like a maniac as he tries to best to force the man to release his grip. James stands back up and grabs a laptop computer from one of the desks. He cracks the laptop across the side of Hisoka's head and both men crash to the floor. James pulls the homeless man away from Hisoka and goes for a cover... *

[Image: 2wmif76.jpg]

XWF Accomplishments
Defeated Cyren on Madness via knockout (01/14/13)
Defeated Cyren at Nero's Games via submission & pinfall (12/03/12)
Defeated Jaymz Dante via pinfall at Chaos in Korakuen Hall (12/24/12)
Defeated Kristofer Kain via pinfall to become XWF Heavy Metal Champion (12/10/12)
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Hisoka Itazura Offline
Registered but either hasn't added self to a roster yet or doesn't RP

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty; many likable qualities)

01-15-2013, 12:01 PM

(01-15-2013, 11:25 AM)Michael James Said: XWF Accomplishments
Defeated Cyren on Madness via knockout (01/14/13)
Defeated Cyren at Nero's Games via submission & pinfall (12/03/12)
Defeated "The Amazing One" Randall Cross on Impact via pinfall (12/08/12)
Defeated Kristofer Kain via pinfall to become XWF Heavy Metal Champion (12/10/12)
Defeated Randall Cross & Jaymz Dante via pinfall at Chaos in Korakuen Hall (12/24/12)

The only problem is that it seems as though James underestimated the homeless man because as James covers Hisoka...WHAM! The disgusting foot of the homeless man slams into the side of James' face. James rolls around both in pain from the homeless man's horrendous yellow toenails digging into his flesh, and disgust from the smell. With James out of the picture, THE HOMELESS MAN MAKES THE COVER! The only problem is this whole ordeal has taken far too long and given Hisoka more than enough time to recover and he quickly kicks out of the homeless man's pin. Hisoka now gets to his feet and lands a right hand to the homeless man's head knocking his aluminum foil hat off! OH NO! The government can now freely beam messages directly into the man's brain... AND THEY DO! Apparently it''s a message that tells him to punch himself in the junk because that's exactly what the man does, continuously! Hisoka looks extremely confused as he grabs his title and leaves James there still holding his face as the homeless man beats himself... literally.

[Image: D8nh8_zps756327e8.png]

One Time Heavymetal Weight Champion
One Time X-treme Champion
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