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X-treme Wrestling Federation »   » Archives » "Savage Saturday Night" RP Board
Your Love is a Lie (The beginning of a Lost Soul Part 2)
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Scully Offline
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XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

07-07-2017, 10:45 PM

We're going to relive some more of the past three months of a shit life with Scully and then you can witness the downward spiral. Scully had been involved in the Lethal Lottery pay-per-view on the pre show otherwise known as pre ejaculation. He fought Danny Imperial and lost thanks to some outside interference, I know I've mentioned this already. After an interview with rookie Chadwick Fish, he had decided to leave the the Rungardo 1st Of May Stadium in Pyongyang, North Korea. He wasn't sticking around for the rest show, he wanted to go out and make the most of the night. He was a little pissed off and needed some alcoholic beverages to chill him out.

[Part 1 here:]

That Same Night.... 1st of April 2017 (The beginning of a Lost Soul~ Part 2)

This song is dedicated to Scully......

Scully had been to a couple of bars already on the streets of Pyongyang. His HIRED 2017 Dodge Viper had been returned to the dealership. He was going to use public transport for a change, he was now on the road to getting pissed. There were a few locals out and about, mainly men who socialised in the bars. There were 2 beers to choose from in the last bar and Scully tried them both, just to get a taste and see which one he liked the most. Both of them were similar though and he noticed that the locals were firm fans of liquor. You know, the top shelf stuff. It wasn't very busy at the moment but then Skull noticed something happen as he strolled the streets as time went on. When the tanks have all rolled off, the real celebrations began. In homes and bars across the city, bottles of beer and sojuare opened and shared. Driving around the big cities at night, one can sometimes spot clusters of men sinking pints at street bars.

Firstly Scully was standing outside the Egyptian Palace nightclub in Pyongyang’s Yanggakdo Hotel, a place that promises all the advantages of a combination bar, nightclub, sauna and massage service, geared toward the tired and terminally lonely (which, like all other services at the Yanggakdo, means “foreigners only”). The only problem? It’s only 9pm and the bar is firmly, implacably closed. The door was firmly locked though the Yanggakdo’s basement has two sides – one Korean, the other Chinese – the latter is by far the sleazier. The reason the club was shut that night was that there were no Chinese staying at the hotel that week and, consequently, neither were the prostitutes that typically service them. No sucky sucky tonight.

Skull continued on entered the Taedonggang Number Three beer bar and headed straight to the bar. He got chatting to the korean barmaid as he ordered his drink.


"Hello.. Please may I have.."

Skull points to the lager on tap. The barmaid surprises Scully.

Barmaid:"You mean the Taedonggang? It's very popular with English men and the locals of course."

In comparison to the other barmaids and barmen that had served him before in the other bars, this one barmaid could speak quite good English.

"Yeah that's the one. It's very nice, I couldn't pronounce the name."

Barmaid:"Not many can, it is quite difficult."

The barmaid pours Scullys pint to perfection, there was just a tiny bit of head on top.

"Thank you."

Scully hands over the money and then receives his change. Skull proceeds to ask a question whilst this particular bar wasn't heavily busy.

"It seems there are alot of people out now and it's mainly men. Are women not allowed out?"

Skull chuckles as does the barmaid.

Barmaid: “People leave work and go home at five. The men will often come here, after they’ve been home, to drink. Later their wives will call to ask when they’re coming back.”

"So the women are just as demanding here then?!"

Both the barmaid and Scully laugh out loud.

Barmaid:" Sometimes most of this is off-limits to foreigners, no offence of course. Those who must attend pre-approved bars – but there are occasional glimpses permitted. Tonight is your lucky night."

"Why have I pulled?!"

Scully winks as the barmaid shyly giggles. Scully looks around the bar, with only a dozen customers sat around socialising.

"Why is there not many people in here at the moment?"

Barmaid:"There will be in the next hour. It's only 8.45, we're the last ones to stay open."

"Oh I see. So you'll be here till the end?"

Barmaid:"My shift actually finishes in fifteen minutes. The boss is going to finish the rest of the shift for me. You see I've been working alot of hours lately and helping the boss out, so as a thank you she's letting me go earlier. She's letting me have tomorrow night off too."

"That's pretty cool. Want to have a drink after?"

Barmaid:"Erm... Okay."

The barmaid smiles and then goes to serve a regular. Once she is done serving the regular his round of drinks, she returns. However, the boss interrupts and starts speaking to the barmaid in Korean.

Boss:"neo jigeum kkeutnael su-iss-eo."

The barmaid smiles at her boss and responds.


The barmaid exits the bar and makes a suggestion.

Barmaid:"Shall we sit on the table over there?"

"Yeah sure... What did you want to drink?"

Before Scully answer the boss of the bar places a pint of lager and a small red wine down in front of Skull and the barmaid.

"Oh Thank you."

Scully gets out his wallet but the boss shakes her head and pushes it towards him. The barmaid looks at Scully.

Barmaid:"We don't have to pay."

Scully looks at the boss and smiles.

"Thank you."

The barmaid repeats what Scully said to her boss.


The boss smiles nodding her at Scully. Skull and the barmaid take their drinks over to a nearby table, they sit opposite each other.

"So I didn't get your name?"

Barmaid:"You didn't ask until now.... My name's junjae eun."

"That's a pretty name..."

Barmaid Junjae:"Thank you."

"So what did your boss say to you? It wasn't quite time was it?"

Barmaid Junjae:"She just told me I can finish now.. At the time obviously. What's your name?"

"I'm known as Scully, that's my surname. But my first name is Mike."

Barmaid Junjae:"Okay Mike."

The barmaid smiles at Scully and takes a drink of her wine.

"So if you don't mind me asking, how come your English is so good?"

Barmaid Junjae:"Oh I was born in England. I lived there till I was twelve then moved here. See my dad is Korean and my mum is English. So I actually learnt Korean as my second language. Weird I know. You're from England aren't you? I can tell."

"Good spot. I am yes but I now live in Miami, Florida."

Barmaid Junjae:"Miami looks nice, always wanted to go there."

At this moment Scully was fine, he was a little tipsy yes but he was fine within himself. The conversation flowed nicely between the two and so did the drinks. They were both getting a more drunk, more rounds for two and that's when the confessions came in to play......

Barmaid Junjae:"So do you have any kids?"

"I have a son yes, Aston is his name after my favourite football team, Aston Villa."

Barmaid Junjae:"Yes, I've met the owner Dr. Tony Xia."

It was a little random how Junjae didn't mention Scullys son again and the conversation skipped on to Astonvilla.


Barmaid Junjae:"Yes my ex husband worked for the recon group. He was away on business alot but now he's in prison."

"Oh... May I ask why he's in prison."

Tears begun to fall from her eyes.

Barmaid Junjae:"He killed our son. He was just 4 years old."

Scully didn't know what to say, he felt guilty just like Junjae wished she never asked about Scully having children or her ex husband. I guess she just wanted someone to talk too.

"I'm sorry I can't imagine what it's like...."

Safe to say after some emotional talk to follow, the normal chit chat came back again after a while. Both of them became very drunk and they started to flirt. They began to speak about sex etc... Let talk about sex baby, let's talk about you and me. A couple of hours passed, the bar was closed and they walked the streets or swaggered down the streets. They stopped down an alley way and began to kiss. They couldn't keep their hands of each other as they both groped each other's bodies. Skull stuck his hand down her trousers and played with her clit. She moaned and groaned, she came Instantly. They never did anything more in the alley way, they would walk on and stop at an apartment. It was Junjaes apartment. They would kiss passionately on the door step, she unlocked the door and it opened. They fell through the door laughing, they kissed some more. She would lead Scully up the stairs and into her bedroom...

This is where the start of Scullys problems really begun, the aftermath of his actions and what would happen when he got back home. After all he had a Mrs (not married) who he lived with and was the mother of his son.......
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