Federweight Rumble Open to all, watch the Federweight section for updates
TJ Adams
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John Black
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- vs -
Mini Morbid
- vs -
Maria Brink
- vs -
Shaun Crowe
- vs -
Jet Frost
- vs -
Jose Gomez
- vs -
AvanteGardeGuy Battle Royale.
Winner gets a cheese sandwich courtesy of Thomas Girard, and a Hart Title Shot
- vs -
Crimson Dong Drezdin picks the stipulations
Hart Title Match
Ghost Tank
- vs -
Jakob Davis
- vs -
Michael McBride Triple Threat Xtreme Rules
Thomas Girard is already in the ring as the London fans are pumped to be at the 02 Arena for Leap of Faith. Thomas is sporting a cocky smirk with his microphone in hand, straightening his tie before talking.
"Ladies and gentlemen, I'm sure you know who I am. I am Thomas Girard, co- Savage Saturday Night General Manager, personal assistant to Frodo Smackins, et cetra..."
The fans boo at Girard as he throws up his hands.
"Yes, yes. Boo me all you want. Tonight is not about me, anyways. It's about some of the greatest athletes here today in wrestling, as well as action you can ONLY find in the XWF! Now then, let us get on with tonight. Tonight... is LEAP OF FAITH!"
The fans are getting hype again as Girard exits the ring, therefore getting the show underway.
Federweight Rumble Open to all, watch the Federweight section for updates
Nathan Higgers, John Black, Jerkbeast, Drezdin, Kandi Washington, Roxy Cotton and Unknown Soldier are in the ring as the bell rings.
The competitors seem to lock eyes with somebody in the ring as they each go at it. Nate Higgers and John Black are trading blows, and the massive Drezdin is colliding with the equally massive Jerkbeast, Kandi Washington and Roxy Cotton are locked in a cat fight, and finally Unknown Soldier simply relaxes and waits for an opponent to be open.
John Black seems to have the upper hand, landing a roundhouse kick into Higgers' gut. Higgers goes on all fours as John Black seems to be going for a DDT, however that is denied as Higgers takes JB's legs out from under him and takes him to the ground, laying blows left and right all over him.
Drezdin- who normally has a height advantage- is currently getting dominated by Jerkbeast, who is showing no mercy against him. Jerkbeast is using his massive frame to squish Drezdin against the ring post, with Jerkbeast using his 290 lb. frame to demolish Drezdin. Drez is clutching his ribs in agony, however he does not get a reprieve as Drez gets taken down with a Military Press Slam. Jerkbeast then proceeds to pick up Drez and lay him out cold with a Sweet Benny Bomb! Drezdin is out for the count as Jerkbeast picks him up and throws him out. Soldier, noticing Jerkbeast is now free, goes to face him.
Drezdin has been eliminated!
Slaps and hair pulling can be clearly seen as Kandi Washington and Roxy Cotton have no love lost. The fans are losing their shit and are yelling "CATFIGHT!" as the two ladies are locked in a stalemate. Kandi scratches Roxy's face, while Roxy in disgust, uses her amazingly long heels that she's rocking to kick Kandi in the gut, causing her to hold her stomach, however the pain doesn't last long as LOU THESZ PRESS! Kandi is all over Roxy, as suddenly Roxy rolls over and is laying the smackdown on Kandi! Neither lady can't seem to gain an advantage as they continued to bruise themselves.
Higgers is in control of JB as he lands a SOLID neckbraker! JB winces as Higgers presses his advantage by applying a Boston Crab! The torque applied is extreme as JB yells in agony. JB is tapping, however it's pointless because this is a Battle Royal! Deciding to try and do something, JB twists his legs, flipping Higgers out of the hold and saving his opportunity to keep some momentum in this match.
JB picks up Higgers and goes for a suplex, however that was a mistake as when JB has Higgers up at the highest point Higgers knees JB in the face, causing him to let go of Higgers on his two feet. This allows Higgers the opportunity the chance to mount some offense, which he does by hitting a MASSIVE All Lives Matter! Higgers catches his breath and straightens out his back after getting flipped out of the Boston Crab. JB tries crawling back to his feet, however Kandi and Roxy are still rolling across the ring, and they steamroll JB! JB gets squashed as he gasps for fresh air after they roll off of him, however the curvy duo aren't done as they roll in the opposite direction, steamrolling JB once more! JB says fuck it and gets back up, which allows him to get thrown out from behind by Nate Higgers!
John Black has been eliminated!
Jerkbeast is using his massive size and strength to try and bully Unknown Soldier, trying to get him to back down with a BIG knife-edge chop, however Soldier merely only looks at him funny while his chest becomes bright red, and hits Jerkbeast with a massive knife-edge chop of his own! Jerkbeast holds his chest in mock surprise, before hitting ANOTHER chop to Soldier! His expression is slightly more pained as both Soldier and Jerkbeast seem engaged in a chopping battle! After a few minutes of this, as Jerkbeast goes for yet another chop, however Soldier blocks it with his hand! And he goes for another chop! And another! And another! Soldier's arms are moving like lightning as Jerkbeast's chest is becoming as red as a tomato. Jerkbeast's expression is extremely pained as Soldier tries forcing Jerkbeast over the ropes! Jerkbeast is trying to find a solid footing to stand his ground, however that plan falls through when Soldier grabs Jerkbeast's leg and pushes it- and thus, him- over the top rope and onto the floor!
Jerkbeast has been eliminated!
Kandi and Roxy have moved out of rolling around on the floor, and are standing again! Kandi goes for a slap, however Roxy went for a slap at the same time! The two ladies slap each other as they are still at each other, neither one of them even seeming as if they have a remote advantage. The fans seem tired of the stalemate and Nate Higgers seems to agree, eyeing up the two ladies. He bends down, getting into the running position... he runs full sprint at Kandi and Roxy and takes them both out of the match!
Kandi Washington and Roxy Cotton have been eliminated!
Nate Higgers and Unknown Soldier are the only ones left as the two men look at each other in the eye, and then Nate takes the early advantage, sprinting like before and taking Soldier to the corner this time, using shoulder thrusts to knock the wind out of Soldier, each thrust taking a considerable toll on him. Soldier however has the experience factor, hopping out before Nate can attack him with another shoulder thrust. Turning Nate around, Soldier hits him with an uppercut! Nate gets knocked back into the corner, which has Soldier go into the opposite corner. Soldier gets the fans pumped up before running at Higgers with a Stinger Splash! However, Higgers dodges! Soldier is stunned, and Higgers takes that opportunity to throw Soldier over the top ropes!
Unknown Soldier has been--
Unknown Soldier is still in it! He skinned the cat to save this match! Higgers goes forward to finish the job, however Unknown Soldier uses his inner Shawn Michaels to bring his legs up and lock them around Nate Higgers' neck, and uses his legs to get Higgers over the top rope!
Nate Higgers has been eliminated!
TJ Adams
- vs -
John Black
- vs -
- vs -
Mini Morbid
- vs -
Maria Brink
- vs -
Shaun Crowe
- vs -
Jet Frost
- vs -
Jose Gomez
- vs -
AvanteGardeGuy Battle Royale.
Winner gets a cheese sandwich courtesy of Thomas Girard, and a Hart Title Shot
John Black, Skizzoid and Jet Frost are already in the ring.
The cameras cut to TJ near the curtain with a hooded jacket on with the words "No matter who you are" on the back. His song hits and he throws his jacket off, revealing a shirt that says "You will always get a second chance". TJ then walks down to the ring.
The lights go out…the crowd screams with anticipation for who is to enter! The rhythmic drumming sounding like a battle march gets louder. The lights slowly come on turning the arena red.
Double bass starts drilling as Aeon’s - God Gives Head in Heaven roars over the loud speakers!
Mini Morbid Angel storms from the backstage area and flexes his massive arms for the crowd who screams with excitement!
Mini Morbid stomps down to the ring and steps over to the top rope and walks to the center of the ring and flexes again!
Maria walks down to the ring accompanied by Frodo Smackins.
The guy working the strobe lights has a seizure at his desk, resulting in a dazzling display of flashing lights as Chance the Rapper's "GoodAssIntro" plays over the PA system.
From behind the curtain, over the music the crowd can hear someone shout "IT'S YA BOI!" before Shaun Crowe EXPLODES out from behind the curtains, swaggering down the ramp as hella dolla bills rain from the ceiling. The crowd goes into a frenzy over tha paper before realizing it's just Monopoly money. Shaun hops up onto the apron and shouts "IT'S YA BOI" once more, prompting a small portion of the audience to chant it back at him. He smiles and steps into the ring, doing the white girl shoulder dance while waiting for his opponent.
The middle of the ring lights up with the LA symbol as Jose Gomez walks out.
Avant Garde Guy walks out to boos from everyone.
The match finally begins as all the competitors all size up each other in the middle of the ring. Jet Frost then clears his throat and heads to the middle of the ring, however he nearly gets his head taken off by a massive clothesline from TJ Adams. All the other competitors laugh at Frost as TJ picks him up and throws him to Gomez, who obliges and hits Frost with a massive Dodger Bomb! Gomez then picks Frost up and throws him up and out of the ring!
Jet Frost has been eliminated!
Skizzoid looks pretty nervous after Jet Frost got eliminated, and the sharp sense of feces can be smelled throughout the arena as he sports an embarrassed look. Like a pack of wolves, everyone except John Black who's too busy doing some questionable shit to some fans in the corner jump Skizzoid and begin beating him down. Shaun Crowe catapults Skizzoid into the air, only for Maria Brink to land a massive jumping Rivers of Pain! Maria kicks the Skizzoid in the head, and picks him up to be fed to Mini Morbid, who's face lights up like a child on Christmas morning. Showing great strength, Mini Morbid kicks Skizzoid in the gut and gets him in position for the Satan's Fall! And he hits it, throwing Skizzoid out of the ring in the process!
Skizzoid has been eliminated!
The rest of the participants then turn their attention to John Black, who's still doing that unnamed questionable shit to the fans out in the stands whilst in the corner. Avant Garde Guy is fairly pissed that he didn't receive his meatloaf today due to the fact that he had a match, and thus has no chill and jumps JB from behind, beating him down to the mat. The participants follow Avant Garde Guy's example as they ALL pick up JB, and throw him out of the ring in unison.
John Black has been eliminated!
The match can finally start now, as TJ goes squaring off against the ex-Mrs. Peter Gilmour in Maria Brink, Jose goes after Shaun Crowe, and Mini Morbid goes ham on Avant Garde Guy.
TJ has the upper hand, working over Maria in the corner, lighting up her chest with a huge knife edge chop. Maria clutches at her chest, however the pain in her chest is quickly forgotten as TJ throws a huge body blow. Maria goes onto her knees in pain, allowing TJ to pick her up and attempt a scoop slam, however Maria elbows him before he can lift her up. Maria knees TJ in the gut, and then throws a nice looking elbow right in TJ's face. TJ holds his face for a few seconds before kicking Maria in the face. Maria goes on her knees again, and TJ plants her with a nice-looking DDT.
Meanwhile, Mini Morbid is getting the crowd fired up as he's all over Avant Garde Guy. Rapid fire punches and kicks repeatedly drill Avant Garde Guy's gut, however his meatloaf belly absorbs the hits quite nicely. He pats his belly and laughs, which in response as the MINI MORBIGOD low-blow him right in his Little Fanboys! Avant Garde Guy is clutching his balls, which is followed up with Mini Morbid kicking him right in his shin! Avant Garde Guy is hobbled as he gets dropkicked by Mini Morbid! Avant Garde Guy is now leaning against the ropes, which allows Mini Morbid to get an idea. He waves over to Jose Gomez who has the upper hand on Shawn Crowe, and nods. Gomes knees Crowe in the gut, leaning him on his knees in front of Avant Garde Guy. Mini Morbid then proceeds to use Crowe as a springboard to Superman Punch Avant Garde Guy over the top ropes, and out of the match!
Avant Garde Guy has been eliminated!
Going to Jose and Crowe now, Jose picks up Crowe from his kneeling predicament and cusses him out, calling him a . Gomez then dispatches Crowe with a well-placed Dodger Bomb! Crowe is out as Gomez picks up Crowe and simply throws him over the top.
YA BOI Shawn Crowe has been eliminated!
Gomez and Mini Morbid then proceed to shit talk each other before going at it as TJ looks to have a definitive advantage against Maria Brink in their little back-and-forth. TJ is drilling Maria with everything he's got, nailing rolling elbows, superkicks, you name it, he's doing it. However, Maria is holding her own as she's also getting in some offense, hitting things like clotheslines, dropkicks and lariats which are obviously just gay bulldogs. TJ is feeling the pressure, however he only solidifies his advantage by hitting a well-timed Almost Caught 'Em All! Maria is down as TJ signifies it's over, as he picks her up and throws her over the top.
Maria Brink has been eliminated!
Gomez now has the upper hand on Mini Morbid, using the extreme size advantage in his favor, and throwing out power moves that are not commonly seen in his repertoire. Gomez picks up Mini Morbid like a sack of potatoes and hits a picture-perfect Fallaway Slam! Mini Morbid clutches his godly back in pain, sitting up as Gomez kicks the FUCK out of Mini Morbid's back, soccer style- or, would it rather be football style since we're in London? Regardless, Mini Morbid is in a world of pain as Gomez picks up Mini Morbid and Dodger Bombs him out of the ring!
Mini Morbid has been eliminated!
Now came the final two-- TJ Adams and Jose Gomez; they're staring at each other at opposite sides of the ring. They meet at the opposite sides of the ring, and then they start going ham on each other, delivering blow after blow! Adams hits a solid European Uppercut! Gomez lands a hard-hitting forearm shot! TJ and Gomez are giving each other everything they have to offer, and the crowd are eating it up!
As the crowd are in the middle of dueling chants, the competitors inside the ring are locked in an equally brutal stalemate as they each back up, and knock each other down with a Double Clothesline! The two warriors steadily climb back to their feet, and Gomez looks to have control! Gomez lands a solid dropkick, to which both competitors get back quite easily from! However, Gomez gets an Irish-Whip on TJ into the corner, and hits a massive Running Forearm! TJ slumps forward to his knees, and Gomez looks to have TJ set up for the Dodger Bomb!
But no! TJ is fighting back! He's raining down fists on Gomez's cranium, and it's causing him to stagger back towards the ropes! TJ doesn't even notice as he continues to lay the punches on Gomez! BOTH MEN FALL OVER THE ROPES!
TJ Adams and Jose Gomez have eliminated themselves!
Both TJ and Gomez are back up and are arguing about who the fuck won that match. Gomez assumes it's him and raises his hands in triumph, however TJ talks him the fuck down, and TJ thinks he won before Gomez talks some smack. They threaten to brawl again as referees swarm the scene and struggle to keep them apart.
All of a sudden...
It's Thomas Girard! The co-Savage GM! What is he doing?!
Girard is holding a plastic baggy as he walks down to the mayhem. He opens it to reveal two cheese sandwiches!
...Or rather, two pieces of stale bread that each hold a slice of moldy cheese in between. He hands one to TJ, and one to Gomez. He then walks out back to the timekeeper's area and asks for a mic before addressing the chaos at the front of the ring.
"You two amuse me, for how much it seems you hate each other. And that's great! The XWF needs more exciting matches like what you just showed us. So you know what? You two get to fight, AGAIN! And as an added bonus, I'm not locking you into a date! You can choose which date, and which show, to fight on. Whoever wins will get the Hart title shot. Good day."
Girard proceeds to walk to the back, leaving both competitors and the fans confused as the show rolls on.
- vs -
Crimson Dong Drezdin picks the stipulations
The X-Tron blares to life with big, bold words, shouted across the PA in a strong Canadian/Russian accent!
The arena goes completely black for a moment, then the lights start to pulsate as the music starts to blare through the PA system. As soon as the pyro goes off the lights turn on, the people in the arena turn silent, the people are at awe and shock on how massive he is. He starts walking down the ramp, he yells out...IT'S GO TIME! Then he stops at the end of the ramp to take a deep breath. He approaches the ring, then he grabs the rope ring rope gets unto the ring apron goes over the top rope then walks towards the middle of the ring. He raises his left hand as the pyro goes off.
Drez waits in the ring and then the lights go down again. The fans go WILD as the first chords of “Trouble” by Willam starts up!
Drezdin faces the entrance way, but Dong jumps him from behind! He came through the crowd!
Dewey: Oh gross! Dong’s only wearing a condom! He’s got it stretched over his dick and balls! Who allowed this?
Dong clobbers Drezdin with a huge forearm to the back of the head, and the giant Russian or Canadian or whatever falls to the mat! Dong throws a lot of mean, barefoot stomps all over the body of Drezdin!
Crimson Dong is straddling the upper chest of Drezdin! His condomed dick and balls are rubbing all over Drez’s chin! Drezdin manages to squirm away and slides out under the bottom rope… he looks pissed!
Speaking of piss, Dong’s rubber is slowly starting to fill with urine! It’s like a big latex water balloon dangling off of his man bits. Dong races the ropes, the prophylactic wobbling back and forth between his thighs… and he goes for a suicide dive – HUGE UPPERCUT FROM DREZDIN!
Drezdin rolls back in the ring while Dong staggers around holding his jaw… BIG BOOT! Dong is flat on his back! Drezdin hits the ropes and hits a high knee drop right onto Dong’s dome! Dong sits up but catches a low angle dropkick from Drezdin! Drez is rolling!
Dong is sort of swimming on his belly, still reeling from the dropkick, and here comes Drezdin locking the MORTALITY onto Dong! Dong is tapping like a bitch! But this Human Torch Match can’t be won by pinfall or submission. Drezdin seems to finally realize this and he releases the hold, rolling back out of the ring to retrieve a large metal gas can from ringside!
Drez gets the can and he climbs back into the ring… he’s holding the can over Dong and getting it open, but Dong slams an uppercut into Drezdin’s balls! And another! Dong starts biting Drezdin’s balls! Drezdin is in agony!
Drez collapses to the mat, clutching his junk. Dong, meanwhile, has gotten ahold of that gas can! Dong drops to his back and puts his ankles behind his ears… DONG JAMS THE FUNNEL OF THE GAS CAN INTO HIS ASSHOLE! Dong is pumping gasoline into his rectum while Drezdin is trying desperately to get to his feet.
Dong is up! Dong is up! He unclenches and the can falls out of his ass, and then he backs himself up to Drezdin, who is on his hands and knees… Dong starts pumping away on his member, getting it good and semi stiff… he’s flexing with all of his might to get the gas out of his anus, but it seems to be clogged!
Those rubbers had him all stopped up, but the dam’s bust now! Drezdin gets showered with gasoline and condoms, and Dong is jumping up and down like a little girl on her birthday! Drez is drenched!
Now Dong has retrieved that barbecue lighter from the timekeeper’s area, and he’s back in the ring, bending over once more… he’s trying to light Drezdin on fire using a fart flamethrower! All he has to do is touch that flame to Drezdin’s gas-soaked flesh and he’ll win this match, but he seems determined to do it via noxious asshole gas!
DREZDIN WITH A HARD KICK!!!! That lighter just went inside of Dong! The lighter is IN Crimson Dong’s asshole! Drezdin floats over the bent over Dong… DDT! Dong gets drilled into the canvas with that DDT and he isn’t moving!
Drezdin now, setting up that gas can… he pulls Dong up… piledriver onto the can! Dong’s head dented that metal gas can! Drezdin grabs the can and starts pouring the gas onto Dong’s face! Dong is unconscious, the gas is going into his eyes and nose, right down his throat, but he isn’t even reacting!
Now Drez is rolling Ding over, being careful to avoid that big rubber dick flopping all over… he’s got to get that lighter out of Dong’s cavernous ass! Drezdin has his foot on one zitty ass cheek, and he’s yanking on the lighter like King Arthur pulling the sword from the stone… but it won’t budge!
Drezdin standing on Dong’s upside down ass now, two handing that lighter and pulling it up and down hard, like he’s unclogging Ghost Tank’s toilet… no dice! That lighter is stuck in the event horizon known as Crimson Dong’s rectum!
Wait… the lighter is sliding out! The lighter is being auto-lubed out of Dong’s anus by the viscous secretion of his own sigmoid colon! Talk about a backfire! Drez has the lighter out! He’s holding it over his head like He-Man at Castle Greyskull!
Holy shit... Drezdin won a match!
Winner: Drezdin!
Hart Title Match
Ghost Tank
- vs -
Jakob Davis
- vs -
Michael McBride Triple Threat Xtreme Rules
Kings begins to play over the loudspeakers as the fans begin building up in anticipation for the match that is to come. While the music gets rolling, a man wearing a long and black hooded jacket comes out, his face looking towards the ground. As soon as he reaches the stage he begins to kneel on one knee. Then, as soon as the song hits the chorus, the man bolts back up into a standing position and removing his hood, revealing himself to be Jakob Davis. His father, Tim, comes out from behind the curtain and starts clapping for his son. Jakob then starts moving to the ring with purpose, shedding his jacket. He then quickly enters the the ring and gets ready for the upcoming match while Tim heads to ringside.
The Blood of Cuchulainn hits over the P.A. system. Michael walks out ready to fight as he checks his gloves. He walks down the ramp and to the steel steps and walks up them. Once at the top he stops and turns around and looks at the crowd and smirks before he steps between the ropes and leans back on the nearest corner, lights up a cigarette and waits for the match to start.
The sound of metal scraping against the ground rings through the arena. As the lights begin to brighten, it reveals the source, as he wears shackles around his ankles and wrists, with the chain connecting the two scraping along the ground. As he walks to Alysia, he pulls her to his chained up form. After a kiss, he lets her go, yanks his arms apart in a lowercase t, and follows it up with yanking the ankle shackles off. Once down he rushes to the ring, leaping over the top rope, rolling forward and springing up to his feet. He then pounds his chest as he lets out a roar.
The referee calls all men into the ring, and Davis walks to the center of the ring nervously. Ghost Tank and McBride are eyeing each other as they do. Just walking to the middle of the ring, without taking their eyes off of each other. Tank's body is towering over the rest of the men in the ring, while he smiles as if he has no fear of losing his title. Jakob stretches his hand out to try and shake the hands of his foes. McBride pulls his cigarette out of his mouth with his right hand, and goes to shake Jakob's hand. As Jakob's fingers grasp McBride's, he pulls his hand back quickly and runs his hand through his hair with a chuckle. Tank throws a fist right to the jaw of Michael McBride, which drops him on the ground. Dewey walks over and Tea bags McBride, or bombs him, I guess. Since McBride is a terrorist fuck and all. The ref points, and Dewey gives him the finger before walking out of the ring. Tank takes Davis' giant hands in his and shakes them. The ref calls for the bell, and Tank's friendly smile is replaced by a sinister grin. He releases the hand of Davis, and prepares to throw a massive punch to the smaller and more nervous Davis, who drops to the ground to avoid it. This is the opportunity McBride needs. He runs up the back of Davis, and uses him as a ramp to jump through the air and throw a superman punch to the face of Ghost Tank.
Tank is rocked back, but refuses to fall down. McBride lands in the superhero pose. Jakob is clapping behind him, as McBride begins to get to his feet. Tank throws a fist to McBride's face again. His nose is busted open, and his cigarette falls out of his mouth. McBride looks down at his smoldering cigarette, and blood drips on it. He doesn't seem happy at this. But, before he can react Davis grabs him and drops him with a DDT. Tank stays back and watches this, and chuckles. McBride gets to his feet, but is caught off guard with a quick heel kick to the side of the head by Davis! Davis is dropping McBride like the sad rancid sack of potatoes he is. Tim Davis is on the side of the ring cheering for his boy, and screaming as loud as he possibly can. Jakob turns to see his dad and the pride in his dad's face. Mistakes were made in this decision as it allows Ghost Tank a chance to grab Davis by the throat and throw him into the corner of the ring. McBride is up, and Tank takes this chance to throw McBride right into the body of Davis. This knocks the wind out of the rookie wrestler. McBride starts to get back to the feet, and pull himself off of the turnbuckle. Ghost Tank stops this by running and throwing his giant mother fucking boot into the torso of the Irish Brawling Bomber.
The mass of meat is pushed further into the ring post as Ghost Tank lets out a mighty howl, like a crazed beast. He runs back, and goes out to the opposite corner to charge forth for another assault. As he speeds towards them he's stopped by something. Out of nowhere, Tim Davis pops up and slams a chair into the face of Ghost Tank. He goes down, and the ref comes right up and gets into the face of the Senior Davis, they begin a heated shouting match, in which we can clearly hear Tim yelling the word over and over. The ref grabs Tim by the ear, and begins to drag him out of the ring. Meanwhile McBride is on his feet, and Jakob is pulling himself up. Tank looks up and sees Alysia and Tim getting into it on the side of the ring. He sees Tim slap Alysia across the face, only to be escorted away by Dewey. This enrages Tank, who stands abruptly up, and moves to the ropes. He begins to yell obscenities at Tim, who turns back to him, and starts screaming at him as well. Both men are locked in a shouting match while Jakob and Michael are trading blows in the ring. Dewey turns and eye balls Tank, who shouts something else that the mics don't pick up. The crowd lets out a massive "OOooh" as Dewey runs up to the ring, jumps on the apron, and throws a haymaker right to the face of Ghost Tank. The crowd pops, and Dewey drops down to finish escorting Tim to the back.
McBride has Jakob locked in a Boston Crab, while the rookie writhes in pain, and Tank adjusts his jaw. He turns to see this, and see that Davis is about to tap, and knows he must stop this. Using the speed of a ghost train, he charges forth, and drops to the ground, sliding his massive foot into the face of Michael McBride. The hold is broken, and Jakob starts to get to his feet, but is grabbed by Ghost Tank, and slammed directly into the body of Michael McBride. Oswald grabs the nearly broken body of Davis, and lifts him into the air once more. Another body slam right into Michael McBride, who is coughing up a mixture of blood and hatred for the English, at this point. He grabs Davis up, and is going for another body slam. The fans begin to chant loudly at this point, but since they're British, and haven't seen a shower stall since Reagan was president, no one can understand them. Tank soaks in the admiration as he applies pressure to the torso of Davis, before starting to lower him. TANK TRACKS!! He doesn't even use that finisher anymore and he brought it out just to destroy Davis' will to wrestle! But, no. Michael McBride has something to say about that! TESTICULAR TORSION! McBride has a hold of Ghost's Tanks, and twists them hard. He drops the limp body of Jakob Davis, right atop of McBride's head. All three men fall to the ground.
The ref comes out and is looking to see if anyone is still breathing. McBride is coughing, and Davis is rolling towards the ropes trying to get up, while Tank holds his wobbles. Davis is the first one up, followed by McBride, with Tank slowly getting up last. A winded McBride walks over and kicks Tank in the face, which sends him back down to the ring. He's caught off guard by a wounded and tired Davis, who grabs him for an Eclipse, the Neutralizer drops McBride, just as Tank is back on his feet, and grabs Davis from behind. He lifts the small man in the air, and delivers a piledriver that nearly goes to china. Tank climbs the ropes, and throws his arms up to pump the crowd up before going for a Fall of Death's Gaze aimed at Davis. He doesn't notice that McBride has gotten to his feet and thrown the steel chair at him, which slams Tank into the ring post, shoulder first. There's a load crack, and pop as Tank falls to the mat motionless. McBride walks over, and throws a punch to the side of Tank's head. Oswald responds with a headbutt to the nards of McBride, which forces him back. Tank then uses his good arm, and does a one armed DDT on McBride, before walking to the collapsed and immobile Davis. He drops for a pin. The ref counts it.
Winner and STILL Hart Champion: Ghost Tank!
Tank gets to his feet and helps McBride up, as Darth Vader's Theme, Trap Remix blasts through the speakers. Frodo Smackins casually walks down to the ring, with Shaun Crowe on a leash by his side. He looks at Tank and McBride disappointed. With a snap of his fingers an army of medics swarm from under the ring and begin to examine the men. They take notes, and report back to Frodo. He listens intently, and slaps Shaun across the face. The medics crawl back under the ring, and Shaun hands Frodo a mic.
"Ok, Tank. You won your match. Congratulations, and you even managed to give Davis here a concussion, and what I'm told is a terrible bruise and possible bruised rib. McBride is irish, so they're all anyway. You, though. You have a dislocated shoulder, and a fractured elbow. These people can feel this stuff. So they tell me. So, good on you. But, McBride made me laugh, so I wanna see you two fight again. Because it amuses me."
Tank and McBride size each other up, knowing they are about to repeat their war soon enough as Day 1 to Leap of Faith finally comes to a close.
The following 4 users Like Thomas Girard's post:4 users Like Thomas Girard's post (07-22-2016), drezdin5788 (07-22-2016), Morbid Angel (07-24-2016), Peter Fn Gilmour (07-22-2016)
XWF FanBase: The IWC (gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)
Ghost Tank is in the back after announcement, and medics tend to his arm by relocating his shoulder. While relief came, it was a pain to bend his arm thanks to the fracture elbow looking to the camera crew, Sayors standing before him, but before he spoke, Tank did first:
"McBride, that is the power of the Leader of the Riders. That is the power of the God of Death. It's time to work back to the front of the line. Until then, go drink your sorrows down with some absinthe. Because you're not going to get another shot at my title until you earn it."
(07-22-2016, 04:44 AM)Ghost Tank Said: Ghost Tank is in the back after announcement, and medics tend to his arm by relocating his shoulder. While relief came, it was a pain to bend his arm thanks to the fracture elbow looking to the camera crew, Sayors standing before him, but before he spoke, Tank did first:
"McBride, that is the power of the Leader of the Riders. That is the power of the God of Death. It's time to work back to the front of the line. Until then, go drink your sorrows down with some absinthe. Because you're not going to get another shot at my title until you earn it."
"Tank, you're a moron. Frodo literally said you're fighting McBride again. Jesus man, I would have preferred Davis as the Hart Champ over you. Even if he didn't come here on his own volition."
XWF FanBase: The IWC (gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)
(07-22-2016, 04:44 AM)Ghost Tank Said: Ghost Tank is in the back after announcement, and medics tend to his arm by relocating his shoulder. While relief came, it was a pain to bend his arm thanks to the fracture elbow looking to the camera crew, Sayors standing before him, but before he spoke, Tank did first:
"McBride, that is the power of the Leader of the Riders. That is the power of the God of Death. It's time to work back to the front of the line. Until then, go drink your sorrows down with some absinthe. Because you're not going to get another shot at my title until you earn it."
"Tank, you're a moron. Frodo literally said you're fighting McBride again. Jesus man, I would have preferred Davis as the Hart Champ over you. Even if he didn't come here on his own volition."
"He said fight, not another shot at my title. Should have said it was for the title, again. Even though i'm going to beat Ophelia and name the next challenger for my title. Maybe he should say what he means. Not be vague."
XWF FanBase: The IWC (gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)
(07-22-2016, 07:22 PM)Frodo mother fucking Smackins Said: "It's cute how Tank thinks he has any say in shit. Hahaha. Lol. I'm gonna book him against Lane for a match where if he loses, and he will, he loses the title. Lane's title won't be on the line. If Lane is ok with it, of course. Maybe put Tank in a match against Luca for the title. I can probably get Luca to show up if I tell him he gets to embarrass Oswald."
"Say what you mean, not mean what you say. You didn't say it was another title shot. You said it was another fight. Fucking idiot. If it's another shot, fine by me. I beat him and Davis at the same time. I'll beat him in a one on one."
"You know, it's adorable how Tank thinks he's worth shit, but once upon a time Tank was at a point so low in his career a highlight for him was beating that Dieu con damné LH Harrison. It's adorable how Tank thinks he can bat away any challenger, but even with Abaddon by his side in a 2-on-1 Handicap Match, he can't even beat Scully. Fucking hell Tank, you might as well hang up the boots at this rate."
XWF FanBase: The IWC (gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)
(07-22-2016, 08:02 PM)Thomas Girard Said: "You know, it's adorable how Tank thinks he's worth shit, but once upon a time Tank was at a point so low in his career a highlight for him was beating that Dieu con damné LH Harrison. It's adorable how Tank thinks he can bat away any challenger, but even with Abaddon by his side in a 2-on-1 Handicap Match, he can't even beat Scully. Fucking hell Tank, you might as well hang up the boots at this rate."
"How did my daughter's shit taste, Girard?
As for you, Frodo, why should I face you? You're the General Manager. You'll only make it one-sided so that I won't be able to win, no matter how good I perform. You'll always put something in the way, again and again, until finally, you decide it's time to pin me after everyone has come and beat me down.
So no. I'm not going to fight a battle I won't even stand a one percent chance of winning. Because I KNOW that's something you'd fucking do. Hobbit looking motherfucker."
(07-22-2016, 08:02 PM)Thomas Girard Said: "You know, it's adorable how Tank thinks he's worth shit, but once upon a time Tank was at a point so low in his career a highlight for him was beating that Dieu con damné LH Harrison. It's adorable how Tank thinks he can bat away any challenger, but even with Abaddon by his side in a 2-on-1 Handicap Match, he can't even beat Scully. Fucking hell Tank, you might as well hang up the boots at this rate."
"How did my daughter's shit taste, Girard?"
"Like shit. The fuck did you expect? But at the very least, I don't have to wake up to being reminded that I'm a shitty wrestler since I don't even bother with that, unlike you."
OOC: This show of testosterone is really adorable, boys. I feel I just walked into Deja-Vu or Spearmint Rhino's gentlemen clubs. Really it is. I got a few chuckles out of it. I'll face Ghost Tank on Savage if he wants. He can even pick what character of my he wants to face.
Vincent Lane
Rock n' Rolling XWF Owner and Megastar
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(07-23-2016, 06:25 AM)Kandi Washington Said: This show of testosterone is really adorable, boys. I feel I just walked into Deja-Vu or Spearmint Rhino's gentlemen clubs. Really it is. I got a few chuckles out of it. I'll face Ghost Tank on Savage if he wants. He can even pick what character of my he wants to face.
OOC: Be careful speaking out of character in places like this. It'll get used against you unless you tag it properly (like I did here).