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X-treme Wrestling Federation » XWF Live! » Backstage 24/7
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He returns...
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XWF FanBase:
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05-02-2016, 05:46 PM

Based on a true story.

4 years ago.

[Image: OyBv5NN.jpg]

To be continued...
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Makaveli (05-03-2016)

XWF FanBase:
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05-03-2016, 03:48 PM

Early 2012...

Troy Callum was released from Detroit’s maximum security mental asylum after he was acquitted of all 5 murder charges placed on him after the jury found there was lack of evidence. He resorted to mutilating animals such as baby horses from nearby stables in order to vent his uncontrollable anger, as killing any more humans would surely lead to his demise and eventual return to the dreaded asylum. He discovered XWF and found a place he can call home. A place where ruthless violence was encouraged. A much younger Shane signed Troy Callum under the alias “SINISTER”, much to the dismay of the general public. However, ’s sadistic repertoire of thoughts lead to SINISTER being given the right to compete.

His first match was an elimination fatal four way. Sinister vs. Mark Flynn vs. 2 other debutants. The remaining 2 men would get a tag title shot on the following show. During the match Sinister memorably swung a barbed wire baseball bat on one of the rookies and paralyzed him for the remainder of his life. To this day the man remains in a coma. The match saw Sinister and Mark Flynn annihilate the other two contestants, however Flynn managed to lock in his patented Figure Four which caused Sinister pain which he has never experienced. The match ended with both bagging an elimination each, earning them a tag title match. However, as the referee signalled for the end of the match, Sinister viciously attacked Mark Flynn.

Sinister and Mark Flynn began a conflict that rocked the foundation of the XWF, to the point where booked them in a steel cage match. As the match approached, Mark Flynn snapped. His old persona disappeared and, almost overnight (which he spent in jail) he became a shadow of his former self. Flynn wanted to prove to Sinister he was the actual lunatic, and the character he portrayed in the past was merely a gimmick. The real Mark Flynn arrived.

Sinister, sensing Flynn had maybe forgotten what he is capable of after losing his mind, decided to send him a tape. Sinister recorded himself setting up spike strips on a long, deserted road which an old lady went over, crashed her car and burst into flames. Flynn assaulted a man to prove his insanity. Sinister sent him a tape murdering someone.

It was the night of their much anticipated steel cage match. The back and forth carnage caused many to believe they would kill each other. However, Flynn managed to lock in the Figure Four once again…but this time, it was applied for what seemed like hours. Sinister didn’t know the concept of forfeiting, causing his legs to become a mangled mess. Flynn decided to climb out the cage to victory as Sinister was clearly not going to submit, but had help from an unknown entity later revealed to be an opportunistic debutant who (unsurprisingly judging by Sinister’s history) was never seen again. But the fact remained, Flynn beat Sinister, and destroyed his legs in the process.

Sinister threatened to slaughter every last member of the XWF staff if he didn’t get Mark Flynn again. , a heinous leader with a thirst for violence, agreed to book them in the first ever Hell in a Cell match to be televised on cable TV.

Yet…Sinister mysteriously disappeared off the face of the planet, let alone the XWF. No reasons were given, nothing was left behind…other than a message sent only to Mark Flynn…

“…I’ll be back to get you”

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

05-03-2016, 05:23 PM

4 years have passed, yet the thoughts of A MASSACRE never faded. 4 years have passed, yet the strands of hair next to his mattress show time does not always cure. Why else would a man rip out his own hair. Daily. 4 years have passed, yet he still limps while walking. That figure four was applied to catalyse an amputation, not for a submission victory on a televised TV show. 4 years have passed, yet he never stopped WATCHING. From far, far away...he was ALWAYS watching. In 4 whole years, he never forgot about the one man who dared obstruct his path of destruction and not suffer the consequences. There are hollow pits scattered across the outskirts of Detroit with the remains of the tortured SOULS who made the mistake.

4 years of hibernation in a damp, worn out shed in the forests of Albuquerque. 4 years in hiding from the authority. 4 years spent contemplating what could have been if he didn't use those spike strips. If he didn’t kill one person to strike fear in the other. A murder case that engulfed the country to the point where the truth was bound to come out. He couldn't have stayed in the XWF, with all its cameras and millions of viewers. He had to leave, or else go back to the penitentiary. Or worse...the asylum. The place he was confined to before being acquitted of 5 murder charges. 3 shots of midazolam a day with rusty needles. No light able to penetrate the padded room. He couldn't go back. He had to leave the XWF and go off the raidar.

4 long years have passed...

The murder case has been dropped.
Lack of evidence.
No killer found.
Foul play thrown out the window. It was finally time...


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Unknown Soldier (05-03-2016)
John_Black Offline
Tha Soulja Of Nuthin'

XWF FanBase:
The 'cool' kliq fans

(booed by casual fans; opportunistic; often plays dirty while setting the trends)

05-03-2016, 05:29 PM

Not to be a buzzkill, but you do realize that Flynn hadn't been in the company for like years last time you seen him. So you can proclaim he must die, but he might already done the job himself before you even had your clutches on him.

Oh yeah, well come back.

An Outsider Thug.
[Image: killer-mike.jpg?w=300]
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[-] The following 1 user Likes John_Black's post:
St. Diabolicus Offline
Existence is Futile

XWF FanBase:
Some men, some teens, few women

(the villain you love to hate; has cult following)

05-03-2016, 09:35 PM

So, the cuckoo has returned to the nest, how touching. Another beast lurking the premises, my how we are growing. Be you friend, or be you foe, I'll make you beg for death row.

I wonder just how mangled your mind is, it would be quite the playground to tinker with.

[Image: tumblr_ns6hvqlyM11s6jmjro1_500.jpg]

[Image: tumblr_m7vr7yeOvT1rpjb1po1_500.jpg]
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XWF FanBase:
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05-05-2016, 05:40 PM

An eerie silence hung throughout his sanctuary.

[Image: eSn2VCl.jpg]

Not much had changed…the floors were still damp from the night prior. Not from the rain though, the whole floor was drenched with thick, putrid, dark red blood. The smell lingered hundreds of meters from the cabin as it wasn’t the only blood to preserve in the carpets. Years of death floating around the sanctuary of Troy Callum. The uneven ground a few metres beside the cabin containing whatever was left from everything that was dragged out of there over the years.

Lying inside the cabin, right beside him…

[Image: dAJVXaj.jpg]

…was whatever was left of the unknown creature Callum decided to mutilate. Almost a necessity at this point, these animals never quite gave him the desired euphoria slaughtering a man does. Yet he had no other choice as the cabin had become his chamber over the past 4 years. Too paranoid to make any human contact, not until that woman’s murder case had been dropped. It’s amazing how an asylum can make a man prefer to eat stray dog meat rather than go back.

However, he paid no attention to the carcass lying beside him. He stood there, in the exact same position, for what seemed like hours. His body hadn’t moved an inch, neither had he blinked…his eyes fixed on a map of Tennessee. 4 years of patience had paid off; he can commit the one atrocity which had morbid thoughts eating away at him. The entire wall was covered with newspaper and magazine cut outs he managed to steal. One way or another, they all had one man’s face on it. Yet his eyes stayed locked on a page ripped out from a guide book, a part of Tennessee. From years of being able to do nothing but plan how he would slay Mark Flynn, he analysed everything he was doing, all his promos…segments…matches…reading every newspaper article he was mentioned in…every magazine he was promoted on…Flynn had let slip where he resides. His patience had paid off, now it was finally time.

He memorised the exact location and left the cabin with nothing more than an old, worn out duffle bag.

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