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X-treme Wrestling Federation » Warfare Boards » Warfare RP Board
M.E is no Myth
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Mike Emerick Offline

XWF FanBase:
Teens, some men, few kids

(booed by casual fans; hurts people; often angry)

12-14-2015, 09:57 PM

"Well what do you know? You finally decided to say something,"

The words are coming from the self proclaimed "Apex of The XWF" Mike Emerick, who is standing outside in the snowy streets of downtown Anchorage. He seems to be in an alleyway of some sort, with two trash cans leaning against the wall behind him on his left and a Honda Element parked at the end of the alleyway, an impatient Tony Murrow waiting on the passengers side. From the way the video is filmed it seems it was taken from an I Phone.

"I know when most XWF superstars have something to say, they get the camera crew to film them," Mike Emerick begins, "But when I heard that you, Abaddon, actually showed your scarecrow cosplay face on camera and said some things about M.E I had to, in your own words, "lob a few more words at you" as soon as possible. First of all, I have to give you some credit. You actually decided to speak up, and I would assume if you had the balls to speak to the Apex, you would have the balls to actually fight the Apex. Here's the thing though, you got it all wrong. You're Sisyphus, I'm Zeus. I'm no "nobody acting like a somebody" I'm a somebody who's not afraid to say it! I do talk shit, but I can damn assure you I can back every single syllable of what I say up in that ring! I do present myself as the best wrestler in XWF to lace up a pair of boots, but that's only because it's true, and you will find that out first hand when I charge into you with 260 pounds of pure Alaskan muscle, send you flying over those three ropes like how your people cross boarders, and then my friend gravity will do the rest, sending you crashing down into at least one table and back into obscurity. I am the big SHARK in a big fucking ocean, the big dog in the dog pound, and when a little Chihuahua like you comes up barking at M.E, I'm not afraid to tear you to pieces. I tried to warn you. I told you to stay out of M.E's way! I never wanted your career to end so soon, but it seems you don't understand what I said, so I'm going to just tell you like it is. No metaphors, and sure as hell no myths. I'm going to give you ONE, just ONE CHANCE to back away from M.E, and if you don't..."

"HURRY UP MIKE!" Tony Murrow then shouts from the car, "Your promo about this creepy Mexican bastard is cutting into our training time!"

"Ok T!" Emerick shouts back, "I'll be there soon!" Emerick then turns back to the camera, "Jesus Tony... now where were we? Oh yeah! Stay away from M.E, because if you get in my way Abaddon..."

Mike Emerick then looks at the camera with a serious expression,

"Your little attempt to be relevant at M.E's expense will be cut short, deathly short, and It will be I who will take so much joy in ending your career. You DO NOT mess with M.E."

The end is nigh

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M.E is no Myth - by Mike Emerick - 12-14-2015, 09:57 PM

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