06-10-2015, 03:06 PM
The members of the WCW roster will be the 'Town people' and the nWo will be the Mafia! Opt in here so I know you're interested in playing! If you are curious or want more information... just shoot me a PM, message me on Skype, or ask it here!
Here are the rules...
The Overall Game
The idea of Mafia is that a group of players come together with a small section of that group secretly mafia. You normally have three sides;
Town: The good guys.
Mafia: The bad guys.
Third Party: Someone out to win the game by themselves.
In a general sized game over here, you'll usually have 3 mafia player and 1 third party, though this can change depending on the moderator of that game and his or her preference.
The goal of a Town player is to try and find who they believe to be mafia by using their roles at night or talking during the day to find who they believe to be suspicious. It's generally a game where people just talk to each other in the thread and usually someone believes someone to be suspicious for a reason or knows information they've found out during a night role... I'll explain that in a minute. The towns goal is to find and eliminate Mafia before Mafia eliminates them.
The goal of a Mafia: player is to pretend to be town and secretly eliminate town as the days go by. Mafia have their own private thread they can talk in and plot against town in the hopes of not being found out by them and slowly eliminating them. Mafia win the game when they out number the town side.
The goal of a Third Party: player is to pretend to be town and try and survive until the very end. This is one of the hardest roles in the game because the only way they can win is to survive and be the last person standing. They usually have a role to help them accomplish this.
The moderator of a game assigns each player a character and a role, neither of which they are allowed to reveal. Each role has a description of what you're able to do and even if you do not have one, you'll be classed Vanilla or Goon and be told that you have no special ability. These abilities can only be used at night and you can choose not to use your ability, but it's best to tell the moderator that anyway. There are two phases to a game of mafia, both of which will be explained below.
Day and Night Phases
The two phases of Mafia are Day and Night.
During the Day, everyone can speak with everyone and if they choose to lynch someone -which will be explained below, then they can do so. Only during the day can a lynch occour. Day can last any specific period of time and isn't an actual day. Day can last three days or one day, two days, however many the moderator decides.
During the Night, everyone can still speak with everyone in the thread but you cannot lynch anyone. Night is for you to send your role to the moderator of the game and tell them who you're targeting that night. If you're a tracker for example, you could IM the moderator and say: Track Dean and then when night is over, if the moderator has any information for you, they would reply and tell you the results of that track. Night can last more than one night and isn't a real time night. Night usually ends when everyone has told the moderator what they're going to do by sending their role in.
Lynching is part of the day phase. During the day, everyone talks in the thread (it's advised to be active regardless of your alignment) and if someone wants to vote, find someone suspicious or believes something someone has said, they can vote for someone. A lynch occours when a majority of the players votes to lynch a person and when they do, the moderator then writes that up and tells us what happened and what that players alignment was. Lynching is probably the most effective part of the game, especially for town, as they can use it to try and find out who Mafia is. There are plenty occasions when town will lynch their own player because they seem to be suspicious but that's the risk taken.
General Game Rules
1. You may not discuss the game outside of this thread unless your role states otherwise. *VERY Important*
2 You may NOT Role Claim! (i.e. you cannot say "I'm the Town Doctor" or "I'm Doc Brown" to try and save yourself from a lynch.)
3. The dead may not post in the thread.
4. A lynch is considered final once a hammering vote has been placed. The hammering vote is the final vote placed.
5. You may not directly quoted or screencap pictures of your role PM from me.
6. Night discussion IS allowed.
7. You may not edit your posts or use fonts/sizes that make certain words in your post invisible or hard to read. *VERY Important!*
8. You will be prodded after 24 hours of inactivity. Failure to respond will result in being replaced from the game. Very important, so please do be active even if it's just a small post
9. Players most bold their votes, and must bold their unvotes before changing a vote to another player.
10. Don't take the game too serious. And please, refrain from personal attacks as a defense. This includes calling people stupid, idiots or otherwise.
11. If you have ANY questions concerning the game, your role, or anything, please PM me.
12. Do not reference your character at all during conversations. Remember, people know of the characters but no-one knows who they are, so do not mistakenly admit to being someone.
13. Have fun.
Terms You May See
FOS: This means Finger Of Suspicion and you'll see this when someone wants to make people aware that they believe someone to be suspicious.
Vote: You'll see this followed by a name which means that someone has voted to lynch another person.
My Advice
Just play the game. It sounds complicated but once you've had a game or two, it becomes easy and addictive. It's a lot of fun, it's full of activity and if you have questions then you can ask the moderator of the game them in PM.