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Daddy's Little Girl
Author Message
Dolly Waters

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05-28-2015, 08:20 AM

An irritated, but gassed Dolly shoves a thumb directly in Doc’s good eye, rendering him blind for a moment. She kicks out and stumbles back a bit trying to fight off what might be concussion-like symptoms from her little head smashing into the brick wall.

...What ah’ jerk…

You know Doc, if I wanted to be part of some codependent relationship, where I feel better for getting’ beat on by a man who claims ta’ care fer’ me, then I’da’ just as soon embroiled myself in one of yer’ cliché ideas of ah’ southern stereotype and moved into ah’ camper with a heavy drinker named Doyle Hargraves and had me three or four kids to draw government assistance from.

At least Doyle would work construction or somethin’ and have ah’ tight body, and two eyeballs… stead of bein’ some saggy sack of bones who is somehow supernaturally gifted at bein’ ah’ real life, walkin’, talkin’ piece of crap.

It’s funny ya’ unoriginally spend as much time as any other clown round’ here takin’ jabs at what you think southern livin’ might be like cause you watched Slingblade once... Yet here you are, rumors bein’ yer’ from some swamp in Louisiana and dressed up like a walkin’ KFC billboard.

Tha’ Colonel appreciates yer’ support of deepfried cancerous foods.

Heck if I aint’ known any better, I’d say fer’ certain you done owned ah’ plantation or two in yer’ day. Actually come ta’ think of it though, you look like an overgrown, somehow less attractive version of Tattoo from Fantasy Island.

…What ah’ weird, sad little man you are…

...I know yer’ supposed to be some brilliant Doctor who knows everything, about nothing in regards to my past and what makes me tick...
But if you think this is gunna’ be some Agent Starling/Dr. Lector relationship, where tha’ hardened, man-eatin’ psychopath falls head over heels fer’ a purdy young lady who’s old enough to be his daughter- yer’ sadly mistaken also.

You know me and ma'Daddy like to play with '' jokes? Sir, I would appreciate it if you took that back seein' has how I never called you such ah' word, I was taught long ago that little ladies aren't ta' use them swear words. It's ugly... like you. But if you were feelin' insecure, I guess I could see why seein' how...

YOU Said:The bedroom drought? Well, technically there isn't one. Ask Frodo
you like looking back and watching old videos though, don't you? I'm not sure it's quite rated for someone your age...

With all due respect, I’m not too keen on tha’ idea of watchin’ pornographic videos featuring an aging old pervert and a known rapist male midget…

...but thanks fer’ tha’ offer...

…I guess…

You orta’ submit somethin’ like that to some silly show like Culture Shock, but I guess it aint’ too shockin’, I mean you known each other quite well since you brought him into yer’ mental ward… and you were already trying to have this eleven year old sit on yer’ lap within moments of us meeting one another.

But Doctor, I’m really late fer’ class now… and I’m sure you’ve got some preparing for another bare-minimum required title defense to do.

Are you done? Or have I gotta’ hear some more dry insults?

Dolly sarcastically looks to the sky muttering ‘please…please’ with her fingers crossed,

Messages In This Thread
Daddy's Little Girl - by Doctor Louis D'Ville - 05-27-2015, 08:58 AM
re:Daddy's Little Girl - by Dolly Waters - 05-27-2015, 01:27 PM
re:Daddy's Little Girl - by Doctor Louis D'Ville - 05-27-2015, 02:00 PM
re:Daddy's Little Girl - by Dolly Waters - 05-27-2015, 08:39 PM
re:Daddy's Little Girl - by Doctor Louis D'Ville - 05-27-2015, 08:59 PM
re:Daddy's Little Girl - by Dolly Waters - 05-28-2015, 08:20 AM
Daddy's Little Girl - by Dick E. - 05-30-2015, 01:33 PM

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