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Daddy's Little Girl - Printable Version

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Daddy's Little Girl - Doctor Louis D'Ville - 05-27-2015

Well I'll be! If it isn't Little Miss Waters! Come have a seat on the Doctor's lap, won't you?

Congratulations on your Federweight Title victory, my dear! My-oh-my, aren't you filling your daddy's pants well already?! Just like old times, am I right? I'm sorry to hear about his little mishap as well... It's a damn shame that a little girl such as yourself has to be exposed to such horrors at such a young age, especially coming from one of your parents. The drugs, the alcohol.... It was surely leading him down one of the darkest roads, my dear. Unfortunately, the Doctor was unable to reach Muddy before he went off the deep end. Perhaps, a little rehabilitation and treatment from the Doctor could have prevented this from ever happening. Maybe when Muddy comes back to XWF action, we could have a go at it once more.

Which is what brings me here today, I'd hate to see such a beautiful, young maggot like yourself grow up into the garbage swarming fly like your father. You do NOT have to follow the same path as your daddy. You seem like a smart girl, besides your Water's trailer park drawl, so I'm sure your capable of, at the very least, competing middle school.

Trust me, this is no place for a little girl. The absurd, ridiculous actions that take place in this fine organization are nothing for a small child, like yourself, to bare. Now, I'm sure you've seen enough in your time in the trailer park when the cops would make their nightly domestic dispute visit. But ol' Muddy getting drunk and a little too 'touchy' or nearly overdosing on his own prescription meds is nothing compared to what you'll encounter here, my dear. Especially buzzing around certain titles like you're doing. Mister Tommy Wish isn't even a tip of the iceberg when it comes to the competition around here. It was hard for me to even give you the congratulations that I did.... Tommy Wish or not, for a child, I suppose you've done well. However, the second that someone worth a damn comes along... You're going to be in some trouble, deary. Allow the Doctor to take this burden from you before something terrible happens and the result being a drug-induced rehabilitation, followed by rehabilitation because of the drug-induced rehabilitation.

Instead of getting a little too far ahead of yourself... Or swallowing too much you can handle, which I'm sure your used to after your upbringing.... Allow the Doctor to show you an easier path, my dear. Don't look at this as a challenge. Don't look at this as the Universal Champion looking down and spitting in your face. Look at this as the Doctor extending his hand and helping you out of that garbage can-home you've become so accustomed to. It's time to rise about from all of those white-trash stereotypes and start acting like that nice little girl.

re:Daddy's Little Girl - Dolly Waters - 05-27-2015

Dolly stands there starring D'Ville down, her hair blowing heroically in the wind, Federweight Championship around her skinny waist. Her face suddenly blushes as the title slips from her waist and falls down to her feet, quickly she picks it back up and puts her hands on her hips to hold it place… it also makes er look kinda' badass as her brow furrows now at the King of The XWF.

Yer' that scurry old man who was leavin' me creepy messages in my XWF.com inbox aint ya'?

Well I'm Dolly Waters, tha' daughter of tha' Pride of Pike County Kentucky… and yes, as you so plainly pointed out, I'm yer' eleven year old XWF Federweight Champion. If yer' thinkin' that I'm tha' least bit worried bout' yer' typical jober trash who'll come after this here belt, then yer' just as neurotic as advertised…

At's right, don't let me play so coy, I know exactly who you are… I only grew up watchin' XWF with Ma'Daddy every Monday and Wednesday for as long as I can remember, and you? Yer' still relatively new aint'cha'? Mr. Big Bad Wolf, Doctor Loopy needs Pills… oops, I meant Louis D'Ville.

But yer' as good as advertised too, I seen Bad Medicine, heck, I was backstage… I thought that Vinnie Lane, who I just love by tha' way, was gunna' pull it out. But yer' tha' King of Tha' XWF for ah reason huh?

So I just gotta' ask, what reason have ya' got makin' passes at ah' little ol' me fer'? I guess I'm supposed ta' believe that yer' wantin' ta' help me? Because I'm from an economically and educationally oppressed area? I'm supposed ta' believe that ah' man as psychotically brilliant as ya' are has bought into standard southerner stereotypes? And that ya' think Ma'Daddy abused me?

Sure, maybe he spent ah' year over ah' in prison when I was six, and sure maybe he's not always been able to keep his priorities straight, or his nose clean, or bread on tha' table: but Ma'Daddy always loved me and put me before himself… when we was hungry, and all at' was left in tha' cupboard was ah' single can of spam, I was eatin', not him.

So while I appreciate yer' concern Doctor Phil, I can take care of myself just fine thank you… but, if yer' really wantin' ta' help, then maybe I have ah' job fer' ya'. How bouts' ya' be my manager? I'll only charge ya' ah' thousand bucks ah' week. You can make sure I'm getting' booked in good matches, and speak on my behalf and such.

But unless yer' comin' with some paper, you can beat it old man! I aint scurred of you!

Dolly kicks D'Ville hard in the shin, covers her mouth on her blushing face and giggles. She does a ballerina plie bow, lifting her flower dress up a bit above her knees, smiles, then walks away.

...Maybe this little girl isn't so innocent after all...

re:Daddy's Little Girl - Doctor Louis D'Ville - 05-27-2015

Well ain't you the dearest little thing. See? That wasn't so difficult was it, my dear. You made it look so easy to give into what the ol' Doc has to offer. I believe you have it a little backwards though. You see, my services come with a price... Not the other way around. And it's not the paper that the Doctor is interested in either. If you truly are interested in what the Doc has offered to many, many patients in the past, just bring a pen and sign on the dotted line , my dear. I must give you credit though... Even through your lack of education you seem like quite the little negotiator! Perhaps you can teach your daddy a few things about numbers when he gets out of rehab... And maybe start up some sort of savings or retirement fund that he's going to need sooner than later.

You are indeed just like ol' Muddy... Stupid in the head, quick draw from the mouth, and dirtier than a drunk sailor. Your innocence mixed with all of the makes you as scrumptious as a wounded fawn. Since you think the Doctor likes playing these little games as such... Allow me to partake.

The Doctor reaches back and backhands the little girl across the face.

Here's a little taste from home for you, deary...

The Doctor then holds his shiny boot across the little girls throat and presses down.

I know back home this could be considered flirting, my dear... Please don't get me wrong. I do like you. But not like your daddy. Or uncle. Or brother. Or cousin. The pain I'm inflicting on you now is supposed to hurt and nothing more. Now, while your down there fighting for every breathe and the asphyxiation causes you to jump straight into your very first period... Consider what you've offered me... And consider who you're asking. This big bad wolf means well, Miss, as scurry and as mean as I may look. One thing you need to realize is I did not enter this fine organization with titles such of those. I earned them by squashing little bugs like you.

The referee counts...



re:Daddy's Little Girl - Dolly Waters - 05-27-2015

Dolly reaches up and pinches Doc on his inner thigh so hard with her sharp nails, it forces him to remove his boot from her throat, allowing her to kick out.

Turned away from Doc, a smile grows on Dolly's face as she wipes away at a bit of blood from her bottom lip. Dolly turns now to face D'Ville, her bottom lip puckered out and quivering a bit, her eyes adorably enlarged and welling up with tears.

The Doctor's face contorts in a confused manner, where had the spunky little piece of white trash gone? Dock tilts his head at Dolly who edges near him looking like she'd just lost her best friend…

Her face suddenly sowers with a snarl and…


...Dolly kicks D'Ville straight in the nuts...


Dolly looks pissed as she catches her breath


Well it's nice ta' finally find out that this here Federweight is more important than most tha' jokers round' this place claim it is, seein' as how tha' Universal Champion is even comin' after it

Guessin' at' was yer' real intentions of comin' after me wasn't it Doctor? You saw little ol' Dolly Waters sittin' here, lookin' like slim pickins and thought you'd beat up on an underage girl in between yer' typical month to two month drought of actual in ring action.

Guess you also got thirsty lookin' at me like I's ah' tall glass of milk of magnesium, thinkin' you could feel up on an underage girl in between yer' typical decade to two decade long drought of actual bedroom action.

You keep on rambling on about somethin yer' tryin' ta' offer me, but all yer' doin' is speakin' in randomly vague, pomp filled parables… as if tha' world aint heard you doin' at' fer' f'n ever already.

Great! Doctor Seroquel D'Ville, giving us all sleepin' meds again by speakin'… I would honestly rather be in a History of Dance Class taught by Ben Stein right now, than listen to your drivel another moment.

Why are ya' really coming after me anyway? I bet I know why, seein' as how half of yer' trash talk seemed more directed at Ma'Daddy, ya' must be mad still that he beat tha' crap outta' yer' little human sock puppet, Dead Nick tha' Private Dick…

Maybe it's cause ya' see me wearin' this here outfit, like ah' proper girl should, and it reminds ya' of yer' inner most feelings. Does tha' sheer sight of me leave you lustfully longing for dreams of yer' youth, and make ya' wish you'd of came out and started dressin' like this while you still could have tricked people with yer' youthful features?

Dolly snaps her left thumb and middle finger

I've got it! It's so dang ol' obvious, like O-M-G! You aint never had no sperm count, and therefor was never able ta' knock up any of them dive motel hookers you tried breedin' with! So now you want to kidnap me and raise me as yer' own…

But hey Doc, yer' forgetting, you've got yer scum bags, Frodo, Mastermind and LH Harrison ta' tend too. Though illegitimate, like their careers you still haven't fixed, they'll always be yer' children!

Now as much as I've enjoyed sitting round' here carryin' on witcha', tha' way you keep lookin' at me outta' yer' one good eye and smiling is makin' me feel uncomfotable… and I'm late fer' class.

Dolly looks over and notices a police officer paying attention to her situation,

...Now beat it loser…

...Before I scream rape ya' old pervert...

re:Daddy's Little Girl - Doctor Louis D'Ville - 05-27-2015

The Doctor reaches out and grabs the little girl around the throat. As he pins her against the wall and slams her scull into the ground, the police officer mentioned becomes hysterical at what he's just witnessed. He draws his firearm and points it at the Doctor when suddenly a pack of wolves attack the police officer and rip him to pieces! The Doctor squeezes the little girl's neck as he pins her to the ground!

My dear, let's start over. We seem to have a huge misunderstanding of each other here.

First of all, for an eleven year old baby brought up eating garbage, you have quite the vocabulary. You must be paying attention in your classes, young lady, because you are far more easier to understand than your daddy. I have a confession to make, I took a liking to your father's work, my dear. I watched his little promos over and over again, because I had to. You on the other hand speak like an angel with a huge rolled up sock in her mouth, but an angel at the least. Perhaps you're not a stupid as your genes made you first appear, but you can't be that smart either.

If you haven't realized at this point, Miss Dolly, you're kind of in the lion's den here. Or the 'big bad' wolf's den, as you liked to call me. You didn't have to tell me you were a Loverboy fan, he was the one that coined that nickname.

And shame on you for even thinking that there is no prestige that comes with that title around your waist! Damn child. You get paid for every title defense little girl, while your beloved King merely gets paid for his appearances at shows. This title of yours, is it my goal? Is it why I've targeted you? I think not. If I wanted the title why wouldn't I have grabbed it off of your daddy or Tommy Wish, for that matter.

Why you?

Well, as much as we've connected these few short sessions, my dear, I think it answers itself. You and I have amazing chemistry. I could teach you many things about how to get along here in the XWF. First and for most, get your facts straight, hm? I know you and your daddy like to play with the '' jokes and all, but the Doctor has, most definitely, been around a long, long time. To joke about his love life is absurd. And as for any types of droughts? Well, the in ring drought comes from earning the most prestigious title in this fine federation and being required to defend it once a month. The bedroom drought? Well, technically there isn't one. Ask Frodo about the time he tried taking my X-Treme Title. Hm. Too bad he isn't around right now to ask. But you like looking back and watching old videos though, don't you? I'm not sure it's quite rated for someone your age, my dear, but judging how you've carried yourself thus far... I'm guessing you can handle it.

The referee counts....

re:Daddy's Little Girl - Dolly Waters - 05-28-2015

An irritated, but gassed Dolly shoves a thumb directly in Doc’s good eye, rendering him blind for a moment. She kicks out and stumbles back a bit trying to fight off what might be concussion-like symptoms from her little head smashing into the brick wall.

...What ah’ jerk…

You know Doc, if I wanted to be part of some codependent relationship, where I feel better for getting’ beat on by a man who claims ta’ care fer’ me, then I’da’ just as soon embroiled myself in one of yer’ cliché ideas of ah’ southern stereotype and moved into ah’ camper with a heavy drinker named Doyle Hargraves and had me three or four kids to draw government assistance from.

At least Doyle would work construction or somethin’ and have ah’ tight body, and two eyeballs… stead of bein’ some saggy sack of bones who is somehow supernaturally gifted at bein’ ah’ real life, walkin’, talkin’ piece of crap.

It’s funny ya’ unoriginally spend as much time as any other clown round’ here takin’ jabs at what you think southern livin’ might be like cause you watched Slingblade once... Yet here you are, rumors bein’ yer’ from some swamp in Louisiana and dressed up like a walkin’ KFC billboard.

Tha’ Colonel appreciates yer’ support of deepfried cancerous foods.

Heck if I aint’ known any better, I’d say fer’ certain you done owned ah’ plantation or two in yer’ day. Actually come ta’ think of it though, you look like an overgrown, somehow less attractive version of Tattoo from Fantasy Island.

…What ah’ weird, sad little man you are…

...I know yer’ supposed to be some brilliant Doctor who knows everything, about nothing in regards to my past and what makes me tick...
But if you think this is gunna’ be some Agent Starling/Dr. Lector relationship, where tha’ hardened, man-eatin’ psychopath falls head over heels fer’ a purdy young lady who’s old enough to be his daughter- yer’ sadly mistaken also.

You know me and ma'Daddy like to play with '' jokes? Sir, I would appreciate it if you took that back seein' has how I never called you such ah' word, I was taught long ago that little ladies aren't ta' use them swear words. It's ugly... like you. But if you were feelin' insecure, I guess I could see why seein' how...

YOU Said:The bedroom drought? Well, technically there isn't one. Ask Frodo
you like looking back and watching old videos though, don't you? I'm not sure it's quite rated for someone your age...

With all due respect, I’m not too keen on tha’ idea of watchin’ pornographic videos featuring an aging old pervert and a known rapist male midget…

...but thanks fer’ tha’ offer...

…I guess…

You orta’ submit somethin’ like that to some silly show like Culture Shock, but I guess it aint’ too shockin’, I mean you known each other quite well since you brought him into yer’ mental ward… and you were already trying to have this eleven year old sit on yer’ lap within moments of us meeting one another.

But Doctor, I’m really late fer’ class now… and I’m sure you’ve got some preparing for another bare-minimum required title defense to do.

Are you done? Or have I gotta’ hear some more dry insults?

Dolly sarcastically looks to the sky muttering ‘please…please’ with her fingers crossed,

Daddy's Little Girl - Dick E. - 05-30-2015

Winner and STILL Federweight champion: Dolly Waters!