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What's the plural word for vagina?
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The Blue Tango Offline

XWF FanBase:
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(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

03-01-2015, 03:57 AM

"Frodo's number? That explains a few strange voicemails I've got back after trying to reach you a few times... But, whatevs. If you don't wanna be homies then fine. It's cool, bruh."

"It's also cool that you're pretty much a pathological liar too. Either that or you're just a complete dick. I don't know what I ever did to you, bruh, but pretending to befriend me and shit, that's low. Why would I take advice from a dude who lies to me about his phone number, lies to me about where he lives, and basically calls me the ugliest muh fucker to ever step into the XWF. I don't even know who that Darren Dangerous dude is, but take it easy man. I can't get a tan, I have a small allergy to the sun. That's why I was wearing that scarf and wide cowboy hat the last time you seen me. That sun just breaks me out and may entire body looks like what 'Lane Mountain' looks like after one round of wack-a-mole with your porn-hunny."

"And what makes you think I'm forty or fifty? I'm twenty-nine dude. The receding hair line is a common feature in the Calypso-family, so lay off, bruh. Nah, I'm joshin' ya again, ha ha, I'm totally forty. Still in my prime though! At least I admit my faults and my age to the public and still dance the night away no matter what. Unlike you, pal. While you were lying there on the ground I could see behind your hair line, under that gay little blonde wig you're wearing now. Why not just go bald dude? Clean up that mess up there and get with the times. Bald is beautiful bro. Along with it maybe you could get out of the the 80's school girl rock pop bullshit and play some real fucking music. ."

"Was my hand down your pants? I'm sorry, Calypso thought he was pulling on his own wagon there... Mistaken identity, I suppose. No wonder nothing was going on while looking at the pic of your hunny."

[[[ Calypso hits Vinnie with "The Clap" and pins him!! ]]]
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Messages In This Thread
re:What's the plural word for vagina? - by The Blue Tango - 03-01-2015, 03:57 AM
What's the plural word for vagina? - by Dick E. - 03-03-2015, 06:54 AM

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