(09-20-2014, 12:18 AM)LoverboyVinnieLane Said: Yeah man, you have fun with Maverick in the dark matches.
I'll be over here main eventing, screwing porn stars, winning titles and being a mother fucking rock star.
Catch up. How's your bag smell, rook?
Id expect nothing less ...you think a dark match bothers me ..it doesn't why because it's temporary
And when your as good as I am all it is is a place for me to showcase my greatness. but yea you keep
Partying it up mr rock star ...I mean we both were how your career ends up any way you have rehab written
All over you ..you'll be one of those guys all strung out looking like a living corpse ...or maybe you'll be
One of those guys on death watch ?? ...yea a depressed miserable waste of human life one overdose way
From becoming the next dead wrestler . Naa your to prideful for that right ? You'll mostly likely prostitute your name
And shoot interviews damn near anything for money lol perhaps a alittle ddp yoga ? ...you got a hell of a future in front
Of you there bro ....however guys like me go on to become future world champions mainevent stars and living legends
I have mega star written all over me ...so enjoy it party it up mr rockstar while I accomplish great things you'll. become
The next Scotthall except the difference will be nobody will give a fuck about you ...hahaa the countdown begins now...