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X-Bux: ✘0
06-27-2014, 06:53 AM
Free-Win... sighs.
"Turn off the camera."
The cameraman hits a switch on the side, the referee's and hits the ground once.
"You're a beautiful young woman, Maria Brink's AIDS. You don't need to look to other people to approve your looks."
The official's hand rises...
"You need to take some time to look into your own heart. And find a way to approve of yourself."
The official's hand drops again...
"Until you can do that, you're not ready for the stage."
Flynn sits up, pulling a card out of his tights.
"Keep this. Let me know when you're ready to give this acting thing a shot."
Free-WIn ruffles Maria's hair.
"You've got moxie, kid. Just need to work on your craft."
Free-Win walks away. Before his mind begs him to stay.