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06-25-2014, 09:10 PM
Flynn pops Khalifa upside the skull.
Khalifa wakes up....
In front of a large map of North America covered in red exes... All over the continental United States.
"XWF superstars are some of the most-oft troubled and forgotten superstars in the XWF. The average length of a career in the XWF is three months before the superstar in question is jobbed for a month and then fired. These superstars instead of being given a sufficient retirement package or 401k, are occasionally executed and almost always quickly forgotten."
"For just pennies a day, you can support an XWF superstar through this troubled times. Feeding him opponents he can handle, providing him with the strength to go on through a difficult road that will inevitably end with him addicted to morphine and dead on the side of the road. Please look in your heart and call this number today."
Khalif tries to open his mouth...
"Ozymandias doesn't care about black people."
Flynn and Khalif both double take at each other. The voice was shrill, as if the speaker was trying to mask their identity.
"Khalif! How dare you say such unbased things!"
Flynn turns back to the camera.
"It's true though."
"XWFCares. Feed them more."
NOTE: XWFCares is in no way guaranteeing donated funds will reach XWF superstars-in-need. In fact, 99% of the time funds will end up in Shane 's Swiss Bank Account and be quickly shuffled into a state that renders these donations impossible to trace. XWFCares is a front for Shane to purchase a line of luxury yachts and Party City masks. Purchase Necessary. Many will enter, none will win.
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Frodo mother fucking Smackins (06-25-2014)