Okay, a few things. Firstly, I just donated another fifty. I'm not saying this to brag, I'm saying this to hopefully, simply motivate others, and I DO NOT MEAN that damn much, just pitch in whatever you can. Secondly, as Swag said, the ban-related feature would ONLY apply to 'minor infractions', so it wouldn't reach the level you mention. Just the little things....clearly, the hassle I caused last year wouldn't be negotiable. DEFINITELY got the medicine I needed >.<
And another point, I love the restricted access idea. Both the restriction as it pertains to a slimmed down board, as well as Arch's regarding the signature. I'm sure a few people wish I had such a restriction >< ...But yeah, it'd certainly cut back on costs, and award those that did support the current site. Though, I can also see how that might upset a few people, so the alternative of other rewards would also be a feesible idea.
BTW, quick, open-question. IS my current sig better than the previous one? I totally understood about that one, I myself knew it'd probably cause a problem, which is why I quickly changed it. But this one....I'll be honest. It brings that certain positivity that I need, because that movie really inspired & motivated me, and I'm hoping it's not TOO lengthy. If it is, lemme know, I'll alter it and switch stuff out. But, as it stands, I think I could definitely run with it for a bit. It keeps me from letting the negative in...
Anywayz, I fuh-reaking ADORE the 'Special Shove-it' idea as well as the gambling idea. Swaggie, you're a genius, bro ^^ I'm thinkin'....how about a lottery? Or something along those lines, some kind of game that could generate revenue. Betting on wrestling pay-per-views w/actual money instead of title shots. Or, perhaps we could have an OOC 'tournament' consisting of polls, such as 'Best Old School Wrestler', 'Tag Teams Through History', something along those lines....maybe even a Mafia-style game?
I ALSO love, love, love the name change idea. I personally would LUUV to have my own uniquely styled name. And...it would not look as most of you may imagine. It wouldn't be all sparkly and bedazzled and glowing hot pink. Remember...raYne is gone [for the most part, though tbh, my OOC self leans MUCH more heavily toward that side than the Reeve side. Which I'm sure can be annoying to many

Now.....my final point, which is actually a question, which is actually kinda depressing, and honestly the main reason I posted this....uhm. Is Kimmy-Ann banned? PLEASE tell me she's not.

I was SO glad to realize Kimmy-K was actually Ann, and then, just now....I saw her name crossed out....But THEN, I saw the little activity, glowy notification thingy, and it was lit green, and I was wondering if maybe she's actually on, and maybe she did something to strike out her name....I don't know. PLEASE let her still be here, or at least lemme know what happened. I missed her. Ever so much...."The Real Rayne". I don't want her to be gone again already!! >_<
~Other raYne