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Ideas/plans to keep xwf moving forward instead of back to basics
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06-06-2014, 02:24 PM

raYne, that idea is a bit unfair. Cause you have guys like me, who has no job, and only what savings I got before I left my job, vs someone like Duke who has a job and can donate all his excess money if he wants. In the middle you have guys like Theo, and Feder who have jobs and families who can donate only so much of their income. So, Duke could theoretically donate and purchase as many title shots as he wants. Where as I, who has donated a much smaller amount only once, can only afford to maybe get one title shot that way. Where's the fun for me in there? It's like kicking me for being poor. Though a decent idea in theory, when we examine it closely it hinders some people.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Ideas/plans to keep xwf moving forward instead of back to basics - by SwagMire - 06-06-2014, 02:24 PM

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