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X-treme Wrestling Federation » XWF OOC » Out Of Character (OOC) Board
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Just curious;
Author Message
John Msdison 2.Faggot

XWF FanBase:
(.Awaiting user update)

03-20-2013, 11:47 AM

I'm not sure why people are shy when it comes to posting outside of character. The mods are pretty laid back, just look at all the crap Cyren posts every day.

It could have something to do with the fed being split over three separate shows, or that all of the posts are spread over many different categories of subforums.

A chat box would be cool. I don't know how Shane feels about that. But there is a group of us who are active on Skype. We usually have at least one group chat going at all times where we just rant on random b.s. My skype handle is zach.mad Just send me a message and I'll invite you into the group so you can join in and take down everyone's screen names. There used to be a Skype user name thread around here, but I think it had to be taken down because of privacy issues.
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Messages In This Thread
Just curious; - by CM Punk - 03-20-2013, 11:24 AM
Just curious; - by John Msdison 2.Faggot - 03-20-2013, 11:47 AM
RE: Just curious; - by C Y R E N - 03-20-2013, 12:15 PM
Just curious; - by CM Punk - 03-20-2013, 11:53 AM
Just curious; - by Sweet Cheapshots - 03-20-2013, 12:03 PM
Just curious; - by Paul Heyman - 03-20-2013, 05:20 PM
Just curious; - by RonnieWilkins - 03-20-2013, 06:57 PM
RE: Just curious; - by CM Punk - 03-21-2013, 10:19 AM
RE: Just curious; - by jpcorino - 03-21-2013, 10:58 AM
Just curious; - by Carver's Sheath - 03-20-2013, 07:27 PM
RE: Just curious; - by John Samuels - 03-20-2013, 07:48 PM
RE: Just curious; - by RonnieWilkins - 03-20-2013, 08:04 PM
Just curious; - by jpcorino - 03-20-2013, 08:17 PM
Just curious; - by John Msdison 2.Faggot - 03-21-2013, 09:26 AM

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