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X-treme Wrestling Federation »  RP Archive » Archives » XWF House Show Battles
John Madison -vs- Peter Gilmour
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Peter Fn Gilmour Offline
the man with the SUPER DICK

XWF FanBase:
Hardcore, psycho fans

(cheered for breaking rules and bones; excessively violent; creative with weapons)

12-12-2013, 05:05 PM

John, thanks for the pleasantries but you can shove them up your ass! Sure, I am a GOD in the tag team division and nothing when it comes to winning major titles other than the Xtreme. Yet, I am still here and I am still fighting. You can go on with your little fantasy that I can't become King of the XWF. That I can't beat guys like Nova, Duke or even Theo on my own. You may be right, but then again you may be eating those words. See John, I may not be the best wrestler here, but i got something that none of you motherfuckers have.. HEART! I've been here for almost 4 years now and I've been through the Jon Brown era. I've been through the lame as fuck James Raven era. I went through the highs and lows of the Shane era and IM STILL HERE!! I am never leaving the XWF! I have yet to cement my legacy here and now that I got a US or Tag Title shot in the bag and in 3 weeks hopefully I get a nice 24/7 briefcase that I can cash in when I see fit.

But John, you still think I can't get the job done on my own? Uh, I think you need to look at the results a bit more you dipshit. I beat Mr. Radio.. by myself. I beat that guy who used to run Madness.. BY MYSELF! I pinned 3 men to retain the Trios Titles.. BY MYSELF! I beat Steve Davids, PAYBACK, Andrew Morrison, Wyatt Reynolds and Hunter Payne.. BY MYSELF.. Hell, I even beat that Bryce guy BY MYSELF! So to say I can't win with "help" makes you sound like a hypocrite. Sure I got help when I was in the tag division but let's be real, I never needed their help. But you're going to need some help come Sunday because me and Feder are going to end your career.
Sid has his own objectives. Mine is to break you in half and shut you up for good and also to show your stupid ass that I CAN win the big one. Your words don't mean jack shit to me now John. All that matters to me is beating you until you can't move and then I will pin you and you will feel the embarrassment that Duke felt when I beat him.

So keep talking nonsense John.. Your end is near. See you soon BITCH!

[Image: yPandTo.png]


3X Star of the Month
Former 3x Hart Champion
Former 13X Xtreme Champion
Former 6X Tag Champion
Former 2X Trios Champion
Former 2x Heavy Metal Weight Champion
Former Universal Champion

Messages In This Thread
John Madison -vs- Peter Gilmour -vs- Sid Feder - by Peter Fn Gilmour - 12-12-2013, 05:05 PM

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