Quote:surely you are capable of giving Shane
a nice enough hickey that he'll save your ass by pulling me out of your match.
I didn't have to ask Shane for that, Sid. Don't you remember; you forfeited the match within two hours of it being booked! In fact, I was well prepared for the triple threat or handicap match of a lifetime, whichever way you and your boy Pete decided to swing it. It made no difference to me seeing as how the end result is the same in both scenarios; John Madison standing on top while the X-Treme and European Champions look like a mound of ass. I applaud you for trying to spin things around though! Unfortunately, the tapes don't lie. And the tape showed Sid Feder shitting his pants and begging to be put into an "easy" match. I find it hilarious that you think it took any effort on my part for you to forfeit a match.
Take the match or leave it, champ. You don't need me or Shane to hold your hand; just give up like you said you would.
Quote:Tell Shane I appreciate him placing those extra physical guidelines in matches for the "special roster" members like yourself to follow.
That's just it though, Sid. They are
recommendations, that no pro wrestler who is motivated and fearless is going to follow. Just like how setting limits on a promo (which you brought up) is a
recommendation, and is not something that a motivated pro wrestler would follow. Did you know that it's also recommended that we not interfere in each other's matches? But guess what? I do that shit anyway because fuck it, I go above and beyond while the rest of you do everything you can to abide by limitations.
Quote:You spent eight months winning matches for the crown without actually being the individual responsible for the wins
This seemed like the perfect quote to end off of seeing as how I need to transition into whatever the fuck Peter Gilmour was spewing out earlier. Reason being, is that this statement from Sid just reeks of Gilmour and his mediocre filth.
I'll have you know that it was my hand that held my opponents to the mat while a referee hit the mat. It was also my hand that was raised and my name that was announced as the WINNER of said matches. This is like when people try to discredit your 24/7 briefcase cash-ins, which is something I've never done. In fact, I've always encouraged that type of chaos even if it meant I was the target. (It's a shame you were too scared to take the opportunity, oh well.) Ah, but it's no fun when you're on the receiving end of chaos, is it Sid? Therefore, you must try to discredit my victories. Horrible attempt, Sid. Try again, you can do it, buddy!
Oh great, now Gilmour...
Quote:oh Johnny, trying to think that I'm gay cuz I say "SUCK MY DICK" I say it because all of your insults are garbage and you're nothing to me so back off before I end your life!
Oh, Peter. I didn't say you were gay; just that you spent an unhealthy amount of time talking about
and cocks. But if it makes you happy then fine I'll say it: Peter Gilmour is a homosexual. Are you happy now, Peter?
Quote:you hardly defended it except against me and LJ HAVOK
and Griffin MacAlister. And Tony Santos. And Sebastian Duke. And Luca Arzegotti. All of whom you are incapable of beating, but I gave you a crack at the title anyway because I'm such a nice
guy bitch.
Quote:I did say I respected Theo but right now he can suck my dick too.
Why, Peter? Nothing has changed about Theo's attitude from before he won the crown, to when he won it, to after he won it. He's the same ol' fuckin' Theo which is why you looked like a dipshit when you said "finally a king that I can respect!" Theo was in The Black Circle all along, you fool. Fuck, Peter. Just do yourself a favor and stop talking. No wait, go ahead-- say something else. I can never get tired of flushing your head down the toilet.