"Loverboy" Vinnie Lane
The Guy

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11-11-2013, 03:05 PM
(11-11-2013, 02:44 PM)Jenny Alvin Said: Well, to go back and throw my opinion into the pot (no pun intended... but I'll leave it in)... My main issue with marijuana legalization is that I've seen weed somewhat destroy the lives of my cousin and best friend. It's sad to see shit like that happen, y'know?
And it really bothers me when people say it's not addictive. It is. And when people say it does no harm. Everything else aside, it's still smoke inhalation! But, it also does brain damage and other stuff. It's damaged my mother's brain, in fact.
And finally, I think I'll give something for the other side of the debate, here. Wanna know why marijuana was really illegalized? MnM... Money, nylon and 'Murica. Hemp was used as rope. But, the 'Muricans wanted to make money off their new nylon rope. And how could they do this? By promoting marijuana as a harmful substance, therefore illegalizing the growth of it.... "even" for rope... Then, they could go on and make their profit as they saw fit. Evil bastards.
Yeah the "rope" story is just a small tip of the iceberg and really it goes so far beyond that it's disgusting. Pot is something natural that no company can claim the rights to, and that alone makes it a destructive poison in the mind of any rich assholes who have ANY say in the workings of our world. Remember, it's not just the drug companies... when you look beyond them and consider that hemp can be used to make ENERGY/fuel, it starts to become clear just how many different entities are threatened by its many uses being uncovered worldwide... uses that we aren't supposed to even KNOW about (and uses most of us still don't know about, because you'd have to go looking for it or have somebody you know present it to you... the media sure won't)
So yes, pot is intentionally held in its current "status" in our world because keeping it a "dangerous and questionable" substance is profitable to far more people than most of us could ever imagine. The drug companies alone are a big enough hurdle and would be able to stop it, but they aren't even the only ones... let's not even talk about the billions in fuel/energy costs that would be saved if our piece of shit world would actually use resources properly. What we see as the norm when it comes to fuel and energy should actually be a thing of the past... we as humans have discovered SO much that doesn't get put to use it's just disgusting, and the main reason those methods are suppressed is fucking money.
As far as it being addicting; no it's not physically addicting BUT yes, it can be addictive in the same mental sense that a video game can be addicting to an avid game player. If your mind is prone to mental addiction and you LOVE smoking pot, then yes that desire is going to affect the person's actions... just like "really" being obsessed with a certain video game might cause the person to ignore other life duties... not eat... get sick... etc... It doesn't mean the video game is physically addicting though.
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