SEPTEMBER - 21 - 2024


XWF Xtreme Championship
Misty Waters ©
- vs -
Last Woman Standing
- vs -
Big Preesh
Standard Singles
Johnny Bacchus
- vs -
Kieran King
Standard Singles
#1 Contender For The Tag Team Titles
"The Storm"
Latoya Hixx and Razon Blade
- vs -
Aurora and Lucy Wylde
Standard Tag Team Match
1rp/4k (per team)

XWF Anarchy Championship
Madison Dyson ©
- vs -
Michael Graves
-DMZ I Surrender Match - The Ring is surrounded by Barbed Wire and Snipers. The match ends when one combatant verbally surrenders.
The immensely powerful and colorful pyro display welcomes us live to Seoul Olympic Stadium.
JC: We are LIVE and SOLD OUT from the Olympic Stadium in Seoul, South Korea! And this! Is! RELENTLESS! Hello everybody and welcome once again to the biggest, most important show of the year. My name is Jacuinde Castillo and alongside me as always, Brody Goodman.
BG: The travel is just insane, but we’re here, we’re ready and we’re lookin’ to see if tonight can measure up to the incredible action we saw last night on Night One in Houston!
JC: Houston was no doubt electric for the XWF and tonight, I think we have much of that same energy!
BG: Yeah, I mean you might be right. These fans have been here screaming for hours already and we’re just now hitting the airwaves!
The bell rings as we’re set for action.
RA: Ladies and gentlemen the opening contest for night two of Relentless is a Last Woman Standing match for the XWF Xtreme Championship!
RA: Introducing the challenger! From Chicago, Illinois… the WHITE WIDOWWW… SAAAAAHARRRRAAAA!
It seems strange that my life should end
in such a terrible place…
As the lights dim, fog slowly rolls over the stage as if emanating from a dark beyond. The random sounds of a radio tuning through various stations floats over the arena as bright white lights suddenly shine up from beneath the stage, bathing the entryway in an angelic glow.
As the hard-hitting beat of In This Moment’s ‘Adrenalize Me’ begins pumping through the arena, The White Widow, Sahara Duke emerges through the ghostly fog...
As Sahara moves toward the center of the rampway, her rows of platinum braids shine from within the shadows. Clad in black and white attire, her one of her boots is emblazoned with the word White, and the other Widow. Her jaw is clenched tight, and her face etched with a permanent scowl of condescension. She slowly turns her gaze toward the fans before locking eyes on the squared circle...
As the music continues to tell her tangled tale, she slowly begins making her way to the ring.
JC: Sahara no doubt pumped and ready for this match!
BG: Goin’ through divorce with her ire pointed in the direction of Misty Waters, this no doubt is somethin’ she’s been lookin’ forward to!
RA: Her opponent!
RA: From Frankfort, Kentucky! She is the REIGNING! DEFENDING! XWF Xtreme Champion! MMMMISTYYY WWWWWATERRRRRS!
Pomp and Circumstance fills the stadium from the loud speakers. Under the XTron, Misty Waters wastes little time making her way to the entrance ramp. She's wearing a luxurious blue fur robe, lined with red and white tassels. She has a read bandana tied around her skull, keeping her red wig in place, and a pair of single-lensed sunglasses covering her eyes. Misty hops onto the apron, stands, and points a single finger in the air, looking back at the crowd. She steps through the ropes, both hands in the air motioning for noise as she does a slow spin in the center of the ring, then climbs the turnbuckle and points with both hands up to the ceiling.
JC: Last night in Houston, Misty Waters successfully defeated Prince Adeyemi en route to defending her championship!
BG: And tonight she sees another big test in the form of Sahara as Misty Waters creeps ever closer to obtaining a 24/7 briefcase!
JC: There’s no question now that the goals Misty set for herself, to accomplish what Dolly Waters never could, is now within sight!

XWF Xtreme Championship
Misty Waters ©
- vs -
Last Woman Standing
The bell rings and Sahara leaps off the turnbuckle to the mat surface. Misty goes for a bit of a taunt that encourages the South Koreans to boo her incessantly. Not that it would take much. Nevertheless, Sahara takes that as her cue to nail the champion from behind. Misty falls to the mat after the clubbing blow and Sahara is
relentless in her pursuit as she begins pummeling Waters with kicks and stomps that sees Misty escape beneath the ring as she reels away. Waters rolls to the floor and calls for a timeout.
This excites more boos from the crowd as Misty gives them a nice southern whatfor before she turns her attention to bitching at the XWF official. Amid the distraction, Sahara vaults herself across the ring and through the ropes with a suicide dive that takes down Misty Waters. On the floor, Sahara adopts a ground and pound mentality as she straddles Waters and repeatedly punches the champion in the face with a closed fist. The official joins them on the floor and begs Sahara off, but being Last Woman Standing she’s not obliged to listen and he’s powerless to stop her.
JC: The challenger with the edge here in the early going!
BG: I’m not certain she expected the attack from Sahara when her back was turned and that might’ve caught her off guard!
After pummeling the champion, Sahara gets back to her feet and throws her arms up, encouraging a pop from the capacity crowd. The White Widow returns her attention to Misty but Waters reaches up and grabs Sahara by her waist, flinging her into the guard rail. Waters gets to her hands and knees and drives a fist into the kidney of her challenger, then a second and a third.
With Sahara nursing her ailing back, Misty adds fuel to her fire as she grabs a double fistful of the platinum blonde hair of Sahara and drives a knee into her skull. Then a second. Then the other knee, and another, then back and forth, Misty switches up between knees.
JC: Misty Waters has lit the fire!
BG: She’s on a roll now and Sahara has no answers!
Relenting on the knees, Misty keeps the hair and drags Sahara away from the railing before pulling her to her feet. Trapping the challenger in a side headlock, and aiming for the bare, unprotected aisle, Misty launches forward and drives Sahara head first into the exposed floor.
Misty backs off to catch her wind as the official starts the count.
JC: I’m not sure Sahara was ready for this tonight!
BG: It’s been a sharp contrast to the start of this match, but she has time to regroup!
Sahara is back to her feet by the count of four and Misty slaps her in the face, grabs her by the hair and pulls her back toward the ring before whipping her toward the barricade. Sahara reverses to a pop from the crowd and Misty is sent into the barricade instead.
Not wasting any time, Sahara advances toward Misty and scoops her up in a suplex, driving her onto the floor. Back to her feet, the referee begins a count but he's shoved away by Sahara. The White Widow dislodges the ring steps and starts measuring as Misty Waters gets back to her feet. The Xtreme champion turns…. And eats a set of steps to her head that drops her instantly. Instinctively or otherwise, Misty rolls away from Sahara and finds herself half beneath the ring.
Sahara grabs a steel chair from ringside.
When her back is turned, a second set of legs appear on the floor beneath the ring and the original set disappears underneath.
JC: Wait a minute!
BG: I saw it too!
JC: What though?
BG: We saw an ol’ switcheroo!
As Sahara nears Misty #2, the wily veteran Xtreme champion delivers a swift backwards kick connecting with Sahara’s kneecap. The impact drops her immediately and Misty #2 is miraculously all healed and recovered and climbs out from under the ring. Grabbing the chair that Sahara dropped, Misty goes to work in beating the hell out of her challenger.
Misty #2 demands the official start to count.
JC: She looks like Misty!
BG: She fights like Misty, too!
JC: But is it Misty!?
BG: If it’s not, is this even legal?
JC: I don’t even know!
BG: Well there are no rules, so I’d think that whatever happens, happens! And you know XWF officials are notoriously blind and near sighted!
JC: I mean, even if they saw the switch, could they do anything about it? If we can’t tell who really is or isn’t Misty Waters, then they surely won’t!
By the count of seven, Sahara is back to her feet. She doesn’t stay up for long though as Misty takes her right back down with a shotgun dropkick. Back to her feet, Misty approaches the other side of the ring where a table miraculously “ejects” itself from beneath the ring. She goes to work in setting up that table as Saharar fights to her feet and rolls inside the ring.
Returning her attention to the ring, Misty rolls herself inside to continue the assault on her challenger. Misty pops to her feet and grabs Sahara by her hair and pulls her to her feet. Placing her head between her legs Misty appears to go for a piledriver. Sahara though, powers out by sending Misty up and over. They’re close to the ropes though, so on her way down, Waters grabs the top rope and that breaks her fall as she falls almost harmlessly to the ring apron.
Waters is back to her feet and Sahara launches herself through the ropes, delivering a spear to the Xtreme champion that sends them both crashing down through the table. Upon landing, Sahara clutches her knee and the official sprints from the ring to check on her.
Then… boos and jeers from the crowd as…
JC: Another Misty!?
BG: What is this? The third one now?
With the official distracted by Sahara’s apparent injury, this third Misty rolls the second Misty out of the table rubble and takes her place. The original Misty come out from beneath the ring and drags the second Misty beneath with her.
JC: And then there was one!
BG: This… this is just crazy, Jacuinde!
The official asks Sahara for the four thousandth time if she wants to stop the match and if she can continue and for the four thousandth time, Sahara promptly answers with a no to the former and a resounding yes to the latter.
Fighting her way to her feet, she tries to walk off the pain in her knee before returning her attention to the stirring Misty #3. Feigning exhaustion and injury, Misty #3 allows Sahara to do whatever she wants at the moment. Sahara sets her up against the ringpost then backs away before charging in toward her. At the last second, Misty #3 moves and Sahara collides with the ringpost, taking herself down.
Misty #3 instructs the referee to, “count the bitch down.”
JC: Misty Waters the Third, barking instruction!
BG: I’m not sure if I’ve witnessed anything quite like this, Jacuinde!
JC: Me neither! We came here expecting a straight up war!
BG: Oh, we’re gettin’ the war, just not the way we expected!
JC: We’ve now seen at least three different Misty Waters’ and we may still see more before the night is through!
Sahara is up by the count of five but Misty #3 is on the apron. As Sahara turns to find her, Waters runs across and leaps from the apron delivering a devastating modified Running Waters that once again takes Sahara down!
Misty re-enters the ring.
JC: And the official will begin another count here in Seoul!
BG: Speaking of soul, do clones have souls?
JC: Brody Goodman, broadcast journalist ladies and gentlemen. Never one to back down from the tough questions.
BG: Are they human? Legally speaking, can they vote?
JC: Will you STOP!?
BG: These are serious questions! We’re deep into election season!
By the count of eight, Sahara finds her way to her feet.
She turns to find the Xtreme champion, but instead, finds her soaring through the air with tope suicida over the top! Sahara though, finds the only defense she can as she pulls a camera woman into the line of fire. The camera and the woman gets crushed by a surprised Misty Waters.
Misty #3 turns around to find Sahara but gets turned inside out with a lariat. Sahara rolls under the bottom rope and back into the ring as the official begins a count for Misty #3.
JC: I don’t know how she’ll win this if she does, but you have to admire the fight in her!
BG: You really do!
JC: I don’t even think she’s aware of just what has gone down so far in this match!
BG: She’s spent most of her time tonight on her back so I can’t see how she’d know without going ape shit!
High above the ring and the open air Olympic Stadium, a massive helicopter comes into view. Sahara looks up in bewilderment. The official does too as he stops his count on Misty Waters #3. With all eyes on the helicopter, two figures start repelling from the chopper.
JC: Oh you gotta be kidding me!
BG: What the… I don’t… but what about…
Two more Misty Waters’ repelling down from the helicopter and Sahara can’t believe what she’s seeing. Out on the floor, the camera woman is back on her feet and has her camera while Misty #3 is suddenly nowhere to be found.
Misty’s #4 & #5 hit the ring and unclasp their harnesses. Both Sahara and the official look entirely dumbfounded which allows Misty’s #4 and #5 to pounce on the Xtreme title challenger. They take turns with spears and thunderous suplexes until there’s next to no fight left in her.
BG: It’s Big Cy Braddock!
JC: Last time we saw him was in a loss to Sahara on Warfare several weeks ago!
BG: Is he Misty Waters’ final trick!?
JC: If he is, that’s the nail in the coffin!
Cy Braddock hits the ring with intensity as the two remaining Misty’s discuss what to do. One charges across the ring and Cy easily catches her by her throat. Cy goes to lift her up but the other Misty pounces on his back. She bites and claws as Cy tries like hell to fight them off. Losing his grip on Standing Misty, Cy reaches up and tries to ragdoll snapmare Back Misty but she’s good with avoidance. This buys Standing Misty enough time to catapult herself into Cy Braddock which takes all three of them up and over the top and down to the floor.
Sahara barely beats the ten count and looks on wearily as the two Misty’s continue to fight, kick, bite, scratch, and claw at the mountain that is Cy Braddock. As soon as he tosses one off of him, another is on him, and soon, the Beneath the Ring Misty’s join the other two and it’s a four on one assault.
JC: Wait!
BG: What!?
JC: We’re missing a Misty!
Sahara approaches the ropes and thet camera woman from earlier busts the camera against Sahara’s skull!
JC: Unfortunately that’s entirely legal!
BG: The ref counts, but LOOK AT THAT!
The camera woman removes a lifelike mask and wouldn’t ya know it?
JC: She’s the fifth Misty!
BG: Are we certain there’s only been five!?
JC: Nope!
Fortunately for Misty Waters and unfortunately for Sahara, the referees count finally reaches ten.
WINNER and STILL XWF Xtreme Champion
JC: This has been the most bizarre match I have ever seen!
BG: No matter how you slice it, Misty Waters is STILL the XWF Xtreme Champion!
JC: I’d love to sit here and say that she deserves it, but this was just disturbing all the way around!
All of the Misty’s save the one in the ring, continue to fight Cy Braddock toward the back as who we can only assume is the OG Misty Waters, celebrates with her title standing over the fallen Sahara.
JC: Folks, as nuts as the first match was, this next match will be… unorthodox!
BG: You got that right, Jacko! In one corner, we have an unsung hero! A legend in his own right! A constant force to be reckoned with on Thursday Night Anarchy!
JC: Wow, Brody! I didn’t realize you were such a big fan of Mastermind!
BG: Mastermind?!! I’m talking about BIG PREESH, BAY-BEE!
A figure walks out from the back, sporting a black hooded sweatshirt. He looks down at the capacity Relentless crowd, with his hood hiding his visage.
He stands triumphantly as his signature song continues to hit, “This is my Brutality…”
He takes off his hood to reveal himself to be Mastermind.
He walks to the ring, alone.
Big Preesh struts to the ring throwing his hands up in the air in time with the music. He holds out the front of his BOB tee shirt and shouts about how much he loves being a part of the best group in pro wrestling. When he gets to the ring he punches the top turnbuckle like a speed bag and then shouts "YEAH BITCH!" with his arms raised before waiting for the bell to ring.
Big Preesh… after his speed-bag punching session, is already drenched in sweat. He still looks ready and eager to give another match his all!
Mastermind grimaces, disgusted at the idea of having to handle a sweaty, obese animal.
The two meet in the center… Though, MM more hesitantly, looking more disgusted the closer he gets to BP.
JC: MM made it clear he isn’t particular enthused by this match! He thinks Big Preesh is beneath him, both in talent AND cleanliness!
BG: Ya got that right, Jacko! Mastermind doesn’t even wanna be NEAR, Preesh!
Preesh gets a mischievous smile on his face…
Preesh extends a hand, looking for a pre match show of good will…
MM nearly loses his lunch! He takes a full step back away from BP, who is delighted at this effect on his opponent!
The official calls for the bell!
- vs -
Preesh charges out of the corner, looking like a stampeding bull!
Mastermind raises his arms to grapple the charging gargantuan…
…But, he grimaces looking disgusted…
Siderolls away from the charging Preesh!
JC: Mastermind, making it clear he wants to avoid contact with Preesh!
BG: What?!? He’s got a MATCH with Preesh? I know MM thinks Preesh stinks, but how’s he supposed to try and win without touching his opponent?
Preesh drags his foot across the canvas, completely embodying a charging bull!
Mastermind back-pedals into the corner!
Preesh charges after him, facefirst, horns out! Ready to gore his Kiwi opponent!
JC: Mastermind’s got nowhere to go!
With stunning quickness, hits the dirt, going prone!
Preesh is coming in too hot! He can’t put on the brakes…
Before smashing his own skull against the turbuckle!
Preesh woozily stumbles backwards out of the corner…
As MM hits the ropes!
Preesh drops like a ton of bricks!
BG: What a strike!
JC: I guess MM is okay with touching Preesh if it means ending this quickly!
Mastermind plants a boot on Preesh’s chest!
The official counts!
JC: A dominant showing from Mastetmind here, Brody! I guess he got over his disgust of Preesh!
BG: Don’t be so sure, Jacko!
Indeed, Mastermind carefully unties the wrestling boot on his right foot… the one that touched Preesh…
Peels it off!
And chucks it into the front row!
JC: Spoke too soon! MM, deciding he’d rather buy new boots than have to wear something that even briefly touched Big Preesh!
BG: Look for that boot to pop up on eBay, True Believers!
Indeed, MM grumpily charges up the ramp, only wearing one boot.. As Preesh is rolled unconsciously out of the ring by seven or eight members of the XWF medical staff.
JC: What an incredibly strange night it has been, Brody!
BG: It has and right now, as the old classic ring announcer that is the voice of many childhoods around the world…
JC: Business, is about to pick up!
BG: It well and truly is because it’s two of the most incredibly talented names in our sport about to clash head to head!
JC: It’s Johnn Bacchus!
BG: It’s Kieran King!
JC: And it’s RIGHT NOW!
RA: The following contest is set for one fall!
RA: First! From Santa Monica, California by way of Gisborne, New Zealand weighing 190 pounds… he is the KING of the XWF! KIERANNNN KIIIIIINNNNNG!
The first, frenetic strums of Faith No More's "Gentle Art of Making Enemies" rips through the arena as strobes of gold and white cast across the stage and crowd. After several moments, and then a few more for good measure, Kieran King eventually saunters onto the stage, smugly mugging for the audience. In a flash, he sprints towards the ring and glides underneath the bottom rope - practically hovering off the mat. Keeping his momentum going, King darts towards the corner post and leaps towards the top. He crouches, and throws his arms up and back as if to backflip off the top... only to pull out at the last minute. He laughs at the crowd, mocking them as he settles in to some pre-fight stretches.
JC: The undisputed King of the XWF!
BG: We remember him well from our time on Madness, don’t we Jacuinde!?
JC: We well and truly do, Brody! Selling this man short will get you beat!
RA: His opponent!
The camera focuses on the stage as the lights cut and “The Gnashing” by Deafheaven begins to play over the P.A. The guitar seems to shimmer over the crowd as muffled as white lights flash like sparks around the floor. A name appears on the tron: Jonathan Bacchus.
Buried secrets, mythic meanings
In a tender ocean spilling
The crowd gives an appreciative pop as the out from behind the curtain walks Jonathan Bacchus, dressed in all black with a peacoat over a turtleneck and combat pants bloused into his Louboutin sneakers. He wears a white Thalia mask over his face, his hair hanging down over the top.
A leaking thimble flowing fragile
Oozing tension into blue
He marches down deliberately, his eyes on the ring. On the ramp, he removes the Thalia mask and flicks it casually over his shoulder into the crowd. Stitches can be seen on his face – under his chin and across his hairline – as the remnants of his ugly Tai-Pei Deathmatch at the beginning of the month.
RA: Making his way to the ring, from Oakland, California and weighing in at 205 lbs… he is “The Insurgent” – JONATHAN! BACCHUS!
Hear these howls hurling our present
I know what this costs us
At the base of the ring, Bacchus turns to the stairs and climbs them to the turnbuckle. With a single clean vault, he launches himself over the top rope and turns to land on the middle rope inside the ring, his peacoat seeming not to hamper his movement. As his theme song explodes into the chorus, he throws his head back and arms out, the lights flashing bright white and the audience roaring appreciatively!
Hear these howls, embrace the Gnashing
A small smirk creeps over his face as he looks around at them – yet an intensity remains in his eyes. He takes a moment to blow a few kisses to nobody in particular.
I know what this costs us
I know it’s exhausting you
He removes his peacoat and drops it to the outside before pulling his turtleneck over his head. He whips this into the crowd before dropping down to the mat, circling the ring before taking back to his corner and reclining in it.
Johnny Bacchus
- vs -
Kieran King
Standard Singles
As the bell rings, Johnny Bacchus and Kieran King circle each other slowly in the middle of the ring, the energy in the crowd rising as both men size each other up. Kieran wears his usual cocky smirk, but Bacchus keeps his face stone cold, his eyes locked on his opponent. They move in, and Bacchus shoots for a quick lock-up. Kieran slides around him effortlessly, slipping behind and shoving Johnny in the back of the head, taunting him.
JC: And here we go, Kieran King wasting no time with the mind games!
Johnny doesn't even flinch. He turns and moves back in for another lock-up. This time, he snatches Kieran into a headlock, wrenching it in tight. Kieran struggles for a moment before using his quickness to push Johnny off, sending him into the ropes. Johnny rebounds, and Kieran drops to the mat, forcing Bacchus to leap over him. On the second rebound, Kieran springs to his feet and goes for a quick arm drag but Johnny scouts it and plants his feet, countering with a swift snapmare of his own, bringing Kieran to the mat.
BG:Johnny Bacchus showing that ring IQ right there, countering the move and keeping King grounded.
Bacchus locks in a chinlock, trying to slow the pace early. Kieran squirms, using his free arm to punch Johnny in the ribs, but Johnny holds firm, wrenching the neck. Kieran shifts his weight, maneuvering to his feet, and drives an elbow into Bacchus' midsection, then another, until Johnny is forced to let go. Kieran backs into the ropes and rushes in with a dropkick but Bacchus side-steps it, sending Kieran to the mat. Johnny follows up with a quick leg kick, targeting the knee, causing Kieran to wince and buckle. Bacchus smirks, sensing the opportunity, and delivers another sharp kick to the same leg, keeping Kieran off balance.
JC: Johnny Bacchus already working on the leg! Smart strategy, taking away Kieran’s speed.
Bacchus grabs Kieran’s head and whips him into the corner, following him in with a running crossbody, sandwiching King against the turnbuckle. As Kieran staggers out, Johnny goes for a bulldog, but Kieran shoves him off at the last second. Bacchus stumbles forward and turns right into a Pele Kick from Kieran, the smack echoing through the arena.
BG: What a shot from Kieran King!
Johnny falls to the mat, clutching his head, and Kieran wastes no time, grabbing Bacchus by the arm and whipping him hard into the turnbuckle. Bacchus crashes into the corner, and Kieran follows up with a flurry of stiff kicks, targeting Johnny’s midsection. Each kick lands with authority, and Bacchus crumples down to a seated position.Kieran grins and backs up, charging in with a devastating running knee to Johnny’s face while he’s seated in the corner. The crowd gasps as Bacchus’ head snaps back.
JC: That knee might've knocked Bacchus out cold!
Kieran drags Bacchus to the center of the ring, dropping a springboard elbow right onto Johnny’s chest, then hooks the leg for the first cover of the match.
Bacchus kicks out! Kieran scowls, his frustration showing. He drags Johnny up and slaps him across the face, clearly trying to get under his skin. Bacchus stumbles back, dazed, but his eyes narrow.
BG: You don't want to provoke Johnny Bacchus like that.
Kieran goes for another slap, but this time Bacchus ducks and counters with a quick Muay Thai elbow to Kieran’s jaw, followed by a brutal knee strike to the ribs. Kieran gasps for breath, and Bacchus immediately capitalizes, hitting a spinebuster that shakes the ring. Johnny rolls through and quickly transitions into a triangle choke, locking it in tight!
JC: Bacchus with the Triangle Choke! He’s trying to put Kieran to sleep!
Kieran struggles, his face turning red as Bacchus tightens the hold. The crowd is on its feet, sensing the end might be near. But Kieran, using all his strength, shifts his body and rolls Johnny onto his back, forcing the pin.
Johnny breaks the hold and kicks out. Both men roll away from each other, breathing heavily.
BG: That was close! Johnny almost had him, but Kieran found a way out.
They get to their feet at the same time, and Kieran goes for a wild clothesline, but Johnny ducks it and hits a German Suplex, planting Kieran right on his neck! Kieran rolls to the ropes, stunned, and Bacchus paces, wiping sweat from his forehead, catching his breath. Johnny waits for Kieran to stand and charges in, looking for the Sparta Kick He thrusts his boot out, but Kieran dodges at the last second, slipping behind and hitting a quick Buzzsaw Kick to Johnny’s temple! Bacchus drops to one knee, dazed. Kieran bounces off the ropes, looking for another attack, but Bacchus explodes to his feet and catches Kieran with a surprise Tornado DDT, planting him in the center of the ring!
Both men are down, and the crowd is roaring as the ref begins his count. Johnny is the first to stir, crawling toward the ropes to pull himself up, while Kieran holds his head, struggling to regain his composure. As they slowly rise, the tension in the arena builds. Both men eye each other from across the ring, knowing the next exchange could be decisive.
JC: It's anyone's match now!
As both Johnny Bacchus and Kieran King get to their feet, the atmosphere shifts. The cautious pacing from earlier is gone, replaced with a brewing storm of intensity. Johnny wipes his face and steps forward, daring Kieran to engage. Kieran smirks and answers with a sharp low kick to Johnny’s shin, causing him to stagger. Bacchus responds instantly, firing back with a blistering forearm strike to Kieran’s jaw.
The impact snaps King’s head to the side, but he immediately counters with a stiff roundhouse kick to Johnny's midsection. Johnny doubles over from the kick, but he’s not backing down. He grits his teeth and launches a chopblock to Kieran's leg, the same one he targeted earlier. Kieran stumbles, his leg giving out momentarily.
Bacchus uses the opening to land a series of rapid punch and elbow combinations, snapping King’s head back with each strike. The crowd cheers as the pace picks up. Kieran retaliates with a swift Buzzsaw Kick to Johnny's shoulder, sending him spinning back toward the ropes. As Johnny rebounds, Kieran attempts a Slingblade, but Bacchus ducks under and counters with a brutal running crossbody that drives both men to the mat hard.
JC: Neither man is giving an inch here! It's getting more physical by the second.
Johnny wastes no time, dragging Kieran to his feet and whipping him into the ropes. As Kieran rebounds, Johnny goes for a spinebuster , but Kieran leaps over him, landing on his feet and immediately firing off a Pele Kick to the back of Johnny's head. Bacchus stumbles forward, dazed, and Kieran seizes the moment, leaping onto the ropes and launching himself into a springboard crossbody but Johnny sidesteps, sending Kieran crashing to the mat! Bacchus doesn’t let up, quickly running toward the ropes.
He comes back with a vicious running shotgun dropkick to Kieran’s chest, sending King rolling under the bottom rope and out to the floor. The crowd erupts as Bacchus leans over the ropes, glaring down at Kieran, who clutches his chest in pain.
BG: Oh, this is spilling out to the outside now!
Johnny doesn’t hesitate. He slides out of the ring and approaches Kieran, grabbing him by the head, but Kieran has other plans. He rakes Johnny’s eyes, and Bacchus yells in pain, stumbling back blindly. Kieran takes advantage and charges forward, hitting a Suicide Divethrough the ropes, driving Johnny hard into the barricade! The crowd is electric as Kieran stalks Johnny, grabbing him by the hair and whipping him into the ring apron. Johnny’s back arches in pain as he crashes into the hardest part of the ring.
Kieran grins and lines him up, taking a few steps back before delivering a running knee strike to Johnny’s gut, smashing him against the apron once more. With Johnny slumped against the apron, Kieran grabs his arm and yanks him toward the announce table. He slams Johnny’s face into the table hard, causing the announcers to jump back.
BG: Get them away from here! These two are going to destroy each other!
Johnny, his face contorted in pain, fights back by driving an elbow into Kieran’s ribs, then another. Kieran stumbles, and Johnny follows up by grabbing him by the waist and lifting him up for a flapjack onto the edge of the announce table. Kieran bounces off the table and crumples to the floor, clutching his chest. Johnny, breathing hard, takes a moment to gather himself before pulling Kieran up and throwing him back into the ring. As Johnny climbs onto the apron, Kieran is already back on his feet, and he sprints forward, leaping through the ropes and knocking Johnny off the apron with a suicide dive, sending him crashing into the barricade once again!
JC: Johnny Bacchus just can’t seem to catch a break here! Kieran King’s relentless!
The crowd chants as Kieran gets to his feet, grabbing Johnny and dragging him up by the arm. Kieran throws Bacchus back toward the ring, but Johnny reverses, whipping Kieran instead into the steel steps with a loud crash! Kieran’s body smashes into the steps, flipping him over the top and sending him tumbling to the floor on the other side.
Johnny wastes no time, rolling Kieran back into the ring as the referee urges them to keep it inside. Bacchus, feeling the momentum shift, climbs onto the apron and springboards into the ring with a springboard bulldog, slamming Kieran’s face into the mat. Both men are battered and bruised, but Johnny Bacchus crawls toward the ropes, signaling that he's ready to take this up another notch. The crowd is on its feet, waiting for what’s next as both competitors struggle to their feet once more.
Back inside the ring, the match has shifted into another gear. Both Johnny Bacchus and Kieran King are showing the wear and tear of their grueling battle outside, but neither man is willing to back down. Johnny is the first to his feet, shaking off the cobwebs and stalking Kieran, who’s on all fours trying to push himself up. Bacchus grabs Kieran by the head and delivers a vicious Muay Thai knee to his midsection, followed by another and then another, each blow driving the wind out of Kieran's lungs.
Johnny, seeing his opponent gasping for air, transitions into a headlock takedown wrenching Kieran to the mat and keeping the pressure tight around his neck. He grinds down, squeezing harder, working on that head and neck, exactly the way he likes to control his opponents. Kieran thrashes but Bacchus, showing off his ring IQ, shifts his weight expertly to keep the hold locked in, adjusting his leverage each time Kieran tries to escape.
JC: Johnny Bacchus is slowing things down, and this is where his intelligence shines! He’s wearing Kieran down, keeping him grounded!
But Kieran’s not out of it yet. Gritting his teeth, he slowly inches himself toward the ropes, clawing at the mat. Bacchus realizes the danger and quickly releases the hold, shifting tactics. He stands up and stomps hard on Kieran’s back grinding his boot into him. Kieran lets out a groan of pain but manages to grab the bottom rope, forcing Johnny to back off. Kieran uses the ropes to pull himself up, and Johnny charges at him, but King ducks under a clothesline and comes back with a quick snap kick to Bacchus' thigh, followed by a lightning-fast enziguri that catches Johnny right on the temple.
Johnny stumbles backward, dazed, and Kieran seizes the moment, sprinting toward the ropes and rebounding with a springboard moonsault but Bacchus catches him mid-air! Using all his strength, Johnny plants Kieran with a perfectly timed spinebuster that shakes the ring.
BG: Oh my God! Did you see that impact? Johnny Bacchus just drove Kieran King through the mat!
Johnny, not wasting any time, transitions into a Dragon Screw on Kieran’s leg, looking to tear apart the limb that’s been giving him trouble all match. Kieran screams in pain, clutching his knee, but Johnny isn’t done yet. He pulls Kieran up by his leg and spins him around before hitting a second Dragon Screw, putting even more pressure on the joint.
JC: Johnny’s systematically picking apart Kieran here. He's targeting that leg, softening him up for the next phase of his game plan.
Johnny grabs Kieran by the arm and whips him into the corner, running in with a vicious jumping chest stomp slamming both feet into Kieran's chest and crushing him into the turnbuckle. Kieran slumps, sitting against the bottom turnbuckle, but Bacchus has no mercy. He backs up, lines up his target, and runs in with a dropkick to the seated Kieran, smashing his back into the corner. Kieran is gasping for air, his chest heaving, but Johnny isn't done yet. He drags Kieran up by the head and hoists him onto the top turnbuckle. Bacchus climbs up after him, positioning Kieran for a superplex but Kieran fights back!
He throws sharp elbows into Johnny's side, knocking him loose from his balance. Kieran, summoning all his strength, shoves Johnny off the turnbuckle, sending him crashing hard to the mat. As Bacchus writhes in pain, Kieran steadies himself on the top rope. The crowd comes alive, knowing something big is about to happen. Kieran stands tall, then leaps off with a Whisper in the Wind spinning through the air and landing squarely on Johnny’s chest!
BG: "Kieran King flying through the air! That Whisper in the Wind was picture-perfect!
But both men are exhausted, and Kieran can’t capitalize immediately. He rolls to the side, clutching his ribs, while Johnny lies motionless, trying to recover. The crowd is on its feet, sensing the momentum swinging back and forth between the two. Slowly, both men begin to stir. Kieran is the first up, though his leg is still clearly bothering him. He limps toward Johnny and pulls him to his feet, but Bacchus surprises him with a quick Sparta Kick to Kieran's chest, sending him staggering back into the ropes. Johnny follows up by grabbing Kieran’s wrist, yanking him toward the corner, and hoisting him up onto the turnbuckle once again.
The crowd buzzes as Bacchus climbs to the second rope. This time, Johnny hooks Kieran’s head under his arm and looks to drive him down with a superplex but Kieran holds on, wrapping his legs around the ropes to block the move. The two struggle on the ropes, exchanging punches and elbows as they teeter precariously above the mat. Johnny lands a stiff elbow to Kieran’s jaw , dazing him for a moment, and that’s when Bacchus sees his opportunity. He climbs up higher, getting Kieran in position for something big. Suddenly, Bacchus lifts Kieran and sends them both crashing to the mat with a massive top-rope Spanish Fly! The crowd explodes as both men crash down, bodies sprawled out in the center of the ring.
JC: He reversed it! Kieran King reversed it with Ugly On The Outside in mid-air, Brody!
BG: Now all he gotta do is make that cover!
JC: I can't believe what we've just witnessed. These two are leaving it all in the ring tonight!
Both competitors are completely spent, the grueling back-and-forth match taking its toll. The referee checks on both of them, but there’s no movement yet as the crowd continues to chant, waiting to see who will rise first from the wreckage of that high-flying spot.
At long last, King rolls over and lays an arm over Bacchus’ chest!
JC: This match was incredible and it may very well be the match of the night!
BG: Y’know I wasn’t sure what to expect from these two but they both delivered!
JC: They did! Kieran King will go to the pay window here tonight and Bacchus… well, Bacchus will no doubt have his big brain in motion on his next move probably before he even leaves the building here tonight!
Relentless Night Two is in full swing! Meanwhile, backstage we find XWF newcomer Lucy Wylde leaning against a wall, tapping her foot on the ground as Managerial Enigma Jimmy Stars sits calmly in a chair to her right, watching a monitor, tapping his cane on the ground.
Seated across the room, Dominick Strife and his girlfriend Isla Burke watch the two of them curiously whilst whispering among themselves.
Isla Burke: You should say something to her!
Dominick Strife: Oh, no.. I can’t.
Isla Burke: Why not?!
Dominick briefly glances across the room at Wylde and then shakes his head again.
Dominick Strife: Because! She’s–
Lucy clears her throat.
Lucy Wylde: You know I can hear you, right?
The two ‘kids’ eyes go wide and they look at each other.
Isla Burke: We weren’t trying to offend y-
Dominick Strife: Yeah, we.. it’s just really nice to meet you Ms. Wylde.
Lucy looks down and shakes her head.
Lucy Wylde: You can just call me Lucy.
Jimmy sits up, finally pulling himself away from the footage on the monitor to pay attention to the conversation.
Jimmy Stars: Oh, well Lucy–
Lucy Wylde: Not you.
Jimmy Stars: …Ms. Wylde?
Lucy nods her head.
Lucy Wylde: Better. Now where is M– I mean Aurora? She’s going to be here, right?
Dominick Strife: Yeah, shouldn’t she be here by now?
Jimmy scoffs at that statement as he brings himself to his feet and begins pacing around the smallish locker room as if he were a coach giving a pregame pep talk.
Jimmy Stars: She will absolutely be here. I know for a fact that she’s in the city at this very moment. There’s no need to worry yourself about it, Luc–Ms. Wylde.
Lucy lets out a sigh.
Lucy Wylde: Forgive me if I’m not filled with hope, Jimmy. I mean, she’s making it pretty obvious that she doesn’t want to see me or else she’d be here. I didn’t ask to be put into this position. But here we are.
Jimmy Stars: We’re in an amazing position, Ms. Wylde! I assure you, she will be here and she’ll be ready.
Lucy checks the clock on the wall.
Lucy Wylde: It’s not like I have much choice but to–
The door to the room opens and there she is, as if she were summoned there directly. Aurora stands in the doorway, mask on her face, her bag draped over her shoulder and she takes a look around the room, avoiding eye contact with Lucy directly before she moves into the space and drops her bag onto the bench.
Jimmy motions towards her and grins at Lucy, who isn’t paying any attention at all to him - instead she’s staring at the silvery hair at the back of Aurora’s head. Lucy took one step towards her partner, and then another - with each one the tension in the room thickening - until Lucy was standing behind Aurora.
Lucy Wylde: Wow, it is you. Long time no see….
Aurora turns around, her mask coming face to face with Lucy, but her eye line never fully meets Lucys. Lucy sighs.
Lucy Wylde: Is this going to be a problem? Because I–
Aurora shakes her head without a word and slides past Lucy, leaving the room. Lucy shakes her head and follows her ‘partner’ out the door, leaving everyone else in quiet contemplation.
Jimmy Stars: GOOD LUCK! Knock ‘em dead ladies! Bring home that number one contendership!
Well, almost quiet contemplation…
JC: Aurora and Lucy Wylde, set for tag team here at Relentless, NEXT!
BG: But they’ll be facing a grizzled veteran tag team known as The Storm!
JC: Latoya Hix and Razor Blade will no doubt be chomping at the bit with a shot at the XWF Tag Team titles on the line!
RA: The following tag team contest is set for one fall!
RA: Introducing first! Razor Blade and Lotoyaaaa HIXXXXXX!
JC: This duo hasn’t had the best of luck as of late, Brody!
BG: No, they haven’t, but there’s no time like the present to turn those fortunes around!
RA: Their opponents!
RA: The team of Lucy Wylde and AAAAAURORRRAAAA!
JC: Both of these ladies new to the world of the XWF but neither of them are strangers to the world of professional wrestling!
BG: No, they both have rather extensive histories around the world and just recently, Lucy Wylde lost her UGWC world title to a dead man!
JC: Wait what?
BG: Well to be clear, the guy died after he won, not before.
JC: I was gonna say.
BG: That would be weird and we all know nothing weird ever happens in this industry.
#1 Contender For The Tag Team Titles
"The Storm"
Latoya Hixx and Razor Blade
- vs -
Aurora and Lucy Wylde
Standard Tag Team Match
1rp/4k (per team)
Before the two teams can even decide who is going to begin, Layota Hixx comes charging across the ring at Lucy Wylde with a spear that Lucy somehow leaps over to avoid. She lands almost immediately into the collar and elbow tie up with the American Nightmare Razor Blade and the bell sounds to officially start the matchup. The referee moves between Aurora and Layota and directs the latter back to her corner of the ring. In the meantime Razor Blade ducks under and takes control with a hammerlock. Lucy, looking for a way out, grabs Blade around the head and kips into a snapmare. Blade rolls through and carries the momentum forward right back to his feet. Wylde takes a side headlock now that backs both to a neutral section of the ropes. Blade shoves Lucy out of the headlock. Wylde bounces off of the ropes and when she returns Blade meets her with a massive shoulder block that takes her straight to the canvas. Blade sets up for a knee drop but Lucy spins herself out of the way before Blade can even make the attempt.
Size and strength advantage in the early going goes to the American Nightmare, but the Calamity from the Skies isn’t ready to tag out just yet. Back to her feet now, she wants another tie-up and as Razor obliges her, Lucy immediately level changes into a single leg takedown that drops the 220 pound Nightmare. Lucy then slides forward and takes the side headlock again now from a prone position, but Blade has no problem bringing both of them back to a standing position. He grabs Lucy around the waist and attempts a back suplex, but Wylde, ever the ring veteran, knows how to position her hips to keep leverage to her advantage. However, this does allow the Nightmare to drag her backwards towards his corner, where Latoya Hixx is able to make a clean tag.
BG: It’s still early, but if Razor and Latoya can keep Lucy isolated - Things might be going a lot differently here tonight than I would have thought.
JC: It’s still anyone’s fight. Hixx and Blade are strong competitors but have they faced anyone like Lucy Wylde before?
BG: The jury is still out on how this thrown together partnership between she and Aurora is going to work out - but Razor and Latoya don’t seem too keen on letting them figure it out either.
Lucy’s not exactly in the position to skirt away, with Blade still holding on to her, and this allows Hixx to smash into her with a huge forearm strike. The Storm’s power is also incredible as replays show Wylde’s head snap back from the blast that has her reeling in the opponent’s corner. While Hixx could take further advantage, neither she nor her partner are the type to bend the rules. Hixx stomps Lucy a few times before dragging her out and away from the ropes just to send Lucy crashing down to the mat with a body slam. Hixx goes for a quick cover…
Wylde kicks out quickly.
Lucy’s holding her lower back as she pushes herself up off of the mat, but Layota takes her right into a reverse chinlock and directs her back to a standing base. Hixx grabs Wylde by the wrist and whips her into the corner turnbuckles. Hixx tries to follow up with a corner splash but misses as Lucy stumbles out of the way. Hixx, stunned momentarily, catches a dropkick under the chin that would drop any normal person. Somehow she stays on her feet and stumbles back into the corner.
JC: That didn’t knock Latoya down!
BG: Lucy’s too damn light to do any real damage!
JC: I wouldn’t go that far, Brody - but it does tell the story of how tough Hixx and her partner are.
Lucy pulls her out, irish whipping her to the far ropes and looks for a heel kick but Hixx ducks and slams on the brakes. She tries to take control of her opponent from behind but Wylde counters with a back elbow. Wylde runs and springboards off of the ropes with a flying leg lariat but gets caught out of the air by Hixx! Layota curls Lucy once, twice, and on the third pump sends Wylde flying over her head with a fallaway slam… but somehow Wylde lands on her feet! Hixx has no idea as she plays up to the South Korean audience while they point at her to turn around. When she finally does she takes a spinning heel kick to the face that knocks her down! Wylde goes for a cover but Hixx shoves Wylde off before the referee can even initiate the count.
JC: Latoya Hixx isn’t going down that easily.
BG: Wylde definitely showing her agility here, but unfortunately for the Calamity - Latoya has enough strength to nullify it if she catches her.
JC: That’s a big IF!
Wylde grabs Hixx by the head and pulls her towards her corner to attempt to tag in Aurora, but Hixx plants her feet and stops the forward progress. This time Hixx is able to take a waistlock and transition it into a back suplex. Wylde, being as agile as her reputation says she is, does flip backward and land on her feet, but this time the Storm is expecting it and turns with a short-arm clothesline that nearly turns Lucy inside out. Hixx shakes off the cobwebs and walks over to tag in Razor Blade. Wylde crawls towards her corner but Blade grabs her by the ankle and drags her back to the center of the ring.
JC: Blade and Hixx are doing all they can to keep Wylde in the match and wear her down.
BG: That’s about as sound of a strategy as you can have, I’m just not convinced it’ll be the jackpot that Hixx and Blade think it’ll be.
JC: You may be right, especially with a fast and agile veteran like Lucy Wylde in there with them.
The camera cuts to Aurora for a moment who still has her hand on the tag rope waiting almost too patiently on the apron. Back to the middle of the ring, Blade has Wylde up now and he takes her right back down to the mat with a side russian leg sweep. It seems as though Wylde is favoring the lower back yet again. The American Nightmare floats over into a cover.
Wylde kicks out after a shallow two.
Blade grabs Lucy by her golden locks and brings her back to a standing base. He whips her off of the ropes. Aurora reaches out for a tag but is an inch too short of reach to swipe her partners back.
JC: Aurora almost had the tag!
BG: Looked like she didn’t quite try hard enough.
JC: I wouldn’t understand why, Brody. Aurora surely wants this number one contendership just as much as her partner.
On the rebound Wylde ducks a big boot and bounds off of the ropes opposite. She comes flying in with a cross body press but Blade catches her out of the air and counters right into a snap powerslam! Razor forgoes the cover attempt, instead taking his opportunity to tag Layota Hixx back in. The Storm comes in and drills Lucy in the small of the back with a diving knee drop as Wylde crawls toward her corner. Hixx leaves her knee planted on the lower back area as she grabs under the chin of her opponent and applies a modified camel clutch. Yet before the move can even be fully applied, Aurora is in the ring and charging… that is until the referee catches her and forces her back.
BG: And now that little spitfire is showing a bit of spunk, don’t you think?
JC: If she’s not careful, Aurora is going to ruin her team's chances at this number one contendership!
BG: And while Aurora is unintentionally distracting the ref, Hixx is making sure Lucy Wylde remembers her XWF debut.
Hixx has the submission hold applied on the newcomer and Wylde is being stretched like she had never been stretched before. The strength game of the power duo is impressive, and it might score them the victory here tonight. Hixx makes Lucy drag the weight of both of their bodies toward the bottom rope yet before Wylde can even force the break on the hold, The Storm chooses to break the hold herself and maintain body control. She pulls Wylde back to her feet and hoists her up in the air with an impressive delayed vertical suplex… until Wylde drives her knee once, twice, three times down into the top of Layota’s head while being suspended upside down! The third impact finally breaks Hixx’s concentration and balance enough that Wylde is dropped back down. She lands on her feet yet again, but immediately clutches the lower back. Wylde goes for another spinning heel kick but Hixx ducks it and with Lucy’s back turned she clutches up and throws Wylde two thirds of the way across the ring with a massive release german suplex! Hixx crawls over feverishly and does a double deep hook for the pin:
Aurora breaks up the fall! She’s shouting something in Hixx’s direction as the referee has to physically push the silver-haired, highly inked woman back into her corner.
JC: There she goes again! Aurora is getting more frustrated by the second!
BG: Meanwhile, her partner has been taking the brunt of Razor and Latoya’s offense. This could be their night, at least that’s how it’s beginning to look.
Hixx is up and looking directly at Aurora and has words in response to whatever the camera could not pick up. Wylde is glistening with sweat and showing the effect of being in the match since the very start. Hixx on the other hand simply throws her hand up at Aurora and casually walks over to tag in Razor Blade. The two of them, both legal for a few moments, use this to their advantage for a double-team move. Razor Blade whips Lucy into the ropes and the two of them hit a double shoulder block, double elbow drop combination. Hixx slides out under the ropes as Blade goes for another cover-
Kickout by Wylde at two and a half!
JC: Another kickout by Wylde! I don’t know how much more she’s got in the tank!
BG: I don’t know either but LOOK!
Hixx is on the ring side floor casually walking back toward her corner when suddenly Aurora hops down from her side of the apron, runs around the ring and charges from behind! The Storm is taken off guard and rolls down to the thinly padded concrete floor as Aurora is laying furious shots to the back of her opponent. This catches the attention of the referee, which in turn catches American Nightmares as well. The Referee is leaning through the ropes telling Aurora to get back to her corner or else… and begins the count to disqualify her team. Aurora looks up, but as she does, Razor Blade comes flying from off of the apron and catches her with a Diamond Blade onto the floor! Aurora is down and seemingly out on the ringside floor! Wylde looks up to her corner, reaching desperately for a tag only to realize that Aurora is not there to take it. Wylde looks angry. Blade comes in and stomps her on the small of her back and Wylde grits her teeth as she pushes herself up off of the canvas.
JC: Oh my GOD this is the worst case scenario for Wylde! Finally having the opening to get that much needed tag and Aurora is nowhere to be found!
BG: Well, we know where she’s at.
JC: Obviously. But that doesn’t change the fact that this moment could have changed the entire landscape of this match and now Blade is back in and Wylde still needs to get out of there.
Blade backs Wylde into her own empty corner. He whips her hard back into his corner. Wylde slams hard back first but immediately turns and smashes Layota in the face with a forearm smash that nearly knocks her off of the apron. As Blade charges in, Wylde catches him with a back elbow that sends him staggering back towards the center of the ring. Hixx reaches out to take Wylde by the hair but Lucy drops down pulling Hixx down onto the top rope throat first. The Storm snaps backwards and falls to the ringside floor down next to Aurora who is still down from the Diamond Blade earlier. Wylde then springboards off of the middle turnbuckle and catches Blade with a “Fury Brand” corkscrew pele kick! She goes for the cover!
No! The American Nightmare throws his shoulder up at two and three quarters!
BG: Wylde’s gotta do better than that!
JC: I don’t even know how she managed that! But she’s still going! There’s still a chance!
BG: It’s slimming by the second. I mean look at her.
Wylde’s chest is rising and falling as the minutes go on and the sweat is now dripping from the tips of her hair. She wisely waits for Razor Blade to use his own strength to push himself back up to a vertical base. When he does she comes in for a Wylde Liberation! (RKO) but Razor Blade’s got the wherewithal to shove her off at the last possible moment. Wylde stumbles forward right into Hixx who had just made it back up into her corner. The two butt heads quite literally which sends Wylde staggering back towards Razor who then drops her with a massive bulldog! Razor Blade sees Lucy lined up and runs for the ropes, using the second rope to hit a picture perfect lionsault style moonsault right across the small of the Calamity’s back! He rolls her over and hooks the leg for the cover!
3-No! Wylde somehow manages to slide her shoulder up off of the mat at two and seven-eights!
JC: I thought Razor had her there! Holy shit!
Razor almost began to celebrate and cannot believe it when the Referee tells him that it was not, in fact, a pinfall. He doesn’t waste too much time however as he goes to check on his partner who is still a little bit shaken up but Hixx assures him that she is okay. Tag. Layota comes in and as Wylde still looks up to see an empty corner she pulls herself up onto to be caught by the massive SPEAR that Hixx was looking for at the opening stages of this contest! The Storm contemplates the cover, but she’s thinking victory here. She pulls Wylde back up to her feet and signals that this is going to be the end for her. She spins Wylde around and hooks both of her arms, hoisting her up for the Layota Slam! She has her up and… Wylde ducks and rolls on the drop, folding Layota up under with her and counters with a victory roll!
3-NO! Layota shoves Wylde off at the last possible second! Wylde tried to steal one but is just a hair short.
JC: I cannot believe Wylde almost secured the win with that roll up!
BG: Almost isn’t a win and she’s still in deep trouble here!
Lucy scrambles back to her feet, one hand still on the small of her back. The Storm Layota Hixx back up to hers as well. Wylde clutches and goes for the WYLDE LIBERATION! NOO!! Hixx shoves Wylde off into the ropes! Wylde bounces off of the ropes and a hand slaps Lucy on the back quickly. As Lucy rebounds, Layota kicks Wylde in the gut! BICYCLE KICK connects!! Latoya goes for the cover!
The crowd chants…
JC: Wait! What’s going on?!
BG: Well I’ll be damned!
Layota looks up at the referee who is shaking their head no. Lucy is not the legal competitor in the match! Hixx is looking up at the referee stunned when a boot suddenly comes down on the back of her head and slams her face first into the canvas with a massive Curb Stomp! Starburst Sonata! Aurora is not only back in the match, but snuck the tag in somehow. American Nightmare is in the ring now, and he starts laying into the masked countenance of Aurora believing that she’s entered the ring illegally as well and that he’s simply trying to even the odds. The referee tries to restore order, but Aurora and Razor Blade are trading shots so rapidly that it's better off to let the chaos play out. Blade pulls back for a haymaker and Aurora turns the left side of her skull towards his fist. The punch connects and jars Aurora quite significantly but Razor clutches his fist as if he had just punched a brick wall.
BG: Oof, that looks like it hurt.
JC: Of course it did, but the important thing is that Aurora is finally the legal competitor for her team and she needs to step up here if she wants to secure her first win here in XWF!
Aurora needs to shake out the cobwebs hard and does a few wobbly steps, looking as though she were stumbling out of a bar at two AM. Lucy is pulling herself back up to her feet as well as the two bump back to back. They both turn with their fists clenched and for a moment, it looks as though Lucy Wylde and Aurora are going to go at it, right here, right now in the middle of the Relentless XXV ring! Razor Blade charges in and looks to catch Aurora from behind with a charging dropkick! Lucy shoves Aurora out of the way and takes the dropkick herself! The blast sends Lucy flying backwards through the ropes and to a hard landing on the ringside floor below. Aurora looks out through the ropes with deep concern in her eyes. Lucy isn’t moving at all.
JC: I can’t believe what I just saw! Lucy Wylde shoved her partner out of the way and took that dropkick when just mere moments before, those two looked like they were going to fight each other!
BG: Well Aurora might be getting a taste of her own medicine now, Lucy doesn’t look like she’s going to be getting up anytime soon.
Aurora’s clutching her own hair and appears as if she’s going to yank it out of the roots. It’s hard to see what exact look is on her face but if looks could kill Aurora’s eyes would be shooting beams through the American Nightmare’s soul right now. She turns to charge Razor Blade but the referee is now telling Blade that he’s not the legal man and has to exit the ring. Aurora does not care however and as Blade goes to leave the ring she kicks him in the side of the head sending him falling out of the ring as well. The referee issues Aurora a stern warning. She’s about to get her team disqualified!
BG: There’s a reason I call her a little spitfire.
JC: Well she’d better keep her fire a little less spitty if she doesn’t want to hand this match to Latoya Hixx and Razor Blade!
By the time Aurora snaps out of it, she turns around only to get kicked in the midsection by Layota Hixx! BICYCLE KICK!!! Aurora slams down into the mat hard as Hixx clutches her head and pushes herself through the pain in her own way. As she pulls Aurora back up to her feet, Aurora pushes her back into her corner with every ounce of strength that she has left. Lucy’s arm barely reaches up for the tag rope and her other hand catches Aurora on the side of her thigh. The referee acknowledges the tag as Hixx drags Aurora back out toward the center of the ring. She hoists Aurora up high into the air and drives her face first into the canvas with a LAYOTA SLAM!!!
JC: This has got to be it!
Layota rolls Aurora over onto her shoulders, and goes for the cover… only for Lucy Wylde to come running in with a KEEP YOUR CHIN UP PUNT KICK!!! WYLDE FALLS OVER ONTO HIXX FOR THE COVER!!!
American Nightmare Razor Blade dives in to break up the pin, but is a split second too late! Wylde secures the victory and the number one contendership for her team!
WINNERS - Aurora & Lucy Wylde
#1 Contenders to XWF Tag Team Titles |
JC: I can’t believe it! Somehow the team of Aurora and Lucy Wylde pulled it out!
BG: I feel like I’m supposed to say that.
JC: But it wasn’t because Latoya and Razor didn’t put up one hell of a match themselves!
BG: Now that’s your line.
JC: What?
BG: Nothing. We’ve got new number one contenders with some real things to figure out if they want to have even a smidge of a chance against our tag team champs!
Sitting in his office, Thaddeus Duke, still looking pretty beat up from his match last night, stares at the monitor with a smile on his face as Lucy Wylde and Aurora go to victory. After switching off the monitor, he leans back in the office chair and thinks about a conversation he had with Lucy very recently.
The Actual Conversation Thad Had Very Recently |
”No, I’m not really looking forward to it,” Thad said from the porch swing back at home on Long Island.
”I hate it.”
”Why’d you take it?” Lucy Wylde asked him.
”Truth is I saw a lot of issues and I was afraid that the company would cease to exist if I didn’t,” Thad smiled at her.
”Stupid, I know. A company in business for 25 years surely knows how to survive some hiccups.”
”You’re 25 years old,” Lucy prefaced.
”Your grandfather, your father, your wife, your kids, your people. You’re entire life you’ve lived for everyone else. When is it time to do what you want?”
”It’s not that easy,” Thad replied.
”I’m not telling you to give up anything,” Lucy said.
”But you have to give yourself permission to do what you want to do instead of always doing what you think you have to.”
”Yeah,” Thad sighed.
Back in the present day, Thad rubs his thumb along his chin as he contemplates. Leaning forward, he writes something down on a slip of paper and places it in an envelope before standing and taking leave of his office.
Venturing through the hallways, Thad enters Gorilla and hands the envelope to Theo Pryce as Thad walks off. Theo looks at the envelope, then at his monitor then back at the envelope again. Hesitating, he opens and reads:
Effective at the closing bell tonight, September 21, 2024, I resign my position as General Manager and Executive Director of Warfare.
-Thaddeus L. Duke II
Theo rolls his eyes and instinctive balls up the letter. He’s about to toss it away, but changes his mind. After straightening it out, he slips the letter into his jacket pocket.
JC: Seems to be a changing of the guard atop the hierarchy of Warfare!
BG: The revolving door continues and so does Relentless!
RA: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is the main event for the Anarchy Championship!
JC: It’s been an unorthodox kind of night and this match may be the most unorthodox of them all!
BG: Leave it to Anarchy to come up with off the wall ideas!
RA: Introducing the challenger! From who the hell knows, apparently weighing 268 pounds… the Dark Warrior… MichEEEEEal GRRRRAVESSS!
The arena falls into silence as a chilling metal version of "Come Little Children" begins to play.
Lime green lasers pan across the stage as Graves steps out from the back. The XTron displays a montage of Graves, each scene subtly hinting at his unnerving, predator-like persona, with visuals that are eerie and discomforting.
As he makes his way down the ramp, the arena is bathed in lime and purple lights that pulsate with the eerie metal tune.
Graves climbs into the ring and scans the crowd.
The XTron continues to flash with unsettling imagery as Graves creeps towards the corner, removing his cape and tossing it outside of the ring.
As Gravy's theme fades away, the arena lights shift back to normal as Micheal looks on from his corner awaiting the start of the violence.
RA: His opponent!
RA: She is the Anarchy Champion… MMMMADISONNN DYYYYYSONNNN!
Madison Dyson saunters out onto the ramp as a plume of gold smoke filters out.
Madison Dyson then heads down the aisle confidently, bitching out any plebes that dare to boo her. She's often clad in elaborate feathery robes. The X-Tron shows a barrage of images of Madison kicking the holy living shit out of that abject loser Sean Parker and others, intercut with her name logo and a queen's crown laden with barbed wire. Once at the ring, she takes her time getting in, walking ginergly up the steps and demanding the official hold the ropes open for her.

XWF Anarchy Championship
Madison Dyson ©
- vs -
Michael Graves
-DMZ I Surrender Match - The Ring is surrounded by Barbed Wire and Snipers. The match ends when one combatant verbally surrenders.
The snipers stand guard in watchtowers around the ring as Madison Dyson, the reigning Anarchy Champion, glares across the barbed wire bound battlefield at her challenger, the unhinged Micheal Graves.
JC: "This match is unlike anything we've ever seen. Barbed wire, snipers, and no pinfalls! The only way to win is to make your opponent verbally surrender!"
BG: "Two of the most deprived members of the XWF roster come face to face, locked inside a battlefield straight out of Hell,—and ready to fight tooth and nail for the Anarchy Championship!"
Madison and Graves circle each other, neither willing to make the first mistake. Graves lunges forward first, throwing wild punches, but Madison ducked beneath them with agility, firing back with a quick standing dropkick that sent Graves stumbling into the ropes.
JC: "Madison strikes first and is looking to control the pace in the opening moments!"
Graves growls as he pushes off the ropes and charges at Madison like a bull. She sidesteps him, grabbing his hair and yanking him back into a sit-out jawbreaker. Graves' head snaps back, and he crumbles to the mat, clutching his jaw. Madison quickly follows up with a swinging neckbreaker that leaves Graves reeling!
BG: "Madison’s taken control early, and it doesn’t look like she’s giving Graves any room to breathe!"
As Madison moves in to continue the onslaught, Graves surprises her by grabbing a fistful of her hair, yanking her down and viciously gouging her eyes!
JC: "Micheal Graves playing dirty here!"
BG: “I think that move puts to bed the baseless rumors that Micheal Graves isn’t who he says he is!”
With Madison momentarily blinded, Graves delivers a heavy back elbow to her jaw, followed by a DDT that spikes the champion’s head into the mat. Graves grabs Madison by the legs, looking to wrap her in a surfboard stretch.
JC: “And that entire exchange just said otherwise!”
Madison screams in pain as Graves bends her back while wrenching on her arms. The referee moves in to check with microphone at the ready.
Madison: "NO!"
Graves growls as he increases the pressure, but Madison refuses to quit. After a struggle, she breaks free from his grasp. Both scramble to their feet. Graves rushes Madison, but she rolls under him and hits the ropes—rebounding with a vicious step-up enzuigiri!
JC: "What a counter by the champion!"
Graves staggers but remains on his feet. Madison wastes no time, grabbing his arm and wrestling him into her leg bar submission! Graves roars in pain as she cinches in the hold, twisting his leg in directions it was never meant to go!
The referee leans in with the microphone again.
With his free leg, Graves kicks wildly, finally managing to break Madison’s hold. Both competitors slowly get to their feet, breathing heavily.
Madison moves in with a flurry of open hand slaps, but Graves blocks them, catching her arm and pulling her into a German Suplex, sending her flying across the ring!
BG: "That has to be the best looking German Suplex Graves has ever thrown!"
Graves, favoring his leg, crawls toward Madison and locks her into a Fujiwara armbar and wrenches her arm at a brutal angle.
JC: "Oh no! This could be it! Graves has that armbar locked in tight!"
The referee once again asks Madison if she wanted to surrender.
Madison reaches out with her free hand, clawing at the canvas, desperate to find an escape.
BG: "How is Madison holding on?! This could break her arm!"
Madison claws at the canvas with her free hand, desperately writhing to break free from the agonizing Fujiwara armbar. With a final surge of strength, she twisted her body and rolled, escaping Graves' grip and slipping under the bottom rope to the outside.
JC: "Madison narrowly escapes, but where is she going?"
BG: "Out of the frying pan and into the fire, JC!"
Graves scrambles to his feet and follows her outside, ignoring the pain in his leg.
Madison circles the ring, appearing to limp. Graves follows like a predator stalking his prey—But as Graves rounds the corner, Madison reveals that she has the XWF Anarchy Championship in her possession!
Before Graves can react, She swings the heavy gold belt directly into his face with a sickening THWACK!
JC: "Oh! What a shot! Madison just leveled Graves with the Anarchy Title!"
BG: "Graves might’ve walked right into a knockout blow!"
Graves drops like a sack of bricks, clutching his face. Madison grabs Graves by his hair and drags him over to the steel steps.
JC: "This looks bad, BG… I think we know what she’s looking for here!"
Madison forces Graves’ head down on the edge of the steel steps, his face resting on the cold, unforgiving metal. Madison takes a few steps back…
BG: "Oh no, she’s going for ‘American History Yikes’! This could break Graves' face in half!"
Madison charges forward and leaps into the air with a vicious curb stomp, but at the last second, Graves rolls off the steps! Madison’s foot slams into the steel instead, and she crumples to the ground clutching her ankle!
JC: "Graves escapes by the skin of his teeth, and Madison might have just shattered her foot on those steps!"
Graves, shakes off the cobwebs and grimaces as he stands.He grabs Madison by the hair and arm, pulling her head in between his thighs. He motions towards the steps as the crowd comes to life. Graves grabs her by the waits and flips her up over his shoulders into a crucifix and turns to face the steps.
BG: "Oh my God! Graves is going to drive her into the steel!"
With the roar of the crowd behind him, Graves slams Madison down onto the unforgiving steel steps, her body contorting and folding on impact. The audience gasps as Madison lay limp across the steps, with pure agony etched across her face.
JC: "Grave Consequences right on the steps! Madison might be done for! We could have a new champion!"
Just then, the crowd's attention shifts towards the stage as Misty Waters rushes out from the back, eyes locked on the carnage unfolding at ringside, but before she can even get close, the sniper towers light her up with spotlights, and she quickly realizes that they have their rifles trained on her.
BG: "Misty Waters is coming out to help Madison! But those snipers have her in their sights! This is insane!"
Misty stops dead in her tracks and takes a step back, reconsidering her options.
JC: "It’s too risky, BG. Misty can’t afford to take a step closer with those snipers ready to fire."
BG: “How did we even get to the point of snipers, anyway!?”
Misty backs up the stage and disappears through the curtain, however, her appearance created the distraction Madison needed to recover. As Graves turned his focus back to his fallen opponent, believing she was out of the fight, Madison capitalized with a devastating low blow!
BG: "Oh! Low blow by Madison! Graves never saw it coming!"
Graves’ face contorts in agony as he doubles over, clutching his midsection.
Madison snarls as she drags him into the ring and wraps her arms around his leg, locking in her leg bar submission once again, this time cranking down with all her might.
JC: "Madison’s going right back to that leg bar, and this time Graves might not be able to take it!"
BG: "She’s got it cinched in tight, JC! Graves is trapped in the middle of the ring!"
Graves howls in pain as Madison twists his leg at a grotesque angle. She yells at him, leaning down close to his face.
Madison: "Give up, Flynn! Quit, you pathetic little worm!"
The referee hurries over with the microphone, leaning down toward Graves.
Ref: "Do you surrender?!"
Graves shakes his head, gritting his teeth through the agony. His body shakes from the pain, but he refuses to submit.
Madison growls and yanks harder on his leg, but Graves begins to dig deep—his face twists with determination as he uses his free leg to leverage himself up, turning his body with every bit of strength he has. Slowly but surely, Graves manages to roll onto his side, forcing Madison to adjust her grip.
Suddenly, Graves rolls completely through, reversing the pressure of the hold! He twists Madison’s leg, forcing her onto her back and locking in an improvised ankle lock!
BG: "What a reversal! Graves just turned the tables on Madison, and now she’s the one trapped!"
JC: "That’s not Graves! That’s Mark Flynn’s technical wrestling prowess on full display! No doubt about it—Madison was right!!"
Madison lets out a sharp scream as the pain shoots up her leg. The referee leans in, microphone ready.
Madison: "FUUUCK YOU!!"
The crowd roars as both competitors find themselves locked in a grueling stalemate. Madison claws at the mat, refusing to quit as Graves wrenches her ankle.
After what feels like an eternity, Madison manages to reach the ropes, using them to pull herself up and break free from the hold. Both competitors stumble to their feet, exhausted and in pain, but neither willing to back down.
JC: "What a fight!"
They collide in the center of the ring, trading heavy forearm shots. Madison connects first, but Graves fires back with a stiff elbow, followed by a sharp knee lift to Madison’s ribs. She doubles over in pain, and Graves capitalizes by grabbing her arm and whipping her into the corner.
Graves charges in, looking to deliver a Riparte—a running knee aimed squarely at Madison’s chin. But Madison ducks at the last second, sending Graves crashing knee-first into the turnbuckle!
BG: "Oh! Graves just hit the corner hard, and he might’ve busted his knee again!"
Madison runs to the opposite corner, building up momentum before charging back at Graves and launching herself with a flying step-up enzugiri to the back of his head! Graves crumples to the mat, dazed and disoriented.
JC: "Madison’s turning the tide again! Graves is in big trouble!"
Madison wastes no time as she grabs Graves by the head, dragging him to the center of the ring. She slaps him across the face for good measure before hoisting him up for her Dead Bitch Walkin’—her signature Cross Slam.
BG: "This could be it, JC! She’s looking to put Graves away for good!"
Madison lifts Graves onto her shoulder, but Graves wriggles free, slipping behind her and hooking her in a waist lock. With a sudden burst, Graves delivers another quick German suplex.
Both competitors are down, gasping for air. Graves, favoring his knee, gingerly pulls himself up by the ropes, while Madison slaps the mat in frustration. She rushes Graves, landing a sharp kick to the ribs, followed by a series of vicious slaps that drop Graves to a knee.
BG: "Madison’s back in control and not letting up! She’s out for blood!"
Madison drags Graves back to his feet and whips him into the corner. She follows with a charging clothesline, crushing him against the turnbuckle. Graves slumps in the corner, his body ragdolling. Madison grins wickedly as she backs up to the center of the ring, building momentum. She rushes forward again, nailing Graves with a brutal knee to the midsection!
JC: "Madison is relentless! She’s absolutely punishing Graves in that corner!"
Graves staggers out, barely able to stay on his feet. Madison quickly grabs his arm, twisting him around into a swinging neckbreaker.
BG: "Graves is being taken apart piece by piece!"
Madison taunts Graves as she pulls him back up, slapping him across the face. Graves, though dazed, manages to block another incoming slap and counters with a sharp forearm shot to Madison’s face, stunning her momentarily. He grabs her wrist and yanks her into a knee lift, then follows up with a quick atomic drop.
Madison stumbles forward, resting her chest on the second rope. Graves backs up to the apron and lines up his shot. With a burst of speed, he drives his knee straight into the side of Madison’s skull, sending her slumping off the ropes.
JC: "Counter Point! That knee connected perfectly!"
BG: "Graves needed that, but he’s still on the defensive! Madison’s been one step ahead all night!"
Graves, breathing heavily, staggers toward the edge of the ring and grabs a fistful of barbed wire from the surrounding barricade. The crowd gasps as he yanks it free, dragging it into the ring, the jagged barbs catching on his gloves. He wraps the wire around his forearm, blood trickling down as the barbs dig into his flesh.
JC: "Graves is bringing the barbed wire into play! This is about to get ugly!"
Madison, shaking the cobwebs, sees Graves with the barbed wire and charges forward recklessly. Graves swings wildly, but Madison ducks under the blow and lands a dropkick to Graves' back, sending him sprawling into the ropes. As he tries to recover, Madison grabs him by the mask and yanks it off with a forceful pull!
Madison: "I KNEW IT!"
The face beneath the mask is revealed—Mark Flynn!
Madison smirks triumphantly while pointing at Flynn.
BG: "IT’S MARK FLYNN! Madison was right all along! Who could have possibly seen this coming!?"
JC: "Me? I’ve been saying Flynn has been pretending to be Graves this whole time!"
But before Madison can react, Flynn quickly spits green poison mist into her eyes! The crowd erupts as Madison screams in agony, clawing at her face and blinded by the venomous GREEN mist.
BG: "Oh no! Flynn just pulled a trick out of Graves handbook—he blinded Madison with that poison mist!"
Madison stumbles backward, desperately trying to clear her vision, but Flynn doesn’t let up. He grabs the barbed wire he brought into the ring and quickly wraps it around her arm, trapping her in a Fujiwara armbar, yanking her arm through the sharp wire!
JC: "Flynn’s got that armbar locked in, and the barbed wire is shredding Madison’s arm!"
The referee moves in, microphone ready, as Madison thrashes in pain. Blood seeps from her arm as the barbs dig deeper into her flesh with every movement. The crowd watches, stunned as Madison fights to free herself, but the pain is unbearable.
The referee leans in with the microphone
Madison: "NOOOOO!!!"
Flynn cranks the hold even tighter, and the barbed wire twists around her flesh, digging deeper as blood pours down her arm.
BG: "The Anarchy champion is in absolute agony, but she won’t quit! How long can she last?!"
JC: "She’s going to have no choice! That barbed wire is ripping her apart!"
The referee calls for the bell.
Flynn releases the hold, leaving Madison writhing in pain as he stands victorious, holding the Anarchy Championship high above his head. The crowd is in shock, a mixed reaction raining down as Flynn, covered in Madison’s blood and his own, smirks in twisted satisfaction.
BG: "Flynn—Graves—whatever you want to call him, is our new Anarchy Champion!"
JC: "Madison fought to the bitter end, but she had no choice! That barbed wire left her with no escape!"
BG: That was an incredibly entertaining main event!
JC: And that caps off night two of Relentless! What a night we’ve had tonight!
BG: We’ve seen at least two Misty Waters successfully defend the Xtreme title against Sahara!
JC: At least two?
BG: Well I’m not wrong! There were plenty more than two but it was definitely at least two!
JG: We’ve seen Mastermind overcome Big Preesh!
BG: My man, the King of the XWF Kieran King took on Jonny Bacchus in an absolute banger!
JG: And we saw the crowning of brand new tag team #1 contenders as Aurora and Lucy Wylde went to victory of Hixx and Blade!
BG: Night three is always unpredictable, Jacuinde!
JC: It usually is! Folks, catch us again tomorrow night for the final night of Relentless LIVE from London!
Special Night Two Thanks:
Peter Principle
Shaun Hart
Jett Sterling
Theo Pryce
Lucy Wylde
Mark Flynn
Gravy Train