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X-treme Wrestling Federation » XWF Live! » 24/7 X-treme Championship
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Who the fuck is Misty Waters
Author Message
Doctor Louis D'Ville Away
Hello, my friends
The 24/7 Shot!

XWF FanBase:
Very random

(heel alignment but liked by many; has earned respect despite breaking the rules often)

07-30-2024, 12:16 AM

[img][Image: scrY1YH.png][/img]

It was shortly after this text conversation that Doc realized that Dolly Waters's flame not only fluttered out, but never really started burning to begin with.  Year after year, she had the ambition, but no execution.  Not every moment of greatness passed her by or grazed through her grasp.  They may have been few and far between, but she had her moments.  Normally piggy-backed and shared with an outside source of that much needed execution, but were there regardless of some nay-sayers.

Doc recalled the many times that Dolly Waters, come hell or high water, stood by his side.  When Doc won his second King of the XWF tournament, it was Dolly that provided him with the heart that ultimately gave him the strength to not only battle, but dominate the competition to victory.  He also recalled certain times when her loyalty veered and their friendship would be compromised over certain desires.  Little devils whispering into her ear, speaking evils against a man that would've never struck a foul blow against her.

Until provoked, of course. 

Dolly liked to play a lot of stupid games where she ended up with just as many stupid prizes, which normally came as formal ass-beatings.  She is the epitome of biting off far more than you can possibly chew.  The squanderer of opportunities.  The greatest fair-weather superstar you've ever seen.

But now, she's gone.

Misty Waters stares into a mirror in a public bathroom, and not a nice one.  The floors are caked in the remnants of in-and-out traffic and BoB knows what else.  The two out of the six working fluorescent lights flicker and add to an already ominous environment, but it hardly bothered Misty.  She continued staring, with her bald head and beady eyes, into herself when there was a microsecond where the lights flickered and a figure stood behind her.

She doesn't jump.  She doesn't turn.  She smirks.

She says something like, "I know yooooooouuuuuuu", in some kind of barely decipherable Southern drawl.

Nothing much happens after that.  The lights turn back to normal and her smirk forms into a full smile.  Not today Satan and she heads for the exit.  She leaves the dilapidated rest stop restroom and as she does so a homely-looking fellow leaning against the building speaks out.

"Pardon me, miss!  Would you happen to have a light?"

He has a strong British accent and is short and a bit on the heavy side.  Misty pulled on the lighter attached to her hip on one of those pull-cord thingy's  and did a 180 when she realized the guy had a striped shirt on.  Fucking red flag right there.  But before she could even start to panic, she turns away and right into Doc D'Ville!

[img][Image: FJUWGNa.gif][/img]

Doc takes a dull chisel and places it in the center of Misty's forehead and cracks the top of it with a hammer.  A cross-eyed Xtreme Champion drops to the ground like mannequin with cut strings.  Doc pulls out a lighter and lights the guy's cigarette before rolling Misty Waters over with one foot and holding it over the throat.  He then points to the official XWF official to officially drop down and make the count!

[Image: Kd641BT.png]
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Who the fuck is Misty Waters - by Doctor Louis D'Ville - 07-30-2024, 12:16 AM

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