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DQ Why Do People Suck?
Author Message
Davey Dunham Offline
The D.A.D. of Dad Jokes

XWF FanBase:
Some of everyone

(cheered; very rarely plays dirty but isn't lame either; many likable qualities)

04-11-2024, 12:06 AM

At first there's only audio. A voice breaking through the darkness.
“‘Why do people suck?”
But following that rhetorical question, the scene opens up to show Davey Dunham sitting on a park bench. His hands are clasped together and his head is bowed. He's wearing dark jeans and a black leather jacket, zipped up as if he's cold. It's dawn; the sun is just now starting to rise up behind him.
“What drives people to do the godawful things they do? Humans ruin everything. I suppose when you sign with a company like the XWF you should expect to see the very worst ‘humanity’ has to offer. These people aren't wrestlers. They're sadists. It's not the love of wrestling that drives these people. Is it the money? Perhaps. But I reckon some of these people would keep beating the crap out of each other even if they stopped getting paid. It's in their nature.”
Davey looks up at the camera. You can see the emotion in his eyes. Or maybe it's the shadows playing tricks on you.
“I'm lucky to have my wife and daughter. They're my beacons of light in this cold, dark world we're living in. They keep me going even when I feel like throwing in the towel and just giving up.
“But I can't give up. The XWF needs me now more than ever. At the risk of sounding pretentious… maybe I can be the light that drives the darkness away?
“The XWF needs a revolution. It needs a change. How fitting that I find myself facing 7 others this Thursday in an over-the-top-rope battle royal to determine a new contender for the Revolution Title. I need to win this match. I need to move on to face John Black or Big Preesh for that title. If I don't capitalize on this opportunity, who knows when my next chance is going to come? How much longer can the XWF continue to exist with all this poison coursing through it's veins?
“Can you imagine a guy named DICK DRIZZLE leading the revolution? Or a psychopath like MR. OZ? Someone who literally calls himself PARIAH (aptly named, if I say so myself)? LATOYA HIXX is too angry to be a leader. RAZOR BLADE is a try-hard, so he's out, too. That leaves Centurion, Cadryn Tiberius, and yours truly.
“I have a lot of respect for CENTURION. As a veteran of the ring, he’ll likely be my toughest opponent. I think he will be by far my biggest obstacle. But then there's CADRYN TIBERIUS who has already beaten me once…”
Davey sighs.
“But regardless of outcome, the revolution is about to really, truly begin. I don't NEED the Revolution Title. I will BE the Revolution.
“For it's the dawning of a new day.
“See you in Kentucky.”
Davey stands up, nods his head, then departs. We're left with a view of the sun as it slowly makes it's way up on the horizon.

[Image: 3f0df4b2cf35745d578c1effad664504960aa1be...tasize.png]
2024 Record Keeping
Wins / Losses: 1-2

3/9 - Warfare: Dunham vs. SEB (Dunham forfeited in light of SEB's upcoming Universal Title match @ March Madness)
3/14 - Anarchy: Dunham vs. Latoya Hixx vs. Cadryn Tiberius (Xtreme Rules Elimination) - Dunham finished 2nd
3/24 - March Madness PPV: Dunham vs. Brooke Hernandez vs. Bert McAlroy (Standard Triple Threat) - Dunham pinned Bert McAlroy

Next Scheduled Appearance
4/11 - Anarchy: 8-Person Over The Top Rope Battle Royal
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Why Do People Suck? - by Davey Dunham - 04-11-2024, 12:06 AM

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