Mark Flynn
Champions get their name in red!
XWF FanBase: The IWC (gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)
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11-04-2022, 08:52 PM
(11-04-2022, 06:38 PM)Apples and Oranges Said: "Sir, you lost to the then-Uni Champ one-on-one earlier this year."
In a non-title match, Kiki. When Charlie competed, the belt was on the line. It's not a hard concept. Analogies aren't difficult.
(11-04-2022, 06:38 PM)YOU DARE FACT CHECK ME?!? Said: "Three title holders. Thought you were the details guy? Still, maybe he gives good blowies?"
"...*eye twitch*..."
"Relentless 2020 - Chuck loses to Sarah Lacklan - Uni Title match"
"Leap of Faith 2022 - Chuck loses to Alias - Uni Title match"
"Cannabis Cup - Chuck loses to Alias, Raion Kido and Dolly Waters - Uni Title match"
"If you're counting the Cannabis Cup as a title shot against Raion, I consider the match against the titleholder, who was still Alias. Hence the term 'TITLEHOLDER'. So, I still count 2, Kiki."
"The real correction is 'Didn't Chuck have a fourth Uni Title Shot?'... Or did I hallucinate that?... I have my stats boys looking into it."
(11-04-2022, 06:38 PM)Logical Fallacy Said: "Funny how earning it through a tournament where you run through everyone else available works for one of us but not the other...
"Oh man, Kiki! I'm impressed! See, as you're aware, some disaster of mysterious origins makes the XWF a murky and mysterious thing in the 00s. The tape library really only becomes comprehensive around 2013."
"Still, I can't believe you beat competitors from seven different wrestling companies!"
"I'm astonished that you managed beat five guys in a weekend. Including the #1 superstar in the XWF Top 50."
"...Oh, wait, sorry. That was me."
"You beat some number of mediocre mouthbreathers and fell ass backwards into an XWF World Title shot."
"A title once held by Barney Green."
"I'm so glad whatever tape where that happened is lost forever."
(11-04-2022, 06:38 PM)...Fair Said: "Two more months. Details, man!"
"Absolutely agree. My sincerest apologies."
(11-04-2022, 06:38 PM)Sacrificial Lamb Said: "Had to wager my own World Title to do it. As in, sacrifice. Ever try the same? Also, your spiel about the legend status shoots this in the nutsack, dumb-dumb."
"I had to powerbomb my partner into an electrical box. Afterwards, my tag-title was taken from me against my will."
"Don't you FUCKING talk to me about sacrifice, Kiki."
"Also, while we're being pedantic..."
(11-04-2022, 06:38 PM)Cent Lover Said: "You mean the guy with the most wins in XWF history?"
"And second-most losses (behind Mastermind). Cent's win percentage is 65%... mostly against rookies and over-the-hill goons. Only World Titles from fake-sounding strings-of-letters, like 'OCGWTFXXL' or somesuch. But, no, absolutely, put him in the Hall of Legends. Let's celebrate that career."
(11-04-2022, 06:38 PM)Simp King Said: And the girl who was a cornerstone of a women's division, pre-my time that consisted of more than just three people at any one time and who continues to serve the XWF today?
"Anyone who stumbles over their ill-conceived words and thinks as uncritically as commentator Heather Halliwell cannot have been a talent in the ring. Fact. Heather thinks journalism starts with a 'G' and thinks 'research' is when you google something TWICE."
(11-04-2022, 06:38 PM)NEPOTISM Said: God forbid staff make it into the Hall of Legends, right? A better question is, why is Steve Sayors NOT?
"lol c'mon. It's Steve Sayors. What are we celebrating him for? Holding a microphone and only shitting his pants every OTHER interview?"
(11-04-2022, 06:38 PM)PRISONER NUMBER 785923892 Said: But I should, and am not. I also earned ANOTHER Uni Title shot by winning Lord of the Ring in 2010, but never received it. Management's favourite, right? Fuck me. Better check your math again."
"I assume it's hard to honor a title shot when a competitor flies headfirst into debauchery and drops off the map during a brief corporate hiatus. Speaking of which..."
(11-04-2022, 06:38 PM)Okay, but you did go to prison, tho, I have the news link right here Said: "I have never spent time in a New Zealand prison in my life. Anything else you want to make up?"
"God dammit, I sincerely apologize. I was referencing your past in a BALINESE Prison in Indonesia. The article was written by a New Zealand journalist. I'd like to assure you that the stats intern that dared SKIM that article has been sacked."
(11-04-2022, 06:38 PM)... Said: See ya at Madness
"I cannot FUCKING wait, Kier."