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Post Match, Backstage
Author Message
Mark Flynn Offline
Champions get their name in red!

XWF FanBase:

(gets varying reactions in the arenas, but will be worshiped like a god and defended until the end by internet fans; literally has thousands of online dorks logging on to complain anytime they lose a match or don't get pushed right)

01-31-2022, 03:20 PM

(01-31-2022, 02:24 PM)Raion Kido Said:
Far from being upset, the Lion grabs the bottle, and tosses it in the trash.

“No matter. I was going to suggest emptying it on his head as well!”

He looks at the North Korean War Criminal, now seemingly fully-recovered, despite his war wound.

“I would get that checked just in case, friend, but no one knows you better than yourself. In any case, congratulations to both. It truly was a great victory, and thank you for giving a look my way.”

He reaches into an ice crate where other bottles of water are sitting, and tosses one to each, before grabbing one for himself.

“Plenty more where that one came from, so don't worry about the bottle.”

Flynn catches the bottle and begins unscrewing the top.

"NK, where are your manners? Get up. We're being congratulated."

In a flash, NK kips-up to his feet! Admittedly, a little less gracefully than he had during the match. Despite his sudden burst of energy, post-drenching, NK was still clearly recovering from a brutal beating in their earlier match against The Brothers Main.

As NK comes up, he tries to catch the bottle Kido threw one-handed... But his catching hand is too stiff and he ends up bobbling it to the floor. He scoops it up off the ground and holds it up where he intended to catch it, as if that was as cool as catching it the way he originally intended.

As NK sees who they're talking to, his eyes light up and he gets an odd smile across his face.

"Ah! Raion Kido! A pleasure, indeed!"

NK leans forward, offering a handshake to Kido exactly as it is documented in Central Command's handbook, (Elbow bent out from forearm at 58 degrees, forearm straight, "confident" open stance).

"I'd like to extend the warmest gratitude for your concern for the injuries YOU perceive on my person, which are not present, and if THEY ARE, are quite minor, I assure you. While a lesser AMERICAN competitor may be quite worse for wear, I have been trained from a very young age to withstand significant physical damage! This is but a trifle of what my body is capable of recovering from."

"He ain't lying about that. He got blown up by a tank once."

"Now! Witness as I return your initial compliment with one equal-or-greater in intensity! A stellar debut! Mark Flynn and I watched your opening match with great enthusiasm! Your trademark heart punch... The Lightning Bolt! Most impressive!"

Flynn takes a sip of water... Then starts walking away, leaving his partner and Kido. NK, meanwhile, is rifling in his front pocket for his notebook.

"I must cross-reference openings in my schedule with your own, that we might meet and compare combat ideologies, as well as hand-to-hand proficiencies! I am sure if you had the chance to look at the Glorious Leader's manual on fisticuffs, you would agree that just one page of knowledge from its texts would be worth comprehensive lessons on how to execute your Lightning Bolt technique flawlessly! Perhaps Mark Fly-"

NK spins to check his side and sees Flynn is disappearing down the hall.

"Ah! My foolish tag team partner seems to have lost track of me." NK bows at the waist towards Kido.

"I've had the utmost pleasure making your acquaintance, Raion Kido." NK shares, before dashing down the hall after Flynn.
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Raion Kido (01-31-2022)

Messages In This Thread
Post Match, Backstage - by Raion Kido - 01-31-2022, 11:20 AM
Post Match, Backstage - by Mark Flynn - 01-31-2022, 12:07 PM
re:Post Match, Backstage - by Raion Kido - 01-31-2022, 12:22 PM
re:Post Match, Backstage - by Mark Flynn - 01-31-2022, 12:43 PM
re:Post Match, Backstage - by Raion Kido - 01-31-2022, 02:24 PM
re:Post Match, Backstage - by Mark Flynn - 01-31-2022, 03:20 PM
re:Post Match, Backstage - by Raion Kido - 01-31-2022, 04:54 PM

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